Flesherton Advance, 21 Jan 1904, p. 5

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THE FLESH ERTON ADVANCE Ja5. 21 1903 I ' * '^r • f • r METHODIST â-  CHURCH FLESH EKTOM. J. a. I. wiuos, B A.,ii. D Fa>t«r SV.NDAy, JANX-IRY 24'h, 1904 Missionary" Aiinivori»iy Ths pastor wUl preacli muruing and -eveniMg. Tell for ilie dajr â€" "Take ye Away Iha S^oae," Service at Ceylon 3 p.m. Vicinity Chips Fresh limo aUvaya on hand. J. H, Duv.â- kct^, EuijetiiA- Girl wanted for general bouHework â€" Mrs. VV. A. AiiustrODg, Flo.sherton. AU winter millin.ory wil! be cleared re- gardleRS (.' cost at Sliepp»rtVs. A subscriber at Parwiok, Ont., sends in one diillar on aubacription wiihou' ligning'his address. â-  Mr. Wm. Patton h!«a eold the fifty ncrealust s<utb of the r.lliige, which he â-  purchased liist fall from Mc. A.Bentham. . Boyd Bros, are the purch.-uers. ^Ye got .mother shipment this wee'it of those Hen's -hcary double, twist yarn Ijiat.t.^â€" the kind that won't wear out. If you want Jiat kind call at Sheppard's. All accounts and notes now duo. must be paid or arranfje'd in somi! way by J in. SO, l'J04. If not Ihey will be placed in court for collection. 11. P. Lt-gateifc Co.) .C^y'on. Frame house for sale, in Flcsherton , et!;lit roenns together with three lots, good rellara, eto, For particulars apply to Jliss {•ark, Fleaherton , or R. Park. Eu;^enia. The adjourned concert of Proton Sta- tion L. 0. L., No. 224, will be held on Friday, J.in. 29, 1904. A <<reat program â€" A e'lod time. Fifteen and 25 cents. See V>ills and look for fuller aanounce- inewl tie.xt wee4c. Six teams wanted to haul dry cordwood for Standard Fuel Co. to Flcsherton sta- <}on. Wood if on valley road IJ miles ftoni Loucks' mill â€" one dollar per cord for hauling. Apply to John Weber, at ouce. An aucfion s.ile of farm stock and im- plements will be held on lot 197, Con. 2 K. E.T. & S. Road Artcmesia, on Fri- day, Jan 29, the property of Mr. George Fisher. A Bne lot of .â- stock and imple- ments. See bills. R. J. Sproule, auctioneer. Wantedâ€" Telegraph poles, peeled all tV.e way through ; piles, R. R. ties, tan- ' bark, vrooJ of all kinds ; also all kinds of snwlogs. Highest nnirket price for nny . <inantity of above in cash. R. P. Legate & Co.. Ceylon. Wo notice by the Clarksburg Reflector that Mr. R. Pedlar, merchant, purposes reniovina from Thornbury, where ho has boon in business for tb« pa»t three years. Mr. Pedlar removed from Flt-shertou, to Thariihury. The iufonnation does not etate where he inteids locating The ninth annual coovention of the Onen Sound district E;>worth Lengue will Vo liejd in the Methodist church, Flcsh- erton, on Tuesday noxt, Jan, 2G. At 10.30 the convention sermon, will bo de- livered by Rev. G. Turk of Scrope street church, Owen Sound. The program is e.tpected to bo of unusual intori-st to Leaguers a:id a largo a ttenda'.ice is hoped for. â-  / Pig strayed-On Deo. 20th, atrayeil from the promises of Sir. W. H. Guy of Ma-\- woU, <mo sow, medium size, Yorkshire while, owned by Edmund Pallislcr. A party, who will take care of, or give in- fomtixtion as to her whereabouts, will be amply rewardtJ. Edmund Palliater, Maxwell. The clcnlion of cflScorsof the District L O L of the district of Arteniesia was held at Eugenia on Tuesday 12tb inst., ai-.d resulted as follows : â€" Wm. McKco, VV Dia iM, Portlaw ; W Sharp, Dis Dep M, Flosherton ; F Carr. Dis Chap, Eu- geni.» ; Fred Sargent, Dis Rec Sec, Mai k- dale ; S J Ualbort, Dis Fin Sec, Mark- d.ilc; Ed Thompson, Di< Trea*, Kleshcr- tou ; Uobt Purvis, Di.s Dir Cer, Eugenia ; Jiis (^Jjiraon, Dis Lect, Euijeiiiii. The seini-anuual meeting to be held at IOpU's lodge room on the 1st Tuesday in June. John Bianiff a young man who is welL thought of while he lets the beverR;,'e which intoxicates alone, was before Mag- istrate YauDusen last week on a charsje of using profane i^ud abusive lan^uago, prtferred by .v. Munshaw of the Fle!.h- erton hotel. liranitf went into the hold under the influence of liquor and when lefuavd a drink bt^came violent. The tine, including cokt8,amounte<.l to $11 80. i)ur magistrate U Uiund to stamp out ^w Ic^siicM if it lies in his power to do so. Mr. Regie Ward, who has been at Cal- gary f<ir the pajit year and a half, has been visiliug fnends here during the past week. Mr. Thornton ColijuettB, representing The Uomd Correspondence School, has been working in this section for a short time. We are ;>leasud to learn that quite a number are interesting, themselves in home siuiiy. Wood Wanted â€" 4(1 cords u'reen beech and maple '.ik feet body wo(mI to bo de- livered at the' school iioUH-, Flesherton, U'A later than ftlaroh 15, 1904. Tenders received up to the 2('th inst. W. J, Bellamy, secretary. Rev. [vison Wilson and hLi estiinaUle wife called the executive of the Epworth League toi:ether one evening last week for a purpose not explained in'lhe invit. ation. When the executive arrived at the parsonage the table was spread and â€" it was oysters. A special meeting of Artemeaia cooncil was hwld on Thursday evening last to settle the valley road bssinea^, which luis been in an ausettled statu for some time. The council, after discussitig the matter pn and con, decided to pay Mr. Webef §430.00 for work done and withdraw the contract. The annual meeting of Artemesia Agri- cultural society was held at Priccvillo on Wednesday of last week, when the follow- ing officers were elected : President, D. McCormack ; 1st Vice President, D. Mc- Millan ; 2iid Vice President, W.J. Meads, Directorsâ€" John Nichol, John McLean, Dou«aId McLean, David Ilarrow, James Geddes, James Pa'on, Alex, Muir, Wm. Watson, N. McKinnon. The date of next fall fair was set for Thursday and Friday, Oct. 6 and 7. A meeting of Centre Grey Farmer's Instituio will be held at Kiinberley on the afternoon and evening ol January 28 and at Maxwell Jan. 29. The speakers will be C. E. Shearer and A. J. Rnyuolds, and the subjects, "Objects and methods of Cultivation," "The cream separator and home butter making," The dairy cow, her care and feed, and "Tha farm as a home." The same program will bj given at Vontry Jan. 30. Cet.treGrey W'cmen'S Institute wil hold their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Francis Shire, east back line, on Tuesday, 25th,at 2 o'cLjck. A full attend- ance is required as it is our meeting for the receiving of dues for this year and the taking in of new members. We ex- pect there will he a large number of new members present to join wilh us. It is impossible to take part in this work with- out gaining a broader and more cheerful view of life, and for this, if no.hinir else, the Institute should commend itself t> every woman. Mrs. R. Best, Proa. ; Mrs. A. Stewart, Sec. ., ,. . . . Mocshie G. Daniel, a native Persian missionary. Las bten murdere d by a Mahommednn. Mr. Daniel preached in Chalmor's church, Flcsherton, a few years ago while attending Knox Colkge. Ho was a i.aturalized British subject ai:d the Eritiih government wiil look after his wife and family. He became naturalized here as a protection whoa ho should re- turn to his own country, as he, with other nationidities, know that Britain, looks after her subjects. The information has been received with a degree of sadness as hi.s visit here enlisted much syuipatiiy wiihhis came. Ths deceased was highly educated and much good wa.i expected to result through hij eifurta. He only^ re- turned to Persia a year ago, A a associated press despatch from Syracuse, dated Jan. 15, says: "The boiler of a locomotive dravkin? a wes'.- biund >'«w Yoik Central freight train on the tracks on Onondaga Lake Shore, this city, blew up wiihou: waraing this morn- ing. Engineer Goo. Mitchell was killed; R. N. Wetherlow, a brakesmin of Roch- ester, had his head blown oir,and Fireman F. M. lleary of Butl'alo was probably fatally injured. Conductor Michael Red- mond was unhurt. All except Wether- low are from Buffalo. The locomotive was No. 1141 of the Lehigh Valley Rail- way, recjiitly borrowed by the Central because of rush of business." A tolegiam dirived at Flesherton on P'riday last from Buffdo giving the above sSurtlintj inforiualinn. George Mitchell, the do- eea.^ed engineer, was we'.f known in this section,haviug at one time been a [vtrtner with the lute NVm. Petch in the butcher buainuKS here. After leaving Flcsherton he went to Buffalo anJ took a position as tireuian on the New York Central railway, aud later was promoted to the pusicioii of engineer. A few years ago he married Miss Mary MeLeod of the west back line, this town.thip, and has pince been an uunual v^itw^ ^''^- ^i- *ud ^rs. Mit- chell spent Kew Year's holidays in this vicinity, and Mr. Mitchell returned to his dutiei only a few days before the catas- trophe, leaving Ilia wife to Axttiod her visit a few days lunger. She Had intend- ed returning to her home iu Buffalo this week, but in consequence of tlie terrible information of her husband's death she left by the evening train on Friday- Mr. Mitchell was about 35 years of ago and had only been running his own engine some three years. He was well and favor- ably known by the people of this diairict and much syiD]>atby is extended to the young wife iu her terribly sad and sudden bereavement. W. ,) . DougLiss & Co. .tlruggists, make an announcement in their space this weefr. Mr. Willet, late manager of the Collingwood branch, will take charge hero on Feb. latnext. Mr. Willet comes highly recommended by the many who have known him in Collingwood. He is a man of family and will take up his residence in town as soon as a suitable house can be secured. Mr. D. McTavish lame within an aco of losinghia line resilience by lira on Tuesday. Some fabrics which were near the stove in the fmrlor cauj;ht 6re and these communicated with drapery over- hanging the bay window, aud these in turn wiih some lace'curtains on the other side of the room. As these latter were burning Mrs. McTavish oliserved the lire from the dining room, and, assisted by Miss McTavish, succeeded in subduing the dames with water, but uot before damage to the extent of forty or fifty dollars was done to the carpet and furni ture. Had Mrs. McTavish not chanced to bo ill the dining room at the time no power on earth would have saved the house. It was caught ju.st in the nick of time. Sudden Death at Caledon Suddenly and unexpectedly, of heart failure, at the residence of D. IMcFarlane, merchant, Caledon, where she been stay- ing for the last few months, Miss Minnie Wilson, daughter of Rev. A. Wilson of Roseraont, Ontario. The session of Chiilmer's church, Flesherton, met recent- ly and on motion of Messis. A. S. Van- Dusen aid Wm. Meiladopted the follow- ing resolution : â€" ''The session of Chal- nier's church, Flesherton, having learned of the sore bereavemont which has bo- fallen our highly esteemed pastor, Rav. .\ndrew Wilson, in the sudden death of his beloved daughter, hereby extend to Mr. aud Mrs. Wilson our sincere sym pa- thy in their great loss aud pray thai Uo, who alonocan give lasting consolation, wil' coilsoIb and comfort their s<'rrowii.g hearts, and by Hi.s grace enable them to bow in loving submission to His psrfect will." T. R. McKs-VziB, Clerk. -fc > 1^1 < *â€" Dr. Thomas Norton of Shelburne, one of the most widely known physicians of thi.'^ part of the province, died last week after a lingering illness, due to cancer of the stomach. He was born in Montreal 52 years ago, and in 1S74 craduatod in niedielno from McGiil. He began the practice of his profession at Homing's Mills, biK later moved to Shelburne. At ono time he was president of the Turf As.sncia!ion and of the 3G>h batUilion band. He was coroner for the counties of Dufferin and (.Jre}', aud surgeon to the Canadian Pacific railway. A widow sur- vives htm. About the 11th of DeecHibor, Samuol Harper, who lives ucar Mildnmy, missed a fine brood so-v from his barnyard, and concluded that her swineship bad str.iyed aw.ay. After a diligent search thiou;;h the town3hip,he was suddenly struck with the idea that his sow had l>-jen buried in the straw stack. Ho moved the large straw stack and came across ih-i aiiirral in the bottom of the stack. Fifteen day." under the sbick was a'lt enough to kill the sow, however, for she is still alive anddoing«icely. CARD OF THANKS Ta tbo officorB and mombers of tho Granl l..odt.'tf aud t^riceville LoJof, No. 140, A V. \V.- Pcrmit me toexpresstuy gratitu'le andthau Va for t!io TPiy proHipt |inynie(it of tha claim of my lato biiBhaud, Joiin Win, Stephenson, for VUKX), aad also for tho lettur of condolence. Wishing tho A. o. U V,'. ovory yrosiicriiy in its uoble work, I routaitt, Yoursdineorolv, Mautoa Ann Stujpusnson Frlcovillo, Dec.aO.'U CHEESE FACTORY TO RENT Tenders aro horoby invited up to Fob. 1.~>.TOOI, ron;al of chqesa factory situated 1^ milcrs soiiltk oi Maxwell, ip tba towu^hip of usprev. For parUculars i^pplv to th«» proFiloi t. K. Fknwick, Maxwell P.O. 3uia CARD OF THANKS I b«? to retain my sincere thank«t to thof^o ratupavers of Arrvuie«ia,t>v.>tb ladicn aud gentle men, who voted fo;- nit> at the recent e'ei-tiou. Ikcir support boiuR f^pontaneoiis is all the more app ociateo. Althoueb tbey did not Rucceed hi el«ctini{ ms, thucous4;ioiisnM^ Rnda«tturanc«9 that [ hav« doutf what is rieht. in a ftatisfac*^ion ibfloit^ly greater thaH sncc^sit at iba poIlB. ^j^/a.^>:w--^.s!/^â- /^.^:>/f;^^:;^^:^,cC^ 1 I k /<: •fanuary, 1904 â€" A month ol SpeciaJ PricBS Our Annual "JANUARY SALE'' Is now on from now until the end of this month. Every etfort will be directed toward clearin<; our stock of winter goods to make room for early spring importations. A special clearing is neces.sary. Thousands of dollars worth of very choicest goodjj will go on sale this month to clear. .' . New Year's Besolution We have made our resolution for the New Year and we don't mind tellin;? vou what it is â€" to try if possible and serve you better in every way than we have done in the past. Now we think this is quite a proposition.because we really believe we've been doing pretty well in the past but we're going to try hard. Co mmence now and test our capacity to serve you satisfactorily. We endeavor to handle only the very best goods to be procured in the market. We are putting the knife in deep in all departments. It Avill pay you to come in and get our prices before buying. For this month the greatest price cutting will centre on Dresj Goods, Furs, Flannelettes, Flannels, Ladies Mantles, Gent's Suits, Overcoats, Lumber- man's rubbers. Special bargains will abound all over the score. Come and compare. Prices here are postively the lowest anywhere. T. J. SHEPPARD Sproule's Block Fleshertox j^ vi''^! ! :^^ " ^^^^^ t^T g Important Notice. § g §The Drug Bu.-?iiiGss lately carrietl on as W. J. Doug- o la-ss & Co., will in future be carried on as W. J.Doug- â-  o §lass. All accounts duo to the old firm must be paitl W at once to W. J . Douglas,aud all parties having claims r» against the said firm will kindly submit them aud ^ §they will be settled by him. " ^ jVIr. H. O. Willett, late manager of the Colling- ^ wood store, will assume control here on the 1st Feb. o W. J. DOUGLASS, Fiesherton MEDICAL HALL Mf, â- }". â- fi, .jtj. ..««. .^i^ â- f'fi-il'^S!!- Sik-^- -i^S^ â- *"- •â- ">!i^-M'' •>â- Â«â€¢ :J"- •»'<• •»'«• cto Jjfc ^,»H. -^y, .Mi. •ft? â- }|'^ •hi- m •^l•^ •Hi. A Happy New Year to All . . •sj? We have a few Toys left that we ^ are clearing out at greatly reduced ^ prices and some at half jirios, ^ Fl^sbertott, Otit* S

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