/ Sew. 24 1903 THE FLESHEKT^** AUVACNE rfwwwwww I ^~T. HILL & CO I ?^LL SEASON, 1903 â- ^nak ^HMMBB start the preMOt aeanon under the most favorable circomstances yetâ€" liiguer stocks thnn ever before, and thjA'ery best values we've ever had on our counters. Repreocntativo lineH from the best mttiufaciurcH in Ciinad/, Great LIritain, United StateB, Frimcc and Germany are here, all bought at lowest cash prices. We have wiihwta doubt the finest stock of histh-class, moderate-priced goods itx ever been jour privileRe to inspect. No fanw proBtaâ€" every thiuR is roaikeJ at the lowest living pricea, Cume in and see for yourself â€" th«se among hun- drms of other lines. NEW DRESS GOOIW Over fiffy new fancy Dreas pattprna (uo two alike) in the very lattst designs shown tiiis season. £very conceivable coloring and pattern is c-xhi'jit«d in this collMiijn at per yd. 65, 60,05, 75, 85,00, 100 md 1.10. 10 pieces Black Crepe de cheno Dress Goods, 40 to 44 inuhu4 wide, liiiost all wool, silk finish â€" a cloth that will give unbounded sa:isfactioh at these prices, 50,65 75, 85, fl and up to $1.50 40 pieces 50 inch HomeRpuns, in black, navy, bright blue, myrtle, biwn, dsrk, medium and light grays, also snow flake designs in all wanted colorings. These very desinvblt cloths will bn juat as popular as ever this season and have no superiors for gunuino satis factory we<«r. We have over a dozen diiferent quali- ties ranging in price from, pur yard, 48c to $1.50 -:^''"- NEWBLOUSINGS ;.•-â- •; r '.-•;" Over 100 different patterns in new blouse materials â€" the prettiest cilk and wool creations we have yi^t seea. We have all these in the newest coloiinus .ind patterns aoiiie line silk and wool, the balance pure all wool, pre- Bcnliiig an opportunity of securiiij^ a new blouse length rarely met wiih, prices per yard 45, 50 and 60c. 350 y:irds Double-fold Tweed Dross Gt>ods,40 in. wide, in an excellent rango of colorings and patterns. These are splendid cloths for ordinury house wear or girls' school drosses that in the usual way would retnil at 18 to 20c. a yard. We marked the entire lot (some doz. pieces) at per yd. 12^ L.^DIES' CLOTH JACKETS We've just placed in stock nearly W) new Fall Jackets, all lengths and sizes, all styles and prices, some collailcso, some with embroidered collars and others with silk velvet collars. Taken io its entirety our Mantln slock is by far the most thoroughly com- complete we've ever gathered together aud there is not a line or size missing that yuu could possibly wish for. 15 Ladies' Black Cloth Mantles.32 to 40 bust measure, new sieves, velvet collar, silk embroidered lapels and back, a genuinely stylish garment extra special 93.50 Other lines at 84, 4i, 475. 5, 5.25, 6.50, 6,6*, 0,85, 7, 7», 7.85, 7.90. 8, 'up to »10i, LADIES' CLOTH CAPES 3d Ladies' Clo'hcnpes, Black and. colored in all the the newest styles and lengths. We're justly proud of our excellent collection of these garments and have already met with remarkable success in selling them, you can judge the values by this one line : 12 Ladies' capes, extra heavy, fine, smooth, black, ch)th, 30 inches long, wide sweep of bottom, deep collar, trimmed with silk braid and silk embroidery, front and back tiimnied with silk braid and silk em- broidery al.w. Smaller dealers or those who buy from wholesale houses could not get a garment of equal ijualily to this that would retail at less than $6.50. Importing direct as we do from the old country manuf- acturer, wo are in a p<»'itioii to give you this excellent garment at $4'.75 We have also a dozen different lines in dark gray and black, a-Morlcd length, in styles ri^ht up to the min- ute at $3.25, 83.50, 53 90 up to $9.75 Childrens's Coats of all descriptiuiis in abundance and at close pricea. READY TO WEAR SKIRTS 75 new skirts bai-e jnat been placed in stock within the last ten days, representing the nicest rjualities and and the beat skirt we have ever seen. MARK DALE 'WMWWf^ Divine Healing To The Eilitoi of The Advance DeakSib, â€" Some kind friend sent mo s copy of the Catholic Record, puoliehed '•5 London, Orit. In it I noticed copied ,e principiil renjsrks in my two cominu- ^itions in The Advance on DowioiFiu â€" jprovinv; the articles as far as tliee ^rred to Dowie, but dissenting in a (y courteous manner from my reason- (g on the curing properties at the shrine fSt. Anne of Qutbuc. He says, " Many /toto.slaiitsas well an Catholics who have and the incident, however, affords no parallel t) tho cases said to have been cured at St. Ann's. Faith in those cases is absolutely necosanry â€" no faith, no cureâ€"but hero are two dead men 1 a state rondtriuK it iniijossible to comply with the conditions, ,,.,,. ,. ^ ^ » i . ' and therefore excluded from the cla..8 „f J two Catholic ana two pivtestatit doctors. tures at the shrine of St. Ann. This „asl D'-Dougla8_8howed Cbinu,uy his recovery few minutes to live and his pulse could not be felt. He then saw in a vision his favorite Saint Ann to whom ho cried for core, and hH heard her say, "You will be cured." He recovered, and Quebec ran:! nitli the miracle. Ho was examined by a miracle, purrf ami siinido. The failure to distinguish a miracle froth cures by ii;ituial causes leads the Record and mul- tituilus of others into grave errors. But further lis to St. Ann, said to bo tho mother (if Mary. I find no such name mentioned among the women of those days, nor do I lind anylhing about tho collectio;i of relics of the departed ai necexKiiiy for the Gospel plan. Then as o the bones of her hand. In tho days in ^d liourdes, and tho shrines of St. ^(t Beaupro and New York have ifi to the I'ealily of the cures in all localities as having ben effected to a lity, in cases wherein medical men ' '", :"â- ," V "T j i Y: ,i :â-º ...... „„„,.";!..,„ 1 1 \i » „ 1- 1 â- ij J I which she ived and died it was sacrilege .«d that roedK-al science could do T i ,. .i i v c ii.„ ,i .-.i o..;. f /.r ? , , .... 3 â- „..i to molest the bodies of the <lea>s, saint or 1: %r science for the persons affected. Witb- iiiii\y endorsing tho, perhupa, too ^ principle Bp|iatuntly laid down in jfionient <.f W. S. C , that Ood litervenes to heal diseases or dd- JH which are curable by ihe ordi- nary medical iiieanp, the cases wu refer to bre such that they como under this de- ""ription, and a prote.^t.ant writer in VMM) trapliically of many wonderful cures VkHuJ; wliicb he had witiics.sed at ; and ttjatiinouies of thiskiud are 1)US.'' I't think til's ftjjparently cai.did jiuld purposely niislearl, but any ifully rending my letters could >iik, deduce tho above reasoning km. I certainly did not limit the If Ood, or tlio diseases ho might l.sdoiii .sHo fit to cure, but simply [Mian had power in himself to l»>elf G(h1 would not do it for fe «ne:j oil to say that " W. S C. lliut ib is impossibhi that Ihe |h dead woman (St. Ann) could power of healing sicknoi'S. Wo Jiar those bones have Do inherent Kf this kind, but it has been (re- \God's will to manifest the virtuu pecial servants by woiking niit- â- iroiigh the intercession of Iim Slid uveii miracles which appear to feen wiouglit for no other purpose prove tli:it he wishes the relies of ints to h3 regarded with respect and !d with roxurcnce. The bonfts of a linan, the prophet Elisha, cauiiod the i(ly which w js thrown accidenttdly lis tomb, to rise to life." Also : a sinner. Surely, if she were the mother of Mary and !i believer in Christ, her fivniB could not have been repressed. Without any authoritative Htatemeiits I must be jmidoned if my credulity fails to ac.piiesee in so crude a doctrine. The Record is right in siiyiiift there is no in- trinsic healing power in the bones ihem- aelvesâ€" just so. Then any other bones would do as well. In this we agree. Where, then, does the vittue lie 1 Listen to tho Record's answer : "Even miracles which appear to have been wrouaht for no other purpose than to prove that he wishes the relics of his saints to ho re- regarded with respect and treated with reverence." If the Record had lived in the dark ages some sympitthy might be afforded for such crass nonsoose. Bones t.) bo treated with respect and reverence ! And this in the 20th century ! But let us see. If Ht. Ann bo a God-inado saint, a thinii not impossible, to be sure, if her life and works warranted it, there can bo none else. A saint by courtesy of her virtue administered by proxy must be ex was due to his strong will to rssist death; thiit he had a real power over the body. Chiniquy listened, but preferred the saint, and had a picture paiiited of her for £ 50. Another priest, who saw it, told Chiniquy the cure was no niiracle,and tho crutches hanging around the church were left by imiKisters, and the rest cured by the power of the lulnd over tho body. Till IBM that pic'.iiro was In tbe cluireh. lu that yo&r lio again got typhoid fovor in Chicago, and once more was Riien up as dying, but this tinio be did not cry to the saints, and soon fult life i-etiirniuR. Ho thou saw that the saints had no part in bis previous euro, and took tbe pletnro down uud burnt it. The aboyo picture is corroljoratiTe of ^wbafc I liavo written. Space forbids tbe evidence of faith hoalinf; centres iu Aniorlcn, Europe and Austt-alis, notably iu India, Cblua aud Africa, found in tho presence of ectnal idolsâ€" the ro- fiuite being similar in all oases, St. Auu in- ctudofi, showing that anythingof reputed virtue real or iiuaginary, suOlclont to arouse tbe psyohio jpowurs of man is suflici'-nt for tho purpose. The vis luedeoatrix natnrn), with faith, does the woi'k, whether the objeot con- ooutrod on a bone of Saint Ann's band, or an idol of wood or stone, or an impostor like Dowlo, (li^lijab the restorer,) or a toad's paw for tho euro of scrofula. If tbo courteous editor of tbe.Uocord would ooiuiuouco a study of then laws uubiasad,ho w»uU boaouvin>;u<t that to attribute those cures to tho iutorces.stoQ of aaiuts, or tbe Diriiiu, or to name tbam as irJr- aolos in the true sonso. is extremely orronoons, save aud except that God Is the author of the laws herein disonssed. An Knylishmau may write lar^rly aud quite satisfactorily to the Record, but without some knowledcoof psychio and Kuef;eHtive laws, or as a celebrated author dudetl A saint, therefore, must ba like i„ould say, tho "unoonscions" part of tho divine Lord, full of comimssion and impartial. Compare with what hapiiens a', St. Ann's shrine. Why,' for lUie poor, sickly applicant cured, scores equally sir k / -â„¢ i-i"- f^iii to interest the saint in their behalf teen wrought for no other purpose ,^,,,1 „„„,y ,„„,.,j receive ft fanciful cure /o prove tli:it he wishes tbe relies of a„a i,uickly relapse to their forinei con- dition. These facts are numeious and well authenticated. It must be very try- ing to tho credulity, even of the most simple, and an irrefutable argument auaiiist the place given to St. Ann by the wrought miracles by the hand of Record. The Beeoid refers to euros by so th.it oven there were bi-ounht ,j,e Apostle Paul. He might have men- \n his body to tho sick handkerchiefs ,i„„ij „iher aimslles, nmie of them, how- aottvityâ€" not farcettlug the powerful a.l]unct fait)), he must necessarily be very snportteial writing what his eyes saw, without seeking the oauso. Let me say, as before, that many are enrol, no doutjt, but not by impostors, or idols of wood or stone or by tbe bones of any saiut or sinner. Why not Instruct tbe «otarie« upon the nohio tberapoutio principles that invariably ocoomplisb tho cure, W. B. C. Wm. Keefer, a brother of Quo. Koefer, who died in Flesherton a few years ago, died suddenly at his home in Owen Sound last week <if heart failure at the age of 73 years' Deceased was a member of the i BOYD, HICKLING & OO FLESHERTON ONTARIO . aprons aud the disease departed from je,„, p,,,,,,,,, ;^^i,i,e, j),,,,;^ ..^ St. Am.. |f,;;,Vinj, hnn of Telford A Co, \f» and the wicked spirits went out ;of ', Xhe h,h»i1o8' cures were impartial andj "* ^ Acs XIX. 11, 12, also Kings 21. Thus the very argument of f'.S.C. iiiiule UHO o{ ikgainst tho vrou^jht at St. Ann's ahrino atHMi permanent â€" no failure.s at all. They were holy men. Listen ) *' Silver and gold, says tho aiM>ntle, have I n<me, but such us I htvu give I unto thee ; in the ivatne of i.ve fal^e the mii-acle« mentioned | j^g„„ „f Nazareth, rise' up and*^walk." ISoripliire,, if it weia of any ; The apostles bad the power within ihom I â€" they did not seek for relics or oannon- I1114 accuVomrd to |K>loinical dis- 1 iifd saints as mediums. All those pre- jniy logic may >m> dcfectivolin the | aumpluiius new' rums would receive their eiU'4* of the Catholic Record. ' ampinlitlrd Cfuidemnation, It would l>o The Markets. VarefnllY €orrcr cd Enrh Week Wo<d Oats Pnas Wheat Barlfly Butler ji 'syng, however, flial liis rani! arrogance t^i connect these woithits Kugs freah 'ein to mo etvoneou.i on e»- ; with iiiqM>stc>rs of the present day â€" and • Pork Take the man who was | this notable shiimi incluib^d. But agsin. iChickens per jiair. . . .ho l>miy of E;ishn, and who, Hi< to Si. Ann of Beaupre. "In 18'>7 Ouoks p«'r pair .•rt to 1 .1. Ooi!!' if .< onerv ' f-ilor ''hir,i.(ii'- .-ol spvnrft typhoid f4.v.T 'Turkeys p'-r lb (•ncae pfr 'o ... 14 to 16 27 -o 27 eo 60 65 to 65 46 to 45 14 to 14 14 -.0 14 50 to 7 50 25 10 50 40 to 60 U tc 15 10*0 10 00 to C. â- ro • Fall Millinery Opening I September 2UtA, 25th. and 26th \ We extend to you a very cordial invitation to be present at our Exhibition of Fall Styles in Trimmed Millinery, Ready-to-wear Hats and Millinery Novel- ties on the dates named. Miss Osborn will again be found in charge of the Show Room and v/ill be pleased to meet her many trie nds and customers. New Goods For Fall The constant arrival of case after case, and bale after biile of new goods of every description for- Fall selling affords us an opportunity of making a splendid display of seasonable purchases, and we especially desire a visit of inspection from every visitor to East Grey Fair. Opecial Clothing Overcoats Mantles Skirts Furs Values and the -^^ewest Stales in Dress Goods Shawls Raincoats Undenvear Trimmings Gloves New Laces Boots & Shoes Belts Rubbers Fancy Goods Blousings Suitings Mantle Cloths F'lannels Your 5pecia! Attention Is directed to our display of Ready-to-wear skirts and Mantles â€" designed by Canadians â€" made in Canada by Canadians for Canadian wearers. The quality, style, fit and workman- ship ot every garment leave nothing to bedesired -â€"and the prices are right, too. Furs ! Furs ! Furs ! Although early in the season you'll find us fully prepared for business with a splendid display of new styles, marked at prices that ensure quick selling in view of the advance in Fur values. Ladies' F^ur Mantles Fur Ruffs Men's Fur Coats Fur Muffs CapeVines > Fur Gauntlets Fur Capes Fur Caps -^ Uake a Oouvenir of %Tlesherton ^ ^omm With you / ^ This week we have just opened out a large package sC of Fine Fancy Gilt China -fine qualityâ€" highly glaz- T edâ€" very pretty shapes â€" each piece bears' a photo- ^ graphic view of Flesherton or vicinity â€" the pieces in- X elude Cups and Saucers, Mugs. Plates, Bon Bons, X Cream Pitchers, Rose Bowls, etc., etc. ' ^ Prices 10c. 15c. and 25c. Each 1 "Wood'a Btfore and AJUr, Phospliodlne, Tb* Orsa« Entlbh Kimadf , is an old, well estab> Uahed aad reliable preparatloo. Has been prescribed and iiaed over 40 years. All dniff. (ists in the Doininioa of Canada aell and reoommend as tieina the ouly medleiaa ol its kind thiitourea and ttves naiversal saMsfactton. It promptbr and pormaneutly cares all forms of ^crvout Wealt- rwjt, Kmit i(im«, af^rmalorrhaa, Impounctf, and allefle'Jtsof abueeorescMses; UieexoeasiTe oseof lobctcao. Opium ot Stimulanl$, MtnUil and Brain Worm, all ot which lead to I nOnBltr. Inaanltj, ConsnmpUon and an Kariy «'»»••.,, Price il perii«cka«B orsix for 15. OmwiU pltue, lix will cure. Halted promptyoo r»' Addna* •Wlpteliidda. tend fw free j«mptleU/ ^rindsMT. ObI'. Oa ii a<i, Wood's Phosphodtne is sold in Klprlierton hy Douglass A l)o. and W.E.Hioharilsoii, Uruwists Farm for Sale tiot 2J, eon. 7, Eaphraslri, ono hni"tro1 aoM, 80 cleared, two Irniiij tianis, -licil, flieeji i>oi!. 1.0k pen, two I'ratuo h'.u*Jti3, HO'^A oiehain,nc\"er- t siting stir mg. l'.ouvpntciitto rhiiroli sii.'seJ'CO*. About eight inilos Iroin Moa"^i 1. (»oi<l iii». i-rovod fsrm, sn I u •;. -: ' . i qht lusii. Ap- 1.1 on I • T _ ..r .. •_ ,-. Nl.iK'!tB» li Ca.ixie J\stra,y Come to tbo prsnilses of the anderslgned last November, one st«.r 2 yrs. old this spriiMfc owner can havf, sauio by provlns Kr^nnrtv For an Education that is practical, useful and up to-to date attenil the Owen Sound, Ontario. Best conrsaa of attuly in I^uainMs Suhjecia, 3h(irth«hd an Typewriting. B«wt 'iliHiiiiU. The nxMt "thLroui^hly f(|nipv)dil OoIloKe va. the Iv.uiimoo. StuUiiUi* maj enter at any tiimv Full particulars sont fr,- • t-o any