<••> ^sljtrtmi l^birante. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PRINCIPLED NOT MEN. ?0L. XXffl, SO U62 Flealierton, Out., Xliursday, Deceiriber 2-4:, 1903 W. H THURSTON, paoPKiEToa ^f/ -jt^ 4K. •ali- i^i. .aifr flfe> ^t^ -Vi^ ^bt^i'SUi •^ % We Wish Y'ou Alt A Very rierry [Christ- mas . , . I Up to Our I Neck in Work I li WE are doing | the best we j^ can for you, g working niglit | and day. | Still I we cannot S IF get our orders | out half. I fast enough. j^ ^ VV. A. Armstrong, Flesherton R; ^ JCUELLEK AND OPTICIA^" V BEFORE THE MAST Being Experiences in the Life of i)Sr. John McRae of Ceylon, Ont. BY riiELiEIUCK OEIJ »' Well," said Mr. MoRne, "I shall not at'euipt to yive you a very close account oF my ciuoer whila in the morchant ser- \ict, as theva v.ore many iiiciuotiis in con- uection wiih it, and lUHuy stiani^e plaoes at which wo cal'.cj on our voya^i-a tliat I caiin't recall juit at preseut, but as tar iw 1 recollect 1 niii ac least givo you a tkoteh if my principal travels and adven- tures befure the luast," Lilie most youi'g men wiien fresh from au iippreutioLsh-p which has liot been idcositiier in hariiioDy with their desiros, I felt as gay asid spirited on tho day 1 received my diselpirga from th'j royal 'lavy iisl did on the day I was sworn in !iud sent aboard the old Victoria at Ports- UMU'.h, live yeais previously. Aly money lockor was wsll supplied, and, aft-or two or thred days of Jack ashort, I started north for tho old folks at home, but 1 shall not try to describe, but leavti to yourself lo mia^inc the scsua, of my arrived and reception. For a little >viiile all went wc'l and 1 was as free and happy as a lark, but how prono are wo by nature to becoiuo tlissi:tisried with our lot in life, though comfortable it may be, and wifihand work f.^r a chani^e, and no 8 oner is that chan;;s eileeted than we re- pent and wi.di ourselves back to our old »tation in life, iso it was with me. I h.id i-iot bce\> Ions: ashore until 1 lio^an to winIi myself afloat. Lite a.-i'iore became luonotouom. I felt awkward. The sea luitl Decoiue my element. The vc.s»el seeintd to (.'itch und ridl under my feet as 1 Kulked ibo -street.s. The comfoitable iK'd ni my iiiothi r's houso had lost its charrasiii the s'viiigiiix hammt ck in which I had so Ioul; been accustomed to sleep, and it became quite evident that a life on tho ocean wave ai.d a homo o-i the rolling deep was more conipatiUle with my roving inclinations than the lifj of ii l.indlubber. Uaving attived at !hisc<inclusioa I packed icy sea ban "nd onco more started off in t[Uos'< ot a berth, whicli, howfvej, was not to be ill the inijieri d navy. I wanted no more apprenticeshivs. 1 had Uiirned the trade and could ship aa an able seaman fjr a sinulo voyage in tho merchant service, unci be free alter ehch trip to engMi;e with a now skiiper, if I was dissat sdt:d wi.h the old one. I made for Cardiff, Wales, where I w.us nt one e oiiga'Jied on a schooner with a ear-^o of coal for Gibratter. There wns ii<.lh:ng i.f iniportitics in th'S trip, nei her was it very .saiisf.aciory to myself for 1 w:vs only traversing the same rround I had fre- »iuenfly gone over, and I was desirous of vi^i';i!lg S'lne part of the wor'd ihat I had not yet seen. My hot>es were real- ized in my ne.xt voyage. O.i oar "ittnnj to Carditf «e were paid off and I aliiinwd on bivird the .Vnn IJest ot Liverpoiil.^ tor Cadiz, i>pai i, with a ciu-^o i.f coal. After disoliaiginu our cargo at Oa<li|^»t« lo.adcd wiih salt for Montevideo, liinMI'Anle! iea. I wa.s ve»y well pleased with my prospects 4>f this voyige, n it <.yly as re'iatvled my money locker, but it would ^ivo ma an _.0,.>poriiji^ty»«ff8«iiis; !>ii>ie of tho world. "VVtt 'gel sad from Cvli'^ with favorivble wind.* ; pis.-iod tho Canary Islandi anif found the climate growing salubrious a.>< we <ini< tly speed on our way towstrts Cajio Verd Islandt. Sometimes the wind would dri'p almost to a dead calm, when our nails woull either lie or lazily tlap ugaiust ihttiuaat. At â- )thor times every stick of puhvas would be BUetl and we would skiiu over the bmad blue waters aa pracefully as the eaijle with broad expanded wings, soars aloft Ijetweeii earth and sky. As we draw nearer the equator we find the weal her gettine warmer and the sun be- comins; en ire vertically above us. On- ward Wi speed ; tho water is becorainjj tougher ; wa are uearinv; the eyuator. We reach the line fighting and buffeting waves A sitf but friendly breeze catches us after. Wo plunge forward. The friend- ly breeze wafts us over the rolling bil- lows, and for the first time in my seafar- ing life 1 cross the equator. Wo are now south, of the equator and near the South American coa,sC to which we keep close until we p.issed Rio Janeirio, when the weather became rou^h and we sliered off from the coast, keeping to the open sea un!il we arrived at our destination. Af- ter discharging our carao we reloaded wi'h bones and hides for Liverpool, and having taken a shtirt spell ashore we hoisied our sails for our homeward journey. With tha exception of a little more rough weather the homeward trip wait much the SJiiue as the out-bound jonrney. Li duo time we urrived at Liverpool, discharged cirgo, and were paid off. All things, considered, this voyase had be-^n lather a p'ea.«i:iut one ; the wealher all ( hniujli, hid been fairly sood ; the skipper w.is not at all a bad sort of a fellow, and everything had gone along tolerably weil. After being paid off I thought I might as well pay a .short visit home and accordifijly set out foa Inner- ncis. To be continued. â€" â€" â€" ^ â€" ^•XC H m Maxwell Miss Margaret Seid of Singhampton is viaiting her auut, Btrs.Bella Wilson. Miss Hattie Reid was the guest fur some time of Miss Lou Gordon. i Miss Cora WUIiains has gone on an extended visit to friends in the city. Mr. Joseph Williams has sold his farm in the valley *o Mr. W. A. Armstrong of Fleshertou. With his family he has now become a resident of our village. Mr. John Williama had the misfortune j to lose one of his horses the past week. It injured itself in the stall so badly that : it died from the effects. McFARLAND, STAFFORD & GO. MARKDALE, ON'TAl^IO i^ - GREY COLTNTYS BIGGEST AND CHEAPEST .qrOfPF The Church of England will have their Xinas entertainment tonight (Titesd.ay). The Canadian F<iresters hold their post poned concert on Wudnesday night, Dec. 23rd. The Methodist Sunday schcnl will hold their Xmasentertaiiiment onXiuas night Our hotel has changed hands and is now occupied by Mr. Geo. Fieslier. We .ire having a hard strugglo with the snow, which these stormy times, obstructs our highways. Wire fences figure in municipal elec- tion talk. Viuci^ar Hill Sleighing is very poor on account of frequent showers of sn.nv. Mr. McAuley visited tliis vicinity and bought a uumberof pigs, also Mr. Robert Fawcetr. of Dundalk. I'rayer meeting was held at Mr.Sniart's Friday evening last. A number of young people called at tho lioiue of Jlr. Geo. Smith .and spent a vei-y enjoyable time. Mr. Editor, please cirrsct the state- ment in last week's issue about Geo. Smith calling Mr, MuClunsr a liar, as he never called him a liar or a gentleman, but left thahouso without giving any insult what- ever. Vaudeleur Jlr. John Shannon left on Saturday to visit his brother at Corbetton. Mrs. McCallum and sou,Alex.,«re loav ing this week for Maplu Creek N. W. T., where they intend to locate. Mr. Mrs. Ed. Holley gave a party to a nuuibcr of ti.eir ft tends on Friday even- ing. A very enjoyable time was spout The two Mrs. f'ritchards from Tieheme, Maiiitolia, are visiting their uncle, Mr. Geo. Priieh.ard. Mis. Buchanan, sr., who had a stroke of paralysis a short tioio aa", is recover- ing under the care of Dr. Carter. â- -^ KImberley Stormbound last w^eek. Messrs. J. Huff and J. W. Ford spent Saturday and Sunda/ at the former's parental home in Meaford. We are pleased to learn that Mr. C. E. Stuart who has been attending Model School ill Meaford for some time has se- cured the position as Principal in the Priceville Public School for the coming year- We congratulate the school lioard on securing the servces jf such a bright intelligent young man as teacher. Mr. Hill tif Owen Sound spent a few days of last week with ilr. and Mrs. T. Bradbury. While >L'5.sr-s Robert aiil .Tamper St uarr i and Hugh Hammond were out hunting on Tuesday last they secured two liva fo.x'ef wh-.oli hid been chased into a dan by Stuart Bros' hounds and were kept for a short time for public inspection. \ Following is the list of otii^ers elected j for the ensuing year in the Kimberly h. 0. L. No. UUO: W. M., Hugh Smith; D. M., Jas. Lawrence; Chaplain, H. tlurd; Rec. Secretary, Jasper Stuart ; Treasurer, Alfred Hill ; Director of Ceremoiiic.-;, R. Allen ; Lectun-r, Willwni Lawrence, Com- mittemen, Georiio McC mnel. Fred ' Martin, John Wickens, Wesley Abbot, Fred Siiiart ; .\uditor3, Robert Alien and James Lawrence. ' .Mr. Charley tjiaith, who has been in ' VV iocoiisiu for some time, has returned to his boiuo liere. ' VV'e :ire plea.sed to le;\rn that Mrs Win. Shiuii, who hivs been ill for some time, is in a much iiupioved condition. ; Wri understand Mr. John Pl-.nves in- tends going to Delaware some tiiuj iu '. the near future. This week's item's. Mrs. Ben Smith, who has been ill for some time, is very low at present. Mr. John Plewes. who has been in Kitkvllle for&me time.returned on Sat- urd.-iy list. Re"v. J. S. L Wili^on, pastor of F'esh- ton Methoibst church, preached to a large ngregalion both morning and afternoon on Suuday last in the Methodist church Tiero. iMr. Wilson is an excelllput as well as an eloquent spaaker. Mr. F. D. Goff, of Clarksburg, preach- ed a very interesting sermon in tho Union church, on Sunday evening ; his text being fji'ind in John 21â€"9. Mr. iind Mrs. Thomas Smith spent Sunday at the former's parental' home here. Messrs. Ford and Huff spent Sunday at the former's parental home in SFark- dale. Miss Edna Thurston, of Woodsti^ick, is visiting her mother here. The roof of tho blacksmith shop, lately vacated by Mr. T. J. Reid. blacksmith, col'apsed in a terrible crash on Sunday last about six o'clock in the evening. Only One Shopping Day Before Christmas Think of it ! Next week will be Chritmas and only six days after to-day in which to do your holiday buying. Why not commence at once and select your Christmas presents, before the best things are picked over ? If undecided what to buy a v-^it to this store will help you, becaaae of its immetisa variety and uniforaily re.isoaabla prices. ... - This ia but a paitiai list of such things : â- - -j*^'^!^.' --.. yljractlcal CArtsf/nas jP/'esents - - SILK WAIST LENGTHS AT $1.50 30 waist Lengths of pure silk iu a large variety of shades, iioial designs, and Persian stripe effect.^, .apeeialiy adapted for ladies waists.in 4yd.lenaths(sutticieut for a waist), each put up in a 3e|«irate box labelled "Xmas Greetinsrs," ele- gant Xuias i/ift at $1.50, S-i.OO", $2.50. $2.90 DRESSING SACQUES FOR $1.05 S Dressing Sacques of heavy quality Eiderdown in cardinal only, sailor colliir, cuils, nicely triiaiued with fancy braid, only 5,: 1 (i5 I t Lui:ciiia Th-! heavy snow storm which has ci«t- tinned for almost two weeks and drifte'ci up the rixids, has made l}«»iiies.< ii*-''Eu- genia very dull, so that news of jtoterost is r-xlher scarce. _,,-' Our faithful mniRarrior has a diiHcuIt job gettini; ihr(><l:;h tluse days. Kioiii Epvniig to PK'shortoii is a long drivo with roads du«tcd as high as ihe fences, yet he gel.< ur-<»;i g« id time. ^dfllare very sorry at the depirture frftm our schi ol of both our teacUors. Misa Hadnerow is goiiii; to Chcsby and Miss Robin.soii to her home at Maik lam. They will be greatly uiisaed, as their placet. Will tie hard to till in tho hoaris of the school chiUlren, aud by .•ill the many warm friends they maile whilst here. A merty Clnistmas and hapoy New Year, Mr. Editor, to yonrself and assist- ants, and may you long bo spared to seud Tbe Advance on its weekly niisuua to friends both far and near. Mr. Duckott has be.^ii very ill, but at presi'iit we are plta.Hed to hear that he is on the mend. The ciHiiing municipal election prom- ises to l>e a lively one. If ihoy all ifot elected we may expect (jreat tilings for Artoiueeia. 10 Dressing Sacques cf knitted Berlin Wool, h.vn.lsomely worked out with fancj' si itch of white.edoed with ball trimming, _ colors pinks, cardinal and shy â€" handisome gift, only l.lw $1 . 75 KIMONOS FOR 9Sc. 12 Kimonos of importi'd eider llannal ia heavy weight of assorted rich floral pat- terus and cohits, couibiuatiou wide collar and revertsof Romtiii :=aun, edged with lace, regular value §1.75 for 9Sc §3.50 LADIES SKIRTS f.>r $1.75 75 Ladies Uomespuu Dress Skirts bous-ht at one half the reaular values, fioiu a leading skiit manufacturer, comprising medium and dark grey srtipe efiects, \\^o rich dark sreen, and a few black that; .ore lined throuahout. The makers could not: take orders for any one line as they couH not give a complete range of sizes, there- fore fhoy had to s.aerifice tho lot. Groop- ing them all together, there is a complete rau'te of size.s. The price we aisk for ther.i is less than the bare cost of cloth. Ou sale this week at your choice, only 1.75 S4.00 LADIES MANTLES for OSc. 25 only La<lles" Jliintles. 27 incites lona ia black, blue and brov.u nap cloth. â€" lijsi; year's style, many of them are irimtnod wiiii fancy bi-.kidr.nd have pearl buttous, good value in reijular way J-i.oO, to clear, wa hara put thcmou sale at each 9:! 52.50 KNIFE & FORK SETTS §L50 50 sets of triple plated silver kijivus ai;J forks, either dinner or desert siz-i and ptir up in sets of six knives sml si.\ I'orks in .i box. Sold in most places lor â- 52.D0 * tr.r price this week [ler set „ ♦'*' - D<)LLS ! DOLLS '. DOLLS i i..:.o Dont t fail to have a look rhroii:;H ottr big collection of doils.just placetMii stock the other d.-vy for Xinns trade. All ,ire ae\7 and prices low ;13 follows : Sc, 10c. , 2'.)o. 25c., and "."i COME EARLY IN THE DAY I We erapha.size that word " EA RLV " because it is of mutti.il benefit. Vi'e Cdu iiisura early shoppers better choice, better service ; and certainly you can shop with grsatec case and comfort by coining early.' McFARLAXD, STAFFOI^^D e^ CO SPECIAL INDUCeHeNTs"" / FOR CHRISTMAS TRADE. 10 Men's all-wool Tweed Suits §7 and S8 for 5.0O 12 Ladies' Fine Coats, $7.50 r.nd S9.0O. j PrioeviJlc for 5.C0 A lai-ge assortment of cnrpet", arrun^ing ia price from 25c. to S. 125 per yd An extra good stock of Horse Blankets ou hand, and we are sellini; 'hen; at ihu lowest living prices kn>wu. Also a full range of JTeii's Heavy Footwear, such as Felt Boots, Heavy Rubbers, Moccasins, Leg- gings, etc. 20 Men's Heavy Ulstcrs.grcKl ra'veat ?ij 12 only iMen's Pea Jackcis,cin s.-ile at 3 bO 20 all wool Men's .Swe.iters, wor'.h SI 00 for eSc. 50 yds. crash towolin-r.v.crtli S.:.yd. foe 7 6 pr.gitiy wool Bi.auktts, to cle.-»r out at $1.90 pilir 12 .Men's Cardigan Jtcke's, reg'. ?L.'"<C. for .....1.1'J Men's Kid Gloves, regular price 9iV. an-l #1. W, for 00c. per i,a:r Another consignment of books arrived la'<t week for the public libnu-y here. The A. O. r. VV. " goal ' is being wtU ' ixnrcised this winter, thirteen now mom- beri having heiii adiritied diirini: tl:o last four weeks, and several more can.li- daH's sre pifparin'.j for their perilous ride on tho 28th. Mr John 4, McLe.«lis at homo with I his mother f>r the holidays. ; Mr J- bn MclCechiiio. who has Ven nui in Dakota for several years, is now in ^ this vicinity visitin<< old ftiends and neisibbors. ' Tho Methotli.st oyster ,«upp:>r, billed for the 22iid, h.sa been p'isri«int-d to the 5th of Jann.iry. Mr. Hetirv" Wa>s>n. who his just cnieruod from Ihn irodel school a full He Iged teacher, goes af^o^ New Year to Boll on to instruct tho riuug generation of that town. We were up t^iwn on the night of the 1-tth and f"mui the dining room of Butters' hotel ilont full "f Workmen, and they were hnvini; a jolly time oviT their oy'ers mid v>n Tntulating each othpr on thfgrowth of Lovluo 140. We hear that Mr. S'ewnrt of Kiniber- ley is eojagcd u priiici;'-<l of cur public A Reduction in Groceries 5 lbs good Japnn lea for SI. CO 25 l'^s. best Tapoica !.0f» 5 lbs Ceylon Black ten 1.00 , 25 IWs. iicsh Figs l.CH 13 lbs. best sclettetl raisins I 00 ; CO '"'"* ''â- ts soap, rej. 12ic for Oa.pr.bar A nice asi-orttnent of Faucy Cila.'sware fo Choose for .Xtnas Oiftt. . . . Highest prices paWfcr ro\% I and Ljiittsf.. W. MOCIvlAvV .ichod for 1 he coming year. The li' rarv conceit- on M' nday ni.^ht was Hoc. but the bad weather and- woia* roads deterred iii.aMV fioiii coiidng ont. However, the hundred or so that dd hear, and were s • phased with ihe giol rend-ring will serve .-us an ndvcvtisoment for the repetition nf the nrograui that th" people will bo deli.'litcd to hour on Chri»tinas niuht. Everylio ly itbonld tuinontaiid see what our local taletit can do when they try. The people of the schorl seetion pre- I'roton Stc\ti(i> seutod Mr. Eastman « ih a ._'>d.l «â- •. as A Hitght token of th« r.sti-em »hieii to v hive for iii< I'UJo'ent work iu th-.i Rchtv.'i, mil also his nniiriilt: inei-vy di.sp'a) i iu pi otnoiini; and .«its a iiinv jiwhlic et-'oi pi'i.<<eA nhili- h'» hiis be -n her-. Th<> l»iesent:ii;on was ijiitle st the concit' i-n .Vondny ni.'l.t, Mi>sVâ„¢>dy, *hoi»al;wi retiiiiisf fiooi Xh.-y ."tch â- »! here. r. ce vetl a token of regmd as Well The i..of o! .Mr. C <\ J.ames' I)iirn cavtd in on Sui.day uigl:t> causig cou- ki lerable damage. ?•> * -1 r'