August C 1903 THE F LE S H E R T () N ALV A CNE «S"!!- â- 59---BSâ€" â- â- «â- ^WWWWWW I F, T. HILL& CO | «* Under^priced July Goods I BOYD, HICKLNQ I ♦♦ We place on (inlo tln'B «eck scores of lines of RensoDnlile morclinniiise nt a fraction of nctual value. We are deter mined to keep husiriofis huiiiinini.' throuirh Hir summer months nnd will nmke extraoidinarily lour prices a lending factor. We will have many lines on spt-cial .lalc that for lack of room cannot be muntiune<l in this spaceâ€" goods you'll want either now or ill the near future. Look this list over carefully. You may ui well effect a saving, as eomebody else. toadies ^2.75 zirenealine Suits for 9S Oents^ 14 only Ladie.^ extra fine Percalino Suits (.lauket and nkirc) These gooils are perfectly made, correct fitting;, hu-tutifiilly trinuiiedâ€" lliu best and cheapest g:trineiit wt have ever seen at the price. Assorted size8, your choice for only y5 LarUes' Gttshnicne â- ^lose, 2 pr. 25c 10 doz. jwirs Ladies' line, pure all wool Caithuiore Hose. This limited i|iiiintiiy is to be had in sizes 8J, 9, yj.lhoy are perfectly slnped jjuods, seauileas feet and in the regular way would sell at nhout d'>iiblo the |)riec we ask. WhilH this lot lasts you ran have yuurchui.e at 2 pair for 25 Car/.ies (Botton Vests, 3 jof. for 25 e. 108 Ladies' Fine Cuttim Vests, nicely trim-.iod. and splendid wear- ers. ThisBumll lot cajiicj to us in whites and colors, they are the ((ualilies lliiit have always .sold at l.'ic. tacli aii.l should bo rem.irk- sble fast sellers at the pi ice we've marked them. Three for only 25 â- ^flen's StiffZ^lats 50 cents 25 Men's Stiff Hats, in blacks, browns and fawns. These are now slyla goods being placed in stock on Monday last, are all fine fur felt and bt regular prices would sell at ei.75 to ^.25 each. While the lot lasts 7<)U can havj your choice at the exceedingly low price of 50 'i ' 75c, Uaf/ies' Co/orerl Skirts for U8c, t :s-v ;,;-'â- ,:' ; ^ ,% Ladies' Collared Mercerized Under.skirts, ten inch frill at Ixittoiu, and otherwise nicely finished. This is a ^ jiurliculariy nice lot nnd at the price wo mark tbeni will certainly be sold in a hurry. Your choice while they last Sc (assorted lengths and colors,) each 48 ^/ yL pint iVrappens 6Sc We p]a:e on special sale this wei-k 108 (i) dozen) fine print w rappers in linlit. medium find dark grounds. This is the best lut of one dollar snoods we've ever run across. They are to be bad in all sizes from .'i2 to 42. all nicely nja<lo and I'lnisbcd, colors absolutely fast and dependable^wi'liiHit a doubt the very beat wr.ippcr value you have ever .seen. Your choice any sizo 08 /Oc. ,7anci, J^at 9?ins2for 5c. 10 dnzeu LtuUes' Fancy Hat Pins, large size, oxidized silver, or fancy glsss headsâ€" the kind that usually sells at 10c. , special while they last, 2 for . 5 /Oc ^oi/etComSs 2 for 5c JO dozen Toilet Combsâ€" the ton coiit kind. A few of are sliLditly damaged havinu perhaps one tooth missing â€" jnsi .sutficic'it injury to make them sell at this price, 2 for 5 REMNANTS : KFl.MNANT.S ! REMNANTS ! All kinds, lengths and prices. We've gone tbronah our entire .'*tuck carefully and liavo placed on bargain tables everything in the slnpu of a renmant. Yuu'll be intorosled in ihu-.o inices when you look these reiuiiaiits over about hiUf or less than half their aeiual worth mm. MARK DALE MAW^}^ Dowie's Sayings and Qoings To the Editor of Tlif AileatKe '-' ' Dk.\k Sir. â€" A lady, formerly of Flesh- vrton, liut now a resident, of '/Aon City, seiid.s me occasionally Dowiu's (lublic news- )i.aper.s hoping, I dare say, to iiHlruotme in the ways ofElij ill the llestorcr. To buyiii: it is readily admitted tb.-it Dowie pn.sfK'sses a diversity of jjifts in spuakinL',magin'tism iiinl businesi â€" it would lui tlillicult to liiid bis peer, at the same limo his extreme eao'isni, si-llishness, auilacity, jiride, in- vec'ive and slum liiiguaue, surpass any other minister of the Gospel in Christen- dom kiiuwn to me, and stHiii|> bint as one of those |)er3ons of Bcriplure, who would arisi' and deceive the very elect. Let mo t|U ite a few of hi8delioious.siymgs:''\Vitli lew e.\i;'ption8,"he »ays,"all ilie ohurelies i«i cbrlsteiidiim have gone to the lievil ;tl!ey lire not g'ling : thoy have uone." Again, ''I have proved that the Moilmdi^t KpiM- (op;il Church has sold out to ibu devii, i|nd is no* coiitroUwI by the Misonie ord -r, and every Mason is a I5aal wnr shipper." Again, "( Itooih, ih healingvirtuesof no ordinary kind. This I ered in this Eliajh the Rtstorer, who ia a Roman Ciitholis cliiirch in which the I holds all tho money and keeps it. shrine is placed. persons alllicted with W. S C Persons alllicted with ilivers diseases, went intentionally to be healed, nnd snmo of them were; if news papur re[>orts be true. They loft their Clutches and suppoits in the tluiich as inenienloes of the fact. It isevidont that 0(k1 was not in this healing at all, noth- ilia but the sliriiU! of a dead ivomaii ! Was there any virtue in this shrine ? Cer- tainly iKit. Its reputed virtue was a suf- tici-nt pivot, upin which thol.ueut powers of these sick pcf^plo exercised their faiih, and in connection wiih the forces of nature were healed. Who has heard of persons cnrryiiii ehestnu s in their pockets, as a preventive or euro for rheumatism ? or some other innoxuons substance, plncod in an obscure j)hije,for the removal of warts or tumors from the body 1 Does the virtue lie in the sub- stances Iheniselves ? Wlmt folly 1 Is 1 I the cure not rather on the same |)iinciple 'asthatof tho Quebec shrine? Dowie would proclaim null as Divine healing. His p.ipor wiiii'.il flourish in big letters i.n- , , iioui.cing it. Wouldn't any intelligent bead of tliebalvaium Army, is a bar. ,,l,..,eiver ra-hsr all ribule all such cures to Again, .speaking of tie Kill!; of Englaml; ,|,y si,„„|„ „|,einiio,i and se.|iiencos of bis ehar.ictcr IS traduced, but who » " | muural laws iiiacMve opeialion? A'.d it man whose influence for peace ni the, ,|,,,y ^p..,,, |,,„.„j„^i^.,,i ti,„t ,mytl,iiig h iv ^_ „:ii'g repute seems Hullieienl. the mind •Any lady, ,|,i,i„jj Kanstlod, to .•kccomplish the desired nnd. 1 must not Iim wiold ii such that it woul.l do w«ll fc this man Uiiwie to imil.ite. ho says,J"wlio b^dongt to the King's set is disgiael." As to Chieauo, newspaper reporters tliey are termed a 'generation of vipers and liars; tliey are tlio devil's own; their literature is the "hell nl' litora'.ure." Tbe^i'regoing are siinple exiiacts from bit Lenvi:s of Healing, sliowiiii; ever, for Ood can pirfoim cures and niiracli's when he sees Ut., as our Saviour did ; but Ood never docs for n." what we can do for our.'olves. It is reasoiialde to suppose, that in llie bundred.'i sieking the ndvaiitagd i.f healing many would fad of Hucoess.but are the inm-stu'cessful record- ed ? 1 don't recollect a record ( f one. j There is wisdom in this, for a record of ihundredswho fail would dampen the Another pork packing estiiblishincnt has ceased to exist. The latest concern of this kind to go under is tho Paisley 1*01 k Packing Co., Limited, incorporated in June, ]!XK) with an authorized cajiital of S15,(X)0,of wich sum about SIO,000 was paid up. Tho stock was originally sub- scribed by local farmers ; a practial man was engaged to manaL-e the affairs of the C(nnpany. A year ol'o ho severed his connection with the firm and .since then the management has been a lirtlo This fact coupled with keen compeiition and high prices for h igs, has compelled an a.ssign Blent. "Wood's Phosphodine, Tbe Qrut Enill^li Statif, is an old, woU estH)> lished and reliable preparatiou. Has been prescrilwd and used overWjoars. All drag- eisCs iu tlio DondiiioQ of Canada sell .md recommead as boinB the only medicine of its kind that cures nnd gives nnlversal satisfactioa. It promptly and ponxianently euros all forms of iVtrrous Weak' ne.fXt A.'miJO<to«», Spn-matorrhwa, Impotency^ and alleffoctsof abusoorexcessos; thoozcessiTS Dsoof Tobacco, Opiutn or Stimula7it$, Mental and Brain H'orrj/, nllof wliicli lead tolnfirmity. Insanity, Consnaiption and aa Early Grave. Price $1 per packago or six for J5. One tiill please, fiz trill rure. Mailed prorapty on re- 09ipt of price. Send (or free pamptileU Address The Wood Companj, Windsor, Onf, Canada, Wood's Pliosphodiiio i8 sold iu Klusliertoii ts Douglass & Co. anil W.E liicbardaon, D.' uijyis.y Befort and ASter. tbo mau's vocabulary and how far he praei ices tb.i' ''cliaiiiy wircli ihinketh im evil.'' The Savi.iur dechired that his' kiiigilom was Ti.r.,.. :., ...;„.i..... ;., .i.i., t... ., .„^.._.i ".i I ijot of th's world. T?iit this "Klljah the Host or. r" shows by his surroundings that|^r,|,„. „f (.„i.kcrs and greatly tei.d to in 1,0 is of a ddferent opinion, for bfj enters validate Uowie's Z.-m Again, if it bo la.g.dy into .vorlilly splendor and worldly ,,„,„ thitthismin and his foll,>wers be rg^'iandis.nent. Ho 11 a g ii.ral Hâ„¢ler, ' ,,,„i„„.j.,| „f ,j„,i_ ,„ i,p„i ,,,^, jj,,^_ „|,y Note his advertwtt.nont m tbo /ion I don't thoy attend the hos|.ita's of small l!ai. nor :-"/,(ori Ciiy ginieml stoic, I.A- p,,^,,,,,] typhus fevor imtien's, or other '"'.'' I iiospitals in Cliicago and exoici-ie thoir . •"":! Healing powers ? Surely they wmild find 'fc.pecial,clearmgofi,i,i,.ge(i,,|,i f„r „,,erat.i.m; but n-, far stoic, l).j.vitf,propiie'or.. Patent kid vaui) i|a:iileis, silk bow, uiilitary heel, col fp '.ikl, %-l 2f.," etc' men's shoe-',"oto. All the pipers jjublish- ({1 in Zioii are own.-d by tliis Klijah; aub Hcripti UHaiu paid to bim alone. Proceeds uf bis bo els, which ho calls ho-piee.", and. Co (Konstsmptives. Tliii mulorBinno.l having bei'ii restored to liualtll liy silnplu luunns, ufior Bullerinu (or sev- ural veavs wltli aovoie Iuiik alToction, and that ilroad <lls«as(icon.suinption, is nnxiouB to iual<B ki.nwn to \iistullowHulTi!vors ttm inimns o( euro. I'o tlioHo wlio lUiHiro it, lie will cheerfully solid (treoof eliaiKola copy of the piuiHaiption used, which tlioy will H111I a snre enie for consump- tion, asthma, catarrli. bronchitli aiitl all throat anil luntj maiidlu. He hopes all laillorerB will try his remedy, as it U invalualilo. Those dosir- Inn the propcrliition, which will cost them noth liifj and may prove a bleHsing, will please ad lirosi, Uov. KUWAUn A. VVILSON. Itrooklyu, New York from this ; if my iiifoniialion be correct no coiit.aui.ius ibseaseil peisou is permitted within iho precincts of Zion. This fact itself proves beyond oontr.idiction that I.i f.iet. It would appear that everytlilny; ,j,„, - ,,^,t j,, j, f^„. „„^i,i|,^, j, j,,,, jj^^gj of profit IS under his HuperM,.ion 'llierej f^^ „.,r Heavenly Father to' it pleaso s.!ouiB to he no )iai;tnur«liip in /ion, not | |]j||| 01. •. Whu-n h» g->u8 forth il is Willi imiiip! ,, , â- .. l • v end gorgeous surronndinu.. IL.rsJs are, ^ Iwvelm.m curious t- note in reading , i .hly eap.risoiied, and Us aro an [f ^-^^ ^'^ •'""'â- â- "â- '.. "'h^ her Klijah. the ' ,1 , . , , „ .Restorer, had provided for cemetenesor ••.soort, as 10 the truiiipet.ers to announuo 1-. , ' ., • , , ,- - It woulil â- Perhaps their boasted dispensing I with medicines of all descriptions and Bull for Service Bull For Sale I would say to my old friends that I have inir- chased a line yoniiK hull from .lolni McQuarry of I'ickerinR, wlikli 1 will use m\ a limited iiumtier o' cows at two dollars for Riados, flva for tliorontilibi eels. I will pell l.oid l.avondnr very olnap and ho wonM do (or three years yet out of I his neiijhiiorhood. AUTHUH JOHNSTON.Vandolour his ap|) oarh, I,cuinoli viuic'i. be Hop,!itluous to contrast the true Klijah, dooto from wliieli" the Saviour declared had coms|"'^'"" «'*>' "•I"'"?' "n .mmunity (tb.reby barring .ny othe.) with .his K"-"'- 'â- « ""^ cemetorus. llio question may abnor.m.1 pretendHr, who.o chief aim,''-'";' «.""';^" '-; 'l'*-""; "^ pu'lish. H e n. to la, entirely Of and lor thi. world. I r''")''-J"'«.''! o-n'^lnde that if poH.sible to Then comes thu (tritiigeiit thing of i^ll I die in Howie's Zion they niiuht junt na ihat this man ha^Llhe gift of hoabng,which 1,7" !"" »' '•7"°' It j* quite ce.tain that live. That lioople f,econie healed is not l">'>«-'l<t»« '""l rtn^n in .bisarticle,ar« the i).jt4.'< i ined; Itii^ how ia not so easily HisATifred, It it I)i,vin». Came iLsti?a,y Come to the praniisee o( tho undorsijineJ last Noviniber. one steer 2 yrs. old thissprinp. owne»caMhnvo Bniiie by provlnu property and payliiRexiMnses. B. llnovfN Feversham .lulv 14 100.1 hysterieioHl nm' iiervoiM lempernments, It l»i,vin.. healing, nays "f."'"*"''" I;)""'' »'" '"'"'-V >»'">'" '^''ief com D .wie and hi. followers, indi».put«bly »o: l'^'"" ""• '^'"n "'H""'*"""- that ii, it is uivlor OimI'h. iniinitdiate nnd | T.rM>king now at this Zion all around, direct li'ii, Uui i( it a.> 1 Let ua roawni. | wit'i its Ixtiik, its iiiorrhandiir, IIa manu- Mm P'>«ws4.Mi n»tiin»l Uws~»n original tact^irie*, its pidien, Iwindi 0/ music. g. ft of (><"), d«vtilop>Ml nuire i>r lu»« in every porjoii, an4 Btroiigljt f'>cn«»ed by tho olii>i< of psnoiiR HMenibleiL in Dinwie'a Jtion. Not ni»ny iUy« a«o,a Ur^/e ifalher- ^ig aMsin^lud at the •hriiie.'>f S^./Vnii, in, Oa^buc, which has, the r«|^ul* of liAv;i>>S;' relixiun, uuftnls, i'n unoharitablenfins to- ward* all'othvr', itflniodfS of worship of a cateelwHiifui, kind, with reaimnaea innunioit- bla <uid ufton of iii'lec >roui type ; who hut « semi lunatic «<mM ally himself to lUfih isQoo^bionvratipn^ ai)4 Ml. coQiH^if • I Bylaw N». 434 NOTICB l» liorebv uiven lh»t a Bvlaw wan iia»iMt<! by the Township Council of 0»prey on IheWth day of May, lOPS, providlnft for the isHtie of debentures til the aniouat of 40100 for the puriwue of public tihuot section No. II. and thatsui h bvlnw was retiistsred In the reclstry flica otSuuMi (^rey on Ui» l?th day o! Juue, DMS. Any qtoNnn to qnnsh or net aalde the sanieor any part t^nreof mint be miMie «itbln tliri.e nionihn froni the tUte of H<^lairattoa aad can- not l>e maile Iher^fter. Dated »bi» UM),4a)[ o( i»iy. iwn. &c CO FLESH ERTON ONTARIO Some special values For August $1.25 Wrappers for 98c. Ladies' Print Wrappers â€" selected pattern .s â€" fast color prints, body lined, frilled skirt, nicely made and finished. Sizes 34 to 42. ^^QM\ar $1.25 Qualities for 9$c. Reductions in Duck Skirts Ladies' Duck Washing Skirts, navy or black grounds, fast colors, heavy weight duck, large and small spots, neat narrow stripes, some selt- trimmed, some white piping,some trimmed braid â- '. ' â€" all sizes. Our $.100 Skirt, reduced to 79 cts. ,, Our ^l.i'iO^kirt, reduced to §^1.09. • Our $1.75 Skirt, reduced to $1.39. Shirt Waist Clearance During August we shall clear out the balance of our stock of shirt waists â€" including the latest styles in white, linen shades and colors at a DlSC0U>«T OF 35 TER CENT. OFF REtJULAK PRICES Hen's and Youth's Straw Hats Reduced Prices of all our straw hats are much reduced for August selling;, as an instance wt> mention one line â€" Men's and Youth's Straw Sailors,black and colored ribbon banils, leather sweat bands, new shapes, nice quality straw, all sizes Regular priee 30c, for l^c New Cloth Skirts Extra Values I We have just received a shipment of Ladies' - Cloth Skins made up in the latest style â€" the cloths include friezes, homespuns, cheviots and snowflakes^ â€" the colors are black, oxford grey and fancies â€" the assortment of sizes is full and complete so as to suit all figures. The workman- ship deserves special mention â€" every skirt is -' :â- tailor-made and the finish and fit cannot be ex- '.' ' V colled â€" thov hang perfectlv. PRICES" $2.75, $3.50, $4.50, $5.00,$5.50,$6.50 m5.f^l>l»^AIl£: r>Ei>ARTM'T Just Received An Elegant Kang-e of Jardinieres Flower Vases Epergnes New Patterns in Berry Sets, Choice designs in fancy Bread and Butter Plates New China Tea Setts New China Dinner Setts Our assortment of Chinjjk iind Glassware is the finest in tho district. " COME IN AND SEE. XT ! Binder Twine Plymouth Twine runs free, biutls more sheaves anil gives better .'^iitisfaction than any other â€" every ball guaranteetl. LEAVE US YOUR ORDER. • iK 4 t '. '-%> III >â- *> * *