Flesherton Advance, 24 Mar 1904, p. 4

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Mar 24 1904 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE •«! ii'i^WWiii I F. T. HILL & CO. â- ^eu/ Spfing iiuitings Wo have juat pincod in stock nearly 100 now suit Lengths, including the newest weave8 und oolorinns ill Fiiiicy \Vor8tod«, Scotch, Englisli mid Caniidiaii Twi-cds, Uliick Clay and Venetian Worslcda, Indigo iind Bhick SerKo, etc. Our faciliiii's fur meeting the ro(]uiruiiioiit» of particuliir and careful dresserH weio never better than now. The clns.s of triinmings wo use are tho best that are made ; workmanship, fit and finish (luarantued. V\'o already this season have been doiiif{ an excellent tailorin;{ business and are thorouith- ly prepared to execute your next order to your entire liking and at the most reasunablo price you'll bo (juoted this season. Gent's Suits, mtide to ordor for Gent's Suits, made to order for Gent's Suits, maae to ordar for tiont'n Suits, made to order for Gent's Suits, made to order for Gent's Suits, made to order for e 9 90 10 50 11 00 12 00 12 50 13 00 13.90, 14.60, 15.00, 15.90 and up to 20 00 These prices represent the best goods and valups you'll tind this season â€" the best iu every detnil '.:â- , Seat's Spring -Zriuts Only R part of our spring order for Hats has yet come in, but; sufficient to make a very respectable showing. Tho ad lance styles for the coming season are the most beei'ining we have seen in years and the values the best we've ever handled. Do not make the mistake of purchasing before first seeing tho oxcollent lines we have on display. Prices range from 48c. to 2.50. 5.000 gda. J^leiv Prints and >^ualina Our collection of these goods is par excellence. Beautiful, dainty Muslinsâ€" strong, durable, new pat- tern Printsâ€" all absolutely fast. These are all made by the most reliable British manufacturers and rep- resent tho most advanced styles and up-to-date goods iu the market. Colors of every piece are guaranteed absolutely fas' and the price per yard is Hundreds of yards of other Muslins and Prints at 7^o« a,n<i XOo. A,ae/ies' SB louses 3 dozen Ladies' Fine Muslin Blouses (assorted sizes,) in tho very daintiest goods imaginable. Those in style are right up to the moment and are decidedly handsome. Prices 2.00 and 2.25. L'O/'set (liovers 10 dozen Corset Covers have just been placed in stock. These are made of extra fine cambric, beautifully lace trimmed, and will give the very best of satisfacti'jn. The prices for these extra fine new gogds are 35 and 50e. '.Aleiu Cace Suftains We've just placed in stock nearly 200 pairs of new Lace Curtains, embracing nearly all kinds and prices Here is one of the lines : 40 pairs extra fine LaCe Curtains, (inished edges, beautiful lacy goods, sizg three yards by 46 inihea. This is as good value as Wr have ever seen in fine lace curtains. Per pair only 75 HARDWARE ^t the closest pHce^s Hardware has ever HARDWARE We have practically everything you require in all lines of hardware. So successful have wo been in this depart- ment that for the coming 8ea!..u we have decided to increase our GENEllAL HARDWARE STOCK " " 4'2,000over that of a vear ago. mm by about MARK DALE WWW^ They are Mad Shclburne people are wild with anger at the way the C. P. R.has treated them. Free Press says : "Man's iohuinanity to man makes coutless ihnusaiids mourn," and the policy of the C. P. Railway, if it dues Dot cause mourning, causes curses both loud und deep co be showered upon tho managomont of that corporation. For two weeks the Owen Sound branch of the railway was snowbound and the engines \ were suj)plied with water free of charge by J tho village nf Shelburno. Now Shelburne is sulFering from a fuel famine and there are several cars of coal between here and Toronto consigned to this burg. They have been on the road, not merely for weeks but for months audit was expected that in return for the kindness of the tuwn at least (me car would be rushed through. Tho blocado was broken and on Sunday a '.rain of ten car loads of freight reachtd Shelburne. With eager ox|)eotancy the citizens empiired for coal but were informed that not an ounce was onboard" Then as if to drive the dis- appointment home further informatinn was Hiveii that three cars were loaded with Masaey-Harris harvesting machinery ! ! ! For.soolh ! ! ! -»-*4»^«-«- The magnilicont system of waterworks, ' which will soon bo established in tho County Ilnu.io of Rofugo in Markdale, wdl bo another atop ncldwl toward the c.)ii:pletion of this bonefioii'iit institution. A strong, clear and steady stream of water has been struck on the farm, which t!ie engineer in charge ot the work, Mr Noil MoGulphan, of the Toronto Wind- nidl Co., Kays is suflii.-ient to supply a town of 2,0000 inhabitants with a complete Byatein of waterworks. The value of this never failing spring cannot Ho easily over- c.-tiinated, and th>s excellent How of water is aho iiivaluahle, the like of which is seldom struck. The well is situated about 7C ro Is from the tank, almost directly l>ehind the house of refuge, and and the tank is ten rods north of the liuii'lin-;. So strong is the flow that two lix inch stjunre pumps were kept working two days endeavoring to empty the well in order to fucdi<atu operations in sink- ing ihs crib, but men are now eiiKnged in tinking tlie crib in the well without re- i.iioving the water, which is a most dilheuir task. The windmill at the well, t'lu frame-work of whioh is now erected, has n Ifl-loot whuel.and wa-s minufactured by the windmill, Eniiine ami Pump Com- pany of Toronto. From the spring the water will bo discharged through a two inch pipe to the tank, op tho top of which ii si'iiuied a tower Co feet high, and the li-iuht from tho ground to the top of the tower nil! Im 00 feat. The tank his a capacity of 35,000 trnlhiiis,. The steel (uliiliuoture under the tank is built of 8 inch by \ inch angle.^ on corners, 4 inch angles for girls, and th.i main sill on lop is .34 inch "I" beams, 80 (Mmud* to the foot. The maio ioioe will be oom- posed of 6x16 southern pine. It is uxpected that it will be. the mid.lla of April before the lystMm wili be iu opera- tion. â€" >larkdsl« Standard. A neeting nf the dirncton of the Huron ftiid Oiiturio EleotrifR Railway Co., wah called to meet at the President • office in Walkertoo on Friday afternoon o( last v« k to meet Mr. Mcpiioald of Qaalpb, «Ko «•« to Imi pTWritf ladi»cu« the pas- sible transfer of the charter of the Elec- tric Railway Co. to the parties who pur- pose building n steam road from Hanover to TeoBwator as referred to in a previona issue of the Post. Mr. McDonald of Guolph, and Mr, Cameron of Meaford, sec'y. of the Electric Railway Co., was unable to got through from Guelph in consequence of tho snow blockade, and wore thus prevent^vl from attending the meeting. A full meotinn of the direcutrg of tho Electric Railway Co., is to be called for about ApriMst. It would appear that somebody is in earnest in connection with the matter, and we are ii: hopes that Hanover will secure a competing railway line which will prove a sjreat boon to our nmnufttciuring interests, besides being of great advantage to the town at lar«o. If the road is to be constructed, and if, as is supposed, that the C. P. R. is at the bot- tom of the enterprise, we would hko very much to see the road constructed oast- ward to Flesherton or some other point on the Owen Sound branrh of the Cana- dian Pacificâ€" Hanover Post. Tho Shelburne Economist says .-â€"A rea'i live porcii|)infl was captured in town on Monday. It imdo its appearance near tho town hall, and was capiurod in a barrel liy Rev. P. W. Anderson. After- wards it WES released and chased down to the town park. Tuesday night it w.is making itself at homo in tho trees in the rear of Mr. K. Boi wick's residence, and Mr. Ouoryo Berwick settled the matter by giving it a dose of lead. VOTANTED A nvin to represent "Canada's GttEAT- B8T NtriiSBUiEs" in the town of FL E S H E I^ T O N and the lurroutiding country, and take orders for Our l^ardy Specialists In Fruit Trbbs, Small FRriTS, OnNAi«ENTAL8, Suuijns, RosKs, â- V1NK.S, Sbrp Potatobs, etc. Slock true to name and free from San Jose Scale. A ]jernnancnt position for 'he riiiht man on either salary or com- mission , Stone & Wellington Eye Comfort is obtainable through the aid of perfect fitting sciifiriric 1 ffpT'9' .fc!ii glasses. Our spectacles and lenses are guaranteed perfect in fit and focus. Wo A. ArmstronOj â-  EWELER AN-> OPTiCHAf^ FLESHERTON. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to got the best Photos is at BULMKRS PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay Special Attention to Copying and Habies' pictures. Picture fram- ing a specialty. FONTHILL NUKSURIES over 800 acre* Toronto Ontaro Sti/Ort and AJIer, ^VooA'm Phospliocllne, Tba OfMi Eiillik RrMty, is an olil, well oata^ lUliMl anil reliable prfiparatioQ. Hatl>0en proHcrltxHl and nsed over 4U j-etrs. Alldma- Clat<in tha Dominion of Canada aetl and reconiraeod aa botDJl th» only medicine of Ita kind that cures and livea nnlverwil aaMnfacUon. I» promptly and oermaiwatly enrea all forms of Arrtytn B«i*- â- MM. KmUtiont, SptrmatorDMa, Impolmev, Md aU efleota ol abase of exeeMM ; the excmni** Die of Tobacco, CMum or /»Miii»l<»ti/», M*ntal and Brain Worry, all ol which iMd lo Inflrmilir, bnoltT.Ooomimiitioaand an BarU Onit>. Priea »1 per PMk««« or alx for ». On* tiM piaoM. H« wilt enro. Malted pcpaipti on iw â- ril>t<)(l«lo*> Bend for fiMMmpblat. AddfMa W»atis"V *â- "• f" '*^ Wa<»d'tPho«pho<)la. t<M>ldln riaahartoo hj r englaas * Co., aad W U auh%r4*oa, DruMlaU Try us for any kind of picturot and we will promise satisfaction. Sydenham street, Fletherto BOYD, HiCKLING & CO., | -FLESHERTON, ONI. ti^ry Wednesday and Th ursday March 30 and 31. ... , Wc have pleasure in announcing our Spring Millinery Opening as above and cordially invite the presence of the ladies of the vicinity. Our head Milliner, â€" >^Uss Watson Comes to us very highly recommended, having had considerable town and city experience. She and her assistants are busy preparing a large display of the latest Millinery creations which wdl be on view on the opening day.s. Our Dress Haking Department As already announced opened for business this week under the superintendence of MISS HOWARD and is already busy wich orders. Ladies' desiring work done in the future will do well to see Miss Howard and arrange for it, as we fidly anticipate a very busy season. A Big Bargain in Men's Felt Hats at 75c. 65 Men's Felt Hats, including Stiff Hats in black fawn and brown ; soft hats in black.brcwn, grey and pearl shades. All sizes from 6-| to 7^. "These are chiefly odd hats from some of our best selling lines of last season and sold in the reg- ular way all the way from $1.00 to $2.25. me clear tbem out flow at 75c* See them in the Ulindow ! ! A Big Range of Ladies' and Men's Raincoats For Spring Showers. War I War! Dnyiiu want the latest and most re- liable War News, well illustrated, then THE WEEKLY Montreal Herald which is clablied with this paper to new or old subscribers paying in advance •l.OOfor both. A fioeiHAPOF THE SEAT OF WAR, in three cohm, 18 x 22 inch**, will be mailed free tn ereay â- iibsoriber to the two papeis remitting two ornts extra for cos*, nf inailinir. Write the Berald direct ^>r map. S«nd subMrlptioiM to T«i kjtjkwut, FlaaluitoB. :i An Extra Special in Men's suits Before onr spring clothing: ariive« we want to clear out a pile of Men's Suits, consisting of lines of which (July one suit is left. These were some of our best sellers, and if you netd one every dsy suit now, or are likely to do during the next six months, it will pay you well to bay one of these. All sixes from 36â€"42 are represented and tho patlerus are goodâ€" ue«t dark pattern* in checks and 8tripes,some single and some double breasted, well inade, finished and trimmed. Some $6-50 suits are in the lot, none sold len tbtn f6.00 regularly. ^^^^^^tm^^^^^ All Stlling Now for $3.95 i

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