Flesherton Advance, 31 Mar 1904, p. 8

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Mar 31 1904 THE FLESHKETOH ADVANCE i«fe . The Markets. tdu-cnuir Corrected Kucli Week t' •0«u <Pmm. lUrley Butlur _^ .XtCKH f re«h * Pork QhicboDS per lb. UuckH per lb ... Tyckuys per lb. . Gtebu wirhout headi . . 29 21) 60 • «2 46 to 45 14 to 15 15 -,• 16 C S6 t« 6 25 8 to 10 7-M 7 12 U 13 8 '• !) 'Uty.'. B 00 w 6 00 VotAtoes b&e 38 M 35 Our Clubbing List •AtlvKncc, ♦Herald and *To?bnto World, daily $3 25 Toronto Dully Newu 1 8ft Wrokly Globe 180 iMoil-Einuirc 1.80 Family Horiild & Star 1.80 Toronto Star 1.80 FarmerR Suii 1 .80 All above priciw includo The Advance and Montroi.l Herald, if paid n advance imly. Early subscribers gob est value tot tlieir money. I t % i VI jsberton Furniture 3 Woare carryin;; the newest «tylea (]f scasonabli- good.s in all lines of Furnitture, consisting of : Parlor and bedroom suits, lounges, si.lobnards, extension and centre tiibles, chairs, window shades and curtain poles, pictures, easels, etc., Which wo offer at LOWSET PRICES Picture Framing and General Ro- jiiirinp;. IJndertakiui^ ia all its blanches. Satisfaction guaranteed. V/. rt. Bunt, - - Prop. Falling out Hair If thin 1h ih* caBo, call and sea as and wo TVlIl pruvpdl it uolug 80 \>y apiil} Ing our woudor^ lul itmudy. . Highly Recommend Wohaveuflod its wondorfnil tnany in tiiis towti and aurroundl and nil who Uavn undorgoitti troatm uicuO H vory btf;hl>. No Cureâ€" No Pay A. WILSON FLIiSHEBTOM IH »'â-  etrict ooui- Barber BIG . . 5T0CK Wuhavn just rocolvecl in Ktook 0&« Of -the fluost assortments of BLANKETS AND ROBES Iq the market and can f%Tor yon witli any requireaieuts you will Deed In that Hnoj Also a large contUnment of Imltaklou PERSIAN LAMB COATS. Wobarci a flue collootion of ooate to to select from. All Sold at Lowet Livins Prices lAT I^. Bl O O R C i /V\UST BE SOLD TiiG balance of our winter etock has to be sold ai ouoo, and to do this we realize that price ia tlie oulj way to dispose of it so LOOK OUT FOR BARGAINS Never iiave yon had the chance ofTored to you before. Look down this list and then oome and make your purchases. Ladies' High OvcrHhoM,r«g 91.76 now f 1 36 8 pra.unly Men's ICant Krack rub- > - l>ors #3 50, i.o«r , 3 00 li paira only Men's 6 in. top Kant Krack rubbt-rs, rt)){. 93,now . . 2 50 3 pairt IxiyHone-buckla rubber,rrg 81.65,nnw 1 35 \ doz pairs heavy sox, r«g 70o,now 60 â- li At)* (latrs hoikvy soi. rFK60c,noir 45 Men's Ugg'n^s frum $1.26 tn 8 00* Uua doz •uitH underwear, all void • re« $l.ti0 now 130 One doz Suits Uudarirear, un- shrinkable 90o, now 75 * 4>(ie dux suits deece lined, rrg SK)o, . -•• flow 75 7Mo dos Wo >l fleeced, teg 91.50 m« 1 16 H Indies tur ruffa.reK 92.76,auw. . . 8 25 .'} fur caps, rei; $2 50, now 2 00 8 fur capo, ree 3 00, now 8 50 DO NOT MT.SS THIS OHANCK WHILE IT LASTS J * Re Kinnear & Sons .... MAXWKLL .... Your doctor will tell you that thin, pale, wcaK, nervous chil- dren become strong and well by taking Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Small doses, for a few days. Sarsaparilla The change ls«very prompt and very mar^ed. Ask your doctor why ft is. He has our formula and will explain. "Wlicn 13 yoani old. for many month* no one ttumiiht I »:onM live liBc^ukeof Ihln blooil. Hut. In a ffw weeks, Afor's Sursnparllla cora- pleteW restored mo to health." Mas. E. BuuKMiHSTBu, VluiUal, 24. J. j,c. ATsnco.. I.owelK Mssf. Biliousness, constipation prevent re- covery. Cure these with Ayor'o Pill». 1 horoughbred Durham Bull for Service Cord minto, 2^06$* ^ The undereifjnod lias a fine aged Durham Bull tor aervico on lot HI, T. and K. H. Termsâ€" $1 for (.'rade cowa, S3 for thorough- broda. I'edigreo on application JACOB LKVBll Floshotton P.Q BUSINE.SS Cards H/fcuLiiOUGn * youKG *"• Hanker Markdalo Oo a RoQoral banking buBinesB. M^jney loaned a roaaoaable rate Cull on us. RJ SI'BOUIiE Fuatmaator, Floahorton i,o!iimis8ioner in H. C. .1., Auctioneer Con voyancer. AppralBor and Money Lender Real Katato and Insuranco Agent. Deeds mortgaaoa, loasoa and wilU carefully drawn up and valuatiuna made'on ehortest nntico. money to loan at lowoat rates of intereat. Col o'Jtloiia attended to with promptneaa charnea low. Agent for Ocean Dominion S-aamahip Company. A call aolielted. The Standing Rock. Societies AO T7 W meets oii ttia last Monday in oacn tnontli, in. thsir lodge room. Chriatoe'a block. Kleaberton. at 8 p.m. M.AV., A. Hai riaon ; Uecorder, Jaa. Folsteud j Finau- ciur, W.J. Bellamy. Visiting bretbrcD lUTitod. PKINCE ARTHTK LODaB, No. »8S, A. A U. meets in the Masonic hall. Strain's block, FleshLrtou, every Friday on or before the full mocn. P U VV Uickling WM. Chaa Munsbaw, Becrotary. poUhT PLERHERTON, I. O. T. meots In ^ ('hrUtoe'a lilook the last Friday evening each month. VisltinR Foreateia heartily Tslcomo. C. K.. C. W, Ilellamy ; K. O., W. it'.ukin ; Fin. tieR.,l)r K. Murray. ( I'ny dues to Dr. Murray on or before lait day of each month.) Medical DR CARTRR M U P & H Ont. Physician, Rnrgeon, etc UIHea and roaidenceâ€" I'oter at., Flealiorton DB. SCOTT, M. n., Maiwell. Ont. 11. M. HBID, M.D.C.M,, Hhvaioian.i.Surcflou and Accoucheur, late of N. Y. Postgrad. Medical School. N. Y. I.yi.ig-in Hospital aud St. Luke's (ieueral Ilospiial, Uttawb JP OTTEWELIi Veterinary Burgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, rcaidenoe -^ aaooiid door south went on .liary street. Thia street . rUHS s^iuth Preabyterlau Charcb. H WILSON, r.lacksmith â- Jraduate of tha Veterinary Hdenoe Aasooiation. Uesidanoe, Durham Ureet, op- posite Uoyd, Uickliug's hardware. Legal J. W. FROST, L L. B. Barrister, Rnlloitor Uonveyancer. ela ofBoo â€" Next to poatofnoe, Epronle's block F:iihortoii, every Thursds aud, court daya N Bâ€" Owen Round offloo, Frost* blook Poulett street east. LUCAR. WBIOHT & MoABDr.H llacristera Bolicitora Coiiveyanoers, etc Offleeaâ€" 0w»n Sound. Ont and MarkdaleOnt. W H Whiout, MoAhdlb I II I.dcas N Bâ€" Fleshsrton oflloa, MItebell's Bank •verjr Saturday. F. Birch, TVodehtnue, in Archceoloyical Jieportfor 1903 OOHiCXUDED FBOM LAST WIKK Some 25 years ai;u I was informed by a farmer that where he had built bia house and cleared his garden patch, had once stood ail 'Indian village. He described hovt the lodges must have stood in a circle by the position of tlie bcdsof a.ihe8 which he found here and there, and the ashts were ducp Ho snoke also of 'finding tomahanks, pipes, bones, pottery, etc, all of which information adbrded ma much pleasnre, but I could nut find time juHt then to investigate, and 'I little thought that I should ever be back to tha same place, rut it is always the unex- pected that happcna. Going down the mountain road a short distance, I turned into a byway leading olT to my ri<!ht, and going in an easterly direction. A few minutes walk took me to a furinhou.<ie belonging to a family by the name of Ilaney. I found them a very friendly people who received me kindly and soon made me feel at ease. In inter- viewinc; tliein I was much disappointed at tirst. I Could nut glc.iii any tidiiu(9 of my friend Smith, but after chatting some lime, suddenly Mrs. Haney ri-mcni tiered that a Thonias Smith had once lived there, but had since died. That was all I waiiteh to know. After that all was smooth .sailing. I was on lot 14^ con. 2, Oollingwood, rfwned by Samuel Jianey, the vory-p\ace I was soarrhin^ for. The village site is at the north end of the lot, and ai the Houth end the rocks stand out in bold relief' The villag* hud stood on slij^htly rollinn ground, just enough so for sanitary purposes ; it hiid an easterly exposure, and was on the wett bank of a brook whose sprini; came from the rocks above. Miss liiilicy took mo to seareli for "relics." The potato ^patch where we went, just noith of the house, had been harvested, so that the ground was nice and clean. I counted four middens in this patch and near 'the bank of the little stream ; each, of ihcm I should judae would be twelve feet square, and a foot deep or more, and were n;)rth of the village on lower gloubd. With the spade 1 happened to turn up some ot the sub- soil, and behold there was " Paint with which they were wont to daub their faces." The clay was rich in oxi^le of iron, and with a mixture of .grc.^Be would answer the purpose quite well. Miss Haney said, "anything you find you are quite welcome to"; we have given away a grtat number of pipes to visitors." I thanked her, and strange to say the young lady in a few ininutes handed me an excMlent pipe picked up at my feet and which I had passed unnotioed. It was of limestone and bad a reptile carved in bold relief upon it. It was steniless and had holes' bored through the bottorti for a string, perfect in all but, iho head of the reptile, which wa.<'' broken otf. 1 found several pieces of broken pottery ; two bears' tusks, a portion of a human skull and a piece of iron abou!> fine inches inches long and two inches wide, sharp, ened ut one end for skinning or scalping, perhaps it was a piece of a French sword blade. This goes to pfuve that they were in touch with the French. Mii<s Hanoy als.i informed me she had found a ({uan- tity of Inrce beads, about 109 yards north of the village, but unfortunately they had been either lost or stolen. I attach great importance to these beads. I think probably they, belong to a priest's rosary, I noticed one thing in particulsr when I left homo, namely, that everything had been cut down dy the frost, while here, â- on lot 11, con. 2, all was fresh and green, no sign of frosD whatever. Half pas't four.B.ni. camo all too soon, and it was with a shght twinge of 'disappointment that I found my holiday at the Blue Mountains of CoUiniiwood had ended, but I loft with the satisfaction that my ex- ploration of St. Malhiaa had been suc- cessful, still I cannot prove that 1 am right, but my reason for writing this article ia simply this â€" believing that Blither Jj>nea has made a alight mistake of live inilvM in spile of all his elaborate caloulatioiiH, owing to the misty docu- ments written by the old French chron- iclers whu have got things a little mized. I would like if possible to make them right as tar as my knowledge goes, antlTto help to lind the spot and perpetuate the fame of th'jHe brave, iiobleheaitud, nelf- denying niiHsiunsries whq sacrificed their lives for the good of the cause they rep- resented. The Su.uling Kuck would have remained a mysttiry but for the labors of Father Jones, as well as for hie very exhaustive and ':liaruiingly written xmay in the Archtuubtgical Keport for 1902. MACKAVASAMPSON .Barrlaters. •ollcltors. CFPlCltH :â€" Owan Hounil, Merchant's Hank Block, N. M PKttarson House. Lnndalk atn Street, every Saturday. Uonnv^o loan at 4) per cent. A.O. M.\CKaY.U.A., n.li.l>AMrsO!<,T..I..D Alwava In attendanee at Flesherton an4 Dnudalk DlTlsionConrti. ^ Dentistry DB. B C. MURRAY. I.. D. ft. dental antgcon honor Kradtiate of Toronto llnlvMrslty and Roval CollaKe of Of ntal fl;irf{f*oiia of Ontario. Oftlreâ€" Opposite ArmatrnnK** Jawellory Rtol-a Will Tialt Maxwrll thn last Wa'diiosday »t oaeb month, and Oandalk 1 apd jl Th«rc4ay ia easti u.o. An EfficIentTreatment for Catarrh Will first destroy the uernia that excite the 'Jiseuse. Then there are numberlitss More spoc« in tht< mucous niembrant. to be healed, Everv re<piirenient of a (lerfect cure for catarrh is lodnd in fragiant heal- ing Oatarrhozone which not only instantly kills the germs but rest/ores the diseased membranes to a normal condition and {)reTrnts the relapse whic)i ia sure to fnt- ow the Tse of <irdiiiary remedies. Oat- arrhozone is a Hcieiitific cun^ for catarrh that relievea <piicker, ia ;^innre pleasant, most certain tocure than fcny other known remedy. Failure is iinpiwtilde, lastinii cure is guaran'eed. Use only Oslarilin- â- nne. Two m'Miths' treatment 9' ; trial 25c. Get it lo-day. . . » â-  â-  a Mr. George Spencer, the venerable police magistrate of Owen Sound, Cilebiat- ed his 81st birthday on Monday, March 2lMt. Mr. ^|iencer has held the office of police msKistrnte since 1875, but prpvious tu tl at thne had sat on the bench ns a ju"itioe of the peace on a great ninnv o:- ca-tions aiqce )>â- > (ippointaiept in 1859. HEADACHE. Headache that Is con- gesUvt. Ueadoche that U 10- loaa. , Headache that ti neu- ralgtc. Ilcadacbe that is aer- . vous. These couditioxs are overcome by the use et Dr. Leonhardfa Autl-Pi:r through removing the cause. Those who have peri- odical epella of hcadaclic. aaaoctsted wtUi mslan' choljr, uerrcme dcbiilty, we«»^ess of tfembllng of tlio inuaclca, or tnsoin''' nla, ehonU follow np ilia use of Autl-Pill once of tirlce- a weeU for a ieW '* weeks after the trouble , has entirely Taoisbed. iitP'' eeuts ot (Iragglsts, or by nddrcssing WlLSON-lfTLB Co., Niagara Falls, Ont, Free sample to any ad- dress. ANTf-FII^L, Chaa. Wilnon of Whittington was fer- ociously attacked by a b'jil and almost killed, while leadiii({ the aniinul In water by a .stick attached to a liiiK in the nose. Mr. Wilson, who is a very strong man, kept the bull partly controlled by holding onto the nog,hut wan about overcome when the dug appeared on the scene, and so took up llie bull's nUinliou that Mr Wilson managed to escape. Dr. Kooney, who wassailed, found Mr. Wjlaoil badly hurt. A Congregational minister at Totten- ham has hit upon a novel device for rsia- .ng funds to cover the cost of repairing the building. OutsiHe the main entrance to tho church aboard is displayed, setting lorth the details of the aripeal, and hy its aide, ailixed to the wall of the edifice, is a 10 foijt therinnmeter, which registers in thousands. Twenty-four tliousaiiil is the highest point of which tha "mercury" can rise, aud this represents the number of pennies required lo enable the work to be proceeded with. At preseat the financial temperature ia "9,000." Transacting Business . . . It is impossible lo go through life without soiue EudiiB.s.s Ti-ausactions, To siinplfy such matters and niaku them profitable you should have » BuaineiS Kducatiun suoh as is giveu at the C A. Fleming, . Principal OWEN SOUND, ONT. _s Spring Term begins April 4th, 1904 ^r«^gi$^i^«:^ The majority of tnen ha7s Tarkocole (a tha flrot, secos j or third sta^ e. In the earlyaiaffaa it niayciuaejiianyejr.ijtoraa which the patient lasy not recop- nize as atkiu^ from Ihladlseass. In iact, va kava l^ave (oarid on examinatioa, â- v&iicoceis, preacut in bundrcda of caaes whcrs the fatient di<3L not know he had it at alt. lu time it ^iU produce anchsyiu' turns oaihafollowinc-; Kervousneas, weakness in the back, uns.cady llniba, tiicd aud exhausted feclTagr, pains ia the loins, irritation of the bladder and kiineyn, s3di.Ticnt and 1 .ss in urine, emlssioas at oig-htTvith lewtl dreams, eexuat wcaknoco and decline of maulr power â€" theae BTtaptoms gradually dcTcloij Into NERVOUS DEBILITY and lMPOTS;SCY. Our NEW MKTUOO TtfiATMSNT WILt, FOSITIVELT CURE YOU AND IT la GUARANTEED TO CUKB YOU WITilOUT OPICRATIOS. Thronirh Its vltaliilug' inflaence tho wormy Tciaa rci-ar« to their noraial caliber, tho clr- cnlation of bleed improyf s so the ur^ana are properly contished, aad are restored to strength and vipor; the nerves become atrong-, ambition and cncrjjy replace lassltadeaad despondency, alS drains cea^^e, tbe eyes becomo bri;;Ut, the brain active, and yon feel as a uiaa oaGrbt to feel in perfect se;tsalaud mcatal coadiUoa. SVa Saspasafes Ho €s3s^ qp Mg Ps^a All cases we accept for treatment are tatcn tsadsr a positive pnarantee that theyarecnrablQor m> pay. V7a refer yoa to sevcr^il banks as tu oar financial responsibility, so you may kno\r wa are guo4.for any coatracts vre make. ^S'/HSflJlrif'^Sja^''"''""'''^*''^' Earo yoa lost hope? Are tou coatemplatin^ â-  aC»taei»v^ar~ martiage? Qasyottr Rloi.d be<a diseaaad? Have yoa any weak- ness? Our New Melbr>d Treatment will cure yoa. \? hat it has Uon« for others It will do for yon. CONSULTATION FI;EE. No matter who baa U-aated vou, write for aa honest opinion Free of Ch&rije. Charges rcasoaalsie. BOOKS FREEâ€" "The Golden Monitor" (llUs:rated),oa Dleeascaof Men. Bvorythin? coalideatial. Question list and cost of Ticatmsnt, FSBB. for Bonie Tccataient. i4B SSssSk^ g2^3Ii ^.^;ffi^s^fl;t^^;^l^^>!!s^.1 ^.^â- fe5;&^$-:€^tr^.€'.&&&€;^'&^&^-$^^:^^ m ^ Buggies, Wagons, ^ . . Harness . . iii and Bargains in : ii : : 'iii iii f ft * BICYCJL.£:S a,t! I T>. McXAVISH For First Cla.<»« Buggies, Carts, Plca.sure and Lumber Wagona, cutters, Sleighs. Wt keep a stock on hand tu choose from. - ALSO HORSE SHOBINQ AND GENERAL BLACKSMITHINO and suarantoe fhlt elass work. We keep on hand Ploughs and Plough rejwirs, and also Massey- Harns and N^xon repairs for binders, Mowers, til kinds of inaohiiiory, also Binder Twine on hand. » Olbcn in town dive u$ a call • *

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