Flesherton Advance, 27 Aug 1903, p. 8

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\ Al'(7UST 27 1903 THE F L E S H K 11 T O N ADVANCE r Den'tVOn (Uant a ne dor your l^orse a Tlvl orse ? We have just received in stock ft fine selection of tbeui, also Wliiips Axle Ox*ectse andL Va.lioes (riva us a call utul see the woiuI(;!'f'ul display \vc have 1<M'3'{)U to pick liom. REPAIRING DONE PROMPILY l-J-KSUEUTON R. KINNEAR & SONS MAXWELL V\/'e do not purpose Giving you any ulabomte or lun;; wiiideil rijiisdii an to \v!iy wis can anil will yii 11 j<ju till! very lioHt vnliiy for ymu' nii)mjy,Sii(tice it to say, we luve tlio iiglit goocU III I 111) right priceH. Come K.itl See I lin- Stock of Fl.inuelutt-s, Dre.=3 Prints iinJ Muslins. Cotton, Oottonades «ud Blue Dcrry. Now For Jem Jars Wc hive tiioniiit wIioIosIm pricoij Come ami secure ii dozun while they last. For th? Men We have Hnkes, Forks, Spaden, Shovels, Hues iiml Hanillei of .-ill kinds and thi- one tivine, "I'LYMUUTH " Any por.sim wi.shiug to not ii MostMi.ST cin leave tiieir orJor hern and ire will fiiiward it to the inanufuelurer, Wnlkc'i iJios. of Collinj^Hiiod, therefore wiving .ui agent's Connnission. K. I-^ I N N E JL K War ! War! 9 Out of Every 1 lias t!it.'^ tcrrilile diseaau in the Head 9 out of every lo 9 out of every lo Aro loainf; their Hair Has Diindnill' V.'K (iOARAXTEETO C'JUE UOTU Flesherton Tonsorial Parlors. TaniwortlT Hoar t< >r Service. Alvin ( No. 72S J Th'.? 11 1 liiisi{|iied lias a tlior<iiii.dilirefl Tani-,v..rl,li. lioar bred hy .fohu liell, of Anihe;-, Ont., for servic..- on la 170 con. 2 iO. 'I', it S. II. Terms 81 00. ISji.ly!-. Iliohard .M'un, {''lealurio.! Tlv>rouKlibred Durham Bull for ', Service Cord mintOf 2^063. Tlin iiuloriisiin"! I,m ft Unn nfii'l Diiilmin llMl fo;- f;-, m^MOll lot HI. r. iviKl S. n. l.-rniy • '. f.ir yni.iu â- â€¢nwi. * i for tlloroiiRli. Di'ocin. !''•.. ii;ifii nil mn liciilion Bi'siNKss Cakds M'CVLLOVOH A YOUNO Hanker Murkdale Do a ({eiierAl baiiklug busiuuts. Money loaned a I'oasoaaUla miv Cull ou us. AS VA.N'DUHKN, J V Cluik 5th Div Court, Co Oroy HHiior of Murrlage blcensea, Conveyancer Notary rublio Auctioneer. Money to loan 4i iior cout. CbargeB uio'lurate. FLEKMEllTON P O R J BPnOULR Podtmaater, FleBhertoil oOujinlHsloDor In H. C. J., Auctioneer Con royaucur, Ain>raiaer aud Money Lender Ileal Untato and Inauranco AKent. Ueeda rJortwogeB, loaHoa and wills carefully drawn up aiil valuations niado on shorteHi iir.tico. uioucy to loan at lowest rates of IntBVDBt. Col uctioiis Httoudod to witli iiromntnesn cUar^.es low. Agent for Ocean Dominion Micaniship Comimny. A call Bolicitcd. Societies A O U W meets on tlio last Monday » in oacii month, in tlieir loilRe room, (-Inistou's lilock. Floiiliorton.at Bii.iii. M.W Hobeit liost; Recorder, .las. riOsttm.I ; I'inan- cier, Wm. Uol.amy. VlsltiBg biethrtn iLvitod. pniNCM AIlTriTU I,OD(m, No. M.i.A. <• A M. meets iu the Uiisoiiio hell. Ktiain's blocli, Kjcnhtrlon, every ifrlday on or before Uio full luocn. KH WHickling WM. Char. -Mnualiaw, riecrotftry. noUKT FLKSHERTCV, I. O. F. meets in " Cliriatou'H hlook the last Kridav evciiinn oach month. ViiitinK Fotoster.n lieurtil? rolcnmo, C.H., C. W, Hollamy ; Ii. i'., W. Hiiskin ; Fln.Boc.Ur K. .Murray I Piiy (lues to Dr. Murray on or before last day of each month.) Medical r\R CARTKR rfi„. '\'^ ''.* ^ Ont. Phyeician, .SnrKoon, etc Olllro an,I resideuco-Petor St., Pleslimtou 25 ^"- ';• '^0.,".'^*^J''-'P''y«i'='an, furgton •"'-^ etc. Fl.iihorton, Out .â- ."»fa<-ju Oia CO aiKlIloBidenco, Colliu^wood strint, one w «•">'â-  I''<'f'>.vteriau church. MavbL-fcu d tlicre day aud mght. Coroner for CuiiiAy " f SCOTT. .\Nn SOFTLY •Int^vin^J-'"'','""''. Colloffo Physic. * Snrqoono Onlauo Graduate lu .Medicine of Toion'o ato uiic.jl School and Hospital. Ciiienco trrt'efi" "' ''^'''' "•"â- â-  "'""' »"" "»°'^' "l^'-^i""?' H. .SOFTLY, JOHKA. SCOTT. I'ovoraham. -axWell T P OTTi-nVRLL Veterinary Sursoon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary Collepe i.VM.ieuco - saoond door south ^ west on street rjus sontli Miuy street. This i ro.Hbyterian Church. fj_ V.IL.^o.N A po.s «ociati„n'''"'ir'".'''""' ^'"'erinnry i^cienco sue J-, ivT,'-""."": '>">-ln'n' 'treot, op ).>!to iu.jd, Hickhug's Imrdwaro. Legal J. W. FROST, L L. II. I.urnstor, Molioitor Conveyaacor. eto omco-Npxt to postoUice, Sp.o„I,,'h block vVi n,?"' V">/l'''">»'la and. eoiat , ays â- Poi'irt'^'i^-'eerrt'. ""'"'• ^^-^""^ "'-" r ccAM, wr.roHT a. mpardlk " ntiniBtors Solicitors Conviijancers, etc w'^.T'T.""""""" «o"'"l-Ont and Mark lalo Out N Ii -I'loslierton oOico, MitUiclIs liuuk svcry Saturday, YJACKAV. ^SAMPSON .Barristers, solicitors, ir 1 ,,.",''i'.' 'â- '":.""""'""' Sfuuit, Moi-chnnfs HaiiU UM)i;k, N. of I'att^osou Houee. l;iiiu1alk Bin Street. every Hhturdiiv ST'inijv to loiiu nt U per r.-iit A. fi. m.a(:kav,.\i a , ii.i; 'sA.MP.-.n>;,L.L.D Flcihcrtou and AlwavM in ittciidniicn IluudalU liivision Courts Dentistry rvR. R C. MURRAY, L.D. p. dnr.ta; Mirooon «-' hor.o' ifin.liiKte i.f Toronto i:iih.,rhitv nud Unwl ColU.Ke nf DliiIkI S.nacnio. rf (MiVnvIo n:il.fâ€" Oi>po.tit.. SrTii,,iioni;'s .lewillery Ktore' Will %lnit Ma.wvi-ll ti,,' iHSt \V,..lncsilav of oncli nioiitl'., ami OuiHinlk 1 nn.1 :i Tlnirsdav in i.'irli tic ..fit. ^ fef:fe^::.K&KAK 1^ ^w K^Mtlfit^tUiAJl .J I PECULIAR TO MEN AND WOMEN It is 3.id to contemplate the tinfortutiate condition of >o many men of I our day ojid ({enerotion. At 30 they feel SO; at 40 they <eel 60, and at SO when tliey should be in the very prime of life, they are almost ready for the Rrnve. The fire of youth has gone ont, the fountain of vitality is exhausted. Trcmattue old ago I No matter what produced it, whether I evil liabits in youth, later excesaes, or buaineaa worries, the one thing f .'>r yon lo do is to get back the vim, the vigor and vivacity of manhood! Tor. 't lose your gnp on life. There are yet many happy, golden yeani for you if you only get help. We can and will not only help you, but ' cure 3-0U to stay cured. Curing diseases and weaknesses of the nervous I Rr.'X .aexnnl rystem has been our exclusive business for the past 30 years, during which time we have cured enough fallen men to make an army. Ol'R NOW MBTHOD TREATMENT will rastore lo you what you have lost. It piiriEea «nd Mrichca the BLOOD, strengthena the NBRVES, vitalizes (he scroal organs, checks all unnaturar drains and losses and j I fits a man for the active duties of life. Gur99 Qumrmnto9tl or Ho Ptiy, DrsKENNEDY&KERGAN f 4t8 Shoti^ si»v ometr, miGM» SS Teave *a Detroit. a«0,000 Casrctf. ••ak Bevaarltr. Divine Healing Tu the ICdiUjf uf Tlif Ailmiiire Deak ijiK,â€" Soniu ihl'ec wui ka ai.'U on artielu was pubtislied in The Advanuu critieixiiiy .loliii Alexander Donio nlid ht8 »'nya. Ueferencc was inad" lliereiii tu at) institution in Quebec, «inuu which H fuller dvHCriplioii h.is been received. This \m Bonne St. A.ine, the uiotlier of the Virgin, whose shrine at IVaupre i» the Mecca of thoiiuiiidK of ulUioted. It is claimed that nt the annual fe.tHt uf this (taint, recently held, a dozen or more miraculous cures were worked. For in- stance, a snir rer from erysipelas, who had been a cripple for si.xteen iiionths, was given the n.seof Iiis limbs ; a woupin accidentally crippled was reported cured ; a deformed boy was etiablid to dispense with his supports ; a marlyr to rheunia- tisni obtuiiitd relief ; a blind woman par- tially recovered her Ri<;ht. and many olliuis of a like nature were leported. OUIOIK of TUE SJtItlSK. Two centuries ai^o Canada was a land of iniracl'js, and the ho.sta of heaven were always ready to lend a helpiip,' h uid. The Breton nuiiiners mvokod St. Anno when wind and wave threatened their de- struction. .hi«t below <,)uebec city, where the tide and curri'iitof the St. Lawrence meet, their lierci'st conflicts occurred, a.ssisted by contrary winils. In their ex- trenii'y tlipy vowed u saiictunry to St. Anue. c«iiditional on her timely assist- ance. It was built, and the s^tory is told how a num got hurt and disabled, and how lie became cured so that l-.o iniglit asai.st in builJini; the cliapel, and hovv' ever iifterwaid the saint work od curis a;:d mir.tclos on the ."pot. This in the conimon and orlhodo.v history as rulu'ed and lielievcd iu by the iiihal.itania of Quebec. But more potent still nro the re)ii-M of this mii.t Leva!, the tiist bishop of i\'tw Fianco, l>r<'sented to this parish the llnyer Im ues of St. Anne. The };reat- e.sc treasuio, however, is the portion of .saint's v. rist, si-nt to (/aiiada l.y Pope Leo N-lIT, who recently died. lis citi caey i-. I'le wonder of millions. To have it rulibed n^^iiiist the body aftiicted with disease is the object of nniny a pilt'rini. The bono is .sealed in a metal cafo »iih a <;lfiss f'-ont, and v,-hile the hcalino process • is beii!^ done tlie patient is praying to the taint, and believing' that relief is mar. Many a one throws away his crutches with joy 10 find, porh.ap.';, ho is disapiiointod, or that be is enablid to do always without them. Are these cures real or iinauiuaiy f It is cer'ain that he believes that St. .\r.ne'K tuialive poweis are iiuninn us and real. In ths church of Si . Anne are reserved fhou.s- aiid.i of erutehes ,iiid aids to the crippleJ â€" mule testimonies to the aid received. It is not pretended, however, that the saint heals everyone. Some aid, per- hap.«, may fail. There are also pipia and (lasks as evidences of cure fi'oin tobacco and whisky habits. It is true thacDowie does not pretend to hive the wn.st bone of St. Anne, but it is truo tl.at niiitj evidences of cure by v. ay of 3rutcho><, i!to. , aie in evi- denee with him \ery similar lo Iho shrine of St. Anne. Hut instead of a bonethere is Dowie himself, the .self aopoiniod K!ijah, with all the ylainor that o.-itenta- t!on can eoniinvnd, with nttcrances de- cisive and coiiiinandiiiL; and silly peo|ile believe liini lo be really endowed with a'luost suiiernatiir.tl powels, and hence he proves in many instances a fuicrum for their faith, and are healed, if one be- lieves what is leecrded Cnt the j.reat error is in attrihutin^ such cures to (iod. Divine healii.y, Dowie calls it. It is just lis nniuli so as those cured at the shrine of Si. Anne, "ud no more. No sane man can believe that God would endow a man with the tift of healiii!> out of wliof-e month proceed b'e>8iny and cursint^, .tikI whose powers were co: centiation in a^- grandist-nieiit of the lucre of this world. 1 recollect, when livini; in Eiiglai-.d, the yreat jiroininenee giv< n lo the* virtue pos .sessed by a seventh son for he.iting pur- pose, and it is lu't <iuestiono'J but cures wi re ellecteil by them. These were <'n- tirily upon the same principle, viz., faith- on iho part of the invalid. Since writing the above Iliave received a leiiythy coinmuupintion from the same laily refened to in my last, which I could nd piint without her coi..<(ent. But Dowie has her so li.\ed that her mind is tniiieuetrablo to anythino but Dowie. In reidv 1 r. niiidid her of her husband's dHU..hlir wlui ricently died in the west The dear gill, whom wo knew so well, wanted to b\e foi ihe sake of hor two I lovely b..y.-, and eoirespoiidcnce Was had «iliZi II. (joil in his healini! |iowers is not lonlined to lime or jdace. Sim was inviicd t'l /iini, bi.t f.ir .some reamn did not go. How far did the supplieaMon of these proplu (Zion folk ! houj;h they Wore) r. aeh the tar ot (.'od for llnir child ) She died ! When Bowie's own daut^hter wa.'i liuriied .seieiely how far did Bowie's player reiieh in liiaven with all Zioil combined / She died also I When any- one fads of cure Dowie attributes it lo the devil or *oino other influence. As if Hich infliienees were yreater t.!ian (Jod \ N d not sho kino, that in this tweiitietn > ent.irv so unmy are deluiltHl .' There are other plnues of faith cun-a cipially liilienMns, snuli as Mrs. Eddy's followers. Christ. an Scenists niid Minrs 1 forget. 1 hive 1 1 iod I / K^ K . . K K ^ K K cS K 1 ilraw a pielnrc of Elijah ine ii.-stoipr. Inn have iiitmsurNbly failed. Thut he is • f a Ttry eoriiplex rhsruc'er I one wi I deny. Iiis " Leavea ot ll.aling." of which ho is the autlinr, is a ^\ inpo-ium of biag and self-sdiilntion to fiilsoinune-s. lis advert iNHineiits f<ir money eipials any atock broker of our eiiie.^. .\nd this m Kbjili, whom <>ihI his anoiiitiid as the ISen'orer I r>o you • •ulii ve il ? Ilow oeiild Jiny one but a sinifdcton believe Huch Kriitf. I am told that ai^enileinan atayine in town visited Ziun recently tuaec foi tiiin- elf what their doinws were and ti.eir uiodes of healii>g,und his conclusions were veiy siniiliar, if not IJentical, wiih those atHied i'l liiy comniunicntionH, Orwit in- ducep'en's arc held to settlers for Zion. YmQ cannot i>ct -x deed for your plot, only a ase for 1100 years ! In order to be- come .-I nie'"'i«ry"u laiist be rel;a|>tised by iiomursion, »••<) receivo three dips instead of one M ria't'ted by other hixbes. {)• o is led lo tliiuk »\v\ iigk, wherein lies the ' difteiencu ( That Dowie niys some ara*! things, and e\»c'« aoiue whole.i'onie prov- j isop.s, is not J.-nied ; they .nre a nocess-iry i adjunct for bis purposes t-o suppnit the ccdulity of the people, without which liis institution wimld sudde.ily coUapsp. The simple thereby are misled ; others are drawn to Ziou for opposite purp'.ses, trmle, invest nicilt and the like and for, the present Elijah glories in his successâ€" ; but how long i \V. S. 0. I I f.J i The Markets. Carefullv i-'orrei- cd Each IVeck Wool. Oats.. Teas. Wheat IJ.'.iley Butler Eogs fresh Bork Chickens per pair DuL-ks per pair . . Tuekeys per lb. . , fieesc per lb Hay Potatoes ha;;. . . . 14 to 27 -o 55 o (55 to 45 to 14 to Vi -f. 7 50 to 25 to 40 to lij tc Bj'o 6 00 to 75 -M 10 ?li oa G5 4.1 14 12 7 60 50 GO 15 10 (â- â-  Oo 80 Beauty and Utility Though worn as a necessity, a beautiful eye -glass artistically fitted is a facial ' ornament We -will fit you with a frame best adapted to your features, W. A. Af mstros^g, - ? MEWELCR AND CPTilCSAM. TiioKoicur.iiKn m uhah Bull vXHi iScrv'iee For service on lot IW, ;i fi. W. T. c'; S. K., .\rteiin!»ia, tiie thoroujihbred Durham Bull '• tlotel liov," No. :iGCi')b. bred by Couu .via.?.) Durham. I'edigreoou aiiplicatiou. Terms c"! M'esi.i-iv ]ii;.=r.ix. P D, McXAVISH iii[ mwm mi \ Billiiil For First Clasi Bugi,'ioi, Cart.s, Pleasure and Lumber W agon.s, cutters, Slei|.4hs. We keep a stock on hand to choose from. ALSO HORSE SHOEINQ AND GENERAL BLACKSMITHINO antl uuaranleo lir.^t class work. V.'e keep on hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and .ilso Massey- Harris and Noxon repairs for binders, Mowers, 'ill kiiida If maehinoiy, also Binder Twine, on hand. » mhen in town giw us a ea!l « flj5l>e?i33i Furniture i Weare cirryiug the newest styles of scnsonablo goods in all lines of Furni'lure, consisting of: Parlor and bedroom suits, lounges, si.leboard..!, extension and centre tables, chairs, window shailes and curtain iH)les, picture-", easels, etc.. Which we otter at LOWSET PRICES lilid â€" FOR â€" Lumber, Lath, I'ictnrc Framins and General Ro pairing. t'ndertakin/ in all its branches. Satisfaction guarantec't. W. rt. Bunt, - - Prop. Shingles, Flnoring. We have just placed in position a new planer and matcher and aro prepired to furnish building inaturial in all tiic ubovt lines. Get our quotations when you want anything. HickUng Bros. 81 h 0. '11., iVrtemosia â€" Maxwell P. O. July, '03 ^ . . FOR FIRST CLASS CARRIAGES AND PLOUGHS . . ^f Heard's Works, Flesherton We have Cuttei's, Sleiglis,Bug}^ies,Wa<jgons and Carts J*')enry, Dynient Butterficld antl Wilkinson ploughs Share>» and repairs of the best quality. Spring tooth and Iron harrows. ALso first class handmade harness. ^ l^orse Shoeing and General Blacksmitbing* 8 I :, '^HOllOUGHllRED 8H0HTH0EN Eugenia Planing b«ii for service Mills Get your Sa.'^h, Doors Flooring, .Sheeting, New- ell Posts, Dallnstens, Cor- ner lMocks,TIand Kailing, the best of Spruce Lath, No 1 and No. '1 .Shingli\s, Veranda and Fitting,8id- ings, etc. Ttirning of all kinds done to order. New nii^ of stones for chop- Satisfaction in all ping, our Hues gnamnteed. Walker Sk)an PROPRIETOR For sorTi'co nn lot lai, T. *t B. Tt.. .^'-toajesla t li« thoi-oit;;hl)r«(t Diirliao) buU '•GENERAL GORDON" Roan calved April 0th, IIXW, bred by Arthur Johuston, Vaudoteur, Ont. (tot bv IvuiKlit of (irey, et7»I.Uaui,laihtre â- ."9th.27;i7r..l)v Sir Walter, I.'lVi?â€" l.u»tre 2C<ti-ll».ai. l>y Viliturar, loop.) W!.'!. Ladv Violet Lustre limp. Iâ€" eisl, bv Royal Hope IKiSlil, Lustre 19lh by Montrose (:H«7:ti- oxford Lustre, t>y t.'itb Duke of t->xford, |-2377i»i~ Lustre .'itti.bv Pri.ice Arthur im^liâ€" Lustre :ird, t>v .^InKUuiu Horiuie na277l -laistre Ist, bv lilu<Mii^bui v I'.IUT.'iâ€" Luviie. bv ind Duko of Northumberland |:MC.)â€" Rluo Hell, bv llachklor (li»«)â€" by Snilan lUKM. bv Notlli Star (tJSI. Termsâ€" #1 for ijradcs. iS fur thoroushbro-ls. 1 Auk. WM. DAVU, Proprictar Farm for Sale T*ot2f», pon 7, Kn|>hrft«ift, onn hui>''ro3 ackm, W cl*!Arfil, tr.-o fi AIU4 banii*. •â- hoti, kIiooi* hou. htn: I't't , two fi'Kinv )u>ii»«»>i, KO<>d civlinr^l.iiuvdr'- tftiliMR »>i>iiui'. ('«>iiv«nient tocliurch an 1 M^hool. Aboiit cV^t inilvi) from M«Afor<). Ornvl tin- l>r«tTt>il fRrui. ami a Bini> for th«* Hnht nuu. AtK HAf on iTviiiiM-ior to John A\UCttlkxN Uftut>icl'.0. € â- ^i*i»i!a(iiw««»*'»*"*^'"' ktfWMilMii

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