Flesherton Advance, 26 Nov 1903, p. 4

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Nov. 26 1W)3 THE F, US S H E R T.O.N- ADVANCE MRRS "7 iiiiiWWVMWWW I F, T. HILL& CO I wwyvvwwv^ you cein.buy e^U kinds of Gmniteware hare, at about. ... HALF PRICE Tlio way we're RelHiig grsnitoware of »ll kinds thoio days proves very conclusively that we knotr how to bay. 'J'licro lire lots of inorclmnU whose priccB aroiipimreiitly very Iiiuh iind yet whoso profits »re much higher than they should l>o i hut tho trouble is they pay too much for iheir ponds. Tlie followiiii> prices will give you an idea of wlmt right buying meani and please hoar in mind that every dollars worth of (his grauituware was made by the best nianufacturers iu America. 12i AND lf)o. GRANITE BOWLS 8c. 1 HO (irnnito Bowls, good size, the kind that is sold every where nl 12j to IDs., our [>rico, .8 75c. GRANITE DISH PANS 45c. 78 Oranite Di.sh Puns (11 (|imrt) never Inrobjforo «o1d ;il less tliiiu 70 cents, our |iiico 48 82,50 GRANITE SINKS ?1 50 2S Grniiite Sinks have just beon |jKiced on sale at this ridiculously lov>' piii;eâ€" the $2.5t) size and qunlity tor only 1.00 35;. GRANITE PUDDING PANS 19c. 240 Granite Pudding Pans (4 qt.) not sold anywhere else to our knowliulgo at less than 35c. , our pries. . 19 25c, ORANITE PRESERVING KETTLE 15 100 siimll oizc Granite Pre.servinz Kettlesâ€" one of tho most useful little artieles in the home and excellent value at L'Oc , our price 15 4r.c GRANITE CHAMBERS 2!«c. f)0 Granite Clianibers, the .size and quality that is sold fcverywlieri} at 45c., our pi 29 I \\\ Imvo duriu'.? the p.i^f tlireo weeks «"ld morn (jranitew.^re than is sold in the averaue hardware store iu t.velvp months. It's ijuitiMin innovation on the p:irt of our customers tcj Iw able to purcliusj excellent granite ware at tha jiiieo of oidmaiv tinivaio. Every known iirtii.'le of <;r,'iuitewarenow in stockâ€" (.'Ruiiteware tlmt with ordinary care will last a life time and every didhu's worth proportionately reduced with above prices. Stoves, Ranges, Heaters Our Kto::k of those i.s now tlioroii;ilily complete there heiii',' nearly forty from which to make a selection and every |^ one miirked lU the lowest possible prieo, \Vilhout 11 doubt we ciu save you money ou almost anything you rcc|uiro S? in hardware JjC, These Prices Speak f or The mselves 25 '.TABLE OILCLOTH FOll 17c. (i pieces best quality, iiew pattern Oil Buize, 40 inches wide, u.sually you are asluvl to pay 25 cents for these ijojd.s, but by close, juilii^ious buying we arc able to reserve n sui:\ll profit for ourselves and efTect a bi'; per Cfi/t. savii:;i to you on every yard you purclwse. These 25e. ^joods will no'.v be L'ljkl at 17 25c. PLAID DRESS GOODS FOR 13c. 278 yards new pattern Plaid Dress Good.s, excellent comhinntion of C(dorings that are absolutely fust and durable. These are all double fold goods, very suit- able for s^irl'M and children's dresaes, are not sold ai:y- vvlierein the usual way at less than 25c., but for extra ipiick sellint; we have them marked to clear at 15 :Mwm MARK DALE aww^ From the Western Wheatfields [Written for The Advance] Af;er a pleasant and profitable week's Bojourn in the pietureaipio, beautiful and niai-velously oxpandiiiii city <.f Wumipeg. mid eouiiiK:tiog our mission there, ou tho h.'vely warm nuirning of ibi! Knh June wc ie,'ain boarded the C'.P.R. :â-  exquis- itely u[>liolstered chariot heeling west- '.viird. First eouies jjromiocotly into our n.-tice thill iodetinahlu louch of nature 'hat niiikos the whole world kinâ€" synpa- thetic emotion, remarkable in ita sponta- niety. One eyo weciid and a whole crowd IS moved to tears. Taking our sr^iit in the ciaeh we raise our window and gaze npmi tho Berthing, scrambling crowd, pus'.iing, jostling, gesticulating, shouting, ba.J-iiaking, emiiraciog, kissiii;;, and ;n;il.e alliens, each one on the iourmiy in- tei:L, .stru'.'gling to assert No. 1 regardlBS.i (if p ilite or couitoous iroatment of other.s, i-xri^pi here and there conapiciious iiistan- ( es wliere llie harsh, eliaotio scene is re- lieved by the beautiful, consideriitc, un- 1 'Itis'i couitiiiiy and helpfulness of home HMO til aiiot!ier â€" the gnn:ious act, decliir- in ! I lie true t'enllcman or lady. ONU TOUCH 01'" NATCKK Till' v.h.i,:tle gouiuU ; we are of!', .•\ i I'ly iii lli« ni^T'.t seat raises the ear win- (lo.v iiiid Ijids un Hlf.-etionato farewell to her siiiti-r on tiie platform, who, with a snill;' v,-|'.ich we reco:;nize as n veritabl(! pam, proci'odoil to try to keep pace with ;lie f^itheriiig speed of the tram. Tiie iiiiitiid tokens of faruwell Intween the piwtiii,' sisters were repeateil and re- r(;]i.-riU'd, until we could e wily ob.iin'vo ihuc'iinigo from ]iinii to anguish in tlm loarlesH oye of the one being left behind. And j i.st as wo roileoluil that llioro are s. mil; ;;iiers thai guiiw de.p, she proved iinipul 'o tbn race mid with an appar- ently li"art-bnrsting wivo of faniwo'l. hIio >aiil< to I he sidiiwalk, A policeman r.m ii'id p oked hi.'i up as wii swept out of sigln. Wii lurneil to oiror. a word of Fyiiipnthy and eoniolation to our fellow |iui,s£iiii'er, wli'.se fiien w.is hatlie 1 in t»ni3iinil who tninbled wi'li ngilatioii. We simply said, "Oli such a mighty lovo I Why. ycu are neli ill the possession of a love like tliat. Bo cabii. She will be lOiidrily c.ired for, and yon, yood la.ly, will soon heav from her, no doubt." We Here richly rewarded by a iji'norous *' TImnk you" Teins were dried and calmness to ik tho place nnr.st. Tur. nr.Ainu-ui. i-uaiuik Tiitnan Eden of llowers and Kimshine â€" Ihe 1 iginnii.g of a world a|ipHuntly uii- l.onnleil, where idl lifj Hpriii«s m'n broiidcast nctivitius^wiih a coiisciousoe.s^ if what gr«-al Ihiiiifs must follo-.v. Th K 1 think, would ho your tirnt iii,|ircM fio 1, Mr. Editor. «â- -. y. u sio.nl a litilo nliiiv • the hi'aili on the car, linking down on nhiital lir^t. sight would !(ccin lo ymi HI) niitovily, lovil, inonoMmous expaiis«; but like peoidii who aro rwdly worth kno >iiig, the hoitli, or pi.nrie, improves on HTpiaiiitanco ; and tlie. moio iniinijitc yon are with it the better joulike 11. F.rs ,1 fancy, yon p?rc'ivo with awo tin* vil.i', unuHual height ol the blue v*ult of h(>^vâ- 'll nhiivu you ; and next you are L-ooH.NOUs of t'o' i"d lio>ilo ehhrin of lavcl ilist»n o, ipp»rently dnbounds 1 ; and then compB to you that »cn8e of freedom ;i^i> o( noj;^ Bli » id open s,iHei', which gives wings to the spirit and exhilarates unspeakilily. Then once you are down upon the heath you Und it no longer a I dreary, monotonous expanse. Even the 1 monotony of color has vanished then ; the prairie niisturo of purple and white, ! brown, yellow and green, so insignificant in the diMaiico and on the car, but no 'heauliful and frft;^r;\nt ivheii you find 1 yourself surrounded by ils component i purls. The purple heather, the creamy I meadowsweet, the tall foxgloves, the jpraiiio ro.se, the wihl tiger lily, the feathery green of ferns and bracken, I through which yim might wade brtast lii^^h, all these are specks in a conglom- erate wholo. Once among them ai.d you I liud that each has a separate existence, I large and more or less lovely, of iis very I own, a loc.d habitation, niiiision and a i nau'c. Now we are out on the broad bo.soni of tli« prairie. Passeni^ers fmin the Eiist who for the first time view tho ]i!aiim crane their nocks and <;axe wi'li iiuensest interest for a lime J:ind iuduliie in the iiiost el.iboiate and Viiried exi lani.itions and adjectives concoruiTi^ tlwir opinions lUul iiupressioiis. Sotiie appciir to weigh 'â- oiiditioiis aeiisibly, some grote.'-quely ; some will indulge in langhahle caricatur- ing, whilst some see nothini- hu" what, is soiiihro. Even the me-.i of the cloth can- !.ot be a'i of one mind. MiiiistnrH on their way to the n.ssembly at Victoria expressed lliemselvrs variously as ihey saw things for and a:;aiiisl the prairie ooimtiy as a iK'siia'iIo place to bve. Bui our j iiiniuy IS u'lnnii the tevini- niil. The few riiin lining p:isseng<'is in I lie coa;;h become more and more friendly anil intim.'it I. Tiii^geneial l'ii;-e of the eiuinlry over which we speed 1 havo de- scribed to you lief iro. .Siilli-eit to say inarUud iinproveinent and iiioicaaed s.it- I lenient aie oliservod on p\ ery band, whilst th > m'owjii',' crops are giving gUiw- iiii/ |)roiniso of ini ample Inuvest. New settieis huts are oliscrviiohi evelvwbere, pio\ ill;; that tliu t'. P. R. nio ilisposinv; of their biiiils near the track. -V. T. Cauii. h re, on Sund.iy next, preaching iu tho mornini; on " Forgetting tho past," and in the ovenins on " David and Goliath." Mr. Kennedy has won golden opiniors among those who have been associated with bim iu his work in Oiitarto and tho western stiitee. Ho preaches strong, practical, heartsearching sermons and large iiumViers of con versions aro reported wherever he go=s. We select one fair Siunple testimonial relative to his work in other places. Siiys the Chn'ou Era: ''Mr. Kennedy's p-eachint; is unique. It is very plain, pr.ictical andi|Uaint. Hav- ing been iisaociated with Mr. D.L.Moody for some time, he lia.s caught something of Mr. Moody 3 stylo of presenting Gospel tru;h. Sometimes a single nentence comes like the llash of a searchlight over some (dil triiili, and wo see it as never before " \Vc bespeak tor Mr. Kennedy a very succes-sful campaign in Fleah«rtc;n.. Mr. W. Gaudin, of Ileathcoto, left on Wodnesilay for Ciilyary, whore ho will uiiderrake mission work in connection with tho Methodist church. Mr. Gauilin is very iiopnlar and before leaving was I'lvseiiled withaiuirse of $75. CO by his fiiendsand lu'lyhbors of the lleat'heotu circuit, and an iiddross from tho Quarter- ly Board. -Uefieetor. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to not the best Photos is at BULAlElfS PHOTOGRAPH GALLKllY. SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay Spcciid .\ttenlion to Copying iiiiil Babies' pictures. Pi.-turo fram- ing a s[ieeiHlly. Try us for any kind of pictures imd we will liiviraiseratisfaction. Sydenham street, Fleshcrton. BIG . . STOCK Wo havoiuHt reeoivoil in Btook Oiio of tlie nuoBt ansortmenta of BLANKETS AND ROBES in tho iimikot ftti:l can f»vor you with any rvqulrcii>«Uij» you .will neeci \n tbat lino. Al^na Ureo conpl^tinient of luiilatiou PERSIAN LAMB COATS. \Ve)mve n flno collection of ao«ta to to «tOeot fr*Mii. Evangelist H. I). Kennedy, wh.«e A" Sold at Lowest Living Prices jiliotojravure appears above, will com | , ., \", i i - «>• luoncd rvanuelntic work wi'h Rev. Ivison __â€" .>•»â-  ^^m- ^'^ <^ â- *» â- wr^ Wijpon, pastor <if the l^leilmdiu oburcU VIC IVi* IVI. Cj %J Jt%. Ei :â- :',. â- â€žâ- â- â-  â- â-  i- '' â- â-  ' - '„ k-f' â- ";-,â- â- ' -\-.'', â-  â-  "â- v..^-'''"i5!.'J.'i'> p. BOYD, HICKLING & FLESHERTON, ONT.- Ladies'^^ Stylish # Winter Clothing Cloth Jackets Fur Sllanties ^\ Caperines IVluffs Ruffs Gauntlets Shawls Winter Footweair For Men and Boys Granby Snag Proof Eubbersâ€" all new stylesâ€" all sizes. Lci'o'inf^.S â- â€¢-'^00 Mpccasins Felt Boots Heavy Socka U wo iLlothinq Specials Our 'pO.oO c/vafjlan Overcoat INIen's Heavy Oxford Grey Cheviot Overcoatsâ€" Ivaglan sty'o., turn back t-ulfs, vertit.al pockets, (\vv\) velvet etillar,. twill Italian linings, beantiful- ly linished. Sizes tJr)â€" 4l'. SReyula,' ^7.50 Value fof ^6. SO Our Opecial lA eefer Men's H(\'ivy Oxford Grey Frieze Reeters, deep storm eiillars, heavy plaitl linings, well made and iinisheil, good hard wearers. S^:es 36 to UU. Special ^3 75 Sizes 33 to 35. Special ^3.50 We are unpacking -t/t^ largest anel sufelles*: / aeifction of ^aney GAina an<^ S lass ware suitable for I C mas ^ resents ever sAown here ' v«y'j/\»/M.-va.'\A'\«.-\«.'\«/vj/v.-\«>N>.'s«/\a/\a,-v/M.-M/s«/vM/N«/v/\>/\«.- ml>

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