Flesherton Advance, 28 Apr 1904, p. 4

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.4 Apr 28 1004 w -jumuim t PflSHWII-HWH THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^Ab-vyVvVWWV W^WVW^^'l F, T. HILL & CO. I The B!G FIRE IN COLLINGWOOD ! A .fiiw wobka iigo till) iminonie Dry GoikU cBtablisliiiiciit of T. Lonij & BroLlier, Culliiigwood, was tlcstroyed by iiirei Tlie Kalviiije of this Hlock wliicli WHS (liiiunyoii, pniicipally by wiiter, was S'ddat auo.ioii in Toronto by iha lin; uiidurwiittirfl, and as wa were aiiiuiig the lai';;o&t purulmsurs, we liavu in cuusebuenco uecured sumo of the Most Sensational Bargains we Have Ever Been Able To Offer ! lliRd tlio followiii'i lisl carefullyâ€" the goods reprBsetitetl are nil on sale nowâ€" and many other liuus which lack of B[iHCU forbids us muutioiiing : »2.25 PER YARD MENS WORSTED SCITINGS FOR. «1.00 50 yards Mod's Fancy Worsted Suiting, 5(i inchos wide. This cloth is slightly soiled on the wrong side, but without ii uiuik on the right sideâ€" a beautiful, nice pattern, hiwh class goods. Per yard, double fold $1.00 LADIES' RAIN COATS AT ABOUT HALF PRICE N«arly 50 Ladies' Rain Coats, fine woil fabrics, rain ijmofed, this season's newest good.s, and a serviceable gar" nieiit for any season of the year. Every g.irment at imictiually HALF PRICE 12.^ AND 15 CENT FANCY MUSLINS AT 7^ CENTS 1500 yards Fancy Muslins, newest patterns and colors that are absolutely fast. These goods are perfect in every respect, of line quality, beautiful silky finish, and present a buying npp'.rtur.ity rarely met with. Per yard for your choice yio 12k MOLESKINS, COTTONADES AND SHIRTINGS FOR 9o Wo li.'ive a good big stock of these and the only damage sustained IS by cle.-in, freshwater. Tou can_ hare your choice for only , Qo Men's Top Shirts 38c. 72 Men's g.)()d-«earinc Summer Top Sliirls, slightly Riiilod, buL.not a particle the worse for wear. Kegular 50 to 75o, your choice only 38 Misses' arid Cl^iildreri's Faricy Hose 5c. .\bout 10 d'lZi-n Fancy Hose for Misses and Children â€" the kind that are sold everywhere at 15 to 25o, your choice while tlioy last 5 Wool DeLairies and Fancy Yestings 15c. Thi'^e goods nw in light and dark colors, slightly soiled, but as tile colds are perfectly fast they can be laiin- dried as good as new. The regular price has been up to 50!;, yfiur choice now for oidy I5 2 Pair Caslirqere Hose for 25c. 12 duz. paiis Girls Cashmere Hose in sizes 7i and 8, These are pure all-wool perfect goods, 2 pr. 25 Siik Velvets, Fancy Velvets, Velvettas 1 9c. 500 yards of these elegant goods, only a few of which are even ni:uked There ia a splendid assorlnient of colors in goods that are worth 50e to 1.00 per yard. For a iiuiek clearance we have marked then all at thii ridiculously low price per yard 19 Fancy SilKsfor 38c, 75 to $1.00 Fancy Silks in a splendid assortment of Btri|)es, cheeks, etc. These are all perfect Moods and make excellent Dress Trimmings or Shirt WaisUs. \\ e have marked every pieco at a price which will clear the lot in a few days. Selling at per yard only 38 10 dozen Ladies' S.unplo BlousfB in white and colors, perfect goods, worth 1.00 to 1 26 each. Olearin;; for only 50 7 dozen L^dios' Sample Blouses, assorted sizes and ijualities, regular 50c. to 75c , now only 25 Flannelette and Cotton Embroidery. 27 pieces line ilaunelette and Cotton En-broidery. Bli^htly boiled with water, ipialities that have sold up to 8g per yard, clearing at only 3 75c Dainaged Wtndo\s^ Sliades for 25 150 Window shades on rollers, lace trimmed, most are only slightly damaged a few inches on the bottom end. All colors, your choice only and the 25 50c to 60c Lace Curtains 25c perpair 25 pairs Lace Curtains, slightly soiled, 2J, 2J and 3 yards, clearing at per pair 25 100 yards 40 inch Apron Gingham, damagod^by water, 10c for only *" 5 CARPETSI CARPETS! 11 pieces Velvet, Tapestry and Unir>n Carpets. Some are soded by water only, and the balance are without a mark. These are all excellent goods and present a buying opportunity seldom met with. Every yard at diacDunts of 25 to 33^ per cent. Every Day prices in Groceries Jersey Cream Y'east Cake, 2 pkgs. for 5 Prunes, choice and fresh, 4 pounds for 25 Figs, select and sionul, 33 lbs. for 60 Corn, best in thu market, per tin 9 Peis, none better, per tin 9 Toniatoes, freshest to be had, per tin 9 Tapioca, best quality, 7 pounds for 25 Currants, steuimed and cleaned, 4 pounds for 25 Corn Starch, 4 packaues for ,ji) 2."> Granulated Sugar,23 pounds for **â- â€¢,' -J. On â-  •-, * r rf "Won\en's Stioes for 78c ' We place on sale this week a table of Women's Lace and IJutton Shoes, also tine Oxfords and SI ppers. In this lot are some particularly good tood.s, some harin? previously been priced as high as $3.00. Every i,air will now be sold at eajh ygg We are now ready for the very biggest kind of bu.siness and have without exception the best values you'll find anywhere. i^'\m^ MARKDALE WWW?}^ The old elevator at Midland was struck I I>y lightning and burned. During the ' f.fc L F. Treniblny was struck by a fall- ing timber and fatiilly injured. Two inati, Thoi. Mclauglilan and Thos Jitanford, were probably fatally hurk by •the explosion of a signal rocket at Colling- woud. Two or throe other* were injured, liut not seriously. .lohii Miller,McTntyrr,lirought up from (luelph an imported mare, tlmt was ^ prize winner at the Toronto and L<H>don exhitiit ons and also in the old coun'ry be- fine coming ouf She was sired l)y th* celebrated horse, Uaron's Pride, and co,-i Mr. Miller 8800â€" Creeniore Star. Horses appaar to be bringing a Koud j)rico down in Simcoo county. Herb iiroNs of t'recniore paid ?150 for a work- iu'j nntre. John MilUap sold a chestnui tea n at Creemoro for J.'iJO, and James Miller als.i add a farm team for 9340, ami i'etur Flem:nin;', Snniiilalo, purchased a y.)Ung team for ?3.i0. A strange thing about tln^ Ittlter i)urchase was that Mr. Flcmniini} gave his now imrchaso a d*se iif macicinc which ho thought would d.-i 1 ho 11 good, but hid the oiii),isi:rt olleet, both dying after treatmo t. The Indian reserve at Cape Croker con - taias ncaily 10,000 acres, about C07 of which is good for cultivation. At the Capo there lias been 17 births during the past year and only nine deaths, so the Indians are not dying out here. The number of families who work their hold- •4 g« is 3). On account of higli wagei the Indians are found enRaged in â- 4wmills, loading TosseU and rafting. The Indians catch etory year about $4000 worth of ti*h. There ara throe schools on the re- H«rfe »nd the ichuol buildings are in good firdar. There am two Urga ohurcbM, tb* ^ llethiwliet and Roman Oathoha ; the i f •rmer has 337 roerobar* and adherents t an I »ho latter 128 ; there are al»3 fifteen laeiulior* ot th« Church of Eug'and. J^ ^^tninber of ^i* Indiana (nnoh not, tasta ^'V'Xt »Mwdl« liol, but oeeaaionallr • >^«1 : i;.k;. fcc.:w"9R !• fi,i tihert filv a^^ n ot believe in prohibition. The name ot the chief is W. 15. MoCirecror â€" a good Scotch name, by the way, however ho came by it. C.iineron Lewis, the Rircrview firebug suspect, pleaded gudty before His Honor, Judge McCarthy, to the charge of Gring several buildings and was > ni nuled for i-.M)te le, II s sanity vi'l be iuqinred in- to, and tha unfortunate chap likely placed in all asylum. A cilf bolongia,' to Mrs. Whitoman of Carrick, «;is hist about December 12th. \n adveriisement failed to find it. Or. .•\pril 9th it whs found in tho middle of u siraw.itack where it hitd lived on straw without water for almost four months. 1 was reduced to skin and bona but it is be- lieved that it nil! live. Dizzy Headaches are Caused Nine times out of ten by eonstipiition bin can be cured quickly by Dr. Ilamiltim'.s Pill.iof Man.liake and Rntteriuit. For c.jns ipated headache and liver cooiplain use only Dr. liiiniilion's Pills. Price 200. Scliool Children's Eyes Supply TMr ,,â„¢-. TligmgUreil Dirlaiii Bull GIPSY LAD NO. 38916 Will stand for tho Bovvice of cows for tlio your 1004. TKllMSâ€" $t.50 per cow, iiayaUo on tbe 1st of February, 1905. Tl>orou(jl)bied cows *4- No cows tiikuii after being Beivcd with another Liull during the geason, WILLIAM PATON, Prop. Intellect I Defective eyes stunt the mind Can you expect fair progress in school or success in business if so handicapped? Examination of children for glasses is a special feature of Qxu Optical Department. W. A. Armstrongi FLESH ERTON, Flesherton Sash, Door and Planing Mills AFTEK in uch labor a n tl e X - penso we will reopen our factory on Monday April 25tli with Mr. Geo. liowtn- , odstock in eliaigc, wlie \.rwill be in a position to fill all orders for Sash, Doors, Frames, Mould- ings, Base, stair materials and machine work such as plan- ing and matching, scroll and band sawing ami turning of j every description. Our stock of north shore white pine is I complete. We also carry a gooti stock of panel doors and sash and can fill all orders promptly and will guarantee satisfaction to our customers in all lines of our busine.ss and our prices will be found as reasonable as any. bur Chopping Department shall have our best attention. firs. A. WH5on BOYD, HICKLING & CO., i -FLESHERTON, ONT.- foose Furnishing April and House cleaning are always closely associaced â€" after the house cleaning comes the thought of the new Hou.se Furnishings required to make the home attractive and buautful. We have prepared in good time for you and can shew you a splendid new assort- ment of House Furnishings. New Carpets. Tapestry Carpets 35c. to 85c j'ard Union Carpets 25c. to GOc yard Hemp Carpets 12ic. tc 35c. yard Wool Carpets 75 to $1.00 yard Tapestry Carpetes Squares 1 3x3 $S.OO some lovely desijjns j 3x4 $11.00 Reversible' liugs 60c. to $2.75 each NEW FLOOR COV ERINGS - Oilcloths, new designs, all widths, 25, 30 and 35c., per sq. yard. Scotch Linoleums, floral and block patterns 50c per sq. yard Japanese mattings, all new patterns, yard . wide 25 and 30c. Two Carpet Specials tsu. . ,, , • -^T^/.OO SB/'usse/s fop 85c. An all wool English Body Brassels • .' â-  â-  Carpet, handsome floral pattern in â- '"' ':â- â-  fawn and olive shades, durable and . â- â-  lasting colors that tlo not show dust. Regular $1.00 quahty â€" Special at 85c. A 60c. Jute Brusselsfor 35c. A Jute Bru.ssels Carpet in a pretty floral design in fawn shadings, gives i splendid wear and satisfaction. A special purchase gives us a chance to otter this regular 60c. quality for the Special Price of 35c. s,-JV. Curtains and Muslins New Art Muslins,pretty designs,5 to 15c. yard. New Lace curtains, new patterns, 3.5c. to $5.00 pair. Frilled Curtain Musiin, plain and colors 25c. to 85c. yard. Chenille Curtains, all shades, $3.25 pair. • New Wall Papers Wehave provided a good range to soil at tlie lowest prices yet quoted, but call your special ittention to our selection of rich aud beautiful papers suitable for every decorative purpose in the Home, Store, Cburcb or Hall. 'Ibe costof hauging a really handsome paper is practically uo mote than that of a cheap one but thiuk of the difference iu dur- ability aud satiBfactioii. Coreeaud see us sootj. we believe ire can satisfy your wants aud our object this season will be to make the prices of our papers as attractive as themselves. Our Unices r^nge ffnm 5 to 50 c. pep poll. ^HEN YOU PAINT If you desire the very best results at the least expense ^u 'will use tHERWm-WlLUAin 80LDBT Boyd^ljlicklind^eo. )^:)y!i;jK^-(i^jK.fi»(!:«)K ) i(jMta^^tiMSJft^.tBg u.'i^fkJK

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