*\ V- J I â- \ I i J â- < XHIBITION NOTICES THE GREAT "COMFORT SOAP" EXHIBIT That Comfort Soap is "all right" with the public, and is used "all over" the Dominion, is evidenced by the great throng of people to be found at, all times gathered around the exhibit. As usual, the exhibit is one of the most unique and attrac- tive of the Fair. The mammoth cake of Comfort Soap, (the guessing of the weight of which entitles the lucliy one to an elegant Palmer Up- right Piano) is scanned from every possible standpoint. The mantal ef- fort to "size it up" in pounds and ounces, calls a serious expression to ;many a laughing face, for the mo- ment. It costs nothing to giaess; and everybody lias the privilege oi trying for this valuable Piano, which is also on exhibition at the stand. Nineteen other beautiful and valu- able prizes, as consolation prizes, are to be awarded to the nineteen guess- ers next nearest to the correct one- The Mayor of Toronto has kindly consented to weigh the huge cake of Soap at the Comfort Soap exhibit on the last day of the Fair and the result and names of the lucky guess- ers will be published. The exhibit is also made artistic and attractive by the display of many of the handsome pictures and other articles of virtue which are given away as souvenirs for Comfort Soap wrappers. These presents are so much appreciated and sought af- ter, that the llanufacturoi-s have to carry a stock equal to that of many a large departmental store, and the show rooms at 52 Wellington St.. W. Toronto, and at 1676 Notre Dame St., Montreal are veritable Art Emporiums well worth a visit of inspection. Comfort Soap in use, and in popu- lar favor, has no competitor; it stands alone as the great family and Household Soap of the Dominion, »nd its use is rapidly extending to iver>- household in every town and iamlet in the country. It is gratifying to the manufactur- »rs to know, that their etTorts to cake a labor-saving and pure soaj), E soap which is the best economy lor every household use, are being so unlver.sally appreciated, as it is to the millions of patrons who use it, who boneiit by it, and who always jet the beautiful premiums in ex- :hange for the wrappers, which tliey lend in to the ware-rooms at o'2 iVelliiigton St. W.. Toronto. The rapidity with which the d!- mand for Comfort Soap is increas- ing is simply phenominal, and the Company is constantly adding to their factories and facilities, in try- Jig to keep pace with it. As is somstimos tritely said of it. "Its the Comfort of Canada." and Us almost universal use seems to Dear out the happy conceit. SPREAD IIY PENCIJ.S. One of the medical inspectors of ichools in the city of Paris. which listract is suffering from an epidemic Df diptheria, has discovered that Infection among the school children Is principally sprea<i by pencils. These pencils, which are municipal property, ai-e In certain schools dis- tributed to the scholars every morn- ing and collected at night. In this vay one child is constantly getting I pencil which has been previously ised by another child. When it is remembered that children habituallv put their pencils in their mouths, i't Is ca.sy to see how diptheria spreads. The inspector has sent in a report to the authorities asking that each child should have a pencil of his or her own for the future. FELL, TNIX) WRONG HANDS. Some time ago an amorous young man sent a letter to a Cernian lady, and this post.script was added : â€" "That my darling may ma kg no mistake, remember that I wi(l wear 11 light pair of trousers and a dark, cutaway coat. In my right hand [ will carry a small cane and in njy left a cigar.â€" Yours over, Adolphe." The father replied courteouslv, jtating that his daughter had given him authority to represent her at the appointed place at the time igreed ou. His |tost3crlpt -was a^ lollows : â€" "Dot mine son may make tfo mish- dakes. I vill be dreshod in initio Bhirt-sleeve."i: I vill ver in mine right hand a gUih: in luiiie left hand I vill voar a six-.-Uiooter. You vill recog- nise nl^ by de vay T bats you on de head a, goople'dinips twice mid do glub. 'Vnit tor me at de corner, as 1 have somedings important to in- form ,von iiiit. â€" Your fieiit, Honrich MuUer." A little Sunlight Soap will clean cut glass and other articles until they shine and sparkle. Sunlight Soap will wash other tilings than dothes. "^ t-f SCIENCE AND HEALTH. The first application of X-rays to industry is in tanning leather. The use of storage batteries to fur- nish tha entire motive power for an electric road has not been successful. On Thirty-fourth street, in Now York the conducting wire or bar with trol- ley or sliding contact is taking their place. That a great majority of all deatlis occur between 1 and 8 o'clock a.m. was shown by the record of 5,000 cases presented to the British Medi- cal association by Dr. Haviland. Forty per cent, more deaths occur in the fiftli hour of the morning than in the tenth hour. The X-ray operators at Guy's hos- pital. London, where the most ex- tensive use has been made of X-rays in the treatment of disease, suggests that the severe disturbances report- ed by Mr. Edison as coming from the X-rays are really from the ultra violet rays, for in their largo experi- ence in the application of X-rays in skin diseases no such accidents have occurred. ♦ SMALL-SIZED J.\rs SQUAT. Recently the editor of "Chouo- Koron," a journal published at Tok- yo, dotormined to lind out why the Japanese, as a rule, are of lower sta- ture than the natives of other coun- tries, and, after spending consider- able time at the task, he arrived at the conclusion that the reason is be- cause from time immemorial they have been accustomed to sq,uat on mats in Turkish fashion instead of sitting down on chairs, as Ameri- cans and Europeans do. The Jap- anese method of sitting, he says, in- terferes with the free circulation of the blood, and, naturally, prevents the limbs from becoming thoroughly developed. As a proof that he is right, lie dx'aws attention to the fact that the boys in Japan at the pres- ent day are taller by live or six cen- timetres than their ancestors were at a similar age. and he maintains that the reason is because the form- er, when they attend school, are obliged to sit on benches, whereas the latter squatted while they learn- ed their lessons. That the Japanese ought to be taller than they are is the editor's opinion, and he has ap- pealed to the Government to prohil)- it squatting. FOrNTED PAUAaUAPIIS. Silence is an excellent remedy for gos>:ip. The man who gambles picks his own pocket. Wise is the man who doesn't write a truthful story of his life. A man's knowledge is to little or no purpose unless he utilizes it. Wliile a blacksmith may have many virtues, he must have at least one vice. It's an easy matter to master a grief that is doing a stunt at your neighbor's. As a stuttering man always thinks twice before ho speaks, he ought to avoid mistakes. Even the man who lives a useless life may servo a purpose by posing as an cxani;ile to others. The only difTerence between whi'e lies and black ones is that other people always tell the black ones. A man who imagines that he can run the domestic end of the combine better than his wife does is a fool man. In after sears when a woman wants to take the conceit out of her hus- band .she repeats some things ho said during their courlshii>. WALK OF 31,200 MILES. There are now in Milan an Irish j Canadian and his wife, named O'Mal- ley. though the lady is Dutch by : birth, who between 1807 and 1902 claim to have walked round the I world, covering on foot a distance I of .â- il,200 miles without any re- : sources other than such as they ' could obtain as they journeyed. They ' produce no fewer than twenty-seven j volumes of docuBients attesting their wanderings. At present they are organizing in Milan a series of lec- tures, which they hope may yield money enougli to carry them back to Canada. A rolling stone does not make much of an uphill fight. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOCAI, APPLICATIONS, as they caimot reach the seat of tlie disease. Catarrh is a blood or constitutional disease, aud in order to euro it you must take internal remedies. Hall's (Catarrh Cure is talien internally, and acts directly on the blood and mucous I surfaces, tlull's Catarrh Cure is not a ' quack medicine. It was prescribed by 1 one of the best physicians in this cour.- 1 try for years and is a regular prescrip- tion. It IS composed of the best tonics ; known, combined with the best blood i purifiers, acting directl.' on the mucous smfaces- The perfect combination oi the '. two ingredients is what produces such j WDiideriul results in curing Catarrh bicud for testimonials Iree. i'. J. CHKKi'iY & CO.. Props.. Toledo. O. Sold by druggists, price 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. MAN OF M.VNY PARTS. At Wahrenbruck, Saxony, there has Just died a man who occupied at the same time the positions of town clerk, church secretary, member of the Presbyterian Council, rominls- Fioner of llros, fire l<rigade superin- tendent, magistrate, deputy-chief of (Customs, assurance ngen.t, tux aji- ges.sor, commander of the jj^iild,, of anhers, pud president of tho chorrti tocicty. Magistrate ; "Madam, your hus- hnnd charges you with assault." IPonoria. ; "Yes, your worship; I asked him if he would ever cease to love me, and he was so slow at an- sweiing that I hit him iu the eye irith a mop. I'm only a woman, your worship" (tears), ''and a wom- on's life without lovo is a mere blight." SPIDEKS AS AlUSIIirS. Spiders cannot actually fly, but the young of many species are excellent aeronauts. When, on some summer's du.v, these little adventurers prepare to start, they stand on a high point of vantage, facing the wind. Then tho tip of tho tail is rai.sed, and lit- tle spinnerets emit threads which are caught and carried by tho breeze. These vary in length with the weight oi tho spid^^rs, and are buoyant enough to bear their owners aloft for a considerable distance. The glit- tering lilaments which are thus spun, and ultimately settle on the ground and bushes, are familiar to us all as "gossamer." and are produced by many species of these most interesting insects. Somo spiders, again, are ex- pert leupers. A beautiful example of this sort has been found at Sydney, New South Wales. It has a curious flap on either side of its body, which can be extended like a kite or para- chute. Aided by this, it can readily cover short distances, though wo cannot speak of this method as real flight. "How do you pronounce this word, my dear ?" he asked pleasantly. "I-solate or is-solatc '?" "Either way is correct for you," responded his wife tartly. For Over Sixty Years tfn.«. VVINSLOW8 SooTniMo SvRup hn« bteo ufM bj uillior.it of mutherd for ttieir chiUlren wbiiv te«Lbins Itsoobhes thn child, softens the gume. al.nT.npain, cmjtu find coilc. r«sulac«d the sr omnch aud Uowali. and i* the >*fst feiuedy for Di&rrhoia. Twentjr-fl»e centa a botti*i Sold bjdruggista throughout the world, be lure and ;£kCor"Mits. WiNsLow sSvoTaiKO svsiir." 23-71 A queer-looking customer inserted his head into an auction-room and gravely inquired, "Can I bid. sir?" â- /^^pi'tainly," replied the auctioneer. '•vVell. then," replied the wag, walk- ing off, "I bid you good-night." ENGLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT KemoT«9 all hard, soft or callou'od lumrt nnd blenilsbos from hirau4, bloid spavin BUrhB, splints, ring looo, «wecn»y. stirtes •prains. sore and anoUen throAt, coughs, e c. ^avo JJO by uso of ona botts. Wurran'o.i :j»o most wondarful Bleniisli Cure evei kaowD. Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens the water and disin- fects. FASTING SCHOOLGIRL. Miss I?eba Uenjamin. a sixteen- yoar-old juipil of a high school at Colorado Springs, recently concluded a twenty-hvo days' fast, which she undertook "for fun." She only lost ten pounds, and did her accustomed household work during the fast. She is now living on fi-uit juices, fruits, aad nuts, abstains from o set meal, and has abolished breakfast entirely. Flo : "Jack is afraid he can't sup- port mo in the style I'm accustomed to." Dad : "Well, marry him, any- how. I can't keep it up much long- er myself." Minaiil's Liniment Cores Colils, eic, A HUMAN OSTRICH. Dr. Monnior, chief surgeon at St. Joseph's Hospital, Paris, told tho London Academy of Medicine a re- markable case which had come un- der his notice recently. The patient was a stunted, half-witted youth of twenty-two years. Ho complained of severe pains in tho abdominal region, and an operation revealed the pres- ence in the stomach of no less than oight silver teaspoons, a large Ihreo- pronged fork, a aietal name-plate, two drilling pins, a horn comb, .sev- eral keys and nails, and a variety of other small articles, weighing alto- gether 2;?0 grammes. Although it was afterwards ascertained that this miscellaneous assortment of iron- mongery must have been swallowed fully six months ago, the stomach had been practically uninjured. The articles were all removed and the patient is now able to take food, his general condition bfling excellent. No social affair is complete with- out the delicious- tasting The fragrance and rich creamy taste of this tea are peculiar to it alone. EiacK Forty Cents Mixed Should be Witty AsK for Ceylon G^een the R.e<3 Label 401 IS THi MECCA F:R CAMAD1AN3 IN THe PUIUUIT CF KCALTH. FOR RHEUM.\TIS.M, NERVOUS TROUBLES, SCIATICA, LIVER TROUBLES, Or a strong tcnio for run dotvn Mon and V/oman. .^\ BO.\TING, CATHING, FISHING, GOLF, BE.\UT1FUL WALKS, AND DRIVES. Sun ro:f anil Hooi Pramcnilao, 1 0M7 Di«ta:io9 P.iG.'.oi III tsoh Soar. MTitli the old suretyv re:- EooJiet Apply MAtCCLMSCM CRCS , St. Cath=rlnsr-, sr C T. tfy Azcn'.B. TBsestasss uT'^SBsaasss "1 notice that you and Charles no longer play ping-pong. " "No." re- plied the demure dani.scl. "We don't care very much for the game that keeps us at opposite ends of a table." MioafO's Liflimeoi Cofss ll^wMii "AVbat do you think of this lady ?" asked one of the germs Ihnt had been swept up by the woman's skirt. "I am greatly attached to her," answered the other. "In fact, I am one of the most ardent followers in her train. " THE BANN'EU ROUTE. There is nothing more assuring to tho traveler thau his knowledgo of the fact that ho is traveling on ,a lirm roadbed, upon which is laid tho heaviest of steel rails, made true in all their curves, aud that the train which carries him is of tho highest standard of excellence known to rail- roads nnd is being guided to its des- tination by experienced minds. These are the conditions which become ap- parent to the frequent traveler on Tho Wabash Line, and which have made that lino justly famous. Tho Wabash has its own rails direct to the World's Fair Clrounds in Saint Louis. All Wabash through trains stop at World's Fair Station (For- syth) in order to givo passengers an opportunity to view from tho trains the World's Fair Buildings. J. llichardson, Dist. Pass. Agcut, To- ronto aud St. Thomas. Who:i a man does not know what to say. his altitude is often mis- taken for digiiilied s:Ic;;co. lifd'S Li!iii!i3iil ^^ dm lil GG^'S. In after ye.iis wlien a woman wauls to take Iho conceit out of her husband she repeals some of the tilings he said during their court- ship. Minard's Lip,i!ii5r,{ [,^iii Ci^iEio-er. Her Father : "What ! you want to marry my daughter ! Why, sir, you can't support her; I can hardly do it myself !" Suitor (blankly : 'C-can't we join together?" THE tlORHlD MAN. She â€" "No, thank you; I don't care to know him. He is a most detest- able person." He â€" "There must be somo mistake. ICverybody speaks well of him, " She â€" "I don't care. Ho was ono of tho judges at the dog show, and he wouldn't give poor little Fido a prize." We are s^^^^^^- lliom, 'olsof thcQi, Mh.'ii no olh^r tnii;a will Ilnlit Ih-m thej c:n9 lo il*. "Wh-kt v-KcCnet&M" • Thebo«*. fith.ohcilO't. ' Tha'.> our nab-nt po- uniatic paJ 'Iniu. U hot » tho 0'ic»« of the weunJ tOfc-«ha »'> l}M mitli f*.tr play it must lie*!- "k'o" m-y i ft »cil : y^u csji't fcv wons whi'e 30^1 Tcir 't. I*r.u«illfi onlv fr-im THE BEf-T AND T2i;»S .M 1' i!. CO , Hiraia 3ptcl»tl_"*- *^^ ^g'lii"' A»o , Tprâ€" â- '-, ^ BiHiard Tables TKo Beat at the Lowest Prico Write <"OP Ternna RE ID BROS., M'f'e Co.'y 785 King at. W. tmm a oamim* f>olloit«n oI fkUnta Can;t<]A l,f« liuLili^ ToiuaU'. Wrirtfortto' »J»ly PATENTS PATENTS I was Cured of Rhe'.imatlc C!out In- MINAl'uD'R Ll.VIMKNT. ANDUF-W KINO. na!ifa.x. I was Cured of Acute Bronchitis by MINAUD'S LlNI>rt:_NT. Lt.-Col. C. CllKWK lltiVD. Sussex. 1 was Cured of acute Uhcumatism by MNAUD'S LINIMKNT. C. S. BILLING. Markham. Ont, Ste Jacobs Oi t^ cur« Lttmbtt go a nd Sciatica TJk«r« t* no auclk «vb«>4I •• fkll* Prt«*« 35e. knA SOct t-i A young lady, visiting for the first time In the country, wivs alarmed at the approach of a cow. She was too frightened to run, and, shaking hor parasol at the animal, she said. In a very stern tone ; "Lie down. sir, lie down !" ( __^^^^ j "Now, Uncle Nod, Isn't ho Just the i sweetest little cherub In the world'?" I "Well, l.ucy, I don't know much I about cherubs, but as a st^eclmen of j phUn human baby he is certainly a {howling success." Tho only way to have a (lienU is I to bo one. A maximum of talk is a sign ol a iminimuiu of thought. IN ALL COUNTRIES. RIOOUT & a?tIntioki â- B a >â- ._>' '•mr- -^ ^* ''~' To PATENT IMB A V S P F "-'-'CATION. BWl*"^ â- "^ *-"*-• Sand for Handboo* 103 Bay 8t,TCR0NTO on p«Unts *o. â- CHENILLE CURTAINS &nd iUl kindi of botisc llr^ngmg}, a|9o IIGB CURTAINS "^"^.k*. ^^'k^.O.''" Writ* to 118 .ibout your*. UITKM AMEBIOM OYIIKQ Ca, Oax MS, Uontrsal 1â€" i4 Dominion Lin® Steamships Montr«al to Liverpool Boston to Livorpool Lftrff<» %nd F:u;t Steatuli pL Si:,'Krrior uccomxo<3ftU«a .re aiAidfrhipe. 3p«ciftl kttttniion hiM iMhtt given to Ite Sec<wd S»io^i» and TbirilC"tA«« hccoioniodaiion. Foi )f the Cou)p«Dr. or to pusftitger ftftut Ml DOMINION UMB OKflCE^: T StACeS:.. Botloa. 17 sit. ttonwaontSt. Muotntl Poultry,^, ALL KINDS GF TRUITS AnJ Farm Pro- duce g:eneraily» consign if lo us fa 1 wc will i;et you good prices- Butter, Honey, THE Dawson Commission Go., ».« TOROISTTC liMiTW ISSUE NO. 37-03