Tflir FLESHERTQir ADVASfCE Jan. 2» 1W5 «M»i :.f hf. i ; f . r â- I: \: METHODIST - CHURCH KLEBHEHTOKf. «r 1. 1. wn.Mi«, &A.,a.D. Putor fhe pastor will preivch *t c»eh serrice. Vicinity Chips Fresh lime always on hand. J. H, I>ickett, Eueeiiia- Oirl wanted for general housework â€" Uni. VV. A. Armstrong, Flaaherton. Mr. H. C. Holmes, Boston, Mass., was lh« guest of Mr. and Mrs. V. H^ickling over Sunday. Miss Ma^B Casweil was home from Owen Sound for a few days to attend her •ant's wedding. Mastpr Char'.is H'llman, fourth linpv visited Kith hi% grandmother, Mn. P!. tloinwD, over Sunday. Hiss Minnie Joy, who has been Tisitfug friends in Tnrnnto for » few weeks, has returned home. Miss R. McKechnie, nf Lion's Head, is the eueat of Mr. ahd Mrs D. Dow (4 Flesherton* Fbr Sate â€" GikxI brick house, 11 rooms â€" eyerj convenience, with store, where a giod paying business is now eatjied on; •Iso A acres of land. W. Bsrnhouse. Saturduy was the coldest day of the win- ter in VVinnip<?g. The memury dropped to 38 below SiTo. Having decided to leave Flesherton I desire to have all accounts settled by March 1st. W. Barohouse. Remember the L. O. L. concert at Proton Station Friday evening of this week, 29 th inst. Miss Bertha Hurd of Dominion City Manitoba, is visiting with her uncle and a-jnt, Mr. and Miss Park, ilugenia. Noticeâ€" A note for $23. signed by Wm. Croiier in favor of Mathew Symons, due in March next, has either been Inst or stolen, and the public is hereby warned against negotiating the same. Joha SymooA. Ftaime house for sale, in Flesherton, eight rooms together with three lots, good cellars, eto. For particulars spply to Miss Park, Flesherton, or R. Park. Eugenia. The Wiarton beet sugar mill company haabeen in difficulties, but the company has been ivorganized, new capital put in and the concern is likely to float along. ' Government meteorologist MacKenzie of Owen Sound is authority for the state- ment that 92J inches of snow had fallen up t:o .).in. 18. If snow did not pack down two thirds of its bulk we would be over hea<I and ears in it. The Preabyt«8ian eongregatioa her» are negotiating for the purchase of' a msnse. It i» likely that the htnd^me premises now occupied l)y the pa«tor, and owned by Mrs. Sykcs, will be secured. Wanted â€" Telegraph poles, peeled all the way through ; piles. R. R. ties, tan- ^k, wood of all kinds ; also all kir>ds of sawlogs. Highest market price for any quantity of above in cash. R. P. Legate & C". .Ceylon. Wood Wanted â€" 1(» cords green beech and maple 3^ feet body wood to be, de- 'ivored at the svhool house, Flesherton, not later than March 15, 1904. Tenders received up to the 20th inst. W. J. Bellamy, secretary. The Proton Station L O. L. Concert, which comes off ou Friday evening of of *<li8.,week, shoald n<>f be overlooked. Dr. E. C. Murray, T. Benson and R. J. PedUr, all good talent, will take psrt, and a grand evening's enj'iyment may he expected. The admission is only 15 and 23 cents. Owing to bad weather the Womanls Institute was unable to m«ot at the home of Mrs. Shire on Tuesdi^ as announced. "The meeting will be held in the Institute room, Flesherton, on Saturday. next,Jan. 30, at 2 i>'cloci;.p. m A full attendance of members is earnestly ri-quc8»ed, and other ladies are cordially: invitad. The Farmer's .â- Vdvocute announces the •ale by public auction, of the Scotch- Shorthorn herd owned by Mr. Thomas Mercer of Markdale. Mr. Mtrcer'a.herd is considered to be one of the best in. the northwestern district of On'ario The date of sale is fixed for Feb. 24 at Hart- dale, and will doubtless be w.l' attended. Prizes were given out at the Presby- terian Sabbath school ob Sunday Jan. 17 •a follows : Oeorge MoTavish, for hiyheet standing in the school and greatest num> ter of versos recited. To Wilbart Chard Md Charlie Thistluwaite for beat attend- Mrs. John Chard, who lives 1} I from the village, has nut miss«d • I ot the aciiool for th* («st two A lady living on one of uur back street* •rants to know why uur police crusteea do not keep the streets open. She finds it practically impouibla to get through the snow to du shopping or get her mail. The lectures of Hiss Wisgins Wednea- daynf la«t week, were not largely attended. The lady is an interesting speaker, how- ever, and worthy a much larger audience. She is working under the auspices of the W. C. T. U. Orange Valley L.O.L. No. 609 held their election of officers on .Tvi. 5 for 1904 as follows : (V M, John Oihsoa ; D M, Wm Speer ; Chap. Joseph Gibson; Rec Sec, W J Beaty ; Fin Ssc, D A Matheson ; Treaa, R H Wri«ht ; Lf>ct, G Boyco ; Director of Ceremonies. F. J Matheson ; Committee men, R. Burrell. .fosoph Beaty, William Galbraith, John Bbyce, .T,ime8 Irting. Mr. R. L. Mortimer, proprietor of tlie Shelburne Free Press, who has been blind for nearly a year and a ftalf from the effects of a catatact of the eye, and who underwent an- operation has recovered his vision so that he can see bo read the finest print with esse. Wa tender our hearty congratulations to Bro." Mortimer. Mr. John Bradley of Egrvmant, who at one time lived with hi* parents hero, captured a Wolfe one day lait week. Her name is Lena and she is a daughter of Dr. Wolfe of Durham. The happy couple braved the horrora of a winter trip to Toronto, Tjondon and Hamilton for their wedding journey sad on theirretnm win live on the homestead at Orchard. Mr. John McGowan, late- of Kimberl<>y but now proprietor of the Durham flour milhi, met with a rather serious accident recently. The Chronicle says he waa struck in the head by a rapidly moving belt which became detrched from a pulley Mr. McGowan's face waa badly cut and for Si time he remained unconscious but we are pleased, to learn that the accidlMit will not prove fatal though the patient may be confined to his bed for some time. A 12-year old lad of this towt» wrote to Priemier Ross recently informing him that if lie did not do sotnething along temperance linos he would lose a lot of good Reform votes in this vicinity The premier replied very courteously to the youngster, informing him that he had been acting along the line suggested and before the session of Legislature was over he thought his correspondent would be convinced that his (Ross) policy would be the best for the country. But the a<>eur anco of a 12-year-old youngster tackling Ross would, as the girls say, "jar" you. And yet that is the kind of young man- hood we need to develop in this country. The toy referred to wiJi certainly get through life in no roundabout way. A gent' who is somewhat acquaint- ed with hydraulics, points oat that our ren-.arks lost week on the waterpower at Eugenia were slightly misleading. He says it would be possible to till an eight, or even a fifteen-foot pipe with the quantity of water given, inasmuch as the water in the pipe would not be swiftly running water. It would bo held in check OS it would be in a dam or cistern and the force would be exertsd through a small vent in the lower end of the pipe, with 280-foot pressure in the pipe behind it. As an illustration inks a barrel of water, bore a hole in the bottom, and the water as it pours out will eierb ije:ivy force, but it would tako a considerable time to empty the barrel, and if as much water ran in as was allowed to rnn out the barrel would always remain full. Thi* puts a diifureut facu on the' plan to the ordinary observer unncquaiiited wioh hydraulic power. We have been shown the original eftimates of two civil rngin- eers, who both arrive at practically the same uonclusiousâ€" making the force at Eugenia between four and five thousand horsepoiver at all seasons, althou<{h they differ sliiihtly itl;th«irniensurcment of the water. We •ite glad to learn these facts and to point them-' out to those others who may have bad a tendeiicy l3 skep- tism. RMwrdur, J. A. FeUtuad ; Fin., W. J. BtoUamy ; Treas., F. 0. Cole ; Guide, T. A. Blakely ; Watchman, I. Sinclair ; U. W., John Chard ; Representative ot Grand Lodge, Roht. Best ;' Trustee, J. A. Blakely. After the fatiguing business of the evening waa over the members indul- ged in a little spread in order to recuper ate their exhausted vitality. Altogether a very pleasant evening was chronicled. Ernest Cashel, the condemned murderer, who escaped from Calgary Mounted Police guardhouse in December, was recaptured on Sunday. He had never left the vicinity. .^, Many Sudden Deaths Are traced that was iieitlected. If your heart is weak or beats too rapidly you need Ferrozone to strengthen the heart's muscles, reeulate its action and stop smothering spasms. Ferrozone al ways cures weak heart and reators this orvaii to a atrtxig healthy state. The beet &eart medicine in the world is Ferro- zone. which' beats any substitute. Widely used hy doctors aad> sold at oOc. per box by all druggists. Ea«t Grey Agl Society The A. 0. U. WC Probably the meat successful fraternal society in town Us that of the A. 0. U. W. It enjoys a membership of 61. During the past year three deaths of members oc. curred-Wm. Smiih, J. H. .Anderson, and W. H. Walker. The lodge was organ, nized here In 1881 and mnce that time haa drawn from the beneficiary funds for willows and orphans ths large sam Of 917,000. Th« lodge paid into this fund: Uat year $119?. The knna«l installatieo of officers took place on Monday sveninf , when the following officers were installed: W. M., A. Harrrsoa ; Foreman, Myle* TI)iat)««aiU ; Ovwseir, 4.. Slavai* ; The annual meeting of East Grey Agri- cultural society was held in the town hall on Wednesday afternoon of last week with about the usual attendance. The secretary-treasurer's report showed a heavy expenditure daring the past year â€" SU02.48â€" with total receipts of f 1531.73, leaving a balance on band of $129.25. The election of officers resulted as follows : Pres., A.Muir ; 1st Vice Pres., R. Ruthvan ; 2nd Vice Pres., W. H. Bunt. Directors â€" W. Hartman, J. A. Kemaban, R. J. Sproule, A. S. Van- Dusen, Robt. Best, J. Paton, D. McMil- lan, Jas. Stuart. Auditors â€" Jos. Black- bum, W. J. Bellamy. Mr.R. J. Sproule was re-appointed secretat^-taeasures at a salary of fSO. PILLS AND PILES' A prolific cause of Piles is the tMS of cathartics and pills of drastic, violent nature. Followed by a reaction on accoaut of the resinous, drying properties they coo- tain. There are other causes, but no matter what the cause or what the kind of Piles, Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Roid can be relied upon to cure â€" to stay cured. It's an internal remetly that removes the causes of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Suppurating Piles. A guarantee goes 'wftb each package containing a month's treatment. It can be obtained for $1.00 at drug- gists. Sohi by W. E. Richardson. A m»n to represent "Canada's Grkaj.- BST Ndbsbbies" in the town of FLESH EI^T ON and the surrounding country, and take orders for Our Dardy $Deciali$t$ In FRurr Tkees, Small Fructs, Obnambntals, Shrubs, Roses, Vines. Seep Potatoss, eto. Stock true to name and free from San Jose Seale. A permanent positiun for r.he riiiht man on either salary on cum. 'mission. Sfone& Wellington FONTHILL NURSERIES over 800 acres Toronto Ontario Farm for Sale 156 acres in the Township of Osproyâ€" part of lot 8 and all of lot 9, in the 13th concession. Abont 40 acres undnr cultivation. There ib a larKB quantity of timber. A f^ood frainu barn 40x60 feet, frame stable and a corat'ortnbte dwelling, also yood well. A|ip!v oa the pi'pui- tses or to W. J UELXiAMV, Flesherton, CHEESE FACTORY. TO RENT Tenden* are hereby invited np to Feb. 1C4004, rental of chfteRa factory situated IJ milee south ot Msxwpn, >u tlie towuf^bip of Osprey. For particulais epplv to the presidei^t, K, Fknwick, Maxwell P,0. 31na Cook's Cotton Root Compoood. IrfUltasP r»Tonte. U the oolr wife, rellebW regulator on wlilch womaa- eaa depend 'In tba. koua and time of seed.'*- Prepared In two-ilhgriw -ot â- trengtH. Ntt. t aad N& X No. Ur-Far ordtnarr caasa b br f»« the ««et «eUa« medicine kaowa. special aâ€" s» 19 • Wwawr tlirss doHarwper boi. liaJse esk pour druntst tot C< CetteB Bo** Qsapawaa. t^ke »e aa «n pinai.^aatet«r«e aa« taaltattona at* dancsrMW. Nek I aa4 Vo. t are sold aaa rseeainiMided by uli dmnlMa la the 0» arfalvn at Caaarda. MalM te any addrart Xelaiid Ketare sold iaPtoahM^ee bf It B. X.*harMM* aad Do % tMS a QtM January , JQO'f â€" -A nrontft of Special Prices Our Annual "JANUARY SALE'* Is now on from now until the end of this month. Every effort will be directed toward clearing our stock of winter goods to make room for early spring importations. A special clearing ia necessary. Thousands of dollars worth of very choicest goods will go on sale this month to clear. New Year's JResolution We have made our resolution for the New Year and we don't mind telling you what it is â€" to try if possible and serve you better in every way than we have done in the past. Now we think this is quite a proposition, because we really believe we've been doing pretty well in the past but we're going to try hard. Co mmence now and test our capacity to serve you satisfactorily. We endeavor to handle only the very best gt>ods to be {wocused in the market. We are putting the knife in deep in all departments. It will pay you to come in and get our prices before buying. For this month the greatest price cutting will eeatre oa Dues'? Goods, Furs, Flannelettes, Flannels, Ladies Mantles, Genfs; Suits,. Overcoats, Lumber- man's rubbers. Speciial bargains will abound all over the store; Come and cotnpare. Prices here are pofltively the lowest anywhere. T. J. SHEPPARD Sproiile*s- Bk>ek FUESHERTON gg ^ggggg g g a g !! gg^ g j *; ! g g g!g; ! S! ! ^^ Important Notice. The Drug Business lately carried on as W. J. Dong- & Co., will in future be carried on as "W. J.Doug- lass. All accounts due to the old firm must be paid at once to W. J. Douglas.and all parties having claims against the said firm will kindly submit them and they will be settled by hint Mr. H. 0. Willett, late manager of the Colling- wood stoBe, will assume control here on the 1st Feb. W. J. D0UQLAS5, Flesherton g .....; MEDICAL HALL m ^ A Happy New 1 Year to All . . We have a few Toys fefb that we ^ are clearing ouk at greatly retluccd prices and some at half prices. W Ce 1|iciMir4M« fftsNrton, Onto ^