Flesherton Advance, 15 Sep 1904, p. 3

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THE WOEI.D'S FAIH. In conversation with Mr. II. R. Cliarlton, of the Gionil Trunk Uail- d'ay Systom, who hus just returned Ironi the "5\'orld's Fair" at St. I.ouis, somi" interesting information was ({leaned rogardiiiff this large.st of {expositions ever held, llany of the ICasteni people, said Mr. Charlton, »re under the impression that the tomiwraturo of St. Louis at this time of the year is unbearable and that the mercury reache.s a high point. This ImpreRSion is quite er- 'froncoua and the average for the past "j'eek shows T2 degrees. The days are ploa.s'ant ani the evenings cool and comfortable. Thou.'fands of peo- ^:le are now reaching St. Louis from all parts of the country and dviring the rest of the life of the Exhibition IcDocombei- 1st) hundreds of thou- sands will have visited this luam- moth undertaking. To avoid the [crowds that will undoubtedly be there later all those wishing- to see Ithe Exposition to the best advan- jtage should go now before tlie ex- iceptionally large crowds are in evi- idence. The attendance is' increasing jovery Jay and last Monday nearly 1^00,000 people pasiscd through the gates. Another erroneous idea which seems to have gained ground is the price charged for accommodation at St. Louis, the rumor of wliich is un- warranted. There are hotels and private boarding hou.si's which cater to tlic pockets of all classes and a letter to the Information ISurcau, "World's Fair" will readily bring a list of thesA; rh"^es. Without a per- 'sonal visit no one has any concep- tion of the magnitude, grandeur, ar- tistic beauty and greatness embodied in the 1340 acres that contain the displays from every country in the universe and embrace the acme of perfection and evolution of liberal arts and .'â- 'cience up to the twentieth century. To see this with one's own eyes is worth years of study and is Ian education in itself. His Majesty's fan<oi^s Orenedier [liand from England and lono .vned jtHrougho'Ut the British l-'rapire open- led a six weeks' ongayenient at the fr'air on ,\ugust 29th and crowds sur- rounded the stand applauding lustily jto every nunilier. The night effect en the grounds with the buildings ilhi- jminated with myriads of electric nights is beyond description. ar.d ant in a village post-offtce. Tie is a great believer in rich men helpiiiff promising young lads, instead of founding huge buiUIings. ilr. Oago considers that the progross of the world is helped on much more by assisting a boy to finish his tniuca- tion at college then by .spending; money in bricks and mortar. Daniel Vierge, who died recently in Paris and who was known as "the father of madern illustration," was a Si>aniard by birth. At the eighti- eth birthday celebration of 'Victor Hugo he was stricken with paralysis which rendered his right side power- less, but with rnre courage and per- .â- ^evernnco he trained his left han<l and continued to the end to be nt the head and front of modern illusrtra- tors. M. Combes, tht» French Premier, is a doctor by profession, and still re- tains his old copper nainoplate "Doc- teur Combes" on the front door of his house at Fons. Occasionally his medical services are asked by his old townspeople, and he says he ex- periences more satisfaction in reliev- ing their pain th.an in winning a po- litical victory. His chi.'f recreation in Paris is .said to lie the study of foreign langtiages. He is al.so very fond of cycling â€" a pastime, however, which he only engages in when stay- ing in the country. The Sidtan of Turkey cannot have a paiticularly happy life. He is so afraid of poison that every dish and drinking vessel is covered with a cloth and sealed. At any moment ho may command one of .'tis attend- ants to taste some portion, and HE FEELS AS YOUNG AS ETEfi ME. CHESTER LOOMIS TOOK DODD'S KIDITEY PILLS. And From a Used up Man He Be- came as Smart as a Boy. Orland, Ont.. .Sept. 19â€" (Specials- Mr. Chester Loomis, an old and re- spected farmer living in this section, is spreading broadcast the good news that Dodd's Kidney Pills are a sure cure for the Lanie Back and Kidney Disease so conmion among old people. Mr. Loomi.s says: "I am 7(3 years of ago and smart and active as a boy and I give Dodd's Kidney Pills all the credit for it. "Before I started to use Dodd's Kidney Pills I was so used up I could hardly ride in a buggy and I could not do any work of my kind. Everybody thouglit I would not live long. Dodd's Kidney Pills are a wonderfid remedy." The Kidneys of the young may be wrong but the Kidneys of the old m,u.9t bo wrong. Dodd's Kidney Pills make all wrong Kidneys right. That is why they are the old folks' great- est friend. Mi.ss I'a.ssay â€" "Yes, and \v«hen ho propo.sed, I tried hard not to let jhim read any encouragement m my Ifaco, but ho did." Jli.ss Peppery â€" number of unfoi-timate pet animals are kojit constantly .at hand for the .same i)urpo.se. He is fond of read- ing exciting, sensational novels, is a good shot with rille an<l pistol, pla.vs the piano, and constantly has concerts, plays, and cinematograph performances to while away his lone- ly and unhappy hou,rs. Sir John Jackson, who was not successful in winning the scat at Devonport, England, has probably l5uilt more docks than any other contractor in the world. He is (ifty- i two, and a Yorksliireman; began his ' engineering career in the 'I'^neside shops, and undertook his first con- tract at the early age of twenty- four. This was at Newcastle, and "Ah! I suppo.se ho could nsid be- tween Ihe lines.'*" The Solicitor â€" "Don't you think $25,000 cash woidd be puni.shmont enough for his breacli of promiso'.'" The Aggrived due â€" "\o, indeed; I want him to ninrry me!" [must be seen to be fully nppreciat- lilio work was so well done that cd. One noticeable feature of the [young Jacltson made a bid for the i^x[>osition is the fivciiity for the I completion of the O.ueen's Dock at iecouomy of the visitor's lime and Ithe saving of his strength that has Ibcen provided. (!ondolas, electric launches and boats traverse the two miles of lagoons which sirrround tlie Main buiUlings and an intramural railway i caches e\ery part of the roimds. Rolling chairs may be se- cured for trips throngii the !>uildings and elsewhere, and large automo- Lilos with well informed Cuides make trips throughout the grounds. Meals can be secured on the grounds at reasonable rales fiom twent.v-five .cents up to any price one likes pay. The t!rand Trunk E.xhibit ^, (Jlasgow. lie was then twent.v-dve, and the work took three years. When it was fmLsliod his name was nuxde. and thenceforward dock and harbor construction became the work of his life. 0-enial. unaffected, and im- mensely rich, he is one of the most broad-minded of men; and it .speaks wel! of him that, tho'ugh he rarely has fewer than 5,000 men at work for him. ho hus never had a .strike. WHicu King Edward was a little bo.v, a party of Ojibway Indians, who were given an audience bv to I Queen Victoria, ca'ii.scd him much of i amusement, and he ran about among Bffinaril's Liniment Helieves Reoralgla Babies are often fed, or rather starved, said ;\li.sa May Vates to the Briti.sh Women's Temperance A.ssoci- ation, on chr-ese. fried fish, tinni^d saDnou, paklos, gin and beer. A modorn weapon In tho battia lor health. â€" Ii disease has talioii your citadel of hcaltti, the stom- ach, and is torturing you with incfigcsT tion, dyspepsia and iiurvous prcsira-- tion. South American N"er\-inG is the woaitoii to dnvo the enemy from hi? stronghold "nt lliu [joint of the bayon- et." trench by trench, but swift aiul suro, it alwuy.'i wins. â€" -1 Ho â€" "Do you reall.v believe ignor- ance is bliss?" She â€" "I don't know. You seem to lie happj'." Tor Over Sixty Vcars IMrf. WiKBiowsi^ooTniNo Svne? Hab boen l'^I*>» Diillionnof nioLht ra for thei"* chililren irhilo Laotltin; ItBoothesthticbiltt, toftcns thecuni.-i, allayffpnia, ouroH wiudculic. reculntos theHtoinitoh and liuweis, audit ttio U-Bt remedy for I>iiirrhtoa. TweiUy-rtve ueuti a hoult Sold Ivdrussista throughout Ihe world, lie sure and tkalur"MuA, WiN:iLu>v'sSooTul.NU dvlli/ir." Ji-10 !A11 Ihe Crimean veterans in receipt of small pensions, who are in ncces- the Forestry, Fisli and Oame Build- 'them, pulling at their fringed leg ing is attracting muih attention and igings and examining their trappings the concensus of opinion is that it without tho slightest fear. One of isitous cii-cumstances, are now being is the finest in the building. The [ the chiefs delighted him hugely by!g,-anted special increa.ses. provided many lino pictures of the fishing, i piosenting him with an eagle's fe.a- th'at they were either wounded or hunting and summer resort districts I ther and a beor's claw, and al.so in tho Provinces of Ontario and tiue- i made the little Prince a prettv bee appeal to the sportsman and [spee.h. describing him in time Bed tourist and the animated )iicture Indian fashion a.s "the vi'ry big lit- â- machines showing the "International jtle White Father whose e.ves are like Limited" and scenic pictures of dif-nho sky that, sees all things, and 'lerent sections of the line holds the who is fat with goodness like a win- attention of visitors, liringing Can-jter bear. " ada prominently before the jieople | "i--u- Frederick Holder, Speaker of of the American continent. |ii,e HoVsc of Kepres-ontntives, Those who desire to keep -n touch j preached twice in the Methodist with the world's progress and whoifhurch. Oolden Square, Bendigo, last wish to spend a most pleasant and Isimduv." This item of news, ex- profitable time should not fail tojtraclod from the latest Melbourne «eo the largest and most comprehen- j papers, may sound a little strange sivc E.xposition that has ever been Lt this side of the world, but such km.wn as a "World's Fair" and now | announcements have long been famil- is the time to go. | ja,. to Australian readers. Sir Frod- , The Grand Trunk have tvlso install- >,., ^.,4 „as a Weslevan preacher for ,€d exhibits at the i:astein Canada [,„a„y .^.pa,.g jq .Sou.th Australia, of ;Exposition held at Sherbrooke. Que., j^vhic'h colony he was Premier when dischaiged for disabilit.v, or are at present .sulTering from ri ilisabilily clearly due to their mililary servioo. at the Canadian National E.xhibltion, Toronto, and the Western Pennsyl- vania Exposition, Plllsburg. Pu.. all now taking jdace. The Western Pen- n.s.vlvania Exposition is one of tho cd States and lasts 4ii dn.vs. The space occupied b,v the (J rand Tru,nk is 3,000 feet and it is estiiiialt'd that not less than half a inill.ion people will visit the display. PERSONAL POINTERS. l''edeiation was accomplished. He was elected the first Speaker of the Commonwealth Parliament, and in- stead of resting on Sundu.vs, like every other Sjicnker, he finds his way b.v force of habit into some Method- ist pulpit. NEABLV 88,000,000.00 Tho Accumulated Funds in the ticusurv of the Independent Older of Forresters on the 1st of August, 1904, stands at $7,81.")„">6.02. On Interesting Gossip About Some jlJi^' l^*^ "^ f^'P*'^'"!^'"', '^ey stand at Prominent People. S. ,909,086.49. Showing an increase I for month of September The Ameer of Afghanistan ^"s 1530.17. very dull at book-learning when he j This is a most satisfactory restilt was a boy. but had a natuial gift! for the month. for cngineeiing and handicrafts: in aj ,1,5 (.nd of October the .Supremo expert hlneli- 1 ].-xecutivo anticipates that the acc^i- Genllemon. â€" While driving down a Very steep hill last August my horse stumbled and fell, cutting himself fearfullv about the head and botly. 1 u.sed MINAIMVS LINl.MEN'T freely on him and in a few days lie was as well as over. J. B. A. BEAUCHEMIN Sherbrooke. "Mis.s Cracie. ma.y I have this lit- tle hand " "Oh, Mr. Spoonamorn. this is so ' of ferns, as a lightful walk?' "This little handful memento of our de- Thought It meant death suro â€" Mrs. .lamps McKim, of nnniivillo. Ont.. says of her almost miracul- ous cure from heart disease by Dr. Agnow's (."ui'o for tho Heart: "L'niil I bc^an taking this remedy I despuirod of my life. 1 hud heart failure and ox- tronie prostration. One dose gave mo (luick relief and one hottlo cured nic. 'I ho sulVcriiiRs 01 years were -dispelled of $93,- like Uiatjic.'â€" 3 There is no soda-wa'er. F<ver,v pint of soda-water contains two and a half pints of carbon ilioxide, a gas. Therefore, when you drink one fact, he became an smith, as he thought a Prince ought j,„„iated timds will be very nearly [pint of soda-water you really drink to have a trade to full back upon,, he round S.S.OOO.OOO.OO. Members three and a half pints. )ti.st as much as any of his subje>.ls. I of tho 1.0. F. may in confidence rr | order to their friends gathering a linancial as no other Society was commend the Harasate. the great violinist once asked the .secret of his success. | since it is ".^'ix hours' practiLC a day since I Utiength sivh was twelve," was liis reply; which 'has. means that he has liddlcd for lot).- 000 hours since his early ljoyhoo<l. ^ â- â€¢j-d ]\\t^ to know • began tho However, this constant practice bas;ij,tip ),oy, "Woll, what would yo>i '•^r- iti^,. to know?" a.slced hi.s mother. resulted in not only fame bu,t tune, for he make.s something like *.'jO,l'0<) a ,vear. The oldest civil and mechanical engineer in the world who is still ac- tively enKagrd in i>rnctising his i>ro- fe.Hsion is Mr. '"harhs Haynes Hns- well. At the ndvance<l age of ninety- five years Mr. Hnswcll continues re- gulni^ work, verv rarely missing a da.v ^om his desk in the eingineer- ing biuenii of the Board of f>«ti'nate end Appointment of New York Cit.v. â-  Mr. Lymun Gage, the An^nrican mllUoBttire, rose from Iwing assi.st- "I'd like to know why sweetbreads haven't any bread in 'em, and sweetmeats ?iavcn't any :ncat in 'cm." Faulty KMnaya. â€" llavo you liaok- oche? I'o .vou fi»cl drowfl.v? T>o your limhit feel heavy? Uave you frequent headaches? Have you falling vision? Ila\o .vou di/zy feeling? Ai-e you de- prcwcd? I?i your skin dry? Have .vou a tired feclinK? Any of these sings prfive kitiney dincasc. I'^xporience has Iirovetl that South Amerlcaa Kldaajr .'ure never faila. â€" « cA^ A/^ o/nyd/ ^u^-ii/ 4inM- OyUi/tiAjA M't^ fiiM/r USE ''ISLAND CITY" HOUSE AND FLOOR PAINTS Will Dry In 8 Hours. Cn Sale at all Hardwara D9il9r3 P. D. DODS & CO., Montreal, Toronto, Vancouver. Potatoes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Apples Let UB have your eonaignment of any of thesa artlcica and w« will get you good prices. THE DAWSOIM COMMISSION CO, Limited Cor. Waat Marhat and OolboVno Sta., TORONTO. ??| l?7 Who knows anything about " BANNIGER " 7 All Buyers, Sellers and Users of EDDY'S IMPERVIOUS SHEATHINQ PAPER Are interested in this question T T â- ? T ? f "P Will every readerof this enquiry "Who Knows Anytlling About Banniger " Please diop aline on the subject to Th3 E. B. EDDY COMPANY, HULL, CANADA ??f |?7 - S13TrLT':RS LOW ItATK3 WEST Via tho Chicago and North Western Railway, every day from Sept. 15th to Oct. 15Lh, settlers one way second class tickets at very low rates from Chicaso to points in Utah, Montana, Nevada, Idalio, Oregon, Washington, California, also to Victoria, Van- couver, New Westminster, Kossland and other points in tho Kootenny District. Correspondingly low rates from all points in Canada. Full particulars from nearest ticket agent or Ii. H. Ucrinett, General Agent, '1 li^ast King Street, 'i'oronto, Ont. The ':nospital" .stated that 2,289,- .578 patients are treated annually in London 'hospitals nnd dispen.s'arios. Two Years Abod â€" "For eiijht years I sulYoi'cd as no one ever did with I'tiou- inatisni; for two yoors 1 lay in bed; could not so inui;li as feed myself. A fi-iciul reconimeiidt.Ml .South American Rheumnlic Cura. After throe dcscs I could .sit up. To-day I am os strong as ever I \paa."â€" Mrs. John Cook, 287 Cliiitin struct, Toronto. â€" a "ITo's emplo.vod by the railwa,y conij)nii.V now, I understand'.'" 'Yes; he has charge of tho puK/.le dei)art- ment. Ihe what'.*" "He makes out the tiiue-taljles!" St. Margaret's College, Toronto. Re-open Sept. 12th, A higli-clasa residential and day school for girls. Jlodern equipmonC. Specialists of European training and : of tho highest academic and profes- I sional standing In every department of work. Foe booklet apply to MRS. iGEOfxaE DICKSOiV, Ladv Princi- pal; GEORGt; 'niClCSON", "m.A.. Di- rector (lato Principal Upper Canada CoUege). Dominion Line Steamships MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL. BT Moderate Rate Service. â- Â« Second ca*)in pai.^ongen l.erthed in l-ot*. accomiuj. diticu on tho Kleanier uL t,tie li ir raui of $M) ^> Li<erpoiil or ^2.30 to Lrn Ion. Thirl olaa W t.i»ert>ool, r/)n<lon, Gla^icow or i.jtioan.^t wii'Sli-l-*- For all particularA apply to local agenla, or DO.MINION LINK OFFIClil, 41 King St. K., Tyron-o, 17 St. Sacrament St., Montra:>l FEATHER DYEING CiMnlDf and Onrling and Kid GIotm cleaned Tb^ can be lant br poll, lo p«r ot the baal placs i* M1TI8H AMERICAN DYEING COi ijlinaifs Liniment for sale mx\^\m "He's still employed by that big wh.desnie hoiise. isn't he'?'* "No; I think he's in business for him.self iiow. He used to tako tn ho'iir for li:ni li. and now ho only takes a bare fico minutes!" Mlnafil's LinifflSDt Cores Oandrolf. In a London hospital there is an inmate wlio is gradually tuniing black. In Mew York is a negro who is turning white. Hicksâ€" "Look at .Sniggs flirting with the girls over there. I thought you said he was a woinan-hator." "Wick.'*â€" ".So he is, but the woman ho hates is not hero." DR. A. W. CHASE'S nC CATARRH CURE... ^UC. Is aenl dlr«ct to tha dlMtMd pirtt by tb* Improired Blower. Ileal* Ibe slcai^ iJeara the all pauaces, atop, droppinea In lb* ihroat and pctinaiian'Uy cure. Catarrb and Hai Vvnx. Blaw« fre«. All dealen. or Dr. A. W. Chafc .Medicine Co., Toronto and Bu&l* UAlilKS IN BAGS. Some 'piile new and simple mVineiils for bnbies have jii.st l>een inveiiti'tl. They are in the shape of bags, .open down tho shoulders ami sleeves, and are fastened with small, unobtrusive buttons. To dress the bab.v, file garments are arranged in place, one over the other, tho front portions turned down, and the bnb.y laid in â€" or onâ€" thon>. Then the front portions nre turned to place, and his small king.ship buttoned in- to full and con»i>lete .garbing. 'Pliu child is fre.-ih, unwearieil, unlrritiafi?d b.v u)ui-h h.m^Ming nnd turning, tho litth- linvbs are free lo str.^lch, kick, twist, turn and glow us they will. Catarrh for twenty years anol cured In a few days â€"Hon. Georg* J.Hmos, of .Scrantoti, Pa , auy.s: 'â- ! have been a martyr to Catarrh for twenty years, constant hawking, dro|i|)ing in tho throat and pniii mi the head, very olTuii.sivo breath. I tried Dr. AgnoWs Catarrhal Powder. Tho first upplicn- tion gavo in.stunl relief. After usine a few boLllus t was cnrod. 50 cunts.â€" 1 Mi.ss .Sarca.slicâ€" "I fairly dole on our modern paintf-rs:" Mrs. Kit- chi-ner- "I c.int see where they aro a bit better than tho paporhung- er::l," (iiincrd's Liniment Cures Burns, etc. When the Kaiser promi.sed lo in- scribe on the Ilugs of the German trooj)s. who nre lighting the Heroes in South Africa, the names of tho battles they won he jindiably did not know that, they hud ,|iist won a fight at 'H..iihinnniapereio. ll<> â€" "There is a limit to every- thing, you know." She (looking at tho dock)-â€" â- â€¢ Ves. oven this nig"lit cat* t last for over." The harder you cough, tho worse tho cough gets. Shiloh's CoT&s^xnptioii Cure TSnic^""« is guaranteed to cure. If it doesn't benefit you, tho druggist \n\\ give you your money back. Prices: g, C. Wklls * Co. 303 23c. 50c. $1 LoRo)r,N.Y., Toronto, C«n. •»oâ€" r# OH uassi

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