Flesherton Advance, 3 Mar 1904, p. 3

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THE F L E S II E R T O N A D V A xV C E Mar. 3 1904 ETHODIST - CHURCH FLESH KKTOX. I.WII.80N, B A., U. D PutOr lorning:â€" Service by Mr. Richardson. Iveoing;â€" Service Vy the Pastor vice at Ceylon 10.30 a. m. Vicinity Cliips Characteristics of the Past ;ek Carefully Culled for the rious â- Â«â-  'hree farm hoises for sale. A pply to Patterson, liveryinun, Fleshertoii. iood hay for saleâ€" Mrs. A. B. Syke.s, ahertoi;, Ont. Ir. and Mrs. J. F. VanDusen of Dun k ipeut Sunday in town. liss Rutledge of St.inlon is vUititig h relatifes in town. )iiring February there have been 12 ths registered with the clerk of Arte- iia. Six were over 75 years of age.the est being S4. Irs. H. 4. Willet joined her husband e last week. Mr. and Mrs. \Vill?t 1 take up house a.s soon as a suitable idence Ciin be secured. rlr. J. D. Brown, late of Dundalk and iceville, has piiichasi'd a bankrupt ck at Thornton, neiir Uarrie, and 1 removed to tliat place. jOts for sale in Fleshertonâ€" One4-acre good baru.also one village L.t on ;vr street. Wdl sell on rea.sonable aia. VV. Barsiliouse. lames Cliristoe, of Altoa, 111., brother ihe late Dr.Christoe, is a guest of Mrs. nstoe this week. He had not seen brother, the doctor, for forty yejis. S^otice- A note for §9, signed hf J"^- daerow in fivor of Robert Mcintosh, i in February, 1!)04, has been p ad and ! public is warned agninst neuotiatuig J same. Jos. Badgerow, Portlajv P.O. iVhon in need of chnppiag try us. Our chinery is ncW and of the latest :tern and we will gu.irintee a perfect Don well cleaned sruin and prompt •vice every afternoon. T. W. Wilson. \u auction sale of farm stock and im- ments will be held on lot 134, second x,e W. T. & S. R-, Artenifsia.i'ti Mon- '. March 14, the iTopcriy of Mr. L. itfht. Sale at 12 o'clock sharp. J. irrow, auctioneer. essra.Jnhn Wright and Mark Wilson tured alive a ti'ie speciuien of )cyoD Lotor on Saturday while ting south of the village. This lu- sting animal is now on exhibition at office. For the benefit of those who not a reference ai hand wo may say Procyon Lotor when reduced to lish means coon. he regubir weekly blnv blocked up railway last week and from \\ edncs- noon until Friday ueoii no Toronto Is were received hore. We are now March ; lot u.s hope this month will nore lenient with us. Eii{ht or nine ago dust was tlyini; the middle of rch and trees were buddina out. It ery aice to "reminisce" in this way, it don't save any wood. the matter o' fu»l perhaps Flesher- was more favored than most places inter. Our people have nianu«ed et enough to keep the frost kiog out lOut li»vnig to pay tho exhurbitant es demanded and paid in »ouie of the lunding lowii.s Two dollars pel short has been the prevailing piicw for t dry wood during the past 2 months re has been onouith ilry wood otTerod ) the present time to till the deniaml. his sermon Sunday niiiht Rev.lvisnn s(in said, in upeaking of tho Ru.sso- war : "King K.1 ward says we are ral. Yes, we are neutral, but the ish people will bo mightily disap- ted if ths Japanese do not whip Ilia." The rev. gentleman, with a t many others, has no use for Russia n exemplification of a Christian er. Japan, wiih its open door, dhiani, and all, is greatly preferable. r. John Weber, s^waking of the con- >a» r«tfistered against two Euphrasia i; men last week for infractions of the u laws, claims that the dei>artmeut prets the word "locality" as being in the county where the offense takes If this is the case it is illegal to deer dojs to ma at large anywhere lis county during close season â€" or er it is at the risk of. tho owners if dogs are allowed to run. Should accidentally get af'er a deer any- e within tho county tho owiierj is e to» penalty. Fresh lime always on hand. J. U. Duckett, Eugenia - Baptist Church service next Sunday at 7 p. lu. County Comnii.vsioner McArthur of Prieoville was in town on Tuesday. Farmers should read the article on smut in oats in anot^er column. There are some valuable pointers in it. Mrs. il. Crane of OwenSound ia visit- ing her motliiT, Mrs. R. Trimble, who is in poor health this winter. Mr. .J. T Stowarc, Powassan, called on The Auvaxle on Tuesday. Sir. Stewart had been visiting friends at Kimherley. The memorial service of the lal e Jiini-s Williamson will be preached in the Metiiodist church ne.tt Sunday evening, by the pastor. In common with other towns Flesher- ton has been on the verge of a Hour famine for some time. Baker Thompson finds it exceediniily diffieu'.t to aet enouiih fiour to satisfy thu qualms of bis cus- tomers, and what he does get is brought in by express. Wiird has been received of the death of Susan Spicer of Lake Charles, near Wiarton, a niece'of Mr. Harry Spicer of Stone's line. The young wom»n was in the barn pulling on a rope attached to a loose piece of timber ovi-r head, used aa a hoist, when tho beam fell, crusbing out her life almost instantly Tho deceased was eiahi.een years of age. Mr. W'. Bainlioiise returned on Mon- day morning fioin Dobbiug'on and Che.'!- ley, where he was stormbound all of last week. He says that there is much more snow in Bruce than here. The s'-re-'ts of Chc-sley are four to tiva feet aiiovo the sidewalk and each nieichaiit has steps cut leaJingdnwn to his place of busiiipss. A few cellars are likely to be flooded over there when the big thaw comes â€" if it tver does arrive. An appropriate and pleasin:; evening of instruction and entertaininent will be given in the Meth^idistchurch on Monday evening next,March 7, When Rev. Charles T. Cocking will give an evening with tho Japanese, by means of upwards of a hundred lime !i;;ht views. At the dose, dressed as a Buddhist priest, he will give ,1 specimen of the temple service and will exhibit a largo numlier of curiosities. The eiitetlaiiimBut is aiven in aid of the Epworth Le.igue and is worthy of an overSowinu house. Admission 20 and 10c. Mr. John Whitten's residence in the subui bs had a'narrow escape from going np in smoke one nisht last week. Mrs. Whitten>vas a.vakened in tho middle of night and discovered smoke. Invrst;i:a- tiou showed the floor burning near the stove, about four inches square having beiu burned out. A few minutes more and the premises would have been doom- ed. A few pails of water saved thesitua- •n. A small coal h»d evidentally fallen from the stove in sor.e manner. The Railway Tied Up. A hurricatio from the cast on Mon.lay of thi» week, accunipanied by a blinlina snowstcrin succedeU in comiilotely tying the up railway systems of this part of Ontario." No mails h^ve been received here since Monday and our stock of paper for this week has nut reached es. We arc therefore o-li^ed to issue ihe local news on a half sheet with Utile inime.liate piospect of getting even that distributed to all our readers. A snow plow driven by f'lir engine's weft south on Tnislay but stuck in thosuow three inilos ibis side of Duiididk. KiTtno I'ays over a hundred ineii hare been trying to open iho line at that point, but up to Thursday noon the plow had not reaeheil Dundalk. Thurs- day inoinini; another blizzaid raged and the railway h:<s again lost all that it had giinol. Wh.it the outcome will bo or when a mail will get through no man can toll. In tho meaiiliino business is at a staudstill. Messrs.Cook ai.d St jwnrt have several cars of stock waiting at this station since Mond.H.y. Our line of railway has put up a brave light this winter but March weather se«U)s lo have completely tied it up- . ^. A Methodist Church for Ceylon A Urge and representative meeting of the official board of tho Flesherton cir- cuit was held in the Methodist church on Thuroday afternoon last. The proposi- tion emanating from the Dundalk board to drop Ceylon, attach Inistioge to Flesh- erton and transfer Meaford Road to Eu- phrasia circuit was thoroughly discusseil. The unanimous feeling on the part of the board is that Ceylon id too important an appointment to be dropped and as the Meafortl Poad congre- gation is unitedly opposed to any change that would sever their connection with Flesherton, there w^is no disposition to entertain the proposition. The Ceylon representatives expressed the willingness of that cimgrejjation to procetd at once with the buildini! of a church, and this met with the hearty and unanimous ap- proval of the board. A committee was accordingly appointed to seoure a site and prepare estimates and a.s soon as these preliiniDaries are completed the work of buildini; will be prosecuted with viu'ir. There is a general feeling, however, thac the present arrangement is not entirely satisfactory, iuasmuchas Ceylon only re- ceives preaching every two weeks, and it is difScult to Hud local supply for the other appointments even that often. \ re.sidutioii was unanimously adopted sug- yestim; that if Kimherley and Mount Zion can be otherwise provided f.n-, Flesherton be made a double cir(;uit,add- ing Eiiijeiiia anrl Tnistioge to the present field and a.skiiti; confert-nce for an ad- ditional ininiuter. This would give each appoinlinent regular preaching every SUiiday. Unless sonio such arraiiyeinent as this can be niadu, tho board is unan- imous in their desire to have no change made in existing circuit boundaries. Shoemaker's kit for sale yheap, â€" W. Baruhouse, Flesherton. Auction Sales An extensive sale of livi» stock and im- plenieiit.s, including a h.'r.l of puiu bred Aberdeen .\ngus cattle.will beheld on lot 10, con. 5, Euphrasia tlie pmperty of Mr. Geo. Walter, on Wednesday, March 9, at one o'clock p. m. W. J.Sheppardson, auctioneer. See large bills. An auctiQii sale of farm stock and implements will be held on lot 10,eot5.10, Osprey, on Friday, March 4,at 1 o'olSck, tile property of Mr. Sumuel Cohiuette, who is giving up farming. J. J. Kait- t.ing, auotinneer. D. Muir's .sale ThuI•^day, Mar. 3. Lnudon Wrights s.ile, 1^ miles north of Flesherton station, Monday, March 14, at 12 o'clock in. Popular Social The congrcRition ot tho Church of England at Ce> loll lloM a very successful put>Iic social on Tuesday eveuiuu at the residuiice of Sir. tiibpou CoiUnson. The larjio hougd "Wasttro-^il optfU to tho Kucsts ali<1 a warm wolcouie was teudeveil to all wlio wero i*resGut. Mr. K. MoUill maJo a capital cbairmau, and hia happy uiaiiiidr contributed largely to tba suc- cess of th« occasion. Thj pro*;raui was a lout; and inCei-ostiuu ouo. iueluijing songu ducts and choruiso;:, b(i:sidos inbtrumental selections of varioua kinds. Itev. C. L. y.ills made an iuter- ostium farewell address, and the uew clergy- man. Kcv. G. M. ^''raiikiiu was introduced aud spolve a few \\ordsof hearty yrt.niut^to his new frieuds Tweho yirls rendered "Tho search for the fairids"' in a very attractive manner George Cairns brought his grauiaiihcne and the records wero much enjoyed. Kefreshuients wero served most beautifully by a eommittes of ladies, between tile two poits of tlie pro.iram. .\ hearty vote ot thanks was accor.ied to 51r. and .Mrs.ColUnson by pi'olonged hand clapping, and a'l wore loud in praiseof tho arrangMuouts ma.lo for the pleaturo and comfort of tho fiues's. A large parly camo from nosbortou. some from Ma.xwull aud other ptaccs. Tho pro^lâ- aul ended with tho National .Anthem and Olio cf tho most pU'asant social events ever held in Coyion, broke up after uiidni:,'ht. Tho arrangements wore cairiedout by lwo coiumit- tces us folluwsâ€" Mrs Collii.sol), Mrs I.egiite.Mrs opvoat. Mrs Madil!. and Sirs ^^'nl .McMelltfii. l^roLjram eommittoe â€" Miss CoiJiMsoii, >iiss Letiate, MIi;s Mva Small, .Mess:s F Collinsou a;;d T Gilchrist. â- <.->/:^^-^.cwl^y^^..^-'va.i:^.ya^ /:S>>..?C>r^:i'^r'^-/S:>r./rt:o;^ay^ i 5tock= Taking . . Over AND now we settle down for another jear's business, detijr- nined to make it like the last â€" the best year of onr experience. We have been well pleased with the way our biisinesg has grown the past year and one step we have taken to make this year ahead of last, 13 by intioJuciug a special indncemeut to cash buyers by giv- ing coupons with which you get a nice stt of dishes. FREE FREE FREE g FinePorcelain Dinner Sets Given Away The pattern is the fishionabla color. Sage Green, with flower and scroll desi,'ii of rare beauty. It is lavishly interwoven with go'd tracing. In fact we have saved no expense in making it the raost Beautiful Pattern ever imported from European potteries. Get a Dinnei^ Set Free ! Given Away Free With Our Cash Sales. Yon get it piece bs piece ; get any piece you want. The set con- sists of cnps and saucers, dinner plates, breakfast plates, pie plates, pause dishes', platters, salad dishes, vegetable dishes, pitchers, bone dishes, butter di.-shes, sugar bowls, tea pots, spooners, in fact every- thing that goeb with a line set of dishes. FREE AT THE PEOPLE'S STORE Staple aud Fancy Dry Goads, Ready Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Etc. Mautlea and Carpets. T. J. Sproule's Block Fleshertox We use these dishes simply as an advertisement for ntir business. If vuti want then], the way to obtaui them is easy. Ti-nde with iis and send your friends to see ns. We will do the rest, by supplying you and ihem with these goods free of charge. 0)3:^33:^ ^33ce33:^ce3:^c83:??33:^cB3:^c8:^ 8 Hors8 Owners § qXw aniemsn V "VTood's Before and Ajtcr. I?liosplio«liliie, Tlis Great Ccgihli ReneJTt is an old. well e6tai> lisheil and reliable preparutiou. llasbeon , V, â€" prescribed aud nsod y'f V '"=7 /T T' over 111 years. .Vll drug- -^^- \ iJSL-^ \^^>»i. gists in tho Dominion V W>â„¢>f \^»'SSk °' Canada soil and \ r If 'f^^'V- ^ rscoinnieuj ns beitiff tho only tnodiciuo of iw kind that cur<!sond gives universal satisf notion. It promptly and petmaneuUy euros all forms ot ^oiouD »<•«*• ness, KmusioiLi, Siierm<itorrlia'a, Jmpolency, and aU effects of abiiso or excpissos : the escessiTO use ot Toliacco, Opiit't or Slimuhnils. Mental and Brain Worn/, all of wbicU load to Iniimuty, Insanity, Consumption and na Early Grave. Price Jl perpackaKe or six for S. i>ne atll please, nix will run: Mailed proinpty on re- oeipt of Iirise. Send tor fri'O pamphlet. Address ^^ Ihe Wood CoiikPany, fVindiior, Out', Canmda, Wood's Pliosph>>iHMe is -I'id iu ilosiiori.j'i bv Douftlass ACo,. aud W K Uiohardsou, Urutgists •^pe all singing lAe praises of § Hudson's Condition Powder, for putting their Stock in first class order. 1 lb 2.3 cents 5 lbs -$1.00 Glauber and Epsom salts for cattle 8 lb. 25c Abo HERBAQEUM A mtu to represent "Caxada's Gbeat- «8T NvRSERiKs"' in the towu of FL E S H E I^ T O N and tho stirroundinii enuutry, aud lake {•rders for Our l^ardy Specialists III Km IT Tkkks, Small Kki it.><, URNAME.NTAI.8, SHKIB.S. Rc.SKS, VlNK-S, SeK1> roTATOK.S, elC. Stock irutf to naiie uul free from San Jose Scale. K jH^nnaiiciit po^itiuu for the riitlit man uu eith'ir salary ur com- mission. Stone & Wellington I VV. J. DOUGLASS, Flesherton « MEDICAL HALL ,.^; ^ W'/i?^«=^J«' W W W 'rt? W' 'i»~i» viv -a^ "itt '4i<f W vif •?»«•'«? W %• 'Af W -»«" •>«• *• w> 'i» '/!«• 'fiSf '««• W m .Sl/>. A Happy New Year to All . . F0NTM4LL NURSERIES cvct 800 acroa Toronto Ontaro $ m We have a^w .Tqvs left that we ^ are clearing out at greatly reduced ^ price* and some at half prices. 5 ^ a; e. Kichardson Flesbertotit Ont* !J

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