Flesherton Advance, 21 Apr 1904, p. 3

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( I WST ONE MORJll . MECT nm THAT DODD'S KIDNEY PILl-S CTTEE PROMPTLY AND PERMANENTLY. All Forma and Stages of Kidney Disease â€" New Brunswick Man Tells of Terrible Tfrinary Com- plaint Banished Once and for All. St. Mary's Ferry, York Co.. N.B., April 25.â€" (Special)â€" Thomas Harri- son, a well-known resident of this place adds his testimony to that of Ihe thousands who have proved that ItoiJJ's Kidney Pilla cure promptly and permanently any form or stage of Kidney Disease. Mr. Uarrison says: "Some years ago T began to sufTer fro:n pain in the back, accompanied by a lethargy impossible to over- come. I was attondou by a physician but continued to grow worse, and be- gan to pass bloody urine. "On the advice of a friend I .start- ed using Dodd's Kidney Fills, and by the time I had taken one box I passed a stone wliich is now in the doctor's possession. "Three boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills cured me completely, and though it is now years since I was cured I have had no return of my old complaint." Dodd's Kidney Pills cure the Kid- neys, and with soimd Kidneys you need never fear Urinary complaints. -t COULDN'T 'DO WITHOUT HIM. A theatrical company had arrived at an "out-of-tho-wny place" in the Western States and duly occupied the Town Hall and (>ppra House, a kind of bam which also served as a school house in the daytime and a chapel on Sundays. The local musicians were impres.sed into the orchestra, and tlio rr-hearsal commenced. The man who playeoi the fluto was outrageously bad. The manager bit his lips and groaned for a time, but was at last obliged to 'say: 1 "See here, Mr. Fluto-playcr. wp sha'n't Want you." "What's that?" cried the Instrumen- talist. "We must dispense with your ser- vices." "Vou can't." retorted tlje musician. "ff I don't play the fiutc, you can't perform. I'll witluiraw your lic;ns(» I'm the mayor nl this city!" He played Misa Fussanfe.T tiler â€" "There's my triciid, Mrs. Hillier. Shi- moves in the be.st society ' Mrs. Yeast â€" "Yes; I suppose siie finds It cheaper to move than to pay i-ent " Minard's Liniment for sale everptiefe It's bad to use religion as a cloalc or as a circus tent. CHEAP ONE WAY HATES TO THE WEST VIA GUKAT NORTH- EKN RAILWAY. Enective daily during March and April, cheap one way Colonist tick- ets will be issueil irom all stations in Ontario to all points on the Great Northern Ry. in the .States of Mon- tana, Idaho, Washington, and Ore- gon, also all points in British Col- lumbia. On March 1st. 8th. 15, 22nd and 29th, and April 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th. one way .second class tickets will be issued from Chicago to points In North Dakota at greatly reduced rates. Full intoruiation as to time of trains, berth rates in Tourist Sleep- er, also literature on any of the abovo States on application to Chos. W. Graves, District Passenger Agent, 6 King St. West, liooui 12, Toronto, or F. I. Whitney, (ienoral Passenger lAgent. St. Paul, Minn. Mr. FuUalovo : â€" "Do you think your sister will bo down soon, Wil- lie : â€" "Yes. She said she was com- ing down as soon as she could, so as to have it over." PUo Torrow ;»vttapt Away.â€" Dr. Aijnew's Oiiunirnt !UcOs at the head as a reliever. heal<?r, ioJ sure cure for Piles ia all forms. One application will give comfort in a fe-.v niiniUes. and three to six days' applicati.in accwrding to directions will cure chronic case.s. It relieves all itching and buruiig skin diseases in a dajr. 33 cent*.â€" 79 Mias Spoone (a.s they wore saying good night in the doorwaj')- " Vou arc the light of my life." Her Father â€""Put out the light, Helen, and come to bed." The "light" wont out. Saves the Dying Doctor* didr^'t s,l»a Mm. Jamea lonK to livo b\i* Dr. Agcran'a Cura for ths Hoort <o>le'J ih*fn •net CMred h«r Kor fifteen years Mrs. John A. .lamca. of Winrton. Ont.. wan a great sufTorer from Heurt Pisoasc For days at a time sho was confined to bed. and it ficoined :n llioiigh every breath miKht be lier lust- Her nh.vsir.Ian9 natd that 8ho mijrht "drop ofT" any minute With woman s tenacity in autlering. and bo- liovinir that "wh*le there's life thore'^ hope. she starteil u.iing l>r Agnew's Cure fur the Heart. Three bottles cured her. I'hla remtrty roliovca In thirty minutefi and curt»a every form of heart dl.iease and nervou.viu'^^. '2€t Or. Agnsa's I'ver ru's, 40 BoMS Ma. ii^UE'KO 17â€"04 SENTENCE SERMONS. Mercy is never mushy. Itegret cannot uproot wrong. Labor is the salt of our lives. Doubts make a poor refuge from duty. It takes more than a fence to make a garden. A shai^w man usually has his soul in his s&in. There is no clear thinking ap'art from clean living. Mam'a noblest right Is that of giv- ing up his rights. Rest is religion's opportunity for reinvigoratlon. Present character is a prophecy of future condition. Nothing blinds the soul quicker than winking at sin. He who lo.ses no love tor others los- es all life for himself. Respectability may be quite dittor- ent from righteousness. The worst blasphemy is tHat of pro- fession without practice. Platitudes against sin are as harm- Tul as applause for sin. In the divine scales a dime often weighs more than a dollar. No man has any spiritual blessing that ho can keep to himself. No condemnation of wrong is so ellectlve as the commendation of right. The friends we can never lose are the ones wo say wc have lost in death. A man is worth what he takes out of the world, not what he leaves in it. God cannot blot out the past, but he can prevent its blight on the fu- ture. Statk or Ohio. Cm op Toledo. > „ LOUAaCOCNTY. f * Frank J . Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheiicy &. Co.. doins businu.'o In tha City of Toledo. County and Stata afuriisaid and th.at riaid firm will pay tha sum of OHi: HUNDRED DOLLARS for cuch and every case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by tlie use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed la my pre.sonce. this 6th day of December, A. D. 1880. A. W. QLEASON. : ~y.. : Notary Publla Hall's Catarrh Curs Is taken internal- ly, and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials freo. F. J. CHHNEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. 'lake Hall's Family Fills for constlp patioa. t-l "The fasHionablo Mrs. Tjler is ill." "With what':' " "The doctor won't say. He wants to lind out what the prevailing malady in Society is to be this Spring before he commits him- self " Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder is better than other powders, as it is both soap and disinfectant. A rich man wears old clothes bet- cause h» can alTord to and a poor man wears fine clothes because he caa't. For Over Sixty Years Mit.". WiNRLOW's SooTBTSio SVRUP haa boRn nseil bj luillionBOf mothera for tlleir children wiiilo leothiiig. IiaootliesthtichiM, roftens the aiima, al.iiy.<r»in, oiirea wind c^lio, remilatea the Bl.ont«ch and i)i>wel8, and l9 the teat remedy for Dlurrh.ija. Twftnty-fiTe otnta a bottlo Sol'l Ijjdrugciat* Lhroughont Iho world. Be Buro and •Bk tor" Mus. WiwsLow sSooTHisa SyBTrr. " Vi-Oi Won't take things as they come if they belong to other people. inafd's LinliRBiit Cures Oaodfulf. Bachelors are singular fellows and all married men lead double lives. "My Kidneys aro sill Wrong; l How shall I insure best results in thoshort- Sot time ?•" It stands to reason that a liquid specific of the unqucsticnaKe merit cf South American Kidney Cure will go more directly and quickly to the scat of the trouble than tha "pill form" treaimer.i, and when it strikes tho spot thcrs'.'j healing in an instant. â€" 78 Political clubs are used chicfl.v to put opposing- candidates out of bus- iness. 'Dear Sirs. â€" This is to certify that I have been troubled with a lame back for (ifteen years. T have used three bottles of your MlbfAUU'S LINIMKNT and am com- pletely cured. It gives me great pleasure to re- commend it and you ore at liberty to use this in any way to further tho use of your valuable medicine. KOBEUT ROSS. Two Rivers. LirE^AVINC. GLOBKS. Successful trials wore made recently on tho dangerous coast of Jutland with two of the life-saving globes in- vented by Captain Donvig. Tho wind was blowing a heavy gale, with dang- erous breakers on the i-eefs. The flrst globe was filled with ballast equal to the weight of twenty men; the other, in addition to the ballast, contained live persons, including the inventor. The globes fully proved their stabil- ity and seaworthiness. Captain Don- vig's invention is a small, globular vessel about 20 feet in diameter. About twent.v pi^rsons can be seated round it insid^'. The means for ob- tainin.a; air. cvi-n when the vont is tRQed (town, nfo Tvry iBgaalous aad practical. Shirt waists and dainty linen are made delightfully clean and fresh with Sun- light Soap. a Mr. Chumpley â€" "Your father's wine Is the best to be had, Miss Passe." Miss Passeâ€" "Yes; he has had it in his cellar since I was four years old." Mr. Chumpleyâ€" "Ah! I knew it must be very old." inard's Lioiment Relieves Heofalgla The average man either boasts of his good health or howls about his aches and pains. Life's a BurcCenâ€" If the stomach is not right. Is there Nausea? Is there Constipation ? Is the Tonijue Coated ? Are you Light-Headed ? Do you have Sick Headache? Any and all of these danoce Stomach and Liver Disorder. Dr. Agnsw'3 Liver Pills act quickly and will euro mo.st stubborn and chronic cases. 40 n a vial for 10 cents. â€" 77 Barber â€" "How do you want your hair cut?" Hayrakc â€" "OIT." Quid's Liniment Cores Burns, etc Owner of tho House â€" "Here, what are you throwing nails at that dog for? Vvhy do you waste things that way?" Cai'penter â€" "Oh! 1 ain't wast- ing 'em. Don't you fret! You'll lind thorn all in your bill." AUTOMOBILE UNDERWRITERS The Winton Touring Car is appre- ciated by the best Informed because built on correct mechanical princi- ples, of higlicst grade materials. As a prospective automobile purchaser you dare not, in full justice to your- self, take chances on an inferior car. By presenting a car of such imperial merit as is tlic 1901 Winton, we become "automobile luiderwritcrs" â€" insuring you against risk or loss. Have you seen our new catalog ? The Winton Motor Carriage Co Cleveland. O., V. S. A. Represented In the Domlnioa of Canada by THE AUTOMOBILE & SUPPLY CO 79 HtnilSt., E.. Toroalo. Oa(. Sub Ai{eBc<ea In Chief DomlRlaa Cities Dyeing;! Cleaning I For tbe T«ry 6Mt iee4 jvwa work lo tke " IRITItH AMERICAN OTEINa 00." Look for ftc«at lo your towo. or Med Alieea. Montreal. Toronto, Ottawa, Quabwk "Von'vo my seat." sir," snid a man in a train, who had left his place for a moment. "Thero is nothing to show that yon have re- tained this seat." "Look up there. There is my hat-box on the rack over it." "Well, then, you sit up on tho rack if you have retained a <«ent there." U(nn^ ^urAu^ ^iMm/' Oy OM/tv^'^ fi/nxU 'U^'U/ iinM- OyU^^tk/Ud A^^ui^ ^ UTi.^A'nmA , -^Tt^^^t^ o^A/fe/^ Su WORD MAKING. $10 In one prize for tha greatest number of worde. $10 in two fiva dollar prizes for tha naxt longest Hats. $10 in five two dollar prizes for the smaller l!eta. We will pay these prizes for tha best li.sts of English words made out of the three words : " MASSEY - HARRIS WHEELS. " Lett-rs to be used in answers only as many tim?s as they appear In the ibove words. Competition closes May joth. bond in your list to-day. K> NOTE. Tilt Massey. Harris Is nttad wlih the sushian fyameanit Morrow ooaster brakeâ€" the two Imnraveminta that have made bloyeUni: ee famouoly cemilar. r Write for our new " Silver Ribbon " Booklet. ADDRS8S, DEPARTMENT "A" CANADA CYCLE & MOTSS CO., Limited, Toronto Junetlen. IN CALIFORNIA FarmerA* Crops DO THEIR LEVEL BEST because Climate Goes with the Land Winter has much Sunshine and warmth and GROWTH IS CONTINUOUS all the year BOOKS PUBLISflED BY THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC TELLS THE WHOLE STORY, ••The San Joaquin Valley," California for the -j , Settler," "The Land of opportunity," and descriptive matter free off Atents, Colonist Rates^-tr/on"" $33.00 from CMcage Writa lo H. F. C'ARTEK. T. P. A., 75 Youso Street, Toronto. Ont. admirable Food of tha 3 Finest quality and /lav our. ppOQ Finest quality and i\; COCOA Mutritioua and Kci.-Doinical. 4S-21 FOR^ALE. i 1 Buffalo Blower, No. 4, tipright discharge, 9 inch outlet. 1 Btiffalo Blower, No. 5, horizon- tal discharge, 10^ in. outlet. 1 "Earl" Steam Blower. S. FBANK WILSON, 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. Billiard Tables Th« B*st at tti* Lsweat Prica Write for Tvrm* REIO BROS.. M'f's Co.'| i TIS Ktnc ••, W. I . i 32-31 Poultry. Butter, Eggs, Honey, Apples, THE Bftwson Oommission Co,, T. V. ML KINDS Off FRU9T8 And Farm Pro* duca f^enofallyf coii4i§:n it to ua an i we will pet you good pricMb PAGE FEMCES Wear Best n la the fence that has «tood the teat of tine-otanla the heavleei etiaui-iMT«r nts-the otaadard tho world oter. Oxdar tbroisb oor local actaior Olt ftotaoa. au THK PAOB WIMC PBMCE 00. LIMITED. WalkarttU^ MM. Itaatreal. «m. M. Jeka. 1I.B. WlaaljHS. Una.

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