Flesherton Advance, 24 Mar 1904, p. 3

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T I I A WOMAN'S LOVE i OR, A BROTHER'S PROHISE | CHAPTKU XII. At tJieir parting the red rose from her hair bccaine the red rose at his heart. Thinking of the fight to come ho aslvcd for it with a look, and it Was yielded with swift subtlety of morning â€" not boiore four, nor after seven." Hector talked weather with others, and on every hand the prophecy found acceptance. So he summoned his gen- eral.-i to council, and an idea thiit leaped to him at Bravo's hint was "CIcntlomen, I lovi.- the Quecnl" There was a gasp, and more than oni' hand moved htlcward. , â- â€¢.'Vs you love her â€" as you are prov- ing by your devotion. Who that has seen her Majosty. who that knows Ih^r, who that has heard her speak, 'can help loving her-:> These thou- : sands preparing to fight for her. there I is no man among them all that docs jnot lore her! When-, then, is my crime? •'That her Majesty should love me " He removed his plumed helmet. "Is there one among you brave went the Palmi!tto8 at a stringing 'solution of the congress. Tiw vesol'-t- double, and over hillocks and hum-jtion practically asku for cotaplu^ mocks they clambered like goats, [freedom, and this is cot necesaoJTr comprehension that was almost more ""T" J"" " , ""• , f^"." ' """- "'Y' than half anticipation. To Hector ^^f^^^-^^f and shap..Hl tnto a workable .h„ .r.^ ^.<= ,h. i,r!„....r «,• .n in- P'^""''''' Without a good deal oi op- the rose was the brin; llniludc of Lying besid •r ol an position from the older men w!io had llniludc of unforpret table nu>s.sages. r? '^1";' """'""-• •/'"«--. a.en v.:u, uxa side the silver cn.cilix. thot:}°r^^." '°V f°5,^'s''- »" ^'-''^tor. was aJso her gi.''r. it whi.s[x»ii.Hi to him in thrills softer than its own petals: opening its gold heart as by favor of enthusiasm a.s well as by his authority, bore down resist- ance. MaJdas..-na-s had opened, beating e.s ''."J' ^^^ '^^ ^our for challenging »,_jj_, ._ u_j .--i. T» 1 ..u.-j Fate. The. Hispaniolan lines Maddalcna's Kaci beat. It breathed absolution of his madne.ss: na.v. it did more â€" it became their sign of part- nership in the divine folly. were lost in the mist. Drums began to roll low. irjv..'toratc thunder along the Palmetto front. From orange grove and banana plantation came ever and anon dropping to the knee for a Volley, and always and always bringing their ridge of st.?el nearer and nearer thu regathoring Hiapaniol- ans. The shock of meeting â€" and then five minutes' bloddy work with the bay- onet, the drums |><;aling revenge some- where in the rear. While it lasts it seems a long day. wljcn it is over it seems liut a moment. Kor there. down the three roads that fall into the very heart of Palm City, go when it is .•dimply a. qiiettion oj teaching tl:e ignorant masses the ad- vantages of cleanliiiesa. of thorougj ventilation aaid of abstinence fron e.xcei!£ive driniing. Lufortimately these arguments, however plau.sibU from the point ol view taken by tii« preaent autocratic (;o\"ernnient, do not in pruxjtice cover Uic issue. Such â- freedom an UiM.t stuggvsted does e.x^t. It 13 possible to deliver lowiurw ou ^â- entilation or on. the test tneuns ot keepiog (JwcUings clean, but when- enough to question any action of her jstampa'and his start and live out of Majesty s? The Que(.n is the Queen ever any systematic eflort of this I sort is made the organizers imined- u I. ,. .. J ('"S eight thousand, hastening to the ; » . j ., under Uie su.siji'-ion of iha you are her subjects, and you d.^ (^^.-en^f city walls. Hard on their ^^e TheT V^ev^lHTt ^°1 char cuss her behind tier back, you whoh^,^!^ i^Uo^ ifaddaUnas columns, jf°b'^ ei dea^'rr^ <ue ascrilUl to ^.^.":l}}":J?^.r ':^^f?' .^^'IJ''- Ithrce swift snakes on the looping ' '.^f^eVntkalmotivearris^^^ to bring i common-sense of justici.- lo ormg ^ ___,!- i.- i . â- . .• _ i .i it„ ,,. . , - ^ r,_ ^ .roaas. t;c Icjture on saaitation.may land it» vour insinuations to her leet. Pretty j '- • â€" . . i ""- "- <= «. .»^ .» u^.. ., counselors! pretty gentlejceu! .And if i opportunity": this time he does not I -Wor her Majesty should love m<^what | blunder. Cp out of Palm City, jog- | follow. \et not even the maiden iragrance the gleam of steel, as company after of the rose that had been bettered by company and regiment after regiment the warm night of her hair, nor the fi^pj bayonets quietlv. A little group! siren lyrics oi h.s avrakened blood, ^f „f^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^.\^^ ^oor of Hec- could drowse remembrance oi Asun- t^^s tent. It still wanted ten min- tas laughter s«rmd,Dg irom a lat- | u^os of the hour at which Hector had ticc above h.m and Ms Queen at ordered the a<rtance. They were wait- farewell. Palm to palm toll more £„_ f^j. jjim than lip to lip. and they were palm i ..3,,^ I hold," said a little wizened to palm when Asunta, looKing down oi^ ^^^.^ that some explanation is saw fr^sh Significance m the unusual ^ue to us. The Queen is voung and Stauipa welcomes a new * -God-sent {author in Siberia orse than thi-^, however, was to The metiical men ha'l not .ging leisurely along the central road. ;oiiIv the aiJdu.city to demand that • A stranger I came amons yo-i. I ; come the guns that should have been .their freedom to te^uih the laws of |am proud to fight for Mad<Ialeua and ia position two davs ago. They j health should be absolutely guaran- Palmetto. A stranger I shaU go 'meet him a mile from the walls, at a I teed, but thoy actually touched upon from .you. \ou shall n?maiu hereâ€" ti^-n where thev are out of view oi i the burning question of the Ireal- with fre.?dom, with Maddalena' I \i^ pursuers. Manana is a god for- i meat of the .Jews, shall go when the work is done, and; gotten, and in a trice the guns arc | xHK MEIHC VL PROFESSION I desire to 50 with the triendship of .ready, a rear-guard holding off the ;, ^... „^,„ , " f^^:„„ ;„ „:„„^ .„ a few of you-with the good opinion ;foremost hounds meanwhile Then '^ caUed upon to bring its sciene te of vou all' roremost nounai. meanwniic. i- fisn. ! bear so as to reduce the prevalenc* 01 yuu ail. i slowly, like a snails horns, thi? P.>ar- -Don Migiiel! you say you saw-Iig^^^i jg drawn in. ! care not whatâ€" something derogatory | poa Miguel commands the central ! act. For his life Hector could not desecrate the now understanding by we are. more or less, her counsel- of tuberculosis, and'it answers, in uo uncertain or faltering voice, that overcrowding and poverty are tli« lors, her guardians: she 'must be guid- 1"°^'^ preserve a kwn memory to her Maje.sty-s dignity. I demand a! column of Palmetto. He is eager ; i^cipal cul ture^b-ds of KochM retraction of your words-ot your (how eager, since his morning-s oi^ I bacmOT But the Russian Govera- play may be misconstrued into lose- jn^^^ jjv its anti-Semitic en.ictmenta majeste, lack of patriotism, what h^^ incnsased to an enormous a.^lont not!) to show that he is in the front | the ove-cro«r(iiag of tlij ghettos and rank of Maddalena's men for oathusi- '. the poverty that prevails tiierein. I asm and bravery. Ke risks too â-  There aie " supposed to b« rathe* I much, he pushes on his command too [more than rj,iX)O,<)00 .lews ;n Ilus- ^ i ardently, he lands them deftly into sia. who, witti but few exceptions. °f IStaiupa's jaws â€" and the tiger snaps. I are confined in certain portions ol very thoughts!" "But Sono.- Grant " "No "buts,' sir. Withdraw " "Senor " "Must I give you the lie, sir?" "The lie to too?" "You have been my host, and lodge of the woild. It is a delicate ject should. By nature somewhat of a poet he could, who., not moved , ^^^j,.^^^ ^^^^ j^. .^ ^^ ^^^^ strongly, assume guises a will, and , - -True !" cried Don Miguel. at any othet moment that this he' j„,.i,. „ . „ ..1 J^.. , .r-ivjou doubt mv word, senor? •Do could have pla.ved the si-rvant: of:. â- Not for a moment â€" not for a mo- kissing Maddalena s hanti as a sul>- ^^ ^y ^ j,^ ^^^^ exocrience and I^ow-P'°"^ courtesies and hospitalities. | x couple of companies have boon the towns within only a part of the ..,^» .i,„..i.j II.. „,...â„¢ ,.„....,„v,., „f - - You are an oWer man than I. and I huAUed about the Hispaniolan guns. 1 empire. By tha "LawR of May" would remember what is due to age. oiasking them completely. Th.> criti- which the Emperor .Vle.xan'der III But. by God. sir, if you do not jcxi moment comesâ€" they wheel ' to ; sig.aed on May 3. lSy2. the Jew? withdraw " 'right and left, and at point-blank [ were no longer aUowed to reside in Don Miguel looked at the others. | range shot an« shell plough the Pal- ; rtllages, but oniy in towns or burgs. Hector's fury had told with tlwm; !niettos with grievous furrows. The ! The po'ive were appurcully left to de- and he read on every face the desire i rear compaui.?s boliind the turn can- cido wl'other a place was a village or that he should make peace. His ^ not see what is going on in irort. a burg. If they chcse to call it a impulses were all Tor jjeace. but j and they press on greedily to bo village, then the Jews might be .'Vsunta had poisoned his mi.nd eflec- ; trapped. In half a miaute the road I "iti'-en out in t^etity-four hours. tively (he and not Hector should is ^ jam of writhing, wounded and Thus, for if.stance. in lS9o. all i:i« have be>.>n generat-in-chief: Hector had sadly silent dead ibt-r^s of the provinces of Polta-a had i H^tor sees that there is trouble ^d Tchemigoff were ceclar^d to be fetch a certain restraining pride came "â- â€ž,„„, t>..» t, »_ .^ j ., . .... ... , ment. But Dona Asunta â€" pardon me their equatitv m love â€" he was uiov- _ ,,._ , ^" t"" '"" '""^â-  111 1 -.f jj I'o'i Miguel â€" rumor sais- fng now on the -same plane as aladda- i 'Rujuor lies " lena, together their young feet trod the clouds, and he was not the one to dcba-W exaltation by trifling with j irkson-.o subterfuge. Palm to palm they bade fai-ewell, and common words dri-w deeper nieanirig from the simple act cre- while unused. "GooiJ-night! Good-bye!" said he. "Oood-night! and good-night!" said she. "Likely enough. Uumor sa.ys that against hiui horse'f I "Whatever feelings m.v daughter may i Miguel, wttn all t(ie dign ! display, "her love for her country I comes first. She has warned me. and I my duty forces me to speak. Be- sides, my own eyes are good witness- es. I am old, but I am not blind. .' or may not have." rejoined Don '"^^'^ "f^T X *° ^" Z u . â€" ..-n,.,..- .H rs.. I-.- h.d t„ leave iiel with all the dignity he could 'eje^^t'^'i- "''-' Q"^'" !"'-^- ^'^ Pf-eserved > and bids hot-foot messengers fetch â- tUago-. and t.ic -Jo.-.^ bad t.> Ua%e Tiei. un ail tn. aignitv nt could ^^^^^^ ^j^^ adventurer; the fame of Pal- His lighter -uns. Meanwhile ho gal- : in twenty-four hours. The results ol metto must Iw kept white), so that fops closer." A swift look. ;i swiitor , thi.s unnocessary haAte are appailiug The Vice-Goveruor of KiahirwtT soma time ago gave orders lor the evacu- The hope that shone in her deter- . , „ . . . â-  ^ mination not to say good-bye light- ^^^^'^ '^°'*- '"^"^ ^ ^'^"^ ""^ Q'"^"-'" a°<i he Senor Graiit- ened ou his 03'es. and yet again gave good-night. Asunta was no fool. She had an , .,^ ^ . , , , emotional Inlelligenco keenly apprcci- ; "-'^^""^ ^ calm gaze ranged the group. "Good morning, gentlemen." Xot a face but showed confusion as ativo of inflections, intonations. all 1 difforoiices and changes oi voice look. And her nerves strung in monjont to breaking pitch, recognized ' a ne.w note in Hector's voice, a new note in Maddiilena's â€" in hers some- ' thiner of fuller trust, something lingering protection isi his. and "I heard my name. May I ask lops wh.?n Don Miguel paused at the door word, and the immediate congestion of the tent, and saw Maddalena at ig relieved. But what can he'd) to . -. ^ ,- , . ... Hec^or-s breast, he was ready to be- jUcIp the hapless rive hundred that ^^'^^ «' ^^ which was bencetorlh lievo anything. He knew well that have taken the fateful tmn into th^ '<> t<^ qualitedus a .i-lage Tae sub- if he did not apologize a storm af! tiger's clutch- Don Miguol is w.vp- : ""^'Pf^: "^'^^ /^^^iZlt 'U^ ri^^' scandal would arise -hat might. in !i„|. his presence of mmd gone «'Ui I -^^^'^ ••.,;^'^,^X'^ '••';5.,.i';^ "f°\ all probability, divide Palmetto intolhif mei. and he weeps the'mor.. .„w l^^e" TpMemi'? or-sn;;;ii^!^' ,U ^'T':5 ^:^::^: '''n.r^!:L t:'^-L.^H..^^!^^r '^"l:^^^^!^!^I-l at'that tUu.. This very n. Icause of Freedom. But. withal, he I why I have the honor of biing made I "^^^^-f ^'"'''ii °}'^ '°'^"; ,•": '^°!^^^ °°"^ ' thrtist and twist among the wounded, killing with 1 the subject of conversation?" Kach loo'ved to each to make a be- ginning. "Perhaps I should ask why you do vourselves the honor of making tiiral protest w;i--;. h^w^^No-. iinavail- Un^. The Jews w^e.e uU forced out of withdraw the lie would be given, he j How to help the victims of Stain-, ^^^^^ i,'^^,,^^^ .,jj^ whether ill or i ; Majest.v the Queen the subject ;your talk?" her ; of would take the consequences^ [pa's inhumanity? Can nothing be ; ^^ j,^^jt^ ^j^.^^ ^..^.p crow<Jed to- Hector looked at his watch. ;done? l>.ere is but one way. and '5^,^,^,^ j^t^ ciuts and driven into "Gentlemen, we shall resume this j that may be needlessly reckles.s. hut j^j^.j,-.j,j ~ '" ' " "^ - -' - IT WAS MIDWIVTER. .- Manv of the chiMren died on the conversation in my tent at the end of | Hector cannot stand still and sec his I the da.v. It is the hour for attack both that Indescribable lingering cad-'- „., . ence which graces the lover's least ut- | ^^'^ ^,a,« ^till more embarras.sing. terance with the melody of the moi-n- "^"". «'S«cl, it was your voice I ing stars. Kesentment fell on herl"*^*"'"' taut n^-rves as a knife may fall on a i ^"^ patriarchal stretched liddle string, and the sound made in her bv the living ends was , ,, . laughter-laughter, deri.sivo, ironical. I °' l'''iS'""-l« ."j-''^ »'<• "^^U*^,. contemptuous, spiteful, revengeful. [outer court of Pand.>monium." he She trembled as a woman trembleii '^"^ht the solitude of his study: responsive to the linger-touch of '""S^'^ â- *"" ^^^^ *"" 'â- ^'treat now. But passion: with cleaving of the tongue alt c.ves were turned on htm. and all to the mouth's roof, with parching ! f«^" ''^«>' ""o«' ''""• leaving hira the ;meii â€" nay. her men â€" murdered in coW I .we have delayed too long already, i^jood. To fire at the Hispaniolaiis 1 ~ ^ â- â€ž n , You have your orders: pray execute ^ would I,e to kill as manv of one'.-; : ""oad. and the ei-Mcemic of s° «"P<« 'them. Get your guns into action at icomrades as of the enemy. There is i ^^^^ introduced ritothe to»no( jonce. General Tornielli." - ij^yt the bayonet. In a momcti Palmetto hated "^^^ batteries, together with the ' aings himsC-lf from his horse, scenes 5""^ ^^'°^ ^^'^ '"" '•â- *^'^' ''*'* "^"lat the head of throe huudred a-thii-st i 'ei"- ,>.,T.He l-eilih It H Zn Dona Asunta chose to ^^ke ~"'^-'"'<* ^"f"'" '"**!",! ^'^ .--- j to avenge their brethren. The ranks ,f-^J^»'-^^"^-/|!^'^..L^^^^ ^.^ ^^^, jposition, and raiige.s taken ca,-eu.lly. Lji;r.,,, as the steel tops them, and he iS^'^"''^,, it^^ StXX'Xx.) Jews hav. ^,_on the previous ovemng. Iheso now^p^^^., a word of .-ou.se and .-evenge. ; ^^^^ ^° ^^ ,^,^., „ow called h I began to send shnekuig death iuto 1 Then the drums sound, and with Hoc- i "V^^^,^ J compelled to increa.* the tog. and sr. vcur^telv had they jjor at its head the forlorn hofK- t;xkes . ^^ ovorctowdin« of the ghotto.s of Thf.re is : was mtroauceu i:UO tne ti'»n 01 » he^^'^'*^'^' "^^^ question wiili regard , '"â-  J ;' ito the Jews ma.v be a poiiiicui mat- r» ,.!l,.<='f ter, but it has a»-o a very sedous been laid that not a shell but plough- | the turn and lances itself upon tho cd into its alUitted mass of Hi.spun- iolan soldi'-iy. baggage, transport thirst. With hurrying ripples of heat : ""^'^'^'-.^^.'^l'-' '^''^'^ '^ '^"/"'"^.'e'"'°'- 'and ammunition wagons, churning it ««d cold. With joints turning to ^<^- ^^^^^Jy^^'- ""^ P'''-'"\ "'''^ *"^into a higglcdv-j.iggledv of disorder ter. She clutched the lattice ledge. ^'!°":tt '"r 7 t >"n r' s iH h^t !eaden?d p'ro >aration for attack «„.( iniiffhftri Come. sir. I am waiting! said V _,^_ , ^ ' . r-i;_u» .,,•â-º.,_ <i;..i,» and laughed Asunta hud told Hector that s?he hated him. There she had lied. She had, indeed, hoped that assumption of hate might win him wltore open love could not, as a bitter mav snare ng! Hector. "Senor Grant. I am pair.eiiâ€" I am pained. I say " I "To the i>oint. sir!" "It is well. You name has been th» palate honey cannot seduce. She;'^°"P>'^ ^'"^ *'"' Quet>n'9 " hated him In some degree Iwcause he ''".'''' Majesty s. you mean. ' had scorned her; yet she loved him I "^^'th her Majesty's. My daughter, the more becau.so he had been strong \'^^^ '°^<"' ''•'^'r country and is devoted enougb to withstand the torrential :^o ^'^'^ Majesty's best interi«sts. sug- Jmpact of her attack. And now that :K«*st'^I fust she is mistaken-that ehe saw him welded hand in hand ; ^^'' '"S"^ [-osition to which her Ma- wlth her rival, and heard that in 'i'^-'">' '""S called you- an act with his voice .she would have died to : '^'>'c*> "'^ «^an *''»l "o fa"" " •wake for herself, she loved him only I "f|; sonor. you are generosity s the more pas-sionatelv. the mora mac»- ^'â- '• ly. Because he was unattainable, ho | "''^•"^ suiajests that this act has wa-s more than ever desirable. 1 emboldened you to look still higher. She laughed and slid bt.\ck. Into the "Indeed! How higher?" "Can you not guess?" "I fear I am very stupid. Pra.v nlighten nte." "ISesides. I m,V3<'If. last night. room. Mad<Ialena had ears for Hoc- tor onl.v: but he heard, and knew that Asunta hud stolen a moment (rom his hour. And all the way back to the Palmetto line.s (he and AUis- ''*'' " dair walked: the path was too peri- '^o" Misucl!" lous for riding) her laughter went "Senor Grant!" with him. and hS.s imagination daiic- j "Well" â€" a iv\usi> of fd luii>o*!sibly lurid cafricolos to the ; â€" "what did you .see?* cold moment sound of it. Only at the b«>al of "I hav drunus was ho ei'.ou£;h his own man to inion that cast her out of mind. By the hour it was nigh on dawn, but Siivo for the cliill in the air it Blight have bix>n nn>- |>oint of the twent.v-fonr. I'or up and in from the alivaily told those gentlc- I saw the Queen in your tent!" "My tent? But that is already her Majesty's." "I saw the Queen there!" Her Majesty honored mo with thrice impossible. Flight after flight of sharpnol winged its passage oi death, and under this cover and that of the mist, the I'almettos, a long UiK- of dull stool, advanced steadily to the rumble of clamorous drums. This man joins light best to the blare of trump<:'ts. that to the wild skirl of bagpipes or the clash of cvmbals: but all hearts are lifted by the town-S. Is it surpri-i.-.c it, in llispaiiiolau butchers with ear-split- the lace of such f:icts t!-e itu.'-sian ting cries of "Maddalena and l''r*-"C- | jipdioal C'ongiess should adopt a dom!" i motion â- 'oaUi^g attention to tba (To bo continued.) ' tdattgor resulting from an artirioial 4 â€" . ico;:ocntratiou oi the Jewi.-ih popula- IJt A BlRBAFlQUS DOUSTEI dJace'estabH-^ed for Uie Jews in the I towns and bungs of the south and EtrSSIAN POLICE DISSOLVE we- 1 of B'Jssia ? • Tl-.eu Uiere a- e laws which tor- bid the Jews to bathe in laki-g o« rivers, nor a.'-e the\- allowed to go to _ ,sea-^lde watering places, to sanitar- tioa to Sanitary Dau- I iunv? or to niinoral wells. Tl.e coiv gers. :g:e-s«. therefore, pat-sed a motion MEDICAL CONGRESS. Because the Doctors Drow^ Attsn-;' talk most oi glory (in all brass there j ,.. Russian is breadth) and the loud clang of «^1- |^.^i,h ^^^ ^t loua's Whigs. Hut the drums- the, ^^^ ^^ Janu-... â„¢.- - ... drums comvoy Fate to knock at your i ^^^ ^^. .^, -j^ we. tern F.urope it ' P>-^-seat a Jew it) ay not live .n heart, the dru.iis us thoy roll fast or|^r;„ .,.^.,„ „xir„.u-.:in.-,rv th,,t .. teci-.- more healthy or suburban psirls ol eiaa iUeJical Congress, j the congio-s cciusiders that »t is .^ ,t St. Petersburg at ih- dispensable t. g-unt the Jews th.: uarv. has been dissolved >i?t^«- »<> S'> f"^''" P'^'^'^ «'? P'-}"^' j^» "i.. ._. , I- :. 'present a Jew mav not live »n tn« I will seem c-xtraoriiinary that :i tocii- slow quicken or slacken the blood. , j^.^j ,^^j .scientific congn-ss cannot : »^i« t-^"""- >>"' «»"^* '°''**"^- '^l*^ «''*-" Boa crept and wound long wisps and, visit. She loves her army, her p^-o- triuts and curls of a whif soafoglpio. Her solicitude for their wel- that siuotherctl and blotted out (fare lod her to make some inquiries height and hollow. Qag, trench and ' from me. " piliHt arms. Tn this Stouipa wel- j Hector's conttincendiiigly polite tone coniovl a GoiKsont opiHjrtunity: "In .stung the old man. half an hour," lie i;aid, "we will [ •With her arras about your neck?" make a general «(lvanc<'- get realty": he snapped. and the llis|»aniolans. now unwillin|>; : "l)on Miguel!" to tr.v n decisive (all. tu.stled as: in the interval between th? word luurh H.s habit would allow. Btit ^nnd the turning of all »yes towards In making hi» diapoaitious. StamiVklhim, Hector had time to gra.sp the Ignored his opponents. i gravity of the situation, not so much Win .xugustin. looking at tlie hot 'as regarded hintself, but as it touch- sky on tho previous morning, drop- ed the honor of the Queenâ€" the honor in * maelstrom of coattisioaâ€" disorder ped a luipply hint itUo Hector's ear. of the woman ho loved with his :l:!«tricR»>Ie and irremediable. At a "With u»." anid he. "M I have not wboJe !«o«l. vhoTn ke lovc4 bet%M- Itrord musketry rattled and r.nng. and granted forgotten my i.sland weather lore, than life pnd hn.-or; and In that .sec- 'the rttaolstrom broke in a thousanti that tou* of" copper means fog from ond his mind .prang to place foot ragged waves. running hither and tno sea, »f .V the early hows of the ,on the only pa^h possible to tread jthither aimlessly. Over th* levels the drums sustain the tir<.<d f-x-t as : â- ^â- ""hold''7it'hour"p^Ii'cc" "inict fereme â-  to. However ill he may K-. anf nothing else can. the drums make the L^^^ j,,_, ^t,,^,. j,^^.;. j. j, ^.^^j^. ^^ j^,, thousjh his life imglit lo saved by a soldier. 'low in Rissia such things mav hap- . 'ha"S» of air. sti'.rhe imi.st rotn^iin 11 AiKl now. sounding over i-nd Ti:c pra.ti;c of mediciuo Iher*. i-i^ ghetto. It he <!esire8 to s^vk tin through the sliroiulmg mist, and ri> ! ?., ^^^ indepem^ent of politics, and. ' R^t^ '"-^ o* » nn-dical practi: iot:er whc verK-aling with hollow boom from!„j,eii oue.tio!» of sanitation or cf 'l^«-s i" s.nne other town, ^e caiim« timo-sconvl lava-hoights, they lifted Ij^p prevention of disease are tx\>-'^o vo un.ess 1» fir.st obtains « spoc- the fe*-t of Palmetto out of a con- 'coached, science is at once forced 1 ia I a-ithoii-tttion from the police^ It turv's fetters and sot them on the j.^o the political arena. At tho,'«--<^h ci:-cuuiRtaaces it is not sur high road for lilK-rty. I'orward wnt | st. I'etorsburg congr.-ss a joint U'li.-.ng that tac dt-ath rates ,„ thoM Maddalona's men- this man with i,„^.<.tii«t was hild of the sections on , to^vrs have beoon.o endemii jn rn^.y} thoughts of wife atul children he | tuberculosis and on so.ial hygiene, f^^f the ghett. 8. \ t. whin t^t mea- might never more sec. that wUh;„e,e a motion was carrie-l ^ttiv.g ^-^l praotUiono|^ 01 ^'i^J^J"^ J' dreams of sw.vtheart and yon lastjfo.th that the ignoranco of the oi- ; co"<ro.-s »-^'^'^'^^\-.;\f '"^„"^^, V^iss that might be ix^raptured only' .jnary and elementary laws of hy- ; ally 5.â„¢'''-!' "f'*'";^^.""/'! ^^;;^ rn heaven, and all with the high l,u>ne\nd the oxcos..ivc drinking •'^ ^IJ^ bM J ri^Ciitics ' an7thr.^l2 hope of freedom, allwlth love for a„-ohol . c.;oatcd the . P-xiis,.Ksu.R , of^dabb.i.tgj,,^ pc,!m^^^^^^ (oi ison- )arr.est ict uoilei hl,l cln heart |a regular ami systeniauc campaign j "- ;; - '^ flaw from the southward, against tuhervulosis could only be, to answer. Russia on condition ^ . â- eetlom ,ind tho .1 FRKKDOM OF SPEECH. j '*t'f course, all my sisters say Iho/ of the rrf^» and of meeting i*e:« i^l^^' »^aby looks liVe me," said ih The adoption of .'»»ch a bhmhing .voung man "What »!o« motion mlcht bo corstructcil as an your vife .soy to that'" asked t» act of aggiisioi. aga-ist the t.'overu- , older man. 'Well, she admits tiv mcnt. and thet^f^rc juslincxJ the di»-jl may r«»»mbte th« katy • tUtX»,*< Came a and through the rift the leading regi- carriotl out iu nients looked on llispaniola's lines that personcl f: I 1 ^AiOBK- 1 M

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