Flesherton Advance, 6 Aug 1903, p. 8

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.t--'* AuGtJst^ iWi THE f L £ S H E R T « ADVANCE bonjyon man! a Tly lieiforVour f)lor$e? BusiNiiss Cardh We have just received in stock a tine selection of them, also 21.3cle Gx'ea.se axid Va>lioes Give us a c<'vll and see the; 'wonderful display we have for you to pick from. REPAIRINQ DONE PROMPILY FLESH EUTON R. KINNEAR & SONS MAXWELL \^e do not purpose (Jiving yon any elaborate ot long winded reason aa to why wo can and will (live you the very best value for your iiioney.Suftioe it to s ly, we h.ive the right goods at the right prices. Come and See Our Stock of Fliinnelefcts, Dress Prints and Muslins. Cotton, Cottonades and Blue Dcrry. Now For Jem Jars We have them at wholeslrt prices Come and secure a dozen while they last. For the Men We have Pakes, Forks, Spad«s, Shovels, Hoes and Handles of nil kinds and the one twine, " PLYAIOUTU " Any person wishinc to got a Monument can leave their order here and we will forward it to the manufacturer, Walker Hros. of Collingwood, therofuro tiavin^' an agent's ConiniiN.sion. M'CULLOUGH & YOUNG •â- â€¢â€¢ llankor Markdale Do » gaaeral baukiuij builDotss. ttoneylaaaea a rua>onab>a rate Caltouus, AS VANDUSEN, J P Clark StU Div Court, Co Grcjr sxuor of Marriage Moeusea, Caaveyancer Notary Public Auctioneer; Mcncy to loao 4i i>or cunt. ChargsS inoflerate. FLESHEBTON P O RJ aPBOULE! Foitmaster, Pleehertoa v/OuimUsioner in H.C. J., Auctioneer Con- veyuuoer, Appraiser aad Money Lender Keal instate uud Insurance Agent. Deeds a;ort({0(j08, leases au'l wills carefully drawn up ami valuations luiido on shortest uctico. mouoy to loan at lowest rates of interest. Col octiuus attended to with promptneBS eliaifjea low. Agent for Ocean Dominion tjtaauisbip Company. A call solicited. War! War! 9 Out of Every 10 tias this terrible disease in the Head Qoutof every lo â-  '"'• X Aru losing their Hair 9 out of every lo X lias Dandruff. WK OUAUA.STEE TO CURB BOTK •FIcsherton Tonsorial Parlors. Xeirr|vvortli Uoar for iScrvioc, Alvln ( No. 728 ) Tho undorHigned has a thoronuhbred Taniworth. Uoar bred by .luhn IJidl, of AnibtT, Ont., for service on lut 170 c.ni. 2 E. T, & S. R. Tmms Sl.tlO. ISp.lyr. Uiohird .\l;eii, Flesherto.j Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Service Cord mitttOt 2906$. Tlio undorslsned Imii a flno aged Durliaiii Ilitll for servlee on lot 1^1, T. iinil K. II. Torut»~8I for Krat'e cuwh, .^.i lor tlioroii(.;li- bruus. PudiKroo on api'lfcDtifin .l.\-'(!ll l.ioVI'.ll Flen)i(iit(in r.O Societies O U W meets ou tho last Monday ID eacu niontb, in their loage room, Christoe's block. Fleshortfiu. at 8 p.m. M. W., Kobert Heat < liecorder, Mas. t'elstoad ; Finan- cier, Wui. Ueliamy. Visitiut; bvotlireD iLvitud. A pitlNCK ARTHTK LODGE, No. S33, A. r AM, meets in the Masonic hall. Strain's block, Plesbwrton. every Friday on or before tiro full niocQ, F 11 \V Hickliuy \V .\I. Cbas. MunshaW, Secretary. nOUK-r FLESHriKTON, I. O. F. meets in "^ Christoe's Block the last Fridaj evening • each month. Vi3itinK Foresters heartily velcotne. C.B.. C. W, Hellaniy ; U. C, W. BupIuu ; Pin. Sec, Dr E. Murray. ( Pay dues to Dr. Murray on or before last day of each mouth.) â- â- ''â- â- â- â-  Medical ::'â- <"â-  r\n CAHiPRK ^ MCP * S Out. Physician, Surgeon, etc Oflloa and rosidoncoâ€" Peter St., Flosherton D^' ^'- '^•, ^,'t>hy,-PliyHiciau, Surgeon etc. Fleshorton, Ont Ollice andKosidence. Collingwood street, one block east Presbyterian church. May be found there day and night. Corouor for CouBty of Grey. SCOTT, AND SOFTLY Members Cclloge Physio. & SnrReono dnt^rio Graduate in Medicine of Toronto University, Fellowship Uijilonia .Post (iradu- ato olical School and Hospital, Ohicapo. diseases of eye, ear, uoso aud throat sneciall treated. H. SOFTLY, JOHN A. SCOTT, Feversbanj. axwell T P OTTISWELIi Veterinary Surgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Collece. resuieuee â€" sacoud door south west on Mary rtroct. This street runs south Prosbyterian Chnrch. g WILSON V* 1 â- ! '^'"'ll'ate of the Veiorinary Science .•».-.oui!i«uon. niiKidiince, Unrluuii Hreot, op- posite Boyd. Hickliug's hardware. Legal J. W. PBOST, L L. H. narrlsler. Solicitor Oouveyancor. eto omoeâ€" Next to postolUco, Kiuoulo's block V-",'. ,, "' "^'"ry Tliursda and, court days N 11â€" Owen Hound oUloo, Frost" block Poulett street oast. r UCAS, WRIGHT A McAUDLE •-• llarristeru Solicitors Conveyancers, etc OIBoBSâ€" Owen Sound, Ont and MiiikdaloOnt. W H WBKiirr, Wc^UDLE 1 11 Lihas N Il-FloHhortoii ollice, MitchcU's Hank every Saturday. \lACKAVft5AJVlPS0N .narrifltrrs, solicitors iVI OFl'MCKK ;-Owun Hrnnd, Jloiclumt'ti Hank niook, \. of I'attirsou lIiiuHc. lUludalk aiii Street, every Saturday. Monev to loan at -ij per cent. A. O. MaCK.W, .MA., II. B S.V.Ml'.SON, L.L.D AlwavB In attoiulanco at Floslicrton and Dunilalk Ilivluiou Courts. Dentistry DR. B C. MURRAY, t,,n, S, doi-.tui Kurgeon honor (iiMdimto of Toronto Ilnlvt.rsitv and lloyal <;ollun« "I Pinlal Hiiriiuons of Ontario. Odi.eâ€" Cpiiofite Arnistronii's ,I«welli^ry Store. Will vUit Ma.wvcll tlie luHt \N I'llncsdsy tt each nioiitl.. and Dundalk 1 and it 'I'liiusday in each month. ThB majority ol men h»T8 Tarteocete la tht Unit, second or third itacc. In tM early atapee it ni.tycausenianr aymptoma which the nailentmav not recor- nlia aa arlsinf from this dlaeaao. lu <act, w« have have found ou e«amln«tlon, varicocele, present lu bandrcdeof ciaea wbi-ra the patient did not know he had II at all. lu time It will pruducosnchayniptomi aaiha (ollowlnif! Ncrvoinntia, weaknui In the back, unsl.ady llniba, tlicd and exhausted fetlinir, pains In the lolna,lrrilatlounf the bladder and kl.lneya, sediment and I'ss in urine, emissinna atnlfhtwtth Icwil; dre.^nis, aexu.il wciknesi and decline of manlv power- Ihoiie Bjrmptoraa gradually develop Into NICK V(iU3 l)«niLITY and iMPOTItN^V OacllEW MKTllOD TKEATMKNT WU.I, POSITIVKLT CIIHK YOU AND IT IS GUARANTKEU TO CURB YOU WITHOUT OPICRAflOM. Tl.roinih It* vltalUluir iaflueiica the wormy vein* return la their normal caliber tlm cir- cnUtlon ot blood Iniiirorea ao the otirana ara jiroparly nonrlshad, and are'rcslorcd lo ilrenfth and vlifor; tha narvea b.-mme alruni;, ambition and anerifr renl.ica iaulla4a and dMpondancy. all drains ceanc, Iha ayca beconia brlirhtrtha brain acltva, •ad 70U led aa a mui oaght to (eal In pacfacl saxaal and meatal coudUlou. We Ouarmnfee to Cure or Ho Pt^» Alleaaaa «a accept for ImilmenI ara taken aader a poaltlre iraaranleelhat thiy ara curable or no p.iy. We toicryou lo aaveral banlaa aa to our financial reapoaatbtllljr,no jou may kaow we ara i^utMl lor any contracts w( make. tfmttmttnmt *'**"" a"'"-*!!"? naroyoa loslkope? Atavoncoatemptatlnr mutlmfwt^w^ mirrUgc? Basyour lllood txwa dlaeaaad? Have j on an v weak- noaa7 Onr New Method Treatment will fiirryon. What llhaadong (or olheralt wlllda for you. CONSULTATION rKKE. Mo tnatlac who b.i8 treated yon, write for an honaat opinion Free of Charge. Charraa reaionabla. BOOKa raRK-^Tba (kdden Monitor" (lUaatratad), on Dlaaaaea of Man. ETarytbinir coufidentlak Qneatloa Uai and SMi sf Traalmtat, VKSB. for Baaia Trsalnoal. DIU.KENNEDY&KERGAN Y\ K<iK KaK K<^r K c\y\ r\A.|\ Mrs. Jot. Stafford Dead. It is our Had duty this week to chronic's the deaih of Mrs..luBepli Stafford of Mon' treal.which erent took pli.te on Mon- day of la.st wt'ek. The full particii'aig are givefi in the Montreal Star of W.d- ncsday, .July 29,81 follows : â€" "The rleath occurred Ciirly Monday inorninu, und. r peculiarly distressing circumstanceH 1 1 Mrs. St4tiford,wife of Dr-Joseph Stafford, of McGill University, who with her two little dauuhters, was visiting Mr .and Mrs. Tliomtis Sonne, jr., .•\c their country resi- dence Hi Cartiertille. Mrs. Stafford, who recei^tly rcturntd from a three ni'>iiths' visit to her brothers in Oenver, Col., was looking firward to inccling her husband again after a sepai'atioii ot s inie inoir.h.-'. Dr. Statford was at the biologicd s^at.ion nl Malpficque, I'rince Edward Island, and expect-id to return to Montreal shortly, where the fwnily was to begin house- keejjinc!. Instead he received a telegriiin on Mondny that his wife had died sudden- ly, Dr. Stafiord reacliing Montreal this morning. Oii Sunday Mrs. StafibrJ was in the best of health and spirits. She re tired at eleven o'clock with her children. At three in the morning Mr. and Mrs. Sonne were aiv.iked by iho crying of one of the children. Ou Mr.s. Sonne entei- 'm\i the room, Mrs. StjilTonl was found lying dead. The li'tie girl said she )iul been awakened by a moan. She then spoke to her mothe.- to see what was the matter, but received no reply. Dr. Lavergne, of Bordeaux, and Dr. Jas.Btll, whose Buninier residenea is at CartierviPe, arrived as soun aa possible, aud stated that tho unfortunaio lady mu.st have died inslaiitly, probably iu her »)eep,the cause of death being anattack of heart trouble. The dece!».-^ed was a Miss Knte Lintoiinut Clark, of Toronto, Ont. She was a young and attractive woman, and her death is mourned by a large circle of frieuda. The body was brought in from Cartierville to 130 Manfield street, the city residence of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sonne, jr.,3iid the faneial will take place to uitnrow morning. There will be a short .«ervice at eight o'clock, ."it the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Sonne, after whiili the body will be tjtken on the 9 o'clock train to Toronto, Ont,, for interment. The members of the ftmily,, who are now travelling from Uunvei,Col., to be present at the funeral, will meet in Toronto, and join the Moii- lieal friends in their sonowful duty." The fniieral took place from the Union Stalion on Saturday, to St. Jnmos cem- etery, Toronto, wliere she was interred in the family burial plot. â-  * »a> « *- â€" Football Challenge Accepted The Swinton I'aik team hereby accepted the challenge of the Flosherton football team in full as printed in Floahertoii"Ad- v»nce in full with the exception of clause 4, which shall read 113 follows, viz, : â€" The players in each team to ho strictly the same men in each te.sin,as composed each teaiH.when they played at Proton Station on Juno 2()ih last, and rhu captains of ea.h cli.b to make affidavit to same if draired by opposing team. Signed. Leslie Watson, Capt. Fall Term. Tuesday, Sept. 1st, 190 -jvo/fr//£/fMj, ©?^^. William A. Farley, of Holland, is dead, the result of an accident of which he wai th ' victim. On Wednesday evening he was spreading hay in his barn at home, and when within throe feet of the edge of the mow, he fell forward and dropped (wclve feet to the barn flonr, striking ou his head and «h<nildors. His sister was close at hand and at once informed other mcnibera of tho family anil the house, 'riieiv were only a few hours between the time of the accident and his death. It will never bo known what caused him lo fall, but it is thought that perhaps bo had been nftettid by the intense heat.â€" Bnnner. The afternoon train on tho G. T. R., going to Dnrhiun met «ith di.saster on Uiilii..sday of last week. When about half way between li.dntein and Yatney aliont eight of the cats jumped the track and uero (itched in confusion into the adjacent swamp, 8 >me of the trucks being buried out (if sight. The cais with their contends were badly shattered. The locoinoiive willi two cars kept tho track. Tfio occiipanis of the passenger car re- ci-iiod a soveie shaking up, but all escap- ed with their lives and Bound bones if not 'vith whole skins. t.)no commerioal traveller was pitched acro.sa three or four seats and alighted on his liuck Rc^o^» the back of a seat, and it was feared that his»pino might be injured. Conductor Lnvelle WHS notable to come down with Ills train thene.xi nioriiiiig. .\ wrecking train fioni Pabneislon woikud at the NciMie till the track was cleared, ii;«senc>rs bein,^ transferred in tho mennliiiie. Tho accident i.s believed to bavo been cau.scd .>y the truck of a eoal car cither breaking or leaving the track, and is very similar t-) the one that happened on the same biHiicb near rahnerston on tho Sth of May last, on'y tho loss to the Oooi|M«ny will be much greater.~Mt. Forest Con- fodcrato. The Markets. VurerAllv i'Orrer cU Carh Week Wool 14 to 1« Oath s;8 -.> vfi I'eas 00 o (10 \\li''at fin lo (15 Hinb-y 4o to 45 Ihitier 14 to 14 Eiiga fr««h 18 •„, 12 I'ork 7 60 lo 7 SO Dlilckonn p>'r |>«ir.... 25 lo oO Ou ka per pair ..... 40 lo (U) Tuokeya jht Ik. ...... . li» u 15 Orese per lb lb ''O 10 Hay S 00 lo C 00 IVuttKM b*«........ 76 10 80 Owen Sound, Ont. In a few niDnrlis Ht the iiiBfltotimi yiri ran acquire tho very best training in rinsi- nes.^ Subjects or Sbnrihand ami Type- writing. This institifion has the very h st equipnient in Canada. Aiinnunceiiient for 190v'-4 sent free on application C. A. FLEMING, Principal Farm for Sale Cheap ! Lot in, con. 12, townsliip of oTprey, c>e»r ot incuiiibiance ; 95 acres, 73 cleared, ba/»ncc hardwood bush : in goon ^tate of cultivation ; K004I frame l)avn v^n^i stables under, 40.i(J0 ; a good house SOj'Jj. 2 htorey, under storey stone, upper franiH, well finished, a Rood f.ost proof cellar ; woodshed iGx-iO ; a li-barrel cistoru and never failing wetland pump in good order, all under roof ; iilanty of water for stock in pas- ture. Till ui3 of sale, iJjOO cash, balance to suit piuchosor. 4 per cant ou balance. Reason for EeliiuR. illiie-s, and place urust be sold. Tirere Is an orchard of about \\ acres. School J mil", churches within 1 or 2 miles; about two miles to Ferersbufn. A)iply personally to JotiN bPEEKS, Feversbam P.O. Sensations exist for our guidance. They are Nature's warnings. Over-worked eyes demand rest. Eyes that tire easily call for help. Properly adjusted glasses afford the only assistance possible. We make a specialty of relieving tired eyes and guarantee satisf ac* tioa. W.A. Armstpong, - JEWELER AND CPTSCIA>1. THOnOl'CIlBUliD mi'.'!A.M Bull F () R SServioe Far MTTics <m lot ICo, a S. Vv'. T. A S. K., Artemesia, the thoroughbred U'lrhaiu DnH • Hot'd Boy," No. ; Gfi">a. bred by Couii Kuapi> Durham. Pedigrcuou application. Teims *l Weslri- BrsKiN. Pro D. AlcTAVISH 111 Fl[Si[RIOI \\\ Kiir First Cliisj Buggies, Carts, I'lcasure and Lumber Wagons, cutters. Sleighs. We keep a stock on hand tJ< cliooic from. ALSO HORSE SHOEING ANDQENERAL BLACKSMITHINO and guirantee tirst class work. We keep on hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and also Massej- \^i Hams and Noxou repairs for binders, Mowers, t'1 Kinds of iii'i.hinery, also Binder Twine on hand. » mben in town gi()e US a cafi « â- gc^v^o^ ?jes1)jri»]i Furniture 3 Olarerooms* ! We carrying the newest styles of jouabie goods iu all lines of urniture, consisting of : Parlor and bedroom suits, lounges, sideboards, extension and centre tables, chairs, window shades and curtain ix>!es, pictures, easels, etc., Which we oiler at LOWEST PRICES HimiNii \m â€" FOR Lumber, Lath, Picture Framing and General Re imiring. Undertaking' in all its branches. Satisfaction guuraiiteea. VV. rt. Bunt, - - Prop. Shingles. Flooring;, Wo have just placetl in (s)sition a new planer and matcher and are prepared to furnish bnildiiia jnaterial in all the above lines. Get our iiuotations when you want ail} thing. Hickling Bros. 8'.h Con., Arleuiesiaâ€" Maxwell P. O. July, '02 â-  . . FOR FIRST CLASS CARRIAQOS AND PLOUGHS . . â€" GO TOâ€" Heard's Works, Flesherton Wo have Cutters, Sleighs,Buggies, Waggons and Carts ]<"leury, Dynient Buttertield antl Wilkinson ploiiglis Shares and repairs of the best tjnality. Spring tooth aud Iron harrows. Also first class handmade harii(\ss. I^orse Sboelng and General BlacKsmHbin^* Eugenia Planing Mills Get your Sash, Poors Flooring, Sheeting, New- ell Posts, liivllusters, Cor- ner Blocks, Hand K^iiling, the best of Spruce l^ith. No 1 anil No. 2 Shingles, Veranda and Fitting.Sid- ings, etc. Turning of all kinds done to order. Now run THOKOUQHUKED SHOKTHOBN Bull for Ser-vice For Borvioe ou lot lHr>, T. A S. U.. Arteuid^U the thorotiKhbred Uurliaui bull "GENERAL GORDON" Boan calved April Oth. 190O, bred by Arthur Johnston, Vaudeleur, Ont. Oot by Kniilit ot Ure», a l7S4,l)ttiu, Lustre S!»th,s:7J7i\by bir Walter, i:i5.^7- liU.stre sXithâ€" UW.», l>v \entnier. liuip.i 644o. l.ttiv Violet Lustre limp '-lUSl, b. Uoyal Hope lOTSKl. I.ustie lOlh \>\ Mouuoso iKMTJb- o\Knil Lustre, bv IStli Duke of o\tord, liiTTOlâ€" Lustre .'itlLbv I'ri.ieo Wthur t'.r.Tiliâ€" l.uslro Jid^ bv MaKnuni llonuu> n;«fJ7)-Lu"»re 1st, bif lilooioslinrv ('.W2iâ€" Lustre. b>- Sni Ouke of Northuiubeiland (.KVlC.iâ€" Ulue Hell, by Hachclor (inOlit- bv Suban (US5). by Nonh Star iV\si. Tevmsâ€" il for lirailea, *3 for thoroii)!hbre.K l.Vu«. Win. DAVia, Proprletar of stones for chop- ping. Satisfaction in all our lines guaranteed. Walker Sloan iSSS PROPRIETOR Farm For Sale ThA uuiertlKDed otiera for sale Lola lA, IT. \K Toil ^, N. n.U.. arteuie^ia, Iflliacvea, about T5 ele«ured. traine dweMinx. frame t>aok barn, U tu it rultivatiou, abuul 1 i.ula fiout Stalion C. P. ». Apply lo W. J. IIKLL.«UY, VIssherloc, or MARTIM aAlUS.KauUvurtk

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