Flesherton Advance, 4 Feb 1904, p. 4

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FfeB4-lD03 THE FLESHERTOIS ADVANCE we )i^)mM^^m I F, T.HILL. & CO.. I wwwwwwi^ ^^leieiei^^ 25 p. a Discount off Furs. ThebaUnceof our Furs of which we Have as yets nice assortment, will be sold at the above discount. We do this rather than run any possibility of carrying them over to another season. If in need of FUR GOODS of any description or likely to require any even for next season, we would say buy no*. You'll never in all' probability be offered DEPENABLEFURS at less money than we're sellinRthem now. LADIES' ANDXJENTL'EMEN'S CaPS 2.25 Caps for 1 70. 3.75 Caps for 2 80, 3.25 Caps for 2.45 5.00 Caps for 3.75 4.50 Caps for 3.36 7.00 Caps for 6.25 LADIES' COLLARS AND RUFFS 2.25 Ladies Ruffs for 1.70 2.50 Ladies Ruffs for 1 86 3.75 Ladies Ruffa for 2.80 4 60 Ladies Ruffs for 3.35 5.00 Ladies Ruffs for 3.75 8.50 Ladies Ruffs for 6'.35 12.50 Ladies Ruffa for 9.35. Fur Coats Fur Jackets mC' ^ 25 per cent. Discount 2B percent Discount COc TWEEDS FOR 38c.. 125 yards pure all wdoI Ttvi^eds in medium and heavy weights, good coloraand patterns. This is the balance of our>"Mill ends" in Winter Goods and are cheap at thuriigular selling price of 60c., clearipg now for only 38 20c COTTONADE FOR 15o 160 yard^df'splendld -pattern heavy cottonades, that are sure to be sold quickly. These we secured at less than manufac'urnrs' prices, and while they last you can buy actual 20 cent to 22 cent CottoMSfIn for only 15 371 ane/'SOc Sanct/ Velvets for 25 cents. We have about 95 yards of verj^ handsome Fancy Velvets that wo ccllent material for Ladies Blouses and will give magnificent wear yard' place on Bale this week at 25c. Half a dozen select patterns. These are er- Your choice per 26 3S to 50c C APS ' FOR 25c • Nearly one hundred of this season's newest and best Boiling lines of Men's and Boy's Oloth Caps, not many of any particulars-line but sufflcient of all sizes romake a good selection^. While they last take year pick for. only 216^ 1)76DNDERSKIRTS FOR 1.25 27'Ladio8' C7>lored Sateen underskirts that have until now sold at 1.75. These are all made of extra fine quality sateen, lined throughout and padded and quilt- ed. The lot is small and will not last very long, but if yoiT'Coniu early you can have an excellent under- skirt for only 1.25 7S cent So f sets fon U8 cents 10 dosion Ladies' Corsets, made to retail at 75 cents by one of the best manufacturer* in Canada. This is a par- ticular. nice, short, 4* clusp corset, but a line that the makers are going out of. The price we are asking is away below the coat of manufacture. All sizes 18 to 25. Your choice for only 48 5VMWW MARKDALE WWWW^ Some .Township Statistics According lo tbeJatest. government re- port Actonuisia township has a population 0^3565 ; acres aasesaed, 68.245; assessed value of all property 81,039,900. The taxes raiaed for all purposes in 1902 was (tl2.946. Taxes per capita, $3.96-13.6 mills on %. Oeprey township has a population of 3100; acres assessed, 70,823 ; assessed value of all property, ^828,260. Taxes rained in 1902, $8454. Taxes per capita, 4^39-12.7 milla on the 9. Euphra.sia township has ft population of 2072 ; acres assessed, 72,000 ; assessed value of all property, 91,252,045. Taxes •CKWx\ in 1902,812,769. Taxes per capita, f4 .3Qâ€" 10.2 mills on the %. Proton township has a population of ?984 ; acre* assessed, 81,485 ; assessed value of all' property, $930,175 ; taxes im- posed in 1902,811,289. Taxes per capita, »3,85 -12.1 mills on the $. The village of Markdale has a popula- tion of 9&(5 ; acres assejsed, 950 ; assess od viduH of all property, 8201,716; total taxes impMsed in 1902, $3,872. Taxes per head, 83.93â€"19.2 mills on the $. Dundalk hasa population of 819; acres aM0s>8od. 440 ; as-sessed value of all prop- erty,$163,640 ; total taxes raised in 1903,. 8^)434. Taxes per capita, 84.19â€"22.4 nvdls on the dollar. O'llU'iBwood township has n population of 3,332 ; acres assessed, 68,C0O ; assessed value, 81,376,666 ; taxes imposed 816,E58. Potvhead, 84 64â€"11.3 mills on the %. Reilly, whom they found at Mr. William Duffs and made his stay more pleasant by telling of tliti safety of his horse. Mr. Reilly and Mr. Cuii.eroii again started home Monday morning and arrived here about one o'clock p. m." â€" » K» « •- An Experience in the Snow. Many are the interesting experiences ttild illu.stratiiig the difliculty of travel tljiH yi inter. I'lie Ohataworth Nuwp pub- lialiQsao item detailing a thrilling exper- ience of Rev. W. G. Utiilly.H Chatsworth lector, who attempted lo drive homo fyoiii Dfsboro a weuk ago last Sunday. "The road was heavy and the further ha drove the worse the road was, and when about a mile ea«t of Scott's corner his horao.got down in the deep snow,and after a good deal of hard work he got the attimal on' the hafd road again and pro- ceeded on hi,8 w<iy. Again ai.d again the beast g(,)t down in the deep snow and every time labored hard until it found fooling agaja oiv the narrow hard road. But the Wi^rst oxp«trieuce was reached nearly ppppsito Mr. Win. Duffs.whun the horpu got off tliB road, went down in the d<;t{p snow and rolled on its side. After a loog unsuccessful effort to get the horse up Mr. Reilly went to Mn Duaii for as- iistannt", wliitili was. cheerfullj given by Mr. Dull'. U[)on reaching the horse they foun 1 It (till lying in the snow exhnuatud und lielplcBS. They labored hard to get the licnst .up and finally it (tiff.'ned out ru,i lay appirenily dead, anl Mr. Duif with h 8 ch (ok frozen and , Mr. . Reilly wi'li hn ear fri'Ziii, returned to. Mr. Duffs where .Mr. Reilly was kindly, entertained over iii),dit Some tiaiu after Mr.Maluolm Oamoroti of Arnott,- who, with Mrs. Cam- Of i,n, had been visiting- tho lattor's piirt-nti., came alpni;, and eeeingrsigns of life in the hor30 Mr. Caincryn worked v goroualy to get the animal u|>iand final- ly' succueduid . Taking horre wjUi him he r turned t'l Mr, .Inmea Duffi; to remain lor the nirjht, and after putting tho horse i^ a wain blable Mr. Cameron and Mr. J ituue Duff. p9(oi;t in search for Mr. You May Have Kidney Trouble If your back aches and you suffer from drairging pains it is an evidence of diseas- ed kidneys. Get Ferrozone at onco and take it regularly. Ferrozone makes kid- ney sufferers feel better at once. "I was bothered a jiroat deal with my kidneys last year," writes S.G.Denton of Everett, •'but got quick relief from Ferrozone. My trouble manifested itself by pain in the back, dull heavy feeling and constant headache. I quite recovered after using a few boxes of Ferrozone which has given me more strength and better health than I ever had before. I can recommend Ferrozone as a postivo cure." Price 50o. at all druggists. Concert at Proton 'The OraHga concert, L. 0. L. , No. 244, given At Proton, on Friday, January 29, was pronounced one of the grandtst con- certs over given at Proton under that order. The evening was an excellent specimen and the roads being in a fair condition and a good audience witnessed the treat. The program was an excellent one, and will, doubtless, be recorded us the beet OiAiiite concert ever given at Proton. Indeed tho brethren should feel proud of such a well rendered and choice program as given that evening. Mr. Win Sharp occupied the ehair- and addressed the audiencein an able manner. Mr.Logan, comedian, of Owen Sound, was ouo of tho stars. Mr.Logan is a line sini-er and is worthy of being called an excellent enter- tainer. The Haw brothers fully tilled the musical part of tha concert. We might sty right here, the music was the finest we have had the privilege of lislenine to for Home time, and the able manner in which the boys delivered each selncticm, caused it to be listened to with inteuse in- terest and was uproariously applauded. Mr. R. J. Pedlar, Eugenia, comic enter- tainer, also filled tha bill and created great laughter by his witty manner) and cer- tainly delighted tho audience. We ore sure with a little vocal training Mr. Ped- lar will be classed as one of the best confedians and entertainers that an audience would wish to hoar. Mr. W.T; Pedlar gave a few of his old sonj^s by a special request, which wore much appreciat- ed, especially by those who are not lovers of the comic class. Mr. Haney favored, the audience with a few select violin solos. He is certainly well gifted as a violinist. Mr. O. O. llrooks gave a few readings, which Were appreciated to the greatest extent, as they wore delivered in a excel- li:ni manner, The awlieiico then dis- persed after singinn the National Anthem. To Quickly Cure Biliousness Use Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mandrake and Hutternut. They oleAnso the stomach and bowels, assist the liver in removing bile, and curethorouuhly. Use only Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Price liiSo, . into a perspiralion otiltivating a sugar beet pal<;h all last summer, wh* hauled their beets to Owen Sound, loaded them irito cars, and have not <• red . cent to show for it. The factory, is closed and the plant is in the haiida' of the Union Bank and the Bank of Commerce. J. Johns and D. Huther lose 810,000 and $12,000 respectively. Some of the farmers who have lost the price • of their beets are hoping to be partially reim- bursed wheu ihe government bounty is paid.â€" Times. BOYD, HICKLING & CO., FlESIt£RTON, ONL MID-WINTER REDUCTIONS A Clearance in Boys' Three Piece Suits ... 18 Boy's 3 Piece Suits, some single, some double breasted, m neat dark tweeds and sergesâ€" sizes from 28-33. Prices ranged from $3.50 to $4.50 IOC. and 122 Wrapperettes for 7c 350 yards Wrapperettes, including twelve good patterns, in light, medium and dark colors, 27 inches wide, all very suitable for waist goods, wrappeis or children's wear. Eegular 10c. and \2\q. values. Selling at 7e. a JfS/v/ Our Clubbing List ♦Advance, *Herald and ♦Toronto World, daily 83 25 Toronto Daily News 1 85 Weekly Globe 1 80 Mail-Empire 1.80 Family Horald & Star 1.80 Toronto St»t 1.80 Fanners Sun 1 .80 All above prices include The Advance and Montroiil Herald, if paid in advance only. Early subscribers get best value fer their moneyi The tie up at the Wiarton Betfc Sugar factory is of atmorbing interest to * number of fanners in this vicinity. There are many who woiket) thomselites Any Spectacle is no more adapted to your face than any ooat to your body. The fit of the frame is as important as the fit of the lenses. We make a specialty of both. W. A. Armstrong, JEWELER AND OPTICiA?<l Fi.£SHERTON. Flannelette Underwear Special Ladies' Flannelette Drawers, nicely made, three shades in soft finished Flannelette, winter weight, fiinished deep frill of same material, assorted sizes. Siegulan USe. £ine fof 28 Children's 25ei. Underwear 15c. An assortment of Children's Vests and Drawers, suitable from 3 to 10 years, nice quality, ribbed union goods, heavy weight â€" odd garments from our best selling lines, sold usually at 22c. and 25c. Selling â- ^loiv fon IS" f A Snap in Black 1 Dress Goods \XV 200 yards Figured Black Dress Goods â€" including six good designs, good durable blackâ€" 38 and 40 inches widOi. These sold in the regular way from 25 to 40c. per yard. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to get the best Photos is at BULMKB'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay .Special Attention to Copvini; and Babies' |>ictures. Picture fram- ing a specialty. Try us for any kind of pictures and we will promisesatisfaction. Mx*a. BUILiMKR Sidephani street, Fletherton. HARDWARE DEPARTMT. I BARGAINS IN SECOND COOKING AND HEATING STOVES . . . . We have several Cooking and Hfeatiiig sto\-es taken in exchange for newones that we offer exceptionally cheap. Tfcey are all in good condition and much below their actual value, â€" You should see them. Car Windsor Salt Just Arrived. Get your supply of'Fine Salt nowâ€" quality .v is^good and tho salt is free from discoloration'

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