Flesherton Advance, 24 Mar 1904, p. 2

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ONE DAY AT HOME. How Sirs. Mortimer Surprises Her Husband. "I UiU .you," said young Mr. Mor- limer, pruudlyt as he saw Ms wifo benr iiway their only son on hin Way to bed, "you don't know how 1 envy you, my dear, the oi)j)ortunity of being with that youngster every hour •f the day and watching his little mind unfold like â€" like a (lower," he concluded tritely, but with undimin- ished earnestness. If mntters had rested there all would have been "Well. Hut after sonio comment by his wife he continued. "No time!" ho observfd, with a luperior smile. "I of1:on hcnr you •ay that, ray dear, and I su[)i)o.su you don't know the curiosity it uwaUena In my mind. The curiosity," con- tinued Mr. Mortimer, "as to what you mnnago to do with your time to fill it up. It is a long day from seven to seven, surely long enough to huvo nn hour for almost every- thing that might fall within a wo- man's sphere; yet somehow you seem to nii.ss much." Mrs. Mortimer said nothing, but In her mind was born a resolution. The next evening after dinner Mrs. Mortimer approached her husband with a few sheets of paper. "The diary of a day, my dear," she said, as she thrust the papers into his hand. This Is what he read: "Five o'clock. Uaby woko up, and would not go to sleep again. I took him down to the library so that his father should not bo disturbed at such on early hour, and kept him amused until seven. "Seven o'clock. Managed to got dressed for bresikfast, but was un- able to cat It with my husband ow- ing to the fact that baby got badly scratched on a pin, which his father gave him to play with, and had to â- be soothed. "Kight o'clock. Gave baby his bath and breakfast. At breakfast he upset Ilia bowl of porridge over his clean dros;i, and so ho had to be im- dresscd, bathed and dressed all over again. "Nino o'clock. Took baby out In his go-cart to market and tor a little airing. Had planned to make a lit- tle Informal call, but baby grew fret- ful, and I had to bring him homo and put him to sleep. "Eleven o'clock. Baby woko up and tried to swallow a button. Sent for the doctor, but meantime got tho button out of his throat with my finger. "Twelve o'clock. Baby spilt a bot- tle of ink all over the library tablo and tho rug under it. Also over himself. "One o'clock. Baby's third bath to-day. Lunclieon. Unexpected com- pany. "Three o'clock. Cot baby to sleep after an hour'.s trying. "Four o'clock, liaby woke up fev- erish from his throat. Fell and bumped his head I.uully. "Four thirty. Buby fell and bump- ed his head ogain in tho same place. Was naturally irritated and fretful. "Six o'clock. Dressed baby for tho fifth tlino to-day, so that when his bliss^d ignorant father came homo ho mi,ght think a day with bar by a hoavcu-.sent privilege and a woman's time legitimate mutter for perennial jest. Sworn to, signed and lubmitted." SITOUT AND LONG BAYS. Tho day is longer or shorter as you go north or south of the equa- tor. 0(T Capo IToin, 50 degrees couth latitude, tho days in mid- winter are aboMt nine hours long. Tiio longo;-t day in I^nnrion is six- teen hours and a halt; nt Stock- holm, eigliteen hours and a half; at Hamburg, Boventecn hours; at St. I'ctcrsburg tho longe.sl dhy has eigli- leen hours, and tlio .'^horti^t five; ot Toinea, In Finland, tho longest day has twenty-one hours and a lialf, anil tho shortest two hours and n. halt; It Siiit/.luTgen the longest day is iJirco moi.ths and n half. THIN DIET . ' "*' > . ' â€" "«- No Hourishiuent In It. It's not easy to keep up when -cof-- fee has so ruiiird tlio stomach that tobd won't digest. A Mo. woman sa.vs: "I had been tn Invalid for two years from stom- ach troidile caused by cofjoe, got so bad I couldn't digcHt food und for guito a while I lived on milk and limo water- nothing but tlial â€" .a glass of milk und lime water six limes a llay. In this way I nuvnageCi to live, t>ut, of course did not gain. "It wns about 5 months ago 1 began using I'ostuni l''ood Coflee; I did not need tlw nulk and limo water after that for 1 gained rapidly and I can now eot n good meal and drink from 1 to ;i cups of I'ostum cacli meal and feel fine. "1 would not go back to cofTee for an.v ronsonable jmy. I like Postum better than coPee now and make Pos- tum by direcliims on box and it is Juat fine; never found a better way to nalio it than on box. Now this Is all true aiul you can easily prove it." Name given by I'ostum Co., Battle Crrok, Mi(^h. ' I'ostum is a brew from field grains With all tho nourinhiTient left in. It â- lakes red blood and rehuilda pnrti- •ularly well whoro cofTee has done 4amag« as it does to neaily all who krink It. : A lt> dA.va' trial ot Postum In plarr of codec works wonders. There's tk reason. (let ilio little liook. "Tho Ilond to WrUvillo" tB ^th pnckaec. POPULAR OTTAWA MA_N IN LUCK DODD'S KIDNEY* PILLS CXJKED HIM or STONH IN THE KIDNEYS. Mr. S. A. Cassidy, the Well- known Sportsman, Tells Why He is Grateful to the Groat Can- adian Kidney Remedy. Ottawa, Ont., March 121â€" (Special) â€"Few people in the Capital are as well known and popular as Mr. Sam" Ca.ssidy, proprietor of the Bijou Hotel, Metcalf Street. As a hunter and fisherman of more than local reputation, ho has become known to followers of tho rod and gun all over tho country, and many of the membei's of parliament who mako an annual sojourn here are co\mtcd among his personal friends. Tho news, therefore, that ho has found a complete cure for a danger- ous malady will give poneral satis- faction. Speaking of it ho says; "My friends all know that I have been troubled for years with Stone in tho Kidneys; that though I con- sulted the best physicians and tried nearly every remedy I could think of, I was unable to get better. 'Some time ago a friend told me Podd's Kidney Pills would cure me. As a last resort I tried them and they have cured mo. I cannot im- agine more severe sulTering than one endures who has Stone in tho Kid- neys, and I feel tho warmest grati- tude towards Bodd's Kidney Pills." If the disease is of the Kidneys or from the kidneys, Dodd's Kidney Pills will euro it, 'To-morrow, Mnrie, will be your birthday, and I want to give you some appropriate present. What shall it be?" "Whatovci- your kind heart may suggest, .John." (Next day) â€" "JIarie. you know how your poor back has sulTered from pulling o.T my boots in the evening? It will not suffer any more, my love. See!. I have bought you a nice bootjack, which I can use hereafter instead." BEST WASHINGTON EXCURSION. Goes via Lackawanna, March 18th. Ten Dollars, ten doys via Water Gap. Stop-over at Philadelphia and Balti- more. Sleeper to Philadelphia. Re- serve accommodations now 289 Me.iQ Street, Bunalo. COKRECT TIME. Patâ€" "An" whoy de yez carry watch'-s?" Mikeâ€" "Faith, Ol nado wan to how slow th' other wan is." two La grippe, pneumonia, and influ- enza often leavo a nacty cough when they're gone. It is a dangerous thing to neglect. Curo it with s ,S' Tho Lung Tonic The cure that Is guaranteed by your dnjggist. Prices: S. C. Weli-i A Co. S09 25o. .Wc ?1 I^Roy.N.Y.. Toronto, Can. i;iâ€" 0-1 "Who is that attractive-Ioolcing woman in black ?" "You mean tho one ill nuuiiniiig ? Why, that's Mrs. .lenkins." "Voii don't menu to sny Jenkins is dead; do you ?" "Not at all. You see,, tho uuiiriod Jen- kin's money, ajid he's fuiipd.." A Oa«kct of roar!3.â€" t)r. 'Von Stan's rinfnpplo Tal.lels would prove a ?;reat solace to the dislicartancd dyspeptic f he would but test their potency: Tney^ veritable gems in preventing tho seating of stomach disord<Ts, by aiding and stimulat- ing digestion â€" 6o of these health " pearls " in a box, aud thpy cost a cents. R«coin- meoded by mcBt cmiceol physicians.â€" 64 eUCANSlfla SEFU GUAIN. Cloaiiinu oyt seeds for next year's crops will soojh be in order. Olcan- in.c; seed grain should not bo mere- ly freeing as much as possible (lom weed seeds, but eMTy eiiort should be made to retain tho heaviest, plum|>- est and best developed kernels. Foi'- mers who raise lots of wl;out should not Wait with seed wheat cleaning until the greater part of their crop is sold. A better plan is to screen out a larger quantity than is needed and then run that over a second tiine, adjusting tho wind s-o as to throw over tho light kernels thai may not have gone over by the lirst oper- not have been gone over by the first operation, and to use such a screen sieve below as .seems to retain only the best sized kernols. Oetc should be Just as thoroughly --leuned. It Is more essential to get tho foul seeds out of tho feed gr^ilni that out of market crops. The reason for this la apparent. When market crops are ^sold, the weeds go with them. Not so with th« feed grain. Even when they are ground somo small â- eeda may go through unmoleated on- ly to go back on tho land with the manure, whore they are given the beat chance to grow a vigorous weed. Unless the soap you use has this brand you are not getting the best Jiak far tbe Oeta«on Bar. •41 WE ALL KNOW WHAT IT IS. Bobson called upon one of the In- fluGn7i\ siifloiris nnd s.vnipnlhi'cd with him in the trouble lie was hav- ing to bear. Influenza Suftcrer : â€" "Thank you bcry butch. I've had ad awful tibo oh it, by boy." Dobson : â€" "And you don't Ecem out of the woods yet." Influenza Sullcror : â€" "Dot be. I'b right id the thick ob id." Dobson : â€" "How does your head feel ?" Influenza Sufferer : â€" "Like a blag- blth's shop. Bight be Iwedty sledge habbcrs going all ad a tibe." Dobson : â€" "Are you taking any- thir^g for it ?" Influenza SulTeror : â€" "Takig ady- thig ? Bucketsful, by boy. Ad as to hadl;erschiBfsâ€" well, there'll have to be adoLher woshid day this week . ' ' Dobson : â€" "Well, you roust bo pa- tient, you know." Influenza Sufferor ' â€" "Quido so. Do choice, is there ? Oh !â€" ah ! â€" weigh ub I â€" loog out ! â€" id'eâ€" id'sâ€" cobig I Ibe going to squeeze, ad id's like a blizzard." Dobson left him shaking the house to the foundations. State or Onto, City op Toledo, ) .. l.UCAS COC.NTV. r"- Frnnk J. (.'hency makes oath that ho is eenior partner of the firm of P. J. Cheney & Co., doing bu.sinijso in th« City of Toledo, County and Stats aforesaid and that sgid firm will pay the sum of ONE UUNDRKl) DOLLAllS for each and every ca.sc of Catarrh that cunnot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure, FRANK .1. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this Ctli day o( December, A. D. 1880. A. W. GLEASON, ^\otarT/ Public : SEAL : rittU's Catarrh Cure Is taken internal- ly, and acls directly on the blood and mucous surfaces ot the system. Send for te.stimoniBl.s fioe. V. J. CH1;NKV i CO.. Toledo, O. Sold by all Drujipists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills lor consti- pation. t-t "Somo scientists," began Mr. Gay, significantly, '•consider kissing dan- pe.ous. Do you?" "Wo;i," ro;>lied Miss Smart. "I think it would be for you. My big bioUier is within call. Lover's y-Z (Wiso Head) Disinfect- ant Soap I'owder is belter than other powders, ns it is both soap and disinfectant. Gi:ls usually want to marry men who can support them in a style to which they have been unaccustomed. .' or Over Sixty Years MB*. WiNsr,f»w"B .SooTiMNu Sviurr hna been ntaA hj iMlllionBof iiuthfrs for ihflir chiUlrtn wliilo leoitiicg Jipooliirn tlir cltili). fortcn* tb<-giuiii4. alayn^iain. ourej wind OMjio, rf culAtcfl the viomnch liml liotTdls. aDd i« thi in pt lerr.edy ti«r l>i;irrhfr.\. Twentv rtvp crou a boUit Rolii iTilnii.'sist-i Ihp'Ushout the worJd lie »urn auil ftali<or"Mtw.. Wixsi.'jwaSooTUXMu avanp." 12â€"0) "x'a," said lilt'o Johnny, "teach- er is Lhinking about promoting nie." "How do you know ?" :'r"'roin what she said to-day. ' "Aud what was IhaL?" "Sl.e said if I kept on I'd belong to tl:e criminal chiss." Kidney Experiment.â€" There's no tirao {<ir experimenting when you've dl.":- covered that you are a victim of some one form or another of kidney difcase. Lay hold of the treatment that tliousands have pinned their faith to and has cured quic'ily and per- manently. South Amsric.in Kidney Cure stands pre-eminent in the world of medicine %i the kidney sufferer's truest friend. â€" 6a lIoUBekeeper~"\Voll, sifT- what c16 want?" Trnn>iiâ€" "I'leaHp, mum, 1 feci a fit coming' on, and I'll go souiewhero else and have it for tJio small sum of llvo cents." . WASHINGTON EXCURSION. MARCH 18. Lnckawonna S 10.00, ten days, ex- tra stop-over at llaltiniore. Choap sido trips. Philadeliihia sleeper. Full parlicuUirs 1280 Main Street, liulTulo, N. Y. A imOAD-MlNDICD VIKW. A Scotch niinistnr wns one day talking to one of his flock, who ^en- turcd tho opinion tt.at ininlstois ought lo bo belter paid. "1 nni i;Uul to hem- you say that," saJd the minister. "I am plen.'-ed that you think so much of th« clorgy. .And so you think that wo sliould have biRfj;cr slljjends ?" ".\yc," said the old man, "Ve see we'd get A better class o' men." Away with Catarrh I It'e Loathsoms Ma Disgusting. Instant RolJef and Permanent OuroSoourcd by the use of Or, Agnow's Catarrhal Powder. IIcro'<i strong evldenc* of ths qulcli- nacn and suraness ot that wonilerful remedy. Ur. Agnew's Oatnrrhkl J'owdor: "For year* 1 was a victim of Ctironlc Catiirrhâ€" tried many remediaa but no rfuMiJydynytiui rv The Dominion Permanent LOAN COMPANY THIRTEENTH ANNUAL REPORT The Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the Shareholders of The Dominion Permanent Loan Company was held at their offices, 12 King Street West, Toronto, on March 2nd. There was a good attendance of Shareholder* present. The President, Hon. J. R. Stratton. presented the following Report of Directors and Statement of the aSairs of the Company: â€" Your Directors herewith submit tho Thirteenth AnnuolRoport of Th» Dominion Permanent Loan Company, together with a statement ot the accounts for the twelve months ending- the 3 1st December, 1903, duly certified to by the Auditors, both as to the correctness of tho Report and the satisfactory result of their inspection of the securities of the Company. Your Directors are pleased to be able to state that active and profit- able employment has been found for the funds of the Company diu-ing the past year, the dem;\nd for satisfactory loans being sufficient to call into requisition the available funds of the Company. The earnings of the past year have enabled the Company to declar* and pay dividends amounting to $68,788.31, and to permit tho transfer of $45,000 to the Reserve Fund of the Company. After payment of sucH dividends, and the addition to the Reserve Fund of $45,000, and tha writ- ing off of office premises and furniture, there remains to be placed to th» credit of Profit nnd Loss the sum of $13,547.42. Your Directors are pleased to be in a position to congratulate tho Shareholders upon tho gratifying results of tho operations of the Con>- pany during the past j'ear, and have also pleasure in testifying to the generally efficient character of the services rendered by the officials, agents and staff of the Company. All of which is respectfully submitted. Statemont of Acoount for the Year Entiing Dscember Stst, 1903. ASSETS. Mortgages and other Investments Real Kstate Office Premises and Furniture Sundries Imperial Hank Cash on Hand $3,196,830 33 28,782 81 13,016 2T 2.632 47 58,019 71 5.120 19 $3,304,407 53 XIAEILITIES. To the Public: â€" Deposits nnd Accrued Interest Debentures and Accrued Interest Surplusâ€" Assets over Liabilities ... To the Shareholders; â€" On Cajiital Stock Contingent Fund Reserve Fund Unclaimed Dividends Dividends payable Jan. 1st 1004.. Balance of Profit .nnd Loss $ 1G8.390 29 1,706.584 70 $1,874,974 99 1,420,432 59 $1,256,875 58 8,052 75 115,000 00 15 00 31.441 84 IS, 547 42 $1,429,432 59 Profit and Loss Account. DU. Interest on De'oenf.U'os nnd Deposits ... Written off Oflica Furniture and rroinises Dividends Ti-ansfci'red to ISeserve Fiind Balance, I'rofit and Loss $3,304,407 58 $80,542 71 1.446 25 r.8.77S 31 45.000 00 1S.547 42 CR. Ralance nir.t December, 1902 Interest. Rent, etc.. after pjxymcnt ofexpen?;er. inchidins Sal- aries, directors" Fees, Covcrnu'.eiit 'J'axos nnd IVes $223.314 69 $ 2.2."i0 c,l 221 .1<>! 33 S223..".1 I Ii9 Auditors' Certificate. \Vp hnvo'nudited the recounts ofThn Doiniiiicni T'crmanbnt Loan Con*- pany for the twelvo mouths oritling IVC 31 st. 191)3, and.' find tho trrtn!»- aclions of thal|»i"iod accurately recorded in tho books of the Cotsipnnv. tho rocoiptg .accoimtcd tor. the payments duly authorized nnd vouchers pro- duced tlicrefbr. Wo coitify to tlio rori'prtness of th^ nccowpanyi!i!r .State- nicnt of Assets nnd Liabilities and Profit a*>d' Loss Aecovint. W-j h we made a careful oxonifnntion of *ho socurities. checked tl»e same with the Mortjjni'o RpRlstor. nnd report ovoi-ythiiig satisfnctorj-. " ' "t-SiKuedl H.MiRY VIOKON, A pk ,..A;ii'A „A,; » ' ._ /Li- iv' ,-v ir iTiinc.'^>vr I Chartered Accountants. (Signed)- O. W. HUDSON, I » •« .^ ^ , , â- . ... -Auditors. Tbronto. 16th. Fobniary. 1904. On motion of Mj-. Siralton, seconded by Mr. Kara, tho above Ueport Was unanimously ndopled. • 'l"ho following Di rod 01 s wore then re-olccted:â€" Hon. .T. R. Strr.ttoiv. Presid.-nt Trusts and OiiavaiitCi'' Coinimtiy: 1>. AV. Karn. Fresidoiit of the D. W. Karn Coni|v.iny, Woodstock; C. Klocpfer. Manufacturer, and Direc- tor 1'radcrs' I'mnk, .'IVronto; T. 1". CofTee. and F. M. Holland, Toronto. At a sulise<ivient ii-.eetint; of llie Diipctors. lion. J. U. .'-^Iru'.ton was re-clectod I'resideiit. and Mr. T. P. CotVce Vice-President. Write the Company attractive offer to tho debentures. s Office, Toronto, for Jts se dcsir.ngr to itivcst in .\ weak artist can draw a larger object than a strong hor.Ke. One man's gi-eatnc.ss Is due (o the aid of many .smaller men. ••What's that book you're leading, papa?" ''The •La.it Pays of Pom- peii,' my liot." "What did he die of papa 7" "An eruption, d'ur." CLEANING ^ LADIES' ,,,^ WALKINI Oil OUTINQ auiTs I Cub* dart Hrt«otl;br cur PniM^i Priv«w. Tit Ik 1 atlTHH AMtmCAW OYIIHO CO . I MOHTRKA.r> TOUOSTO, OTT.\W\ \ VSUSBBO Admirable Vood ot th* EPPS'S Finest quality *nd flaTotu. i.;alurrti â€" irirci many rcinruiwii u«v nw ^^^^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^r ^^ M^ cure «!>« ell*ct*d until I bad procured , â-  ~ â-  â-  â-  â-  â-  Vm nnd UMil _Dr._ Afsnyw'i ^^atar^hkl l^o*; i %_ Jf %^ J % J§ %^ J m^^ Poultry, Butter, Honey, Applet, AU RIN09 Of FIIUIT8 AmcI Farm Pi*. due* ffcnerally, consigi it to «• aaJ wa will ^cl you good prictft dpr. I'irst ap|>)ii'aUon >ava mo inntant relief. «nrt In an Incri-dlbiy ahort whila I was ahsolutelv ciiruil." â€" .liinics llend- ley. l^undoo, N. Y. Ul Ur. A(n«w^« Hcatt CHra rdiavtt la je minute*. Mutritiou* and £cosomickl. 4fiâ€" 81 Issue No. 1.?â€" 0!. Dawson Commission Co., T, F.

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