8TARTLIHG RTORT OF MRS. ADAMS stricken With Brlgiiv'« Diwanc, all Hop* of Life Was Abandoned. der Beatoration to Health Causes u Sensation -.n the Medical World. Doctors Gave Her Up, But Dodd's Kidney Pills Cured Her fc Coinplotoly. CoUlngwood, Ont., Jnn. 2.1.â€" (Si>cM!ial).â€" Whilo (,'uiiacla Btumls ufe'liHHt at thi' terril)lo inromlB Ilrinhl's liisi'usc is niaUiiig on the cniikH of tho brightest luid best of >ior ciliziiiH; while tho nicdiirul pro- HfBKion Htiiiid helpless bffore tho drcud fJcst rover of Ufe. CoUin^wood haH uiiioiin lu'f citi/.i'iiH one whu known f.W itH lerioiB, who liiis bi-<ii curried down by it till tho |>orlals of death ivere open to receive lior, and wlio to day is u Btrong, heiiltby woman â€" u v/i)niun who knows ilrinht'H Uis- niKo in ull its hideoii.sneBs, but who Icnii; it not, becau.se whc l<nows its cure. Alr.'i. Thomas Adams is this lady'u nmne. and .she has now been a resi- dent of rollinKWood for a year anil a lialf. lk-/ove that ohe lived in Hurk'H KallH, vhere .she is widely known and highly res,X"Ct4'(l. >IrH. Aduins fcel.s it her (Inty lo K|)read the fjood news all over ('anao'e, all over the world, that }ihi' haH found a cure for liright'M lILsease, and tluit that cure is JJodd's Kidiiev I'ills. MU.S. ADAMS' STOnV. •Yes." she said, when interviewe.l roRardiiif; her ease, 'niy friends can tell you how terribly ill 1 was. My doelor iJioiiounecd it liright's Di.s- mtif anri Sciatica, but I K"t no le- lief froNi nnylbinK he Ka\e nic. ft wa.s llodd's Kiiln^y I'ill.s that drove HWay the terrible disease, raised mc troui my bed of suderiuK. and made mo a well and hapjiy woman. "I was for joars troubled with a imin in my back, at limes 1 would have to kcM^p my bed. Tn March, T.>()(l,l got so bad with jiains in my back and hi|) that 1 waa morn help- less than an infant, and at times 1,'ave up all lioiie of .vjcltinn- well. I hud no jiowerof my back or limbs. "I was for eight nionlbs an inva- lid, and my suHerings (hiiinj; that time were something loo terrible for Words to (ie-seiibe. My duel or said 1 had IbiKlit's liisease, but l.c could do nothing to pive uii- lelicf. iu)\v TiiK cimr; camic. "ft Whs then a friend of my hus- band induced nie to try Dodd's Kid- ney Tills. 1 had no faith in them, for I never o.xpett«;d to net belter. Ihit T tried thorn, and 1 tliunk God that I did. 'I'hey brought, mc relief rlniost from the lirst, un<l utter taU- intr three boxes I was able to do niy own work and look after n.y (.hildrcn. "It is three > ears :,inio I started using llodd's Kidney I'ills. and i have not had a return of itxy trouble .••ince. \Vhen I feel a liltio out of soils T just Ki'l a box of Hodd's Kidney I'ill.':. and lli.;-y drive all the pains away." It in uetMlliss t.(, <;,y P.tvs. -Adams' friends all use Hoilrls Kidney Pills. Tbcy lind that a leniedy that inues lliifj'lit's Disease easily .ditip<l6es of all the earlier stages Df iCithioy coiii- pluint. _ 1â€" - *" ' â- fiATJniivt*!'!? rrfeDiciNE Wide rield in Which It.^ Marvel- lous Agency May be TTsed. The niarvcllous properties of. rad- ium have miu!o ii a mat tor of widfc intere.--t to atir.o'-l everyone, but to the medical inaii its po^slb^' value as a thcrajieulic ;igoril roruieis it a subject oi speuat importmico says a writer in ti.e Medical •luuriiul. Al- ready »u\ny iiivi:;ti!/;alors are turn- it\ff their attention to tho trent- nient of various foiins of tli.soaKe liy means of radium, and iiu'.ny lields have been proinised as promisin); ones for invei-tijpitioii of its action. , -J''or iiiStaiKi-, among the \arious di.'i'-ases i,i wliieh it has been tried may ho nicnl1one.-l rertnin maligmtul [â- rowtlis, such'un cplli.eliiinm and and other sujicrl'icial cancers, lupus, certain shin diseas<s, blinUjioss from '*" atrophy i f the opth nei'vc. etc. Its clTect upon niicro-orga:dsuis «nd. fer- mentation, as v.e'J ;.^) it>'. likely ac- tion upon the tissues and liuids of t!io body, suggc-ts thai, if it couhl lie harmlessly intiodiiceil into the system. i\ \iist lielil of po' ilivo u.-e- hJlnOHTi hcs before il. To take its .^!_effi>ct upon inirro-orga: i: inH lir.'-t. .\h we have stated, il is adioiitivl lo • hiive a very t ouslderable inhibitory pn«'Cl upon the fuiutiiiri;d activity of ', mMt>«i» btlcVcriur-DlOUids. it>".,^ud il Is at any rate jio.Kiblc that it may possess a like elTcct "upon protozoa. This at once suRges-ts a \uluc for its . nrHtuutttic eiuployuient, should such be practicable. . Now. tho. proper ti' .i)o:.so;.&cU,by railium of Impartij.g its activity to Various fluids, e. g . noiiiial saline iH>ltilinn, sfpniB to oflor rcasohablo ground for hope that. In this _ way, it may bu thurniuMilicnlly udministci- Mi internally, and the llglil aguin-it bacterial disease >>e wufccd directly In the tixsurs alleclcd. thr<>Uf;h the â- m^cncy of the blood and lyntph cir- nilations and tho varioua Internal »er ret Ions. Another Hl.-.-ea.'ed condloned In Khirh the induced rndloacUvc salt â- o1t»iion is likely to prove ol nervice Is feroienlHliv*. gantro-intostinal in- dlgcwtloM. with Its luoK train of syinptouis due to autointoxication. Jl IS also hoped tliut th<^ "radium fluid" will liava a favorttvla eft^t on fiiallgnont disease b( tiio Itomacb nnd in^atlne. As to local umployment, tliut is iilretuly tiiader investlgatioD, for ra- dium huH uict with more or leiiu Huccess In many superficial dlsuOMtd conditions. Its local use, however, will tH) found far more convenient If wo con get the desired resullH by the employment of the induced rad- ioactive Halt solution. liy this nneliiod wo iiui use it as a local ap- garglcs, inhalations, collyrlu, etc. In its u.'e in Hur)(icnl dressings, compro.sMPs rau be saturated with this solution and applied over large areas which could not be reached by the radium rays. As a spray it will be foun*! Ufoful it) catarrhal affections of nose, throat and lungs, by coating the membranes with a flno lilin of radio- active mutter. This ucti\c matter is antisejitic and will remain in the t iFSues for several hours. 'I'ho rod- ioiu'llvity of this active matter may i l>e intensified by exposing tho pa- j t lent lo the ulraviolct rays, nnd by the intirnul use of (p inir;i;. | While ull thoffe po.«fibilitiee of the i u.se of riidium Huid may not be borne out by actual clinical exjierience, ; neverthlcv;. owing to the alieady known projjcities of radium and In- duced radioactive wibstancos, it is certainly wortli whi e lo try fiiom â€" ; especially In jjathnlogical condions which are not ameiuihle to other forms of treatment Shirt waists and dainty linen are made delightfully clean and fresh with Sun- light Soap. /t '^o^hU d/o/^ ^^f^^^-^0 .f<mA^yt/n/f^ CB passes; the abo^u statements can therefore -be considered perfectly un- biased, and are made purely be- cause of tho excellent fuciliticjs af- forded the general travelling public, and hecajuso of the pride '"Truth" feels in one of our great national highways. The (Jrand Trunk liailway Com- pany certainly made no mistake when they handed over the reins of 1 control to Mr. Charles M. Hays, for a more capable, all-round railway man does not exist to-day. The Passcn;;cr Department is most efficiently directed by O. T. Bell, W. E. Davis and II. G. E;iliott in Mont- real, (>'co. W. Vaux in Chicago, and J. D. Mcf^onald in Toronto. We bespeak great things for the Grand Trunk Pacific Hallway on its completion. â€" Toronto Truth. . ♦ Kxamplc is the best argument. HDTM MADE A DhSCOVKIlY. Stoppinij ot a certain hotel. a commercial trnveller, having retired to rest, bec,ame unuleasantly con- scious that his bed-clothing was any- thing but properly aired. He Jum|v ed up in a rage, stufTed the olTending .'Sheets \\\i the chinniey, and rolled himself in tlu! blankets. .Some twelve months afterwards his travels brought liini to the same ho- tel. When shown up to his room the cbamboi'niaid scrutinized him rather closely, and then said;â€" "Dear me, sir. you are the same gentleman! Do you know, a most curious thin.if ha|)pened when you were here last?" "What wo.s that'?" ho asked. "Why," she said, "the sheets dis- appeared, and we could not think what became of them " "Oh, indeed!" he replied'. "Tiien get me my bill directly; you've not hud a fire in this room since or you would have found your sheets â€" where all damp linen ought to boâ€" up tho chininp.v! " How's This ! MOVING A CnURUIT. A singular i)lece of work lias lately licen carried out in Uussla. At tho \il:uge of Kotchausk, near Novgorod, btood a full-sized church which was pronounced to be in an unsafe con- dition and was to be pulled down. But the liuilding containt'd many- sou veniis of the famous Marshal Souvorst, and his old rcgiinont. which is stationed at St. Petersburg, decided lo jiosscss il. Money being no object the whole church was care- fuliy taken down, each piece being i tuinibcred, and loaded into 3.'?() wag- gons. Jt was then transported to tlic capital, and there has been re-] elected with such care that il is as good as i.cw and may last for tcit- ( turies. ' â- 'â- ,' â- I You calipot, wlutewash youriwlf, by | blackening others. We oner Ono Hundred Dollars Hcwiir<! /or any case of L'atarrli that cannot b« cured by llall'it (Jatnrrli Curp l'\ J. CHENKY &. Co.. 'l-oledo, O. We. the underHlgncd, have known V, J. Cheney for tho lost 16 years, and believe hlni pcrlectly honorable in al! bufiinesn transactlona and tinancialtj ahle to carry out any utiligntiuns madi by their Urui. \. iv.si i, litliAX. Wholcsolo DrugKists To'"do. O. WALDINO. lilNNAM « ilAKVlN. Wholcsalo Druggists, 'rolcdo. O. Hall's tJatarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, acting directly upon the blood and mucouH surfaces of the system. Testimonials scut free. »"rlce 75t. ^a bottle, tjolil l>y all druggists. Hall's I''uiuUy i'llia arc tlie beat. A dinner recently given by a hostess whose hospitality is noloriou.sly in- adctpmle, was of the usual kind that her friends e.Ni)ected. It served mere- ly us an appetizer to ono hungry vis- itor, and when the cotTco was served, indicating that the dinner was at an end. his disaatisfactioii was amusing to the other guests. The hostess did not notice it, however, and said to him. amiably, "Now, tio tell mc when We may lia\e the pleasure of you dining with us again." "Immedi- ately, madam, inimeulately,," was the unexpected reply. i. '^j..iu. ui II 11 mim^mmmmm â€" /^ LOWER PRICES USE BETTER QUALITY OAN BE HAD IN Palls, Wash Basins, Milk Pans, &c Any Pirst-Claaa Oroeer Can aupply You. INSIST ON GETTING EDDY'S. on each journey the bird has the added work of catching an insect. Even so tiny a bird as the wren has been counted to make IKJ trips to and from its nest within 4.30 miiv- ulos, aiiid the prey it cai'iied liome consisted of insects much larger and heavier than were caught by BwalloWR. ,, , Catarrh and Oolda Rolisved in 10 to 60 MIrJUteaâ€" One short puff of the breath through the blower »upphcd with each boitle of Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder diffuMJ Ihi.i powder 0%er the lurface of the nasal pass- tges. Painless and delightful to use. It relieves Instandy. aud permaacntly cures catarrh, hay (ever, colds, headache »"â- • llircat, toociUti* and deafness, jo cent' During the holidays a noi.scless drum for the small boy would fill a long-felt want. Tho Qc.vernor'8 WIfo e Prison- er.â€" Mr.i. Z. A. Van Luven is the wife ol the governor of the county jail, Napanee, Ont., and was a great sufferer from rheumi- tisra. Wh-:n the best doctors in the com- munity and â- ' specialists " failed to help her, she buried her sccptism of proprietary I Know MINAUD'S LINIMENU will cure Diphtheria. JOHN D. BOUTILLJER. French Village. I Know MNARD'S LINIMENT will euro Croup. J. F. CUNNINGHAM. Cape Island. T Know MINARD'S LINIMENT Is the best rcmcdv on earth. JOSEPH A. SNOW. Norway, Me. â- '-' ' : â- â- t-! IIKARTII OF TFACHKRS. A slat"- of things probably without lli.ss Fullâ€" "And so you were in the Crimean War, major. Were you with the Light Brigade in their hero- ic charge?" Major Ananias Bluff. â€" â- •I â€" er â€" came very near being in tliat historic charge. Miss Futt. Never was so disappointed in luy ti/e. They would take but six liundred. and I â€" er â€" was number six hundred and one." Minafo's Liniment [uus ilDlittiGna, "There is a man," he said, "who you would scarcely thini; is making a hand.soir.e income by his f«n." "I certainly would not," was the reply; '•he looks anything but literary." "But he does; lie is a part of a show, and writes with his toes." Speechtass aind Paraiyzad.â€" " I had valvular disease cf ihs faeart," writes Mrs. J. S. Good*, of Truro, N.S. " I suffered terribly and was often speech- less and partially paralyzai. One dose ol Dr. Agnew's Cure for ths Heart gave ma relief, and before I finished one bottle I was able to go about. To-day I am a well woman." â€" 4j "When that young man comes, Bridget, show him into the parlor." "My young man or yours, mum?" M^-dx LtfliEQt Cures Cslis, etc. u parallel in any European country is . recorded for the ye.iir just opening in \ rernedies and purchased South' American connection with primary education in Rheumatic Cure. 4 bottles cured her.â€" 4a Spain. It is that some a. 200 schools will have to remain closed for Blows from the bellows ot ridicule want of teaiihers. This is exijlaincd | leave no bruisns. jby the furl that the pay of the \ 'Spanish schoolmaster is. |>crliaps I lower than anywhere else in the I A CORIJECT AXSWKR. Charles â€" "My wife's handwriting lawful! Just look at that letter." I His • Friend â€" "How do sou uaanugs to read it?" i Charles â€" "1 don't. I just send liia thcck." itmi mw^\ Gofes carooi m im. Do not let the stream be a murmuring stream. world, hundreds even of men teachers receiving only about IJd. a day. of your life Notwithstanding this miserable stale I of things, the schools budget is to ibo cut down hv about £32,000. An admirable Food ot th« EPPS'S Finest quality and flavour. COCOA . yX'hc best cure of a. bad habit is the culture ot a good one. A MODEI, RAILWAY. V/hat Our Travelling Reprer.cnta-: tive Says 6£ tite^ G. i.'. R. A recent trip to "The Ktntes" brought "Truth " in contact, among other ll.ingK, with the (Jrund Trunk Itnilwuy, and its incomparable din- ing ear Ki'r\ ice. A brighter, cleaner, luorc olllcient plan of eating while journeying, does not exist on any railway unywhore, and "Truth" has tra\elled on most of the leading lines of the werlil, and is IheiX'fore in a I o::iitioii to Knon . The "Club" iUeaXfasts are an u.\celleiit feature, which appeals lo many travellers. 'I'bo attendants r.re courleous and obliging, iitid don't appear lo be al- ways looking for a "tip." The line, heavy duublo trKck of mils between 'i'oronto and Suspeu- Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans with Lever's Dry Soap a po#der. It will riMnovc the grease with tho I greatest ease. ... », < I â- T \-^f. \ A loader, is never afraid of being alone. THE WAnASU RAILUOAD Is tho great winter tourist route to 'the south and west, including Texas. Old Mexico and California, the lands of sun-shino nnd llowers. '1 hrough i standard and tourist sleeping cars are now run via this great southern route. Tho new and elegant trains on the Wabash, are hauled by the most powerful engines o\er built. Evciyr comfort is provided eipial to 'tho best hotels, or the most luxuri- lous homes. Nothing is wanting to ro""t »' °- railway wreck m complete one's happiness. The days ''^'cry occupant of the snioking-carri- Fer Over Sixty Yc«r» M»'. WiHniowi.SooTillNo Srmpli.n b«eB sMil b) . millltxtf o( uinlliiTi lor the r ohlljrcu »l;il« toaihinj ; lIloothM th« cl.iW, »ort»n» th â- nuiui. al i>y« l>«m. ouiei nitd v,Me. rci,i\!«trj Ihl^ ttoniich and Wwels, »nU li Ult brttroniedj for UiarrhtM. Twectr-ao- ctnu * IKIUIJ BoM bl dru»»iisU Uirouchout Iht world. B» "ure »«M ! ukfor"MB9. WixiLowsSooTUiNuSvaur " j Ve.ved Wifeâ€" "There is no calamity that can befall a woman that 1 liave not sullered!" Amiable Husband â€" "Wrong, my dear; uow. you liave never been a widow." Vexed Wife â€" "I said calamity, sirt" MlQvd's LlBiiaeiit Curss Miw,v. "I have just been loading tho uc- railway wreck in wliich Nutritious and Economical. 4Pâ€" 21 Billiard Tables Th* Bast at *ha Lowest Writ* for Tarma mc* and nights pass only too (piickly. while travelling on the great Wabash line. For information as to rates, routes, etc., address any ticket agent or J. A. Richardson. Dist. Fuss. age was more or less injured, while the rest of the pas.sengers in the train escaped without harm," said I old Hodge. "There, Fzra," e.xclaiiu- icd Mrs, Hodge, triumphantl.v. "there to Sis.. Toronto, of at 'to BIRDS' niC; Ari'RTITKS. If a nian couhl cat as muih in p portion to bis size as a sjiaiTow able to consume he would necnl whole sluop tor dinner, a coui)lo dozen . fowls 'for breakfast, and turkc.vs for hi.s eve'iing meal. IS a of six A .sicn fridge makes il j-'ossible run tliB' disiance without delays any kind, and you are landed .voi'.r di'itiimtlon right on tlnio lb.' niinnte. 1 â- ' • I he great improvements on the nmin line ea!;t, between Toronto and Mrmtreal, have l.cen very coraly. and bnvii in soiiio cases meant the al- most ciitiro reconstruction of the road. The line has been strivighten- fd. the grades lessened, and "Trilth" 1.1 told that very shortly a train will bo put on between Toronto nnd that will make tho di.s- | young on an average once in twenty very much jess time than JRocondsâ€" that Is. each bird, male and even The Internntionul Limited does ! teniale, makes ninety journeys to now. land fro in an hoitr, or j>crhaps l.tXHt "Truth"' seldom travels on railway a day. It must be ren>embere;l that Agl., N. E. corner King and Yoiige j is another warning against tlie use of tobacco!' Montreal t^uicc in j tree-8i>arrow has bwii known to cot : 700 griiBs seeds in a day. Birds can and ilo work far harder than I human beings. A pair of houst^mar- I tins, when nesting .will feetl their ORGANIC HEART DISEASE RE ID BROS., M'f'ir Co.'y TS5 Kins •«; W. â- ~. â- t DominioiTLina Steamships Mcntr««l to Livorpool Portland to L v«rp39l Lftrg* and VvstStcaouh pa. fiuperlgr acoomoiodftijoa .'^r all cljkS>*« 0/ M ««nf«f^ BUooas a-jtl StAterxx-ot* ir« anililkbips. Bpetralattantis* hu b«rQffreQ t* ih« B4Cttu*l Skloon acU ThiM-Oasa accooiuudaiion. Fur tatraof pas^&ji • Slid %\ parcionlars, applj to U17 afvnll o(lh« Coajpany. or to luUAOCcer AX«nt. 9-09 DOMINION LINKObTICBS; i7 St. t?>or.<moDt bi. , i^lontrcal CARPET DYeTnG ^^ aud Oiean:uE. Th'w i* % ip*cii»i'.r with th« ^*^ BRITISH AMERICAN DYEINQ CO. B«D<1 panUiiUra by pa- 1 »n4 w.- art sure Lo«&'ts/l AMrata Box >M. Montrul. •liâ€" 04 BASTEDO'S 77 Kini St., fMT, 1CRCMT©. Nervousness and indigestion Relieved in 30 Minutes. The Kcv. Kmher l.ord. Sr , Montreal, Cunailn, suys: "1 have been a sufTvxer (or 20 j'cars from organic heart diaca.vo ncrvoiisiitf*s and dyaprpsia and h doctored lioth in Franco and Auiarit Willi liut temporary relief 1 tried Dr Ageew's Jleivrt Cure ajul was indeed »ur|irl!icd at the Immediate relief I ob- tained. 1 am firmly convinced that It will cure any case of heart disease and Will strengthen the nerves and stom- ach." 11 Br. AgiMiK'* Uvir Pill* are tlM bMt Cnly lOo 'or 49 rtatos. 8<"CIAL SALE CF land for eatalog. VVeg ve e^s'ra v»l<ie. Raw Fur* and QsnalnK, Send .'or price lii> 11â€" (i-i PAGE LAWN FENCE Indattmctlhle. Qkodsonie. P«rfl»et. Only 20 eouts per raDnlngr foot. Supplied by us or IocaI dealer. n THE PAGE WIRC FSNCE CO. Limited. • W«lk«rvlll«. Montreal. WinnloAa. St. John gi Poultry, ' Butter, Honey, AppJos, ; All KINDS FRUITS Of And Farm Pro- duca generally, consign it to us aa I we will sret you good prices. TMt Dawson Commission Co., T. *•. TOROITTO. Issue Ko. .5â€"04. 1