Flesherton Advance, 6 Aug 1903, p. 5

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T il £ F r. E S II E R T O N ADVANCE AiGt-sTo 1903 4 5K' .1- A' I 'I KI.KSHKKXOX PASTOR:â€" GEO. P. HORLBimT. Service at II a-uicurh Lorti^Uay Next Siiiitiy â€" Piisior will prwidi. iSeSrodist '= €burcb» Tlesberton PASTORâ€" Ee v.. a. tvison Wilaoii Service's Sundny 1 1 a.in.iSc 7p. tiA Snn<luv. Alia. 0th 1 )03 Mominsl â€" My Third Ye»r tn Flcshpvron. Biviiin.;â€" ".â- V L •S'foii in Arithniatic." Vicinity Chips Characteristics of the Past Week Carefully €ali«d for the ('nri<iiis " Fresh lime nlway^ oil hand. J. H. Duckett, Eugouia. Oi-iiiigem Ill's biiJg* found. Owatrcall <it thia office. Money Kit loan fit lowest rates. A. S. VaiiDusen, Fle^h<'rt<in. McCormiicU's pure nianillH arid S^ancl- nid binder twine fur s;de. C.ill ar.d get prices. W. JIo >n;, Flushertiai. McKarland St Richiirds of Dundiilk re- fjiieRt us ti) cnntmdii't the statement that tluir 1) ) jks Wire bunied in the lata tire. R. R. Gaaiey will be chief spoikor at an E itsliah church gard.ju party at Duu- dalk this (Thursday) eyeiiiu:?. Mr. Tryuu has taken a fifty iollar con- tract for paiiuiuir the woodwork on the outside yf the Mothodist curch. GirJinal Sarto, Patriarch of Yeiiico, has bcoa elected Pope at Roaie. His title will be PiusX. Do not fail to attend tha Lawn Social ott tlie Methodist piirsonajje gomnds on Wednesday evening, Auij. 12th. Ice cream, hauauas a'.iJ fiuit served every Wednesday and Snlurday afternoon «od eveiiiiiiis in Sproiile, Cro.ssley & Co.'s lee Cfiam Parljrs, Flosherton. The trustees of S. S. No. S, Artemeiiia, fire iViking for tenders for the construction of a wood.-^hed for their sch-iol. S. e ad- vertisiiieiit in another ci.lumu. .\ mon.ittfi Oiinf5i'rv:itive conventi<in is tteing arranL'cd for to take place at the Island, Toronto, ou Wednesday uf next week, Au^. 12. For br.in, shorts, oats, harley.heii feed, bent Mautobti and Ontario (lour, at lowest prices, go to Spioule, Ciossley it Co., Flesherton. Pen lost â€" Between Prioeville and Fleshertiu, on July 14, a Wiitennan fountain pen, Nc. 14, Finder will be rewiuded by leuvhijsame at thia utHoe. Timber f.r sjile â€" Dry hemlock, inch, two iuoli, and .scantlii.j!, also some spruce â-  and balsam. Apply to C. E. Wurtsi Proton Station P. 0. Mr. Wa'.kcr Sloan of Eusjenia received a bad fiactuie of the collar bone en Sun- day afternoon by falling from his bicycle. Dr. Carter was suniniuned and set the fracture. Ivdled oiit.s, fresh fruit, rolled wheat, confectionery, groceries, stationery, oranges,lcuioiis and bana.nis; aUo preserv- ing siignri", arriving daily at Sproule, Crossley & Co 's, Fleshcrton, and sold at lowest prices. The Ladies' Aid of the Methotlist church will hold a lawn Rocid at the Parsoiiai-e grounds on Wefliiesday evon. ins, .^u;^u?t 12;h. Good music, adJresses and :iihtr interestini; features will be the order of the evening. Kefveshiiieiita will bo served, and a very pleasa.it evening niny be depended on. Admission 15c. and 10c. All are welconio. .\ h.irse rubbed his head against i ne »if the cement posts of A. Mun^haw's now verandah and as aconaeiiuenco the post ColU|)sed and the entire verand-ih had a narrow e.^c i po. The post will be reerected by our comeiit man, Mr. Nuhii. Word was received hero on Saturday of the death uf Mr. J. 11. .Anderson at Manor, X. \V. T. Mr. Anders"ii formerly lived here. His wife died .â- Â» few months aeo. Decoased was 08 year* ot age and had been a .member of the Fleshcrton ♦Vorkinen lodge for 20 yeavs. CrM|is of all kinds tiiis year are surely S"niethini; to make Ihe heart <>f the fanner ulad. Fall wheat is nu especially good owpfor I'.iisptrt of the country, but other •grains are mit Iwhind. On Snturdiiy we «aw a Held "f wheal out in ()»prey,heh'nK- iog to Mr. .lamaa Dukingham, which will yield at Iviuit 35 buahela to the acre. Mr. Viiyd, m>at this village^hsH a similar S.-ld, and there are others. Hay ha.< also turned out to be a heavy crop. The«« tbingHshunid Iw a matter of yr««t reu'icing «lld lihaok s^i vinK. X))« Ibmi) i&prw^oiwiv Flesherton football clab went up and played the Maikdale club on Friday evei.nig last. The game resulted in a diaiv after \\ hours play, no yoaU beint? scored on e.tlier side. The return matth will he played lice on Tuesday oveuing next. Mr. Nicholas Aheicronibie, a jjraduate of this office, and who lias been attending the Xorthet-n Business College for some month*., WIS a visitor to his old haunts here during the past week. Nicholas liaa his diploma and wdl get along alright. Mr Fred Sheppard, Toronto, aune up «n Saturilay to spend a couple of dayo. Monday was Toronto's civic holiday and Jlr. Sheppaid says the train he came up on was one of the largest excursion trains tJiat ever left the city, beinu composed of teu coaches dniwn by two heavy engines. Ye Editor leaves this week fi.r a v.-icn- tion of two or three weeks. The pajier wUI be edited and run by our better half and the -staff. '.Ve would especially re- (juest the rillaire,,!,, hand in hems of news, and correspondents to be punctual in transmitting their budg^rta in order to f.iciliate matters in our absence. Mr. Herb. Wiight, manauer of the Ciandon Sun, wiis a welcome caller at The Advance office la.'-t wi'ek. Mr. Wright is a fine apeciman of the i>hysical manhood produced in thu west, proving that ;vlan- itoba can do something besides producing No. 1 wheat. Ho is a son of Mr. David Wright, who lived at Eu;ienia years ago, and ia visiting relulive*! in tbia vicinity. Utile- CuIIen .\ pleasing event took place on Wed- nesday of last week, at the residence of Mr. Johiiflou Cullon, back line east, >vlien his second daughter Eiiza was united in maniage to Mr. J. J. Little of Mt. Ziim. The ceremony was performed in ihe presenoe of immediato relatives and friends of the laniily. The biide was suppor'ed by l.er sister. Miss Sarah Cul- len, and the groom by his brother, Wi'- liam. Rev. J. S. Ivison Wilson was the officiating clergyman. The youog people will live ou their farm near Mt, Ziou. Personal Items Mi.ss Pearce and Mrs. Fisher of Toron- to .ire guests of their uncle and aunt, Ur. and Mra. Christoe. Miss Ethel Chadwick of Toronto is a smnater visitor with her aunt, Mrs. Buhner. Messrs. Ben acd Robert Hialop of Thornbury made a short visit with frienda in town this week. Mrs. Tliurston of Toronto ia the guest of her son, ye editor. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hooper of Toronto were guests at the Manshaw house this week. It is twenty years since Mr. Hooper was in business in Flesherlon. .\rtenicsia Council met lui Monday. The minutes are held over until nu.xl week. Masters Elmer and Russel .loyco of Owen Sound lire holidaying at Mr. W. J. Bellamy's. Miaa Marguerite Wright, daughter of Mr. Alfred Wright of New York, visited friends heie this week. Miss -'^Iva Petch of Toronto spent a couple of days this week with her mother. Mr. Fulton and wife of Woodstock are guests of Dr. and Mrs. Carter Mrs. Ed. Rutledge and three children of New York city luv visiting with rela- tives here for the summer. Messrs. -Alf. Durnan and .lohn Duncan of Tonmto were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Crossley for a couple of days. Mr. Joe /Armstrong, Toron'^o, was in loivu the past week, looking up old frieiids. Mr. and Mrs. W. Baruhouse are ex- pected to return this week from their visit to the West. Mr. .and Mrs. John Andewon of Rock- yn spent Sunday with Mr. John Shep- pard. Master Elmer Moore of Teeswater is visiting IiIh uuclu, Mr. W. Moore. Mr. and Mra. Chas. Putty of Bentinck sp«nt Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, W. Moore. Miss Ha'tie Cola of Tbronto is holi- d:tyiug at the pareotal home here. Mr. ChiB. Pye of Thornbury visited in. town this week. • Mr. W. Woodstock and Miss J. Martiti of Toronto, were guiests of Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilson during l&e paat week. MeHsra. Jainen, Bert and John Field of Toronto spent a couple of dHyii during the past week with tkifciir avxhcr., Mca. J(k». JobiMton. MiMea Mabel and Lity lh>yd' ar» vitit- iDH^ticDUs in Mt. FutMt Mid CuattK Sudden Death Mrs, Henry Fen wick of Eugenia died very suddenly at her homo Monday oven- ina. She was attending to her duties in her uxual health when alie fell suddenly to the floor and expired al:noa( im- mediately. The deceased lady was 05 years of age. She had been taking treatment for hewrt weakness for some time. The fnneral took pkce to Flesher- ton cemetery yebterday (Wednesday) afternoon. Farm for Sale I-ot 20, con. 7, Euphrasia, one huP'lretl acies. 80 ctuared, two frame baruH, shed, slieep pen, iioa non, two fraum liousofi, fiood orchai d.novor- tailUigspriiiR. Coavenieiit to church andschool. About tiight miles from Meaford. Good im- pvoved farm, and a snap for the ri^ht luan, .\p- plv on picmisesor to JCflNANDERaoN Blaut yie P. C- VOTERS LIST, 1903 Municipality of OSPREY In the County of Grey NOTICE Is hereby gtvou that I have trans- mitted or delivered to tlio persons meutinned in Sections 8 and 9 of t^»« outario Voters Ltat Act the copies required by said Section to bu Ko transmitted or delirerod of this list, uiado pursuant to said Act, of ail porsoun ai>puarinR by the last roviRed Asbessaient Roll of tJie said Municipality to be entitled to vote in the said MunicipRUt> at Elections for Meii'l>oi-s oi the Lei;i8lativo Assembly and at Municipal Elec- tiuua ; and that the said list was tlrst pootod up at aiy otlice at Mclutyre on the :trrl dav of AuyuBt, A.D. 1003, and remains ilietti fui- in- spection. Electors are called u\x»n to examino the suid list, and, if aJiY omissions or any other erroi-s are found thci-oin, to take immudiate proceed iiij^s to have the aaid errors corrected according to law Dated ab Mclutyre this 4th day ot Aul'., A. D. I'JOJ. THOMAS SCOTT, Clerk of Ospiey Administrator's - Sale Of Farm Property . Under and by virtue of the powoi*s vested hi the Administrator of tlie estate of Charles HaleB, late of tbe Tcwnsbip of Artoiuesia in the L'onu*'y of Grey, faruior, deceased, there will bo cfTered for sale by pnbUo anctiou at LOT 17L Con. 2, nimth-west of the Toronto and Svdenbam Road, Arteuiesia.on Saturday, the 5th day of Sept.. 1 903 At tho hour of two o'clock in the after" noon, tho following property in two pai'cels, nanielv * â€" •1. L6*.s one hundred and scvonfey-one (171) and one hundred and seventy-two {\T2\ in the Second K*n««South-west of the Toronto and Sydenhnni UoH4.l iu the Township o[ Arteiuesia, in the County of Grey, coiitiiiuiue; cue bundled acres more or los?. 2. Lot One [1] in the Fourth Concos«ion North of the Durham Uoad iu the Tr>wnship of Cspruy in the County of Grey, coutainiuR one huudrud acres iiioi'e or less, Tho first parcel is situate about three miles from tho Vili»ge of Flesheiton. Upon tho prefnises are said to bo a frame house and a fraiue barUi and there are suid to be seventy- ftvo acres cleared. This parcel will bo sold subject to certain encumbrance which will bo niaie known upon application to tho under- signed. The second parcel is situate throe and a half wiles from the Villatjo of Maxwell. This par- cel will be sold eubjoci to a certain agreement to cut and remove timber tberefroin. I'oth parcels will be sold subject to reserved bids tixed by the Official Guardian. TERMS OF SALE The Purchaser will pay down ten per cent, of tho purchase monov at the time of iho salu.and tho balance into The Canadian Bank of Coni- nierco at Toronto to tho orotUt of tho Adminis- trator and the Otficial Guardian, within tbirty days tberoafter. without intere^^t. For fm ther particulars a.id conditions of sa!e apply to \V. J. Caswell, Luca.", Wuight vt McArplk .Vdiuinistrator, Sol'rs for .\dniinistrator, Flohertcn, Owon Sound August 3rd. 190 3. Tenders for Woodshed Tondors aro liorebv iiskmi for the constriio. tion of a wooiishi'ii. 24xlo, for s.s .No. 8. \\tis- iiiusia, to bo coinplotod Ijufevo Dec. l, HX13' Tuuders will bu opened cu So^b. I. For phili8 aiiil specifloatioim api'l.v to tliu uiiilov!>i(iiitiil. Tho lowest or auy tooiior not iieceBparily ae. cojaad. T. U. MACliKNZIE rortlaw, Aug. 3. lOO). Came Astray. Came to the premised of the undersigned, lot lti;(,:ird ran«e W. T. & S* U.. about .Tuly 1;J. Four ycailing cattle--3 sLoors and one lieifer. Tho owner is roq'.iested to prove p; opertv. nay expouBes and take them away. K WA.IJ!jKU Fleshcrton V 0. The undorsinued haa a tine thoronghbrod n;tecinieu of the renowned 0. 1. C. typo of hoy fur service ou lot US, U- D. R. JoS. WATSON, jr. Pr jton .St<.tio« V. I Photos ^li S _T.\KEN % â€"AT THE I Fleshcrton Photograph Gallery are done in lir«t-ol«ss style and at U>w«>st rates. ,,»i>«cial «ttentii>n ttivou to oopyins. Bahiei' photo*, a apeoiatt]!. Pictures framed. MRS BW.nER ilir U^ yk i^ Hit iib id/ >iii 0/ \£ iki iki \^ i^/ i^ T. J. SHEPPARD Jus t Arriv ed Thi.s week fifty piece of shakei's Flannel, 30 pieces wrapperectcs, a good .supply of shirting and cottonade. Owing to a disagreement be- tween some of the large mills, a fight aro.se between them ou the pi ice of shakers and wrapperettes. The result was- some big cuts in prices for about two weeks. That fight is over now and prices have again advanced, but we were lucky enough to buy when prices were low, and we are prepared to give you .someof the best values in those lines ever shown. Now is the time to buy. Oil Cloths * We got in this week a full line of floor oil cloths.also table oil cIoth.s in all widths and in good patterns. Boots and Shoes ^ We have received another ship- ment of J. D. King & Co.'s cele- brated bootsâ€" a good stock of Men's and Ladies" Goodyear welts tapick from. Ready=to=Wear Clothing... Our stock is full of good sui ts for Men and Boy's. We carry a large assortment and can give you value in auy line. fKillitl'Cry To be cleared now, regardless of cost, {j^ ^i so auy lady wanting a hat can get one at her own jj^ ^ price. ^, VS^ FLE sm£::rto:n^ •.^ ^. ^: sy; ^: ^. ^ ^^ X <; ^ 1.^:^ :.S .5 :.£ :.S US :.£ -..S :« â-  g.^.^.^^.fe- ^ ^ \X/%/XSi9S/XX/X^%%/%96X1!S/%%/X/X%''^ Headquarters for Paints, Oils.... \ To those who have painting to do remember we are head quarters for Pure White Lead and Paint Oil We have also added this season the best Lubricating Oil to be got in tbe market. Wliat we keep you will find the best. W. E. Richardson, Flesherton Farmers ! Prepare for a dry sunmier and sow the famous Essex Sowing llapc. Anticipating your Needs W. J. Douglass c*i; Co. have a gocd stock of thi.'* â- faniouns Eglisli Kape-â€" pure and fresh (not oltl stock) but guaranteed new stock, Vwiight for spot aisli and we are giving oiu" customers the benefit. We have alvj * goo<l stock of uliuiw Compton's Early Corn North Dakota White flint and Giant Prolifie Sweet Ensilage, all bought for spot aish. We solicit your patronag<; for pure Drugs, patent medicines, garden and field seeds, oil cake and house plfints iu bk>oui» Atvlu NEW STOCK W. J. DOUGLASS k - i&CO. % â- <JI^%u

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