Flesherton Advance, 19 May 1904, p. 4

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^AY 19 ld04 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE imiMi^Hi I F. T. HILL & CO. | ^/VWVywWV^^ The First Big Sliipment of the TORONTO FIRE GOODS THE FIRST big purchase of goods damaged by ^Ae ^ot^nto j^ine was made by us and is now being opened up and placed on sale. The lines purchased were those that had been «/'o/'c// /« Me ^a»eOT«/z/ of one of those big warehouses, the damage to them is practically from water only and for all practical purposes are nearly as good as ever. However we bought then cheap, and largely yo« r^ap the 6ene fit \^ yon make your purchases soon. Here are partial details: 20 AND 25c GRAIN BAGS, EACH l^c. Wo bouelit exactly 1000 Orsin Bags, full sized and seamlasuâ€" the kind that all season orcn with our selves have sold ftt. *20 to 25c. These are stained and wet and that'll all that is wrong trich them, all selling (and they're sura to gofa»t)at each 12i lOo. PRINT FOR 2ic. We haro a good big showing of the 10c quality of Print that is damaged by smoke and water. Come early for your choice at per yard only 24 12ic PRINT FOR 4e. .'iOO yards or over of Print, In tlieqimlity that is retailed everywhere at 12Jc. large hut the value is certain to make buying particularly brisk while it lasts. Fimall price r â€" 7 The quantity in this lot is not Every yard at this rdmarkalily 4 30, 40 and 50c TWEEDS FOR 12Jc. TliBKe arc all damaged mor* or less but when you see them and consider the price you'll not liesilatc about buy- ing all you'll need. Your choice (and there always is a good first choice in goods of this kind) only 121 10c TOWELLINGS FOR 3o. 10 pieces Towellings smoko and water damaged â€" will be as good as new when washed, any quantity you wish at per yard, only , _3 12^0 TOWELLINGS FOR 4c. 8 pieces extra heavy Towellingâ€" the quality that ycu hare been accustomed paying 121 for. We think you'll buy a year's supply whon you see it,only ." 4 COTTONS AND DUCKS 2^ to 5 cents 1 case iif Cottons and Ducks rnprcsonting hundreds of yards. These are in qualities that are usually retailed at 7 to I80 per yard, but all will bo sold at per yard 2J to 5 *{^mms MARK DALE WWMW^ Elopement at Chatsworth Jor about two years the home of Mr. ThoniaM Givens, an industrious, sober resident of Chatsworth, a good mechanic, eniployed in Mr. J. Taylor's sssh and door factory, has been nwde nnconifort- Hlile for him by the flirUtions between hij wife and Fred Mosvia, a teamster, who boarded in the Uivens home. Some jnoiitbs ago Mr. Givons ordored tho latter from Ills liouso, and later was foolish cnoujjh to allow him to return owin^ to Mrs. Gifens' threats to leave the house if Moavis was not brought back. On ^Tonday,two woeksago, Meavis left town. Ostensibly for Dakota, but only purch- ased his railway ticket to Cnrdwell Junc- tion. On Monday of last week Mrs. Givuna went to Owsn Sound by the noon I rain oetensibly to risit a dentist, taking with her upwards of 840, and from that time Mr. Givens has scon :io trace of his niifaithfiit spouse. When she di not return home on Monday afternoo Mr. Givens drove to Owen .Sound in tho evening, and not Gliding her there it at once d»wiied upon his vision that she h<d gone. to join Meavis. On Tuesday inoriiiiig he took train for Toronto,where he fkilud to find trace of thorn, and says Ihiit ho put the matter Id the hands of a dutoctivp, whom he furnished with photographs of tho elopers. The elope- ment wiis a great surprise to the majority uf the villugors, as Mrs. Givons was a very quioc, modest appearing woman with very little to sty to any person, male or female. A significent sign of the times was manifested at Sydney, C.B.,whena joint meeting of Methodist and Presbyterian minsters and laymen discussed the pro- ])08al for union of tho Evangelical churches.nota diasonting voice was raised, and a resolution in favor of the principle was pa8se<l unanimously. HORSE ROUTES Grdwnslow Cbarmitid Monday -WUl loivvo hla own Btsl>l« at Cojlon UDi] prooeeil to Jo«. liesttlo'i, OranKO Valley, for noon, thence to \\, J. ratteraon'p for uiiilit. Tiia>il»y-J. MoVlcar'H.Punij'ii Mills fiir noon, and to John lleaton'n, via Towuiliin Hall for Ulfjllt. Wndnesdayâ€" To 'T.McArthnr's,0]en, for uoon; and home for nJKlU, Thursdayâ€" To (Idy Ori'fl for noon ! thence to Thou. Talbott'H for nlirht. Krldayâ€" To ThoH. ICokh's for noon ; thonoo to II. 'luy's. Mnxwoll, for night. riatnrdayâ€" Will iiroopod home t1» the (iravel Itusd, where he will remain until the followl nx .\foiidfty moruiuM. JOS. CAIKNB, Pto|«. P. THOMPSON, Manager 'm-%tm*9m Severn Raebtirn Monday-Will Inavo hia own »t^lllll, Flenher- toii, end prooeo.! to John HargrATe's, gravel roiid, for noon; tlienoo to Muiwnjl for uixht. Tiiimdayâ€" Will prooood to Wni. Caniorou'ii, Hth linnfor noou; thoncoto Vaudoiour, byway Biisenla. for iii^lit, WednoBdayâ€" Will pnoceed to liin own homo for noon, nhoro lio will romaiu until Thursday mornint;. ThurcdaTâ€" Will procond to Proton Stallon.hy wo«t Imrk line, for noou ; tlinnrohomo for nifflit. Kridavâ€" WMIl proci'od to KdwBrd SidlivMi'H, no»r Irltli T«ki>, for noon; tliM co to I'rine- vllle for tT/ohoinr, thviico to John Ilurnelt'o, South lino, for night. Hfttntdayâ€" Will proceed to hlo own etahle, where he will runaln uutlll the following Mon- day morninu. Wm. IIITIINETT, ManaRor and Prop. The .\llist<m IleralJ ssyi : Capt. Mc- Inreii h\% a rare bird, knowu as the pro- pcllor, on rxhihition in his iHlop. Tho bird iH a native of the Arctic regions, but was found dead in Ailjxia a short lime ngo. Nature »])peara to have been Klmrt of ffot when the bird w»» oonstnictnd, for it baa but one foot, which in situated in the centre of its b<idy, L^st work b-'fnre Miaietrato Diinean Oi iip^Ldl, of Il4nc)v«r, Licens.) Inspector Miirr-s broujht three CMn% of infraction of Licniisa Laws. Conviutini)S were made in each cane, Messrs. Iluber, Allen Park, and Hei|>, of lUnovor, Iwing nach lir.cd S:*0 fi.r soiling during prohibnod hours, and (5. Kiea, tlanoror, ^0 (or obstruct- ing i.lhceri. Thn three young Englishmen, whose arrival at Itntfjuros wa noted some wet-ks Ago, Old not hold down ihnir nilunlioii vory long. One of tho numerous duties ilii>y Iwcsiiio ac'iuainled with waasawini; wood, and it is said they couldn't see hiiw nuch work oould |H>Miilily be con- lioci)*d with fariiiin^. On being inforn\ed that it was, beytmd a doubr, they came to tlis ctmclusioii that anything was b.'lt^r, even competing with Jew labor ill ihi>ir own city in England, lioeds, and '.f(i fur uarts uoknowiiâ€" HoriOA. SGbool GMldren's Eyes Snpply Their Intellect Defective eyes stunt the mind Can you expect fair progress in school or success in business if so handicapped ? Examination of children for glasses is a special feature of our Optical Department .A. A msn to represent "Oanada's Gkkat- K:sT NrRSKRir.t" ill tho town of FL E S H B I^ T O N and the turrounding ci>untry, and lake ('rdiirs for Our V^ardy Specialists In FniiiT TiiBit.s. .Small FntiTs, Ornasikntaw, Shriiiw, Uohes, V1NK.S, .'^I'.KK i'oTATOF.M, etc, Stock true to naoia and fr*e from Sun Jose Scale. A |H-rumnont posi'iim for vhe rijjht man on either salary or com mission. Stone & Wellington FONtmt.L NUUSERICS over 800 acres Toronto Ontario Tlioroiigllireii Darliaii] Ball GIPSY LAD - - NO. 38910 Will frtand for tho Bervios of sows for the year nii>4. TKItMSâ€" $l.,'iO per cow, patahle on the 1st of Feliiuary, 100^. Thnre.nghhrcd cowt (4- No oowi taken sfter lieiiif Barreil with aoother bull during Uie ieaeno. WIU.UM PATOS. Prop. JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Ft-ESHERTON. Flesherton Sash, Door and Planing Mills AFTEK much labor and ex- pense wv. huve reop- ened our actory and liavo just erected a dry kiln, which puts u.s in a po.sition to fill all ordor.s for Sash, J)oors, Frames, Mould- ings, Base, .stair materials and machine work such as plan- ing and matching, scroll and band .sawing antl turning of every <le.soription. Our .stock of north shore white pino ia coninleto. We also carry n goofl stuck of panel doors and .sash and can fill all orders promptly and will gnarnntoe satisfaction to our customers in all linos of our Itu.siness and our.prices will bo found as reasonable as any. Our ('hopping Department .shall have our best attention. rirs. A. Wilson 1 W. WliMn, Manager ! bOyd; hickling & co., ~\ FLESHERTON, ONT. Wool Season When you're ready to market your wool please bear in mind that we have the cleanest, brightest, newest and best a.ssorted stock in this district of Tweeds, Blankets, Yarn.s, Flannels and Woollen Goods. . - The HighQtiality of our Well 1 jipi'is ipfures duruhility of colsrs. The Artistic CesiQns make it an fasy matter to gratify your taster The Lew Prices are cncouias;i mcnts to tho practice of economy. The Large Stock aflbod.s the widett possiHe iasf;e for choice. IN THE Picture There is Meaning for You ,, Prices from 5c to 50c a Roll. Specials for Summer Wear ^ 1^ Light Weight Suits . [^ Light Weight Coats . Neglige Shirts Leather Belts -;vV,: Light Underwear â-  3" ,- Light Hosiery "":.'â-  Straw Hats ^ A Big Range at Popular Prices I Shirtwaists for 35c. ^ 38 Indies' Colored Shirt Waists, including 4> black and white, lielio, pink and blue striped ^ patterns in print.s, percales and muslins â€" sizes ife from 82 to 38. These waists sold in the usual ^ way from 50c to !j>l.»0. % Special Clearing Price, 3Sc. A 75c Shoe Special* 40 pairs Misso's Oxford and Lace Shoes, in Dongola and Polished Calf Leathers, some with patent tip, medium last. Ivangc of sizes not coniplete, only 11. 12, 2} and 4 are left. Kegular prices from $1 to $1.90. Special Clearing Price, 75c, House-Cleaning Time is House Painting Time The ShBrwin-WUliams Family Paint is made particu- larly to lighten house-cleaning labors. It is an oil paint and can be washed and scrubbed. It brush- es out easily â€" doesn't drag or tire you to apply it ; the girls ^ can put it on. Made in 24 good colors. Use it this year on your cupboards, pantry shelves, base boards, etc., and you'll have less work next year. Get color cards â€" they tell more about Family Paint !â- â- =â- Â« ^ â- aiO BY

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