Flesherton Advance, 18 Feb 1904, p. 5

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1 Tfl£ FLESIIERTON ADVANCE Feb. 18 1903 W-i I^ETHODIST - CHURCH FLESHEHTON. â- J. 8. 1. Wilson, b a., b. i> .• •••• Poator Tlio pii»tor will preach at each service. Sunday, Fob 21, 1004 Evoiiingouhject^ â€" "Ths Elder Brother â€" the umuiiost n.aii in the Bible. Vicinity Chips Characteristics of the Paitt ' Week Oarefully Culled for the Curious 'â-  " OMproy council will meet at Mcliityre on Saturiky, Feb. !i7. â- Biipliat church will be held next Sun- "diiy at 7 o'clock. The Advance and Montrenl Herald twelve inonlhs for one dollar. , Chataworth will petition parl^imeut to be made a corporate village. Mi.^s Annie Howard, of Li.itowull is home for a ftw holidaya. Mrs. \V. Barnhouaa apd Misa Elsie epont Sunday with friends in Owen Sound. Fresh lime always on hand. J. H, Duoketf, Euyenid- Coldsjhave bean epidemic for the past couple <if weck.s. Notice â€" We are prepared to do "f"iy nniount of chopping at five cents a bag. It miiat be cleaned. P. Loucks. A huiulrud and twenty hoys, which could hot bo shippi'd from Chatsworth on .•iccount (if the blockade, were manufac- tured into drssssd pork. Pratts Astral Oil <'nce used, alway.s /uned. Get /our can filled at Sheppnrd'a I and you will be sati-slied. Another shipment of Doctor' Hesse's I Stock food ju.st arrived at Sheppard's- < Now is the time ';o tone up your horses and cattle. Try a package. JMr, W. Barnhouso has sold his res- idence and shop to Mr. Loudon Wright of the west back line. Mr. Wright has J eased \m farm and will take up resideuce in town. An auction wale of farm stock and im- plements will be held on lot 151 3rd range 15, T. & S. U., Arfcemosia, on Monday, Feb 29, the property of Mr. Edward LeGard. Lots for sale in Flesherton â€" One4-aere lot, good barn, also one village lot on Petur etront. Will sell on reasonable terms. W. Barnhouae. Dry spruce and all kinds of dry lumber wanted; also Ij cords green stovewood, at the Flesherton planing mills. Cnsh on delivery. T. W. VVilg(m. Mrs. Jidin Potts of Weyburn, Assa., previously of Osprey township, died recently at the ane of 24. Deceased was a dauglitor of Mr. \V. J. Monaghan, [ex- rtevo of Osprey. Mr. .James Stuart of Kimberley has secured lat prize in tihe News contest for securing the largest number ol subcsribers got by any agent. Mr. Stuart had 52 on his list. He has the choice of a first cla.ss bicycle or a $45 sewing machine. A concert wi':l he held in the Orange hall. Max well, on Wednesday, Fob. 24, in aid of the MaxwtU and .Fiiversham library, A good program is being arranged. The admission is plactd at only 15 and 10 cents. Mrs. (Dr.) Ro.eborough arrived from British Columbia on Friday night last with the remains of her little sou Delbert, who died there of 8carl«t feverafforabiut 36 hour.< illness. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon from the residence of her hrotner-in-law, Mr W. A. Arm- strong. It M only ab mt three years since Mrs. Roseborough lost her hustiand, and now the loss of her only child is a heavy load to bear. Mis.Honeywell of Everett, B. C, accompanied her sister on her sud journey home. The Dundalk Herald says that atl n fecent Board mc-ting of the Dundalk Methodist church, the pastor tuhniitt- ed a scheme for the reanangement of the circuits of Dundalk, Fleshertoi. and Eu- phrasia. Ho pioposed thit Inistlogo be transferred to the Fleshwrt-^n circuit.that Ceylon be dioppcd, and Monford Road be transferred from Flesliertoa to Eu- phrasia. Thib Would add nae more ap- pointment to Euplirnsia, but it wuuld be possible to have service every Suiid«y at Iuiatioi(e and ^ethel^ and twnides aiake the travelling eiuiier for the mtniR'era. A committee was appoiRted to commnni- cate with oiiciiila of the other oirouita and r^ji)ott.ft th* i>ext nectin^ A complete line of the Dr.Shoop'sRera- odii's just arrived at W. .1. Douglass, Medical Hall. Steps are bemg taken by a Meaford inan to unseat all the Meufm-d municipal conncil with one exception, ou the ground of disqualification. Again this week we have been without mail from Monday noon until Wedneaeay morning. This thing isgcttin<4 monotonous hut there is redress. Mr. Jerry Thimipson of near Eugi^nia h.ia purchased Mr. Edward LeGard's farm just east of the village on the Col- lingivood gravel. Mr LeGard purposes removina to the Northwest this spring. Ho will hold a aide as announced else- where in this issue. The shorthorn cattle sale at Markdale next Wednesday, 24th, will doubtless at- tract our local stock breeders. If they are not fortunate enough to buy they will at lenst get some pointers on good breed- ing. Mr. Mercer's 200 acre farm will also be auctioriiid off ;it the s.ilo. As the time is nearly over for selling f(.iotwear, ond in ordur to make ro(mi for spring goods, Clayton's ai-o offering tlie remainder of their stock of heavy, rubbers, overshoes, Ladies' felt boots, Lidies felt slippers and all. kinds of winter wear at a big rebuction in -piices. This is a genuine redu'tion. I«o sham. Call and get big bnrg:\ins. We aro requested to mention the fact that in the last year's report of Flesherton brunch of the Bible Society an omission which has just come to lit,ht was made ni mentioning the collections. The names of Misses McKee and Speers,witli the amount of §4.50 credited to them, should have appeared in the report. The tliermometor touched 21 below zero on Tuead.iy morning. It has only registered two degrees more at any time this winter. On one occasion it got as low as 23 here and another time 22. From zpro to ton below has been a common thing. Last week was a week of sunsln-ie but cold. Sunday and Monday gave us one of the worst storms of the season, with piercing cold and high wind. \V<3 are certainly deserving of commiseration this winter. A slrange coincidence occurred at the farm of Mr. Erskine ^of Euphrasia one day last weok when that gentleman lost a span of hor.ses under pi-ouliar circumstan- ces. The animals were a pair he had raised and cured for all their lives, and both were 22 years of ago. On this oc- casion while driving from Mr. Erskine's house to the road./ir.d net through deep snow, one horse fell over to the right and the other to the left and both immediate- ly expired. Both together united through life, and in death not separated. It was a str.inge incident, to say the least. Game Warden John Weber has laid scleral informations with Magistrate Van- Du.scn for the killing of deer out of sea- .son. Two or three Kiinbcrley young men aro interested in one case and several young men of the third line, Euphrasia, in another. The Kimberley boys say the deer in their case was out of its usual haunt, and while driving along the road dogs took after it. The animal ran into several wire fences,the ix^;%s cauiiht it and killed it. Under the circumstances ap- peal was made to a local magistrate who advised them to bring it home. This they did and gave the whole carcas away as charity. This is the story for the defense. The other case is idlcged to be one of del beiate deer hunting out of season. The cases, which aro atttaotiug consider- able interest, will be tried before A. S. ViuiDusen, J. P., on Kridiiy next. Warden Weber thinks what few deer we have left should be i)rotocted, and as persistent rumors of illegal hunting in the eastern part of Euphrasia have been floating around for several years he is determine.! to see if something cannot be dene to put a stop to it and save the little remainder of our noble game for legitimate sport. Do Poxes Reason ? Foxes certainly do reason, but, like human beings, their deductions are not always correct. For instance, they know well enough that there is immunity from pursBit on the Sabbath day, and con- SBijuently they allow themaolvcs more freedom of action on that day for the sc»n:h after food. Ueynard is frequfntly seen on Sunday scouring the fields after mice, birds, or anythinf{ that may fall in his Way. On oniumry week days m)»m gunsare apt to t>o acound Renyard does Dot exhibit, himself. One of the** MaaunitiK foxea â€" a big falhiwâ€" Tialted a ^%tpa.j%ti not tkr^a milw fcoiQ. ^wi oa^. Sunday Ia8t,of course thinking that a run by a dog would be the limited penalty if he were seen. The farmer saw him, however, and about the same time it appeared to enter Sir Renyard'shead that he had made a mistake and had entered the premises of a sport, who had a sworn enmity against foxes,.Sunday or any other day, and whose couscienoe would allow him to aneiik up behind a woodpile and shoot, regardless of tl)e day. When this idea took possession of the fox ho proceed- ed to make a swift trail for Deacon Dodriok's henroost, whore observance of the Sabbath day was more strict. As he mounted a seven-rail fence on the safe side of a ten-acre Held an explosion came from the Wfiodpile but the charge fell short. , Had the farmer not fallen over the stove in his mad haste to get outside with his. gun that fox's reasoning powers would have led him into a moss. It WHS a narrow escape. After this event the farmer was in no fit mood to enjoy his Sabbath rest. His mind was a turmoil and the stove, no matter what heat it radiated, could not pacify him. - » ><» > 4 <- For Sale â€" t)ne pair light bobsleighs, cheap. W, Barnhoiise. The Worst Kind troubles Pile-siok After Piles have existed for a long time and passed through difi'oi'ont stages, the sufl'ering is intense â€" piiin, aching, throhbiiig, tumors form, tilled to bursting with tihick blood. Sj'uipLoms indicating other may appear to a thoroughly per.son. This is when Hem-Roid, the only ' in- ternal, the only absolute Pile cure, brings the results that has made its fame. It will cure the most stubborn case in existence and a bonded gurantee to that effect goes with each package. It is to be had at I ho drug store. Sold by W. E. Richardson. TENDERS WANTED. se of lefagB; [oanty of k^, Tondors are invited liv tlie Connfcv Council of tlio Connt.y of Grey, for auppIieH of Fmnituro Iinplfiuonta and ^'uiioi'al ecjiiipmoDt and sitp- pHus required for tljo County Houfle of Uofuj^e and industrial Farm at Muriolftlo, in tiio snid County. Full lists of the articles rucpiired, ao-. conipauied by a forui of tondor, may be had ou applicatir)!! to the uudersignod. No tender will bo eouBidorud unless mndo upon tlio form iiro- vided and suppliud by the County Clerk. Teu- dorearo to be addressedto Cllas. Gordon. cliair man Houte of IJetuce oouiinittee, Owen Sound, to ho luarkod '"Tondor fov House of Itefufio Kup- plio!'," and to be iu the bamls of the said cliair- mau not Ifttor thau tbo lOtli day of Mardi, 1004. Jno. Rutherford, County Clerk Box 839, Owen Sound. Before and After, â- Wood's l?liosphocline, Tlie areat Engilrb Reme^, is an old, well ostalv fished and reliabio preparatioa. Has been prescribed and used over 'lU years. Alldniif. gists in the Dominion of Canada sell and reconnueud as being tlie only medicine oi its kind tlint cures and jives nniversal satisfaction. It promptly and permanently cures all forms of A'ervous Weak- ness, Emixsions, fipermatorrhma, Impotcncy, and all effects of abuse or excesses; tlio excessive nse of Tobacco, Opium or Stimulants, Mental and. Brain TTorri/, .ill of which lead to Infirmity, Insanity, Consumption and an Early Grave. Price $1 per package or six for $5. One will please, sir. will imrc. Mailed prompty on re- oeipt of price. Send for free pamphlet. Address Tlie Wood Cou^pany, Windsor, Oaf, Canada, Wood's PboEphodine is sold in I'lobhurton by Douglass (tCo., and W mticUardEou, Druggists A man to represent "Canapa's Great- est NtJHSKUlEs" in the town of FLESH EI^TON and the surrounding country, and take orders fur Our l^ardy Sg^eclallsis In Frt'it Treks. Small I^uuits, Orn.\.mentai.s, Snituns, Roses, ViNE.s, Seep Potatoes, etc. Stock true to name and free from San .Jose Scale. A permanent position for 'he risjht man on either salary or com- mission . Stone & Wellington PONTHILL NURSERIES over 800 acres Toronto Ontario "l>tf EXPEHIENC?! ^ >"j*5r Trade Marks S4 DESIGfiS Copvriqhts Ac. Anvnno-^en<lln(^ ashelch and drs-oHption mn/ qntr.kly njKcrtnin onr npoiiim free whotlirr h% InvciUInu Is prtibsblf pafentabte. fv.mntnnirti. tirtnsntr)ctly{(K)H(lmlttiU. Handbook on PHtpiita •cut fr06. OUlfl« aaency for .tfwurlnc pHt«ni». FM«nt« ^alteii Ihrouch Munn * Co. re««lrG tpeeial notice, without charye, iutbe Scientific Jhtcticdtu A hMiitoomeIr fllnetntlwl wMklr. Lorrot itr- wMatinii of iwr wrtentlM InnrniL T*ra*. 9t a 1 fn9K4po<itlu, VL BM byS mmm4min%. Nsvlorfc xaatoa. litw C8.»« I i ii.*ji I k Stock-= Taking . . Over AND now we settle down for another year's business, detnr- inined to make it like the last â€" the best year of our experience. Wo liuve been well pleased with the way our bueiuess has grown the past year and one step we have taken to make this year ahead of last, is by inti-oJuciug a special inducement to cash buyers by giv- ing coupon^ with which you get a nice set of dishes. .;''.::'^'Z' FREE FREE FREE Fine Porcelain Dinner Sets Given Away The pattern is the fiahionable color, Sage Green, with flower and scroll design of rare beauty. It is lavishly interwoven with go'd tracing. In fact we have saved uo expense in making it the most Beautiful Patieiu ever imported from European potteries. Get a Dinner Set Free I ^S GiVen Away Free With Our Cash Sales. You get it piece bs piece ; get any piece you want. The set con- sists of cups and saucers, dinner plates, breakfast plates, pie plates, sanse disbos, platters, salad dishes, vegetable dishes, pitchers, bone dishes, butter dishes, sugar bowls, tea pots, spooners, in fact every- thing that goes with a line set of dishes. '•â- â-  â-  " â- â- â- â€¢ FREE AT â-  THE PEOPLE'S STORE staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Eeady Made Clotliing, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Etc. Mantieo and Carpets. T. J. SHE Sproule's Block Flesherton We use these dishes simply as an advertisement for our business. If you waut them, tlip way to obtain them is easy. Trade with us and send your friends to see us. We will do the rest, by supplying you and them with these goods free of charge. :25j^;H«^g^!^a?ii^^^;^^ y i •r I I I ^' H. A. Willett A graduate of the Ontario College of .. Pharinacyandadruggist of over 25 years . ,,:..; / experience, has assumed control of the ' "' ^'' Medical Hall. HE will personally look after the compounding of Prescriptions, Recipes, Etc., and with his large experience can guarantee all that all preparations entrusted to him will be lilled correctly. Your pati'on- age is respectfully solicited. W. J. DOUGLASS, Flesherton MEDICAL HALL cete:^ .jt«. vMfe .^t^, fl9 A Happy New Year to All • â-  • ' â- 7K> f We have a few Toys left that we f^ are clearing out at greatly reduced ^ prices and some at half prrcea, -^ § 9 €« Kicbarctooit i:

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