Flesherton Advance, 18 Feb 1904, p. 1

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htvUn \i\ian <s '•TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PKINCIPLEb NOT MEN." V0L.XX1Y, NO 1133.. FlestLertoia, Ont., Thursday. February 18 1904: W. H THURSTON, l?.K[^l, I PKoriilETOE ,•*; a!jid!fe:5lfe:Sli>>%JS!i:Si&=i;i;d&^ â- 'i:. ;: Bargains For Next rionth W. A. Armstrcng, f JEWELLER <^ riesherton. Strain's Block |^ McFarland, Stafford & Co/s Big Store Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORK GREEN - TAG CONTINUED BRUARY mttmmmm WE'RE BUSY STOCK-TAKING. All winter gooJ3, oJu euds and brokeu lots mast be sold, prices away down. Cost price in many cases not eousidered. Furs and winter goods 25 to 50 p. c. off Dr. Christoe Passes Away Cne cf Arlemesia's Most Prominent CitiSns Cresses the Bar. Dr. William Seymour Christoe, who has liotiii a prxiuineiit tiiiuru in tlii.s township for the pnsi thirty-six years, died at his homi! Lore on Frid;iy morniua last after an illness of a fuw hours duration, at the a<;e of V!) years and nine month*. The D;-. hud heeo a viiiim of a weak heart for some years and this ovsntua'.ly caused his decease. Dr. ChristoK was probab'y one of _th» most widely known men in thLs cjuuty, hivai^tikenal^eijiatjrus'in policio.dand municipal matters all his life. He waaa m.i'i of sti'ont; convic.ions and a Cunscr v.itive of Coiisttvativoi in polities. In muuicip.iland poliiic.il l).»tt!o3 he made enemies by these trails, bat owing to a dogged dBtermination generally suecseded in jjijiniui; any o'oject upon which he set his heart.- Ordinarily ho wa-s of a kindly and charitable dispusit;i>n and was a lib eral giver to deserving charity and for rtli:;iou3 objects. The Dr.'s force of elui'aoter made him what he was and caused hmi to tii;ht his way upwivrd under adverse circunistanees whicli would have awed luany a young nmu. He wa.s born at Lostwithiel in Cornwall, England, and came to Canada in the year 1S42, at the ttg<! of 18 years. Ho taught a school in th» township of Percy, Inorthunibeiland county, for a short time, when he return- ed to Enijland and wedded Miss Hannah IVarce, who survives liiin. Comiu;; a.;iiin to Canada ho started a mere.iutiU busi- iiess in the vdlai-o of Orouo,whero he lived from 1S59 tn 1S63. He then studied luodiiin-; and jjradua'ol in 1S<5G from Tor- onto School of Medicine. Tlie next year lia c.inii to tliii* county and entered into partnership with the late Dr. Cameron of Owen Sound, «ith wh>m he only re- luaiDcd one year. In 18<i7 he took up his resdence in Ktesherton and .soon sscured a reuiuiifrative practice which he ret lined until about tifteen years ago, when he re- tired in favor of younger men. Such it a brief resume of ihe life of the man who.se death we are now called upou to chronicle. Duriiii{ the Dr's. long life in Flefheiton hf has occupied many po.si tioDS of hi nor ill ihis county, inc'udiiiii tiiat of \V.srden. Ill 1884. Tune »Hd a^mn bo w.»s elected reeve of Arlemesi* U>wnshii> â€" 10 years i » »U3JO-iiion-»inl was suooetsful a^am-it Hllcoiiierg, until iufirmity made it nec- CDsary to Ut public bunniess alone. Kven then hi* active mind wjvs ever busy look- ing after what he considered waH the in- terests of the muiiioip.slity, and nvuiy a uiistakc has been rectified and guarded against by the Dr's. timely warniui( and Ci'unse'. This activity of mind wafj luain- tsin -d to the last, and this paper contain vd only last work a coiiiinunicalioii from ^â- ^â- ^â- ^â- ^^â- ^â- ^^.^â- ^â- ^^.^.^^' WILLIAM SEY.MOUR CHKISTOE, M. D. D;i(d Feb. 12, 100-1, aged 79 years. I 35o. BOY'S A^D GIRLS GLOVES 19c 49 pairs Boy's and Girls Riugwood knit Gloves in fancy colors, heavy weight and splendid wearers, our selling price for these Gloves were per pr. 29 and 35c. To yleiir while they last, per pair 19 §1.75 LADIES' WRAPPERS FOR 99c. the extrava^:inc. u. connection with our j ance has been presentthan on this occa- ^^ ^,^_^^_^,^ .^ ^__,^,^ house otiefusjH. The Dr. was an econo- Uion. The Dr. will be mi.ssed. U'^ l^'^'^[„( s\â- v^y^^^vM><, s„m^h!i^a frill, others mist of the strictest ordar, and there are ; public appearance was at tlie late nomin- | with dounce, ;dl of which are nicely trim- tbose who consider that he was even an i tion, when he officiated as chairman. i uieU and lia,s been aeUnm in reaular way eUremist in this regard when it came to I The pall beareis were Me.sars. John ;>" e^^h 1.25, LoO, and 1.75. all go out ^•^" " , , ^ ... -Tf „... n ' "--" ^v„, n> u- I. u _ T>. I on bargam counter at your choice for 99 a matter of pubhc e.':pen:liture. it was a i a <;oud side to err upon. Dr. Chiistoe was a staunch Methodist â€"n msiuber of the church since 1340â€" and .ilways took a keen interest in its welfare, supporiiog it loyally with titian- cial and moral .issis-ance. He was a lif*-, Ions advocate of temperance reform and took a decided stand in the, recent pleb- iscite canipai^^n. The deceased gentle- man was beloved by very many and the passin-,' of his kindly presence will be a Source of ;,'ttn nine ijrief to many friends, although they were forewarned to expect such an end. He passeii peacefully aw.iy Friday ab:)ut noon in the presouoe of his wife and daughter, Mis. (Rev.) Thorn and other near friends. The news came as a sho.k to many m the village who had not heard he was unwell. Personally, tha editor of this paper feels th"vt he has lost a friend in Dr. Christoo. Although we could not always see eye to eye witli him we always paid him the tribute of believing his convictions genuine and ilculat^id to advance the in^terj-sr.s of m irality and humanity wiierever direct ed. We never reco^nizi^ anything soi\lid or mean iu the doctor'ijomposition. He wfls an open anl uuwaTeiini{ opponent â€" an honora'ole, upright and unswerving friend iu adversity. Tiie funeral took place to Flesherton ceiuete>y on Monday of this week. The day was exceedi ugly stormy and bitterly cold, probably one of the worst storms of the winter, but this did not prevent a very large attendance of people from the Tillage and surrounding country. a notable feat ure being the <Jd folks who braved t!je elements to pay their last respect to one who had gone in and cut among them for so many years as physician, coun sclloi and friend. There are, we believe, few homi-s in this vicinity that have not received at sonu time some evidence of kii.dne&s at the hands of the deceased. The fun.iral sermon was dt^livereJ by Rev, hison Wilson, whoso words sunk deeply into the hiajtsof his hearers as ho dwob m>on th« tlieiue of immortali-y and in olo<{UenC phrases pourlrayed the long- i..i;s iiihoreiil in man for a life beyond this life and the righting of all wrongs. If this could not be done in the hereafter this world would be a huge failure, &J'. M. K. Richardson, who proliably had a m.iie intimate knowledge of the Dr's. character than any oihet man, sitoke vory feelii'gty of deceased's life, and of The pall bearcis were Me.S3rs. John; Breen, W^m. Clayton, \V. liarnhouse, R.^ J.SprouIe, W. J. Bellamy .and Joseph Lp^ BOY'S TOP SHIRTS FOR 39c. - Rlakely. Follo^-ing iu-structions of do- coased, no hearse was cn-^aged. The' 58 only Boy's Heavy Knit Wool fop , „.,. ,.„,c.i,» „ 1. . If /r> \ .Shirts in in>,-dium and dark fiiicv colors, e.\ecuSora of the estate are Mrs. (Rev.) ^ . i i i- r ' . not many of any one kind, wl-.icn we are L. W. ihoiu, W. J. Bellamy and T. , a„ji^us to sell before com(doting stock oCo and 39 takiiis;. The regu'.sr prices are 60c each. All marked at each Grainger. Amoiig those present from a distance weie Mrs, E. H.arris and Mrs. Braith waits of Gores Landing, cousins of de- ceased ; Mr. J. Pearee, brother of Mrs Chris'.oe ; Mrs.aud Miss Pearee, Toronto,; Dr. and Mr:t. Sproule, Markdalo ; Mrs. Hansford, Toronto. An Asthmatic's Story Story Told Sleepless nights, sutfocating sensations, difficult to even breatlio. "I can scarcely describe all I suB'ercd from astiiina," wiiti'S Mrs. l;\P.Cavain.8uali of Colborne. •' Spasms Of coughing wouid come on that 17 ^^j j,^„g^ Wombat W^dgeshaped madem«we.rk. Clothing did m« any ^, ',^^ 2.50, sale price 1.90 good until 1 used the fiaurint, lieaiing ' (.'atarrhiizone. I am deliiihted to recom- mend this remedy which cured m» of chronic asthma after scores of good physi- cal. s hid given me up. Catarrhozono is b tfcer for asthma, gives (inicker relief than any remedy I know of. My cure is a periict o le." Try Catarrhoxonp, it lever fails to cure asthma. Complete outdt $1 00 ; trial size25c. ?1.25 MEN'S :SIGHT SRIRTS,only 89c S only Jlen's Fleece Lined Night Shirts. E.x.tra heavy make and Heeced throughout. Regular value 1.25, on sale at 89 FOUR GREEN TAG PRICES IN KUUCAPS 14 only Western .Beaver Wodgeshape Caps, regular 3.25, sale price 2.38 only Beaver Wombat W [)s, regular 2.50, sale price 11 only Aslrachan wedgcshaped Cap,-!, regular 3.50, sale price 2. OS 6 only .American Seul Wedgeshaped Caps, 3 of which are with baud, regular 1.50,sale price 1.00 WHITE AND COLORED SHIRTS FOR 3Sc About six dozen Men's Shirts, compris- ing White Laundried and Fancy Camhrii', some of which are unlaundried and others laandried. Our regular prices for tiiis lot were from 75o to 1 00 each, large sizes only to clear each 3<J 1 35 LADIES KID GLOVES 48o 48 pr Ladies Kid Gloves, bought at a big sacridce, being small <iuaiitities of each color, black, tun, whitoand ureen, all of which are new in style and would sell in regular way at f- -i 1.00 tu 1.35. These goods are • * every respect, sale price : '^^k . 48 4.00 LADIES COATS FOR (J8o 8 only Ladies Mantles in the light-Stting back .'ityle, of curl chilhand be-wer, colors black and navy olue, sizes .'j2 and "A, regular values 4.00 Theyare not dam- aged (.'<iod», but ju.<. a little out of styU and not in the large sizesâ€" is the reason we are putting them on sale at Green Tag price 68 3.50 L.UJIES SKIRTS 1-43 30 only Ladies Dress Skirts, comprising oxfonl grey, green and orowu^ all-wool homespun cloth in medium wfl|g;ht, latos!; stylo, and best of workmanship. These skirts are vefy dressy iu appearance and would bo cheap as underskirts or cotton skirts. Regular value 3 00 aad S.TjO, Fer this niondi green tag price 1.43 KIcFAKLAX^D, BTAFFOI^D 6c CO Maxweu Maxwell was able to move a little last week, but is snowed under to-day, Mon- day. Mr. Josiah Gamcy, who is still in poor health, has decided to give up farming and is having a sale on Friday next. The Maxwell and Feversham Public L braiy will give a grand concert in the Orange hall, on W<Sne8day eveuin^iFeb. 24th. Dr. Scott is laid up at present but we hope soon to see him around again. ^ A corre»pondent is having a startling expcii>nco with the cold weather at Nest- pas, a small town ten miles from Winnipes. It appears that the elleot cf intense cold was such that the boards on al)out .seventy six of the houses shrank and split from the nads. Tlie r>-siilt wa.s to strip the hTU.se-i of their siding-', and t-> leavo the innnitcs exposed to the C"Id. .Vlaiiy of the residents went to Winnipeg to remain until spring. The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Smyth, of the Grand Central, di-d on SPECIAL iNDUCEHENTS FOR CHRISTMAS TRADE. 10 Men's all-wool Tweed Suits $7 and $8 for 6.00 12 Ladies' Fine Coatii, J7.50 and 89.00, for 5.00 A larjie assortment of carpets, arranging iu price from 25c. to S.125 per yd An extra good stock of Horse Blankets on hand.and we are selling ihem at the lowest living prices known. Also a full range of Men's Heavy Footwear, such »s Felt Boots, Heavy Rubbers, Moccasins, Leg- gings, etc. 20 Men's Heavy LHsters.good valve at .9*1 12 only Men's Pea Jackct3,on sale at 3.90 20 all-wool Men's Sweaters, worth $l.t)0 for Goc. 50 yds. craah toweling, worth Sc.yd. for 7 6 pr. gray wool Blanki *, to clo" • out at; pair 12 .Men's Cardigan Jackets, .-eg. 51.50. for 1.1!) Men's Kid Gloves, re(;ular price 90c. and #1.00, for 60c. per paif A Reduction in Groceries 5 lbs good Japan tea for » $1.C0 5 lbs Ceylon Black tea 1.00 13 lbs. best selected raisins 1 00 25 lbs. best Tapoica 1.00 25 lk.s. fresh Figs l.CO OQ largt bars soap, reg. 12^0 for 9c.pr.bar Sunday last after an illness of several days. | The funeral t-iok place on Tuo-sdsy to the \ nice assortment of Faucy Ola.5Sware noon tr.iin. the burial tskins place in the f,, ^hotse for Xmas Qiftt. . . . Roman Catholic cein>"ry in tilenelg seven ' miles wear of Markdale. Mr. and Ms. | "VV 7" 1=1 C3 C Kt L/ E "Y" Smyth have the sympathy if the coiiimun- j ity in the Mid loss of their baby.- Dun- | ^_^_^_^^B^;«aa^;Mi^BB^^iMMHMiiKBH dalk Herald, i i 'Old Tom," the property of Mr.R W.I W. 0. Beamish of IJolton had an ex- j the ()Brien,h»s the proud distinction of being hihit.on a', hia shop ot a hind quarter of ""â- â-  "-1, . h-a be«.. in.tru nental in the the oldest horse probably in the p.ovince heef, the like of which we ventute to say many who had been .n.tru...e..t»l in »"« .,^,,.^ f^.^,.. .,„, j,,^,^., jj, ^^o province of will not be seen agam for m^.y a h-ng formation of the church wh > have Pâ„¢" I Qu,,,.,^. ,„j w,., brought to C..I>ingwo<Kl day. U weighed 197 It'S., anH cedel him acr.xis the river during the pwt | ),y Mr. Harry Merchant aa a 4yesr.old "«y *"«" ^**'" out""" few years, and ended by urging that those in 1861, so that he is now in hw 48th year, ihi weighed lainaining should chiee up their raiiks, aod work together for the good of huniao- iiy. It is seldom that a more imp«'«**'*« iJ»jH3n d«aliug wilik what he nonsidetsjd* wrviw h« b«en held, or a Urgec avtend- , a reinarkahle *«e f r a horse. Tom lia.s been the proiMsrty of Mr. O'Biien for nearly twenty years, and is still an ef- Kcii-nt cob for th« familyâ€" -Collinifwood Sut«rpriM. kid tipped the scales at 70 ll«. The fanner from whom he bought it siid the other qunrltr was i'» exact c«>uiiterp»rt. The two kidneys wmi'd thus weijh 140 lbs. It is hard to find any peison who ever saw anything of ihe Wind before. â€" Enterprise. 1*^ Highest price? !of Fowl and Bi<'-. . . Proton Station By an aincndnient-i to the H. S. Ac. (iSKiied at the last session of the Lesjitlat- ure the County 'Jouncil of every county must pny 6b% of tlie averagu c-st of maintenance, after dtductiinz tie gnvtrn inent giatit ai.d F^eK, of pupils in the Hiuh Schools of adjacent counties. Tskii'g advantage of this new cla-sa*» in 'he H. S. Act, Owen Si^und h.-vs applied to Bruce cf.unfy for $'^><T'(tyr niaint< nn >•<> ofiho21> pupils from Bru(.r.>iii O S. CiV, Institute la»ty-.-»r.- Ch-.iJey En;erjpi.»j>

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