Flesherton Advance, 4 Feb 1904, p. 6

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IS WELL ENOWN IN BDM'S FALLS There are Numerous Witnesses of Mrs. Adams' ricknesa and Cure. Bhe Suiely Had Brighfs Disease in its Very \A/orst Stages. And Just as Surely was Complete- ly Cured by Dodd's Kidney Fills. lurk's I'alLs, Out., Feb. t (Special). -Mrs. Thomiis Adams, of CollinK- wood. whoso almost miraculous le- covery from Uright's Disease in its worst stages has caused a sensation ill tiio medical world, is well l^nown tn Uurk'a I'alls. She resided here tor vffars before removing to Colling- ivood, and it was while living here that she was stricken with the ter- rible disease that sweeps so many In- to t lio grave. Mrs. Adams has many friends still living in Iliirk'.s I'^alls, and they well remember the helj)le3s, suffering in- valid, who in March, 1900, looked a.i if her onJy relief lay in death itself. They can recall how when the dread words "Bright's Disease" foil from the doctor's lips, the report went around that Mrs. Adams' doom was Healed, that she would never rise from the bed of su0oring on which Bhe lay. They can recall how their sympathy went out to the little chil- dri'ti who would soon be mothcrle-ss. WHAT CAUSKD THE CURE. Then while they waited and watch- ed for the end, a gradual improve- ment came over the sutlerer. It was hardly noticeable at first, but as she grew Btronfcer and was at length able to leave her bed and give to her children a mother's care, they wonderingiy asked the cause. And then (ho truth came out. Mrs. Ad- am.s had on the advice of a friend placed her trust in the old reliable Kidney remedy, Dodd's Kidney Pills. Slowly but surely Mrs. Adams' Btrenfith came back till she was go- ing about OS if Bright's Disease had never held her in its clutches. .Still the skeptics refused to believe. "It is only one of the vngaj'ies of the di»- ea.se," they said. "It will come back with the winter." But winter came and went. Another summer and an- other winter pa.ssed, and to-day Mrs. Adams is able to .say, "I have had no rulurn of the trouble since 'Dodd's Kidney I'ills broiight ine back from th(? brink of the grave." I And now nil Burk's Falls, all those who knew Mrs. Adams in .sicknes.') and health, are forced to admit Dodd's Kidne.v Pills cured her Brighfs Disease, and cured it to stay cured. ' Neither has the lesson taught by Mrs. Adams' cose been lost. People recogni/o the fact that if she had cured her pain in the back with Dodd's Kidney Pills, she would never have had iiright's Di.sense. ' • A COUfiTFlNO CODE. F';\v people know how to cough properly. Jn fact, it never occurs |to the ordinary individual that there uro right and wrong ways of doing it. yet it Is a matter of no small iaiporlance. If every sigh moans u drop of blood out of the heart, as jieol>le Hay, every cough means t.ome greater or loss proportion of \imc knocked oft one's life. Most people cough as loudly and forcibly as tlioy can. Some chronic coughers heem proud of the noise they make. But It Is a rather costly noise, for the simple reason that it tears and in- flames the lung.s. The hings consist of an extraordinarily delicate, Bpongo-Uko tissue, whicli sometimes gets Inflnmod and chokod with phlegm. When wc try to got rid of this HubBtance wo cough. But, ob- viously, if we remove It violently we mu.st iieicssarily injure the delicate lung tissue. Tlicrefoio train your- self to cough as gently as possible. After a little practice you will Had it (|ullc 0B8J' to do so. In that way you will do a minimum of mischief to the UingB, and add years to your life. WIIKN TO SCRATCH WOOD. Hound can be obtained without air If some clastic modiuin be interposed tietwoon the oar nnd the body that tiiiits the sound, but sound cannot he transmitted through a perfect racuin Any medium, lioweverâ€" gnseou.s, liquid, or solid â€" will. i( el- astic, transmit sound-waves. ]''ranU- liii, for inslaiiw, having plunged his heivd under water, caused two stones to bo struck together beneath the Hurfaco, and, at a distance of half a mile, heard the blows (li^tinctly. It Is well kncjwn that wood transmits â- ound In n reniarUablo manner. A |)orHi)n at one end of a wooden beam will hoar a pln-srralch made at the other end, though the parson making It iiiny hear no sound at all. 'I'his fatt is sometimes employed as a test of the soundness of the beam, for the expcrlinent will fall if the Intor- vaninff wood bo rotten. "What is the medicine for. doc- tor?" "That's to give you an ip|ie- lltc." "But you told me to take It after ontlngi" "Certainly. " "Well, I don't need any appetite then •octor." PERSONAL POINTEES. Notes of Interest About Soma Prominent .People. The King of Kaiio, in Central Afri- ca, must he an uncoiufortabis mon- arch. Anyone who imys a call on him is obliged to take oft not only shoes, but socks or stockings, nnd to approacli llis Majesty with head how- ed to the ground. Mr. Arthur Burrows, of Lincoln's Inn, Fngland, is over ninety-ono yeai-s of age, and is the oldest prac- tising barrister in the kingdom. He attends to business at his chambers in Lincoln's Inn regularly, and is said to be able to do his work without the aid of glasses. V. Marion Crawford, the prolific novelist, was introduced to a young woman recently. Hearing that ho Was a novolist, she said: â€" "And have you written anything that will live after you're gone?" "I don't know," he replied. "You see, what I am af- ter is something that will enable nic , to live while I am here." Sir Henry Stanley, the famous Af- | ricnn e.xplorer, treasures a plated silver fork bearing the name of a fa.shionablo London restaurant whicli he picked up in the licart of an Afri- can forest. It had been u.sed as en ornament by the chief of a tribe of pigmies; though how it went so fur away from the tracks of white men Sir Henry cannot even conjecture. The Czar is not less careful of his life than his i^'cdecessors, but ho adopts diriorent methods for safe- guarding himself. Instead of having three trains ready when ho is going on a journey and leaving Anarchists to guess which train is conveying him, as his father did, he simply al- lows no one to become accpiaintod with his plans. The route is publish- ed, but he never keeps to it. The Crown Princess of Denm.irk has the distinction of being the 'att- est and the wealthiest Princess in Europe. She inherited fioinelhing like fifteen million dollars from her maternal grandfather. Prince Freder- ick of the Netherlands, as well as the bulk of the fortune of her father. King Charles of Sweden and Norway. She stands over feet in height, and is an imposing figure. Like the great Iron Chancellor whom ho dismissed, the Emperor Wil- liam is a great lover of dogs, thoiigh in hoth men love of animals is tem- pered b.v politic reliance upon their utility as an intimate garde du corp.s. But whereas Bismarck cared only for the powerful breoils, which he styled "dogs of empire," the Kui- ser's preference is for terriers, of which he always has four about him. I\!r F. C. Selous, the might.y hun- ter oi big game, who was at '!'om Brown's old schoolâ€" Hugb.v â€" w.\n nUk- nanicd "Zeulous" by his companions. On leaving scluiol ho went t) Swil- zerlan(i to learn Frencit and Corinan. He rather startled the worthy Swit- zcrs on ono occasion by juminng m- to the Hhine clad In . to|)-hoois and great-coat. A aui;ic whi^-h .'.i. i'.arl shot liad fallen into the riwr, and he Wanted to get it u-t. The Duke of Hami.t m Is thrice a Duke. He is l)uk(! of Hamilton iti Scotlniul, Duke of lirandon in Eng- land, and Duke of Chatellerault in France; and thrice a Marcjuis â€" of Hamilton, of Douglas, aiul of Clydes- dale. As an I'url he owns only two titles, those of Angus and Arran; but as a Uaron he holds no fewer than sevenâ€" the Baronies of Avon. -Pol- mont, Mackanshire, Innerdale, Aber- iiethy, .Ir-dburgli Forest, and Dutton. The following story of the I'ope is told In the Itulian papers. A depu- tation of the monks of some order had obtained an Interview with him. According to the etiquette of the Vatican, only cardinals are allowed to sit 1(1 the Pope's [iresonce, and an invitation from him to do so is deem- ed ei|uivalent to the promise of a cardinulate. Pope Pius X. is a plain man, utterly indlftorent to the oti- (luelte of the Papal Court. He there- fore l:egged the monks to take their seals. They nardly knew whether tho.y could venture to do so, and wliilst they stood hesitating he said to them: â€" "You do not, I suppose, expect me to draw your chairs for- ward for .vou?" The late Sir John Bhindell Maple was never tired of telling his friends how much he owed to his 'uuHher, Ilo used to sa.v, "She was the cleverest woman I ever know," and ho often related the advice she gave him when as a h<>,y ho thought of being called to the liar. "If t-vpr .vou were to become Lord Chancellor," she said, â- 'vou would ha\c reached the end of all tilings in that jirofe.ssion. You Would have such nnd such an income and such and such a position, which are alrt-ady known to .vou. But if you go into business there is no lim- it to your opportunities." The boy chose llis father's business, and, as he often Said, never forgot his mo- ther's advice. I What shrunk your woolens ? Why did holes wear so soon ? You used common soap. SlINUGHT Soap RJCDUCES KXPSNSB Aiik ter the OeCiuan Bar. BEST FOR THE WOMA^f. It was a picture representing a young man nt the feet of his lad.v- lovo that rou.sod the ire of the crus- ty bachelor. "Before I would over k.iieel to a woman," ho said, "I would incircio Illy neck with a rope and stretch it." Aii'j then, turning to the girl who sat near him, he incinired: "Do .you not think it would bo the best thing I could do?" "It Would, undouhtedl.v, be the best for the woman," was the quiet re- ply. $100 Reward, $ioo. The roadurs of this paper will bo pleased to loarn that there Is at Uast ono dreaded, disaaso that scionca has been able to euro in all its stages, and tha.t IH Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Dure is the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con.stitutional disease, requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken Interiiallv, acting direct- ly upon the blood ana mucous surfac- es of the system, thereby de-itrovinc the (uundation of tbo disease, and giving the puttent strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in do- ing its work. The propristors have so much faith in its curative powers that they olTor Ono Hundred Dollars for any case that it fails to cure. Send for list of to.stimonluls. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo, O. ."-iold by all Drugfcl-ft.'). 75c. Tuko llall's Family I'ills for const!- outloii. Sometimes it is the absence of smiles at home that causes a man to seek them at the corner saloon. A MODEL RAILWAY. What Our Travelling Representa- tive Says of the G. T. R. A recent trip to "The States" brought "Truth" in contact, among other things, with the Grand Trunk Railway, and its incomparable din- ing car service. A brighter, cleaner, more efficient plan of eating while journeying, does not exist on any railway anywhere, and "Truth" has travelled on most of the leading lines of the world, nnd is therefore in a position to know. The "Club" Breakfasts are an excellent feature, which appeals to many travellers. The attendants are courteous and obliging, nnd don't appear to bo al- ways looking for a "tip." Tho line, heavy double track of rails between Toronto and Suspen- sion Bridge makes it possible to run that distance witliout delays of any kind, and you are landed at your destination right on time to the minute. Tho great iiiiprovements on the main line ea.sl, between Toronto and Montreal, have been very costl.v, and hnvo ill some cases meant the al- most entire reconstruction of the road. I'he line has been straighten- ed, the grades lessened, and "Truth" is told that very shortl.v a train will be put on between Toronto nnd Montreal that will make the dis- tance in ver.v much less time than even 'Ilio International Limited does now. 'Truth" seldom travels on railway passes; tho above statements can therefore be considered perfectly un- biased, nnd are made purely be- cause of the excellent facilities af- forded tho general travelling public, and because of the pride "Truth" feels in one of our great national highways. Tho liraiid Trunk Railwa.v Com- pany certainl.y made no mistake when they handed over tho reins of control to Mr. Charles M. Ilaya, for a more capable, all-round railway man does not exist to-dn.v. Tho Passenger Department is moat emciently directed by C. T. Hell, W, E. Da\is and H. (>. Elliott in Mont- real, Ceo. W. Vaux in Chicago, and J. D. McPonald in Toronto. Wo bespeak great things for tho Grand Trunk Pacific Railway on its completion. â€" Torotito Truth. ^Au, £iM^7iy C^ tc^rne^ ^fn^TTu/n^. /rv^rru €i/n^ 'nAMA/', TOO LONG. Mrs. Oabbel : "What do you think. George? When the doctor called the other day he asked me to put out my tongue, and when I dul so he quite hurt me. He ' : Mr. Uabbel (interposing) : "Did he tread on it ?" Men don't, as u rule, lika to lie; but their wives ask too many qties- tiOUB. Pill-esophy.â€" Ther« ara pills and pillsâ€" but Dr. Agnow's Liver Pills at lo cents a vial lead ia demand. Tho sals borders on the phenomanal. Sluggish liyar, constipation, or irregular bowels are the precursors of many physical disorders. These littla wonders remove the cause. 4» in a vial (or lo cents.â€" 45 "You say that you have your own way about the house?" "Invariab- ly," angycrcd 'Mr. Meektsn. "How do you manage it?" "By always agreeing with Henrietta." . or Over Sixty Years Miu». WtSKiow's 3«0TH!Sa 3vF UP hwB bfl-n used by milU'ini of mothrrs for the-r children wliila leeihlQS ItaoDthcsthechlLI. foft«oi theffutu^. aI.A7Rptin. o*ire« wind onlic, retfulatps the motincn an'l !)L^woI^ tud \B th« bf.8t romndy for l>iMrh.j8(L Twontr-S^e oi-nta ft botwll Sold bf drucgiBtd Lhroiighout the world. B« sur* an4i »»kfor"MKs. WissMirsaooiuiMoSvaor." 12â€" W Showmanâ€" "Look here, your bill says â-  I''orty-niiie days' board for camel.' You've only had him .seven days!" Kcoper â€" "That's all right; that camel has seven stomachs. See?" Mioard's Liolment Mm\ Heuralgli "Do you I'.it think that Miss Snaps is a very graceful girl?" 'I never saw her but once, and she didn't look very graceful then." "Indeed! Where did J oti see her?" "I saw her fall- ing over a wheelbarrow." Minard's Liniment for sale m\\im\ Youns .Samuel (who has just been corrected) â€" "Father, that strap which you hold ia your hand is here- ditary, is it not?" Fatherâ€" "Hcrcdi- lar.v? AVhat do you mean? I don't SCO how a strap could be hereditary." Young Samual â€" "It descends from fa- ther to son, doesn't it?" Wifeâ€" "Oh. John, there arc .somo lovely hats in that window." llubb.v â€" "Yes. I know. They look so well ' there that it would bo a pity to take any of them away." HIS OWN PRF.E WILL. Dear Sirs, â€" 1 cannot speak too itrongly of the excellence of 'MIN- ARDS LINIMENT. It is THE rem- edy in my household for burns, sprains, etc., and we would not b» without it. It is truly a wonderful medicine, JOHN A. MACDONALD, Publisher Arnprior Chronicle. t-t "And now. dear, " asked a govern- ess, "what can you tell me about Minerva?" "She was a goddcs of wisdom, and never married," was the reply. Twitchy Muscles and Sleep- lessness.â€" The hopeless heart sickness that seitleson a man or woman whose nerves are shattered by disease can best bo pictured ia contrast with a patient who has been In tho "depths" and has been dragged from them by South Amarican Nervine. George Webster, of Forest. Onl . says : " I owe my life to it. Everything else failed to cure."â€" 44 FOR WINTKR CSF.. In Cashmere they have a novel method of putting toddler up for win- ter use. The country lies in a val- ley among the Himalayas. The chief industry of the people consists in raising line wool, and in making this into fabrics which have carried the name of the country all over the world. .\s ill winter snow lies .some Ave or -six yards deep, supplies of hay aro hung among the branches of trees, where they are easily reached by the flocks of sheep. Minafd's Liniinent Cures Dandiylf. "t^oodncss. child, don't eat .so man.v sweets!" "But, ma, you said I could have some sweets for taking that medicine." "Of course, but so much - will make you ill again." "Well, ma, then I can take some more medicine and have some moro sweets, can't I?" Manly Strenrui and Womanly BeaU'ty depend on purity of the blocd, and mucti of tn»t purity depends on perfect kidney filtering. Ittheae orpns ara diseased jLud will not perform thatr functions, man will seek in vain for strength and woman for beauty. South American Kidney Cure drives out all impurities through the Dody's "fillerers" â€" rapalrs weak spots.â€" 4S Mr. .Jonesâ€" "Why arc you removing tho parrot from the room, my dear?" Mrs. .Jones â€" "Well, it's a young bird, just learning to talk, and T thought it best to keep it out of the way while you arc laying tho carpet." THE WABASH RAILROAD Is llio great winter tourist route to the south and west, including Texas, Old Mexico and California, tho lands of sun-shine and lloweia. Through standard and tourist sleeping cars are now run via this groat southern route. Tho new and elegant trains on the Waba.sh, are hauled by tho most powerful engines over biiUt. Every comfort is provided equal to the best hotels, or the most luxuri- ous homes. Nothing is wanting to complete one's happiness. Tho days and nights pass only too quickly, while travelling on tbo great Wabash line. r"or Information as to rates. routes, etc., address any ticket agent or J. A. Richardson. Dist. Pass. Agt., N^. E. corner King and 'Vonge Sts., Toronto, "Pa, what's a tyrant?" "A tyrant is one who governs .vou without your choice, and who makes you do what ho wants without regard to what you want." "Oh, I see. Vou and ma are tyrants, aren't you. pa?" An admirable Food o( *M m Lever's Y-Z (Wi.se Head) Disinlecl- aiit Soap Powder dusted in the bath, softens the water and disin- fects. Too many people pray out of one side of their mouths and lie out of tho other. EPPS'S Finest quality and flavour COCOA Nutritious and Economical 'i»~^\ Dominion Una Steamthlpai Montraai t* Ltverpoel Portland to Liverpool LuiKO and I'ust .Sieaiuships. Superior ttccoiuiuotlation for all classes of pa». sciiKei-s. .Saloons and Staterooms are ainidahip.^. iSpecial attention has t>e«a giNcii to the .Second Saloon ond Third- CUi.'i accomiiuidation. For rates o( passagu!* iind all particulars, apply to any agent ot the Company, or to i.a»- songCT agent. DOMINION LINK OFKUIO.S 17 St. Sacrament St., Uoatreal. YOUR OVERCOATS And tsdcd ault« woulft look b«tter dvotl. If »-> ec^m of ounlnyoiir t .to. wrilft tlir«<-t .Montrotl, Box l^ BRITISM AMtniCAM nVKINa 0O> KONTSEAI.. 4,')â€" 04 Do you catch cold easily f DoM tba cold bang on \ Try iShiloH's Consumption Cure TSJic'""" It cufM tho most stubborn kind of coughs and coldt. \t it doein't cure you, your money win be refunded. Prlcsii .S. C. Wblls A Co. V» 25o. SOc. n LaRor, N.Y.. Toronto.Caa. 15â€"04 Wife â€" "'I'he Swiutons are K<'inK to move out of this neighborhood, after i beiiiB hero a year." llusliandâ€" , - I "That's strange. All the people are ros Liniment Cofes Burnsi ec. !"«,«' Rotting »« know them now " ' I Wifeâ€" "Yes; that s why they arc go- ln«.- BASTEDO'S 77 KINO >T., eA3T, 1MCNT0. THU UNION KNTKHS. Here tho union enters. The ring called 411 the walking delegate. Tho next day in the midst of his thriv- ing work every ono of Uysdon's men suddenly walked out. Tho shop was left vacant, and not a hammer rung on tho depot or on several other Jobs Kysdon then had under way. lie was tied up. On approaching the association he was informed that In order to bo re- lieved lie would require to pay $3,- 000. lie refused to pay and his shop is still shut up, his men on strikn and his business ruined. The world will forgive a man al- niost an.ything except failure. 8P1CIAL SALE CF Fan4 far ratalos, Wetive extraTalue. Baw Fura And Oanalnc Send lor prloe lUI 11-04 Cataffl) is Cuiable OR NOT CU.IABLE, Just exactly avcording ttt the wav It i% treated Let alone, doctored tneo- reticttlly or througli thij storeachâ€" it's a ' Staler! Attacked dirwtly with I)H AUNK.WS CATARllHAL POWDKK. It is fltsl al- leviated; then eradicated. Thousands .lay so, from glad eiii<«rl- ence I In an uc-re. mora or less, of tho I strongest testimonials. 15 Or. Agncw's Heart Care rellana heart dlseaie In 30 minute* and carta. AU KINDS Of FRUITS And Farm Pro- ductt f;enerally« consign it to u* aaJ w« will ^ct you good pri««ab Pouitnff Butter, Eggs, Honey, Apples, THt Dawson Commission Co., T. V. r 3 tssue No. 6â€"04.

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