Flesherton Advance, 16 Jun 1904, p. 4

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June 16 1004 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE "iffft ima^^iim F, T. HILL & CO. I WVWWWVA'W^ ?i$*!l^^iei^HN*?ieK*^i4^?N^^^?«B^9lH*^ Money Makers for EARLY BUYERS || Tboyd, hickling & co., These lines, exactly as representcfl, will be on sale as soon as this appears in print. There are some rcniarkably good things in the offeringâ€" goods you'll need â€" and the values will proltably never again be repeated. Itead carefully about every item and ifyou have any po.ssible need of them come early. Here are details : ^4f.'50 and SS.50 Glen's ffiain 'Coats for ^2.50. In tliis 1i)t tli^rt- is iilsnut '.Vi Men's liigli claas Rain Cnats, iiiiulo of fi;ie wool jiliiin and twillud and pronfetl to turn llic lienvie.st shower. In erery dt-tail theno goods r iiro pLifoct, seams .iru !ill floiilile stitclit'd, styles exii'.-tly right for present season and lit just as you want it. Nearly ull sizes at this very small price I cll'tllX, I $2.50 Three Lots of Print at Three Small Prices Amon'j; 1 lie dauijvfiod Prints wc'ved Imd during' the past three weeks this last lot is by far the best. They'll tell ij'iick at these jiricts : ' 800 yards of (ino E'linlii, soiled and slightly scorched on the od^es, excellent for quilts cr cliilJrou's wuar, poryard 2^0 1000 yards of fine Prints, stained and wet, (jualities worth 10c and 12ic, seiriccable for any use. Tiio price per yard i» â-  5c l.")Ofl yards (.f extra fine Print, soiled only and practicidly as good as ever. There are great bargains in these prints, per yard 7|o Another Big Shoe Offering«88c Per Pair \rM\ \n this let wi> liavc about I.'iO pnirs of splondid-weaiing .Shoes for girls and young women and which is a general dualling up iif our stock • The tiz«8 in this hit run from 11 to j, and ihe original pices §1.25 to 1^2.50. If you m any way reipiirB auytliing in these sizes this is un opportunity you should not neglect. Your choice for. . . .88c CI1ILI>RKN'S AND MIOSES' GLOVES 9o 10 dozen IVIissu:! and Cluldron's Glovus, in assorted colors and sizes. The regular salting price of thoie is 15c to 2uc pair, but all cjo now at one price, j-our choice Oc Carpets J Carpets I We would like to emphasize the fact that wo have one of the most magnificent (JARPET STOCKS in the connty. Nearly 100 ditr.iient ipialities in almost every known weave, bright, serviceable new goods, and not the el glitest extravagance in pric?. Yuui siiriilleat or largest want in Carpets, Linoleums, Jap MattiuL'S or any tloor covering yon desire, can lie tilled by us to your entire s.itisfaction. We will lie pleased to show you the most peifoct stock of Floor Coverings you'll have an opportunity of viewing â€" No need to buy unless yoa w.j'i. wmmi MARKDALE ?1M^.»}^ Fergiverjsation l'i\itor Advinre : â€" Your Kiinlieiley cor jcsiiondent must eitlier brt levoid of in- v.'anl truth, or the victim fif some ijues- tinnable character who supppiied liiin with the untruthful items he furnished you with, in last .Advance, rolalii.g to ilie fnotl.all match botwHeii Ceylon and Kimlarley teams. The first paiagriiiili re. ilio match fays: "One of the <^e)l.in players, ly foul play was the means of injuriiij^ Mr- J. S. Huff." If there was "fnul phiy," on the occa»ioM lefericd to, why was it not investigated on the f-pot ; hut, no doubt, the wiiter, like all egotistical funis, was so much el- ated with his firs'-, fraud, that ho must perpitiate a second, in the following wold* :â€" "On Saturday evening last a loiit.aill niRlch waa [dayed hero lietwoen a te'im consisting of part Markdala and Ceyloii tonins, which resulted in a dis- puted goal for till) visitina team." False- hood! baso ealuiiiiiy!! Mr. Kichards is a ilomi-.iled resident of Miirkdale, but has been more a resident of Ceylon tlian of Markdale ; is, atid has licen a menibur of the Ceylon fi otiiall team duiiiig the past Ki-asiiii, and liaa not been a iiK-niher nf Markdale team. The foul pl.iy referred to in I he lirst paragraph would not be biiictioned liy i\Ir. lluff, if, as we btdieve in Ceylo'i. that he is a true sportsnuii. The clispiited goal referred to ia a part of the ill bred oiloitto bolster up un inferior cause. We, in Ceylon, respect manly vigor, Ijiit scorn to achieve notoriety hy niitrnthfiil me«ns. "Evil doers ate evil deniuers," in a truism tlnit cannot be dis- puted ; and it comes with ill grace for the "Forlorn liope" of Kimbeih'y to falsely accuse Ceylon of borrowing skill and t.iilent fioit. Msrkilale, when iliey (Kiiii- Siitley) lind help from Rocklyu and Ueathcote. â-  "Kictsare thingi tli-it wiiina ding Nor dnur na l)e dis putet." Siisay.1 llobort liuriis. The Rlrenvth of a ustior., as the world is coimtituted, at the [>rrsetit day, dep- t'lids as much upoii manly vi.;or as inttl- leclual culture ; Lotli cnmliiiied pie- BviiM an irresiitable fortj ngaiuat ru^.h'oM horden. Let the "Forlorn Hope" of Kimberley cultivate tlie prin- ciples ainive staled, and he will do much toward developing the s'andard of ex- cellence in the Kinberley football t-ani Ltl him not a Hlxnder forge, his noigh- hors' fume to wound. Let it not he Huppnsol that Ceylon liasnny but fiiendly feeling for Kiinberley. l)ut glaring error we cannot .s«al|ow. Ymirs truly, .\. 1! Oul)i:i8un, Captain, J. L.Wood, Manager, brook, where he engaged in the banking business. The firm of »Voi,d A Kells were widely known throughout this district, doing a very extensive Inisiness. ; The linn also were pioneers in Manitnba I settlement, the Souris district being lar- \ Hely settled as a result of their entei piise. ' Mr. Wood was a man of culture and widej reading, an entertaining companion and j |)ossessed ihrewd busiiii ss instinct. Hisj demise will be mouinrd hy the wholel comuiunity. In poliiics Mr. Wood was I a Liberal of ihe George IJnuvu school. | and very active in furthering the Liberal j cause. An Anglican m religion, he was' much devoted to his church, where his I wise counsel and financial aid were always | cheerfully given. Besides Mis. Wood i lliere are left to mourn his death fnur ; daughters â€" Mr.*. Lefioy, wiiinw of the; lite A. 15 Li-froy of rlie Bank of Toronto; ] Miss Wiir.d, assistant mpeiintendent of Wilmington, Delaware, Hospital ; Miss Aiiiiin Wood, B. A., and Miss Gertrude! Wo( (1, sit home ; and three sons â€" W. V. ! Wood, Manager of the local baiikii'g hrin i of Woid A Kells ; Walter Wood, imiuagerl of the Hank of Toronto, Oakville, and H.j M. Wood, U. A., Division Court Clerk, .Millbrook. Glasses That Cure. Death of Archibald Wood The Globe of a recent dale had the fo'Iowing notice of the death of Mr. Archib%ld Wood of Millbroolt, a brother <.f Mr. D.i»id Wood, A pioneer resident of this township : Mr. Aroliibald Wood pSMod awny after a brief illmxs, pneumonia lH«ing the Oiiuse of death. The late Mr. W,,oJ wai horn in Churchill County, Fvrmtiiegh, IreUnd, and c-inio to Ctnada when fjuit.- y.umt, «etilinit first in Painnonnt. He , taui^hi actioul for a few years in CaTan, »nl about fifty jeara affo came to Mill- An exchange aptly remarks :-'If a far-j niersidd 2000 bushels of wheat for §2000, be would consider it a pretty pro. I litablc bargain. But it he s- .Id 2000 bushels to 2000 ditferent jieople eacli year! for live y«ar3, and at the end of that timoj found that a grcHt percentage had not* paid their share, he would feel Hkc doing things Perhaps you can aae the point. If yon wore ihe publisher yon oertanly could mil \v„uld not further del ly iu re- mitting your subscription. Four youii); men belonging to the most prominent families of Cllin^wood were drowned on Saturday evening while sail- ing from that place to the mouth of the Nottawasaga river. They wore H»rvey Stephen', eon of C. E. Slephi n.s, sec. treasurer of the Northern Navigation Con'inny ; Gerald Mus.seii, sou of Rer. K. II. Mussen of All Saints church;! Harry Andrews, aou of S. 1). Andrews of the Collingwood Shipbuilding Company; and Edinoiid Carrol, sou of Ilev. J. C.irroU of Bowmaavjlle and teller in a bunk. It is not knnwn how the aucidont occurred. The bodies have not been re- covered. Their boat wat found bottom up. Amvol shame for raisinij nicmey was inaugurated soine tiino ugo among the ladiea of the Walkoiton Methodist chueh. Etch of the latlies was given the sum of ten cents. This was called talent money, and it was suppused to bo u'illized in mak- ing more money. A public meeting wan hold in thechuroh, when the roporuwore h indod in, an account of how the money Inwl b en used bein< recifixl in poetry. From aomothiiig leas ih»n five dollara pii' out in (he I >r.ii of talent money, th re wM -i n- 1 rotuni of f 113. I Eyestrain causes many serious ills â€" Nervousness, Neuralgia, Hysteria, Sleeplessness, headaches baffling the skill of the best doctors. < We adjust glasses that remove the strain â€" give a lasting cure. We guarantee satisfaction. W. A. Afmstron^j JEWELER a;>10 OPTiC^Ari FLESHERTON. Flesherton Sash, Door and Planing Mills AFTER much labor and e X - pense we liiive reop- ened our actory and have just erected a dry kihi, Avhich puts us in a po.sition to fill all orders for .Sash, Doors, Frames, Mould- ings, Base, stair materials and machine work such as plan- ing and matching, scroll and band sawing and turning of every description. Our stock of north shore white pine is complete. We also carry a good stock of panel doors and sash and win fill all ortlers promptly and will guarantee .s{iti.sfacti(m to our customers in all lines of our business and our prices will bo found as rea.sonable as any. Our Chopping Department shall have our liest attention. Hrs. A. Wilson 1 W. Wlljon, Manager -FLESHERTON, ONT. JUNE MILLINERY Every few days see the addition of sopic millinery novelties to our .stock, so that it is always complete â€" a lot of very pretty new straw .shapes just arrived. We pay special attention to orders for juno wedi.lmgs ear dpeciai 24 pairs Ladies White Cotton Drawers trimmed three rows tucking and ileep lace frill â€" full sizes â€" nicely made â€" strong and tine quality cotton. Ciiegular SOc, lines U/earing at 29c. tjlne tJ\.eaciJ >yYLaai e/c 'othlno We are justly proud of our Ready Made Clothing for men â€" for we are showing a range which cannot be beaten for style, good workmanship and wearing cloths. Every suit represents extra value â€" they were bought right and are marked close to sell quickly. Our Suitsjj from $7.50 to $15,001 Are our leaders â€" they include the latest patterns in Tweeds and Fancy worsteds â€" showing the new stripe and flake effects â€" perfectly tailored â€" equal in fit and appearance to ordered cloth- ing. All sizes from 36 to 42. cSoy's Suits for <p7.00 and ^1.50 Boy's 3 piece Sailor Blouse Suits â€" sizes fiom 3 to 7 years â€" nice navy blue serge â€" trimmed white braid â€" deep washing collar of navy duck â€" white flannel vestee. SF>ECIilL ^l.OO Boys 3 piece Sailor Blouse Suits â€" sizes from 3 to 7 years â€" heavy navy serge â€" deep sailor collar trimmed Avith gold braidâ€" embroi<lcred whire flannel vestee. Belts,White Vests,Fancy Shirts, Summer Suits, Summer neck= wear, Canvas Footwear, Liglit Underwear, Straw Hats, Felt Hats. %jAz >J\ewest cioocls at Crvigfit prices. Good Paints & Good Varnishes for All Parts of Buildings ^ The SHEHWIN-WilLIAMS Co. make good paints and good vamishes for all parts of buildings inside and outside, and for all household uses. They make special paints for special purposes, each one the best of Its kind. No matter what you want to paint or varnish, you'll get best results, fuU measme, and save roost money if you nse THE SHnwiM-WlLUAMS PAINTS AMD The ShERWIM-WIUIAHS yAHM/SHES. , Color cards and full information upon request. ' THESHERW/H-mu/AIKS CO. are the largest paint makers in the world. They have btdk op their busi- ness on good qnalitf . J •OLD av MilSbiji^ "^ssm""'

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