Flesherton Advance, 2 Jun 1904, p. 8

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Juke 2 1904 THE BLESllEETOK ADVANCfi m I â-  H I*? The Markets. Carefully Corrected Each Week Ont* 20 to 2f» Peas 60 to 62 Barley 45 to 45 Elutler 12 to 12 Kf<i;8 fresh 13 ta 13 Wool, cash 16 to 17 CIiickoiiA i)t>r lb 8 lo 10 Ducks per lb 7 to 7 Tuckoys per lb 12 tc 13 Gecstt wirhout heads. . 8 lo 9 Hiiy to 6 5B i'otatuea baic 75 to 75 Our Clubbing List •Advance, *Herald and ♦Toronto World, daily $3 25 Toronto Daily News 185 Weekly Globe...- 180 Mail-Empire 1.80 Family Herald <fc Star 1.80 ~ Toronto Star 1.80 Farmera Sun 1.80 All above prices include The Advance Mon treitl Herald, if jmid n advaoue y. Enrly subscribers get est value their money. Durham Bull for Service Tbe Kogistered Durban) Bnll, *'KINC EDWARD" Imp., will BtaDd for service en lot 20, S.D, h., for 1004. King Edward i»ad«ikred.goortteavjr lx>ne aud uiuEclb ari'I waU developed. He la in â-  only fair serviceable condition and will lifk tbe bvBui at tweutv-two hundred lbs. and is yetin bor two-year-old class. PEDIGREE KlnR Edward red, calved April 10th, ISOI.bred by Jobu Young Tilbouries, MarrcHlter, Scot- laud, iuiportoi lu dam in 1900 by Cbarles Ilaiikin. VVycibridRe, Ont., (jot by Soottlsli Prince 7;150:), daui Hothnick Itose, imp., 38287, by Alan GwvnueCOOOO, Ued Hose by Portland of CInny 0U72. KoBio 2nd bv Doctor 60610, Rosio by Lieutenant C2H13, Jilt 17tli by Albert 53H92, Jilt I5th bv (iravoHend 40101, Dousido Claret by Vonaout 4710:),Clsrut Ist bj Duke 28342, Claret bv Scarlet Velvet ICUIO, barbara by Unrivalled 1S91B, iBttbella by Tbe Pacba 7612. Croeus by Snd Onke of Northumberland 3040, Nora by J'illery .')13l,h.mily by Billory 5i:il, Eliza by Yonut! Western Comet 1575, Lady Hetty bv Diamond SJa^Bstty by Favorite lise,by Uliargs's Bed UuU 1810. TERMS Thoroughbred cows *5 ; grades tl.50. All â- payable IstJanuary, 1005. Cowa served by this . auiuial aud not returned will bo collected for Vbetber in calf or not. W. J. MEADS, C<;ti>n,ODt. Sometimes the hair is not properly noarishcd. It suffers for food, starves. Then It falls out, turns prematurely gray. Ayer's Hair Vigor is a Hair Vigor hair food. It feeds, nourishes. Tbe hair stops falling, grows long and heavy, and all dan- druff disappears. " My hair was eomlnc ont terribly. I was almost aitaM to comb It. But Ayef's Hair Vigor vromptly stopped the falllBf.and also r«st*n I tlis aatural rolnr." MB*. E. e. K. vraao, landing, M. J. fl.W a boUl*. An drxusiiu. for« J. O. ATU CO., I^well^MasSj, Poor Hair Falling out Hair If this is the oaso, call and see us and we -wUlprevout it doing so by applying our wouder- -lul remedy. Highly Recommend Wo havo used its wondorfull many in tliiti town aud surroundl' dis on wid all who httvii undergone treatm retrict lueud it very bi«hly. om- No Cureâ€" No Pay A, WILSON FLESHERTON Barber BIG . . 5T0CK Wohavo just received In stook one of the finest aenortments of ULANKETS AND ROBES in tlio iiiaiket aud can favor yon with auy rciiniromentsyou will need in that line Also a lart'o consiynmeni of Imitation PERSIAN LAMB COATS. We have aflno collection of ooats to to Bulect from. All Sold at Lowet Living Prices TfiZ" iv£. m: o o lat E Boots Boots Boots Alirniip. Hiuniltoii All niiod luakt'."^. and Williams. ^r I'RmTS, MUSLINS &OINGUAMS All no* unuda. L.\DIES BLOUSES AND SKIRTS And Stiiiiiiirr Underwear. jOUR SPRING HATS will be in in a Few dayH, about May oih. All sizes and sliapcs. Men's Defiance Oveialli and Smock* A full stock of Groceries, popular PataDt Medicines and Diamond Dyes. Rakes, Forks, Shovelsand Uoe« JHamil'on Flour on Hand. $0. per bbl. All the abova and far mots yon will 6nd â- t the st-ira In Maxwell kapt by R. Kinnear & Sons SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT A choice line of and Ba3>y0 arriages Go=£;art$ Just to hand. The latest thint( inthese goods, aud low in price. Con\e and see Tlienq. eODSECLEillSG BEQ^ISITES SUCH AS New Shades, Curtain Poles, Fixings. W. H.~BUNT Furniture Dealer, Upholsterer and Undertaker. FLE5HERT0N ONT. BusiNF-ss Cards yCDLiLiOUGH & YOUNG ^ Banker Markdale Jo a eeueral banking business. Money loaned a reasonable rata Call on us. RJ SPROULB Fodtniaster, Flesherton â- commissioner in B. C. J., Auctioneer Con- veyancer, Appraiser aud Money Lender Real Hlstate and Insurance Agent. Deeds mortRages, leases and wills carefully drawn up aud valuations made on sborteat untiee, money to loan at lowest rates of intenst. Col 'letious attended to with promptness charues low. Agent for Ocean Dominion Staamsbip Company, A call soliotted. Societies AO U 'Vr meets ou tbe last Monday ID eacn mouth, in their longe room, Christoa's block. Flesherton. at 8 p.m. M.W., A. liarrison ; Recorder, Jas. Felstead ; Finan- cier, W.J. Ileliamy. Visitiof; brotbreo Invited. PBINCB ARTHTU LODUE, No. \i33.A. A M, meets in the Masonioball. Btrain'e block, Flesherton, every Friday on or before the full mocn. F H W Hickllng W M. Cbas Jtlunshaw, Bocretary. COURT rLESHERTON, I. O. F. meets In (Jhristoe's Mlock the last Friday evening each month. Visiting Foresteis heartily velcoino. 0. R., O. W, ISellamy ; B. O., W. Buskin : Flu. Hoc, Dr R. Murray. (I'ay duos to Dr. Murray on or before last day of each inoutb.) Medical On OARTWR M C P & H Ont. Physician, Snrgeon, etc Ofllca and residence â€" Peter st , Flesherton DU. SCOTT, M. D., Maxwell, Out. R. M. R15ID, M.D.C.M,, Hhvnlcian,"fiurReon and Accoucbcnr, Icile of NY. Postgrad. Medical Rchnol, N. Y. I,vi.ii;-iu ildililtui and 8t. Luke's Oenoral HospUnI, Uttawb T P OTTreWBLL ' Veterinary Snrgeon Qradufito of Ontario Veterinary College, resldopco â€" second door south west on &Iarv street. This street runs south Presbyterian Church. a WILSON, niackFmilh "* Graduate of the Vi'lerlnary Science AHsociation. Uebidonoe, Durham 'street, op- posite lluyd, Hiuklii.g'e hardware. Legal J. W. FROST, L li. B. Darrister, Solicitor Conveyaucer, ete olBcoâ€" Next to postollleo, Bpronle's block d.-ihurton, every Thursde and, court days N itâ€" Owen Sound oQice, Frost* block Puulett street east. LUCAS, WRIGHT & McAKDLB Harrlstert Solicitors Ooiiveyancera, etc Oflloosâ€" Owen Sound, Ont aud Markdale Ont. W H WiiinuT, McAHnLR I n Lucas N nâ€" Fleshorton offlos, UUcbeirs Bank •vary Saturday. MACKAYASAMPSON .narrliter*. solicitors. OFFICKH :â€" Owen Hcnnrt, Merchant's (tank Klock, N. of Pattursou House. Enndalk ain Street, every Saturday. Uonnv to loan at 41 per nent. A. Q. MACKAT. MA., H.R. SAMPSON, L.L.D Alwava la attendance at FlHberton and Dnndalk Div IsIob Conrts. Dentistry nn.n C. MURRAY, L,D. S. Aantal saricaon *» honor graduata of Torenie Unlvarslty and Rojal CalUf • of Pantal Bur«*ens of Ontario. OMoaâ€" Opposlta Arnatrans'a Jawsllary Mora. Will vlsis Maiwsl tks last W*4a««lay »*•»•»; aaaatj. »»*T>«»<al> 1 >â- > • Tkan4ay A retired furiDer at CbepBton, named £. Zettel, committed suicide, his mind being unbalanced owing to his fancied toss in the Durham Cement Co. He had morigaKed his farm for $4000 and invested the amount in cement ttuck. Two Walkerton girla have been left a legacy of 810,000. These girls are June and Laura Hays, at present residing at Mr. Robert Lock hart's. Their father, H. J. Hays, figured prominently here a few years ago. Owing to a disagreement with hi.s wife, he made a murderous assult on his mother-in law, for whch he Lad to do a terra. â€" Walkerton paper. Tha Worst Kind After Files have existed for a long time and paastd through different stager?, the autfering is intense â€" pain, achini;, throbbing, tumors form, filled to bursting with black blood. Symptoms indicating other troubles may appear to a thoroughly Pile-nick person. This is when Hem-Roid, the only, in- ternal, the only absolote nie care, things tho results that has made its fame. It will cure the most stubborn case in existence and a bonded gurantee to that effect goes with each package. It is to be had at the drug store. Sold by W. E. Richardson. Mr. Thomas Givena received a telegram last Friday morning frcm Mr. Geo. Vuil, who vras iu Collingwood, stating that Mrs. Giveiis was there. Mr. Givcns took train for OoUingwood in the afternoon and reached there at night, but the elopers had got scent of their discovery and embarked on the City of Midland which left port an hour before tho broken hearted husband arrived. Meavis was working in a sawmill and he and Mrs. Givens had beon passing under the asum- ed name of Maxwell. â€" Chatsworth News According to statistics fnmi the depart- ment of justice there are nine convicts in Kingston penetentiary sentenced from Grey county. Bruce has only two con- victs in the same institution. York heads the list with seventy-five and Kent fol- Iowa second with twenty-five. The Bruce Herald rem,irks that there are two or thceo more people in Walkerton who should be there. Young Ladles, Read This. If you are bothered with pimple, rashes or ugly blotches on your face, if your com- ploxton is sallow, it's an evidence that you require Ferozono to tune up your blood. One Ferrozone Tablet taken at meals niakos the complexion like peach bloom, checks soon become rosy, eyes bright. You'll be the picture of health. ThiiusAuds of ladies keep up their youth- ful appearance with Ferrozone, why not you? Price 60o. at druggists. We regret to learn that Dr. Jamieson mot with an accident on Thursday even- ing last which will lay him off work for a few days. Ho wa? driving through town when tho front axle broke.nnd the butr-jy suddenly dropped throwing the Doctor foward and frightening tho horse so as to cause him to run <iway. Tho Djctor hung on for a tiniu, but was subsequently pitched out. The tendons of the ankle were badly sprained, but a week or so will see him round again with hia usual smile wj hope,â€" Durham Chronicle. The Germs ot Catarrh Nut only attack the pa.saages of tho head and throur. but finally roach the lungs And cause 'Xiiisumptinn. Nothing de- siriiya catarrh so qn.ckly n» fragrant heal- iii« Untarrhozoue wliich relieves thooougli, • â- >|;Hthodu charge, takoa all surenes.s fiom tiiu throat. " 1 cou.sider Cainrroz^no Im.s notqual as a cure for catarrh and lui>g 'ronblo " writes Jas. E. Wethi-rdl ul B 1 l.ton. " It cured meafier many t!' od djolurs failed to even rotitvo my truuMo.' C .tarrhozoMo can't fail lo cure â€" it's ituar- anioid. Two mohth treatment gl.OO ; trial hize 25c. From tho Walkerton Telescope wo learn that lvincar<lino, thruugh llieir represou- tativB John Toinii', M. P. and others put in oppo.siiion buforo the Rahvay ci>m- mitteo to granting a charter for a railway from Luokiiow to Hanover. Dr.Spnuilo also oppoRotl it but tho Kiilway cuinmittoo brushed thrt olijocti(nn aside and i;ranled it by a largo majority. Tho Tuleacopo onds itaaitic'o thus- "Of course, tha bill so Tar has only passed tho c-immittue stage but as tbj committee is made of one hundrtd mombern, whatever it re- commends is likely to go through tho Houao. There is nod<mbt in Mr. Shan s mind, that the C. P. R. is behind the scheme,and that tie company is acting in good faith. If tho charter is graniod the road will be built, hut not likely this I year. Aud if it is begun at all, it will ' not be confined to a line batweeii Han- over and Lucknow, but will bo extendel on to oonneot with thoir Owen Snand lin* at Flsaharton. Such a line wo'ild be • grand thing for all (be towiu alon; tho lino. And tho boauky of tho wbolo sehemoii, tho company will build the lino thvouoltoo without aokiiig for a I Wm. Abercrnmbie, 8th line, Cullint'- wo<k1, had his skull fiactured in attempt- ing to stop a runaway team. A largo number of apeckled trout of larxe size have 'ueen caught in Clark.iburg and up tho liver this year which old fish ermen say is due to the Thornbury dam beinaout. When rebuilding it would be much easier to put a proper Hah slide on than to do so afterwards. We mention this as we understand a movement is on foot at Heathcute and Kiiubevley to con pel owners of dams lo make provision for fish to get up and down, aud it s bet- ter I o have it settled without delay one way or the other. â€" Reflector. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to get the best Photos is at BULMER'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. Hereford bull for Service Tbeuud<>rsl(;ned hasa tborouehbred IT^reforil bull for service on lot 165, .^rdwobtT. 4 3. B., Arteinesia. Terms one dollar. IJue Wesley Buskin SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay Special Attention to Copying and Babies' pictures. Picture fram- ing a specialty. Try us for any kind of pictures and we will promise satisfaction. Sydenham strcat, Flesherton Transacting Business . . . It is impossible to go through life without some Buiiuess Transactions. To simplfy such matters and make them profitable you should have a BuHJneas Education such as is given at tho C A. Fleming:, Principal OWEN SOUND, OST. Sprirjg Term begins .April 4th, 1904 THE WORLD'S FAIR PREMIUM CARRIAGE STALLIOM Prince Arthur NO. 1852, E.C H.S. Imported July, 1892. Winner at the World|^ Fair, Chicago, Ne>» York and Ottawa, anJ viiiner un five occasicms ol lirst piize and sweeping stakes at To- ronto shows, anti mrtny other valuable prizes, a record iinequitlled by any car- ringe or ccach stallion in Canaaa. Prince Arthur is not only a very successful prizd winner himself, but his stock has won u large percentage of all the prize's offered for c trriageclasaea at the Toronto Indas- tri.nl and otiter large shows during th.} last few years. They have also won »1- mOBt every prize offered ii> the carriage class in Grey county, and wherever ax- hibited. ROUTE FOR 1904 : MONDAYâ€" At 8 o'clock a.m. will leave his own stable, lot 18, con. 10, Enphrasia, and procscd to Rucklyn for noon, night, Ravenna. TUESDAYâ€" Noon and night, Collinj;- wood. Cook's hotel. WEDNESDAY â€" Noon, Duntroosi, Wednesday niaht Singhampton. THURSDAYâ€" Noon and night. Max- well. FRIDAYâ€" Noon, Flesherton ; Fridiy night, Markdale house, Markdale. SATURDAYâ€" Markdale until 6 p.m. Saturday night, his own stable uatil Monday at 8 o'clock a.m. TERMS : To insure, 311,00, payable January 1st, 1903. All mares must be returned weekly to the horse or they will bo charged full insurance, in foal or not. Parties disp'«ing of their mares before collecting time will bo responsible for insurance. All accidents to mares at risk of owners. Persons tryin^j mares and not returning them must pay full insurance. Groom's fee 50c, which must be paid in all cases, t/. W. MANARY. . Coring P. O. Important to Horsemen. Parties interested in horses slioukl see the celebrated youn<:j French Coach Stallion Gauthier, 3383, and the superior young Clydesdale, Good Luck, 3956, at Munshaw's hotel every Friday night: GAUTHIERS ROUTE Monday noon â€" A. Patterson's, Blaiilyro Monday night â€" Royal hotel, Meaford. Tue.sday noon â€" Wui. Dean's, Uriersville. Tue-sday nltiht â€" Rocklyii hotel, Wednesday noon â€" J. Longhead's, Wodo- house. Wednesday niyht â€" At bis own stable until Fridiiy night. Friday night â€" Munshaw hotel, Fle^lmrton Saturdayâ€" Markdale house, Markda'e. GOOD LUCK'S ROUTE Wednesday night â€" Kiinberluy Thursday noon â€" Eugenia Thursday nighcâ€" Maxwell Friday n»o«iâ€" Pjrtlaw Friday nightâ€" Flesherton Saturday â€" Revere hotel, Markdalo Wm. Manary is Manager for both horses with the exception of Gauthier Friday night and Saturday, when he will be under thecaie of H. M. Douglas, proprietor, Vandeleur save their co-stin twelve months and produce moro buttei wnh eight co«s than is produced under the old methoc Don't clo'ay purcha.sina because yon thin!; thai wiih ton. letter on you will bo ablo to g>t this ..r timt iniprovement o. ^ reduction in price. Yom arc losing from $5 to §10 witli^ very momth's delay. Free trial to intending purchasers.]^ ^YRITE FOR BOOKLET No. 8 S. ^ D. IVIcTAVISH Ii[ [[[SHfRTON (;j||li6[ eil[i[i For First Class Buggies, Carts, Pleasure and Lumber XNagons, cutlers, Sleighs. Wo keep » stock on hand to choose from. ALSO HORSE SHOEINQ ANDOENERAL BLACKSMITHINO and ifuarantee flrit elasa work. We keep on hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and alio Masaey Harris and Noxon ropaira for binders, Mowers, all kioda of machinery, also Binder Twine on hand. » Oiben in town aive u$ a call •

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