T il E F L E S II E R T N ADVANCE Nov. 19 10©3: baptist; CliLi-i3r-cli PASfoa-.-GiilJ. F. HORLSaRT. Service Ht * p.sa. each Lor4rs l»aj Topic â€" A Siir.i ifici', PASTOKâ€" K'JV.a. iTiiaon Wllaoji Serulcei Sunday 1 1 a.m.cSc "2 p.ni Suiuky Nov. 22, lOC'O M'lniin:; â€" '•Ciiiiiproiuiaos." r.ver.ini^-Tho p.-iMtcr- Sul.j. ct, "Vows Briikrii jiLd Kept." Third in the aeries vf the Prodij;:-! Son. * s I N Vicinity Chips "('!5ara<'ter5.«tic.s of the Past i'urious -«^*'- â€" Fresh lime ii'w;iys on ha:id. J. H. Duci'.ctr, Engoiiia. Stone cho[)[iini;, the best, oc. per hund- red Ihs , at Kuiibarley roller luills. For S.ileâ€" Yi'Uii^ Jersey cow ii!so two good u.scful horses.â€" W. W. Trimble. Wo'.kI for s.ilaâ€" 22 i.;ch. A. Shackl.'- ford, B'luahefli';!. Oioice f:irinâ€" 22.5 ii.TJ.s fur sule che:ip. Apply "R .] . Sproule. Wintedâ€" (l.'ey broncho p^niv ; in'ist 'lo g,w.i si.!'.! I'l 1 .-i I'J-i 1. U. P. L'-n-c & C I. Ceyl.n, Out. \VnnK-dâ€" Sa::irt ii,h-\ to learn p:\ut and VHst iiiniiinj;. II. Alexander, Flesiierton, Ont. Bor:i â€" A.t Fle^herton, ou TliursJ.iy, N.iv. 12, to Ml-, and Mrs. W. U. Bunt, a son. The lauitera r'.'turned from Muskoka ou Satmday, having had the usujl luuk, securias; their full qu.ta of deer. Special s»:rvii'os are beini; held each aftorni.on and cveuing thi-i week in the Methodist church, Saturday excepted. When yon buy Hour ask fnr " Prido of Kinibcrley," miide by J. »V. ForJ, jr, at the Kiniberlcy ni'lht. Stock for saleâ€" ThoroughbreJ Durham bull .TTid s^n<id span of wurk horses fur sale. \Vm. Davis, Flesherton. The Owen Sound Board of Trade pass. ed a resolution endorsiu;^ Mr. Clianiber- lain's fiscal policy. Marriedâ€" At Riverside, California, on Saturday, Oct. 24, Mr. Alex. Stiachan. late of Maxwell, Ont., to Miss Helen Seager. Pratt's Astral oil, the highest grade American, brightens the home, niakis (cace in the homo ; 25c a gallon. Try it. At Sheppard's. For bran, eh'prts, wheat, oats peas, bailey uudbcstManitobaatidOutario flour at lott-cst prices, go to Sproule, Crossley & Co. Flesherton. Pu;S3 lost bet'.voeii the 8th con., Artemesia and Flesherton by way of Rockviile eideroad. Finder please leave at this office. Pride of Kimberley Flour, nianu-^acl- ured at Kimberley ndler mills, is taking the lead. Ask for it-get it : J. W. Ford, jr, proirietor. Pii^s strayedâ€" Fonr 5 mos. white p'gs, weiglit 7o to 80 lbs. Finder [ilease coni- uuinicato with John Becroft, Eugenia P.O. To rent or sell â€" 1 comfortable frame dwelling and stable in Flesherton. Posfes- eion lot of Dec. Apply to U. J. Sproule, Flesherton. The Grank Trunk Railway pays taxes in the town of Collingwood to the tune of §2376.08. Two of the C'ollinRwo-id business firnia also pay over $ICC0. Just received at S[)roule, Crosaley & Co., Fleaherton, part of car best water White and Prime White Coal Oil, and selling same at specially reduced pricKS by the bairel or 5 gallon lots. W.aiite.l â€" Ttlegraph pides, piles, r. r. ties, tanbaik, cordwood ; al>o all kinds of si»w Io«s. Uixhcst market piioa in cash will be pnid for any (juan'ity of «U>ve. U. P. Lei,'uto & Co., Ceylon. There is a strike on al ths Methodist church. It Seems the gcntUiuan who pumps the organ refuses to ctutinue ni.iii- ipulating the wind until all arrcarage.t of salnry are p^kl and doBnit? and satisfact. ory BiMiicial arrangements are eutei;ct.i in- to for the future. Contract to let â€" For the cutting and Kkiddinc of saw iogf and cutting cord- wood on ten to thirty acres, lot 2, con. 4, Otprey. Contractor can have u«e of com- fortable dwelling and sUble situated on lo\ Arniitrong Bros., Harkdale and R^ykfale. It is said Mr. C. W, Uariman of Clarks- burg is rea.sonably sure to get the appoint- ment <>t senator. Tuke notice â€" That horse shoeing will bo .iono at o!d prices by Juhu H. Heard and D. iMc Tavish. Wiai'ed â€" Goose, duck, hen and turkey feathers in any quantity. We make an- other .shiiinioin. next week. Biing them aloi!){ to Slioppard'j. Alex. Kennedy, cf the firm of Kennedy it Sons, Owen Souml, dropped dead of heart failure on Monday while snp -rill- ti tilling some work, A full stock of bran, shorts, chop, oa'.s' neaa, barl«y, apules and best family Man- itoba and Ontario n'ixed tlour on hand and for sale at lowest prices at Sproulei Cr'.Bsley ife Co., Flesherton. Mr. A. Muir is in the contest for the recveship of .\rteme6ia and places hi^ card ill this issue. We understand that Mr. Georae Thoni;^soo, Portlaw, is also lik.dy to bo a candidate. Opened this wtek at Sproule, Crosaley A Co., Flesherton, fresh syrups, teas, HUgar-), and a full line general groceries â€" all selling at lowest reduced Christmas prices. A call respeclfuU solicited. W. ,J. Bell of Angus recently sold a turkey gidibler of the hron.'^e variety for §65, to l-.o shipped;rOjFi'gland. The bird weighed 40 pounds and wa.s purcha.sed for breeding purposes. Mp. Fln^di Mcpherson, lot 17. con. 2 N. D. R.. A:tjn.e':ia, has reuted his farm and vrill hold a clearing sale of farm stock and implements cm Thursday, Dec. 3, 1903. Sale at 1 o'clock. Usual terms. D. McPhail, auctionent. The Crcmore St^rsnys : James Black- burn srrive-l home f;om the Northwest on Saturday. He pur(:li.a.setl a half sec- tion of land near Weyburn, and intends returning there in the spring. James McComb, who was shot last week near Parry Sound, together with an'tber iuan,in mistake for a deer it was said, was a brother of Mrs. Geo Fisher of this township. .Another brother, younger than James, was also killed this fall in the Sault liots. Mrs Win. T' Pedlar of the grave! road oast owns the most prolific turkey that has yet come under our notice. The bird has during the past summer laid 121 eggs and only ceased her exertions along that line about a week aso. That is a bird of a bird. She l.as established a record tha*- will be difficult to beat. The Advance was misinformed last week regarding the announced sale hy Dr. Scott ot his practice and properly at Maxwell. Welhouiiht our iiiformation reliable but we hive the geniil doctor's word that he has not sold, and regret hav- ing given publicaiion to what proved to be a f dsc rumor. The Dr. says that should he sell he would think it his duty to notify the public through the press. Our offer of three papers, two weeklies and a daily, for oue dollar and eighty-live cents, is the greatest offer ever heard of in nowspaperdom. Will our readers tell their friends about it and let them par- ticipate in the windfall now offered. Our own paper, the iMontre.il Herald and Tor- onto daily News, only f 1.85 I Shades of Caxtoii I How can it be done, you ask ? We do it, that's all, and you reap the benefit. Mr. Joseph Fields of this pla.^e h.as been a member of No. 6 Co. , 31st Batta- lion, f.ir tv.enty-four years, liast week he received a haudsomo silver medal, the in- scriptions upon which rend : "Victoria Uegina et Imperatrix." "For long service in the colonial auxiliary forces."' "Color Sergeant J. H. Field, 31st regiment." Twenty years service entitles to this medal. Joe has four ye.irs to the good. X citizen desires us to draw the atten- tion of the police trustees to the condi- tion of the hiyh sidewalk just east i^f the Pie.ibj terian church, where the railing has decayed and fallen away. .\ lady fell over at ihi.s point one night last week and injured herself. A few cents iipent now mi.;ht prevent the necessity of spending s tew hundred dollars in future law costs or damages. The saying '"In olden times the men went out with powder in their sjuns to hunt deer.but now the ('dear') deer comes out with powder on its face to hunt a man," was really practiced on Mr. George Lawler, of the 8ih line, Artemesia, Sat- urday, when a deer camo out of Pedlar'a swamp and followed him for about 60 yard* up the road and then took to the 6elds again. Mr. Lawler did not h»Te a gun or he would have made the de«r pay dear for its fun. Miss Park, in the viUa^, will sell her household furniture on Saturday next, Nov. 21, at 1.30 o'clock p. m. See bills for list. K. J. Sproule, auctioneer. Mr. W. Engliah.who ha." been with W. Muore,hariiessiuaker, for the past four years, loft on Tue.-day for Idaho to work at his trade. Ij.: on the track has been playing havoc with trains. A. freight got derailed near Sholburne on Monday, making the night train three hours late, and another left tliu track at Owen Sound on Tuesday. Rev. Mr. Fleniii;g of Maxwell, wlu ia about to remove lo the Northwest, has instructed R. J. Sproule to sell by public auction his household furniture, etc., ou Wednesday, Decembei 2, at the manse, Maxwell See bills for particulars. Two foreigners made an interesting hour among our merchants on Friday, on wluim they tried to work a little llimflain game. lu all ei.'Jes with one exception, their scheme was a failure. They suc- ceeded in getting fifteen dollars from R. Trimble without sjiving an equivalent. Trimble succeeded in getting a citizen in- terested in his loss to an extent that he collared the Jew and made him give up the money. Later the pair were run out of town. Nearly every business man has a little experience lo narrate of the pec- uliarities of the two gents. Mr. Sydney Schofield, 220 Carlton St., Toronto, was recently united in marriage to Miss Stella Martin at 201) Parliament street. Rev. M. L. Ptar.sou of Berkeley street Methodist church, performed the ceremony, the bridegroom being attended by Mr. .A.. D. Savage, of Guelph. Miss Jennie Martin, sister of the bride, acted as bridesmaid. The bride's dress was of white silk with train and veil, that of the bridesmaid being of blue crepe do china with applique trimmings. The happy couple were tlie recipients of many costly gifts, and after receiving cougratul- atioi.s took the traiu for Montreal, then to Flesherton, where they will spend their honeymoon, visiting the bride's aunt, Mrs. A. Wilson. The directors of the public library are nuking a canvas of the tovvn this week for members, with the objest of placing this valuable institution uii a solid basis once more. There are about thirteen hundred volumes incur library. It would bo a la>ting disgrace if allowed to go to the wall. Wo believe there are a few citizens who will refuse to put up the small membership fee of uO cents. Of couise there are always few in every communiiy who never read anything or attempt to store their mind with kuow- led;;e, and who consequently cannot see any good in a libiary, but they form a very small percentage of the community. Even to this clase we would appeal on the score "f bentvolence and loyalty to the town iuslicutioiis. Tliere are at least a hundred members wanted if the library 's to be continued. A subscriber to a farmer's paper asked this question : " At what times and under what circumstances may a farmer shoot stray dogs on his premi.scs ? " The answer the paper gives lo this qnealion is a.s follows, and it would be well for own- ers of dogs to bear it in mind : " He may kill any that he tinds astray between sunset and sunrise on his farm it .sheep are kept thereon, uule:;s such dog be se- cui ely muzzled or accom[)auieel by or in reasonable call or control of the poison having it in charge. Even in such case the dog may be VilleJ if there is reason- able npprehension on the part of the f.irmer that such doi; if not killed i.s likely to wound or worry sheep or lambs then ou his farm. Ho may also kill any doy which he sees pursuing, worrying rr with out lawful permi."!sion to any enclosed field on his farm and found by him to be giving tongue mid terrifying any sheep or lamb thereon Election Card Tit ihi FJectorx of (}•« Tp. of Aiicmcfin Lauiks ani> Gfnti.kmanâ€" I cordi.iUy tbauk ynn for yo'ir suppoi t ia llie iiast, ami I rnspoct* hilly â- *oHcit voiii- vote nx^<\ infiiienco ou my be- half for tlio voovonhip (or lUiW. toura rosnectfiilly ALfcX. MUIr ^ih^ SHEPPARD \0 \» \«/ iif a/ ilt ^ \^ \h i^f v& il/ ii: 1^ ^> ^) ^If \^ ili i^i ii; \if il/ ili ii/ ii) ^ [^ I ID Ml III the mat'er of Jeremiah Thompson of the township of .4rtenie.sia,in the county of Grey, farmer, insolvent. NOTICE IB hamb.r RiTdu that the above â-¡anied innulvBiit hivs lUtwiD anosfligomoufe to me for the benefit of hi* or»illtor». A ineetiilR of theor«i1ttorR will be held hi the office of iho uadKr«igued soHoitor ou Suturilny, N'oTomber tbeflStb. -All creditor* aro rcquoAted to file their ciMniB with the undei signed itolioltor, duly provti), or or t>«{ore tbivt ilato. after which dftte I will proceed t..>win(l up the eotftte. Dftteil >t Sbelburno.Ont., Not. 10th. 19u* ., O. U. V.4S0H, JOa« HASIIL Td;! Solicitor AaAjtt^ -^^Len's Qlot/iL/ig. We keep everything a man wears, the newest, the most, the best, the cheapest cU)thing. New Fall Top C'uat.s in hirge variety. SS-vibtoers «S6 F'elt Boots We have th be.st that are made, it will cost you nothing to see them, it will cost you less to buy tliein from us than the best can be bought else- where. Fiai?s ! Fill's! We are haiuUing a full line of furs, in ladies' and gents'. You will tind one of the Ijest assoir- ment.snf Fur Jackcts, €aps and dcnfs Fur Croats to Ije found any place prices can't be beat. and our IZ^fiM-xer* Uara.dLervireai-'. Our Stock of Winter underwear never v^'as so full. Our Special All-wool Shirt.s and Drawers. This line at 50C» i^ '-"^ bargain. X<^d.ies Clotli JTackets. "^Ve have a good stock of them yet, although wc never sold sold so many before. The reason is that the style and prices are right. You can get value from us you can't get every place, as we imported them ourselves. SSillisier^r 3I5ej>''t. As in the past, i.s taking the lead. When ^^•a^t a real nice nobbv hat, come to us. you We are handling Pratt's Astral, which is the highest grade American oil to be tj;ot. It brijjh- tens the home, makes peace in the home and don't cost anv more than common oil. We take all your goose, duck, hen. and turkey feathers at good prices. Now is a good time to bring them alonij 0/ Hit Of \h iA ili Ih ili \^ i^ \^ 0/ Of ilf 0/ Oi \lr i^ i^ \l> ili \6 Ui a» ^t*. jji/.. ,M^ M(. ..w, ^if, ^u. .&;«. j,t{. .}!{. ^% .^t<, .^^/, .}!«, jiij, .jk. .>!«. .m^. ^51?, .mj. .jtj, ^ir, jii/^ ^t«. ., .^ ,<!/>, ^«. '/iC •JH. VIS- 'â- iii- â- J!?. '/!«• Tl*- '/!•;• vi'^" iS'<l Nomina Un. I~.ast iveek tvc receiucd. 2000 iveiffAt of •.t^leiv tTresA SDruffS. xj/iis iitecli u-ti ai'e receiving oun s/iipments of fancy goods and pep fumes, over oOO tueig/it to I'lanS alneady Look Out: Xlicreis f? Xlore Lo Follow. •5)1- m* e* l^ichardsds^ Fksb^rtoK, 0£tt, «. %\t'.. .$!«. ;^i^ .jt^. ^!«;i!!5; •*':> «i'i^!?;^!?: •sW' -{'i ^ff. :*!^^B;i*^ S'i. i*l% .•^J'i ^t^'fr ^t*- •»!'?• "M'- ^' •. .4^ New .Stock of Drugs Wo have an entirely new stock of Drugs and patent renieilies on hand and arc now capable of giv- ing you any Patent Remedy in demand. PERFUMES 1 PERFUMES 1 We have a very select line of perfumes for Xmas gifts. Recipes Filled According; to Order The pleasure is ours when you call and inspect our Stock. W. J, DOUGLASS & CO. Christoe's Block Flsherton, Out.