Flesherton Advance, 16 Jun 1904, p. 5

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THE FLESIIERTON ADVANCE June 16 19C4 Methodist Church F'LKBHKHTON'. J.I. I. wn-aoN, B. A., o. » Pastor ^Vicinity Chips fharjictcrlstics of the Past W<S'k fijirefully Culled for the I'nrioiis â€" â€" L:iih for sale â€" AJani Smith, Eugenia. Buy Wanted â€" at onoa. Apply to EJ<)y<l, Hicklin,' & Co. Fifteen head of young cattle wanted to pHsturo. AiUni Smith, Euyeiiia. Carload of tine Wiiids^jr Salt just ar- >ivid Ht F. (J. Kaiscedt's. Burn â€" In Artemesia, on May 30th, to Mr. and Mrs. VV. Clark, a son. Fresh liniu al-vayn on hand. J. ET. Duckef-, Euyeijia- Miss Bert Crosa'.ey ia visitin:^ friend s »' Kir'g City and elsewhere. Money to loan at n "{ on f^irm property â€" expeuBB hi-.v, A. S. VanDusei'i. Mrs. W. H. Bui.t and chiliiren ave visitinj! relatives at SVoodbiid(;e Mr. W. J. D.'Uglass and family have talcen up thnir re-idei:oe in town for the sunnner niontl.s. Aitemesiti district Oranremen will celebiato with the Owen Sound Lretheren on July 12. For Sale Cheapâ€"Lot 23, c>n. 7, Osprpy. Would rout. Apply to R, J. Sproulc, Fleshertoii. lau^ Dr. Walter and Iiipppct r Pick, tt of " Markdale, Mr. T. Wol.sey and W. Ken- iicy of Dundalk, were guests at Mr. Run- stiidliler's on Sunday. Mr. R. Pedlar, who recently removed from Thorn bury to Dutton, was burnt out in a couliaf^rafion a week ago. His less was covered by insurance. Pii; c'.nie astray â€" Came to my preniipes about May 20, one pii.'. Owner >, pleasa cdl and take away. Wni Soiners, ,:* Vaudelt;ur. / Miss Mary MadUl, who has bocu viait- in;^ relatives in tlii.s vicinity for some - time, returned on Monday to her home v at the Saalt. t Wantedâ€" 1-OfO cords hard wood, 1000 ; cords sift wood, and 5000 cords 'cedar. â- . Quo'epiices to The Deacon Co. Ltd, 4. Strotford. Messrs. Geo. Mitdielll, Andrew Wilson R. J. Spri'ule and C. Mun.shaw arc in Owen Sound thi.s week attenditg the Ses- sions as witnesses on the bank burg'ary case. For Saleâ€" One Speight wa'.;on,box and sjirini! scat ; 1 suiky rske. n^-arly new, 1 Massey Harris uiower, No 7, nearly mw. Cheap for c»»n or good note. R. J. Stuart, Kiniberley. . \f» have quite a nutjiber of men's ind ladi'is waterpr6of8 to clear out ut a Jb.trgaio. We kou'.'ht them at a bargiln and you can depend on getting one the tame way at Sheppards. Thrt evangelists, Cri'ssloy aiid Hunter. wera presented with a pn-sc of SoOO when leaving Markdale. Three hundred ai d thirty-one people proflessed conver- sioH under their ministration. The Advance has roc jived a copy of a now patriotic song written by Sir. F. T. Carr of Eugenia, cdled "Our CJieat Canadian West." The tru-io is of 'ho taking vaiicty and is considered really charming by .all who have heard it. It is Dot yet placed in the maiket. No. G volunteer company left for Nia- gara camp on Tuesday morning. The cou'pany was compkta and looked qui*e nitty in their new clothes and hyhnets. Thvy w ere in charge of Capt. McFarlarid and 1st Lieut. Chas. Richardson. Some time a^o Owen Sound passed a cigarette bylaw levying a $250 tax on deal- ers. This was (piiished at Toronto on Mornlsy on the ur< und that itwasultra vires, on ing to the fact i hat it did not slate distinctly by "reta-1 " thus alfocting the wholeia'e trade. Owen Sound will prob. at'ly c Muc at theui again, and this lime in more correct fomi. Mount Zion S. S. purposes holding a gatden party in tlie (iri>vo of Mrs. Jer- uiinh Taylor on the evening of June 22. Everybody weloome. No meani are spared by the people of Mount Zion to luake this a success. There nill bo a g"od pri'gtamme rcnderr<I. AJuasBiun children lOc, adults 15. The Sy<lenham Mutual Fire Insurance C.i. ha.^ the large,st surplu.i of any purely ni'Jtu^d Rre insurance coninany in Can-ida; has a Urge membership, i.< managed by mon of experience in the iii.suraiicu business, rates as low as is consistent with security, h;is a premium iinta one third less than any other company. Before insuring call on or write to their sgent, ^W. .J. B.i^es, Markdale, Miss Amy Kerr of Zion City was the guist if the Miffes Munshaw for a couple of days this week. TheO. 8. Sun calls Durham a "little village." We may expect somo warm wpiiiher talk from the two Durham papnis this week. James Young, an employee at. the eug packing house, left on Saturday fur Tor- onto to undergo an opoation for a growth on his neck. Mr. John Bunt of Hanover wheeled over Saturday erenin^.returning Monday morning. Preparatory service was held in the Presbyterian church on Fiiday and sac- ramental service on Sunday. Miss Mamie Sullivan of the Central telephone is holidaying for a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. P. Echler of Elmwood spent Sunday with Jlr. and Mrs. F. G. Kaistead. Parsiil lof-t â€" Between Fltsherion and Robirt Akitt's corner, gravel road east, about, two weeks ago. Findor please eave at this office. Owen Sound will hare the Orange Grand Lodge next year. It beat Vancou- ver out by two ill the vote taken last week at Toronto. Mr. Crone of Markdale S'led the pul- pit of the Methodi.^t church very .lecept- ably indeed on Sunday evening. Mr. Richardson took the pulpit in the luorii- ing. 250 men's and boj's' ready-to-wear suits CO clear out. We have a good a.s.sort- nient to choose from, and we must clear them out, call at Sheppard's and get one. The I. 0. F. will parade to the Meth- odist church on Sunday evening next, where thiy will be addressed by the pastor. Rev. Ivison Wilson. At the annual meeting of the Arleni- esia Woman's Tnslitut.o, May 31sf, the following members were elected: Pves- iilent, Mrs. T. R. MaukenzLe; Vice Pres. Mrs. W. J. Stewart; Hon. Pres., Mrs. R. Best; Sec. Tieas., Mrs. W. Wilcox. Remember our Summer Millinery Opening tmlay and following cays. Mrs. .Sheppard invites all the ladies to call. At this opening will be shown some very pretty cheap hats â€" summer bargains. The first draft of stations for this district at the Methodist conference made the following changes : .lohii Nass to Eugenia ; J. Triebury to Walters falls ; Charles Langfoi-d to Corbetton. Rev.W. .\. Sinclair of Eugenia was put down for McICellar in the Parry Sound district. Orange Valley junior football club played a return match with the Rockvale club Saturday evening. Score 1â€"0 in favor of the latter, Mr. J. A. SIcLeixi of Pviccville, who i.salirat year man at Torimto medical college, was in town on Monday soliciting orders for the latest map of Canada and new (Jntario. It is a long time since wool reached as high prices as have licen paM on thi.s nwrket during the pa«t week. Fanners have come to towti with a smile and goi-e ho-no chuckling. We believe the limit paid wait ^3^ cents cash and 34.V cents trade. Miss Swallow of Durham died suddt^i !y on Friday last while attending the wedding of her sister Mabel at Ingersoll. Tha remains were brought home anfl. interred at Durham on Sunday. Mis-s Swallow was well ku wn hero a.s a fancy skater a4id has taken several prizes at Flesherton carnivals. The Owen Sound Sun thinks there is a possibility of another cement niMl Iwins bui!t at Bell's Lake, by a Detroit syndi- cate. The Sun says the init'al seheme was to have the factory situated at Owen Sound and the marl brought in on marl cars, but if electric energy can be obtain' e.l from Eugenia FalU which is only about 8 or 9 m lesdis'ant, the mill wid be crectrd near the lake. A arand Orange pienic will be In Id at Eucenia i>n the afternoon •/ Wednesday, June 22, with a concert in the evening at which Dr T. S. Sproule, the new'y re- elected grantl master of Ontario we^t, M. K. Richaii'son, M. P.. and f. B. Lucas, M. L. A., will he present and deliver addresses. A foclbnl tournament will he held in the afternoon. See large postcis for full particulars. The Munshaw hou^e is undergoing ex- tensive renova'ion which, when c.miple- teJ.will lender thia historical old hostelry Rcarcely recognizable to the travelling public. Partitions and doorn are being swei>t away and a large rotunda formed with office â€" in fact it will be stticlly nioderniiefl. Meftitrs. C. Bellamy and ik. Bentbam have the contract. The most popular place in town i« as- suredly the Soda and Ice Cream Parlor, Mediaal Hall- -The pleasant surroundings and delio'ous cooling beverages, satisfy- ing the most fastidious â€" The manage- ment regret that they were short of ice crenni ou Saturday night and beg to a.ssure all thit such will not be permitted to happen again. New line of Chocolates and Confection- ery at Medical Hall â€" including in choc- olates, Burnt Almond, Coconnut, Walnut, Jordan Alnnnid, Lemtn, Vanilla, etc. Highest quality goods at medium prices. The fifth annual convention of .\rteme- sia township S School .Association will bo held at Eugenia on^FiiJay afternoon and evenini.',24 Juno. Each service will begin with a .song service led by Rev. J. S. I. Wil.son. Piogianisare being i.ssued this week. S. .School workers and the public generally are urgently requested to be pre.sant. The Simcoe county house of refuge has at present 7S iimiat,?3 â€" G3 miles and 15 females. Nine deaths have occurred there since last .January. The farm lias 8 acres in fall »hea', 2(i in oats, 18 in barley, 3 in potatoes, 3 in roi.ts, and 2 acres in vegelinbles. The cost to town- ships range.i fimn S1<).00 to S474â€" the town of Bitrrie reaching tha latter li<_'ure. The township of Tiny bears the .smallest coat, 810.00, It 15 Highly injurious. To use a cheap drastic phy.sic. Safest remedy for constipation an.l torpid liver is Dr. Haniilloo's Pills of Mandrake and Butternut which loosen the bowels with- out siriping pains Use only Dr. Uainil- ttm'a Pills. Price 25c. Harried E.liolt-Stoutenburg At the residenco of the bride's father, Collingwood, by Rev. J. A. Craiifton, M, A., on .funeSth, William Elliott of Fever-ham tn Carolina Stouten burg of CoUiniiwood town. Bull for Service Novman Conqueror No .5124:1. Registered iu Doniiijjou Slioi:t Horn Hord Hook, with two ittiportfetircrosFeF. Will be for service (Itning tho BBason of liXM of lot 170, con. 2 E. T. A; S. road. .VlBO a reHistcred Ttmisworth IJoar. Tenris for 'oorvico oiio dollar, {j'^yiiblo Jan., IOCS, redigroep on application. H. .\LLli.N', Kleslierton, P. O. Bull for Service Tlio t.liorouqhlirod (Imluiin buil "Lord Dor tiaiii" will stand for sorvice on lot II. con. U r> l>. It. .-VrteiKeBiH. Ttjrnj.s 81.00 payable lat of Februarv. Anv cow.iiot returned wiU bo charg. t-d wbi'thur inoftlf or not, Voiiureo on anplicatioo. ..; fi-^VID HIN'K. Vrop. CREDIT AUCTION 5ALE Of Reui.stereJ .Shorthorn Cattle On Wednesday, June 22 '04 â- AT- 'j^e, SDanhc 'Stock Bull' (bred in Scotl.ind) in- cluded in sale. Catalogues nqailed on applic- ation. H. PARKER Durham Ont. Tliflroiigllireil tiiriain iuli CIPSY LAD - - NO. 38916 Will stand for tho service of cows tor the your 1904. TKK.VISâ€" $1.50 poroow, payable oi' the Ist of Fobrnnrv, lyo.i. Tborouuhbiod cows $!• No cows taiten lifter being gurvod witb another bull dnriUB the season. WILLIAM P.-VTON, I'rop. iFr3s:^-s^c^;^s-^-s^^-^.-7rcc:>.^^o^ Farrq for Sale Reins Lot 103 A- 101 North F:a!=t of Toronto & Sydenham roaiV oo)ttaii.inj» IS2 acros, tW tindor ciiltivntioii, in J4*4endid coiiditiou for orop. froo of Htone,, woU fenced and watorcil, fvco of wild weeds, hftviiiK orcliaril and smalt frnits. Good barn witb track and othor out; bniiiiiiifi^ oom- fortftble house, a* jni'es from Proton, in Taylor Battlement. Apply to W. J. MULLI.-f, Proton Station- WALL PAPERS r. TryoTi, Priceville, hafl put in ft complete stuck of l:fct(ist pattorim iti wallpapers. The finest tvBftortiiiunt. ovoi- brought in. Will sub^ Tuit saniplti)! lo proBpuctivo I'liicliaKois. Hiiiifi â-  iug pioiuptly aud Batiiiractoi'ilj done. Cod&'s Cotton Root Compound. '' Ijadica* PsTorite, Is tho only safe, rellebld regulator on -w.hJch woman can depend. "In tile hour and time of neetJ." Prepared In two desrsee of •trangtli. No. 1 antl No, % No, 1.â€" Fgx orijinary cases Is by far the teat dollar medicino kno^m. No. S â€" For spwial cases â€" 10 degr««s BtrogKer â€" throe dollars p«r box. LAdiesâ€" a.«Ii your druKglat for Cook'» Cotton Root Oomponud. TnkR no other as all plilB, roixturp.i and 1mltatlon<i are dangerous. No. 1 nnj No. 2 art> sold and rccommonde<l by all druji?jflat« In the Do- minion of Cnnarda. W.alled to any atlilress on receipt ofprlco and tour 2-cont postaM â- tanUMi TM Cook Compnny, WtedMr, Oat. Nolftndtwc Kr* Kid in Kloabarton br \y fl jjctaardt >a aad ^ J Oaii(lMWJDr uKgiats. I M i >:^ i * ''A $ i IK n n !^ i^ I Ceavitig Tlesberfon GO (iays more of a Clcapitlg SaiC- Our stock, which was a heavy one, is still complete in most lines so you can depend on gettins what you want from us at a much lower price than elsewhere. We are determined not to take anything with us to Toronto Jet. if the price price will chase it out here. Ready to Wear Clothing "^ We have 250 suit to clear at very low price. We find it no trouble to sell them every time a man wants one, so don't forget when you want a suit to call and get a bargain. C>u/nmep >^'tiUinerij Opening/ Wfi have been so rushed in the millinery department that our milliners could not keep up with the demand so this week we have engaged atlOtb^t* IHillinsr and have decided to hold a ^Mid Summef Qpeninff on Wednesday and tbursday Suiie 15 and 16 and following days when Mr.s. Sheppard invites all the ladies to call and inspect the stock, in this display will be found a choice lot of pretty, cheap hats for summer wear. A chance for everybody wanting a nice hat at a bariraiii. - iVaterprOofs ^t a bargain Last week -n^e purchased 25 Ladies Waterproofs. We did not intend to buy anything like thi.s before leaving but the price caught us and we could not re- sist the temptation so bought and now you will get the benefit of our buying. They are a lot of samples and odd lines, extra good goods at very low price a chance for any lady wanting a waterproof. Woolf Wool! Woo// As we will be here for the wool season we will be prepared to buy your wcol for either cash or trade at good prices. T. J. SHEPPARD Sproule's Block Flesherton Ki m ^^^ ^ !! >< !; H:;jy;;^ ; .R " j^j^ ^ Cbc IHedicaS l>all ^ g is fully sttocked with Paris Green, Slug Sftot, w S Bug Deatb, etc. g Q Get after the bugs early and have less future trouble S and larger crops. W TlSctseed and Oil €ake for calves S LOWEST PRICES IN THE COUNTY, W. J. Douglass MEDICAL HALL Flesherton K^d:)^^o^o^<s:i^<s^o^^ f ^^ •4I«# •Ml. '/iV dUST ^ •»i'? RECEIVED ^T Richardson & Sons Oilcake, Calf Meal, ^ Corn, Garden Seeds, w •SI? •v«- 'Sit- â- ttr. Best Clover & Timothy Seed from ^ # Steekt Bii^d$ Company I I ;• 4 t?

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