Flesherton Advance, 12 May 1904, p. 10

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May 12 ld04 THfi ^LESHEETOW ADVANCE The Markets. Cwrerullr Corrected Each Week Oath 29 to 20 Pom fiU to «2 JBurWy 4» »o 46 "Sutler..,,, 12 t« 12 EtCK* fruBb 12 U 12 Pork 6 25 t* 6 25 Qiickoiis |)er lb 8 19 10 Ducks per lb 7 »o 7 Tuckeys per lb 12 U 13 Oecss without heads.. 8 to 9 Hay to fl 56 Potatoes b»z 75 to 75 Our Clubbing List MMki ♦Advance, *HeraId and •Toronto World, daily ?3 25 Toronto D»ily News 185 Weukly Globe 1 80 Mail-Empire 180 Family Herald & Star 1.80 Toronto Star 1.80 Farmers Suii 1 .80 All above prices include The Adyanco Montrei.l Her«ld, if paid n wivance y. Early subscribers jjet est value iheir money. Durham Bull for Service Tbo ItegiBtsrod Durham Boll, "KING EDWARD" luip.. Kill utand for BorTlce en lot 29, 8.D. B., lor lUOI. KitiR Kdwaril 1» a dm h red,goocl heavy bone and niuBclo and well developed. He i« lu only [air serviceable conditiou aurt will lilt the brani at twouty-two hundred lb». and ii yetin her twu-year-uld class. PEDIGREE KlDC Edward red, calvod AprU JOtb, ISOl.bred br John YouiifiTilbouriei, Marycilter, Scot- laud, imported lii dam in 1000 by Obarlas Kankin. WyebridRO, Ont., Kot by Boottish l'rli!eo7:B'J:t, dam Itnthnick Itoae. imp., 38287, by Alan Owvuneoisacj, Ited Rose by Portland of Cluny 01472, Hosiolind by DoctorOOOlO, Bosie by Lieutenant 6'2(H3, Jilt mb by Albert KIMiW, Jilt lilh h\ (iravesend 40451, Dooslde Claret by â- Vermont 471^, Claret lut b\ Duke'i»SH2, Claret by Scarlet Velvet lOaiG, Itarbara by Unrivalled l!i92G, Uabella by 1 be Paclia 7012, Crocus by and Dulio oj Nor'.buuiboi land 3646. Nora by â-º-illcry 01.11. b-mily hy Hillery 6131. Eli/.a by YouDR vVpBtorn Comet lf)7.'>. Lady Hetty b» Dlanionil 205,betty by Favorite £JG,by Cbargu • Kcd Dull IHIO. TEBMS TborouRlibred cows 85 ; gradea 81.50, AH jmyal.le iBtJonnary. 1305. Cows served by this Huiniul and not returuod will be collected lor wbutUur in calf or not. W. J. MEADS, Ceyian.Ont. Falling out Hair If this is the case, coll and nee us and we â- will ii; ovent It doinii bo by ttiiplying our wonder- lul lumody. Highly Recommend Wo liavy nsod it*! woudorfnll^ tnauv ill tliid town and surrosindi' and till wiio bavo uudurgoiie treatm tuoud it vory biRlily. No Cure â€" No Pay .A. WILSON FI,i;3HEBT0N aiH on retriot om- Barber B3Q . . 5T0CK \Vt) )iavo jtiBt received in ntock one of till! UnoRt ashortiiitMita of BLANKETS AND ROBES In tliu market ami can favor yon with any requirouiouts you will neod tu tbat lino Also a largo cuiisi^^ninont of laiitation PERSIAN LAMB COATS, Wo bavo anno colIoctiOD of ooats to to Bolcot from. All Sold at Lowct Livinff Prices ISTM. IVIOORE Boots Boots Boots Alireiis, Hamilton and Williams. All i{o()d maker. rRINTS,MUSLlNS & GINGHAMS All uew goods. LADIES BLOUSES AND SKIRTS And Buuimur lindern-ear. OUR SPRING HATS will be in in a Few daya, about May 5th. All maes and Nliapes. Men's Defiance Oveialli and Smocks A full atock of Oroceriun, popular Patent Mudicinea and Diamuiid Dyes. Itakei, Forks, Sli<ireUand Hoes â-  •mllton Flour on Hand. JSo. jMir bbl. AU the ahore and far mor* you will Gnd •( the store In Maxwell kept by R. Kinnear & Sons When the nerves tre weak everything goes wrong. You are tired all the time, easily discouraged, nervous, and irritable. Your cheeks arc Sarsaparilla ?ale and your blood is thio. our doctor says you are threatened with a nervous breakdown. He orders this grand old family medicine. " Ver asore than H years I huve aft AVer's BarsapartlU Inmy funlly. ItU sKrandfonle at all UisM, Md a wonderful modlslne far Ira- yore blood.'*â€" D. 0. Holt, West Ilsveu, Conn. â- IM a betUe. t. o. atzk oo.. All dra tclsts. frtf ^^^ZJJkJjJiBSi Weak Nerves Keep the bowels regular with Avtr'a PIUs, lust one pTil each nlpht. ©PECIA.L ANNOUNCEMENT A choice line of and Baby Carriages 6o=eart$ ' Just to hand. The latest thin(; inthese goods, and low in price. Corr\e arid see TlieiT\. HODSEtLEilliSIl SEQIISITES SUCH AS New Shades, Curtain Poles, Fixings. W. H.~BUNT Feveii8k«ii' Mrs. Etiioti, wifeof Jsroes Elliott, tax collector for the northern half of Osprey township for a aoiuber of years, passed away at her borne on the 8th li:io,C^prcy, on Saturday eveiiinu, Nsy 7, after a linRerlng llloeu. Although Mrs. Elliott had been in failing health tor some months, she suffered no |>ain and did not complain of any pain until the last mo luunt, when she quietly pa^s d awsy without a strugKle, retaining coiiKcioui- ness until the last. Tho deceased lady was of a quiet, retirim; di»p(>»itioii, very industrious and fond ut home and family. She was an excellent neighbor and will be much missed, as irell in the neighbor- liijod as in her home. She leaves to mourn her loss a husband, four sons and two dauiihtera, all living in the neighbor- hood and within a short distance of the old home. Tho funeral to<ik place on Monday, 9th inst.,'to the English church ceir.etery, Maxnell, and the lar)te foUow- iui; (if friends and neighbors, considering tho very busy seaaon, that turned out to pay their last respects, shown the h'gh esteem in which the deccancd was held liy itil who knew lier. The heartfelt sympathy of the whole community is extended to Mr. Elliott and family in their sad bereavement. Furniture Dealer, Upholsterer and Undertaker. ... FLESH ERTON ONT. Business Cards »«'OULbOUaH A YOUNG •U. Hanker Markdale Jo a goneral banlvins business. Money loaned a reasonable rato Call on us. a J SPUOULB PoJtiuaator, Fleshorton oommissionor in H.O.J., Auctioneer Con- veyancor. Appraiser and Money Loudor Koal llstate and Insurance Agent. Deeds mov tiiones, leases and willa carefully drawn up and valuations made on shortoHt notice, mouoy to loan at lowest rates of iutorost. Col .totious attondod to with promptness charges low. Agent for Ocean Dominion amamship Company. A call solicited. Societies AO U W meets 01, tho last Monday in oa.in luotith, in their longo rooui. Christoo's block. Klirjherton. at 8 p.m. M-"., A. Harrison ; Ilecorrter, MaK. h'olslcad ; Finan- cier, W.J. Bel. amy. Visiting bretbroo iLvited. nillNCU AKTHTll L.ODOE, NO. ;«3,A. t A U, moots in tho Masonic ball. Strain s block, floahtrton, evory Kriday O'J o'' bcforo the full moon. F H W Hickling W M. Cbaa SluusUaw, Socratary. OOUUT FrjESHRItTON, I. O. P. meets In Christoo'B IllocU the last Friday ovcnmg each month. Visitini; Porestuis heartily rolooiue. C.U.. i'- W. llelbimy ; K. i-., W. Huskin ; Fin. Hoc. Dr K. Murray. (I'av dues to Ur. Murray on or before lost day of eaob month.) Medical Dn oARTRn , „ . M O P * 8 Ont. Physician. Snrgoon, eto Onieo and roaidoueoâ€" Peter st , Fleshorton DR, SCOTT, Mj B., Maxwell. Ont. v.. ii. IlEID, M.D.C.M,, phvpiclan,>Bui'R<'on and Acconchrnr. late of N Y Postgrad. Medical Hcbool, N. Y. r,yi.ic-lB Hospital and Ht. Luke's doueral HoBpilal. OttawE. Jp OTTP.WRLr, Veterinory Surgeon Qraduate of Ontario Veterinary rollog*. rosidouoe â€" sjooiid door south west on llarv street. This street ruas soutb Presbyterian Chinch. HWII,80N, IllockBinith Iradnato of the Vnierinary Koionca ABsooiatinn. Ucsidmico. Durham street, op- poiilttt Iloyd, Hicklli.g's hardwara. Legal .1. W. FUOHT, I, I.. V. narrlster, Siillcitor Conveyancer, eto offlooâ€" Next to poslonico, Sproule's block F".;ihoiton, everv Thursds and, oonrt days N IIâ€" Owen Houud ulUce, Frost* block i'oulett street east. LUCAS, WniOHT A MfARDI.B Ilarristurs Bollcltnrs Cnnveyaneers, eto Onieosâ€" Owen Sound. Ont and Markdale Out. W n WBIOHT, MCAnilLB I H LUOAB N n-Flflshorton oflloe, MltchelPi Dank •very Saturday. MACKAVASAMPSON .Harrlsters. snilrltora. OKFICF.H :â€" Owon Round. Merchsnt's Bank lllock, N. nt Patterson House. Cunrtalk ain Htroot, every Hkturday. tlonev to loan at 4) prr cent. A. O.MACKAV.M A . H.K 8AMPB0N,L.Ii.n Alwavs in nttendanrn at Plesberton and Daudalk Divlsiou Courts. Dentistry DR. B. C. MURRAY, I,, D, R, dootal snriiean boDor prsduate of Toronto University and Rsyal (^nlleg* of Dental Hur(«ons of Ontario. Oflleeâ€" Opposite Armstrong's Jawallerv Stora. Will visit Matwel the last Wadaatday •t aaah montk, and Daadatk 1 aid I ThartdaT of aash ateaUi. For a Stiff Neck Or any soreness in the muscles of the back or sides you can't get anything half so good as Nerriline, the most {xiwerFul liniment made. " My neck was ao stiff I couldn't turn it a quarter of ao inch," writes Fred T. Baldwin of Portamonih. "I had it rubbed Nerriline a few times and all the soreness and etiSness dis- appeared . 1 don't know another liniment you can depend on like Norviline ; it's splendid for colds, lameness, and caii't be beaten for cramps and internal pain." Try Nerriline yourselv es. Price 25c. D. M. Haliday, postmaster of Cliesley, went to Detroit last week to undergo an operation f;ir internal tumt.r. His phys- ical strength was not sulRcent to carry him through and ho auccumhed to the strain. The funeral took place at Chesley SatuSlny. Why Burn Your Flesh With acid corn salves when 25c. buys a bottle of Putinan's Painless Corn Ex- tractor. It's purely ve|/eiable, never causes sores, and acts entirely without pain. Use only Putman'sâ€" the best' If you want a live town, encourage the man who is tryini; to do something for the place. He may become weary at times and should be encouraged. Dini't zet jealous of him and throw cold water on his efforts. It is more difficult to build up than to t-nr down ; that is why so many are engagud iii, destroying what a few aio creating. A hi^lt dozen active men are worth more than a dozen passive men. It takes more enterprise than money to buildup a t()wn. If you can't push crawl out of siuht and sit down. If you can't say a good word say nothing. S'pme time last fall a barrel of oil was .sliippid from the Hariiston Oil Works ndilrts.sed to .lolin Hillhousoal Clifford, six miles up the .Soulhamptin branch on 0. T. K., says tlio H'arri.slon Review. Nothing more was heard of iliat barrel of oil for sovurHl months, all efforts to trace it proviog futile. On the train one day, however, McKay got into Cdiversatioii with a Clusley nii'reharfL and in discus- sing tho railway servicoBdr. iMiKay hap penett to mention his stray bairel of oil. The C'hisley man then tuM him that hr had wondered all winter what a barrel of oil addrts.sed to Cliffird was doing on the station platform at Chu^k•y. Mr. McKay at once Bot in pursuit ot his i>il again, but it suddenly disappoan^d from Chualcy to liowl up at Owen Sound. Then it was tiaced hack to Pahnoiston and Onally rencln-d John Ilillhousoat Clifford on April ICih. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to get tho best Plioto.s is at ItULMER'S PHOTOGRAPH OALLERY. SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay Special Attention t4i Copying and Babies' pictures. Picture fram- ing a specialty. Try ua for any kind of pictures and we will promise sat isf.'iction. MI'S. ]bui:..m}e:]r S)deiihaiu street, Flesherton HORSE ROUTES fi?dnor Bound Monilay, Mflv 9~H(innr Ilntind wDI Iai^vo hi" own Btntilo lot S ooii. .S,|lfini>hriiviii, hVxA prooM d to Unbert QuiioaV, lot :^, OOII. 1:1 Aiirinofia for tionn ; ttieiirt) hy way of Kitfjci:la ami Htli Ih.a to W..T. Maeaoa, lut :H, con. 9 Artoinouia for nklit. TuesflAyâ€" Will procet'd In* wav of fllh lln« to 6tl) Hifhnoad ; thftncB to Win. Diiucftu'ii lot 7. con. 10, OKprey.fnr in»on ;tIipiio« by way of 10th lino Onprov to townlluA ootwotin O^pfo/ aiKl Attvn t'Hla ; tbf>nce ftcrosH townllne to Thca. Tbort)bur>'a for 1 honr ; tbeiioe by way of ll4th Ifnn to li)a owu itabtu for uiubt. \Vedno**df»y -Will prooetMl Dy wav of and 10 ftldrrnad. KiipliTBRla, to Wm. llroaklabank'** lot iS, ci-n. 1-2, ('olllnuxyood for n<^nn ; tbenc* liy WAV of towiiHne to H. Ureen's, lot 33, con. IS, Colinfiwood tnwDBhlp forulKWr. Thundayâ€" Will prnpoQ.l hywayofSl nndSif ftbleutal to :ird lln« RupbrAnia; tbence loath i(t iHih and tilth HMeroad; theiica toThoH. lie- Affru'it, KppinK. far niM>n • thanee by way of 4th Hot' toTravellflra' Iluina, KiinlM^rloy, for nlatit. wbf^ra h« will romaln nntil 10 o'clock the foU lowitiKday. â- â-  rrldar-Wtll proomd br wi^r of SrdanJ 4th â- Idaroad to nfiiid IilD* ; ih'ftnea io hla own •tab)*, wbera b# wil1i»ina4n until the following Monday morninK, XU«.#^tv« route will bo oontinuedkhroufihnntlne Maaon, haalth and wa«ili«r perinlttliig. Wm.4l« ii W ai ltf | 1 ii w »gn' â- uJ <?»ll»ctor. • e -H K w», o in Important to Horsemen. Parties interested in horses should see the celebrated young French Coach Siallion Gauthier, 3383, and the superior yotuig Clydesdale, Good Luck, 3956, at Munshaw'a hotel every Friday night: GAIJTHIEHS ROUTE Monday noon â€" A. Pa'terson's, Blsntyro Monday night â€" Royal hotel, Meaford. Tuesday noon â€" Wni. Dean'a, (Jriersrille. Tuesday ninlit â€" Rocklyn hotel. Wednesday noon â€" J. Longhead's, VVode- h'luse. Wednesday niijtit â€" At his own stable until Friday night. Friday night â€" .Munshaw hotel. Fle»h»rton Saturdayâ€" Mi^k^litle house, Markda'.e. GOOD LUCK'S ROUTE • Wtfdne.'wl.iy nigh"; â€" Kiinberley Thursday noon â€" Eugenia Thuraday nighcâ€" Maxwell ^ Friday n^ioiiâ€"Pjrtlaw Friday ninhtâ€" Fleshorton Saturdayâ€" Revere hotel, Markda! o Wm. 'Canary is Manager for both horse.s with the exception of Gauthier Friday night and Saturday, when he will be under thecal e of H. M. Douglas, 'proprietor, Vandeleur Transacting Business . . . It is impossible lo go through life without some Business TraDsactions. To siuiplfy such mntters and make them proStable you shouhl have a Business Education such as is given at the C A. Fleminsf, I'rincipal OWEN SOUND, OST. Spring Term be-_'ins April 4th, 1004 Cook's Cotfofl Root Cofflpoand:. " l4idic«> Favorite, Is the only safe, rellabltf regulator oa wbicb woman can depend "In the lioun and time of need." Prepared In two degrees oC Strength. No. 1 andNa 2. No. 1.â€" For ordinary cases is by far the l>eat doUac (nedlclna known. Ho. Sâ€" Fop special easesâ€" 10 Btroager â€" thre* dollars per box. liadlesâ€" ask your drugKlst for Cook** C«ttam Root Oowipoiiad. Take no other as an pills, mixtures anA imitations are dangerous. No. 1 and No. > are sold and recommended l>y all drutrglsts In the Do- minion of Canada. Ualled to any address en receipt ofjprlce and four 2-cent postage stampoi Caok Compitay, WlBdlaor, Oaf^ No I and two are sold ia Flosberton by W E Biohardsou and W J Douglass, Druggists. ftrr-:W:;.n &v*^:«lKfQS^K^5^&y^S^^ K....^&; The majority of mca bare varicocele la tha f.rst, second or third sta^e. In tho early Btagres it may c:\nsc niany syraploraav.-Uich the patient may not recog- nize ss arising from tills disease. In fact, wo h-ava have foond on ccaniiaatioa, varicocele, present lu httudrcdd of case3 ^bcr^ the patient did cot know he bad Itatall. Ia timoit will prtHldcesnchs^tn . io:n» ac the following: Nervonsnass, weakness la tliQ ba<-k, unsteady limbs, tired and exhausted feeling, pains ia the loins, irriiatlod of tbebladder and ki.iupys, sediment and 1,^83 in urine, eiuissiona at nisrht with lewd dreams, 8«sual weaknesa and decline of mauly powerâ€" these symptoms frrndually develop Into NERVOUS DEBILITY aad IMPOTB^MCY. Onr NEW MKTUOD TKilATMENP WILt, POSITIVELT C0RB TOU AND IT 13 GUAKANTEKD TO CURB YOO WITHOUT OPICRATION. ThrouirU Us vitalijing- iaflucnca the wonuy reins rctnrn to their corni.il calitJer, the cir- culation of blood improves so the oC(;ans are properly nonrisbed, and are restored to strength and vi^or; the nerves become otronp-, omblttou and energy replace lassitude and despondeacy, all drains cease, the eyes ticcome bright, the brain active, aad you feel aa a man ought to fcol ia porfsct sczual and moatal coodltiuu, Wq Gss^s'sss^q to ^iiro ©^ Ho Paym £11 esses wa accept for trc-itment aro taksn under a positive irt:arantee that they are curable or no pay. Wa reler you to several banks as to oar financial rcsponcibility, so you may kaow we aro good for aoy contracts we make. ^5s?B'fti^ir9l5S ^"y"" * victim? Ea^'o you lost hope? iLie von contemplating ta«;»43rtWSS.#Jr' niarriaye? Eas yotir Blood been dise.isod'? Eaveyoaaoy woak- ceES? Our New Jietlind Treatment v^ill cure yon. What It faas done for others It will do f»r yon. C0NSU1,TATICN S"EEE. No mattar who h.%9 treated von, write for aa honest opinion i.i'ree of Charije. Charges reasonable. fiO0£3 FKEKâ€" "Tha GoU!i-n Monitor" (illistrated), on Diseases of Men. EvcryUi'tnt; couSdcnU:U. Qi.estioa list and cost of Treatment, FHES, for Esnie Trcaliucut. i li gWrite for Catalofl toâ€" " ?JOH[]Nr A. ME ARD Flesltex>ton 50,000 in Daily u.se. The only Separator fitted with Beautifully Eiiainol- led Bowl Oasini(. The Lighte.st Rnniiim; and Won Duiable Si'parator yet produced. Saves Time, Labor, Space, Utensils, Ico and Water. D. iVIcTAYISH For First Class Buggies, Carts, Ploa.sure and Lumber Wagons, cullers, Sleighs. We koap a stock on band tu choose from. ALSO HOkSE SHOEING ANOOENERAL BLACKSMITHINO and uuarantee first class work. We keep on baud Ploughs and Plough repairs, and also Massty- Harris and Nuxnu repairs for binders, machinery, also Binder Twine on hand. Mowers, ^11 kinds of Olbtii in town aive US a call â- *â€" MSSSSSâ€"SI I in Will ; /â€"â- â€"â€" 1

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