Flesherton Advance, 12 May 1904, p. 7

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Titfi ^Ll^SllEHTON ABVAfJCl; Mat 12 1904^ ape Methodist Church FLESH KKTON. j.«. I. WII.BON, B.i.,K.D., Tutor Rut. N. W«llw.K)d, Dund*Ik, Chair- ! man of district, will prcHch muriiin^ itnd «v<>iiint{, alH" at Cuyloii hc 3 p. m. Vicinity Chips Characteristics of the Past fTeck Oareriilly Culled for tlie Curious Ricliarilson & S>>n. Ap,)ly to n. Slieej) Dip B >y \V .lilted â€" nt oneo. I5i)yd, Hickling & Co. Fre.sh linio always on hand. J Ducktjtt, Euyieiiiii' Money to loan at 5 % <'n iurm property â€" uxpeDbe low, A. S. VanDuseii. Brick house and large lot for rent in FlKsherton. Apply at tliia otiico. Seed oats, buckwheat and barley fur «ala. W. L. Wriijht, Fleuharton. MiHS Minnie Bellamy returned (rorsx Toronto last week. A nice biick house and lot lot sale. Apply Thos. Sheppird. Bui» Death- for taties and bushes. Bichardson & Finn's. Mr. and Mrs. W. Guest of Henderaon, Mo., are visiting with friends here. We have a lino of ladies shor!. jackets i â€" the prices wer« 5, 6, 7 a-id $8. We are clearing them at ?2.60 at Slieppard'i. The assfssraent this yc»r in DunJalk is sixtoeti tlioustnd three hundred dollars hil^her than last year. Crossk'y and Hunter, evangelists, will coin neno-e special services in Markdale ca Sunday next. The annual diitrict nieetinj? of the Owen Sound district of the Methodist church will bo hold in Dundalk on Wed- iicaday and Thursday, May 25tli and 26th. Butter is liw this spring but wo are pe: ting over the difSoulty by selling ' goods so cheap that you get as much for your butter a» ev-er at Sheppard'a. Mrs. F. G. and Miss Ella Karstedl at tftiided a double weddin? at Elmwood last week, the young ladies cjnoetued btiiig nieces of Mr. Karstedt. neDcef.)rth the Baptist church will hold u strvice each Sunday at 11 a. ni. Next Sunday the topic will be : " Do the Scriptures teach eternal pniii.'shaientl" For Saleâ€" A quantity g«od polatoec Mammoth Pearl, choice for table use or teed. Jxmos Findlay, three milea east oi Markdale. Mr. Ern. Armstrong passed his final dental esaminatiun in Toronto and is now i full fledged dentist. He is at prebent resting at his homo here after his studies. We believe he proposes hang- ing out his ahingle in the West. Rev. N. WoUwood, Dundalk, chairman «f the Owen Sound district of the Metho- dist church, will preach here on Sunday n«xt, morning and evening. Rev. Mr. WiLson Koea to Dundalk, to take Mr, Wellwood's work. The members of the Epworth League of the Methodist church will celebrate the loth anniversary of the or)i;antzatiun of the society on Monday evenint; next, May 10, by holding a G A.P. social. Novel entsrtainnient, good program, si^Ter dOoUection at the door. Everfhody (^.Tited. Following are the officers of the W. M. S. for the ensuing year : Pre8,Mr8. (Rev) Wilson ; 1st Vice Pres., Mrs. NirhoUon ; and Vice Pres., Mrs. W. Bunt ; Cor. Hec, Mrs.W.ArmatroDg ; Rec. Sec., Mn. George Mitchell ; Treasurer, Mrs. W. W. Trimble; Pres.of Syitematic GiTing,Mrs. \\\ Thurston. "Sew Grocery â€" The undersiKned begs to intimate itMi the people of Flesherton and vicinity that ke -has opened a fresh atock of prime groceries and stso has Irast lirands of flour, bran, shorts and chop for sale. I am alao agent for Deering imple- nicuts and Empire cream separator. Call and see me before buying. W. L. Wright, Fleshertoa We thank the many customers who Kaited so patiently on Saturday evening last during the rush, some having to wait two bnuri before wo could serve them. We will promise to do the best we can a It time and give you bargiins to make U^> for time spent. T. J. Shepp»rd. Friday waa obeerved as Arbor day in •â- he public aohool, when figures and fscta were discarded for shovel, rake and hoe. After suflSoent bed been done in that line -a football match was indulged in by the ^ovofstorsk Then the young l»diaa o( theeolto.l tiMted tke grntleina.A tj • laneheon, Mlihedty ended with tsv/ For good clean Seed Peas and Buck- wheat go to Sproule Cri'ssley 4 Cb. 1000 lbs. extra aiie flxx seed just to hand. To clear it quicaly the price will be 7 Ihs. for 25c. W. J. Douglass, Med- ical HhII, Flesherton. J. W. Crawford's sawmill and sash and door factory at Durham was totaly destroyed by fire Thursday even- ing. A considerable quantity of lumber wAt SHved. The loss is about 812,000, insured for 81,000. At the meetin.! of the Orangeville Preil)3iery, held at Oningevillo last week, a very full discusaiim of the organic union of the churches took place, the matter being vitwed in all its aspects, A motion was adopted unanimoualy, putting the Presbytery on record as in favor of or- Rxijic union, and as of the belief that, â- "the organic union of the churches would be for the advancement of the kingdmi of God, and in fultillment of Christ's command." The annual business mneiing of the Epwonli League was held last Monday when the following ofiicers were tleoted: Hon. Pres.. Rev. Wilson ; Prrs, Mm.W. Armstrong ; 1st. V. P., Mrs. (Rev) Wilson ; 2od V. P., Mrs. W. Thurston ; 3rdV. P., Miss Christine Richardson; 4th V. P., Miss M. Joy , Cor. Sec, Miss Gibson ; Rec. Sec. , Mr. Chas. McMullen ; Assistant, Miss Martin ; Treas., Thomas Bulmur ; Representative on District Leiigue Executive, Mrs. (Rev) Wilson. The Department reports sliowed the League to be in a flourishing condition. Orders have been issued to the Slst militia of Grey to go into camp al Niag.ira about the 14th of June, each company to have a complement of 40 men. The pay for milita service this year is incrsas- ed to 70 cents per day for first year men, 85a for second year men and one dollar for men who have served three years. This increase together with the improve- nient in rations will doubtless bring out a first-class lot of volunteers. Intending recruits should cull am' see Lieut. Rich- ardson as the muster will fill up rapidly. Mr. S. D. LeGaid, who recently left here for Ca'gnry. N.W.T., writes The Advance under date April 28 : Calgary is growing very fa.st. â€" new bouses in all directions. At 7 in the morning until 6 in the evening the hammers are kept continually going. Stone masons and carpenters arc in great demand. Stone- maaons gel 50c per hour, carpenters 30c per hour. Other work is not so plenti- ful just now. Seeding is nearly coin pleted here, although not much seeding is bt'ing done here ; tno.>tIy ranching. We left Toronto Tutsday noon and ar- rived in Calvary Saturday noon, and enjoyed our trip very much. No snow here when we arrived and none since, but a snow storm is looked for in May. The death of Mrs. Harvey Wilketson, which we announced last week,ie thus re- ferred to by the Moosomia Spectator of I date April 28 : "Mrs. H. E. Wilkeraon, of Tantallon, was brought here by train on Tuesday to undergo an operation io the hospital. She was very weak, and the only hope of her recovery was a suc- cessful operation. Her youngesL child, is only a cuupie of years old. After be- ing placed in the hospital her extreme weakness made an operation iiupossible. She gradually sank, and on Wednesday morning aboHt 5 o'clock her spirit tix>k its departure from its earthly tenement. Her death is particularly sad. Taken from husband and youtig family at the early age of 27 years her vacant place must make a sad, sad home. This after- noon at 6 o'okwJf her body was ceverent- ly laid away in the ae* cemetery, when a g'odly number of friends gathered to pay their last tribute of respect for the departred." A serious accident occurred at • barn raising on the farm of John Stoneman of Amaranth, on Monday of last week, which resulted in the death of Ueury Besley. The body of the building had been com- pleted and the men were engaged puti ing up heavy green rafters. Three of the latter had been placed iu poaition prior Io being palled up on the building. The rafters through carelessness or oversight had tteeu left iu an almost perpendicular position and they slipped over sideways and in falling struck Henry Bcsel on the head, inflicting a small flesh wound over the right eyie and fracturiag the skull. The injured auMi was hurriedly taken to Mr. Stonemau's houie and Dr. Roonsy waa sumuiooed, but could do nothing for the sufferer. He never regained coa- sciousneas after being struck and died at 4.30 on Wednesday morning. The young man was to have been married in J une. The first slectioa in the new in«i>rpot* . •ted T>llM* ot Chateworth resulted in the , ' t^.wn of Uf. TbomM Ut^iU m Roere. Anjr I'trnbh fotintJ dKhti.e or trMtianiDC oO th« propcftv of J; Gauos, lot Si, oon. ?, will b« proaecuted tn thu fulleiit axtunt of tbs law. JAUEd GIj:N'0{<: Kleahorton, nnt. Tenders Wanted The undemii'urd will recniva teudarfl up to June lat 1904 for tljB purchase of the broken down sbsd at the OrauKe Hall, Maxwell, and total cleiirini^ of the ground of the same. Alao to furnish wire and hnild a fence around the cemetsiy, the posts being provided and set in the ground. Uaxwoll May 10th 1901. Alex HuilsOD. Jositth Gamev. William Scutt. Bull for Service Pedleraed aborthorn bull will stand for mirvloe on lot 31, con. 8, Artemosia. Terms i\. Ped- igree on applicatiou. Woi. C. PEDL.\B. Hereford bull for Service TlieiuidersignBd has a thoroURhhred Hereford bull for service on lot \6li. ."Jrd wostT. & S. K., Artemeiit. Terms oue dollar. Mno Wesley Buskin HOUSE HND LOT FOR SHLE liot, foQr-flfths of an acre â€" comfortable frame house, kitchen, woodshed, well, etc, A good bearing apple and plum orchard, ror further particulars apply to Wm. Smith, Flesherton. Fisl\irig Notice All parties are hereby warned against trespaBS^ ing on the property of the undersigned through which tU« river runs'.from Iiouck'B mill to Geo. Grahooi's property on the valley road. Fisher- men are especially warnhd to keep off this prop- erty. Trespassers will be promptly prosecuted. W. A. ArmstrODg. Flesherton. April 25, 1904. BULL FOR SCRYICE The Thoroughbred Durham Bull " Emperor" will fee for service on lot 15G, E. L. aud S. B., Arteznosia. Terms dl. Any cow not returned viill be charged for whether in calf or not. Pedigree on application. K. McGRUTHBB, Prop. Bulls for Service Pedigreed Shorthorn bull "Flesherton Chief" for service on lot HO, con. 3 N. E. T. & S. B., Artemosia. Also a thoroughbred Jersey Bull. TuruiS SI. J.^COH THOMPSON. Ceaving TiesbeHon And a $15,000.00 stock to be slaughterd T. J. Sheppard having purchased a property in Tor- onto Junction to open up in the dry goods business we have decided to hold a : . > ; Ninety Day's Sale while the repairs are being done to our building to clear out our present stock, and as we do not want to take any stock with us you can depend on getting a bargain in anything you want ; we are only going to handle dry goods in the Junction so we must clear out all other lines and to do this the priceg must be cut deep en- ough to make them go. Bull for Service Short Horn Bull, lohiiny Canuck No39788, ia for service on Ijot 1G9 1st con. N. K.. T. & S. B., Artemosin. Tortus of service .51. Pedigree on application. GEOBGE JOH>JSO;«. Farn\ for Sale Beins Lot 19.1 & 19i North Rafit of Toronto & Sydenham roaJ. oontaipin« I:-J2 acres, 90 under cultivation, in splendicl condition for ciop.froe of Rton<', well fenced and watered, free of wild weeds, having orchard aud small fruits. Good l>arn with track aud other out buildings, com- fortable house. 34 miies from Proton, in Taylor settleuieut. Apply to J. MCLLIi^, Proton Station- WHLL PHPERS C. Tryon.Pricevillo, has put in a complete stock of latest patterns iu wallpapers. The finest assoitmont ever brought iu. Will sub- mit samples to prospective purchasers. Haug- ing promptly and satisfactorily done. Farn\ to Rer\t 112 acres, 80 acres cleared and ai'der cultiva-- tioD. Good fromo houso.logbarn.well watered, Suiilesfrom Flesherton. Apply to W. H. HALES, Flesherton P. O. Imo. Notice to Creditors In tUe matter of the E«tate of George I'attersen, late of tlio Townshii) of i Artemesia in the County of Gr*y, Farmer, deceased. Notice is hereby given pursuant to the Re- vised Statutes of Outario, 1897, Chap. 189, that all creditors and others having claiu^s against the estate ef ttfco said George Patterson, do â-  ceased, who died on or about the nineteenth day of Januarv, .A. D. 1904, are required, on or before the 2nd day of .(I'ne, A. D. 1904, to send by post prepaid or deliver to Messrs. Lnoas, Wright A McArdle, Owen Sound and Flosher- tou, Ont., Solicitors for David Harrow, Execu- tor of ttio lost will anil teetataout of the said deceased, their christian and surnames, ad dresses and descriptions, the full particnlitrsof their claims, the statement of their accouDts aud the nature of the securities (if auy) held by them. And further take notice that after such last mentioned date the said Kxecutor will proceed to distribute the assets of the deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to tlLe claisus of which he shall then have no. tiee, ^nd that the said Executor will nut be )iab1e<er Che said assets or any ^'VK thartf to anv person or tieisous of wb«b<! i^auu M«itioe â- hall not have been rscuivsd by liiua at ^e : time of such distribution. Dated April Slst. A. D 1904. LUCAS, WKIGHT * MoABDLE, Owen Sound, Ont., Solicitors for the Executor. Notice to Creditors In the matter of thu estate of John Henry Heard, late of the VillaKe of Flesherton in the County of Grey, Black- •milh, deceased. NOTICE its ixfvby glvf* jmraoant to Tho Bevlned ma^utea «f l]*it«i1i« mn.. Chap. 129 that all creditors and otbets having olaiins agsinsti the estate of the said John Henry Heard, dooeae- ed, who died on. or about the Twonty-flnt dav of Marob \.l>. 1404,ar* requiriMi ou or before the Seooud day of June A. D. 1904 to send by [loat prepaid or deliver to John A, Heard. Flesherton r. t).. oue of the exeouvors of tho last will and testament of the said ileceasad, or Messrs. Lucas Wright dk MoArdle Oxen Sound. solicitom for fhe executorn.their cnrlsttan and surtianirs. a<1dresSL-s ami descnpi-ion. the fulljparticular!". of their ol uins,the staceiusnt of tbeir accouniu and the nature of tbe securitiae (i( aayl held by tbsm. ANDfurthortokenotieetbat after snch last m«titi»*»«4 dote the said executor will proceed to dis tribute the ftSAOt* of the deceased among the parties entitleiltJiereto, hawng regard only to the claims of which he shall then have notice and that the said executor will not be liable for the said OMeti or any part thereof to aa' '& Our stoc of DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, GROCERIES, EEADY-TO-WEAE CLOTHING, and CROCKERY is very complete. OUI* Spring Goods having all arrived before we thought of leaving and now they must be cleared out. So you have a chance to buy all nice new spring goods at, big reductions. OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT which is in better sahpe this spring than ever having enlarged the department, our milliners are In better shape to attend to orders than ever before. Butter is Hh^SP this spring but we will make it buy as much as ever by selling everything else low. ne take all kinds '*f produce during the sale. T. J. SHEPPARD Sproule's Block Flesherton m W.J.Douglass MEDICAL HALL Flesherton Makes the following prices good at the store or by letter until May 14th, 1904 ; RED CLOVER, new lot, from $5 40 MAMMOTH CLOVER from 5 65 TIMOTHY SEED from 1 40 These are all well cleaned and extra values. All kinds of Boots, viz., Mangol, Carrots, etc., at the ,,:..,; , very lowest prices. 1^" We have the stock and we make the prices â€" Inspection invited â€" Seeing insures your order. #t#*4fN^###tt####*^NIt#SIN^^-^ JUST for the said OMeti or any part inereol to aay paraonor persous of whoee alaitn. 4Di|£* shall B«(haTe besD r*«*iTed by kmi alT the ' time ol titbulioo, . ^. iipriJ|!||j»*r>.n»«« im«<>*"» C48, irsioHT MUotmJyLu, MMta diititbutioo, BaWA liuc, . Owaaaeaad. â- olMtfrt (vr Itteatam. RECEIVED I Richardson & Son's m ^ Oilcab, m Calf Meal, # Corn, g garden Seeds, Best Clover & Timothy Secdtrotn SUtU, Brigigs Company 4 S:

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