Flesherton Advance, 3 Dec 1903, p. 3

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.1. , â-  \ For Purity, Strength and Flavor It is superior to the finest Japan tea grown. CEYLON NATURAL GRBBN tea is displacing Japan tea juat as "Sa^ala" Black tea is displacing all other Blacis: teas. Siild only in â- â- aim I«ad paeint*. ty all Qraoors. . , â-  â-  . â-  I . i i VICTIMS OF THE JUHCLE. Chousands Slain Last Year Iji In- dia by Wild Beasts. The resolution of the Government if India on the subject notices that n 1901 more human beings wuro tilled by wild animals than in any roar since 1875 except one, and reached a total of 3,651, while last fear it was 2,836; and the number of leaths from anako bite was 23,166. Tigers killed 1,046 persons, of j Phom 544 perished in Bengal, sixty- Ive being in a single district. This iras due to the depredations of a ] Uan-eater, for the destruction of j rhich a special reward was offered without avail. In another district. Inhere forty-three persons wore killed, aost of them fell victims also to I man-eater. Wolves slew 377 persons lost year, )f whom 204 were killed in the Unit- id Provinces. A. campaign was un- lertakon against- those animals in [ Rohilkhand and the Allahabad di- : Vision, and they have been almost ] exterminated in Cawnpore district, i where they used to abound. Eleven thousand one hundred and thirty deaths took place in Bengal ! ftlone from snake-bite. 3,258 of these being in the Patna division, while i 5,110 deaths toolc place in the Unit- ; ed Provinces; 80,796 cattle (an in- ] crease on the previous year) were j killed by wild animals last year, j and 9,019 by snakes. Tigers killed 80,555 of these, leopards .38,211, and j wolves and hyenas most of the re- caainder. MESSAdETO ALLCiMOIilS THAT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURE ALL STAGES OF i- ^ KIDNEY DISEASE. ..timilien Clouatre bad Backache, Headache and Could Not Sleep â€" Now bo Can Sleep, Work and Enjoy Life â€" Dodd's Kidney Fills Did it. Val Kacine. Que., Nov. 23.â€" (Spe- cial). â€" In these days when nearly every newspaper tells of deaths from JCldney Disease the case of Einiiien ' Clouatre of this placo comes as a messago of liopo to the Canadian people. Ho had Kidney Disease. Dodd's Kidney Pills cured him com- pletely and permanently. M. Clouatre is always glad to tell of his cure. He says: "I can not do otherwise than praise Dodd's Kidney Pills. They cured me of Kidney Dis- Base. "I had pains in the back and head- ache and could not sleep at nights. I got up in the morning more fatigued Ihan the night before. I took nine boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills tuid they cured nic completely. Now I can sleep well and work well and toy backache and headache are gone. I have had no trouble since I took Dodd's Kidney Pills." Dodd's Kidney Pills never fail to cure Kidney Disease from Backache lo Bright's Dlsea.so. They have an Unbroken record of thirteen years In Canada. â- â™¦ SWEF/r S.\RA. Sir Samuel Sims saw sweet Sara Bampson swinminng'. Suddenly she iccmcd pinking. Sir Samuel stood Itunned. Strid.ing seawards, spurn- ing sliiiigle. Sir fcjiunuel swiftly swajii Sara-wards. Sir SaJnuel skillfully BUjifKirted swooning Sara; swlnuuing shorewards, Sir Samuel successfully succoured Sara. Seeming somewhat .shaky. Sir Samuel sauiplcd some siiii'it.9 â€" special Scotch. Sara taw Sir .Samuel's telf-sacrilicing i^piiit; Sir SaMUpl saw Sara'.s sweetness. 'Sir Sam»iel soon sought Sara. Strid- ing slowly, Sara ."dghed f-oltly. Sir â-  Sami^el seeiifod speechless. •'.Say gomething, Sir Samuel Sara. â- 'Say, Sam, Sara," said Sir Sam- ,ucl. ' Sara, smiling shyly, softly ^••Sam." "Saroiâ€" Sally ! ' slainmcred 'Samuel. "Sweet Sara â€" sweetheart!' ' Sara solemnly surrendered. M lEBEY OLD ElfiLMD OTEWS BY MAIL ABOUT JOHU BULL AND HIS PEOPLE. Occttrrnnces in the Land That Beigns Supreme in the Com- mercial World. The Corporation of Exeter has granted a site at the principal en- trance to Barn Meadow, Exeter, for a BuUer equestrian statue. A system of electro-pnouniatic sig- nalling has been installed by the Lancashire and Yorkshiie Hallway Company, now approaching ctrmpla- tion. In a high jumping competition at (ho Southport Physical Training Col- lege, a gill student achieved a l:eight of four feet ten inches. This is be- lieved to be a record for her eqx. The North-Eastern Railway Com- pany have decided to .substitute elec- trtaity for steam power foi- the driv- in^^I the whole of the machinery comprised in the company's locomo- tive works at Uates-head-on-Tyne. Sir Mark Collet, the well-known English finaac-lor, who celebrated his eighty-seventh birthday lart week, has been governor ot the Bank of England Fiiico 1866. Ho comes of Manx .stock. He was made a baron- et in 1888. In a ploughing match at AUiormas- ton, a pair of donkeys attached to a small plough poitonned excellent work. The owner entered the don- keys with the object of showing ho%v tliesa animals could bo prolitably used by small farmeis. Throe men who wore found in the act of rifling a Grecngate (Salford) pawnshop had a stock of handker- chiefs wrapped round tlioir bodies and other goods had been made up ready for removal. They were scut to jail for six months apiece. A picture po.st-card about a foot long and nine inches broad is the latest novelty. It was on vdew in a Cheapfii.'e .shop window. It co.sts 3d., requires a penny stamp, and has a view of London on the back, with spa' e for the sender's name. At a meeting held at Hull it was resolved to e.'jtablish a College oi Music for Hull and the East Riding. Dr. Smith explained the .scheme in detail, and a council was appointed and ai'rangements made to raise iil,- 000 for foundation expenses. Edwaid Smart, driver of a pleas- ure waggon which cellided with a train on the liglit railway, near Wes- ton-super-Mare, whereby two mar- ried, women, of Caidift, were killed, and four others injured, was com- mitted for trial for manslaughter on Tuesday. The Adiniraltj' recently announced that they intended to provide sailors with a knil'e, fork, spoon, enamel iron plate, and an oilcloth cover for their new mess tables. In the past the seaman has had to eat his food with a broad-bladed clasp-knife and his fingers. At the amiual mcetirg of the Dur- ham Col'ege of Science, at Newcastle on Monday, it was reported that the balance ot the £50,000 icqulred for the Lord Armstrong memorial has been guaranteed. The scheme pro- vides for the erection of a statue, and the completion of tho college building.s, whicli will he kno%yn as the Ai-m^trong Memorial Uiiiveraity College. An o.K-detoctivc-sergeant of tho Mct- I'opolitau Police, named Wm. James. was i-emanded at Clerkeiiwell Police ' Court charged with having nturdercd ! his sister-in-law and attempted to 1 take the life of his step-daughter by shooting them with a revolver at 19 I Myddelton square. The prisoner's wife obtained a separation from him some time ago, and he had not been to tho house where the tragedy took placo. since August. A miner named William 'Wilson wa-i sent to Jail for three months hard Sunlight Soap will not injure your blankets or harden them. II will make them soft, white and fleecy. j^ labor at Castleford for stealing five- pence from a till in a grocer's shop. I'rlsoner, who is known ns a "black sheep," entered tlie shop through tho back window, wlith he opened with his knife. Unfortunately, however, for him he forgot his knife and a pit bottle In leaving. An American contractor is building a power house in London for the Metropolllaji Railway, which has been happily termed the "miracle in bricks," a tribute to the remarkable speed at which the construction is being erected. The British brick- layers do not challenge the speed, but they claim that it has been ex- ceeded in at least one instance by London bricklayers. said said Sir , The demolition of tho Royal Cale- Aioniaa Asylum building in Caledon- ian Road, Islington, has been com- imcnied. For nearlj- a century the ;^.vhim has occupied a prominent <i>lacc among the charitable instltu- 'tlons of London, and diirlng that 'long period many hundreds of poor 'Scotlfh children have been reared •and educated within l' s wnl's. j At soiDO motor-car ti'tals at South- port tho highest speed obtained (against the wind was. «ixt,v-elght lOiilM aa hour. When the little folks take colds and coughs, don't neglect them and let tliem strain the leader mem- branes of their lungs. Give them Consumption Cure Th« Lung Tonic It will cure them qtackly and strengthen their lungs. It is pleasant to talce. Pries* 26c., 60c, and $1.00 3. C. WILLS k CO. TKonio, C«D. taRoy, N.Y. • $100 Reward, $100 Thcro is more CatHrrli fn this section of tho country tlian all otiier dt(;easefi put together, and until tiio last few yeart wai supposed to bo incuralile. Kor a great many years rioctor.i pronounced It a local disease and proscrilied local remedies. iLnri i)y cons^tantly railing to cure with local treatment., pronounced it incurable. Science Ii.i.s proven catarrh to bo a constitutional (iiKease an^ thero- fore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's (.'atarrh Cure, nianufaotureil l>y F. -J. Ciioney & Co. . Toledo. Ohio, is the only couHtltutional rnre on tlie mar- Icot. It Is taken Internally in doa«s from 10 drops to a t(ni.s|-.oor»fiil. It acts directly on tho blood and mucous sup- faces of the syaceni. 'i'iiey olTor one hun- dred dollars for any caso it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimoni- als. Address. F. J. CHICNIOY .t CO., Toledo, O. Sold hy Druggists. 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. "She's not half as bad as she's painted." "Well, she has only her- .self to bliuijo." "h",h '.'" 'Sl;e 'paints herself, doesn't she V" When RCieumatism douDtss a man up physician and sufTsrur alike logo heart and often despair of a cure, but hero's the exception. Wm. Pejjg, of Nor- wood, Out, says: "I was nearly doubled up with rheumatism. I got three bottles oi South Americau Rheuniain; Cure and they cured me. It's the quicjeit acting medicine I ever saw." â€" 18 SOMETIUNG SHE DID NEED. Lady of tho House (sharply) â€" "No, air. I don't need no soaps." Pedlar (suavely, opening another bag) â€" " 'Elemonts of Grammar,' ma'am? Only ten cents." Mm [mm cjics sarcgi in mi "Brilliant and iuipulKive people," said a lecturer on physiognomy, "have black eyes, or it they don't have them they are apt to get them, if they're too impulsive." Eyes and Ncse ran Wa-^er.â€" C. G. Archer, of Brewer, Maine, says : " i have had Catarrh for several years. Watot would run from my eyes and nose for days at a time. About four months ago I was in. duced to try Dr. Aijnew's Catarrhal Powder, and since using the wonderful remedy ) have DSt had an sttack. It relieves in tan minutes." 50 cents.â€" 17 Mrs. Jones : "'Vou can't seem to keep a servant. Mis. JJaxter. " Mrs. Baxter : "Yes, 1 can; but when it comes to half-keeping two or three lioli..«uien along with her, 1 won't!" Per Over .Mxty YuarA (fitfl. wraetowa SeoTMifltt Sypwp Hm btwo nattA t)p niltisns ol noLliuri (or ttiair ohildirn while tMihinii inoothm t,li« ohIIJ, noftsns til" genu, klmimpain, euro: wind uallc, Mgutalc* the ^(onmoh ftoJ bowel*, aeJ is tho h!>t rpmndy for Ull>fTli«^ 'fw^nty-fiTo OMito • botUg loM hf (Iruc^UtJ tiinmgiiout tho werld. lis »ur« ami <jtt?r"M!ii WmaLoWsbooTHiKa 8v»o»." 23-;( "Well," said Pat, "clivor as ye are. ye can't tell me what .keeps bricks together." "Shore," said Mike, "it's mortar." "No," said Pat. "It's wrong that ye ate. Sure moither keeps them apart 1" M^arfs Llnloisnt Ciir«s Oi&iiinps^ "NOT ALTOGETHER MODERN. Breech-loading guns are usually suppo.scd to be a nineteenth century invention. The London Chronicle says that in tho shop of a l.'ubliu gunsmith at Cork. Hill is on view a brecch-lo.ading ride which was offer- ed to the British war olilce at the close of the eighteenth century. It was rejected on the ground that it took too much anuuuuitlon. That the breech-lo.ader is older still, and that there is little now under tho sun, hafl been proved at Tobermory Bay. Slull, where Captain Burns of CJlaagow has, with the permission of the Duke of Argyll, been searching for relics of the Admiral of Florence, one ot the vessels ot tho Spanish .\r- mada known to have been blowp up in 1588 in that far-away water. With tho aid of an old choi-t the diver went down into twelve fathoms and came across a bron74» breech- loading canson, four and a half feet long, eight InchoB in diameter dX the breech, and bearing tho date of l.'Se.^. The diver also discovered o pistol, heavily Inorusted with lime, a sword blade and a kudge. The re- lics arc to be exhibited In Olasgow. â-  Ji ... â- Â»e clfTVf- J-OvUe^ 'J^juf-iM •'i^^^ /if.9tu C^t/ny le^fij Hotel Belleclaire Broadway and 77th Street, New York. LnxuBiotTSUY FcBNiBUKD EooMB for permanent and transient guests, at moderate prices. Obchestsa of Boix) Pi.iYEite, 6 p. m. till 1 a. m. Eestaobant, Palm Koou amd Cai-k, gems of artistic perfection. C^iislne and service really delightful. A Special PEATtJUE is ouk Afteb Tueatue Bdppees. BiLUABD PAai/)R KOR Ladies is another pleasaut feature. Our Gallery of Beautiful Paintings, valued at 350,000, Is open evoidngs to visitors. Atlablllty and oourtesy guaranteed from every Bellb- CI.AIBE employe. ABSOLtrrBLY FlBEPBOOF. , â- * MILTON ROBLEE, Proprietor. llffHimRSir-Saft'iainiafr^ When you buy a WASHSOABO "" "'"' '"^ ""^^"^^ ''"^ """"^ X "Household .a^^ -^..sts^^ "SPECIAL "Watfwly." CLOSE." INSIST ON GETTING OVE OF THE ABOVE WELL-KNOWN BR.VNDS The Boat Thai Can be Hi> d. USE EDDY'^ F A5LS &. TUBS. US£ EDDY'S JVs^TCHES. Miss Elder (displaying her luw gown)â€" "Now this is a perfect copy of a dress of the First Kmpire." Sliss Kittishâ€" "You remember exactly how they looked, I suppose'?" People who do tho bei»t they can to-day have tho wuy oi;cn before thom'to do better to-monow. Mlnad's Linlfiieat Cures Colds, elc' Uso Lover's Pry Soap (a powder) to wash woolens and llannels,â€" you'll like it. Qiiireom : "Hallo, Tat ! I hear you went out on a stiiko.." Pat: "That's tight. Oi sthruclt for short- er hours." Quizzem : "Did you got them?" Pat: "Oi did. Oi'm not wurkin' at all now, b'gorry I" MInafil's Llnlnieot'Cuies iilplilliiifie, "AVhy, how rtunpled your shiit- wnist is. Edith. "Dear me. and it has only just been iii'cs.scd, too." Kdith was gui;e as si.li'-po.^.iefised as over. But John colored deeply. MESSSUS. C. C. lUCH.MlDS & CO. Gentlemen, â€" I sulTered for years with bronchial catnrrh. 1 commenc- ed in January Inst (as an experi- ment) to use MINARD'S LINIMISNT which gave almost instant relief. And two bottles made a complete euro and I have had no symptoms of a return of tho trouble since M.irch. Gratefully 'VourB. MAiyC BURNS. Vankleek Hill, Ont., Oct. 3. 01. THE BEST WAY TO NEW YORK IS VIA THE LASKAWAHMA INVEST IN THE BE3T. Five tralni rtr.ily from BnlT il.i. oter ihe Poccinn Moi\nia;n3. tli. Doleirare VaJea Hap, uowsj tlie Orno.cB. SmaueliMina, Deiei-uie and liiution rivera. On .e»t lu all Btoaraor douks. WritetoPBEDP. rOX, DP.A.. Buffal o, N. Y . t-f It is groat mi.«fortune not to have enough wit to spcnJt well or not enough judgment to keep silent. Heart relief In half ah hour.-- A lady in New "ifork State, writing of her cure by Dr. Agnew's Cure for the Heart, says: "I fool like eno broagbl back from the dead, so great wai my suffering from heart trouble and so almost miraculous my recovery through the agency of this power- ful treatmeut. I owe my life to it." â€" 19 Golding (who has given his con- sent) : "I hope, younjj man. that you know the value of tho prire you will get In my deughter ?" 'Vfoung Man : "Well â€" ei' â€" no. sir; I don't | kuow tho exact value, but aa near • ns 1 can find out it's in the neigh- 1 borhuod of *25,000." i That Awfu! BreaTli 18 DUE TO CATA!?P<H AND GOLDS Possibly you haven't notlecd It, but ether* have. Catarrh end cotda If noalcctod goon develop Into tho ohrouic lorniB. acoom- paiiied by the inoHt nauseating an.l disKUBting !iymptoias. Dr. Agnow's Catarrhal Powder is a specific for cur- ing coltja. coufrhs, dc.^fncHS, headache, aero ttaloat. tonailitis, cold in the head, ihfluenzii and all dlneasoii ot the nose anil throat. It relieves hi 10 minutes. 6 Br. Agrnaw'a OIntmtnt Is without an Miinl for all shin troulilst. Billiard Tables Th* Bast at the LoweBt Price Write â- for Term* REID BROS,, M'f's Co.'y 7SS Klr>S **• W. 77 King St. East, Toronto, JACKETS. CAPKRlNfilS. STOIiKS, IlUFFBt at ul Me prices .SahiI fnr r«t&|ug. RAN <=URt AHD OenaiNQ wanted. Sand toi price list. 88- <H IN ALL COUNTRUSi RiDOUT&t?^«TSo. MAY BEE '-'T'«*T'<»'*- â- â- â- *^ â-  "i^e^aiâ€" Send rsr Handbeal tea Bay a«.,Tow wTe e n ratMtt^Ae. Dominion Line Steamships MOntr«cil to Livorpool •••ton \m Liverpool , I ^n* *xi\ FaiC BtAftoistttv*. Superior aocommodfttlM "'^ te *1I >iIm«»J 'it pA-'Mn&vrt. SalooMi And Stateroftcsu fT* wsidBtiltM. BreoiMfttt-n'ionhM l>«rn ci*en to ^ Em»p4 8»lftos ADd Third Clxnit Accommotlaiion. NS «t«7*fpaB8bj:* »i<d all p<trtinutkrR, a^plr to »oj M**l UthsCMspaoy. or to pauenKflr nfeaL Mi SOMnilON LINE OFFICES: f B*M*l».s Bwioa. If tti. S«cT«aoatBt.. aCoDU««i PATENTS YOUR OVERCOAT uA f»dcd 8ult» â- "ould look bolwr diod. If no Meof •< oanlBirour tonii, wr.!* Olrocl. Monucil. Boi u» BRITISH AMCniCAN DVaiNQ 00< 1 Montreal. NtW8p>pert''TT Old Country •nJ MAOAZIHES, FSRIODJCALS, BOOKS, eto., dltpAlchvd to subst.ribtfi's by ilr.^l nikiiis by WM. SAWSOH * SONS, UaalUd, Cannon House, Bream's Buildingi, linden, England, 'P>a largest .SutwcrlMien Agency in the world, I Senil for our list. Free on applicalioti. E»L 1S09. Prompt and rehabla. ; Poultry, Butter, Honey, Apples, AIL KINDS OP FRUITS And Farm Pro- duce i;enerally» consign it to u^ aeJ we will f^^et you good pricaSi TMB Dawson Commission Co,. yORO^TTO. UMtrsy %â- Â» .

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