Flesherton Advance, 27 Aug 1903, p. 4

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Augx'st27 1003 THE F LE S H E II T O N A in' A C N E g - â€" ^t^vww^vyvw wi^wmv^. I F, T. HILL & CO I 25, 3o, 35, 40 ct. earing at lilt Yard. WE PLACH! on Kile tliis ivcok nbout- 5(K) yards fine (luality, doublo fold Dress Ooixls in pliiin and fiiiicy woiives lit till' iiiiirvellouFly low [irice of 12Jc. yard. Tins will not h«t nmiiy days but hu loiij^ ns » yiird riMimins the opi)»)rtniuty of si'curiiii^ excell«i)t goods nt n fruction of tlii-ir actual vnluo should certainly not be neglected Dress Gooih tltat have been selling hU season at 25, 00, 35 and 40 cents, now 12). 7Sc and $1.00 Colored SJilrts clearl»(f-nt 4Sc About 5 dozen Mon'« Colored C.inibric Shirtw, finoi asiortni-jiit of sizss, iiico |):itti;rii.s, an! in coloia thit arc de- Iientmlilc You'll find in this lot some really ({cod garmonlB and iliost probably tUosiza you ronuire iu the pattern you prefer. Your choice fur only 48 Ti <iiid S ceiif Lintn Toirellini/ 4h9 2'.(J yardn Luwn MdUpi- Towelling, full width and .s|)luiidid \v.!arer-<. Those cloths were made tu riitail at 7^ to 8c. a yard and .iic as Hood values at thos'j prices as aro to bo found in luut retail stores. While this lot lasts you can buy any i|UMitily at jier yard 4^ JZi and lit Vent Tortoise Shell littch Coniha He 48 Ladies" Fancy Combs, inaasortod shapes ond sizes. Tliesr. arc ipulities that all alongjiave sold at 12i and 15 cents, but are lines that wu are goin^' out of. Wliile they last your c'.ioice for only 5 American Wrapperettes I BOYD, HICKLINO ONTARIO I & 00 FLESH ERTON = ^ A very special offering of I Dollar Footwear. I t * ^ $1.25 to $2.25 Hen's 5hoes, $500 id ^ 30 pains Men's Shoes â€" .some laced â€" nomo f^- ^ gaiter.s, light and rnediiuu weight.s, dongola, ^ ^ laiff and glove grains, narrrow, medium and ^ T lull lasts â€" sizes from to 10. These are odd ^ ^ piir.s from some good selling lines at $l.:i5, ^ T; ' $l..'^0, .$1.75, .$2.00 and .$2 25. rr 1000 ytird.i I inr Aniei lean Wvappercttcfi for only She Tliia is w itliout oxci'ption the host Wrapporetti^ snap that has over como your way (U- onrs. New pitterns and new col.iriiij;", these -^ooda have not nn cpial value anywboro that ivu know of, at less than 12lc. per yard. Your choice now of 20 pal: ems for only 81 75 Carpet Samples at 17c. eaeh These Sample Ends of Carpet are one yard s>piaro. and are in (|ualitie.H that would retul at 450. to 81.00 per yard. Patterns and colorio'is could he .iufticiehtly well matched to make an excellent flour covcrint; for bedrooms or attics, very suitable for coviiin;j your kitchen louni,'u. Any piece in the lot. each 17 Ladies' Fnmu, Ii!<irU Litstrr Shirt k. clear ino at $l.'i.'i Eisjht only Ladies' Black Lustre Skirts, lined throui^iiout and bound nitii corduroy velvet, ;; decided bargain at this price (assorted lenuths,) each ^ ' 1-26 J'icklint/ Sj>ice ^ Five cases of the best whole pickling Spice iu the market (packa'^c or bulk.) FRUIT JARS FRUIT JARS Wino Quarts FRUIT JARS Imperial Pints Wino Quarts fuiperial Quarts Wino \ Oallon.s Imperial \ G:dlons These are nindc of the very best quality of «ln!-.'i, strong and heavy, of uniform thickne.ssâ€" the BEST Fruit Jata ' mnde. Close prices in dozen Lots. All atone price "ONE DOLLAR" wmmK MARKDALE 5E THE GRAND TnUiNK I'ACIFIC. li isciifi&cuU to niuleibtaiiil the de- tcnninedposiSioii laUen by Mr.Liuricr ill the matter of Uiis proposed line. Ill face of the oppositiou cxeited by his Departmental Exams. The results of the junior niartriivjlacion, junior loaviny and sc^nior leaving oxauiia- ati'in.s are nstollows : Purl 11 .lunior Lmivins' â€" INLiggie Atfvr, Ilauy Ajjnevv, Amui'Baini's,I.sinay Baker, Kdith Biutiofr, Mnri^aret IJurye.ss, Lizzie liiaise for a.ssislaiioo. , The party were re.scued in rowboati. Dr. Koberl.son lost a coat cnutaining J;130. own parly aud pi-CS3 he etill insists OU Campbell, Irene Umpion, I'red Urnu;. , , , ., , • „,;„ Miiiarn Cline, Thomas Cole, Melvillo piKihing throngli the west gi;,'autic ^^^^^ ^^^j^^^^. j,,,,,^ ,i„^,,, b,,„- Jj,„„ steal that has ever been forced upon llio Canadian people. If the peoi/.p mulcistood this matter aa lliey should ficre woiTld be open and dclerrained rebellion against ilio powers which w -iild force tlitm into such an enor- mous expendimro, The rebellion, of conrso, may CQino later, l>;it that will not prevent the raisahiet' being done, nor stieugth'Hi the hauJ oi Mr. Blair, who resigned his cabinet poi'.folio as a pioU!st, and who continues to ener- •{eiii'.aliy and liouoslly oppose the scl.'eiuo. As Mr. Bliiir points out, Vi'care here a people of only six inilliou, and the propo.-iiio.i is to saddle a debt upon us of at least one hundred and .soveuleen million dollars in order that wo may build a second railway IVoiu ocean to ocean and give it away to rt corporation. If it weiea national uiideri!ikin;» and could rank as an hs.set o! the Domiuiou it would not be fcO had, but even then wij doubt if the lime is ripu for peuclratiii^ llie seven- i with Iccu luiudred milud of niiiskeg and wilJui'iiORs whicijrit ^bM bo uecos- wry tj do on tho propj:ol roiilo in • â- ider to conuccl the eotilcd districts. It is too big a prnpusition this, for the i^ooplc, and ationi,' jirotests have been fMiltred from ail (jnarter.^, but still the delcMiiiualiou appears to be to go on uiid fasten an octopus about our necks from which we will nut bo able to loosen oursolves for the next hundred 3'cais. Tlio only individuals who will Leuefit by this huge Rcl.*inc will be L.ie luigc lumber and mining com Came Astray. ,^9, ."";<' '° tlii; l'r( niipoa of Ihe iniaersipu.-d. lot HVl, .li-il ranco W. T. & s- It., about July 1,5. I'oin- ycailiUB cuttle--:; Ftcora ami ono Lioifer. iiiu owner la niaiicstod to piovu inopertv, nav t.viiei]SL's and tako them av,av. 11 \VaI-LEU i'lubliorton r . $1.25 to $2.00 ' LADIES' SLIPPERSSi 18 pains Liidie.s Slippens, some laced, some strap,soine buckled, .some b{ack,otljer.s chocol- ate don<rola, narrow, medium and wide lasts, larger number hized from 'Ih to -i but a few larger are inclufled. These are odd pairs from lines that sold from $1.25 to 1^2.00 Ail at one price "ONE DOLLAR " You'll see these special Shoes ^ IN OUR WINDOW I m Dumion, Norton Ft-rri^, flrctor Gilchrist, Liiipolil Grier. Etti Hall, Amelia Hairi- HHi), EiIilI Holnu'H, Willi. mi llowey, M. Uiiuhi.s, Mary Lye, (!r»co Lyn-i. I'lioebj McioJy, May Mowat, Henry Mcljiiavric, i A man to reiirrscr.t "Ca.\.»1)a's Gke.vt Guurguia McTni.i.<,Donftld McLi^o<l,Grotta est NriisKlUKs" in the town of Nichol, Ethel Simpson, Eli/.abelh Taylor, E'ta Tiead^old, l!riilri(;o Wilson. I'avt 1. Senior Leaving â€"Alex Camp liell, Gertrnd.; MilK-r..\uiii(; MacLennun, lilaiiclie MaoU.mal.l. David McGill, Sarah S'oane, .l(jhn N. Tribbe, Eva Tupling, lliiny Watson. l*ail 11. .Seni(a' Lcavini; --Helen Bell, .Ml X. Cauiphull, Maijoiie Corhit, .lohn llanb.dge lUihy Ih-MviM, Emm.tt Lynd, j^^,,^^. „.^,^ ^^ ,,^,,,^ .Jess.e McEichurn, \\ ilma Itt'.lfern, .lob i I^-^MTEIS F I. E S H K I^ TO N and the turronndir.n country, and take orders fi.r Our pardy Specialists In Fiuir T!'.i;ks, Small Imuits, Ontario A'iNKS, Ski;|i INrPATOKM, & c. lid free from f'lan „ , , , , , X. ni 1,1 T 'I'. 1... .dose Scale. .\ pernisnont position for l.lclm,, .ohnN.lnbbk.,Esa 1 »pl>"f^- the right man on eitlur salary or com- llchiy Watson nii.ssi.m. Junior Matiiculation- \\ llhain Jl. | Brown, Percy U. liuclian, R. Cha.iibers, j StftHP Si Wpliinntnn .Noinr.nCro.nne, Uh(,da Davis, Willia.nl O«-UU0 Ot VWeiimyiUM Deun, .\nnie FlemiOL;, Wi-.l.-y (iu'doo, i I'ONTKILL NURSERlEi .Uhiii KiMinedy, .â- \rlher Lel'an (ivithoui i â-  over 800 acren Latin), llo'ot. McNi^dit, t.'litt'ord M»r:h dl, ' Toronto .Mary 1). Suinervdlo. Tiio follo-.viu',' |rirt-i- ud tlie junicjr matriculation c.vaminalii.n in addition to lliii juni<ir leaviii',' : Umnv liiUor, MH;^uir lilnâ- ;.'lâ- K^^, l''r.-d Garnie, M. Cliuo, ArllnuDay, Le-'jiold Utier, Henry M,i,)iririio. Ili.nor Mntrii^uliitiiMiâ€" Samuel Heatty, with honors in Gi'ra.aii ; t%tanley I'n^t, lunors in English, History and Si:ien e. Fall Fair The date."; of tlio fall u.^.hibitioiisin this District are: â€" E.ist (Jrey ('l.irksUirg D'.uhaui. . \1 enfold. . SlnOlinvni' Dun'hdk .Sept ;!0()ct.l Flmval.' t)a. ti-7 I ,. . [locU> n Oct . 7 i °" «l'l'"i-'-^t>"n Tuesday, Sept. 1st, 1903 AT TllK Ladies New Fai! Suitings We're .showing this week some of the first ar- rivals of new I'all Suitings, including : â€" Flake >Sui tings Canvas Cloths Zibellines Homespuns Cheviots Fnezes Pebble Cheviots -Donegal Tweeds Gal way Tweeds Wo particularly de.'uro yourinsfXiction of our sel- ection of Indiviiiual Skirt and Dress Lengths,no tv/o cdikc ; they're absolutely correct and very stylish. Fall Term. 1 ^s^j^-^t^^^^-^-^ r>E:F»i5.RTM:'T I Owen Sound, Ont. FIcKhorton Sept^ 2t 25 U ^ f^„. „,^„„,, „j j,,^ i„„,itution yo;i ' • ,j~ can acipiire the very he^t trainiiiit in Busi ^"^''^' 7^"r ness Sulijeots or Shorihand and Typi!- of',.'' ^j^ i «'ti''"g- This insritution has the very nepu. .11) j jj j,^ eijuip.nent in Canada . Aiinnnncement for l!)C"-4 sent free Keiershani Dor. 12 C. A.FLEMING, Principal pauies and tlio govonimeilt itself. 'recintly. A var^ cons stio..; of Dr. an.l Mr. Wdl ^Te^'Hâ- Iund of ^^a^kdaluwas(hc j^vvt;;uvxt;tru%nnm vuvv;> ivu'inTJTJT-r\ |arti(ip»nt in an unpleasant acciden' ( " ^~ ~ hapi>-?iio.l >vhieh noar Sniilh's KalU; J lie piiople who pay the cost of con- II iicliLH â€"ail apallin;} stmi â€" aio not e usidcrcd in tLis deal. Lord Baliabiiry, Eiiglnnd's greatest »'ale8m:u sii.re Ciludetoirc, died last Sir TliomAS Tiiptcn Ims once more f.iilcd to win the mtenialional cup with hia iiti'e bqf^t. Tnnauiy,yaclit to quit now an! give sonicoue else n cliooce. Mrs. liidirrtsoM Janie!<, .li.hn .lad Mi Eth'l McUoWill, of Kinirslon, U. (>. j Wliit'iy, Toronto, ancl Mr! McFailand wiTc on the l;idiMU ftiver, near Saiiih's) Fall.s in a L'a-s jliiie launch. The launch 1 "I ruck a stump. limiiiK'a hi do in i he hull. They Inid no tow loat in tour, and made • .'or a icdar liuoy wliich was, forninntolj-, I . lose at hand. 'J'he water was ahout ten feet dei'p nt ihiij piint. nml when they, idmibod on thu huoy ilNankunlil lh<y were alaioi-t up ti Mieir necks in ilu- wiitor. The wird was blowing a gale iiiid their posiiion was lioth uniileasiint r.nd iinsufo. Dr. U'hert.-ion atteiiiplcd to '.â- 4wiin to the uliore, half a mile diRi.-\nt,t>nt i was forced to turn hack, thin »r. RIc- ''- Farlarxl tried it and Hlthouth ono arm jiave lait, managed lo rotch land, and then r.n nearly a milo to tl.a nearest farm >^ I Photos â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE FlesbertoiJ Photograph Gallery aro done in firat-olaas style and at laweiit rataa. Special attention c;ivon to copyina. Tiabien' photoa. a specialty. Pictures framed. MRS BUtLHER liMJijurSili uuuu CrliulKnjSiliin:^^ ^ Harvest tools of every description. ^ Binder Twine ^ Jiinding Mitts X Thresher's Mitts c?) Lubricating Oil.-; ^ Gem Jars for preserving, all sizes Preserving Kettels JPhosj>hocllno, Ttie Orcat KorJ^h Kcmedr. is on cM, well estab- lished and reliable preiiarauon. Haabo4n prr-scribcd and nsed Carrie i5Ls-tEȣi5r uvcrWyjnrs. AHdrng.| a„rt j-avini- uxpmises. Como to the in-omlaos of thenndorBlsnod las^ Novt nib.-v. ono steer 2 vrs. olj thin sjo inc. owii.,r can ivivq aitme by vroviiij! pvoiiaity "" ~ • K. liauwN 1IX» Sefore and After. rocomuicud m belDS | Tenders for Woodshed tlio onl.v mwUrine of , il.-s klatl that ouroB and ' livns nniv, real sithf action. It promptly and ) Hjrmauentlv euros all forms of .l^ aiou i Weak- \ !,.â- .«, KmUKiom, Sr'-ri.^^r.'rlwa, Impolcney.l Tenders ai-o lievcbv askod for tho ronatruc- andalleffivtsof abusuorexooasc?; thoexcessjTe' tion of a woodKhed, '2lxia, for s.a No s Arte- oseof Tubttrw, Orinm or SttninUintn. Mental , l,lu^iB, t>. ho toinplutBd liefora Dec. I I'Jtti- tai 111 nijiM'. ,o,.»_i....>, l„.,.l».,l„«..m.H. 1 n. ,_..,,. Lnenlty, Priro " pirate. rvtxtrw, Orinm or Sti:nuUtntn, Mental, „lu^iB, t.. ho toinplutBd liefora Dec. I, lUiti- if>i l|-..r,-;r,r>llofwV.ch lend tolufirmitjr. Tender;! will bo opened ou. Sept. I. I-'or plaiis ,• ConMii:iption«ud .»",/â- "'>â-  <;">"•,,„!»«'' '',J'wirtc«ti.>n8 npply to tlio i»i.der»i«aed. jir «•!/( cure. M.Ti B(l proMipty on re- i,,it.,(i, t r u,v<k1.N5'I1. oaiptotpnce- titDd for fropnif ridof, AddreM Tbe Wuott Company, 1Vlnd»or, Oni'. Canrnda, Wond'sPhoKphmlin.) 1« -.old in Kltshbito i by Djug'asH At\*. 411.1 W.K ltk:Mr Iflou, D'Hii^giittt ' j t'ort'.ftw. Auj. :i, loai. Bull fo? Service Bull For Sale I T?ould Bft> to my oldfrieo'lh tlmt I bftvo iinr- cl\as«!d A lloo yount; Imll fixin .lohu Mctjanrry of rl^korinf.', wliich I will nxn ou a lin*lt«tl nva..h.'r o' cows At two dollars (or p-adAs, five for tUor(iui;libre''(.-4. I rvju poll lH>nJ l.avender vury olii ap and \vi wonld do for tbrco yonra ytt oulollbis nolglihorli'od. AllTiItU JOUXrTON.Vaudeleua O.I.S.Mil I90;j 1903 *rb« audorii.-.'tisd linn n. fine thovoufjlibres evooimun u( till' teuuwiicd O. I. C. tyuv of bou f .'!• Mrvice ou lot :«, ()• D. H. J»S. WATSON. Jr. i'fotou btatloa P O. # < « > *

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