Flesherton Advance, 11 Aug 1904, p. 5

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;-;%,. T il F. F L E S II E R T N ADVANCE ^UODSTlll904 Methodist Church i. a. I, WILDDN, B A.,B. D. Pastor \ Vicinity Chips C'ImracteriMtict) or the Past Week C'ui^i'uily Culled for the Various I'ea harrentera for saleâ€" J. H, Heard. The tower of Cbeslry school was itruck hj liglituint; last wfek. Puroage, 818.CO Money tu loim at 5 % on farm property â€" expense low, A. S. VanDiisen. Wheat in still oa the upward tendency. It reached aa hijih as $1.03 in Toronto <)B Tuesday. Wantedâ€" lOCO cords hard wood, lOOO curds soft wood, and 5000 cords cedar, ijuote pri ces to The Duacon Co, Ltd., Stratford. Fleshnrton public ichool will re-open on Monday next. Mrs. Geo. M.)orhouse of Torotilo ia the )iue8t of relatives here this week. Kofcs. â€" In Toronto, on Monday, Aug. ft, to Mr. and Mrs. P'red LeCajd, a son. Mrs. J. Runstadtler spent several days vf l»st week with friends in Owe« Sound. Miss Flo Powell ot New Xmk spent the past week with the Mioses Munshaw. Teacher Wanted â€" For Ruukvale school, Arteuiesia. Duties tu commence August }j, 1904. Apply, stating salary, to R. v. CiUi-k^Fleshertoii P. (.), Miss Ethel Chadwick, Toronto,' is the guuBt of her aunt, Mrs. Buhner. Miss Seduwoi'th of Toronto is the guest of Misi Maude Richardson. Mrs. Should and daughter, of Toronto, aie the guests of their cousiu, Mrs.W.W. Trimble. Misa Ethel Trimbl^j has returned home after Bpeuding a mouth with Mrs. Crane, Oweu Sound. M. K. Richardson, 31. P., returned home from his parliamentary duties at Ottawa uu Tuesday. Miss Runstadller of Hespeler is the >;ue8t of her brother, Mr. John Run- s'.aJtler. Boots and Shoes â€" Come and get a bargain in boots and shoes. We want to clear them oul. Thos. J. Sheppavd. Mrs NV. I'enthani, of New York State i» the f;uest of her parents, Wv. aud Mn;, Wiu. Smith. Mr. John Kar.stf'A of Indiaiiapoli's visited his brother Fred here fur a few aiys durius; the past week. Mrs. T. Aikenhead and daughters of Toronto are holidaying with relatives h -re. Mrs.. Geo.Moore and two little daujjh- turs of Teeswater are guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. Moore. MioS Ida Irwin, who is teaching; school «t Dresden, called on friends here Mon- day. Miss Jennie Graham, df B'eversham, was the uuost of her frieiid, Miss Flossie Culijuett, during the past week. Mr. C. C. James and Miss Fannie James of Priceville, and Mr. W. J. Bow- es. Markdalo, spent Sunday with Mr.and Mrs. W. U. Heard. Miss Amy Meredith, teacher in tha Durham publin schoid aud formerly teacher [a the junior form here, is the guest of Flesherlon friends this week. For sale â€"One good single wagon; one single set of heavy harne.s9, brass mount- ed ; one cutter ; one pnluer, aew ; one k;(]i)d military ndinj; .saddle. Apply to '1,'hos. Sheppard. We have still a large larao lot of men's »n4 boy's suit* to clear out at very low prices. They niu«t all go. Thos J. ShopparJ, Mr. Lesslie Thompson of the Dundalk Heralds taffmide The Advance a call on Monday while on Ids way to Eugenia with a metry party of Dundalkois. Uev. Ivison Wilson, who has been oul in Minnesota fur the past few weeks, will return ti> his charge this week and lake both serviced here on Sunday next. Vuarlerly service will be held on Sunday iinmenciug at Vj.'dO. A jolly paity drove over from Glarks- burtt last wee; and remained over night with l)r. and Mrs. Carter. 'I'lie l arty w»i composed of Mrs. Fulton and threo (Jaughters, Mr. Stewart and Mr. Watsoi , all of Woodstock. Durham ami Dundalk laeroue tea'ns catue together in a bnal tussle t n Tuesday afleruoon at the latter town with the re. auli that Durliam has the chainpiouship •ji the district, bvatin;; Dundalk by a Ipure ol 3 lo 0. Mri. D. Blair of Toronto, who has been vii>itiag her mother, Mrs. J. B. Heard, for a«Miku lin>e, returned to her home on Motvda/ in company with her husband and dauubter, Ethel. Mrs. Blair is aIn>o8t an invalitiat present from heart trouble. We trust it may bo only tempor.u'y. The Misses Kerr, daugbteni of Dr. Kerr, Toronto, will give a {feat musical treat in IIm form of a concert tu bo held in the Oranttc Hall, Maxwell, on Wed- ne.sday, Au^. 17. Mr. II. Larannt of Coltingwood will provide a piano for the occasion. Program to commence at 8 o'clock sharp. Admission 25 cents. The remains of the young man Tlioma' Moore, whom we referred t(> last wnek as ha»inij been drown<d .iik Silver Creek, N. Y. , were biought home and iinterred in Fleaherton cemetry on Wednesday, Aug-. 3. It Seems the young man waa in sw>n»- miui! with some other young men from this district aud it is though heart failure was the cause of the drowning. A phy- sician had warned him to keep nut of the water owinfr to a weakness of the heart. The body was not recovered until the foUowinn day, Monday. The Sydenham Mutual Fire Insurance Co. has the laraest surplus of any purely mutual fire insurance company in Carmda ; has a larjte membership, is mauaijeil by men of eiperienco in the insurance busi- ness, rates as low as is co.ifcistent with security, has a premium note one third loss than any other company. Before ia- sur iiig call on or write to their agent, vV, J. Bowes, Markdale. Isept The village authorities propose putting down some cement sidewalk this summer. A start will shortly be made in fnmt o{ of Sproules black where 150 feet will be laid. In this o^>nnection we are positive it would be a paying investment tu re- place alt old sidewalk as it wears out, with cement. The old plank sidewalk has seen its day and should be discarded far the more up to date and lasting cement, which proves much cheaper in the lone run. Plank is gning up in price and be- coming more scarce, while cement ia so low that it can be used by the most pov- erty-stricken municipal curp.iration. In the present instance the price to be paid is 11 cents per foot. It is alc&iiether likely that more than 150 feet will be put down this fall. Organization of the Fleshertnn hoard of trade was ooiupleted on Tuesday even- ing when oHicers were appointed as fol- lows : PresiJeiir, ,7. A. Boyd ; Vice^ President, D McTavi.sh ; Secretary, R. J. Sproule ; treasurer, W. A. .Vrmstrong. .\ committee wn.s also appointed to dtaft a sot of lules for guidance of the board. Other matters peitaining. to th* welfare of the town were discussed at length. We arc Uiokins; for distinct ber;eitits from this organization if it will only pull in unison, and a J-i.scarding of the old happy. Uo-lucky oiccr of things for one ofi more energy and psogresa. There ara very m *ny matters that can be dealt witlj by the busiiicss men through such an oi'gani- zation that would simply be intiored' if it were not in existence. The Walkerron Telescope, conimontiug on the Markdale house of refuge lighting- (juestioii, s;ys: â€" "This is just about the position Walkertoii is in, iu royard to the House oi Refuge here, Walkeriim agreed to contribute .?100 a year for ten years towards the Cost of the electric liglit.s, aiiil give in addition free warer.. But Walkertijil has faithfully lived up to the agreement and Markdale ought to do the same. It looks small to try to stjuinn out of an obligation once the object in making the pron'ise has been secured. What Markdale wan^s to do is to turn on the lights, and keep on smiling for the ue.xt ten years as though it derives real pleasure in -iupplying light for nuthimg. It is more blessed to give than toreceive." The Harristoii Review luvea holidays and wants more of 'em. Thsse are its remarks on the subject ; Our people hive 1p«couh'[bo Rccustoiued li' having a holi- day every few day that they have bucoine a public necessity, and everybody vwints to knpw the date of the next day off. Well, there is Labor Day some- tme soon, and we might observe Eman- cipation day if we could borrow a. nigger f,>r the occasion. And maybe, Won Lung or whatever they call him. could help out by suggesting some day devoted to the numerous little wooden gods iu his country In a spirit of sisterly goi d feeling a holid.iy might be declared on the date uf iho Newbiidge excursion tii Be I's biickyard. There are uiany ex- p ^di< n s that could be adopted, pending I me Government's action in setting apart ! pu>re holidays. There shiiuld be a boli- de .y to coiomemorate the gravelling of lt.« ^ ttiod line between lots 20ti aud 307, cun. D. Minto, another one ta remind us of the cheese factory, one fn the honor of James Buurtch's return froni Owen Sound, one in recolleoiiou of tht hottest and coldest days in A I>. l'.H)4, etc, etc. Let us have lots of 'em. They are the sidemn- est and saddest affairs and give people time to ruminate upon the scenes of act- ivity they will experience in the gr.ive- yard after they g<st comfortably Uniated there. ^';, 'The examiners of the Normal S*liool say thsre will be a great slaughter of the innocents this year in junior and senior leaving. Only about 50 per cent, will get their total, and that means that at least 50 per cent, wdl be plucked. Most of the candidates will get the necessary one-third on each subject, except French, but the total on all is the sticking point. The result will bo announced about the end of August. The Erin Advocate says: â€" If a business man sues fit to dhub his noteheads and envelopes witharutiber stamp and then lead outside»ta think there are no print- ers in towsb h« ought to be salted. Such a man as that when he conies to die should have an obituary and usual resolutiim of his lodge print ad on a board fence with a rubber stamp.. When he has a baby at the house, or a party, or a son or a daughter maorried, a full aaiiMiit of the im- portant evenrs might be printed with a rubber stamp on a piece of wrapping paper and tacked on his door. Come to think of it there are no er.d of uses a rubbes stamp might be put tuin the hand of an enterprising and economical man. Mrs. Hugh Crozier of Durham was thrown from a buggy alighting on the cement sidewalk and sustained injuries of a ssvere nature. William Kerr of Thombury was thrown from his rig and injureJ while driving in that village. Ho has brouuht suit against the municipality, and aska 83,000 as compensation for his injuries, allegini{ that the accident was due to ths bad condition of the road. While raking hay last week, George Dunning, an Amarath farmer, was struck uncoiicious by liuhteiiing. He fell from the rake and lay on She ground for some bime before refining consciousness. The horse was-raore f-tightened than hart, and ran away witk the rake. A recent siocm in the vicinity of Bank", Colliuu'wood township, did con- siderable damage. Two farmers in par- ticular, Mr. Walters and Mr., Wilson, are reported to have suffered severely. The hail stcjrm iu. that locality was so- violent as to cut the head oti' all the grain and leavewhole fields with nothing standing but the bare stalks. Potatoes and other roots wera alsccut to pieces and material- ly injured. Xo damage l>y lightning is reported in that section. Blittded with tieadach. People often not blinding headache than sutiVr you coii.stipitioo._ Siniiilo.'-treniedy is Dr. Hamilton's i'dls of Mandrake and Bntternnt. They ara mild, certain aud sale. l'"or headache and biiliousiu-as use only Dr.. ilunidton's Pills. Price 25c. Farm for Sale BY TENDETf^ Tenders ^UI bo roceiveti by the uatler^isnetl oil a t. isli brt.<is up to Septi^iubur Ist. liK"4, for tliu luu-L'bfcfia of Lutstilto ON, inclu*-*i'e. cnn l^ N. L>. li... Artetucriiu, iic'nr I'oi t \.n^ F. O. I-'ramn burn a;ul framo dwt'I liug.oa t>iia iiretiii^i es ; a hiiiic uluarinq ; clo.so tu suUoul. ohuich uiul Poti^Dftiuu. Tbu lowttst ur auv ttiiider uot uectisaarUy a.ct;ei»tcd. \V. .i.. BELLAMY.. Vleshertou ^ime QQtting ^kort Now a.s the time gets .shorter for our stay ia Fle.sh- ertoa we find we have many lines we want to clear out before going and to (io this the knife has to go in deeper than ever. MEN'S and BOYS SUITS cut very deep in price, BOOTS AND SHOES must be cleared out. LACE CURTAINS at tremendous bargains. WALL PAPERS! We don't want them. A LOT OF MEN'S HEAVY RUBBERS. New is the time for a bargain in them. Men's felt hats a good stock yet to pick from. DRESS GOODS to be slaughtered Men's winter underwear buy now and save nearly half the prica. We have a lot of Ladies Jacket.^ we must clear. Our stock is in good shape and we are prepared to give you a good bargain iu anything you want. We expect to be here for three weeks yet and during that time we want to clear our stock very low. We don t want to move auythiug. In Millinery we have about fifty hats to clear out aud if you want a hat now is thetime to buy. T. J. SHEPPARD Sproule's Block Flesherton ' â- *â-  -d^~ -*- -^fc. <W. -^fc. "fc. jfV. -J^ .^^ -^^ .^>> -^fc. -4fc. -^fc. -A^ ^jfr -J^ .^fc. Jt*-, -Ai j^. .Afc .^fct .^k. .^ » •*^" i HEIADAOHE ! Neuralgia ntid Nervousness cured quitkly by A i /k \ HARMLESS HEf. CHE AND r%J *\ ^X NEURALGIA CURE. No h«art (icprowiion. Greatest cure ever iJim:o\ ercd. Take no other, itninnd ajc. All dealers or direct from A4MTtM & Co. Simcoc, Onu Moixybackif notsait&fi<qd Notice to Creditors la the matter <.f the Estate of J.AMES J( WNS(»N. late nf the VjlLv^e (,f Flt'slierioii iu th« CouQty of Urey. Farmer deceased. Notice is berebtf uiven pttrs'iatit to thp Ue- viaed Sl^tiiioriof Ontikiio Ix'Lt?, C'liap, lat. t-hftt all crbditofHitbd othurH bn vin^r claims a^'aitisi the fcl&tatu of .1 AMKS JOHSSnN. Jec«A**»»ii.wbo died oil or about thti tiiiiiaooutb dawof JutiH in tbo veai of our Lordotiu thoii»aiid uHit) hundred ati J four, are rt-qMired on or before the '27th day fo Aitt^UNi A. L>. \\h)4 to 8«ud bv iwat i)r»-i>«id or di?liv«r to DANlKLi McTaVIUH. Flenhui ton J'. O.or WILLIAM JOHN 1 ALHuTT. Flcsbtrtoii X>. J„ exocutors of tho list Will and TeHlau t-nt of the 4aid ilucoaaed, their chrintiat) aud tiir- iiauie^. addresses ami description, the full partictilartt of their ctaitnK« the tttatt.>niAtit of t loir aocount<i and the uature of tbe soctirittes { t ftiivt hold by thetn. AND further uoticu that after such lant tnen- tioDeii date the laid toxvuutors will pruoeod |to distribute tiie aM«teta of ttte dooeased suiohk tba partitia eutitled thern to, having regard only of tboolaiiiiaof which tliov nhall then have uotice aud that th>* sai<l tixeoutorn will Dot b« Uable for the said aanutfl or any part tbareof to auy person or pumcufi of whote claim notice tb all not bav« bean recolTsd by tbeui at tba time of such distribution. PATIbU July Idtb A. D. 190i. . . LUCAS WKIQHT A McARDLE, Ow«u SuQuJ Bolioiton for Kxtctttors. The Prescription Department S â€" at â€" is now thoroughly etiuippeil witJi NEW. FKESTI DRUGS, â€" the best obtainableâ€" aud e\ery Prescrip- tion or Recipe i.s filled exiK'tly as onlered, while the prices are as Ion- a.s po.ssiblo. W. J. Douglass MEDICAL. HALL Flesherton 0^:8:^^6:8:^^:8:8:^0^:8:^^:8:8:^X8:6:^^8:8:^0^:^^8:8:^ â- ^^^ w w w -sl^ '^ tI? ^ -^ -nf 'n? fit- '/S- •>!? -w •>;«• •»«• "fit^ ta- •>!«• -7^ •m- ^^ ^/i?>r!S 9 We a^e just receiving a new supply of !l I School Books for the opening I The NEW PRIMER part i and f § 2. Everything in school wants, f I Richardson & Son | DRUGGISTS ># * ^#^##^1^«f#«^t#####M^^### ##^

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