Flesherton Advance, 29 Jan 1904, p. 8

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;tan^ 1^4 T»E BLESttEHtOJil ADVAl^Clfi: %%^»^^%^%/»/»%%^^^^%t I TUsberton Furniture I 4 J Olarerooms* W«»ro carrying the newe«» itytA of MtuMinRblf gtiodH in M line** vt Furiiitture, oonsiating of : P«rlor and bedroom •uit», lounge*, liilelKiarda, extensioD and centre tallies, chairb, window Hhadea and curtnin |kiI«8, picture*, eaaela, etc., Which we offer at LOWSET PRICES Picture Framing and General Re- uniring. Undertaking in all ita branches. Satiafaction gtiaranteod. t W H. Bunt, Prop. Falling: out Hair If this Ib tba cane, call and aee n* and we will prevent it doiog ao by applying our wonder'> 4ul reuiody. Highly Recommend AVn haro nnod Itn wonderfnil powera on YQAny in thiri towu and aurroundini; diatrict aad all who have undergoiio truatmont recou* mond it very highly. No Cureâ€" No|Pay A. WILSON FLESHEUTON Barbr ^Preparation ia necesaary if you wiah to •accebd. If you intud to tranMCt business of any kind you wouM be andly handicap- •d without a business education. The moat thorough traininjc of thii kind^an be obtainoil at the OWEKBOUKD, ONT. Winter term commeaces Jan. 4th. Cat- alogue free by addressing C A. FLEMING - Principal BIG . . STOCK For couf ht, colds, broaokMo, â- tthm*, weivk i)ii^aa, weak lungs, consufflpiioa, tike Ayeri Cherry Pectoral. Cherry Pectoral Always keep a bonle of it ia the house. Ve hare beta saying this for 00 yecfs, Mid so have the doctors. ' I kar* aaM Ar«i1i OkariT Fa l a t al la a* fUiIlT far M r«M». It to lk« kwl aMMclM ia tiM whM, I kavw, far aU Ikraat aa* lai* timiWM." ^ Kaa. «. K. MoBOlMM, iMftan. Maaa. «c.. He., in Jl. *. 0. arma co. The Lungs Dally action of th* bowels to nocos' •anr. Aid noturo with Ayor's Pills. Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Service Cord mintOt 29068* The ODderalgned haa a floe aged Durham Bull for aervlce ou lot 141, T. and H. B. Toruisâ€" »1 for Krade cowr, *3 for thorough- breda. Pedigree on apiilicatlon JACOB LEVER Fleaberton F.O Business Cards tLT'CUIiliOUaH A YOUNO "*' Kanker Markdale ^o a general buuking bueinesa. Mouey loaned a roaaonable rate Call on us. a J BPBOUIiE Fo«tmaeter, Fleaherton ^onimiaeioiier in B.C. J., Auctioneer Con- vayancer, Apprataer and Money Ijender Real Estate and inauranoe Agent. Deeda â- Dortgaoea, leases and wills carefully drawn up aud valuationa made on ehortesi notice, money to loan at lowest ratea of interaat. Col eotious atteuded to with promptneaa charges low. Agent for Ocean Dominion Btaauiahip Company. A call aoliclted. We have just received In atook on* of the flneat aasortmeota of BLANKETS AND ROBES iu the market aud can faror yon with any requiremeota yon will need In that Hue. Also a large cooalgnmeot of Imitation PERSIAN LAMB COAT5. Wo have a fine collection of ooati to to select from. IMI Sold at Lowet LIvinc Prices VTM. IftOORE A Merry Christmas and A HAPPY NEW YEAR. WR take thia opportonitv of thank iu{; the public for their liberal patron- age during the past year, and hone for a eoutinuation of the aamo during 1904. Tou will And our stock of Orooeries complete and freab •a the market will allow. W« Imporlonr Japan Tea, which is a leader of all leas. Jul try It U and be couviuced. Vawill take all kind* of Farm Produce for Qood« Var whioh we will nay the highest market preecs. Hring your pioducs early la the day aud get tbu beat attendance. Take your time aud eiauilne our Ruode and yon will b« con- vinced that it ia your lolercat to boy la Uaa- well. Either in Dry Oooda or Urocarlea for new and up-tu-dute. We cannot enumerate t>al Jaiit uniuii ami aeo for ynurxelf. We baTa a large stuck uf the lauioua K\NT'KRACll rub- bare, alao other liusa of rub^Mr gooda. We alao bare a ulea Una of Xmaa Goad* AHKBN'M I10UT8 aud BUOKS alwaye oa band and dou't forgat onr Hardware Una OUR COMPLIMENTS TO THE . . PUBLIC . . R. Kinnear & Sons .... MAXWKLL .... The Markets. Carefully Correr ed EMck Week Oiitm Ui -o 25 I'eM 68 o K8 Wbaat 70 to 72 Barley 46 to 46 Butter 16 to 16 Ktfita freab SO .o 20 Purk OU to ft 00 Chicken* per lb 8 to 8 Ducka per Ib 7 to 7 Tuckeya pur lb 19 tc 13 (}Hea« wiihout head*. . 8 *o 9 Uay • 09 to e 00 ^PoU.Mabag 35 to 33 Societies Ac U W meeta oii the laet Monday in eacn month, in their loage room, Chriatoe'a block. Fleaherton. at 8 p.m. M.W., A. Barriaon ; Recorder, Jas. Felstead ; Finan- cier, W.J. Bel.amy. Viaiting brethren luTited. PRINCE ABTHTR LODGE, No. X3S, A. A U, meeta in the Uasonlcball. Strain's block, Fleabirton, every Friday on or before the full mocn. F H W Bickling W M. Cbaa Munabaw, Secretary. COURT FLESHERTON, I. O. P. meets In Chriatoe'a Block the laat Friday evening each month. VMUing Foresteis heartily relcome. 0. R.. C. W, Bellamy ; B. C„ W. Buskin ; Fin. Bee.,Dr B. Murray. (Pay dues to Dr, Morray on or betora laat day of each month.) f^ Medical rkB CARTRR a/ M C P * 8 Ont. Pbyaleian, RnrgaoB. ate OBa* aad rsaidaneeâ€" Feter at., riasharton DSL. SCOTT, M. B. If astrell. Oat. m. U. BEIO, M.D.C.M„ Physician, Rorgaon and Aecoaohcur, lata nt N. T. Postgrad. Medical Hchool, N. Y. Lyiug-ln Hospital aad Bt. Luke's Oeneial Hoapltal, Ottawa J P OTTEWKLL * Veterinary Bnrgeoa Oradaata of Ontario Tetarlnary Ce>:«c«. rasldanee â€" aaaond door aaath wast an Mary atreet. Tbia street rant aowth Presbyterian Cborah, n WILSON "* 'Iradoat* of the â-¼alarlnar; Seianea Aasoeiatlon. Uaaldanca, Darbani tirsat, op- poalta Boyd, Hieklii.t'a hardware. Legal J. W. PROBT, L L. B. Barrlatar, Bnlloitor Conveyanear, eta oflleaâ€" Next to poxtofflce, Bproule'a black F;.'ihertou, every Thursda and eoart days N Uâ€" Owen Bound office. Frost* bleak Fonlatt street east. LUOAB, WRIQRT * MaARDLS Banrlaters Bolleitora ConTeyaoaers, a^ Offleeaâ€" Owen Bonnd.Ont andMarkdalaOtj, W H WaioHl, MoAnnna 1 B LrcAa N Bâ€" FleataertoB omea, Mlteball's Baak eroiy Saturday. KACKAVASAMPSSN .Barrlalara, •ellcltors. OFPIORB 1â€" Owen Hound, Msrchant's nk Block, N. of Patterson Hoaaa, Bandalk ata Street, every Saturday. Money to loan at tt per eant, A. O. MAUKAY,M A.. U.R.8AMP80K,L.L.D Alwaya In altandanss at Pleahsrtea and Dnadalk Dlvlaioa Oenrta. Dentistry DR. B C. MURRAY, L, D, B, dental iartaaa honor graduate of Toronto Unlverelty and Roval College of Dental Burgeons of Ontario. Ollloeâ€" Opposite Armstrong's Jewellery Btora. Will visit Maawell the last Wednesday if aaah month, and Daadalk 1 aad II Tbarsday tu aaah niauls. The Brceditif ot Omhi . Good Work Jiaa been dune along Varioui line* by (he lidtiiiukin CelMtrlmeiit of Ai(riculiureand by some uf the provincial du|.>hrtDienU of agriculture in Oaiiitda with a view to (n'wuraKe the u*a of high cla*« Heed '«f tin bt«t varieties, but thero ia yet room for a conaidersble inorease io the average yield of common field crops by the use of butter seed i(rain. The object of funninii agAoctalions of seed irrowdrs uiay be perfectly clear to all. The idea m^y be new in Cnnada.but there are aasociation* of seed growerfi in other countries, such a* the Illinois Seed Corn Orowera' AiMociation, that are doing gnud work. The benefits derived from asaocia- tiona of breeder* of live sTOck *t'« preity well understood. Ttft advantages to be d«riv«d tttita urganised efforts od the part nf seed grtmera are not dissimilar to those ahich breeder* of pare bred live atook ob- tain through their associations, and the teueral operations of an organizatioi. uf seed Krowers are similar to those uf live stock associations Associaiinns of brueders of pure bred siKck fix a standard which must be attain- ed before animals will be recogrtiz^d as f)ure bred, hi fixing standards of excel- ence for pe<ligreed ammals the principle* which underlie improvement are recogniz- ed. The same piiiiciples that are applied in the impruvemKnt of varieties of farm crops. Bttredityis the level by which improvements are jnade and on which breeders iif i-ither plants or animals de- pend to fix desirable chamcteristica, hut the law that like liei^ets like must be taken iu its broad genso. br-cause it wo'jid not be possible to make improvement if it wete not fur the tendency toward »»ria- lion. Heredity and the tendency toward varintion can be turned to account in the improvement of plants equally as well as in the improvement uf animals, but unfortunately few fuimers make any attempt tu syatrmatically apply these principles to the improvement of plants. Thrnuiih heredity and variation improved varieties of Held crops tend to revert to the wild lyiies frotn which they evolved, but when these improvi'd sorts are provided with environment best suited to their growth, and a continued selection uf the most desirable speciinenns practised, thia natural tendency toward reversion is over- come. Though it is highly important that the variety of grain be well sirited-to the loc- ality where it is tn be erown, too much faith ha* beed pinned to the names of varieties without due attentinn to the quality of thn seed itself It is not al- waya recognized that there may be lis much difference between two strains of seed of the same variety uf grain as there is between two distin^u varieties, so far as capacity of the seed to give n large yield of erain of good quality is concerned. It is therefore important to use seed of the best variety that has hud kindly treat- ment aud continued selection for several years. In the production of good paying crop* the cost of the seed ii small but the influence of the seed ia great. Plump- ness and freedom from impurities ia not sufficient proof that seed grain is capable of giving a good crop. Breeders of poultry do not pay much attention to the lize of ug^s for incubations. They want, first of all, to know something of the good qualities that the germ in the egg has in- herited from the parent*, and not only from the parents but from the roajoritynf the aiiceatnrs. It is equally imporU^t that seed be taken from a crop in which the individual plants have had an oppnr inn<ty to attain a mazimun vigour and yield |>er plant. It is just a* important to have definit* infor<nation about the crops and how the work of selection wu carried on for aeveral preoedine yoan as it is tn have a knowledge of the ances- tors of brpeding animals. In oonsidera- liun of these principles which underlie improvement in common grain crops, and ill view of the limited supply and growing demand for high claaa teed grain, an •ffort ia beins made by the Department of Aiiriculturc at Ottawa to form an ac aociatinn that will operate for the mutual benefit of aeed producers and seed cod- *nmer*. Aeeordlns to tbe provineia) rules of tb* as- ksclattaa, saed train that is pura, true to var. letv, and that had the tteneflt of a system of aarstui growing and eontlnned ssleetioa tor three conKMutive years, is recogniied aa Im- proved seed. The operations ot membar* are closely inapeelsu' aud records are kept of tbe amount and pedlgt.^e of the aeed they protluc- ^ It la propoaed to laant: a catalogue for general dlatribntion each year in which names andt ad- dressee of members will ba given, together with tbekiadaand varieties of iced predaoad ly them, the pedigree of tha sead, $ba amoout â-  t seed tor sale, and the price per buMiel. It is a • so propoead to supply membera witi: certificate forma, having printed thereon the rulaa with which meuabers are required to comply in tbe production ot ssed, Puiohaaeri ot podlgreed ased may obtain one of tbaaa osrtlAcahea with aeedlmugbt from a member; the alsDaturvi at the ciember would baa guarantee that the aeed supplied had l>een prodaeed la aeeordanee with tb* riilea. Tbe purchaser would then have an opportunity to vurity th* padlcras ol th* lea^ hy having It raglatared. W.A.CLKMMNP. Publ.aUug Clark. Un th« far>n nt Mr. Jaa. Qre»nwoo^i. 9ih line of Luther, ia a strange freak nt the bovine typo, being a grada Hereford calf, stHiut tliree n)o»ths old, which haa a body that would do credit to a calf c<Misidrra)>ly older, but which haa legs so short that it dues not htaod a* high aa ths average three day* old calf. The lega are *tout, sturdy fallow*, well formed, but not over, or vary little over a foot in leMth, making it a very odd apecimen, so odd that it i* best dencribrd in the ver- naoular of tl.e owneraa "A dvil of a quare little bttit«."-OiBud TlOley BUr. H£ AD ACHE. ''^putting Headache Keadacbe t^t la con- geativ*. Headache that 1* bll- loaa, Hewteclit that is nen- ralf^c. Headache that S* ner- Toua Tbeae condlttoct are overcome by tn* ua« of m. Lednihardt'a Antl-PllI throni;h removing the cause. Those who have peri- odical spall* of headache, asaoclatcd with m«W* rhuly, ncrvons debility, weakncsa or trembllag of the maaclea, or losooi^ nia, abould follow np tM use of Antl-nil once or twlca a week tat a t*w weeks aftar tbe tronbts ha* entirely vanished. ^ cent* of druggists, tir "by addressing WiLiio.f-rTUI Co., Niagara Falls, OaL Free tampl* to any a^ dress. ANTI-PILL. T. •!. Blain, the Bcamptun lawyer who/ was assaulted on a C. P. train by a drunktm passenger after he hud appealed to the conductor for assistance, is to have another fi.'ht before he'getji filial satisfac- tion. A jury eave Mr. Blain damiti^es of 93500, and tho court of appeal upheld the verdict. The railway company carried the case to llie supreme court, and it has I just leduced the verdict to one of $10^. Tbe court, however, h:«s given Air. Blain the option of accepting this verdict tiri consenting to have the case tried all over! a^ain. This alternative the lawyer ha.s' decided tu 'Accept and he will kgain bnn;; j the matter beforo'it jury. I Two Bentinck bachel'>r8 lost their lat- itude a couple of wei/kd ago and got a day . nut. The upshot was that these twoi gentleman started out a week ago Sunday I to take a load of grain to town, and was I half way he'e before they found out thcT i mistake. They side-tracked their loads! till next nioining when they finished their I journey, and then hunted round the: stores in search of calendars so as nut to let it occur again. It's funny the things these cynical old bachelors will do, but a calendar will hardly prevent a repetition of the error. Say boys, you should hunt up a good chunk («f a wife to keep your days rii.'ht.â€" Chronicle Wbcn Doctors Disagree Consult an OpUdas^^^^^ Nervousnessâ€" headaches-i sleeplessness and dizziness, often puzzle the best physicians, Nine times in ten eyestrain is the direct cause. Nothing' can eflTect a permanent curi that does not remove the cause. That is what our scientifically fitted g;las5es do. VVeA. Armstrong, - irWiT-LER AN3 OPTICiA.M, rtFSHERTON. ftr- ^ K&K>«c K\xK£v.K :K& V^ KVv FS , K & Th* majority ot men liava vartcoctte ia th* first, second or tliird stife. tu th* early atages It may canaa many symptom* which tha patient may not raec'S- bUi* as arlaing from thia discaa*. Intact, wa have havo tonud oa •saminatica, varlcocsla. preaeni In haadredaof cases whera th* patlaat did not know he h£.d It at all. In time It will produce sach symptom* aa tha foUowlnw: Kervoaseasa, weakness ia tha back, unsteady lim'os, tirad aad ashaasted feelTnr, pains In tha loins. Irritation of the bladder and kidueya. aadiment and loaa In nrina, emissions at Bight with lewd dreams, aaxail wcaknesa and dcclin* of manly powerâ€" these armptoma wradaally develop lata MBRVOUS DXBILITT and f MPOTKNCT. Oar MEW METHOD TKBATMEKT WILL POSITtVELT cmtE TOU AMD IT IS CaAJlAMTXID TO CURS TOD WITHOUT OFXRATION. Tbrongh It* TitaUxInff iafloeneo tha wormy vein* twtara to tk«lr normal caliber, th* clr. calatloa of l»lood Improrca ao the ocgan* aro property noorishsd, aad ara restored to strcagth and vigor; tha narvc* becomo auoag, ambition and anargy reptaca lassitude and despondency, all drain* cease, tha ayes becoma bright, tha brain activa, aad y oa f **1 a* a man oaght to feel la porf ec t sexaat aad aaaatal coadiUoa. Wife fimrsaiiiee to Curo or Ho Ptaym AU eases w* accept for Irealaieat ara tatea aadar a positive yaarant** that th*yar*cni'ablaor ao pay. Wa rater yoa to aavcral haaka a* to oar *-â€"â- 'â- " x«*poa*iblUty , so yoa may kaov w* ar* good far any contracts wa aaaka. I Ar* yoa a victim? Bava yea lo*t hopeT 4tr> von goa t a m platlac saartlagcT Bas year Blood baaa diasaa*d7 Bavayon any weak. â- â€¢**7 Qar Maw MstlMdTV*alm*at will car* jroa. Whatilkaadonaforolhsralt wilt <• tor jroa. COMSULTATIOM VXKK. Bo matta* who haa tsaated von. I for aa h e a *«t aptalsa Vrs* ot Charge Charges rtasmnhla BOOKS ~ I iio#Ha«» (IU*atratad).oa Wasassa of Maa. 1 fi***tiaa UM aad cast at TraaloMat, VBM. flag â- o*s* Traataacat. rJtEE-'Tha Coldea lionKoi^ (IIJ*atntad),'M I Evarything foaM*ataU ~ " Dr&KENNEDY&KERGAN /49 JJMI^MW K b* K K c\ K K A K^ W >\ y\ >^>r^s?!M%?j^s^>0^r>^^(>i>^xx9«s^>^!^^s<^^^{<^ YOU ARE LOSING MONEY without at MELO TTE" t i CREIAM SEPARATOR SP.QOO In Dally naa The only Separator fitted with Bcantiful Enamelled Bowl Casing. The lighett running and roost durable Separator yet produced. Saves tiiriS, labour, apaei). Utanail* ice and water. SC SON, PLBSHERTON r>. JVIcPAVISM 11 mmm eiiiRiitiif euiiti For First Class Baggies, Carts, Ploaaore and Lumber Wagons, cuttecs. Sleighs. We kn*p a stock on hand to choose from. AL50 nOi^SE StfOEINa ANOOENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and guarantee first elass work. We keep on hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and alto MaMey- Uarris and Nuxon repair* for binder*, Mowers, all kind* of mauhiuery, also Binder Twin* on hand. • Olbtn in town div« US a call « m

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