Flesherton Advance, 21 Apr 1904, p. 5

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TflE FLESIIERTON ADVANCE Apr. 21 1904 Methodist Church 9. t. i.wii.£p3i, B 4., u. !>., Paster Moriitii!: â€" "Jusitioiitinn hv Woiks." Mciniiiigâ€" Public Ri^ccpti'in SiTvicp. Ev(uiiij; â€" " I» man a Cri'atui'e i^f Cir- cumst;uicea ?" Vicinity Chips f'i:ir'»<"trristics of tJio Past tVvi-h <':v!-crH!!y 4'(s{ied for the < r.rioHs "â-  ' May !*liowers bring June flowers. The v.-iirm has turned cm the early bird til s year. . Fresh lime always on h^ind. J. 11. Duckut', Eu;,'eiiia' Brick house and d ruble lot f.irside in Fi<sheitr,n. Apply to A. S. VaiiDusen. Money to lo;in at n % on E.irm property â€" expt-Dse low, A. S. VanDu.sen. Boy waited to leiirii Idiicksniiihiri;. Apl'ly to H. WiLson, Flcsht-rt<m. Good RtijQi'mason wtinted. App'y to M. Uille.s).ie, Fleshertim. Brick hou.^e ami large Tot for reiit in FloKhirton. A^lily at this utticc. It will pny anyltody WAiilins; an over- ccjat ti) call at Sheppard's as they Qiust be «vl\. F"T Sale â€" One diiii:.g, ono parlnr, one sswin'.: tabl% cheap foi- cash. Apply at this office W. .J. Douglass & Co. are offering cut ' rate piiccs on tii Id seeds tor famicrs th s week. Just look up their prices un this page. Miss Nettie Perigo of Fcversham was the gue3t of her SL^tcr, Mrs. A. Sleweirt, for a faw days this week. Section foreman John Ti-lford of Or- tmgeville Juncti<.m has been promoted to the Fletherton station. Mr. Thi'inaa Snell has purchasoj the residentiil property owned and occupied by Mr. John Sheppnrd, on Colliuiwood stroet, oppiuite tho Presbyterian church. Four inche3 of sn 'W and a regular mid- winter blizzard on Tuesday is wliat (be free Vut dopeiident citizens of this coun- try had inflicted on them this week. Mr. W. Pat'in delivered a 15 month o'd licifercilf of his own rais iig on Mon- day to Mr. F. W. Nicholson of the 4th Hue. TliJ price paid was §80. At tha weekly mceliog o>f the Molho- dist choir on Friday eveain:^ last, the pastor. Rev. J. S. 1. Wilson, w-asappoint- cd to the choir leadership, replacing Mr. Baridiou.<e, the lately remove<i leader. Miss Clark of Montreal and two Utile dau^h'ers of Prof. Jos. Stafford of Mc- Oill coIImco have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Uttcwell during tlie past week. Tho monthly meeting of Ai-tenieaia Woinau'a Inslituti) will bj hell in their hall on Tuesday, 2Cth inst., tor the pur- {Kise of arranging for their annual meet in;; and the transaction of other businesn. A fu'l attendance is rouqssted. Mr. Samuel Turner will h"id a credit sale of household furniture on Thursday April 28, at 2 o'clock p. ni. Mr. and Mrs. Turner are leavin!» Fleshertnn to reside with a sister of the latter east of Toroiit'i. See bills. R. J. Sproule auc- tioneer. Mr. T. W. Wilson of the planint; mill has enRa^cd the service of Mr. Cioor;,'0 Bower of Woodstck to run tlia business. Mr. l!o-.ver i^ a practicxl mini and wdl diub: less prove satisfactory. Read Mr. Wilson's adt'ertisetuent elsewhere in this issuo. Rev. J. S. I. \Vi!s,Hi of ih«j Methodist church l.)0:;au on Su iday evening what pronn.?es to bo a very interesting s-rics of sermons on tho life i>tJo.srph. The sornl'ti on Sui'day evening dealt with the Belling of Joseph into ciptivity and was foin Genesis 37-10 : "And tliey said to 1 uo another, Ui.huld this dreamer conielh.'' There is ju'-t a bare >«s:.icion arising in the minds of a few that wo in.iy liiive (oni3 suif.M.er th'a year. On what they laso this eonclus on we have noc learned. With plen'y of snow y>t in wiuht we con- fe.^3 the prediorii'n seems diliijnlt to lie- lijvo. The snow storm of this week was enntij^h to give the whole couimuiii'y Cef.bro spinal Bjeu:n.;itis. The Shelbume Economist rece'itly oT.-ied a prize for I he host definition of a kisa. The prize answer was : " An in- cipid and tasteless montel which htconie."* delicious and dolectab'c in pmiiortion aa it iii flavored with love." M R« Annie While of Jeiwopville, who won tho prise with ihi« Rnswer, w evidently a young Uily of Utfa experience aail a coniioiMar in flarorings. If yoa (ioti'i like this climate, go south, young man, go s.uth, Whoru i» the man who scoffed at Kif > line's " Laday of the Stiows i " Mr. Daii.l Dow has purchased fn m Mr. W. A. .Armotr.nL' the lit and reai- di nee where Mr. Tow has been living, and will b<-come a perinan«nt resident of the town. y\n Shoppard invites all the ladies to her millinery open'ng »-o-day where she wiil he I'leasi-d to show a choice lot of snnnner niiliin>-ry. All welcomo. Mrs Thompson, relict of the late Sam- uel Tliompsoii of the west hack li.ie, Aitrnirsii, died at Dondhead on Friday, April 15, aged 60 years. Mrs. Tnomp- son's inaijon name w^iis Kainey. The funeral look place to tho PreKbyttrian cemetery, Markdale. on anivul of rho noon train on Monday of this week. Dm't forget when in need of anything in dry good.", groceries, i"oots & shoos or crockery to call at, Sheppard's where you will uet everything at cost as he does not want to move anythinij aw»y â€" ninety fllays' sale. After Leaj^ue nn Monday evening tho following gentlemen wero appointed as delegates to attend the temperance cor.- veiition beiiisj held in Toronto to-day (Thursday) : From the League, Chas. McMulIen ^ fro^the di-urch, T. Grain- ger ; from tho Sunday school, W. H. Bunt. The pastor will a' tend the con- vention in the capacity of President of E.ist Grey branch of the Alliance. The two alleged bank burglars, who are in Owen Sound jail, appeared bafore the county judge last week, pleaded Not guilty and elected to be tried by a jury. Tho man who gave hia name aa J>hn Murphy has been idenliBed by the Ham- ilton police as John Swiiiton, whose par- ents reside in Hamilton. The police say they have HO reason to believe that the uthur man, Nauijhton, gave a fictitious name. Last Thursday at the regular monthly meeting of the W. M. S. of the Meih - dst church an Faster proifrain was ren- d3red. The Easter thankoffering was also taken. Mt«. W. \V. Tiim'le was elected to attend the branch meeting to be behl ia T<.ronto on May 25, 26 and 27. The pastor, Rev. J.S.I. Wilson, who is an honorary member of the society, addrts-^ed the meeting, taking as his subject, " Women who have done some- thing for the cause nf Christ." He first cited some Bi'ole characters, then passed on to more modern times, nQentionini! the heroic labors ot Mrs. Judsun of Burinah, and others. At tlie c'ose of the litrra»-y part a dainty lunch was served o all present and while wo were pleased to see a number of visitors we restretted th\t there were not more present, as all pro- nounced it a very enjoyable affair. â€" CoM Fire ! Fire ! Fire ! McFarland, Stafford & Co., Markdale, wish to announce that they attended thti big Salvage sale of tho T. Loni; & Brip. Limited, stock, which was damaged by Breaud sold by auciion last week in To- ronto' Many lines of slightly dan aied goods were scoured at GitEAT CAitciass, which will bo marked off tn a fjw da s and put I'O our counteis for quick sale. Watch for furtl-er announc. nn'ots Li.e-. â€"McFarland, Stafford i Co. Traitoâ€" Campaign Tho Chicago Daily Sun of March 31 says : A pret'y home wedding took place l.ist nigh', at tlie residence of iilr. and Mrs. J. H. Ca-upaigne, 48.)-t Uuicm ave., when their dau...!htor,LMith L.,wa.s united i:i niani.ig.j lo Mr. Goirgo C. Traito. Itev. WilUid H. Robinson, past r of thtf Kir-t P.c.shyterian church, of Englew.iod, offiotnted. Prom;itly at 6 o'clock tho brid d ooup'e and the attendants look ihoirplacea uiult-r a beautiful canopy of lliivers an I a bell of rose*. Tht In-ido wore while crppe do chine over white s*lk, and hi-r attendant, Misj Paiiay Traito, was g-nvacJ ia pah? lavender over white si!!t. Mr Soth Swift was 'est tii-.u. Tho widiin^ diinior was .s.>rvel .it S.IO nV-!;«ck and attende^i by m.iiiy f 1 it-nds and relatives of tho bii.le and groom. Th'j wcMlding pi-e^eots were many mid beautiful. Both the briJc and groom ur.i popular in church and society work and are uioaibers of the Tenth Presbyterian church. After a nion'h's trip throuxh O.mada they will retain to Chicago and make their borne here. Conductor Lavclle of the Durhain- Palmersion Grand Trunli line was senten- ced $5 and cosrs for asMult on a pasaen- Rer. Proct«din(^ ar« being taken to have a M« rvMrr^ Mg««d twfor* th* Bigk Court regarding the conviction of Col. Gray, Frank Gray, Thos. Kerr, Samuel Thnmpoon and Atraham Cahoon. A wisjotous attempt will ho made to hare the convictii us quaal-.ed, Mr. Ganiey of Mnnitoulin is up against it now. The srander :ictior.s hrouuht by J. M. McEvoy of London against Robert Giniey, M. P. P , and Organizer Wiii-ht of the Conservative party, will be tried at ihe Middlfse.i Fall Assizes in Septen.- her. Mr. McEvoy was recently given two weeks to have separate writs issued, the defendants clainiiria that their cases W(iuld be prejudici-d if they were tried jointly. Mr. McEvoy must also state which case he de.'-ires to go on trial first, fie deeded to proceed agaiimt Gainey bijfore Wright. The writ a^inst the latter will be i.S3Ued immediately. Both actions arise out of statements made in the Muskoka campaign. Here i.s a timely schoolboy's composi- tion on winter ; " Winter ia the coldest sea.-on of ihe year, because it comes mosily iu the winter. In some countries winter comes in the summer, then it isn't so worse. I wish winturcamein summer in FIcsherton, then we could no tkating barefooted and make snowballs without getting our fingers froze. When it saows in summer they call it rain." A schoolboy in Jewtll City was assigned to prepare an ess.ay on the subject of "Ducks," and this is what lie wrote. "The duck ig a low, heavyset bird, com- posed mostly uf meat and feathers. He ia a mighty poor singer, having a hoarse voice caused by getting -so many frogs in his neck. He likes the water, and carries a toy balloon in his stomach lo keep him from sinking. The du;;k has only two legs, and they are set so far back ou his runninsj gears by nature tliat she came purty near missing his body. Some ducks when they geojold has curls on their tails, and are called drakes. Drakes don't have to set or hatch, but just lloat 2o swiniming, and eat. It I was to be a duck I'd rather be a drake every time. â€" Kansas City star. TloronglM Mlm Ball CIFSY LAD - - NO. 38916 Will stand for ihe sorvica ot cowa for the year 1804. TKKMSâ€" $1.60rBrcow, payable on tlio 1st of Febriiarv, iy05. Thttrougllbi ed cows ;54* No coVfS taken aftor. being aervud witb another bull (luring tho Aoasiou, ft'HiLtAil P.iTON, Pi-op. BULL EQR SGRYICE The Tboro:i«hbr«d Durhatn Bull " Emperor'* will be for servicfton !ofc l.oG, E. L. aud S. K.. Artemesia. Ternia $1. Any cow not returnod ^lll be charcod for whfltlier iu oall or not. ruiil^roe ou applieation. K. McGRUTHER, Prop. Bulls for Service PofligroBd Shortliorn bull "Flcsbcrton Chief" for service on lot 140, cod. y N. F.. T. & S. K., .irtetuoBia. .\lsoathoruui;})bro<l Jarsov Hull. ToruiB *1. J..kOOb THOMPSON. Bull for Service Sliort Horn Bull, Johnuy Canuck No "WTSe, is for Hervico on Lot 109 Ut coi». N. E.. T. & S. It.. Artouiesi*. Teiiusof survieo $1. PodiKfuo cu applictttioQ. GEOllGB JUHNbON. Farm for Sale BeiPftLot 10:^ttW4 North Fast of Toronto & SytlHnhnni roat'. contaipiirs l.')*2 acres, 00 unrler cuitivafciort. in splcmdij eooflition for crop, free of ^toiiP, well feiicffl aud wattn-Hd. frpo of wild W(«0(i3, liAvioR orclianl and snaall fruits. Good barn with trai:k and othor out buihiine". "om- fortahlo hou^**., M '.ni e» from Proton, in Taylor sattk-uienL Ap»dv t;n W. J. aULLIW, Proton Station- WALL PAPERS r. Trycn» Priocvillo, biifs nnt i.i a ootHp'ot** «UH'k of iMtest pattr'rn»* i/i T»nil|mpflrp. Tho finest assortiTTrni. I'vrr h.-onght in. WIH sub- n)'t snni;»lfcR *o i»nipoct)Vt> » urfhji«or3. Hiiug iL^g piciiiiii.;y n-iid satiafHctorily done. Farm to Rent. 112 noroB. fiO ap;*o>» oJeoiTd ittid U'')":* cultiva- tion. CiOo"! fr«nn> hoime.Uvz harti.woiiwatertd. a iiilk'S from Klf'slu'rton. A pplv to \v. n. H.iLES, I Ijshorton P. O. lin?. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The [daoe tn iict tlie best Photos is at Hl-LMKliS Pi:0T(.K5R.\PH U.^LLKKY. ^ywgr.c;?::?!fe^ji::r^?:?r<r^^ SPECIAL ATTENTION WV pay Special Attention to Copvinn nnd r>.»biis' pictures. I'i.turo fram- ing a specialty. I n i I % '=( : I 4. Eeaving TIesliertoti Having purchased a prcpeity in TcrcntoJunct- ion for the purpose ofsturtinga large dry gcod.s store, we have decided to leave Flesherton, and while the coutractor.s are getting tho place ready for us we in tend to hold a thorough dlcaHttg Sa!(J for the next ninety days. We are getting ready and -will start the big sale on â-  -â- :-.' Monday, the 18th of April and you can depend everything must go, we don't Avant to raove anything and as we are going to handle nothing but dry goods all our groceries, Boots & Shoes, Crockery, wall papers and readymade clothing must be cleared, as we have no further use for them. • - â-  B Not having any idea of leaving, we bought all our .spring supply and our stock is very complete in all lines, so that you can depend on buying all the new goods at big reductions. The goods will be sold for cash or produce but no credit can be given . ^^^illiner^ sporting Mrs. Sheppard will hold her millinery opening on rrednesda^ and C/Aursiiui/, -^Xpfil 20 and 2/, to which we invite all the Ladies of Flesherton and surrounding country, our millinery is far superior to anything we have ever shown so it will pay every Lady to call and inspect. - T. J. SHEPPARD Sproule's Block Flesherton ^J^^!:^^^^:^^^'^!^^::^^:^!^^^^^^:^:^:^^^'^^^^^^^^^!^^^'. i .'^^ W. J. Douglass ' MEDICAL HALL Flesherton Offers Seed at the following Special Prices until April 2Sth. - • RED CLOVER $5 75 PER BUSH- MAMMOTH CLOVER 5 85 ALSIKE CLOVER 5 50 ' " . . TIMOTHY SEED 1 75 ESSEX SOWING RAPE 5c PER LiB. STEELE, BRIGGS.GIANTSUGAR BEET 20c STEEL, BUIGGS JUMBO SWEDE TURNIP . . 20e « eEvpiylliiiip; slricLly tirstclass iu qnality. Letter Oicicis reetive prompt attention. ^^ tS'Watcli this spnoe next week for fnrteer (jnotatio 113. j.'& »t- .J'^ <'<- ^i^&. -^''' £'k. Sfi ^'A •*"• •-V5' ^%^"siM&:^ ^iMi^'?::5I4 i''& â- ^yiilf' £!^-^ iV^ •''^ w ll*" ~w vi? '.V^^iV? ^1? ~ii^ W" 'fl? VI? '<iV W ^'<? ~/i?Vi? vi\- w ?iv fiv "5j4' Vi? ^? â- St^ '^? "Si? â- Â»!»â- - aiiway upening Try un for any kind of picture* »nd we w;ll promise sat isfitction. M We fuily expect tluit the blockade is now ovoi- and that freight fraius will be runn- ing rogularlv this week. Wo HavG Aboui a Train Load To come on coraprised of Drugs, Patent Metlieines. Faney Goods, Stationery, Oil- cako, Feeding Stuffs, Clover Seed,- Hi Boxes Garden Seeds, Turnip, Mangel, Beet, Rape, eanot, and all kinds of field ami ixarden st'e<ls of the be^t quality. eall early, UID^n the Stock i$Fu1K Any special seed of any kind you rrnny want we will get them foV you by return mail. I W. E. RICHARDSON & SON |

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