Flesherton Advance, 16 Jun 1904, p. 7

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feAINY RIVER MAN HAD TROUBLES TILL DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED HIS KIDNEYS. Then His Eheuraatism and Other Pains Vanished Once and for all â€" His Case only One of Many. llai-wick, Ont., Juno 20.â€" (Siiecial). â€"That Dodds Kidnoy Pills will euro Khciinialisni, or any otiier disease re- sulting from di-sordered Kidneys is liVio o.viK'rii^nco of many of the settlers In tj^io H.-iiny Rivpr coimtry. The jaae of VVilliain .John Dixon of this flacn is a fair .sanijde of the worlc he great Canadian Kidney Remedy s doing. "I hdd rheumatism so bad I had lo u.se a stick to walk. I had pain.i n my back and right hip and I had 10 conifort in sleeping. "I could no more than dress or un- Ircsr, myself for nearly two months, mti I was for nearly three weeks I KJuld not lace my right shoe. "My brolhi-r advised me to try Jodd's Kidney Pills and I did so. ifter takin;^ three ho.xes I could walk iroiind and lace up my shoes and do ny work. Si.x boxes cured ms com- fletely." Dodd's Kidney Pills are the one lire cure for sick Kidneys Sick fCidnevs are the cause of nine-tenths (f the ills the human family suffers k'om. UOTIISCHILD'S HEBUKE. Uaron Holhschild, one of the most anostentatious of millionaires, has a Jry way of administering a deserved (nub which is appreciated by evory- oody except the recipient of the re- buke. ^iot very long ago ho was enter- taining at luncheon a distinguished party. The meal went on admira- bly. Nothing marred the general en- joyment save the loquacity of one j;oung man. This young man insisted on mono- (lolisnig the conversation. Ho in- sisted on talking about himself â€" nbout his books, his work, his love- liffairs, his motor-car. Finally ho jumped to his feet. "I\y Jove!" ho said â€" ''I must show j'ou all my sleeve-links and studs. I pot them this morning. They are malachite." And he passed from one guest to Miothcr, exhibiting the studs, which ivere neither beautiful nor costly nor in any way out of the ordinary. "Malachite!" he kept reivating â€" "genuine malachite." Baron Uothschild watched the ^•oung man's progress with a taint r.neer. When the studs reached him lie touched them with his fuiger su- ))crcilicusly, and drawled : "Ah, malachite â€" eh? ll is a liandsomo stone. I have alw.ays lik- fd it. I have a mantelpiece of it In the next room!" niE FIFTY MILLION DOLLAIl WCKLD'S FAIK ST. LOUIS. District Passenger Agent JicDonald of the Grand Trunk llailway who recently returncu from St. Louis, ftates tl:at it is hard to l':nd suit- (ible language to describe the magni- tude and beauty of the greatest Ex- position ever hold. The site of 1240 acres being two miles long and one mile wide is tovored wit*' beautiful buildings, broken with lagoons, canals, grand rourts. monuments, statuary, parks, ftc. all form.ing n picture tliat uiust So seen to be realized. An i:ioctrical railway, called the Intrair.ural, makes it easy to got Irom one part of the grounds to mother, and follow out the daily jrogrammo, enjoying an hour li.stcn- Mg to "Soissa's" or other famous Dands, or takh.g in a lecture or ad- jross, or Art Gallery. When you consider the immensity »f the buildings, one alone ha', ing over 20 acres of floor space, end re- aect that thoy are filled with thi thoicost of exhibits from all over Iho world, one exhibitor vying with mother to obtain the c.o^cted Hold Wcdnl, it seems to suggest the Lhought of what a grand o.oportun- Ity and an education it will be, to the yo':ng U'.en end women of our land, to spend a week or two at St. Louis this ycnr. Ilenlly no in- telligent man. wonmn or cJiiid can alTord to n:its this yrcat Worlds treat. The beautiful Kleclric lighting of the I'an American E.x-position, which few tlu)uglit would ever he approach- ed is entirely cclip.scd by this Mon- ster Fair. One of the features of the fair, is the "Inside. Inn," ii hotel accomu'.o- dating 0,000, splendidly run, and at rensonaljle rates. The total expen.scs of a trip to St. Louis based on halt railway rates. Is within the reach tff all and I'er- 'mits stolJ over at t'hioago, and other ipoints. and the trip is nuide (juickly â- and comfortably. I It is the intention of the (5 rand iTi-uiik lo run through cars from 'Montreal and 'Joronto to St. .l,ouis. Icominencing Juno 13th, and possibly before. The Canadian Press Assiici ition jkvere unnninmus in their prai.se of the JHrnnd 'f^unU and Illinois Central route, and with the Exposition. .â-º 2.S-04. . ♦ 'Frternal vigilance isn t always the price of libertyâ€" somelimcs it's StO and ro.Ms. MIoafd'sLiQWLoniliEriHan'sFflenii NINE MILLION ACHES Government Lands For Home- steaders. In Western Nebraska near the Union Pacilic Railroad in section lota of 640 acres each, for almo.st noth'ing. The salubrity of thosi' lands is Bomethin({ remarkable. Distance frona railroad is three to thirty miles. There will be a grand rush of honicsteaclers. This is the last distribtition of free homes the United States Oovernment will ever make in Nebraska. Write for pamphlet telling how the landfe can be acquired, when entry should be made, and other ini'orniation. Free on application to any Union Pacific Agent, or II. F. Carter, 75 Yongo Street W., Toronto. TITE OUESS DOLL. An English non-comforniist clcrgy- nuin, of whom the London Telegraph tells, is the victim of a rarely prolit- uble absent-mindedness. At a fair held by the women of his church one of the "attractions" was a beautiful doll, handsomely dres.^ed, 'which was to bo given to the person who guess- ed its name. Tliere was an entrance fee, and the choice of the doll's name was left to the clergy- man. At the clo.sc of the fair it was found that tho guess doll had brought in more than one hundred I)ounds; but as the name had not been hit ujion by any one, clergyman suggested that it be appointed a [>nrish visitor, and call legularly up- on the children in tho hospitals in the town. This was readily agreed to. Then somebody said : "You must have given it a very odd name!" "Ah, that reminds me!" exclaimed (he clergyman, looking confused but still cheerful. "I did not name it at all." Sh""â€" "What if I have loved an- other, dear? Pont you know it has only rreiared mo for tho greater, higher love I have for you?" "That's all right, but how do T know that the lovo you now have for me ijji't prepai'ing .\ou for a greater, hijiher love for someone el.s«?" There are very few cleans- ing operations in which Sunlight Soap cannot be used to advant- age. it mal<es the home bright and clean. ib HAUNTS OF FISH AND GAME. Attractions for Sportsmen on the Line of the Grand Trtink. Tho (Irand Trunk Railway Company has issued a handsome publication, profusely illustrated with half-toao engravings, descriptive of the many attractive localities for sportsmen on their line of railway. Many of the regions reached by the Grand Trunk seem to have been specially prepared for the delectation of mankind, and where tor a brief period the cares of business are cast aside and life is given up to enjoyment. Not only do [the "Highlands of Ontario" present j unrivalled facilities for both hunting, jfishinc; and camping, but tho 30,000 I Islands of the Georgian Bay, Thou- laand Islands and St. Lawrence Riv- ler, Rideau River and Lakes, Lako .St. John, and tho many attractive lo- calities in Mamo and New Hami>- Ishiro, present equal opportunities for I health, pleasure and sport. All these localities are reached by tho Grand Trunk Railway System, and on trains unetiuallod on the continent. Abstracts of Ontario, Michigan. Que- bec, New Ilampshiro and Maine fish and game laws are inserted in the publication for the guidance of sports;r.cn. The Grand Trunk Rail- way has also issued descriptive il- lustrated matter for each district sep- arately, which are sent free on at)- plicaticn to the agents of the Com- pany and to Mr. J. D. McDonald, District Passenger Agent, G. T. It., Union Station, Toronto. fe!?X Potatoes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Apples Let us have your consigniaont of any of these articles and wo will ffot vol I good prices. THE DAWS0?J COlViSVIlSSiOSM CO, Limitad Cor. Woat Market anU Colborns 3ts , TORONTO. How's This We olYcr One Hundred Do]Iar3 Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot bo cured \,y rfalT.s Catarrh Cure. t\ .T. CIIKNEY & CO.. Toledo. O. Wo, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for tho last 15 years, and belie e him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and nuancially able to carry out any oblig^tiona made bv his Grni. "WAl..niNU. KINNAN & MARVIN'. Wliolcsale Druggists. Toledo. O liall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal- ly, acting directly ui>on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi- monials sent free. Price. 75c. per bottle. Snhl by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for 'consti- pation. rood Products Amona tbe manj T-ibby delicacies :ire IJonelesn ChicliCT, Mflrosc Pate. Veai Lo.-if. I'MTleas Wafer-.Slicc(I Diird IJcei, Pottwl Ham and Cornea Beef Hasll, «c.â€" T»hDle.«me foods ihac ar-; a» dainty .is they are gtxjdâ€" as substantial as thvy are ivp«iziat-. Asit vm:v GnKCr lor Lil.by's. Libby. MclMeH! & Libby .. ., Chicago Watts â€" 'Toes your wife ever scold whrn you have been out lato e.t nij;ht?" Potts â€" â- "Oh. no, she never says a word! She gets up tho next nioruinff .ihout four o'clock and iJrac- tises on tho piano, ,and I daren't say a word. ". "liofore T sjivo you my ansvrer," said the flutTy-haired girl. "1 would Iil<e to know if you are in a position to kce|> mo in tho stylo to which I have always been accustomed." "If the .styles don't chansje too often, I am." replied the wise youth. "Oth.or- wise, tho odds are in favor of my go- ing brule." "Voun<r Speiiderly has tioeii flying liijlh since tho death of his uiilliiin- aiio uncle." "Yes: he has found it smooth .sailing since he camo into Ills heir.shiii." OVER Tni5 W.MIASIT. To tho Great World's Fair St. Louis, Mo., everything is now wide open, round trip tickets on salo until December 1st, at lowest llrst-ciass one-way fare, good fiitoen days, fare and a third good si.xty days. Now is tho time to sec this, the greatest ot uU Kxpoaitions in the history ot the world. Tho grout Wabash is tho Banner Lino, tho shortest and quick- est route from Canada to St. Louis, The through trains on tho Wabasli are the admiration of all travelers going to St. Louis. I'^or time tables and descriptive fol- der, address .1. A. Richardson, Dis- trict ra.ssenger Agent, iS'ortheast corner King and Yongo Streets, To- ronto. "Ts tluit dog of yours a pointer?" asked the station-master at the vil- lage station. "Nq," replied tho weary sportsman, who was return- ing with an empty game-bag: "he's a disni'pointcr! " LOWER ggCSK" BETTER CAN BE ."^J-VO !N Fails, Wasii Basins, WW Paos, &e Any eIrst-CIasa Grocer C&n Supply Ycu. SNSJST OH GETTING EDDY'S- PnrMia rery belt send your work to th* "BRITIS;: AMERICAN 07EIKC CO." tXKih for Afent Id your town, or aand di.'Mt. Montreal, Tcronto, Ottawa, Quebc& Denr Sirs.â€" Within tho j^nst yeaf I know of three I'nlty tumors on the head havins- Ii^'on renl0^ed by the application of AIl.NAUD'S I.lNM^.f'ONT Uvithout any s-ircical operation and there is no indication of a return. CAIT. W. A. riTT. Cli.''ton, N. 1{. C.'ondola I'erry. 'Ther gratitu •e never was greatness withoul lido. i(eeo inaril's Lioiinsfii Ifl {lie Hoose. He â€" 'Do you think blondes have more adudrers than brunctte.s?" Slio â€" "I don't know. .You might ask Miss Turner; she has had experience in both capacities." Por Over .'^ixty Ycar< Mn^. WiNsI-OW'S.SooTUI.vn Svpi-p hna beon Uflo t itf iniil!t>niof mitlher* for Uiei"- «hil«Iren whili* i«oth1us l!.5n(rtli99 tbe child, Mtftrns the 2ilin». aluvyflvibin, oitrQi wiTnic'iilc. reflUhitofl thetitcm.icll aoil bowots. ai»U is th3 bi tt r'xnyiiy f.ir DliirrhcBV Twoatv-llFO ccuu A bottlt* Sjilil lydniffKisti ihnm^hDiit Iho u-orid. Bu suf* a.u 1 â-  tklLT"Miw. ^Vl^sL'J^vâ- ssoo^llI.â- <o svurr " 2-'- 01 "(.'corge! You horrid thinij! If you try to ki.ss me again III call apa. a'.ut he'll hiing the bulldog in." 'Huh: I don't want to kiss the bull- dog. " !,sk fof Minard's aod tab no olher, â-  MUStf.' IN' TllK IIAIU. Someone has drawn nttontion to the fait that m.usic pxcreisi's an in- lluence on th- growth of the h:dr in a nii.st curio'is innnncr. Consistent playin,' for .vonio years on metal in- strumrnts, tho trombone in iiarticu- lar, will caus" baldness; whllo the plajing of the piano, violin, and xiolonccllo rather incrnasi-R than oth- onviie tho growth of tho hair. Flute and claironet jdayers aif not supposed lo bo inlluenced either way. The Adoroi' â€" "Ifs wonderful. old man, what love will enable a fellow to see iu a girl that he never b,itv before!" The (Inforvker- "No do'tht! Ihit it's equally wonderful what it won't let him sec that he'll sec lat- er." 'And now, dear." said the delight- ed youth, 'when may I speak to your father?" "You won't need to do that, Geori^e," rej)licd tho sweet youag th'ng, who h.-\d just accepted him. "llo told mo to-day that if you didn't speak to me to-night he'd six-ak to you to-n.orrow." Wash greasy dishes, pots or pans with Lever's Dry Soap a powder. It will reniovo the grea.so with tho greatest ease. When every day is Sunday, Oh. won't it be hoyriay? r.ul oh. it will be belter still Vhen every day is j)ay day ! fed's Lioi.Tignt is 03eilti|P!i?s!ci3ns She â€" "Ka'nt heart never won a fair lady, you kni>w." >!o â€" "True. I fear I shall never nuistor uji courage to propose." Sheâ€" "Hut th.ii ladies are nol all fair. I'm a decided brunette." \mdJ Those whom ccglected coughs have killed were once as healthy and robust as you. Don't follow in their paths o£ neglect. Take ConsumptioxT^ Cure T'onic'-"'^^ right now. It is guaranteed to cure. It has cured many thous- ands. Pricc.-i: .=;. C. %Vbi,i.9 & Co. 3eS 2.SC. SOc. $1 LoRoy.N. Y.. Toro3iOtC«i?^_ TABLE LASV1P. Xirl-ol Plntod «et:il Lamp. Po^-ccla:! SIi.iae «nJ IhmiiioyConipkHo. dXI's, K.O H., roro:ilt>. If Ycur Doa'or Boes .Nat Ksjn Thorn, SonH Ij ' Toronto, for a Sample Lamp. BEIAUTJFUL LIGHT. OHa L.MKP CIV2S LIGHT EI}'J«L TO fOJil OtlJ.'UART C.'.S JCIS. Th.-«o Style* :. Tab:e, Peniian: and Cra-iiia:. lilntLritto.l Ciulojiio Firn ^u-»,l to IXmIwi-s oi A ppUcatioii. Fre nl»o surlinj of Cil 3toyo3 and Koale;-), fcr 8itn;m:r U3». WIIor.KSALKOXI.Y. The QlEO' CITY OIL t'DT.. LTO. TORONTO. INVEST! ^ FOR F.' RMERS A»0 OTHERS til .'It are *iafc anil ci»rn pood rates of fnterest Wc ulfer froo>l liccurit rx that arc poylnft 3 10 .\ rcrcem. Iiatt yearly, or belter than i 7 nnd 3 r^r c^nt. ^r annum. For tull part - | " E.x cuior," N;*. ti Quren St. East, Toronto. BUCHANAN'S INLOADLNG OUTFIT | 1-38 Works wcU tw'th on staokK and in l^nrnn, ' unlon<l!i nil Ic-.utlri o( hny aiiU (train ?!thot i |looaonrln .^h-i'^TpR. ' JJ^nd for catalop^ve to H. T. Bl'CH.4N.4N & CO., IngcrsoiKOnt •«*...â- .'**.â-  ISS-DE IIO. 25-04. <P^ -!!a-'^_..?.fl<-»- AUTOMOBILE LWDERWRITERS The Winlon Tourirj Car is ajiprc- ciated by the best informed because built on correct mechanical princi- ples, of hiffhcst grade materials. As a prosjjeetive ai'tomobiie purchaser you dttic not, ia full ju.>lice to your- self, take chances on an inferior car. By presenting a car of siieli inipcri;;! merit us is tlic 1304 Wiiiton, we become "automobile underwriters" â€" insuring you against risk or loss. Have you seen our new catalog 1 The Wlnton .Motor Carriage Co Cleveland. O.. U.S. A. Represented In (he Domtaion of Canndo hy THE AUTOHOBIIK & StPrtY CO 79 HiDii St.. r... Toronta. Ont. SuS .4|i<.nc!es In Chief DosDluloa Cities

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