Flesherton Advance, 1 Oct 1903, p. 4

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-Tsr October 1 1903 THE FLESHEHTOtJ AD V ACNE miMik'ii^ I F, T. HILL & CO I You are cordiftUy liivitod to our Fall Millinery Openiii)^, wliicli t»kefl place on Wednesday and Thursday of thin week. UuusuhI preparations Imve been m»do and our fihowing of EXCLUSIVE MILLINERY DESIGNS will bo the beiit. yet altunipted. Misa Stein and an efticient <ind capable staff uf assistants will be pleased tu have you vinit our Milliuery I'arlors on opening diiysâ€" Wednesday and Thursday of this week 60c and 75c Tweeds for 40c per yard 278 yards, extra heavy, pure all-wool Tweeds. Tliis is an oxceptianally select lot of high class ojooda (millends) 2 to 10 yards in loncth, that in the usual way of selling would bo splendid value at 00 to 75 pur yard. We place them on sale atone price per yard only 40c $1.00 Wakefield's Unshrinkable Underwear 75c 40 dozen of this, the mo.it. satisfactory woarii.K Underwear at the price wo know of. Wakefield's Uiiuerwoar has a world wide r^-piitation. Every garniont is made of extra tine, selecleil, pure all-wo.il, e;:cclient weight and guaran- teed unshrinkable. No place is or has this special lino of underwear been sold at lesa than 91-00. Our price, special while tliis lot lasts 76o Ladies' Winter- weight Vests 18c to 1.10 Wc have this season, without exception, the very best value in Ladies' Vests to be had anywhere, not a lino but is spcci il at the marked price and not a lino or price missing. These vests are bon;{ht by us per.Hon^Uy in the mill where thoy are made, consef|iioiitly the prico.i arc as near the actual cost of produotion as the retailers can make tht'in. Some very special lines at 18 to 50c. Better lines at fiao to Jl.lO Dress Goods, Silks, Blousing, Trimniing:s, Jackets, Capes, Furs, Clloves, Hosiery, etc. (.Abundance of tho.se all prised low) American Wrapperettes 8]fi Another large shipment of now pattern.", fast color, American ffripperetts, direct from the mills. ]f boui;ht frmn wholesalers ivhich is the usual way of buying with must retail storoi, these g-jods could not be sold at les" than 12ic. By knowing exactly how and when to buy we are enabled to effect you a hand- pome saving on anything you may require in tho JFnpperette linn. Per yard fur your choice, only 8|c Flannelette Blankets, pair 68 125 pairs Flannelett Blankets, full size, colored border, soft lofty finish. That we are enabled to sell these blankets to-d.iy at a profit and at less than 'vholesale prices, i? sufticienc proof of our buying prestige and proves conclusively the advantages of buying direct from tho manufacturerâ€" advaotages that we never permit to pai^s us. Full size, excellent wearing. Flannelette Blankets, per pair, 68c 25c Oil Baizes for 17c 5 pieces. New Patterns, Oil Baizes, 45 indies wide, just placed in stock. 2&C , cloae buying enables us to offer it to you at per yard Although the regular selling price is 17o Groceries T Groceries! Groceries! With all lines at all times as fresh .ind low-priced as you can get them anywhere. It often happons that by buying in large (juantities we are able to cive values not approached by anybody else. For instance we place on sale 100 â- â-  v„i„i,^i;4 Rnislas, lino goods, stemmed and cleaned. 28 pounds to the box, at per box. 1.25 MARKDALE WWW*J^ Prjccville A large portion I if til people of this ricinity touk advaiUige of the exceeding fine weather last week to attend both Bouth and East Grey Agricultural Exhib- itions, and we pre.sunie they captured a f.iir Hha-e of tin pr.zes aw.irded,|some clairiiing asccre or moie of prize tickers. The thermometer went rapidly down on Sunday and oil Monday wo had a light shower of sleet bikI snow. Oonver.satioiis either on the street or around a eonifort- ablo fire generally tuin to the supply of fuel and the prices thereof for the coming winter. Everybody seemfi to hope for two more fine days at least, I he 8th & 0th of Oct. lor our fall show. This is perhaps the only (air omitted in the lists of our county papers. I'ossibly our directors [ can explain the reason why, but then this is a popular show and every body near and fir keeps themselves posted on the dates. There are a Urge number special prizes ,; offered this year. Some buisincss inon from distant poinl.s have offered interest- ing specials since the lists were printed, but interested parties can got foil partic- alars from Socn-tary Butter, or any of the directors. The (joiivral interest in football arouatwl last spring by tho formation of our foot- tiall teams has never lagged all season and It perhaps hotter today than at any other time. Our citizens are very indignant o»er tho usage our school team received at Markdale. On Saturday 2!)th the Public School teams of Markdalo and Friceville met on tho grounds of the lat- ter. The play was clean and fast and ' utth lu^h trie visitors were somewlmt 'â-  larger, our boys caino out victoiious. The return game, played last Saturday, however, was decidedly 'inworthy of be- ing called a match. The fMaikdale team hikl bren altered and so absurdly outclns- aed the Priceville boys in sizo and weight that the latter were simply out of it from â- tart lo finish. In order to ensure fair games, in the future our'juiiiori intend to play accord- ing to weight, and hereby invite challen- KO» from any toanis averngiug ml over 85 lb* , heaviest player not to exceed llOH'S. II. It. McLean has a fine barn nearly coinplettd. G >K«t»on received injuries to hi" wrist last week, by the kick of a colt, lieiiig unable to work, liu is visiting this week in Shelburne The farmers who have threshed, leport tjie grain to be turning out well. Mr. and Mr*- •lames Buckinghatn of Osprey celebrated lhu2olh anniversary of ll^rir wedding day, on, the I4th in«t. The tW^i-n of UuMa two Uvea ha* evidently been very, iMippy »u<l prosperous. Mr. Buckingham ownpona, of the beat (arnw to the iirwnsljy), for which hrhaa recently r»(ut*l lei^?. Their. (/»inily, conaista of fftor son* and three dftught^?^^»^ «i><irg.', the etdsnt, IN attending Albrrt Co^egu, Her«y hM.« »,tu.«»i.in n> the Boat^ •»f T^*d« building.. Ohic«g'», Klijah (Pi>dKe> k> the («riDt«r and ould teach m<j(»V Ujy» how I.I ulo»r. the following were prea- Oii et tbt Mbhration, all d. whom ar* M|)«tiv«e.: Mr, aurf Mrf. B«<>liii>X>»">> I weeks ago, Mrs. iV. A. Smith, nee Miss I Ailio Ashdown, was presented by her friends at Ceylon with the follcwin g McMorris and wife, Mr. .1. A. Conn and wife, Mr. E. Downs and wife, all of Hoalhcotc. Several absentees sent nice ] ^ preHent.s. Ono could not hiok upon tho jj^^g ^^ ,„j,g j^^ beautiful ajid costly array of presents j,^,j,j^ ^j j,,^ esteem tliimt wishing for a silver wedding fatlior and mother of the groom ; Wm. and Ilobort Buckinsjham with their wives and families, Mrs. Thomas Hawton and family, Mrs. .John Buckingham and, lior dauglUor, Mrs. Thomas Hudson ;, "duress : Mrs. Miinrco of Chicaao, Mr. ui^d Mrs. ^Mri. W. A. Smith Lewis of Tliornbui7, Mr. VV Pentland I Dear. FuiEND,-It is with mingled and wife, Collingw0(^ ; Mr. John Vick- If^^jj^^jj, „f pleasure and regret that we ers and wife, Mr. Dale and wife, fllr. 1^^.^ j^atiiarad here this evening to bid you farewell â€" pleasure, because we believe that you art to be benefited in your re- moval from our midst and regret th-tt wo a slight in which you are held by your Ceylon wi Uev. T. Scott returned homo last Mon day after an absence of three Sundays. The work was supplied during his absence by Geo Buckiugham, IV, Soutt and Frod Urowiilee. George Buckingham left two weeks ago for Albert Ooilego. Rev. Fleniiny is expected to return homo from tho west next Friday. Mr. (iaudiii of Ueathcoto has been supplying his pulpit for the past two Sundavs. Special Thanksgiving services were conducted in tho English church Sunday. It is with rcaret wo nolo that George Oticwoll, jr., IS very low With inflamma- tion of the lining of the brain. TKe are soriy to noto that Dr. Softley is leaving Fevorsliam. He ha» become fpiite popular, both in his praciice and in social circles. Our best wishes will ac- company him. Mr. Ferry, son of Mrs. Joseph Clinton, I paid a visit to his mother recently. Tho Maxwell and Foversham public library board will bold its next monthly , meeting at Fevernham next Tuesday ev- enini;. Now is the lime to join the library so as to improve the long even- ini!s leading choice literature, Mias IFilliams of the 8th line is attend- in'.^ Albtrt College. friends, both collectively and individually, we ask you to accept this silver pickle dish, assuring you best wishes and abun- dant success in your new home. Signed in behalf of your friends, M. Rdtlkdob, I. D. LCOATK. Our Unprecedented Offer The Montreal Weekly Herald is a model of careful condensation. All the chafi winnowed from the wheat. A paper for Home and Farm. Whole8omo,elevat- ing, informine. A great dollar jour.ial. It and The Advance for one year for only one dollar. Sample copies of the Herald sent on application, or may bo seen at our oflice. The balance of the year will be given free to now subscribers. Klinbcrlcy ITe are pleased to bo ablotorepoil Mrs. John Plcwis on the mend. Mr. r^''illiam Best and grnnddauRhter, Miss M. Knott, are visiting friends at Owen Sound and other (xiiiits. Thomaa B'icken and daughter, Mrs. John Oilray, of Colorado, are visiting friends in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. fl'illiam Harris have re- turned tu tho village after several months absence, during which ho was engaged in building P. McCulhiugh's Imm. Millie McCiiUough of Meaford visited her parents here last week. Our miller, J. If. Ford, is giving gen- eral satisfaction. Mr. Oeorgs Curry and wife of the Traveller's Home, visited friends at Teinplu Hill recently. S<|uire ^>tuai't has gone tu NIpitsing on a hunting nxpeditlor.. U'uncillor Pringle visited Kimberley last week apd let a bridge acrumi the 6th and 7th Biderpa^. A nunib«<r in thia.jMtrt are nuslns poU- toes and repeat a * ery.(;iM>d orvp with few bitd tubers. Qamey at Feversham A biff political miss meeting will be hold in the Agricultural hall, Feversham, on the evening of Thursilay, Oct. 8, when R. R. Gamuy, M.P.P. for Manitoulin. will be present and deliver an address. A large number of other prominent men are expected to be preaent. Tho meoling is to be o|>uned at 7 o'clock. See large posters for full particulars. BOYD, HICK LING I FLESH ERTON - ONTARIO Fall Millinery Opening September 2Uth. 2StA and 26t/i We extend to you a very cordial invitation to be present at our Exhibition of Fall Styles in Trimmed Millinery, Ready-to-wear Hats and Millinery Novel- ties on the dates named. *v Miss Osborn will again be found in charge of the Shov/ Room and -will be pleased to meet her many friends and customers. New Goods For Fall The constant arrival of case after case, and bale after bale of new goods of every description for Fall selling affords us an opportunity of making a splendid display of seasonable purchases, and we especially desire a visit of inspection from every visitor to East Grey Fair. Kjnecial Clothing Overcoats Mantles Skirts Furs Values and t/ie -^eivest Styles in Dress Goods Shawls Raincoats Underwear Trimmings Gloves New Laces Boots & Shoes Belts Blousings Suitings Mantle Cloths Flannels Rubbers Fancy Goods Your Special Attention Is directed to our display of Ready-to-wear skirts and Mantles â€" designed by Canadians â€" made in Canada by Canadians for Canadian wearers. The quality, style, fit and workman- ship ot every garmeut leave nothing to be desired â€" and the prices are right, too. Furs ! Furs ! Furs ! Although early in the season you'll find us fully prepared for business with a splendid display of new stylos, marked at prices that ensure quick selling in view of the advance in Fur values. Ladies' Fur Mantles Fur Ruffs Men's Fur Coats Fur Mufis Caperines Fur Gauntlets Fur Capes Fur Caps Uake a Si ouventp of Krleskerton The Markets. Carerully Correr ed Each Week Wool OaU Peas Wheat Barley j Butter Giigs fresh pork Chickens per pair. , Ducks per pair Tuekoys por lb, , . . Oeeae per lb Hay V. Potatoes baK 14 to i!7 -o 60 o 65 to 45 to 14 to 15 -.o 60 to 25 10 40 to 15 tu 10 'o i 00 to 50 lo 16 27 00 65 45 14 15 50 50 60 15 10 I 00 50 z^ome With you/ y^ This week we have Just opened out a large package ^ of Fine Fancy Gilt China â€" fine equality â€" highly glaz- T ed â€" very pretty shapes â€" each piece bears a photo- W graphic view of Flesherton or vicinity â€" the pieces in- (E elude Cup and Saucers, Mugs. Plates, Bon Bons, <J5 Cream Pitchers, Rose Bowls, etc., etc. ' g^ Prices 10c. 15c. and 25c. Each % PfCTlon* to her retnoT»l lo joii^, hM Thoroughbred Durham Bull tor Service Cord minto, 290«t. Th» nnd*r*lfn*« baa a «•• "jl^ Derham Bull for Mrvtoe on lot IM, T. ond H. «• Ton**â€" ei fct ijrarto eown. W tor Iboreefa- Pedljrroo on aepHooMon • jAcou uitaa r»«okert#* r.o Cook's Cottoa Root Compound. I4idies* Favorite, Is the only safe, rcllabia regulator on which woman can depend. "In the houo and time of need." Prepared In two desrect ot â- trengtbi. No, 1 and No. 2. No. 1.â€" For ordinary caaes is by far the best doUac medicine known. _ ^ . Ito. Aâ€" For <epeciai cases â€" 10 IBetncs ttMoaerâ€" three dollars per box. '« _ ^ XAS«*-a8k your drugglBt for Cook^ Cotton Boot Ooaipoviid. Take no other tm «U pills, mixtures and Imitations are dangeroaa. No. 1 and No. i are riold ana recommended hr all druggtsta In th* Do* â- Union o( Canada. Mailed to any eddreat •B receipt ofprloe and (our >-cent poetafa No. 1 and No . 9 are lold Id FlMherton by W B. Miebartiiioii and P>ii«lm*OoH druggUtt. Farm for Sale IjOtll,«OB. T, EnphnMla, one hopdrel tmm. Bo elMCod. two f ram* barn*, iho.!, (boa* poo, Mv pan, two tvaoio booow, good orobet4,MT«r- taiUMapriDg, OobtobUbI to ohnrah andMkeol. from Meaford. Oood tn^ tor lb* riah* aan, Ae. joBiiTkpaMa* Came iLstr*a.y Cometo the pramlm of tbo iinaorslonod last November, one •t«er 9 ym. old this BprTng: owner can hare same br proviug uronertv and paying expooeoa. ' ' â„¢""g gâ„¢P»"» Fevereham July u IWB bbown For an Education that M practical, uteful and ap-to-to dale attend the Owen Sound, Ontario. Beat jiuraee o( itudy in Boaioeaa Suhjecti, Shortbahd att Typewritinic. Beat Metboda. The moet thn<ough>y eqnip{»d CuUege in the Doniimon. Studenrt may eater at any time. Full pariieakr* tent free to any addraaa.

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