Flesherton Advance, 27 Aug 1903, p. 5

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T a £ F L E-S 11 E R T X V i K r. KS H K KPO NT PASroR:-GEO. p. flJRlBDRT. Service at U jimi eiwh Lord's Way Next Saiifliyâ€" Pu.*tor will preiuU. p.A.STC)Kâ€" Kov.-S. Iviaou Wilso ii ticrvice-* Suricliij' 1 1 n m.iV 7 p. ni SuniUy, Aui;. 'MMi UK);! Evening,' subject: â€" "A Lesson in TXiv- iaiiMi." Vicinity Chips Ch;ir:u'ter's«it"s of the S'ast Wc«'k r.-ircliiHy I'silled f«r the curious ^ • " biinanas tomatoes. Wih. ADVANCE AuousT 27 ] 903 } ^: E. Fii\r Si Co. of Clliiigwdod have .'O- Fresh lime always on haml. J. H- Duclrett, Eujeuia. For bs.st family flour and teed of all k'.irfs, try W.Burnl.ouse. iVnytlunf? ill tho line of Houvonir goodo nt special price at Sheppard's. <iirl wanted for Kenenil house work. Ai'ply to Mis. John B^.yd. Lap r..bj found. Apply to W. Caa^rdU, gravol road. F,„. s,.ieâ€" Olio .Jersey cow 5 years old. Apply to A. S. Vi.n -Dlisen, Fh:shiTton ShinijU's for saleâ€" 1st and 2ud class Apply "o N. MoCiinnel, Proton Station. For fresh orargeo, lemons and oihor fruits, also Earnhouse. * Clayton is Hiving Bis; B^irgiins in Ijviies' Oxfords and Strap Shoes. Call and we them before ihey -.ire ^one. Anybody wanting anythini; in flannel- ette, or wrappevette .should call and .s-e the fpecia! values at Sheppard'.'j. Full linos of Boots and Shoe^.Trunlis and Tek'scopes always in stock at Clayton s. Dr. J.O. Moore of Wilson, N. Y., wife and two children, vi.iiLed last week wiih his brother W. iloore. Mr. Sam VVil-"on, wife -uid family, of Toronto, are gucrts of Mr. and Mra. A. Wilson. Messi". Fred Norris and H. Staiilos left on Moi'.day for CoUinswoud to seek posi- tions. Car Windsor salt arrived at last. Conio qiiiok if you want a barrelâ€" going fast. Boyd, Ilickliiig & Co. Opened at Sproiile Crossley's & Go's., Flrshcrton, best XXX while wine pick- ling vinegars aul mixed spii'os. T.J. Shcppard has just iws ed into stock a flue as'iortment of ladies chah jackets. All the new stylos and special rates. 5 good vilhij^e lots jn one block in Flesherton, for sale cheap and on easy terms, niu.st bo sold. Aiiply to R. J. Sproule, Flesherton. Mrs. Reid of Detroit, who has been vii-itiiig with relatives here, left last week to call on fi lends at Shelburnt previous to retundiig to her heme. For sah^ cheapâ€" 1 Chatham finning- mill and hnccaer and full sets of sieves complete, alniost now. Apply to R. J. Sproule, Fleshorti n. ail?. Wilkes and children ef Toronto after iipondMit; about tlireo weeks with Mrs. Loueks raturued to her home last weik. TheDnndalk Herald sont out its lirst home ]iriijUd ist-uc since the fii'e last week It doeiu't look as thou^',h even its .vhiskers had been scorched. Snniiher Bools-and Shoes selling off at eaily leduced prices nt Clayton's. Men's Harv. Kt Boj»ts COc. ai,(i -^LCW) per pair. Ladies' (.)xfotils and Strap Slioea 7.5 «nd 90c. per pa-r Mr»i.'~\Viii. Horton, who kccp.i the boardiiifi house at R :ok\a!i', was veuy ngr«e(ibly surprised recently when her bofttlWs presented her with a len dollar purse in iirntitude for llie care wi'h which she hioked aflerlhoir v.-ants. Mr. J. D. Howell, who sold his I lack- aniilhshipat Duiululk to Mr. Jacob Wil- liBiiia and went to Winnip<.g, returned lust week and !i:is retaken possts-^ion of the . shop at Dundalk. Mr. Howell's family remains at the Sauli for a vi.sit. The Methodist chuixh will hold their nnmvorsary wervicos on Sept. 27. Tlev. Win. Johnston will preach niornini; and rvening. Mr. Johnston was |)ti«tor, we l>elieve, wheii the church was built twenty six ycftn <4go. Mrs. G^o. ."Stewart, Mrs. E White and Mrs. J. Wilhama have gone to Buffalo to visit relatives f,,r a muiitii. For all kinds of stationery, scribblei-s, pencils, wririn^ uialorial and blank notes ;,'o fc.) Sproule,Cro.Siley itCo., Flcaherton. Mr, nnd Mr«. P. Loueks and Miss A''era are spending n week with frieftdi in in ColUngwood and Elinvale. Sproulo, CroKsloy & Co. are receiving d^ily a larye quantity toiiuttoes, oranges, lemons, peaclies, pears and pluma, and selling at lowect prices. An -Xdininslrator's .sale of farm stock tnd iinpleinents will be held on lot 17, am. 2 S. W. T & S. road, Arteinesia, on Saturday, Seit. 5, at 10 o'clock. See bills for particulars, W. J. Caswell, ad- iiiiivtstrator ; R. J, Sproulo, auctioneer. Mrs. John Ce'lamy met with a liad accident on Sunday wliilo driving near liiistofje. A boy w:is drivin<{ three horses ,ilon« the road, one of which was blind. Tha liliiid animal ran into Mr. Bellamy's bug-^y and struck Mr.s.BeUani;-, cutting her forehead sliybtly. She has nlwui recovered, hovover, but the shock to her nerves was not a pleas vnb one, Mr. Rubt. JfcGowan, miller, kto of Prieeville, died at Toroii'o,aged 74 years. The funeral took place last week at Dur- ham. The deceased gentleman leaves the following sons ♦and daunhtors : â€" lohn, William and Mary, of, Durham ; Robert' at Rockmart, Geoigia ; Mrs. Lawdon' Toronto : and Mrs, Tuiikin, (Jshaiva. Rev. J. M. Simpson gave a free lecture on Monday eveuixig to a small audience in tho Methodist church, the subject being "God's Nation." Of course the English speaking races were identified as lhi>se referred to. Mr. Simpson was entertain- ing and instructive, and ic is a pity that more did not avail them.s-ilvos of the op- portunity to be present. The Advance understands that Mc- Farland and Rit-hards will not reopen their busintss in Dundalk, which was burned out recently. Mr. llicliard.s is negotiating fur the purcha.so of another bus;ness. Richie Bids, of Orangevilla will take iMr. Hicliards' place in Dundalk and open out in ilie Nixon 1 luck. The rebuilding of the Bell Iduek is again under way. Sir. aad Mr". Corrigaii returned from their wedding trip last week and have taken up their rcBidenco in tho house re- cently occupied by the former on lot 31, con. 4, Artemesia. Mrs. Cin'riyan wi.shes to aniiouiice that sho will be in a IMj.sitioii to receive her lady friends on Wednesday, Sept. Sth, between the hours of two and three o'c'ock p in. The Scottish Concert Kinnematoovaph Co. gave a clioice entertHininent in the town hall on Friday evening to a huge audience. The aliair was under the auspices of the Presbyterian church Ladies' Aid and nettcrl a fine autii for the cliuroh. Miss Mary Burnett as a vocalist was appreciated here and the moving pictures wero very tine. The audicMco was so thoroughly pleased that by re(iuebt a repetition of the entertain- ment was uiven on Saturday evei.iii'i with a change of program. Miss Burnett sang at the afternoon service in the Presbyterian church on Sunday, her selection being " Lead Kindly Light." The shingle mill belonging to Messrs. W. and T- Phillips, which tlirse boys are operating near Loueks' mill on the valley Kiad, wa.s. burned down on Friday after- noon last. Tha Bre was first noti'ied about 3 p. m. The mill had been in operation that forenoon, but both prop- rietors were aw.iy at the time of the tire. Some hundred doll.ir's woith of stock was also burned. While the .saws were de- stroyed the machinery can still bo made serviceable and the rejuvenating process isin oper.ition. The boys had made the last pRyment on their mill the previou.^ evcnii.'.'. There was i.o insurance. Ii is hard lines, but the brothers are r.ot of a kind to sit down and " ciy over spilt milk." They will tackle tho old cow a$;ain. It is not a pleasant .sensation, while sleeping soundly in your stateroom on our great lakes, to be awakened fro.ii deep slumber by a bump, bump, scrape and bump, not knowing whether you are one or twenty miles from laiid, and supposinij that you are on the rocks. This was ;ho Advance man's experience last week. The steamer Windsor loft Little Current bstweep 9 and 10 o'clock Tuesl.ay ni^ht . A heavy tliunder storm wan raging ovt r tho water and the night was black as ink. When about five miles from the Currtnt, and one iiii'.e south of Strawberry l>Kbl, the vessel ran into a large raft of loo,<; which hail beenleft in the steamboat chan- nel wiihout proper lights. She crossed the lirst booiu logs and wormed her wajr t!iroui(li the raft to the opposite siilu' where she stuck. The crow got out a life- boat and rowed back to Little Current where a tng was secured and the Windsor was released with milder bruken oll'above water line, one flange of her wheel gone and another damaged. The tug was ordered to bring her to Owen .Sound and essayed to do so, but Wediioi-day niuht, while crossing the channel not far from Lonely l-tlanil, the tug's machinery be- came disabled and fr.un that on the dis- abled steamer towed tho tng, while tho tug stoored the whole outfit. It was a choice experience, but one that would not liear repeating very frequently in ours, tliauk you. Saunders â€" W bitten A very pretty, but quie t wedding took place on Tuesday afternoon of hist week at 3.40 p. m., when Miss Ethel Millicent V\ bitten of Tcironlo, daughter of Mr. Ed. Whitten, Flesherton, was united in mar- riage to Mr. J. Saunders of Sarnia, formerly of Toronto. The ceremony mis performed at the residence of Rev. J. B. Kenedy, M. A., 171 Arthur Street, Rev. Darnicks, pastor of Beverly st. Baptist church, and also the Rev A. White wero present. The bride looked very pretty, ijowned in a white silk dress trimmed with white laco. Mr. and Mrs. Saunders will oooupy their new residence in Toronto. Hi /^^â- 9r^.^. ^^^^ IT. J. SHEPPA ^ ._ Hi a; Hit Hi Hi Hi Hi Hf iki Just Arrived This week fifty piece of .slinker.s Flannel, 30 pieces wrap^erettes, a p;ood ."^upply of .shirting- iintl cottonade,. Owing to a disagreement l)e- tween some of the large' mills, a fight arose between them on the price of shakers and wrapperettes. The result was some bij^ cuts in prices for al)out tAvo weeks. That fight is over now and prices have again advanced, but we were lucky enough to buy when prices were low, and we are prepared to give you sonic of the best values in those lines ever shown. Now is the time to buy. Oil Cloths '.:: â- â- >'-'.'i<ir''-: h The Meaiord High School Tlie managpineiit of the Meafoi^ Higli Soliool, iti mailing their annual atmounj^^niunc, wish tu state that tlio school Ims l)een a^aiu very sue- oOBBflil ill its voar's worlt. EIGHTV-SKVliN Pfi]il CiiNT. of atl rocouimunded passed tile various examiiiationH. Tile excoHont reputation of this np-to-dato school lor teaetier'a cortilicate wcrlt has more tluin been suRtaiiiud. In 1002, '2-2 out of 28 olj- taiiied Part Il.Jiinio,- Leavius certiticqtos; this year the per centHKe was oven bettor, viz.. Hi (Jilt of to. As a further illii.stration of tho worlt douo by its e.xi)eriunced staff, wu may state tliati four out of tho sixteen sneeessful candidates obtained their eeitificates on one years atteti*- daueo at tl'e scliool, and one Senior Leuvin{4 candidate paai-'ed botli Parts on seven uioitths attendance. There is no form of e.Kaininatioii \Tork done bvtht large t Coll, lust, that this four-master Hifih School is not successfully doing. All [larents, teaelun-s nurl .';tuiIo;its who would lilio a copy of the Iinndsoinely-illustratod pros- pectus for"l!)e;i-JlK}4. wliitrli in addition to being a beautiful souvenir of Meafordhigh Fchooi and its worli, is also a conipeiiiliu-.u of us, ful in*- forniatiou to all the various oonrsos of study for 11104 and of the latest educational chan;.;' 9 of vital interest to every teacher, tin's year and tlie yea»"s to cotne, can have one bv sending name and address eitlier to the Princir-al, J. T^. CernwcU H. -A.. orto.-V. .McK. (Jamerou, .Scc'y- treua., lleaford, Out. »-M9h4-« Eleven ci|ttle dealer's' including .several from towns in Bruce Co., have issued a writ for S-Ij,000 damages airainst tho Grand Trunk railway. • The charge is dis- OMminatiog against the Union Stock Yaids at Toronto Junction in favor of the Tnronto cit}' cattle marki t. In the business of the transportation of cattle to the western market the railway mar- ket has praetieally no competition, and tha shippers claim that in the eli'ort to maintain this innnopoly tho company has discouraged in every possible manner the ciinsigninent of cattle to the Junction yards. When tho Union Stock Yards opened, tho raihviiycompany llatly refused to receive consignments to this market, but this .'iction was disallowed by Hon. A. G. Blair, the Minister of ]{.til,,ays, tu whom thesUiipper and the owners of the Junction yards appealed. A few days ago we were shown a vary strong evidence of h.jw fires saimotnnes originate from a "cause unkno.vn." J'din Livingston had been up to Dornoch, and ^vhile speaking to Mereh.'int Hunt be was shown a box nf inatches. .The briins'ono was burned froiri every niiilch in the bnx, and as the matches were of ihe kind that goes oil' with a flash, they may have bjon frightened away. Ir, was fortunate, h.>»v,-- evar, fur Mr. Hunt l;bat the wliolo place didn't uo up in sinnke, A cireiim.-ttauce like this will seta person thinking, and to us it seems a teiniirlerof the necessity of keeping ina olies away frmn -inicp, in a metallic box or lit her safe place. We ex- iimined the box and have Mr. Hunt's testimony as to tho genuineness of the occurrence, â€" Durham Chronicle, Sam uelSinitn, a respectable mail ofab'Ut OOyeais, was l he victim of a terrible ac- accidenl-, which took place on the out- skirts of v)weii Souiirl on iVIonday, He was hauHngI a load of Uunber w ith a hoi'se and WBgou and was gcrjngdown tho bill when lln; accident happened. The n 'ise .as of a runaway attracted the alLontion of a lady near by. who invest igatiul. and found Mv. Smith horribly crushed be- tsveeti Ihe rout axle of the w.igou and a tree, all one .side of his bead and face b •- ing ciusheJ rdmost to a jelly. His left iirm Wjs broken above tho eibow, and the limb which had been conip';otely severed from the body, wa.sfouod some thiity feet iway wi'.h part of the shirt and coit sleeve around it. No one witnessed the teiriblo accident, but it is ; opposed lliiit tiie de- ceased had ihe line wound around his arm when the h.jrse lari, after the col- lision with the tree, as this would acoiint for the member being torn away. Co Consumsjtives^ T!>e nmleffligiied liavinK been rcrloreil to health by fliiiiplo iiieams uIt,M- .utferhiR for sev- eral vcara witn i.evero lung nifecuior. «nd th-.t dreaii disease conjiiimptfon, is A:i^;<jitn to i,ml;o kr.nwu fcu his feUow su(Terei-s tlio tnenns nf cnro. To ihosp who dufiiio it, he will cheerfully send (free of clmrgel a copy of tho |iroscri;»t,on iisml. which thev will nnd ft fiure eiire (or con.4ttmp- tlnn. asthnia. catarrh, bronchlUa anit all thrust and lung inala<lie«. Hu liopes all pufferers Kill try hiB rcmedx . ar, it i,< invnhinblo. I'lioBedt-str- ing ttjo iM-e«cription. which will coHt;thoin nutti ing ftiirl niny provo & blosfiinri, will plea^te ad dresF. Kov. UDWAKD A. WlLsON. BrooUvD, 1 Haw Vork We got in this week a full line of floor oil cioths.also table oil cloths in all widths and in good patterns. i^ Boots and Shoes We have received another ship- ... mentof J. D. King & Co.'s cele- • brated boots â€" a good stock of .• ; ; 'â-  Men's and Ladies' Goodyear welts , , v.. , .'., to pick from. ..,. .j...... ._ Ready=to=Wear Clothing... Our stock is full of good .suits for ' Men and Boy'.s, We carry a largo assortment and can give you value in any line. \^ in \^ 0) Ht Ht Hi iki Hi Hi â€" == H^ IHiHinCfy To be clearetl now, regardless of cost, (^ ^ so any lady wanting a hat can get one at her own ^â-  Hi ' , Pi-'ce. Hf iii : Hf Hi Hi Hi i^f \i/ Hi Hi vl> Hit \^ Hit Hi Hi \^ \^ Hi Hi Hi Hi Hit Hi/ H$ Hi ill HH Hi/ Hi Hi s Hi FLE SH:E JRTOISr vM .__ Headquarters for Wf >â-  Paints, Oils. OO 9 To those who Itavc painting to do remember v.e are head tiuartcrs for Pur8 White Lead and Paint Oil We have also adtletl this sea.scn the best ; ; ' Lnbricatin}.;' Oil to be got in the market. What we keep you will find the best. W. E. Richardson. Flesherton Farmers! »â-  . «- T*rcparc for a diw summer and sow the fanious Essex Sowing Rape. Anticipating your Needs W. J. I'tmglass & (A), have a gocd stock of tlii.-' fanioun.-* Egli.sh llape â€" pure and fre.sh (notolil stock) but guaranteed no\v stt)ck, bought for spot cash aiul we are giving our custonicrs the benefit. We have also • good stock of choice Compton's Early Corn North Dakota Wliite Hint and Giant Prolific Sweet Ensilage, all bought for spot CJi-sh. • Wc Si)iicit your patronage for pure Drugs, patent medicines, garden and fiehl seeds, oil cake Mid house plants in bloom. ALL NEW STOCK W. J. DOUGLASS il A CO. wfc.A.

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