Flesherton Advance, 10 Sep 1903, p. 5

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TilE FI-ESIIEIITOX ADVANCE Sept. 10 1903 ^ r <i: .X Sa-ptist Cl:iu.x*olx. FL K J? If E HTO NT PASTOR:â€" GEO. F. HDRLBURT. tiervicc at 11 a-ui each Lor<r.s l>ay Next i-uiiuiy â€" Paator will prujii-h. metbodlst = eburcb, Tiesberton PASTOKâ€" Kev..!S. Iviaon Wils on Services Surnlay 1 1 a.ni.£c "7 p. ni Suiiiliiy .Se|)f.l3th V.m Morning: â€" "Unanswered Prayers" Evening:â€" "Playing The Fool" Vicinity Chips Ch:»ra!!t«ristic.s of the Past Wirek CV.rciuily <!HJled for the CuriotiS .<»â€" Fresh liine always on hand. J. H. Duekett, Eugenia. ShinHlPs f<"" siilcâ€" 1st and £u<.l clajs Apply to N. McCannel, Proton Station. Dr. Chrisfoe ha3 a few ba.^a of good timothy seed lor fall sowing. Every gent is asked to sail and see the nice ixasoitnient of d^thmj;, also new Styles. in hats, just to hand at Sheppard's. Anything in the fchapo of summer \go<Kls to be cleared at big reducliona at Sllcppard's. Mrs. (Dr.) Chtistoe left on Tuesday to visit fiieuda at Toronto. Mrs. John Bellamy left last week foe a forinishi's visit with friends in Lindsay and other po.n's. Kev.DavidHdliuanof Freeiiort, Midi , visited his umtiier, Mrs. P. Uulman, of this place, and jlher friends during the past neuk. 5 goo-i vill igo lots in one bluck io Fleshoiton, for sale chea;) and on easy terms, uiusl be sold. Apply to R. J. Sproulrt, tk'sherton. Kov.Divid ttolman of Freeport,Mich., occupied tiia piilfit of the Methodist church Sunday evening, and gave a very interesting discourse, hi3 subject being â- "Shall we know each other there ? Mrs. Sheppard has eiigiiged Miss Jean • Beatty to take ehar<;e of her millinery department this season. Miss Beatty is no* on duly preparing tor the opening. Steer Strayedâ€" Fi'oin the premises ot t'le uiidersigueJ about.June lO.oue year- ling steer, red. Inforiaati.masto hiswhere- .abouts will be thankfully received. R. Portcous, Flesherton P.O. Mr. A. G. McKay, M. L. A. for North ^^-..Grey, who has been at Banff undergoing treatment for rheumatism, luis returned home much improved in health. Diundalk had a magistrate's court- in the open air recently. Court was held •on the street beoauso the village council objected to pay hall rent for cases comin,' in from outside the village. Rev. J. W. Osborne of Michigan paid a short visit to friends here last week. Mr. Osborne is a minister in tho Eyis- C'pal Meihodist church. Mrs. Mueller and children aad Miss MaR;'e Rutledge, of Mnut Clair, N. J., •who have been visiting here duriiis; the summer, left for their homes on Wed- «>rs.drty. Ma.ster Wilfred Whitten, son of Mr. John Whitten, who has heea iu Toionto hospital all summer, returaed homo last week very much inii)roved in health. -The injury was in his hip bone, which is healing nicely. Ho is not lame and can walk without crutches, but retains them as » protection. A party siynino! theoirHjlvcs "An Out- sider" writes a communication to a neigh- l)oring paper and asks The Advance to "please copy." The Advance does not copy communication* appearing in tvtber papers. Anyone desiring to reach our reaiters must send their message direct to thi* ofHce. Mr. Andrew Wilson, Iwirbur, was called last week to Toronto to attend the funeral of his only si:(ter, Mrs. Sponcc, who fell when alighting from a s'rect car and sus- tained injuries resulting in her death. Deceased left a husband and grown up family. Soneca G. Ketohum, well known to the newspapi-i- fraternity in thi.i par^ Hftoen years a^o, died a', his houso in Washington stKte reccjitly. Deceased was a clever newsji.sper man. He learn- ed the typesottiL'g ttado in company with the,editor of thispnpcr in the old.iiow de- funct, Orangeville Advertiser office. Seneca was a lively, good hearted boy, hut led a rather "atrenuous" life. ILu Mas 40jre«rs old atJtinie of deatlu The parti rdgo shouting season opens on Tuesday next, Sept. 15. Mt. Wni. Strain of Ann Arbor, Mich., is calling on friends here this week. South Grey Teachers' convention will be h -Ul at Duiham on Thursday and Fri- day, Oct. 1 and 2. A garden party under tlie auspices of the Presbyl-oi-iim Ladies' Ai^l will be '..eUl at the residence of Mr. and Mis. Jacob Tliouip.son, east back line, on Wednesday evenin;,' next. If weather is unfavorable a "o.-i;!! will be held iu the house. Admis- sion l.'Jo. Judge Monison will htdda cou.t in the townball on Sept. 23, for the purpose of coriecliiis errors and oniniiKuious in Artemesia voters' list. The statutory ad- vcrtisemw.t appea-s eisovvhere. Mr. Charles Thomp.ioii, BurriJgf, Ad- dinutun counhy, vi.siied ivitii Mr. W. J. White over Sundiiy. returning home on Monday. Mias Mun.il Thompson, who has been living with her grandmn, Mrs. White, accompanied her falLer home. The underaifjiicd begs to ann luiice ih'.it he is <)^)en for lathing contracts, having returned from Collin;;wot;d for the fall business. Anything wiih whi^.•h I am favored will reet-ive careful attention. J. A. Felsteadt. A couple of burglai'8, evidently weary Wiilies, entered Boyd & Hiokling's store Thursday night bust and appropriated a couple of suits. They probably decked themselves -otit from top to bottom, as they left old relics behind in the shape of coat, vest, ha*^, cap, boots, etc. Entrauce was made by a basement window. The fourth annual convention of Arte mesia Township Sabbath School Associa- tion will be held in Fleshoiton Methoi'ist church on Wed.iesday Septonibtr30,next. Progams are being issued this week. The sessions are expected to be more than ordiBiirily interesting and it u hoped there will be a large turnout of those in- terested in Sabbath School work. The Advauee was a littio hasty last week in sayir-g that Ml-ksfs. Kecnen of Owen Sound h;id t.iken possession of the mill recenily purchased from Hickling Bro.s. of the eighth 'ine. The now tirm h^is tken possession of the timber only and will take over the mill on Oct. 28. They purpose extending the business and buying log.? exton-sively, which will certainly bo a boon to those in that sootionof country having timber fur sale Tiio film is a stn)ng one, J-oiBg an bk- tensive lumber business, and are the owners of sever-tl mills. The ruri decailal chapter o€ the dean- ery of South Grey met in regular session at Christ church, Markdale, Tuesday, September l.st, ahso county convention of the Womnn's Auxiliary which had a good atfcendiHice and most interesting mi-eting in the basement of the church. The ses- sion was preceded by holy communion and seriaon. Luncheon was served at the rectory for all visiting clergymen and delegates. The deanery meeting was held at £.30 p.m. iu the church â€" Rural Dean Ryan presiding. Other elersry present were. Rev. Messrs. Newell, Hill, Hinde and the seore'-*ry. Rev. C.L. Mill and Me^sr*. L B. Lucas M. L. A.- and T. Bradey of Markdale. Interesting discu-s- icma took place, pertaining to the churchs in this deanery. During the session, rules of order were suspended, while the Rural Dean conveyed on behalf of this deanery, a motion of condoknice to Rev. W. Hinde, expressive of their sincere j sympathy to hi:n in this the hour of bereavement, in bis great personal loss in the death of his son and pray that we bow in humble submission to the will of the Almighty, who gave and who hath taken away. The meeting was now clos- ed by the rural dean pronouncing the benediction. Duudalk was chosen for the next place of meeting. Tenders Wanted Tenders are hereby called for hiiijhing and oiling the Presbyterian church at Eugeniaâ€" 4000 feel; tungue and grooved soft elm (o be used. Ttnders will be received up to S;iturday evening, 12;h. inst. For further information apply to H. Cairns, Eugenia. Kimberley Roller Mills .Mr. John Ford h.vi k<aied the Kimber- ley roller mil's and purposes putting; thorn in first class condition. Ho will use Manitoba wheat continuously and thus produce the highest (;iade of flour. Mr. Foul has had a Urge eipeiicncc in the big mills of the weftt and will no doul>t give thorough satisfaction. As a man Mr. Ford will be an aoiuisition to KiHiljerley and is worthy of patronage. V\'e hope he may saocecd beyond his most sanguiue djicctatk>u4. For sale â€" Good hejivy work team,(2700 1. s.), a snap if taken at once, as wu have no use for them just now. R. P. Legate, Ceylon. The .\dvaaoo is giving the Montreal Hearld this year as an inducement <x> secure new subitcribers. Every sub- sctibor who pays one dollar cash, strictly in advance, will get the two papers sent regularly for twelve months. Old sub- scribers will havo three weeks allowed in which to renew. We are forced to draw the line at that. The managers «f East Grpy Agricultural Society's show fair, to be held in Flesh- erton 2tth and 25thinst,have determined to keep all fakers, gamblers and swind- lers off the grounds and to have a good, clean, instructive and enteitaining fair, where all the boys and girls, as well as their parencj can spend a pleasant and instructive day without coming ia con- tact with any injurious influence. Oh, Ghosh ! No ! Six rrnjnth.s ago or le.ss a bashful old bachelor of 4-5, living not more tlmn Egur- teen aad a half miles from Flesh9rton,be â- came smitten with the charms of a gush- ing young maiden of eighteen â€" or was it the young lady who became smitten with the bachelor and his br(;ad acres which lay within half a mile of her home? Any- way a wedding took place. On the night of the wedding a supper was given at the bride's homo. After supper the bride- groom appeared very "fid|iety"for a time, and filially .said : "Well, it's gitten late ; guess I'll go home," and he started for the d lor. The bride nor to be outwitted in this manner, and cfttching the blushing groom by the arm, simpered : "Hold on, .Joseph, you know I'm going with you." A look of abject terror overspread the grocm's face its he fairly yelled, "Oh, gosh 1 no I I've no cimmiodatioD for wimmen. Only g-g got one bed 1" Just how matters were settled is nobody's bus- iaoss. Surtijrt, from latest accounts the acconimodat'on appears to have been made satisfactory all round, and Cupid can be sae:i any d.iynow with bis feet dangling over the dashboard as the happy couple drive to town to do their shopping. May the little god never desert them. George Richey of Peepabun, East LutI.er. is possessei of an animal that is half man and half calf. Elisha Uanbury of Chalsworth, is the possessor of another combination, half bear and half calf. Mr. Hanbiiry thinks the two cunousities would attract attention if placed on ex- hibition togethtr and intends to open ' negotiations looking toward that end. â€" Free Press. Co eoitsutnptives* The undorsigneil having been restored to health by simple lueati;;, sftur stifTeringf^r sev- eral years with severe lung affection, and that (Ueail ilisea^eotfnsuBiptlon, in anxious to make known to his feUow sufferers the means of cure. To those wlio denre it, he will cheerfully send (free of djai-tie) a copy oif the proecriptlon >j«4»d. , wiitcu they wiilQnd a sure cure for conAiimp- tlon. asthma, catarrh. bronc)iK4a and all throat aud lung maladies. He hopes nil sufferers will try hisi'LUiudy, as it i^ invaluable. Those desir- ing the iiret-criptiun, which will cost. them noth ing and may prove a blessing, will please ad dress, Rov. GDWABD A. \V1I*S0N. Brooklyn, New York The Meaford High School The managemon*; of theMuaford High School, iu muking tbeir aumial Announcemenb. wish to scato tlmt the school has been &uAi» very suc- cessful in its year's work. EIGHTY-SEVEN PGH CENT, of aJl reuouimeudai passed the various exduiiuations. The Qxoelleut reputation of this np-to-dato school for teaclter's certillcate work bos more than been snsUiinod. In 1902, '29 onfc of 28 ob- tained Part llJunior Leaving certifl<:atos; ibis year the pi'i- centtige wax even butter, via., IC out ot P.), A-3 a further iltustration of thu work done bv tts oxpcricMiccd staff, we may stnto that four out of tlie sixteen succeshful "cundidates obtained thoir certillcates on one years atteu dance at the pc]h>o1, nn^ one Senior Leaving candidate passed both Peurts uu seven months atteudauce. Tlinreisno form of examlnattou work dono bythelargfl t Coll. lust, that thia four-muslor High School is not succoesfnliy doing. All parouts, teachers anri studeats who would like a copy ot the liHodsontely-ilhistratcd pros- pectus fur 11N)3<1904. which in addition to being a beautiful souvouiiof Muafordhigh school ano its work, is aJao a compendium of useful in^ formation to all the various courses of study for l'J04 and of the iiiteat educational changes of vital interest to every teacher, this year and tbayva^'S to come, can have oue bv souiHng name aud address either to the Principal, J. L. ('uruwi'li U. .A., or to A. McK. Cameron, Sec'y- troas.. Moaford, Out. The Markets. Varefullv Corrcr ed Etirli Week Wool Outs Pe.is Whwat Barley Butter Kggs fresh Pork Chickens per pair. Oueks per pair . . . Tuckeys jier lb. . . , Gee.se per lb Hay Potatoes bag 14 to 27 -., 5o o 65 to 45 to 14 to 13 -o 7 50 to 25 to 40 ti> 15 tc 10 'o 6 00 to 7» '.o 16 27 53 6.3 4.) 14 13 7 50 m SO 15 10 60o 60 TBOROlCHItHKn UCKBAM Bull F o'h Hcrvic<» for Mrvico on lot 1W. 3 S. W. T. * R. K, Artfiiioiwv tlio tliormiKhbrpa I>orli«ni niiil " Hotel Bov," No. :li'<if'8. brf't by i;oiin Ki<ai>{> Durham, t'edigrcaon application Cocas M WxaiJiX Uvvnsi Ptf (1/ m iit w a ili ii/ iHf '^ffm^-' €f^9^^ T.J. SHEPPARD new Fall Goods We are receiving every day New Fall Goods and would invite every lady aud gent looking for anything in our line tg call and inspect our goods and prices. We might niention some of our specialities in Ladies' Jackets All the styles we imported direct from Ger- many ; they are very attractive and the prices are very low. ..v ' Flannelettes, Wrapperettes, Shakers J . All wool Flannels we bought at very low prices and are selling them at the same call. G«t some before they are all gone. Boots and Shoes Our stock is complete with'all hnes for Ladies '.Gent's, Boy's and Girls,and from the best makes of boots that we can recommend to wear. We Just received this week a large stock of Gent's and Boy's suits ; also a full assortment of Over- coats ; something to please everybcxly. ^ Our Milliners Are attending the Fall Openings in Toronto aad will be at work at once making up all the New Ideas in " HATS ", which are very pretty this year. We are agents for ButtCliCk Patterns and will at any time get you'the pattern you want without extra cost. Also we give you a fashion sheet every month if you call for it. \A iii Or iii \^ Of \» \I6 iA }& % iift Hi i& iii m 9* ift )*^ â- 4^ Headquarters for Paints, Oils.... To those who have painting to do reaiember we are head quartei"S for i Pure white Lead and Paint Oil We have also added this season the Sest Lubricating Oil to be got iu the mai-ket. What we keep you will find the best. W. E. Richardson, Flesherton Farmers! Prepare for a dry summer and sow the famous Essex Sowing Rape. Anticipating your Needs W. J. Douglass & Co. have a gwd stock of this famouns Eglish llape â€" pure and firesh (not old stocki but guaranteed new stock, bought for spot cash and we are giving our customers ihe bettetist. W^ Jiave al-w a good stock of chtac* Compton's Early Corn North Dakofci White flint and Gia^ Prolific Swee-t Ensilage, all bought for spot cash. We solicit your patronage for pare Drug.s, patent medicines, garden aud tieUl saods, oil cake aud hous« plants in bloom. ALL NEW STOCK W. J. DOUGLASS - . & CO. . ;

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