Flesherton Advance, 15 Sep 1904, p. 1

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f^m ••TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PEIKCIPLEb IsOT MEN. VOL XXl7, NO 1188 Flestiertoia, Ont., Thui'sday. September lo 190-4 W. H THURSTON, EDITDB rilOriilETOB Stop a rioment ! Diit th.ic is not what our Warclies do â€" they '* i!o «a f'T- eVL-r," like Tunuysoii's Brook â€" wi:li ttu occii3iouiil clcaiiiiij?. We have tlie bi-st value in Watches to be found in Outari". Thiit i^5 » big statement, and if yiiu (Uiu'i lielieveit come in and let lis verify it. We make a specbilty of the popular ai.U perfect HAMILTON MOVEMENT A bic stock of tliis movemeut ju-it to hand. PI f|P|/Q I" iinmaiise vari- OLUUIXO tty and at all prices. Our repairing deijartuieiit is thoroughly enuip|H,-d and good workiniinship guaranteed. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweller, F lesherton Maxwell Intended for last week. The heavy stoi-ms. broke down the oat crop ti) a eiKisiderablo extent, reuderinf harvesting somewhat ditBcult. We congratulate Master Bennie Scott on his success at the recent examination .it ilea- ford, where ho attended the Gnllegiate. Mr. Josiith Gauiey letunied home last week ^ftoc an extended visit with his son in Man- itoba. He appears to bo improved in health. Mrs. (Jrant and her daughter, Mi-ssLilie, of i:>inf;him.'pton, visited with Mis. Fksher last woek. The Misses Kerr, who have been visiting ftiendsin our vil!a;,'e for some time, returned t> their home in Toronto this week. A'Missiou Band was organized recently by Mrs. Kemp in the Methodist church. The itaoM of the Baud is "Wideawake," and the following officers were chor>en : President, Mrs. Kimi> ; Vice-Pres., Miss Kta Bucking- hum ; Rec. Sec, Miss Edith Morrison ; Cor. Sec, WUburn Kemp ; Treas., Mrs. C. M. l'"ieid ; Organist, Miss Mary Llorou ; Palm Branch agent. Miss Kv.^ Heron ; Honor IloU, Harold Weft. It was decided to hold th; regular meeting the last Sunday iu each month itfter Sunday school. The Woman's ln»citu».e met last Wedne?- djky evening in our village. An interesting piece was read by 'MiBS Gertie Moffat, also another by Miss Ellen Madden. The ulection of officers waa held at the close of the meeting 4knd resulted as follows : President, Jliss Lizzie (Juy ; Vice-Pres., Mias Somere ; Sec, Miss Ella AUistcr. One new niembi.r was -K.'idvd to the list. Miss Belinda Sohenniman of Buffalo is at present visiting with her parent*. Mrs. Kadley of FleBherton is sjicndiug a few days with friends here. Mr. Wm. Guy, who ha» been suffering for some time with a sore mouth, wont to Toronto hospital this week. Masters Harold and Karl Her m, who have Xnxa holidaying with their grandpa, Mr. Burk^ have returned to their home in Buff:Uo. Mr. N:iamen Scutt spent Sunday with his parvuts, accompanied by his cousins, Mr. 4<cutt and the Misses Scutt of Divdgerow. Mr. Dave Ferguson as taken a pi»itiou a-s ! clurk iu Mr, Ferguson's store at IJundalk. This week's Items. Mrs. M. Vascy of Rochester is the guest of ber sister, Mrs Joe Clinton. Mrs. W. F. Jouesand Miss Hull of Boston are visiting their aunt, Mrs. Weik Clintun of th* 8th line. Mtas Matiid.t (laniey returned to her home in Buffalo hMt week aft«r an extended visit with friends here. Mrs. Morgan of Ovon Sound ia visiting with b'.-r daughter, Mrs. G. Flciiher. Mils BerciL-e Glassfurd is spending a few days Yirtth her sister, Mrs. Fields, at Rockvide. Mr. .Tohn Bemrose and Mr. ^7ilI Lawrence took iathe exhibition at Toronto last wiak. Aiimbcrleyi Miss Henderson of Wiarton is the guest of hor cousin, Misa Sadie Abbot, of t his placH. Mrs. W. H. Carrmhafi and family of New Liskeard are visiting friends here at pr.acDt. Miss Sadie Fawcctt viiittd Duucai: friends recently. Mr. \V. C. Harris aUended the e.xhibi- tion in Torout') laat week. Dox Lost or Stolen â€" Browu dog, an- swers tu name of Piero. Anyone know- ing his whereabouts kindly communicate H-ith Mrs. O. Walter, Kimburley. Messrs. K. J. and Jasper Stuart of Stuart Bros., butchers, have purchased pait of lit 1, 4th con., Euphrasia. Mr. Robert Fawcett and Miss Maude Fawcttt attended the funeral of their cousin, Miaa Bella Irwin, at Thorubury on Sunday last. Mrs. VV, Lightfoot and daughter of Toronto are visiting friends here at pres- ent and are guests of the former's sister, Mrs A.E. Eliis. Mr. James Uanimond of PeiiDsvlvania is the guest of bis brother, Mr. M. R- Hammond, our postmaster. Mr. Ji.hn Irwin, sr., sf Clarksburg, was in towu on Monday last. Mrs.Gtoree McCartney of St. Vincent, who has brer, visiting with her ni'ther Mrs. Jos. McCuUuugh, for some tiuie,ha8 returned borne. Honor KoIIs ,, :- Rockvale public school. Sr. IV.â€" Vera Phillips, Mabel Chard. IV.â€" Maggie Fisher, Freddie Kussel, Eddie Chard. Sr. III. -Leila Cl.irk, Dora Pedlur, Eima Armstrong, Walter Akitt. Jr. III.â€" Edgar Belts. Sr. II â€"Edna Fisher, Ellie -Armstrong, Reta Fisher, Ernie Ruasel, Maggie Col- gan, Carl Atkinson. Jr. II. -Nellie Fisher, Edwin Sm'th, Harley Phillips, Georgie Chard, Richie Clark, Jimuiie .Vrmslroug Eddie White Sr. Pt. II.â€" ReUB«if«, Walter Fisher, Evelyn Cl^irk, Gertie Fisher. Jr. Pt. Il.--Lila E^sber, Minnie Arm strong, Snmuiie Fisher, Mabel Radley, Wessio Smith, Myrtle Parliament, B«rtha Morrow. Sr. I-EUieBlakey, Florence Parliament, Robbie Bluksy, Aunio Pedlar, Preston Clark, Artie Porteou.". Jr. I,â€" Joyce Clark, Edg.ir White, Johnnie Colgaii, Herbie Butts. Average 48 H. Stajfoiid, Teacher. Wareliam Miu MeBumio is riuting her lister, Mrs. Johnston Wrigbl. J Mr. V. Irish and his two sous and T. John • (ton returned home from the Toronto exhibi- tion. Fanner* have been very busy with their ero|Mi during Mke past week. Sunday afternoon •et in With heavy raiu and thumler itnd very heavy lightning which will praveut harvesting for a day or tw.i. 8>)me farmer*, hnvever, •ver, kav« mljra few loads to draw iu. The Evangelistic Services. Rav. A. U. Uanton began evanuolistic services hero un Sunday last, holding his opening meeting in the Presbyterian church iu the forenoon, and in the Meth- odist church at ni^ht. At the morning service the rhnrch^ was tilled, when the uvnnj^etist took hia text from Acts 2iid chapter, 16th verse, "But this is that" â€" preaching a stiong sorinon therefrom. At the eveuiuK service the sermon was from the well-known text, "For what (ball il profit a roan if hu gain the whole world and lose his own soul." Heavy thunder (tornis prcTvi ted a large atteDdancc at this service, although a giH>d audience Kas present. The preacher haudlmi hi.s subject ID • very original and deeply in- tiretiting way. Mr. Kanton i« pronounc- edly the best evaDiioUstwhuhaaever visit- ed Floaherlou, and the result uf his labors hero ar« looked forward to with great cuttideuce, and a strong interest is maiiifestud therein by the members of the various churches. He i« a pleasing speaker â€" energetic, interesting,drafnatic, full uf personal reininiscsnca and never lacks an incident to cliuih a point. In addition hu ban a fine pres^^nce and is what the ladies would call "good leok- iiig" â€" but of courtK! tliis is a controver- sial 4ue«tioii, ai»d alt'gether wide of the proldeiu (t issue Uis previous record in other places would lead the public to expect probably greater results than the we may receive an agreenblu disappoint- ment before thp nnvjiings are cloeed These meetings cannot fail to attract large,cruwds of people, and the good to he accomplished rests to a large extent with the people thnmsel as. Mr. Ran- tou vvi'l do his part luil do it well. Ho himself expecs stand U',' r cm to he at a pvemium before many evoninifs pas.s- Following are subject.^ for the coming week : Thursday evening, " The un- pardmiable sin ;" Fridiy evenir.y, "Fools and their follies ; " Siuulay ni initng, "How, If and But;" Sund^iy eveiiiin;, "Past, Present and Fui uro ; " .\lond:iy t'veniUj;, "He blamed it on his wife. " Tuesday evening, " Kade.sb - Banica " Weunesdiiy, " The smile th'it won't come off." »- Wyvilleâ€" Loucks A very pretty wedding was aoleainized at hiijh noon on Wednesday, Septambor 7lh, 1904, whan Mr. Aaron F. Wyvile of Markdale was united in marriage to Slis? .Stella, eldest d.iu}:hter of Mr. and Mrs. P. Louchs, of Fle8hert<m mills, the cere- mony beina performed by the Rev. L.W- Th'.m, of t.he Presbyterian church, Flesh, erton. The bride looked charming in a dainty tjown of white silk, trimmed with apliiiue and chifTou, and carried u shower boijueC of cream roses and fern. Miss Ethel Mathesin, niece of the groom, acted as bridesmaid and looked dainty i(. white organdy trimmed insertion, and cariicd a shower boijuet of pide pink carnations ai:d fern. Tho groom wa-' ably issisted by Mr. Walter Loucks, brother of the bride. The bride nmrched into the drawing room leaning on the arm «f her father to the accompaniir.enl of the wedding march, which was pliiyud by her sister. Miss Eva. The room was tasteful- ly decorated with cedar and with a profu.s- ion of tluwcrs everywhere. Aft-or the cnremony the guests, which numbered about fifty, sat down to a sumptuous wedding bieskfas', the tables beiiii; spread on the lawu under a canopy of evergreens, which was indeed a perfect boner of brauiy. The biidu's going away gown WHS of military blue ludies' cloth, the reviers of jacket being faced with cream silk and opening over a bodice of the same. Her hat was of the same shade of blue velvet and cream silk. Quite a number of their friends nccouipa- nied the happy couple to the station :iud ' they departed on tbeir bridal tour amid the usual shower of rice and the best wish- es of their friends to visit Toronto, Thou- sand Islands, Ottawa, Pussel, Kingston, Osoabruck and other points of interest. The many valuable and useful presents uf which the bride was the reci[iiei)t shows the esteem in which she is held by her many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Wyvilh in. intend tu reside in .Mirkdale, and will be at homo tu their m.-iny friends after Octo. ber tiftoonlh. We all join in wishing ihcin a loua, projperous and happy voyage through life. McFarland, Stafford & Co.s Big Store :m.'V[<icd^-lle, oxrAi<io Grey County's BIGGEST and C'HEArEST STORE Just enough of a mention to remind you of all that'.s going en behind the scenes. Boxes and bundle.s are coming by the car load, but all departments are not in shape yet to show them. You can notice the store in general is taking on a warmer hue and iu another week the fall goods will have the prominence in each department. This week the Special News i8 riantles, Skirts and Ready=to=wear Hats New Fall Mantles The North \^iay Gar men is E.tperieiice has taught us that the NORTH WAY G VRMENTS are the best made in. Canada. Be.st Fiiti.nc, Best Styles. Best WojtK.MA.\.>.Hii' and Best VALtTE.s. Wu- hare already put in stock about 250 Women's Misses and Childrun'.s Coats, a portion, of the Childrea'.s are imported direct from an Eiii;lish tinn. and we have lyim; in . bond n.jw another large shipment from a German manui.-ictur.T, which we expect "tht- customs to f-.rward in a few dny.s. Wo think wo can truthfully promise to show thi».- sea&on the laige*t and choicest selection ofSfylish Coas and Wiaps ever put on dis- play in this store. Only space tu mention a few styles. 10 each Oxfoid Grey and Black Wool Frieze Mantles, lined all Ihnmyh with ] good quality mercerized Italian, turn I collar, roll cuifs, double stitched scams, sizes 32 to 4^, extra value at 5.00 | 6 each navy blue and Lliok Fine Wool ' Frieze Mantles, nicely made with capes I over shoulder, capes a;id cutfs. nicely trimmed nith fancy buttouH, made in single breast, seini-titiing back, lined all throuuh, leiijitb oO inches, all sizes, one of uur leaders at 6, DO SOChildrdn's Fiieze Ulsters, made from. wool frieze in rich sh.sdes of brown, green, navy juid garnet, nicely inacle with »In>uiii- or ca[)es, bill sl,-eves and close fitting collar, capes, collar and cutfs nicely trim J mod with velvet and gimp to match, large meial butt<ms. sizes 24, 27, aOr 'i\\ and 30, Prices 2.25, 2.50, 2.75, 3.00 and 3.25. Wo lu-o showing several handsome styles^ in Children's Ulsters, made from tine qualities frieze, fancy tweeda. etc.. one- G only Military Jackets, sizes 32, 34, 36 { striking little coat is ina.Ie in the military ai.d 38, made from fine <)uality mid-grey j style from tine ([uaiity blue frieze, uicel.t DxforJ Frieze tiglit tittinu with half belt and military collar, double breiibt with two rows brass buttons, collar, cutfs aud belt piped with re<l, very .stylish and dresvy fur young ladius,guod value at 7.50 3 only Ludies Fino dress mantles, 30 inches long, uiade from Wool Kersny Cloth, a lovely tine broadcloth Iiui8h,witli shoulder capes, fancy slaslietl, stitched and strapped with button trimming, lin- ed with rich luercorized Italian, .sizes 22 to 40, two qualities 11.50 and 14 00 made with double capes piped with reil felt. This is a very drossy and (irrriceablu coat for .«mall cirls from 8 to 12 yearn. Prices lange from 3 00, to 5 OO" A big range of handsome eiderdown and bearskin Jackets for the little toi», rich shade of pink, blue, iiariiet and cream, also fancy c Miibinations, handsomely made with satin ribbons »nd fur trimmintf lined wi'h rich quality cream sateen.very warm, durable. Prices range from 1.50" to 3.50. Buy your Skirts, Coats and Ready-to-wear Hats, early, the best kind usually get snapped up quick â€" No trouble to show goods and no need to buy unless jou wish. â€" AIoFAKLAND, SXAFFOI^r) & CO The appointment of E:irl Grey as uov- eiior-Geiieral of the Dominion, is espec- ially satisfactiry to the [leopleof this county of Giey. The county wa* named after his title. Three years auo the crest of Earl Grey was embodied in the corporation seal. Mr. Charlus Gordon wrote Esrl Grey shortly after its adoption and secur- ed permission for its ute, â€" 1.>. S. Sun. Bronchitic Asthma a Heavy Bur- den. Asthma is l>ad eiiounh hut when bron- chial syinpiums arc added the poor suff- erer has almost an intolerable existence. An absolute specilic is found in fragrant healiiiK CalarrhoZoiie which ciiruechioiiic oa<««M that other remedies won't even te- lle* e. "For years," writes Capi. Mc- Donald of Mcntreal, "I baitlcd with the Hgoiiies of broDchitic asthma. Often I couldn't sleep for ui|;ht8 at a time. I spt-ni thouaands i>f dolUra ondoctois and mudicioe* without ralief, but oiia dullai's worth of Catarrhozonc cured uie. '" Cst- arrliKiono oan't fail : it's iiuarantexd. Two months' treatment 91 i trial size Vm Special Inducements For Current Trade . . 10 Nf en's all-wool Tweed Suits S7 and |8 for 5.00 12 Ladies' Fine Coats. $7.50 and 80.00, foi 5-00 A Urge assortincntiif carpets, arranging in price from 25c. to 5.125 per yd All extra good stock of Horse Blankets ou hand, and we .ire sellinix 'hem at the lowest living prices known. Also a full ranpe of Men's Heavy Foot«t«tr, such a.s Felt Bo<its, Heavy Kttbbers, .Moccasins, Ltg- giu>;», etc. 20 Men's Heavy l''h<turs,g<HHl valve at â- #« 12 only Men's Pea Jackets, on sale at 3.yO 20 all-wool Men's Sweaters, worth $1.00 f'T 66t. 50 yds. crash tuweliiiu, worth 8a.yd. fur 7 C pr. gray wool Blankets, to cleur nut ac $1.9<;paic 12 Men's Cardigan Jacke'n, reg. $1.5C. fur 1.1» Men's Kid Gloves, regular pnce90o, aiiit *1.0t), fur GOc. pec 1*^^ A Rduction in Groceries 5 lbs good Japan lea for f l.CO 5 lb« Ceylon Ulack tea 1.00 13 lbs. best ftcluttod tai.sius 1.00 25 lbs. best Tapoica X.UO 25 IWs. fresh Fi^s l.OO gy l»rg« bur» soap, rc^. 12^ !ti »c.pr.bar The C. P. R. have praciicoUy cliied a coatmct with the works at Sault: Ste. net results will thenwelTee ju>tify, owing 'Marie for 40,000 ton of steel rail*, deliv- to th« limited fiiU here, but siiU in thia ^ery to begia iu FvWuMy MXt ,^-' A nic« assortment of Fancy (J!a<swar« fo Ctoncsc fro.-n. . . \V. HOCKLE Y Highest prices pviJfor Fowl and Butter... Protoi:i station IB^ *^ .-***»:

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