Flesherton Advance, 18 Feb 1904, p. 4

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.^- '.v. Feb 18 1903 THE FLESH E ETON ADVANCE -asâ€" â- !BB«B ^'diWMW^ R T. HILL & CO. I ^mmmim NOW ON Wt: seouii'd mid liuvo now on sale liundmds of dollars worth of "Salvago Gm>ds" bought from n large wholesale liousx 111 Montreal Thesf in part are Klisilitly soiled with clean, fresh water, though a great many lines are not uven marked. Wu place the entire lot on sale at ridiculoosly low j)rico8, among which are : LADIES' §3.25 to 84.93 CLOTH SKIRTS $a.98 3ii Ladits fine Clnlh Skirta, in black and colors, beautifully made and triinmefl, in a splendid a'lsortment of sizes. TlioHo ane |)arliculnrly nice yoods not oiiu beijig evtsi Bli^htly soiled and all are sure to bo picked up quickly. Your clu'iee while they lust ei.2r. MEN'S FLANNEL SHIRTS 78o. 48 Men's extra heavy top Bhirts, made of best quality twilled navy blue and uray lliinnels, assorted sizes, e.\C("llcntly iiiiide and perfccc fitting. Regular fl.25, .selling no'.v for only 78 12k'. WRAPPERETTE FOR 7ie. IGUO yards finest ipiality American Wripiiercttes. Some of these '.'iMids have been wet, but to good ure the eoluis that \ylien dried out they searcely show a murk. Patterns too are the newest for tins seiison's K^'llius. . Roj;u!ar 12Ao. goods, and not .sold in the rtg- uhir way for less, now only 7i 12Jc. APRON GINGHAMS 7ic. 278 y.irds heavy Apron Gingham, full width and splendid cloths. For purposes of wear and general Berviceability these goods are piacticaliy as valuable as when they left the mill. Clearing at 7A DENIMS, COTTON A DES, DRILLS 12* 10 pieces extra heavy Cottonades, Dri'la and Denims. These are all niaiinificent cloths, and in the regular way would sell at 22c to 25c per yard. Selling now owing to having been wet for 12.i 50c. MULESKIN MITTS FOR 35c. 00 pairs men's moleskin mitts, lined with knitted wool yam throughout, good long doublo wrist;s. The.se for only 35 BOYD HICKLiNG & CO., BOYS VESTS FOR ONLY 25 cents Over fifty Boys Vosts.in sizes rnniiing up to 36. These are made of splendid all-wool cloths in raiiue ot Colors widpalterns. Oidiuarily they would be cheap at 75c. to 00c., but all will bo sold choice excellent for your 25 ^ These goods must bo sold duj-in'J! the next ten daysâ€" hence the rery small price ^^ ic' ifi in by every freight .-vnd consequently must have room. New Prints, New Muslins, .Sailings, New I'lanncleites, New Wrapperettes, etc., arc now here and reiidy for your iiisi ' - !;....» ii,..i ,„.,i,f i„. <.i..iji-ed out and prices will be part'""'""''" tonn.ti'n., MARKDALE :es. We're getting new New Sateens, New ,,.,.^,„j.„, *.- , .. . . - - - J - - your inspection. During Feb- lu.iry "we have many lines thai must be cleared out and prices will be particularly tempting. Wft*M^ SAFEGUARD THE TOWNSHIP I V.'o uolice by the last Aitemesia Council raiuntes tliat the Eiigoiiia Falls Water Power and Electric Com- p.my havo inado iipplicivtion to council for power to erect poles and also for a gU'. of the township's iulercst in the watoipowor at Eugenia, through their Bolicitors, Messrs. Lucas. Wright k McAidic. The council laid the matter ever until next meeting and appointed a committee to examine ii.to the ques- liou. It appears lhi\l a portion at least of the waterfall is township pro- perty, ai:d litis being the case it behoves our towiiehip fathers to go into this matter carefully and at least to see to it that the tow.iship's in- terests do not suffer by tho granting of a valuible fiauciiiso without gett- ing an uilcquale return. It is true tbat an institution like that proposed would add a small amount to the township collors 111 taxes, but it should do more than that. The public 0' this township arc joint owners of tliat waterpower and while the feeling is prone uiiceJ that no hindraneo should be placed iu llic way of 'its develop - mea*', still the asset should first be secure for any industries whicb might r-<jqai|0 power within the townslii;) bofom foreign pn rchascrs arc supplied. Tliere is tho danger that taxes on plant would be tlio aiily way in which ibi ; township would bcneCU if tho com- paa's rc-jucst through their Bolioilors wore met in full. Oar township fathe 3 have achanco to do a little stioke of business in this regard. Let t icm see to it that the township's interests are tlioroughly safeguarded and a fair agieeracnt entered into oven lliongli tiicy have to accept Btock in exchange for the asset which we hold iu this JBugcnia waterpower, A Bloated Stomach Distension and piiim from indigestion are cured cpiickly by Nervilino. WhfU you gt;t uii uttiiok of .stoinacli trouble tad j a Blilf dosi* i.f Nerviliii), which is iiefect- ly hiriiiU'KS but iiiiirTolloualy quick in »f- feoii g a histiiii; euro. "I was onoo taken ill witii ktoMKieh tiniibh)" writes E.Uvard ilowell of ttochetter. "I w^is in (treat jiaiii and distress bur half a teispnonful I.f Nurviliiiu tixed iiie up in a few minutes. I cm reooniuieiid Nerviliae for sick head- aulie and ciaiiips and ci>nsid»r it an inval- iiililo hoiia.'hold roniedj!." Try it your- Helf. riico 60c. Tho C. P. R. will hive to \my 9fl,000 pounds Rterliiig for dam 'gei cAuned to » UJiinese gunboat which wa«rund>wn by lL»^Ein^ieai) of Jitp«n,^^ Possibly Your Wife Doesn't liiok so youniiand [irotty asshe used to. If her cheeka are hidlow and pale, if .she is tired and nervous she needs Feirczone, which is noted for restorins the bloom of health to sickly girls and wonun. Complexion (luickly beconie.s rosy, spirits raise, and strenuth increasEs daily. lieiilth and vi^or will .s^ion roluni to your wife or diiUL'liter if Feirozono is taken. It's tho best Ionic made, and costs OOo. at druggists. Not a single Chinaman ha.^ been re- ported as haviiiu I'i'iJ the §500 poll tax for entry into Cunads, which tvent into force at tho beginning of tho year. Mr. Wright, who runs a poultry farm near Little Current, claiuia to bo geltinu lifty pgg.i these cidd days from 100 hens. The liMii fruit sells readily at 30 cents per dozen. Teaching had ro be sunpunded in the Hanover scliocd in nil iti departmonts ex- cepting the two liiuher forms in con- 8e(iuenee of the inability to secure fuel. Holidays of 1004 will f.ill na fidlowa : Victoiiaday on Tuesd.iy ; Dominion day on Friday ; Labor day im Sei)tenil)er 6th, and Christinas on Sunday. Lent com- mencoa February I7tli. This is a trille earlier than list year, and E.ister Sunday will fidl im Apr. I 3rd, which a uliio daya earlier tlwin E ister last year. Palm Sim- day will f,ill on Mar. 27ih, and Good Fri- day on April Lst. The severe winter is affecing Colling- wood indu.stries to a eonaideraide extent. The CoMingwdiid Meat Co. is practically out of bmlnes owinn to tho scarcity of hogH,the railroads being unable to dt liver any. The Uryan Mfg. Co. closed on Sat- u;ilay for li couple of weeks owing to in- ability 10 deliver their pioiluet until s!ii|i|dnn fiijiliiioH are improved, and the fact that a hirge porti >ii of their winter business is absorbed by tl.o Meat Cii. All exohaime says : Girls emp'oyel in post oDicos are, as a rule, not famol for civdiiy or attention to the public whom they are (aid to serve. A man wont to an otiiec to buy sonio sfanip.s and found a yoiinn woii.an with her elbows on the talde, (iiizir.g in alistraetion into space. After wuitii.g a few stu^oi.da ho ti'ok <iff his hat iiiid siid in a dee;dy rev- erential inannor : "Miidmn, if yo 1 are engasred in prayer I will wait till you have tiiiished." She attended to him ub once «ith nn nngry sfiaikie in her eye. Ill tho jiidgeiv.ent p,ivpn recently at Os!/.>od« Hall, Mr. .lustic MacMahon hidd.s iliiit tho editor of a iiewspiiper is nit h .und to reveal the identity of a wiiter whose contribution is c:illed into question The Sutton correspondent <.f the Nenmarket Express Hernld in his wiekly letter to lliat paper, iiinde a state mi'iit which Mifw Eva ^iarKh, of Hution» declares pellected uufavoribly upon her-. Pelf. A (>uit agarriHt the paper followel, nod Mr t H. I>loyd moved before Judito MacMahon for «« (Mndor coiiipellini/ Mr. McKay, the editor, to disnlusMJ tbo name of the writer. Mr. B. Woods KppeiMvd on beh^tir of ihe r<1it4ir, and the court drcUred that «»ch information wm privatv A'-d cotifldential an4need not bed'ad'^ed. Prevention of Eye Trouble. Prevention Is better than cure. It Is cheaper. It is possible when cure Is impossitle. Eye trouble may be avoided by the tlmelj use of glasses, averting: discomfort, suffering and permanent impairment of sight. "We are properly equipped to adjust glasses and guarantee satisfaction. W. A. Armstromg^ -iilWELER AND OPTiCjAh FLESHF.RTON. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to get the best Photos is at 15ULMERS PUOTOGUAPH GALLEiiY. Sf'ECIAL ATTENTION We \)«y S)iecial Attention to Copying and Babies' pictures. i'i:turo fram- ing a siiecialty. Try us for any kind of pictures and wo w;ll promise cat isfaction. Mrs :eUIL.]VIE:FiL Sydenham street, Flesherton Farm for Sale 150 acres in the Township of Oaproy â€" part of lot 8 and all of lot 0, lu the 13th concession. About 40 acres under onltivation. There rs a l>iil>e qimiitMy of timbt-r. A K»od traniit barn 40x00 feet, fninie staMu niid n coiiituitAtjtu i1wtilliti(;,atiio (,'ood we)), .ApiOy on t)io pr*-Di- isKSorlD W. .] ill:iLdjAMY, t°)eiiberkoii. CHEESE FACTORY TO RENT Tfrndrr" lu-e hereby invtted up to Fi>l>. l.'vlOtH. rent*) of chr««« factory iiitnetnd !{ mitei aoutn ol Ma^ftl.lD tbe townnhip of tinprey. For partinn!ur« spplv to the |ir«aii1«nt, B. t'ENWicK, UaxwtU P.O. SIM -FLESHERTON, ONT. The present higli price of cottons makes a showing of White Wear at Specitxl Prices an item of particular interest. We special- ly invite you to see our display at Special February prices. UNDERSKIRTS Under Skirts, line cotton, dopp bein, sir. row tncking rcegnlar iJac. hi Under Skirts, fine cotton, deep hem, five rows tuck- ing and dust ffiil. I'.pgiilar 75c. for Underskirta, fine cambric, deep frill, uimnifil wide lace and insertion with dust frili. Reg- ular SI. 10 fur Under Skirts, lino cambric, extra deep tucked fiill, trimraed embroidery and dust frill. Regular §1.50 for Under Skirts, extra fine cambric, deep frill trimmed s\% rows tnckiug and wide embroidery with dust frill. Eegnlar $2 for Under Skirts, extra tiiio cambric, deep frill trimmed ] 8 rov.'s tuckinij.lwo rows insertion and line wide embroidery. Reg 82.25 for NiaHT GOWNS Night Gowus, fine CO' t-n, frilled collar and cuffs. Eegular 55c. for Night Gowns, lino cambric, embroidery tiiinmed collar and cutis, yoke with insertion. Eeg- ular 81.10 for Night Gowns, fine cambiic, embroidery trimmed collar and cufrs.yoko andiiuscrtion and tuckit]g. Eegular $1.50 for CHEMISES Chemises, fine eotton, frilled neck and sleeves Clieii^ises, fine cotton, trimmed and fine embroidery front, neck and sleeves. Reg 55c for Chemises, fine cambric, trimmed embroidery yoke, uce.k and sleeves, front all tacking. Eeg. $1.10 for DRAWERS Pravrers, fine cotton, deep hem, four row tucking Drawers, fine cotton, deep hem and frill. Eegular â- 10c for Drawers, fine cotton, deep frill trimmed embroidery and four rows ttickinu;. Eof,'. 60c. for Drawers, fine cambric, extra deep frill, line embroid- ery trimmed and five rows tucking. Regular 85c. for Drawers, fine cambric, extra deep frill trimmed fi.no embroidery, and insertion with sis rows tucking Eegular 81-00 for CORSET COVERS Corsft Covers, fine cotton, assoitcd sizes. 2 for Corset Covers, fine cotton, embroidery frill. Eeg, 25c for Corset Covers.tiue cotton.embroidery ncok and sleeves Eegular 80c for Corset Covers, fine ca)ubric, trimmed embroidery and wide insertion. Eegular 55o fo 45 ^ White Goods Specials ^m- Fine Cambric Embroidery and Insertion. New Patterns, llegular 5c. quality 3c. yd Fine Wide Cambric Embroidery and Inseition. .New designs. Regular 7 and 8c, line.s 5c. yd White Victoria Lawn â€" 39 inches wide â€" fine and even texture. Kegnlar lOc 7^ Linen ])amask Side Board Scarfs. Special 25 Linen Towels â€" Fringed ends. Deep red bor- ders, all linen, size 27 x 12. Per pair 10c. Linen Towela, fringed ends, plain or red borders, ?ure linen-a great big towel â€" size 22^ x 45 'er pair 25

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