04 Til£ FLESH ERTOX ADVANCE Dec. 3 190» Vicinity Chips J.. tu\t\j)ftTit)T mvn uud boys. (Jiva tITSB Fre'li liiiio always on hand Duckett, Eugenia. Jesso Isaaca.Tliornbary.was relLfved r>f y^^a lapeworm niea8uiiug34 feet in rlenRth. GuDse.duck and turkey feathers wanted at Shoppard'a. Mr. ami Mrs. K. G. Karstedt visited Elniwond friends on Sunday. Mr. Jack Bunt cf Hauover was in town over Sunday. Clioicrt fiirm--225 acres tor sale cheap. Apply R J. Sproule. Four-year-old horse for sale, general purpcjHe, sound. R.J. Stuart.Kimberley. For Saleâ€" One Bell organ, in good con- dition. Apply at The Advance oihce. The Presbyterian Sabbath school is busily preparing foa their Cliristmaa an- liivera.iry. Wanted â€" Grey broncho pony; must be good .size and sound. R. P. Legale & Co. Ceyl.in, Ont. Dcmblo-barrel shot enn for sale cheap â€" S45 will sell for $15. Apply at this othce. Mr. Lou Karatedt and wife of Moor- geld visited friends here on Saturday while on their honeymoon liip. Important Noticeâ€" All taxes must be in by Dec. 15, otherwise costs will be in- curred. W. J. Moore, collector. Stock for saleâ€" Thoroughbred Durham bull and good span of work horses for sale. Wm. Davis, Flesherton. For Saleâ€" One good driving j^^e, cutter and harness, aiso cne sot Tijiht double driving harness. W. W. Trimb If you are in need of a nice stylish •«». pair of boots or shoes just call at Clay- tons and it will improve your appearance wonderfully. South Grey Liberals will hold a con- vention in Durham on Deo. 17th for the purpose of nomiuating a candidate for tho House of Commons. Frame house for sale, in Flesljerton, eight roomis, together with three lots.good cellars, etc. For particulars apply to Miss Park, Flesherton, oi R. Park, Eugenia. Mr. S. Boggs, woodworker with D. McTavish, moved his family to town this week from Holland Centre, where they formerly resided. Dog lostâ€" H*lf spaniel, white ring around nock, slightly white on face. Finder will confer a favor by communi- cating with this office. .As will bo noticed by our advertising columns, Mr. Geo. Thompson, Portlaw, is now definitely in the field for the reevo- ship of Artoraosia. Wantedâ€" Telegraph poles, peeled all tl.o way through ; piles, R. R. ties, tan- bark, wood of all kinds ; also all kinds of sawloga. Highest market price for any quanity of above in cash. R. P. Legato & Co., Ceylon. Pratt's Astral is the most illuminating oil, perfectly free from smoke, no smok- ing chimneys, cheaper at the price than any other oil. Get your can filled at Sheppard'a. The acetyline tfos machine as at present constructed will no doubt go out of busi- ness shortly. Scarcely a week passes but some fatal accident occurs a» a result from using this gas. Sawloi^s Wantedâ€" All kinds of timber, but especially soft elm, 10 or 15 ft. long Other timber in ordinary lengths. Good price* paid. Armstrong Bros., MsrWdfcle Mid Bockvale. Mr. T. Biilmer, who has spent most of the summer with friends near Singhamp- t-in, returned homo recently in good con- dition to transact business iu the photo gallery for the winter. Sheep came astray to the premises of F. Spofford, Osprey, lot 11, con. 8, on or , about 5th Nov. Owner please come and prove property, pay expenses and take Mnie away . Belter than everâ€" "The Weekly Sun,' the farmers business p*per, promises to be even more interesting to the farmers in 1901 than in ths past. The Sun is one of the few papcra that places the farmers' interests before all others. Subsoriptions may be left at Tho Advance office. Mr. W. McClung, .Ird line, Euphrasia, passed through town on Friday last with A pair of fine Leicester Iambs, purchased from an Erin gentleman. The lambs are beautes and will no doubt be heard from later on at our fall fairs. Evanucliat Kennedy is attractinc large audiences in tho Methodist church this week. Ho is a forceful and originiJ •penker. His subjects for Sunday next vill he : Morning â€" "MisundurJitood." Bv«nins<â€" "Jacob ihe Wrestler." 3 p m. â€" Mass mtetinsi for ohildren from 3 to 70 . A very sudden death occured at tho 8th line, Satur.iay, the victim being Wm. Jamieaon, aged seventeim years. The young man had been ailing out it was not thoUKht seriously. Death came without warning while he was sitting in his chair. The funeral t^-ok place to Salem burial ground on Monday. Tho following vor«e, credited to tho ^ov. Dr. O. P. Giflord. of BufTalo, is go- ijig the rounds. It fimt appeared in one t^the Haptist weeklies : In the churohe's fichi of battle In I he bivouac of life. You cin lind tho average ohriatuiiD ^eproseutetV by his wife. The Feminine Side The other day t!io announcement was inadu that a daily paper, devuted solely to the interesrs of women had made its appearance in London, Eng. This is a fair indication of the development which has been taking place in daily journalism the World over. 'I'ho Turonto News is one of tho papers which looks well to the interests of women. Each day a chapter of an absorbing; serial story appears, as well as a c duuin of interestini; chat for the homo. In tho Saturday News gener-, ous space is allotted to the wnmen's dopartmont, conducted by Jean Bluwetr, wlio!-e name is familiar in thi UKimds of Canadian homes. In addition, a coluain of seasonable recipes is given, and a whole page is devoted to a descnptioa of the latest fashions â€" dainiy creations which touch the feminine hearc â€" with appropriate illustrations. Events in the musical and dramatic world are interest- ingly written a_bout, and the latest books and magazines are reviewed. Every Saturday number of The News is of ab-sorbing interest to every Canadian woman. Nor i.s Tho News a paper for wotnen alone. The husband and brother will find iii its columns a terse but compre- hensive record of the day's events, with well conducted sporting, commercial and financial departments, Tho price of The News is interesting, too â€" si. 00 a year by mail â€" which is about the value of the Sunday edition. If you would. like to see The Nows, drop a card to Toront* and ask for a aamplo copy and particulars of their generous clubbing wlnimmititigtt^t^mor, the like of which has never heretufure been mado by any Canadian paper. .\s a result of neijotiatious with tho Montreal Weekly Herald, and at considerable expense, an arrangement has beeu arrived at whereby it will bo possible, for tho coming year,to offer tho two papers at the extraordinary low price of one dollar. When it is re- membered that the regular subscription price of each paper is one dollar per year, it will be easy to appreciate the sacritices which have had to mado by each pub- lisher in order to make a joint rate of one dolhr. The price of the two papers will be simply cut in two. As a result,wc ex- pect to increase largely the circulation of Tho Advance,and it is this expectation which has led us to make this unprece- dented offer. As will be readily under- stood the offar is open only to those pay- ing in advance. Wo have m."»de exclusive arrangements with the publishers of The Herald, and no similar offer can bo made by any other journal in this district. The arrangemout is to continue for at least two years. -x H » n -* Alton-Wilcox A wedding of more than ordinary in- terest took place on Wednesday of last week, 25th inst., at the residencpof Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wflcox, back line west, when their second daughter, Miss Ella, was united in marriage to Mr. George Alton of Markdale. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J.S. Ivison Wilson, at five p. m., in the presence of about 75 guests. As the bridal party entered the parlor the wedding march was played by Miss E. Wilson of Swinton Park. Miss Annie Wilcox acted as the bride's aasiv tant and Mr. Arthur Alton stood by the groom in his tryina; ordeal. The pretty little bride looked exceedingly handsome in a dress of while organdy, trimmed with applique and oriental lace, and carried a flower bouquet of white roses and maiden- hair fern. The bridesmaid wore a dress of the same material with a touch of blue, and also carried a bouquet of piuk car- nations and ferns. After the ceremony the guests partook of a generous and ele- gant wedding dinner. The weddiug presents were extraordinarily fine and numerous. The groom'« present to the bride was a pearl sunburst and to the bridesmaid a handsome gold croscont. The happy couple left by Ihe following morning .<< train for Toronto, and other points to spend the honeymoon. Upon return they will take up their abode in Markdale. The Advance tenders hearty congratulations. near the first ; one kind of slato is a sure nidicition of coal ; the Alliston fi<llows hot on the tr.ick of optioin. Add to llTli^hu bint thill appeared in a Toronto piiperTkst week to tho etrect that silver Imd been found, and is it in any wonder that tliat corner of Mulmer is full of ex- citement and interrogation marks as big HS a house 7 The .slate found in coal dis- tricts is goologiciilly known as slato clay, "an indurated clay, forming one of tho alternating bods of the coal measuroH, consisting of an infusible compound jf alumina and silica, and often used fur making tiro bricks." Mr. John Stack was t.ikon very sud- denly ill- with hemorrhage of tho lungs on Sunday evening of lust week at his homo in Arthur township. Shortly after tea he started to go to the barn, when hia wife heard him call her. She went out at once and found him unable to .stand. She took hold of him and held him till he became oxliausted frmn Ihe hemmorrhage, tvhen ho fell down dead, never having spoken after the fir.st call, and had given no sign of being unwell. A family of seven children and a widow survive him. Owen Sound, Ont., Nov. 29. â€" Lorno McAllister, who was injured by a falling tree in a bush in Keppell township last Saturday, died at ohe General and Marine Hospital, Owen Sound, Saturday moru- inj;, after Hull'eriug terribly from his in- juries. About a month ago McAllister was out shooting in Sarawak with Fiiilay McLeod. McAllister's gun was acciden- tally discharged, and McLeod received injuries from which ho died a fow daj's later Hard luck has followed young Mc- xUlister, who has been much depressed since tho tragedy of a fow weeks before. 'very sad fatal accident happened on ^farin of Mr. Robert McCluug, west of iViUiamford last week, when Miss Mc- Clung, who lived alone in a house on the farm, was accidentidly burned so badly that she died from the effects. It would appear that she had been sitting beside the stove and fallen asleep, when her clothes caught tire from a spark and upon waking sbo had put ont tho tiro and changed her clothes but given no alarm. When visited by Mrs. McClung sho was found to be terribly burned and died shortly afterwards. Mr. McClung was sick in bed at the time. â€" Chatsworth News. Election Card To the Electors of the Tp. of Artemcsia Lasiss and gentlemanâ€" Your vote and in- fluouco is 1 espectftilly solicitod for councillor at tho Artomoaia couucil board, for tlio otisiiinii year. W. J. MEADS Ooyloii.Nov. 21, lOOJ- Election Card To the Electors of the Toi&mhij) Artemesia Ladikb and GHNTLEMBN--Aa I hftve decided to olTor mysolC for tho roevsBhip for 1904, as I am tbo souior oouiicillor of the towuship, I feel with mj pabt experieuco aa though I am in a poaitiou to rtindor the fcownship good sozvioe. Thauking you for past favors and hopiug for future. I remaiu respootf ully yours QBO. THOMPSON Portlaw, Nov. 39tb. Election Card Laddib' And QB!«ti.«mbn,â€" I oordially thank yoii for your support lu tbe pant, and I respect- fully solicit your vote ami iuflueDceonmy be- half for the reevesbip for 1904. Yours respeotfully ALbX. UUIB Election Card Ladibb' ijn> Grntlbmbn, -Having bean re- quested by a lai'Ro uumber of ratepayers to run for councillor foitho township of Artemesia, I hereby offer niyaelf as a oaudidate aud requeet your vote and (nfluenoe. ALBX. MoBAS, jr. Ceylon, Nov. 33, 1003. Teacher Wanted Wanted for S. 8- No. 1, ArtemeBia aod Bu- pbrasia, a feniala teachfii' holding second class cortifloate. Duties to oommenoe Jan. 1. 1901. Apply, stating salary. ALEX CABBUTHERS EugaulaP. ^^«i.' *** SHEPPARD ^> a Hi Hi \A ii/ \»/ iHf \ki vii -it/ it/ Lylothing. We keep everything a man wears, the- newest, the most, the best, the cheapest clothing. New Fall Top Coats in large variety. K.ulbl3ex>s <Ss Felt Soots We have th best that are made, it will cost you nothing to see them, it will cost you less to buy them from us than the best can be bought else- where. Furs! Fvirs! We are handling a full line of furs, in ladies' and gents'. You will find one of the best a.s.'^ort- ments of Fur 3ackets» Caps and 6enr$ Fur Coats to be fouutl any place and our prices can't be beat. IZITintieiE* XXxidLer liveax*. Our Stock of Wintiu' underwear never was so full. Our Special All-wool Shirts and Drawers. This line at 50C» is a bargain. I^aidLies Cloth Jackets. We have a good stock of them yet, although, we never sold sold so many before. The reason ~is that the style and prices are right. You can get value from us you can't get every place, as we imported them ourselves. IVlillixiery Dep't. As in the past, is taking the lead. When you Avant a real nice nobby hat, come to us. We are handling Pratt's Astral, which is the highest grade American oil to be got.' It brigh â- tens the home, makes peace in the home and don't cost any more than common oil. We take all your goose, duck, hen, and turkey feathers at good prices. Now is a good time to bring them along â- ^^iS^S'-a-^^^aa®®®^^^^:^^?-^^;:^^.^' III \\» y/ \» Skf \k m ^m ii# \X0 i» \l/ il> id/ \«i i«i \lf iia Ui \^ \j^ Uir ilf ilf \» I m If u; w Hif m^^m^m^^ >Jyew i/ooc/s i^omlnq kJ/i, â- m: The Lof Angelos Times hfcs tho cbam- pi*n linr on its staff, and the tollowin^ from its columns explains why he hns been awarded the banner: â€" "Maxwell H. Graham Esq., sun of the late Oen.Sir Gerald Graham of the British army, re- lates a remarkable instance of the ex- treme colJ of the Georgian Bay district of Canada, where in the winter the ther- mometer frequently falls to 30 or 40 do- (jreos below zero. Maxwell Graham, who owns the Lyndock Stock Farms, arose early one mornint; last January to inTes- ti^iite ft noise he had heard in the kitchen. To his surpriiie he saw tho family oat a'andinu stock still in the very attitude of 8priiiK<n<; up<m a mou»o, which faced the cab with a horrified expression. Both animals weie frozen as bard as stone. The em's tail was extended and the mouse's mouth slightly opened, as though it had uttered a cry of teiror. S.>me Allision gentlemen have been drilling for coal down in Mulmer rpccnt- ly. The success of their enterprise is not yet ktu'wn but there oro indications that they have found something. The Shel- burno Economist, spo"»Uitig*of tins mat tel", ^ys :--"This much is known : Thedrill baa been sunk several hundred feat ; slutoly seams have been sttuck from- very Election Card To Mie Electovi of Artemotia Ladiks A.WD GiHTLEMBN,â€" HaviiiK beoD re- qnotted by a lame numl>or of ratepavo r» to enter the field as a candidate for oouDoillor, t horaby offer my saryioeaaad request Tout TOt« and iiiflueDoe. _ _ _ R. D. Purvia BDKa Dia, Mot. 90^1903 Farm. For Sale Bplenilid farm for aale, onlT $S»»»: •«00 to •800, balance easy tortus; «5 aorea At for any machinery, 10 acres moat timber off, balance well timbered; good frame barn and dwelting, well watered and eloac to Hchoot. ctiiircbea, P. O., store*, etc. Ap:)ly to B. J. 8l'l»0UL,K, CoDTSTancer, FiesbertoD FARM FOR SALE. Lot 140, ana W. T. 4 8. K,, Artemoila, contain- ing fifty ncroa; frame hoone, small orchard. Bood franio barn with ntnne basement aud largo BtiRW shed ; well watored. Halt milu from Vloslinrton Station, For torma, etc., apply to T A. Lawronoo, Nantoii P. O., Alborta, or to NOULE LAWBBNCK,Cojlon V. O £ust iveek we t^eeivttl 2000 tveigAt of â- ^eto ^nesk Sjrutga, ^Ala ivee/t luc one neeeiuijig ouf ah.lp/n«nta of fancy goods and perfumes,over 600 a/elgAt to Aa.n3 €i£f*cuiy Look Out! Tiiercis Twiore to Follovu". 01. ۥ Kiebardson Ftesbftrtoti, Ont* l^######################## New Stock of Drugs We have an entirely new stock of Drugs and patent remedies on hand and are now capable of giv- ing you any Patent Remedy in demand. PERFUMES 1 PKRFUMES ! We have a very select line of perfumes for Xmas gifts. Farm for Sale 150 ftcrca in the Township of 0(p»oy â€" part of lot 8 and all of lot 0, iu the 13th concession. About "10 aerns nmlnr cultivation. There Ifl a larco qnimtity of timhpr. A Rood frame l>am 40x60 fiHit. frame stable and a eomfortalile rlwalliiiB. also good wpll. Apply on tlio prem- isosor to W, J, BSLLAMY. Fleubcrton. Recipes Filled According to Order The pleasure is ours when you call and inspect our Stock. gf W, J. DOUGLASS & CO- % Christoe's Block Flsherton, Ont. ^