Flesherton Advance, 2 Jun 1904, p. 2

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flO OPERATIONS raDED NOW. OEAVEL AND BLADDER DIS- EASE CURED BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Toronto Bricklayer Believed of Those Terrible Troublesâ€" Medical Science Makes Another Move Forward. . Toiontij, Ont., .Itmo r>.â€" (.Special).â€" fMudJcul Hcienco 1ms at length awak- oni'd to tlio I'lict that Ciuvcl and othi'r bladder troubles uro caused by (disordered Sidneys and that the mod- orn method of eurhig thoni is to cm-e the kicineys with Dodd's Kidney I'ill.s, 'Jhis doe.s away with those terrible operntion.s that in i)ast yoiirs have been nil tec common. 'I'he case of Williaiu 'i'lionia.s, 'brickUiycr. LIS Mill street, this city, is one of the recent jiroofs ot the ef- ificiency of the treatment. Mr. Tho- mas .sjiys: â€" "I hnd been troubled with (Iravol and Uladder Di.sense U)r seven years. 1 had to po to the ho.spital and 'have Water taken from me. I tried imedicinus of dilTercnt kinti.'i, but they failed to remove the trouble. "Heiiriiijr of cures by them promp- ted nv to try Dodd's Kidney Pills, and alter tuJciuf; them for a time I pajwed a stone the size of a largi' bean. Four boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills made a coinplele cure in iny case." IS a mean A MEAN MAN. ••That Charlie rinchbuck man." "WTiat has ho done?" '•You know he's engaged to Tilda Uickrack. Well, he found a ring somewliere at a hnrgain. and gave- it to her. It was too small for her (inijer. What do you suijpose he did> " •Mlint?" ••.\dviHefl her to diet until she could get it on." rilK KIKTY MILLIOIN DOLLAR UOHLD'.S FAIR ST. LOUIS. Ui.strict Passenger Apent McDonald of the Orand Trunk Itailway who rec<'ntly returned from St. Ivouis, states that it is hard to find suit- alile language to describe the magni- tude and Ijcauty of the greatest Elx- iposition ever held. I The site oi 1240 acres being two (miles long and one mile wide, is jcovercd wit"^ beautiful buildings, Ibroken with lagoons, canals, grand courts, monuments, statuary, parks, etc., nil forming a picture that niuist be seen to be realized. An lOliy'trical railway, called the ;In1 riiniurnl, makes it ea.sy to get from one jfart of the grounds to another, and follow out the daily progrnniine, enjoying an hour listen- ing to ".Soiisa's" or other faJiious liai;ds, or tukiii.g in a lecture or ad- dress, or Art (inllery. When you consider the immensity of the buildings, cne alone having lover 20 nrres of floor .space, and re- jflect thai they are filled with the choicest of exhibits from all over till' world, one exhibitor vying with anotbi'r to obtain tlie en\eled (!nld jWed.',)!. it Hi-eliis (o sui^gest the Ithoiifjbt, of whnt a grand or>[>ortun- ity and MU education it will be, to the \ oung u:. n and iifomen of our lajid. to spend a week or two at â- St. I^iiiis this year. lieally no in- telligent niiiJi. wouuiii or child cnn alTord to mifs this prcat World's treat. ' The biMiutilul I'^Ieclric lighting of Ithe I'an American Kxposit ion, which Ifew thought wouUI ever be approaeh- '.ed is entirely eclipsed by this .Mon- ster l-"air. • One <if the features of the fair, is the ''Inside Inn," a hotel accommo- jdaling (5,000, splendidly run, and at Ireasoimble rates, ; The totiil expenses of a trip to St. 'Louis based on half railway rates, lis within the reach of all and per- imits stop over at t'hicngo, and other points, and the trip is made fiuickly and cuniforlably . It is till! intention of the (!rand Trunk lo run through cars from Monlrcnl end Toronto to .St. jouis, commencing .Juno IHth, anil possibly before. The fJniiadian Press Associition were unanimous in their praise of the (â- rand Trunk and Illinois Central route, and with the Kxposit ion. 28-04. OVKR THK WAUASII. To the Creat World's Fair .St. Louis, .Mo., everything is now wide olH-n, round trip tickets on sale until December 1st, at lowest first-clnss one-way fan', good (Ifteen days, faro and a third good sixty days. Now Is the time to see this, the greatest of nil I'lxpositions in the history ot the world. Tlie gri-at Wabnsli la th(i llunner Line, the shortest and quick- est route from Canada to .St. l.oula. The through trains on the U'uhnsh are the adniiration of all traveler.H going to .St. I.otiis. I For time tables nnrt dcscrlptlvo fol- jder, nddresji .1. A. Uirhardson, Di»- ftrlct FaKSi'ngor Agent, Northeast (Corner King and Yonge Streets, To- ronto. HKDHOOM IN TRRE8. A remarkable hotel la in California on the road botweon Santa Vru/. and t^an .Io.se. ('aiifoi iiia po.ss(!K«cK the largest trees in the world, and a shrewd holel-kee|>cr has conceived the idea of utilizing as a wuysido hostelry a group of these mauunotliH, thus saving himself the cost of build- ing or rent. The hollow trunk of one tree, whose circumference is about 22 yds., is arranged us a reception- room, and the surrounding space, sheltered by a thick roof ot spread- ing branches, serves as dining-room and snioklng-room. A number of other smaller hollow trunks make comfortable bedrooms, furni.shcd in the most approved style, and some trees at a little distance are occupied by the hotel stalT. Kthel â€" "What foolish things young man will do when he ia love!" Kdithâ€" "Oh, Kthel! Has l>ropo.scd".'" KNtJLAND'S PICTIJRE.SQUK RAILWAY. Tlio majority of Canadians who visit the Old Country make the great mistake of nujhing straight through from Ijivorpool to London, instead of (irst visiting some of the historic .spots on the way to the Metropolis, such as are to be found in the vi- cinity of Ldverpool, Manchester and esixicially Derbyshire. The Midland Railway is by far the moat pictur- esque route between Liverpool and London, giving the tourist in this run glimpses of the rural beatities of the Motherland which delight the eye and (ill the heart with the moat fav- orable impression; it also gives to the man of business an idea of England's great manufacturing abili- ties as the train pas.ses through the principal cities and commercial cen- tres. The luxiu-ious carriages of the Midland Railway add greatly to the pleasure of the trip. It is largely through its accomplishments in this dire(lic;n that the Midland Railway owes its present position as the pio- neer line of England. Tommy â€" "Ufa, I wish you'd gimme some cake." Motherâ€" "Tommy! Didn't I tell you not to ask for any cake'.'" Tommyâ€" "I ain't askin". I'm just wishin'." MInard's Linlmsnt Cures Oandfuff. Hibson â€" "Where did you get those cigor.s?" Garnerâ€" "At Robinson's, why?" Hidsonâ€" "I only wanted to know. Might got into the saane shop by mistake." I"lip[>- 1 h.'nr that they use nil sorts of materials In the mnnufa(v iture of illuminnaliiig »â- >â-  now-a->laya. jFlopi) â€" True. They oven make ll^fht lof the consumers' eonnilaints. 1 I MIoarii't LiDlment foi sale eveiywlieit For Ovtr Sixty VearJ Miw. WiMflLoWs .SooTniNO SVRep Iias boon oaaJ by miiliunsof muttiifrs for their- uhi'dren wtiila teothinj. ItsnpUiBithe ch'NJ, Foftenn theKtiULS. allaynpain. ouroj windmillc. r*|;uUtt.-fl th««ro(iin(h ami howola, and u the bt-nt rnmadr for I>i»rrlite!i. rwnoty-tiTe ofiita a l>otLlM Solil IjUlruielatB iliroiuhoiit tha world. Do Juro and a>k(or"MiM. Wimslow uSooruiKu avKijp," 2liâ€" 01 "Ypfi," said the friends of the fam- il.v, "they wore married in haste." "And repented at leisure, eh?" tiueri- ed the other, "C h. no." was the re- ply; "they repenteil in haste, also." MINAUD'S LINIMENT is the only Liniment asked for at my store and tins only one wo keep for sale. All the people use it. IIARLIN FULTON. Plenannt Ray, C. 11. The avi'rage man spends too much time milking money and too litllo on- Joying it. RUSH AND LIMA BF.ANS. Rush b(>ans are hardier than com- monly sup|)o.scd II ml may be sown earlier (ban corn mid other tender vegetables. They will injure corn and prove fatal to scpiash vines. .Sow and drill ItJ feet anil cov(.r about two inches deep. I'hint.s ot the bush Variety shoidd grow about si.\ inches apart. Tbi! ground should be kept soft and yellow and free from weeds. If intended to cidtivate with a wheel Iioe the roHs miiy be considerably nearer tngelber. Snap beans will be ready for table use about two months from sowing. A (|Uart of beans will sow one hundred feet of drill. Linm beans are best planted in hills as poles are needed. It is im- portant to plant the .seetl eye down else many of the swcls will fail to come up. The limns are more ten- der thiiii thi> bush Viirietii's and can- not be snfel.v planted so early. The rotmdish variety, called potato limn, is earlier (bun the Divrs and other llat kinds, an<l although not so lino in (Invor, is hotter for planting. SF.'ITINti THE F.XAMIM.E. Tommy hnd be(<n quiot for fully five minntes. He seemed to ho on- gaged with some deep problem. â- I'npa," ho said. •Well?" •Do imto others as you would have others do unto you â€" that's the goldon rule, isn't it?" "Yes. my son." Tommy rose, went lo the cupboard and retiirnod with n knife nnd a largo cake. The latter he placed Iw- fore his astonished sire, and said with K^nut solemnity : •â- Rat it, pnpa." Hi»â€" "Could" yoti inarrv a man who was your inferior?" ,nhp â€" "I SU|>- poso Tho satisfaction of having the wasliing (jone early in the (3ay, and v/cil done, belongs to every user of Sunlight Soap. iob .stern Parent â€" "Your mother tells mo you have been naughty again, and therefore I shall bo obliged to punish you." Troublesome Son â€" "Wh-wh.v can't ma punisli me her- self, dad? I don't sec wh-why you should have to d-do all the odd jobs." Bowara of Ointments for Caiarrh that Contain Mercury. as mercury will surely destroy tlio son.« o( Htncll and completely derange tha whole bystum when entering it through the mucous eurfacos. Such article:! should never ba u»ed except on pre- scriptions from reputnl)lo physicians, an the damage lliey will do Is ten fold to tlie good you catt possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, man- ufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., To- ledo, C, contains no mercury, and ia taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous Kurfacos of *lie system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure bo sure you get the genuine. It i.s tak- eu internally and made In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testi- monial:^ free. .Sold by Druggists. Price. 75o per bottle. Take Uall's Family Pills (or constl- patlou. Inquiring Bore â€" "And do you come down the same way .vou go up, Mr. .Sandbng?" Balloonistâ€" "No, sir; I try to come down feet first." Use Lever's Dry .Soap (a powder) to Wash woolens and llannels, â€" you'll like it. Mrs. nugfrins â€" "Oh, T .saw the dear- est little hat to-da.v!" Mr. Hoggins "That's just like you; alwoys looking for the dearest instead of the cheai>- Mt." GRAND TRUNK' AT THE WORLD'S FAIR. , The Grand Trunk Railway E.xhibit at the World's Fair is one of the handsomest pavilions on the grounds. It is of Doric and Corinthian archi- tecture, with Deer and Moose heads as central pieces in the cornice. The interior is decorated with lajge pho- tographic productions, well motinted (Ish, consisting of brook trout, land- locked salmon, ounnaniche, wall-eyed piTce, small motilh black bass and maskiinonge. Two oil paintings, 9 X 13 feet, and titled, "The Royal Muskoka Hotel," and "Head of Lake .loseph," scenes in the IMuskoka Lake district. hantUsomely framed, are on the inside frimt wall. One of the largest Moo.se heads in the world, is al.so on the wall. The ceiling is divided in three pan- els, each i>anel having an art gla.ss skylight of imique design, the whole being lighted with over one luindretl ground glass incande.scetit bulbs. Two movin.j picture machines, showing scenes on the road from the St. Clair Tunnel to the Androsnogg.in River in Maine, are run continuously while the wonderful retlection pic- ture "On .Shadow River," continues to revolve every thirty .seconds, and a puzzle to many is, which is the re- flection? Handsomely printed matter, descrip- tive of the ifilTerent st>ctions, is being distributed, ami the representative in charge gladly furnishes information regarding snn:e. This notice is posted u,p in a way- side station in Ireland: â€" "If the genlleman who left a baby in a third-class railway carriage on the 2Ctli ult. floes not claim the same within a fortnight it will bo sold to defray exiienses." MInard's Linimeot ilelleves Heoralgla MODF.LS OF .SOURIF.TY. Throughout tho townships of Mcnr- ley, Mitton, Ilenthorn. ("oldcoatos, Twiston and Worslon. all in the vic- inty of Clitberoe, Kngland, not a sin- gle individual has lieen convicted of drunkenness for ten years. acid's llnliHEof Cures Bufos, etc. "Oh, my friends!" exclain:ed the orator, "it makes uu^ m\A when I think of the days that are gone. when 1 look around and miss the old familiar faces I used to shako linnds with." 1 ahidl have to.' When the little folks take colds and cougha, don't neglect them and let thera strain the tender niembraues of their lung^. Give them Conisuinptioii The Lung Tonic It will cui« thorn quickly and strengthen their lungs. It is plcisant to take, PrtcM. 2.1c.. 80c., and SI.OA. SOS L C<f ^ifHl^ A^^ ^3iu. ♦»»♦♦»♦♦♦ » »»♦♦♦♦»»»»»»>♦»»»♦♦♦♦»»»»♦»»♦♦»»»♦♦»»♦«»♦♦♦ Llbby's Natural Flavor Foods are U. S. Government inspected, perfectly packed canned foods, and are ready to serve at a moment's notice. ^ Veal loaf, Vienna Sausage, Ham loaf, Boneless Chicken, Ox Tongues % I Are Among the Maey Teicpttng Luackeoa Meats. Ask Your Grocer For Them. ^ § Send for onr Ixjoklet "How to Make Gnod Thinis to Eat." w I Libby, McNeill & Libby, Chicago f Potatoes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Apples Let us have your consignment of any of these articles and we will get vou good jjrices. THE DAWSON C0IVIM3SS10N CO, Limited Cor. Wost Market anii Colborno Sts , TORONTO. CAN BE HAD IN Pails, Wash Basins, Milit Pans, &c Any Flrst-Clas* Grocer Can Supply Vou. INSIST ON GETTING EDDY'S. TABLE LAMP. 't Your OMiar Doei Hot Kop Them, Send to Toronto, for a Sample Lamp. BEAUTIFUL LIGHT. ONI UMP CIVS 5 IIOHT EQUAL TO TOUR OROINARY 0«8 ,)EIS. Three StylM : Tabia, Pandant and Draokel, lllu*(ri\t<*'t rataloinj Kuril ahtU to lv»t«nl oa .VpiilU-ai.ion. Xca alto our Wnt of Oil Sto/as and Heatara, for 8;jmm ir uie. W110I.K.S*LK O.NI.Y. riic (IDEE.Y ClTlf OIL COV.. LTO., TORONTa Ab Admlmbl* Teed el the EPPS'S Finest quality and flavotu. COCOA Matrltlous and Kconomlcsl. CLEANING ^ LADIES' ^ i-ae WALKIM* ON OUTINa SUITS Uu b« iton* parfMMhr 1)1 oar rr»«»h ProeaM. Trj- M I OSIT^tM /IMgWIOtW OTtmS OS . I iio.NTr.»*.t» Toao.vro. un.vWA * ovrdbo WINTON WiNTON/sKINGi Lang live the ^ King AUTOMOBILE UNDERWRITERS The Winton Touring Car is appre- ciated by the best informed because built on correct mechanical princi- ples, of highest grade materials. A« a prospective aidomobile purchaser you dare not, in full justice to your- self, take chances on an inferior car. By presenting a car of such imperial merit as is the 1901 Winton, we become "automobile underwriters" â€" insuring you against risk or loss. Have you seen our new catalog ? The Winlon Motor Carriole Co CIcvelaad, O.. II. S.'A. BepreaeDlrd In the Dominloa o< Canada by THE AlTOMOnilK «i SUPPLY CO 79 kind .SI.. E.. Turoala. Ont. SuH Agvncles In Chlai Dominion Clllas ISSUE NO. anâ€" 04.

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