•>r MarI7 1904 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE smmmmBm ^VWVVVWW I F, T. HILL & CO. I WWWWWWl Mi xj^ew Spnlng Suitings Wu have just pUcod ia stock nearly 100 now suit Lengths, including the newest weaves and colorinnH in Fancy Woratods, Scotch, English and Caondian Tweeds, Black Clay and Venetian Worsteda, Indigo and Rliick Serxe, etc. Our facilities for meeting the requirements of particular and careful dressers wcie never better than now. The class of trininiings we uao are the buKt Ihat are made ; workmanship, fit and finish guaranteed. Wo already this Boas<in have been doiiiK an excellent tailoring businesi audare thorough- ly prepared to execute your next order to your entire liking and at the most reasonable price you'll be quoted thia seaaoD. Gent's Suits, made to order for f 9 90 Gent's Suits, made to order for 10 50 Gent's Suits, niaae to ordar for 11 00 Gent's Suits, made to order for 12 00 Gent's Suits, made to order for 12 50 Gent's Suits, made to order for 13 00 13.90, 14.60, 15.00, 15.90 and up to 20 00 These prices represent the best goods and y.'»lueB you'll find this season â€" the best in every detail Gent's Spring ^r{fits Only a part of our spring order for Ha^a has yet como in, hut suliicieiit to make a very respHolahle showint;. Theiidvancu styles for the coining season are the moat becoming we hare seen in years and the values the best we've ever handled. Do not make the mistake of purchasing before first seeing the excellent linos wo linvo on di.splay. Prices range from 48c. to 2.50. S.OOOijds. Jietu 9?rints and ^iialina Our collection of theae goods ia par excellence. Beautiful, dainty Muslinsâ€" strong, durable, new pat- tern Prmts â€" all ahsolutely fast. These are all made by the most reliable British manufacturers and rep- resent ^he moat advanced styles and up-to-date goods in the market. Colors of every piece are guaranteed absulntely fas'' and the price per yard is Hundreds of yards of other Muslins and Prints at 7sC. and lOo,, I^adiea 33 louse* 3 dozen Ladies' Fine Muslin Blouses (assorted sizes,) in the rery daintiest goods imaginable. These in style are right up to the moiient and are decidedly handsome. Prices 2.00 and 2 25. Goraet Gouera 10 dozen Corset Covers have ju.st been placed in stock. Theae are made of extra fine cambric, beautifully lace trimmed, and will give the very best of satisfaction. The prices fur these extra fine new goods are 35 and 60c. •^ew Caee (Burtaina We'vB just placed in stock nearly 200 pairs of new Lace Curtains, embracing nearly all kinds and prices Hi-ro is one of the lines : 40 pairs extra fine LaCg Curtains, finished edges, beautiful lacy goods, siZg throe yards by 4(5 inches. This is as good value as w„ hare ever seen i.i fine lace curtains. Per pair only 75 HARDWARE HARDWARE At the closest i)rices Hardware has ever been sold at. Wo have practically everything you require in all lines of hardware. So auccesaful have we been in this depatt- nicnt that for the coming soaicn we have decided to increase our GENERAL HARDWARE STOCK by about ?2,000„ver that of a vear ago. wmfm. MARKDALE WWWW?^ The Blockade Raised After two weeks cf blockade the railway wa» opened as far north as Markdale on Sunday night. A train which left Toronto Saturday evening arrived at this station on Sunday at 7 p. in., with passenger, bag^ago and express car. Tliero wore three passengers. An immense load of mail matter and express came through. After unloading here the engmo was turned at the turntable and the train was backed as far north as Mnrkd.ile, where it was held over night, returning to Toronto Monday morning â€" exactly two weeks from the time the last train went south. Whoa the train pulled in to this station it was met by a large crowd of people who apparently had almost forgot- ten what a railway train looked like. The train officials got a hearty recep- tion. Thoro was work on hand for some time for all proaont. Everybody turned 10 and ussistc'd in the unloading of mail and ezprtss. It almost reminded one of a scene at thu Union station, Toronto. Tlio last staije broUKlit mails through from Oranjeville Saturday night. Postmaster Sproule and hia BtafT worked late and opened the ofiico for a short lime Sunday morning to accomodate the public. Tho Advance did not propose to get oauyht short this week on papur andmade arrangemoiitii last week by which we got a two wo«k>' supply and felt ourselves quite independent of tho railw.ay. It Cik'ised us to ho two days late l.ist issue but we were delcrminod not to send out any more half slieita if teluphunns, hyraes and Hleii;h« could ; prevent it. We felt that Wo gain id quite a victory over the elements last week and hojio our readers apprcc'atcd their full size paper. And thiii ended one of tlie most serious blockades known to tho oldest inhabitint. Had it lasted much longer consideraMe hardship would have reaultod. Our mer chanta wore out of many lines of staple goods and Msrkd,«lo an J Dundalk meruli.'\nts were oldiged to draw on our nierclianig hvrr for necossiiiea. Wednesday ot last week Stuart Bros, and Cnrrutheri of Kimheiley drove a car lo»d of stock from here to Tliornbury, shipping from that point to Toronto, The balance of st ick hold here for the past two weeks by f>ur stock shippKra had not f?ol a <»/ up to Wednesday morning A Iitilustoim Jii Monday caused the nivht train to be cancelled, but the morn- inn train from Toronto on Tuesday got ill stiODt thru* hours late. â- n at I â- The Mildest and Surest Relief For conBtipatod l«owels and piles is Dr. Hamihon's Pilla of Mandrake and But- ternut which ctiisu nn griping |Min and KOt proinp:.!/. Well known In all doctors. Use only Dr. Uamilton's Pills. Priea There are some curious-facts about sur calendar. No cenlury can begin on Wednesday, Friday or Sunday. The same calendar can be used every twenty years. October always begins on the same day of the week as .lanuary, April I as July. September .IS December, Feb- j ruaiy, March and November begin on \ tho sumo days. M.i}-, Juno and Augu.st I alway.^ begin on difft'rent days from each ! oiher and every imnih of the year. The fir.st and laat daya of tliH year are always the same. These rules do not apply to leap year. The complete form of a m.ijtodon has been discovered at Hillside, on Quartz Creek, according to a dispatch received from Dawson, Y. T. It was imbedded 38 feet in the earth when found, and the use of a steam thawing plant was neces- sary to unearth the iminen.se anim.al. The hair and skin of the beast are in a perfect state of preservation, although the fleah is somewhat decomposed, and tho big tusKs, which remained fastened to tho skull, are in good condition. It is cstiniiitod that the skeleton is worth about 6iJ0,OO0, as there are but one or two of them in ciistpncn in as good a eondition aa is this. Tho mastodon was discovered buried in an old channel, well within the zone of perpetual frost, which accounts for its excellent preservation. Arthur Ramage.son of Editor Ramage, had one of hi^ lingers cut off tho other day while playing around the paper cut- ter. Thv» little fellow is only three or four years old. â€" Durham Chronicle. A m'ln to represent "Canada's Gbbat- K.ST NiiRSEUiKs" in tho town of FLESHEI^TON and tho -aurrounding country, and take orders ff)r Our f>ar<ly Specialists III FimiT Thf.es. Smai.i, Fkuits, (JllKAMENTAIJf, SHUlin.S, RoSKS, Vi.NEs, Seki> Potatoes, etc. Stork true to name and free fiom San | JoM- Scale. A periiianont position for th<^ riuht man on cithor salary or com uiission. Stone &Weliington FONTHILL NURSERIES oTor 800 acres Eye Comfort is obtainable tiirough the aid of perfect fitting glasses. Our spectacles and lenses are guaranteed perfect in fit and focus. Wo A. Armstrong, 'EWELER ANS3 OPTiCtAN FLESHERTOSM. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to gut the best Photos is at BULMKRS PHOTOGR.APU GALLERY. SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay Spcci.al Attention to Copying and Babies' pictures. Pi;ture fram- ing a specialty. Toro nto Ontaro '^Vood'M Pbospliocllne, Th« QrMt CiilKh la nn old, woU efltab* liahtMl and reliable propanitiou, Hast>e4«a prtiscribtHi and nn>d ovpr4Uyo«ra. Alldrtl(^ Siata in the BoniiDion of Canada soil and recommciul aa being Uia only ni<Hlicine of itakiud UiatciiniaaQd |{tm nnlTer»a« .aUsfaetion. It promptly and permaniMiUy rorea all forma of ^rrvont W m*- fitt%. Kmitrictni. H-prrmnlurrhira. /mpownfjl, and allo(feot»ofabuB«orexc»«Mi8-, tlio oicniisiT* oaeof Tobarco, 0))ium or fl((mul<in(;, JWotimi and nrain IKorrv, allof whirli lead tolnflmiltf, Inaanlty, Con'.aniplion and an Karly Qravo. Price It P«r packa«« or al» for V^ One wiU t>Un$e, lir 11(11 i-ijr'. Mailed prpmpty oa i»- •â- illt of piloo. Bend for f r»« pamphlet. AddtM* Btfon and After, Try us for sny kind of picturei and we w;ll promise satisfaction. Sydenham atreat, Fletha rto War! War I iriadMr, Oat , 0« n «<e, Wood'aPhoaphodiii. 1« »oM iu n.i'b.rlou by Denglaaa A Co., and \V K RlrhardaOD.Orugglata Di you want the latest and most re- liable War Nuwa, well illustiated, then r<I5AD THE WEEKLY Montreal Herald which is clubbed with this paper to new or old Rubscribora paving in advance ll.OOfor iKith. A HneMAP OF T!JE SEAT OF WAR, in three cohir*, 18 x 22 inches, will be mailed free to eveay auhtcriber to the two papers roniittinff two cents extra for coat of mailing. Write the Herald direct for map. Send subecriptloM to Thi Adtanci, Fl««b«itoD. BOYD/HICKLING & CO., -FLESHERTON, ONT. A New Department. We have pleasure in announc= ing that we are adding a Dress^ making Department to our business. We have secured the ser- vices of Hiss Annie Howard for its superintendence. 5he is an expert Dressmaker, having had considerable experience in Tor= onto and elsewhere. ne confidently anticipate aatisfaetion fof all orders entrusted to her. The new department will be found ready for business March 21st. An Extra Special in Men's suits Before onr spring clothing ariivea we want to clear out a jiile of Men's Suits, consisting of lines of which only one suit ii left. These were soma of our best aeller,a, and if you noad one every ' day suit now, or are likely to do during the next six months, it will pay you well ' to bey one of these. All iiies from 36â€"42 are represented and the VM^Heriia are goodâ€" neat, dark patterns in checks and Htripes,sonie single and some double breasted, wall made, finished and trimmed. Some 16.60 suits are in the lot, none sold less than ffi.OO regularly. All Selling Now for $3.9^ >«fiPiPMMIi