Flesherton Advance, 10 Sep 1903, p. 4

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S£Pt. 10 1903 THE FLESHERTOM A.DVACNE mawmi I F, T. HILL & CO w^v/<^«wyM£ New Fall Dry Goods. I Slk ^'«: SHi w ^»f w Every day nowwo're placing in stock Cftse after cast) and bale after bale of bright new goods from tlie beat IDiiiiufiicturors in the world,(in their respoctivo lines.) Wherever and wheuisver it's ijoBsible wo save to our ouf>- tomerN thi; middlemen's profits which in the agijiegnte is a very large itfin. This has been ourcustuiii for years and explains the better vuluos wo are ublo to oiler than most dealers. No matter what you ni;vy r('i|Uire you are sure of an excellent assortment here from which lo choose, and the closest prices any businOBs man is able to oflVr you. Llolow 18 a partial list of New Full Goods most of whinli are uow in stock and all of wJiich will bo thoroughly complete withiu .^ho next few days. New Dress Goods Now Trininiinus Now Gent's Suitings Now Ready-to-wear Clothi "K Now lies and collars New Suspenders New Underwear New Shirts New Flannels New Flannelettes New Tickings Now Sheetinija New Cottonades New Moleskins New Shirtings New Blankets New Handkerchiefs New Corsets New Vests New Gloves New Hosiery New Mantles New Capes New Fur Jackets New Caperlues New Millinery New Silks New Safins New Ribbons New Shncs ' ','â- 'â-  New Rub hers New Crockery New China New Glassware Big Sfock and Best Quality Hardware. 'New Stoves • New Ranges Kew Heaters New Guns New Rifles New Ammunition New Revolvers New Enamel Ware New Axes New Axe Handles New Potato Forks New Shovels EAVETROUGHINQ FURNACE WORK Our stock within the next few days will be in the best condition we've ever had it. What's left of Summer Goods will be placed to one sidj though easy of access to and at reduced prices. Next week we'll give in this space an iteniized li.st oi New Fall G'jods. mi^M I : . MARK DALE wftwwi TThe mcmbefs of Parliament will not liave rnaoU surplus left this session after paying for their board and wash- ing. Mr. Tarte appears to be coquottins with tbo CouservatiTe party. That party will do well to ignore his blun- dishiaents. It may be in an UBiioalihy coiulitiou just at proseui, but this {)a[)ur would not prescribe a dose of Tarte-aric acid as a sedative. The Mt. Forest Confederato (Re- law G28, to levy raies for 1903, Mr. Muir I in the chair. The bylaw provides for the followinfj KuniG lo be levied : County rate $2248.90, Township rate »4400, GeniTil school rate §2683.50, the police villiago of Flesherton 8075. Gibsonâ€" Uestâ€" That bylaw 628, to levy rates for 1903, be now read a third time, si;<ned, sealed and entered in the bylaw book. â€" Carried. Muirâ€" Best â€" That the followint; no- counts for gravel used bj overseers on roads be paid, viz., Donald Stewart, $b ; C. McMillan, 7oc. ; John Haney, 85o,; James Oliver, $2.75. â€" Carried Muir â€" MoKonzie â€" That the Ladies Aid WJiUWWUU VVV^tvi iiirwiJi ijlJirtruyjruTru-i Photos â€"TAKEN â€"AT THE Corm) hasa justifiable kick at the of the Presbyterian church be refunded postal regulations. Yes, Mr Confed., the person who is running the postal department aow seems to be an ex- lieriiBonter and newspaper publishers «,|[)[«<;ar to be his especial subject to practice on. Tcrbaps he will tiro oi the fun after a time and settle down to business. If he don't, let's put liis party out and try the other fellows. A uultod press could accomplish it. The Grand Trunk Pacific bill had tio more than been sanctioned when from right and left, we hear of uppoint- ments to the engiiiooriug and other atiiffs. What an array of grafters will be found getting in their "hooks'' in tine geelorioua cuterpiiae for the next live or six years I Unlimited millions M their disposal and tlie poor Cana- dwa farmer to pay the piper. Mil- lionaire lumbermen, hcekis and bloated English Grand Trunk stock- liolders will derive 90 per cent, of the benefit. It's enough to mnite tho God- ditss of Liberty climb down from every pedestal on which she Btaads in this fair dominion aud wail disiually like Ibe Jewish women of old. $1 of amount paid for uie of town hull for Concert. â€" Carried. Muir â€" Gibsonâ€" That Mr. Best have ditches repaired on horscuhoe hill and on the gravel rockd near Noble Lawrence's. â€" Carried. Council adjourned. Entries for Ea.st Grey fall fair are te- ijiuuing to ciiuui in and secretary rfcpie.sts that entries bo sent in as early as posiible m all outricR must be made not later than the day before they are to _be exhibited and judge.l. W. K. Ireland, Owen Sound, has grown a fine crop of poaches this season from sued planted four years ago, and he is now convinced that it is possible to i/row ns Riiod peaches in Grey ns any- whoro else in the world. Cliatswoith is uow tho dignifiod posses- sor of a poliojman who promenades tie cement sidewalk with mnjesty and easy i;raco. Tho citizens of Chatsworlh have desiuuated hiai"oIlief." Flesherton Photograph Gallery are done in first-class style and at lowest ratea. Special attention Kivoii to copying, liabies' photos, a specialty. Pictures framed. MRS BUrtHER iIn!n!nitmi!nui:n:nJtfiKn!n!riIn!n!h!n!n!ii!n^^ Township Conndl The Municipal Council of the Town- iihip (if Ait«niosia met In the town hall, Fleaherlon, oi' Monday, S.|^. 7, 1!M3'J. Tho members were all preseiW, the reeve in the chair, f he miuuteH <^ the se.'sion «if A ujjuKt 3,1903 were read and eonfuin- vd. The folliiwiiig communications were |)rp8ent<-d and read: ilii'klinf> Itros , tiotico that the bridge on ^7t side road, con. 8, rixjuirud noniu repairs, Khi<!h was mforred to Mr. MeKi^nxio ; .-Kcoounts for Vravel duly cerUdiii liy ovpi-soen, viz., W. J. M>illen,7.">i: ; Jam.-s Oliver, 82.70; Don»ld Btewatt, $f> ; John Haney,8$o. TheCounoil weutintocuiumitt««on Dy- Fall Fairs The dates of tho fall exhihitionH in this District are; â€" East Gray, Flesherton Sept. 24-26 tllarksburg Oct. 1-2 Durham Sept. 22 Meaford Sept. 2") Sholburno .... Sept. .TO Duudalk Sept 30-Out.l Khnvale Oct. (1-7 Roclilyn Oct. 7 Fevershain Ocr. 1-2 Arlemosiii, Pricdville, qcI. 8 9 *' Looking back«l see I never saw before." This is the exclamation of satisfied customers. We have fitted successfully stubborn cases that others have failed in. Satisfaction guaranteed. Consultation free. W. A. Armstrong, JEWELER AND OPTIClAXd FLeSHERTON. ARTEMESIA Voters* List, 19O3 NOTIC.r f«lierot)y Eivcn tlmt a court wHl t)o A man to represent "Canada's Grkat- E.sT N i'ii.sKniK.s" in the town of F 1 . E S H E I^ X O N and the surnmiKiiim country, and take nrdrrs f.T Our f>ar<Iy Specialists In FinMT TiiKKs, Small Fki'its, OjlAMKNTVLH, SHKIMIS, R08K.S, ViNKS, SKKO INlT.VTOKS, & O, Stock true to n:inie and free from Sun l)«ll p»r/.ii»ni tiitha '>iit»lo VotenC M«l» j.jose Scale. .\ permnnont position for .4ct, by bin honor lliuJndHO t)I 'he Coooty Court _, . ,, ;*u » „ t rt(thnco.,ntyof()r«v. .tthotowo hall. KiMl. Ith«righl manon either salary or com- ortoii.ou the ii:inliliiy of Hupceinlier, A. D., IMI, ' missivm. at ;to'clooU p rn., to hoer Riul rt«trrnilnfl ttio HAvnial ooniiileiDtfl of orrorn enfl oiulssions In ; the Vo'cr-s' I.iiU o( the Muuicliiality u( Aito-. niexi I for IdUI. All porHOiiB hKvinfi hn-lno<i^ibt tho court are reiniirrd to ettond at tliu RHld time and |iUi}n. ) l<itt«il at t'ie>li«itnn thin Kltlidnyof Sept., ISM.; Stone & Wellington FONTHILL Nl KSRKlii^ over 800 acres kW^iHm^^m BOYD, HICKLING cSc CO FLESHERTON - ONTARIO FALL mantle: !&< 8c. Flannelettes for 5|c. 750 yards striped Flannelettes, light and mediiun c »lors, nice soft cloth, quite free from drcssin«:, {^ inches wide. The advance pi-ice of cottons makes this an ottering of particular ' - interest. Regular 80. Value for 5k. 2oc. and 25c. Sample Hose For 25c. 30 Pairs Ladies' Sample Hose, fast stainless black cotton, some plain, some open work lace, some fancy stripes and spots. Sizes 9 and {>h Kegular 20e* aud 2$e. Ualucs for I5c Sample Lace Curtains at 25 per cent, discount 15 Sample Paii'S Lace Curtains â€" all this season's designs â€" including some of our best selling i)opular patterns â€" Siyardslong. Prices $1.00, ,fl.35, ,^1.50, $L75, $2.00, $2.50 LESS 25 Per cent. TO CLEAR 4f We have just opened out our firit shipment of Ladies' New Fall Mantles. The newest and most stylish gar- ments designed for the new season are repres- resented and we invite the inspection of the early buyer. Prices range from $5.00 to $10.00 Fit, iStyi' . \?yorkiriansl:iip and. ^ value are correct #' X Be/on and After. W.J. ituhLAMV, 'Toronto Clerk df ArteiuMle \ ' 0â„¢'"° Ontario "^Vood's PhoRphodlne, TiMQrutEnlbktaMfc, ia nn old, well estab> Uslitxl and reUablo pro i>n ration. HailieeQ proiicrlbed and OMd oyer 40 year*. All draff. fiats in tho Domioiott of Canada tell and ceconimnud fis b«ilig Uie only mediein* of its kind that onreond Klves universal satisfaction. It promptji wid pormamuitlyouros all forma of l^ervmu Vea*. n«M, Kinitsiuni, Sfcr'nntvrrhira, ImpoUncy, and ullt>!Ti>ct«ofabni>->orexoo5''i.9', theexeewiT* use of T^burro, Opium or Htiv>uUinti, Mtntal and Urain Iforri/, all of which lc>acl toluflnnltr, tiLsaoity, Conaniiiption and an Karly Gr.^Te. Prica $1 per package or six for tft. l>ntwM please, tir. will cttrf. Mallud promi'tjf m r»» geipt of i>rioe. Send for tree i>am[>hlet. AodlDM Th« VFood Coinpaajr, Wludior, On*', OsnMto, Wood'tPbuphodhio is 9' Klin Klealioiton by Douglasa A Co. and W.K Hioharilson, U'ugglsti Came Astray. Caraotn tlippvoml eiot the nnduralgned. lot IM, 3rd i«n«e \V. T. * 8- B , nhout July IS. Four yearling iatclc^-.3 Btoors ft id one hrl'or. The owner U ri-n-insttHl to prove property, pny expoiiscn aud tiUa thou cway. U WAULEH KluHhorton J*. Ca.xne Aaticyay Come to the pr«iui<e« of tbe anderslcned last .November, one Rteer 3 yrs. old this spring. owner can h«»e saiuo by proving property and paying expenaes. "^ jj. hnowN Foverehaiu July 11 1003 obown For an Education thtt is practical, useful and up to-to dale attend the Owen Sound, Ontario. BcBt ?ourBM of study in Business Subjects, Shorththd an TypewritinK. IJo>t Methods. The most thoroughly efiuippjd Colleite in th« Dominion. Studonis may enter at any tim<>. Full particulars sent freo to any address. C. /L FLEMING Principal

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