Flesherton Advance, 31 Mar 1904, p. 1

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"â- â€¢â€" "â- ^•^WSP 1 yksb^tun ^itiiana. "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."â€" " PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. VOL XXIv, KO 1175 Flesh-erton, Ont., Thursday^ March. 31 1904: W. H THURSTON, p'hopuietob ^ ^ ^ :3U:S^ ^!& ^^ £ll£: ^!&>i!{: ijle, S1& <!{!: ^i â- I Obituary. Mrs. Itichel Doupo, tlio aged partner of Mr. Uliiiiles Duupe of this towasliip, passetl away ou WeJneailiy of Inst weuk at the lumiu <if hur euii, Mr. Ephraiiii Doupe, west back lino, al the aire of 84 year hundred tons and is now mounted tem- porniily alunirside the pattern buiUliiig at the company's works on Stephens street. TliH wheel is oapahle of L'oneralinL' two thousand seven hundred and Hfcy horse power, and will he inHt-.dled by the Ot- tawa and Hull Powor Company in the harnessin-; (if the ChauJier Falls. It is ., „ . _ valued at $9500 and will be shipped in Jlra.Doupu was a native of County aeotious.â€" 'f imea. McFarland, Stafford & Co/s Big Store Limerick, Iiulaiid. She was twice mar- lied, the lir»t time to Nathaniel Shire in 194{'. They came to Canada in 1849, Siittlins; in ihe township of Blanchard. Mr. Shier died two weeks after his arrival If You are Losing Weight Your system is out of order and Ferro- zono is ne-ded to start a leVmildinK pro- cess. Ferrozcipo makes new tissues, in this couiitiy The second marriasje was forms wholesome blood, stieiigthens the contracted with Mr. Charles Doupe, who nerves and keeps your physical coi'dition 'b I Enremont township, in the yei £ ; where they remained until 1874. A. Armstrong, JEWELLER ^ FleshQcion, OnL ^ â€" â-  â-  â-  I Vaiideleur Mr. A. Danlop hai returned from I Er.iinpton, where he was attending hii i wife who has oeen very ill at the homo uf , home her parents near th-.it place Mrs. D. iniproviiiL.'. Messrs.B. Baker and W. J. Alcox have taken possoasessioM of the farui thoy reeiQily purchiiacd in this nei^hhorhood Mr. Jl ISoufi;lass hi»s returned from his iTip to Cliietigou Mrs. S. Dntig'ah« has also returned from Fer(iU3, where she Ihis been visiting tier mother, who has been very ill. Mrs cirson of Pricoville is visiting her d:iugliter Mrs. S. Gilbert. Mr- Sinclair, who Ima been vicitius bis «ister Mrs. A, Jidiiiston, for some time, Las returned to hi.s home atSarnia, survives her. A few years after this second marriago the family moved to ear 13iJ8, In that year they ciimc to Arteraesia and have , been highly respected residents of this IP , township for the past 29 yeais. Mrs. iP ; Doupe was converted when sixteen yeirs fe of age and joined the Methudist cUarch, ! j^^^'^ of which she h:ia remained a steadfast member until the time of her deitb. While living in Blanchard her house wa« used for fo'jr yeairs in which to hold church .sei vices and Sunday school. While in Egremont for three jreaLS her homo was used for a like purpose and also us the f the minister until a parson igo He reports ' could be erected. Mrs. Doupa had a f.iui ly of live childri-n by her first hus- band, of whom the following are livin g. Samuel Shire of Cedarville, Francis of Portluw and Mrs. Robert Kennedy, Tor- onto. The second family are all living, as follows ; Sidney and Amos of Now Ontario ; Mrs. Robt. Beat, near Flesb- ortOn ; Mrs. W. J. Spenoe of Toronto, and Epiiraim on the old homeste.ad. Ripe and full of yesrs, the deceased lady baa passed to her reward. The funeral took up to the pioper standard. " I lost iiftoeii pounds thiom;h la grippe," writes Cyril Lash of Hartford, '"but soon regained my former weigtitand iinpixived my Imalth by u iug Feriozoue. It's the best rebuildef and (incot tonic I ever used." Use Fer- rozone â€" it assures health. Price oOo at druL'giata. I F. R. Blair.son of Mr. William Blair of mesia, and Miss H. M. Buskin, daughter of Mr. George Biiakiu of this place, were quietly married in Toronto t wo weeks a'.;o. They an ivod last week in town and are visiting relatives here- abouts for a foitiiiglit, and willleavo about tlie 1st .â- \pril for their home in Owilliin- bury. Mr. and Mrs. Blair commence married life under favorable circumstances and are a most v/orthy couple who carry wiih them the hearty g'od wishes of a largo circle of friends. â€" -Staiidnrd. The Pickering news says ; A young man named Greer, from ilie north-east of Litiduiy, brought in a load of wood recently. During the afteriu>on it was in biisk demand at §8 a cord. With a businesslike inclination to let the law of the supply and the demand operate to the limit in his behalf, Mr. Greer refused all oflVrs, and decided to stay and see what the rioKt day's price would be. He put up at Butl«r''H Uutel, and left the l*ad of wood in the slied. He slept, and in his sleep came visions â€" visions of a Mr. Ezra Piitchard lest on Saturday place to Fleshertou comttory on Friday fleigh load of wood gilded with gold. As to setk his future in Manitoba. Stone Settleiueut afternoon, when the funeral service was conducted by her pastor. Rev. Ivison Wilson, of Flesherton Methodist church. The robin has made liia apperanco and taioaitily welcome, and we hope he will lia< e no occiision to leave us until the anival of tho usual mignitoiy season. Mr. F.Geo begs to express thanks to the Companions of the Royal Scarlet Chapter of the Artemesia Jistrict for two .suits of und«rwear. also to the brethren of L. O. L. 883 for a handsome present which will be a boon companion in his ^el•y close conhnemeiit to the upper story. »Ve are informed thac our highly es- teemed neighbor, Mr. Thomas Suell, con- templates removing to Markdale in the near fuiure. Wo are very sorry to lose you. Old frietid, and we feel convinced that you, too, will enporience a pang i^f regret in takinu your departure from the old home in which /ou have continuously resided for more than half a century. We trust, however, that the change will nnci-ease tenfold the pleasure of your futuro life, as.turing you that the best wishes of all in this neighborhood will accompany you. We understand that Mrs. A. Oazzard has been seriously ill. We hope soon to Siiaar of her complete recovery. â- One of Mr. Irviu's buvs is also on the urick li>t. The new Mi'.itia Act, of which we re- cently received a copy , says that all the •mule inhabitants of Cattadaof the age of •twelve and unjeir .«iglfteeo, British aub jectH, aii4 not dis<}ualiGed by inlirmity, •flhnll )Ue lia'olc to drill imd tfn.iiiiiig as <cadet«. We wonder if ithe schooliraruM will have to engage ill Vbeitctwianj;. Ceylon Miss KuHoie Robinson, wilao'baa <been a patient in the Getwrvl and Miu<mo hos- pital, Ow«n Sound, for several wceVa, nnderetuni; treatment which promises to be successful, returned home last week . Quite a nunilior of our rusideiita attend- ed the funeral of the laic Mra. iduitakl McKenzie on Monday MRS, DONALD McKENZlE Mrs. Donald McKenzia diud at the home of her daughter, Mra. Wni. Hislop, near Eugenia, on Sal urday last. Mrs. McKenzie fell a couple of weeks ago and broke her hip bone, and at her age 70 years, the accident jpi'oved more than her constitution could bear. The funeral took place to Fleshertou cemetery on Slonday of this week. One more of the pioneers of this township is thus numbered with the past. Thi) deceased lady came to Canada from Scotland with her husband in 1852, and the family settled in Arte- mesia on the Lack lino west, 1^ miloa from Flesherton, in 18(?1. Deceased loaves behind her a sorrowing husband and a grown up family. PILLS AND PILES A proliflc cause of b'llos is the use of cathartics and pills of drastic, violent nature. FoUowed by a reaction on account of the resinous, drying properties they con- tain. There are othdr causes, but no matter what the cause or what the kind of Pilea, Dr. Leonhardt's Hem Roul can bo relied ; known, uptm to cure â€" to utiiy cured. It's an internal remedy that remove the causes of Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Suppurating Piles. A Kuarautee goes with each package oontaining a mtmih's treatment. It can bo obtained for $1.00 at drug- gists. Sold by W. E. Richar Ison. he awoka tho visions vanished, and when he loooked out of his window the wovj had vanished also, for during the niiiht some per.son l)ad taken every stick of it and (ho rack on which it was piled. Near by there swayed in tho breeze a card on which^ was written this announce- ment: "We will tsko another load at the same prieo." Tho weil-known Scottish Canadian minister, Rev. Wm. Wye Smith, who resided in Owen Sound iu th'j early days of that town ill an article in the Chicago British .American on ' Eaily Canadian Experiences," says,: The winter of 1842 -43 was probably the longest and deepest for snow of any since the country was settled. It cameâ€" enough for good sleighingâ€" on November 15th, and con tinned ui.broken only with deeper aHid deeper snow, till Ajiril loth â€" Bve S'did months of tleighing (such as it was, but many ro ids got blocked). Rev John Brown told me how himself and twin brothers failed in getting a little jog of sti'aw home tor their hungry cattle ; tli« sled stuck fa.st ill the deep snow, and it was impossible to move it, so tlio c^ittle hail to fast. Next moining we were out bright iiid early, the cattle by instinct follouins; ; we chopped down a couple of great niaplfs, tirst trumping down the snow wherj the trees would fall, else th branches would bo buried. The starving cattle made a rush at once for the pranches, guawini; off the little twites Talk about a winter, the loiiii one of 1842- 43 was tho worst the country has evyr MAD^KDALK, ONXAl<IO Grey CountyV BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STOEE. iaster Display of New Goods \Ve will interest you here in this big world-wise store ati Eister flme, it beins the most interestins; season of tho year for fashions, etc. Tho Old Country Goods are hero and many other lines from Canadiau and American manufacturers have bt;,.'n placed into stock. For the Ladies Ladies of taste fairly luxuriate in the wealth ot choice offered this year by our sprint stock of Dress Goods. Never in the history of, not merely this .itore, but the county entire, has there been such a varied multiplicity of tasteful, exclusive and beau' iful weavi^a, shades, p.-itterns, and designs for Spring fashioniloiu. Now Costume Lomjlhs (no two alike) of 7 yards in all wool tlakod Tweeds, niod- iuin, light, and dark feb-ides of grey, full aO inches wido. These are handsome Suitings ind each only ^13. 'JO Fin"! all wool flaked Suitings in navy and dark grey only, full 44 inches wide, each length has 6 yards, for §4.90 In Iheae daysuf high-priced coal and a scarcity of wood the invention of Mesars. H. and W, U Bunker of LI^Ib of a uniipio machine f-ir convertii.g straw into wood To Break Up a Cold Right quickly nothing! works so nicely ,is Nervihno taken real hot. It sends glowing warmth all through tha body, and when rubbud on the throat and chest luoHcna up the cough and relieves tighr- nesa and soreness in ihe chest. Neivi- lino is used as a preventive and cure for colds, coughs and winter ilia in tlious.indH of liouies because it goen right to work and brings relief q'.iickly. There is no remedy in the worUI with half the power The Easter service of the Church â- Â«![ i joJi^ tlie atraw so tichily that it is aa JOngland conaregation will bo held at tUe i^^^^j^, „ga stick of timber. Tho product, IihII next Sunday at 7 p. m , when the „gej ^ fugl^ j, much cheaper than coal newly formed choir will,for the first time, ch.'knt tho cauticlvR, yid lead in the sing- iog of Eas-er hymns. The E.i»ter vealry .wiltA>a held on Monday at 8 p. m. in the .«r fuel will bo welcomed. Tlw machine ' »"'« "''"''' "f N«rvilinc ; it's invaluable in ovttry huuae. In Uige buttles, price 25c, , . I Tho Bolton Enterprise saya : The ro- or wood, and g.vea an intense heat, at the j ^,,^^ g,,,,,^ „,„„ ,,^ .ucceeded in per- same lime holdmg the hre much I'Uiger : f^^ji,,^ ^ ^„j|g_,g^|,j,,„ b^„^^ f,^ ^j,„, ^ Bunker have unteied peculiar freak of nature which occurred in than wood. Me«8r8 into a contract with Mr. T. M Brown of this vicinity. The late Henry Harper of Allislon for the manufaoturo of * number ^„,i„„ ^ad an apple tree which was broken of the machines and will begin tho maiiu- > ^^„„ ^y tho wind. A portion of the tree factune of fnol iii tho near future. One remained attached to the trunk by only a of the ttiach.nes is now in operation m g„,„i, ^^^ ^f f,,^ ^.„„,, t|,„ ^^^^ ^,^. DakoU and u said to be a perfect suocess. g„,„^ „„,, ,,„^^ seedlesf apples, which In about ten days tho Willian Kennedy were a fair sample of fiuit in every '{Fke departiuient stores in some of the (Cities say that liije town merchants are (making so muchhetter use of their adver- tihinu sp.'ic» in the local papers that cua- tomcra are awakening ti the fact that they ... . . _ . can get just as well aerved m their home & Sons Company.limitcd.will be prepared but not a trace of core could be found in Mot^ a-s in iha large ciiioa. Aa •» con- to .ship what ia probably the largest j any of them. J< at ureylays si lango freaks sequence the mail order bufciiiess 'f tho machine ever manufactured by an Owen Bometimes, and in this case produced a Urge department stor-.-» h'is seen a Jon- ound oiicern. It is a powerful horizon- result which aonie man have striven for sidcrablu shrinkage. 1 water tutbiao weighing abcut one years to attain. »ay 44 inch flaked Canvas Voile, in lighfe green and new niivj', e.'Ctremely rich shades, special value at per yard u8j 42 inch Flaked Canvas Cloth in puro wool, colors now navy and black, in medium woiiiht, clolli cannot bo boat f(jr wearing qualities (price considered) only per yard 4u3 44 inch black, navy and garnet Satin Cloths in very tiiio all wool, producing a;\ excellent satin tinisli and guaranteed uii- spottable, nothing better in plain .shaileti for ladies' waists. Per yard only 03i3 100 HAIR PINS for 4oâ€" IDO box.'q monster Hair Pins, each containing lOJ hiiir pins in as'iortcd lengths, sonin straight and others crimped, por box 4,5- For the Gents Gents' English and A-nerican Hats in all the new and up to date styles for spring wear, fine quality black fur felt, reil Russian leather sweat bands, silk trimminijs, at $2.23 Gents' new Fedora Bats in black wool felt, English make, stitched band in brim, in medium shape 51.25 New arrivals in Neckwear, up to date shapes in four-in-hand an.Lshield knots, satin lined, latest patterns for spring wear, each 2oo New fine Silk and Sitiu N^-ckwjaf'i tht> larye flowing end shape, inado from fi.ne imported silks in a large assor:menr. of new patterns. Each 30 J MEN'S SUSPENDERS â€" We are showing the Cycln, tho Balance and Pres- ident SuspendiTS, all of which are coii-- structcd in such a way as t^i iiiako them the most comfortable suspender to wear that has evor beju put o;i t'lo Ask to see thotnâ€" per pair market. 50i3 Ne^A/" Wall Papers Putting on new Wall Paper is the most effective and mojit economical method of improving and brightening up the in- terior appearance of your dwelling. Let us .show you our handsome array, made by Watson Foster Co., Montreal. Come in and look through our stock of New Spring Goods. No trouble to show goods whether you wish to buy or not- McFAKLAND, 3TAFFOI^r> 6c CO Special Inducements For Current Trade . . 10 Men's all-wool Tweed Suits 57 and $8 for 6.00 12 Ladies' Fine Coats, S7.50 and ?n.0O, for 5««1 .•V large assortment of carpets, nrrangiiiR iu price fivm 25c. to $.126 iK-ryd An extra good slock of Horse Blankets on band, and we are aelling ihem at the lowest living iirices known. Also a full range of Moil's Heavy Footwear, auch at Felt Boots, Heavy Uubbere, Moccasins, Ltg- ging", etc 20 Men's Heavy Ulatera.gotKl valve at Sl< 12 only Men's Pea Jackuts,on sale at 3.!MI 20 all-wool Men's Sweaters, worth $1.00 for "5c. 50 yds. crash toweling, worth 8:.yd. for 7 6 ur. gray wool Blankets, to clear ont at- SH.'JU piiic 12 Mon'a Cardigan Jackets, rog. $1.5(, for 1-1" Mon'a Kid Gloves, regular price 90c. and *1.00, tor «0c. per pair A Reduction in Groceries 5 lbs good Japan tea for $1.00 5 lb» Ceylon Black tea l.OO 13 lbs. best selected raisins 1.00 26 lbs. best Tapoica l-O*^ 25 IW fresh Figs 1.(0 OQ Unji b*ra soap, rc^. lajo for 9o.pr.b.^r A nice aAsortment of Faucy <JIa.<swaro to Chocsa for Xmas Qiftt. . . . \V. HOCKLEY Highest prices p«ld Fowl and Butter.. . * Proton Stutior*

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