Flesherton Advance, 15 Sep 1904, p. 8

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SEPrEMBER 15 1904 Til E F L K S H E R T O N A D V A N C I V < ! '•'flHHBe'SS!^^'^^?^^!^^ The Markets. Cirrefullv Corrcrtcd Each Wceh 0»u 2!) to 29 IViis. '.'.".'. ".'. CO to 6'2 JJHrley *'' t^" â- *" JJuttor W -<^ l" Jiags frcah I-'' »• 15 Wool, Ciisli ItJ to 17 â- 'Hay '»' 6 C>5 ' Potatoes bau Vo t« 7o Our Clubbing List ♦Advance, *Ilcralii Riid *Tor..ut(> W.iikl, daily $3 25 Toi-.inlo l>iilv News . 185 Wi'okly Ulobo . 1 80 MailKiiipire 1-80 Family IIcihIJ & Star 1.80 Tiuonto Star 1-80 FariuerK Sun ,, 1-80 All nUoiO ])rii;«s include Tlio Advanco and Monlv:;.! llmald, if paid in fcdvRiicc only Early subscribers gut best ralue <»r their nii.noy. Hundreds of youii;,' men will be wanted 118 telegraph operators ou tho Grand Trunk Paeilic, and all other linos. Why not Learn Telegraphy at the ^^;;;hv-/VG^r//£fli We have a first class eqiiipmnnl.a thor â- iiu^'h course ol instruction, reliable oxper ionced teachers, our terms are moderate A few nionllis Bprnt in this departnien will ipjalify yiiUto fill a splendid position Full infonnatiou sent free to any address >C. A, Fleming, Principal DWKN SOUND, GST. Durham Bull for service The llegiBterecl Dnrhain Rull, --KING EDWARD" Tnjp., will btiiDfl for eprvicu on wot 29, 8.D. h., <JoT 1(X)4. Kiiic I'.dwaiil is a dark riMi.corKi) eavy %oiie and liiuhcle and w«ll dfiv«lnpo«l. Be is iu ouiy fair p-ftrvit't-ulilc condition Hint will lift the ,t)taiu at twctirv-two htuidrod Ibii. aud ib yetin vber IWu-yoar-oId claRfl. PKDIGUKB Klnq Hiiward riul, calvcid April lOtli, 1901, bred •i,»y Julin VijuriH 'rilbouries, Mnrycnltor, Sont- laiid, jiiipnite-l in liiiii) iu IflOC) by Cliarlo!" }iankin. Wyobrulre. Ou*., cot by Rcottinh J'iiTieii7;iJU:l, tianl liotliiiick liOEO, imp., "b2S7, liy Alan Gwvcir.ulKitajil, Itud Kosa by Portland ^ifChmy riHT2, Uonio 'ind bv Doctor 00015, UorIo liv l,ieiitt nant (V^W, Jilt IVth by Albeit filhAil, Jilt lotli l)> (iruvfc^tncl 4r.401, Donside Glar«t by Vermont 47Ui:!,<'birot 1st bi Duku HS-iW, Olarut .bv Scarlet Velyut ICUIR, Harbara by Unrivallorl l:W-Jfi, iBabilbi by 'I bo I'acba 7C.12, Crocus by and Uuku of iN'orUinniboiland :«U0, Nora by Mllury &1JI. r.mily by Killnry ."il.'ll, Uliza by "i'oiing iVestcrn Oiiinot 1,175, Ludy liotty bv Diamond I'UO.Uclly b> Favorite S^JC.by Chargo'a Ited bull 1810, TETIMS Thoron^'bbro'l covtk €».'» ; Rrft<1efl ftl 50. All Jiavabltt 1st Januaiy. IJXt,''. Cows aorvQd by this aninnil and not rctiirued wilt bo coUucted for utiotbur iu cuif or not. VV. J. MEADS, C«;len,Ont. Fleslierton Harness Emporium. SPECIALTIES tor the Seasonâ€" FI7 Nets, Dtlsters, Stable Slieets, Hoof Ointnqent, Curry Con\bK, Brusl:\es and Binder V/t\ips. Gloves for liarvesters ar\d Tl^resl^ers. Trunks and Valises al'Ways on lian: BINDER TWINC-WcCorinacK. f xarnire tills twine and you will buy. UA,r<N'ICSS MANUFACTUX^r.Na iu ttJl ilH Iji'ntieUeB. ^N D/L, 1^ O O R £2 R. Kinnear & Sons â€"MAX W E L L- Tliii is the place In buy boot* mm] nhiiei. Wu bare thi> noted Ahri n Shoe of all siz- !••; »l<o W. II. Haiiiiltoiri hout* and Shoen, In oar dry i;<N)di w« liave: Mun'a Uurfurt And lulta, odd ]'kiit« aii<l .lackrtK, OveralN itiid 8iri-uteis, Rain Coata and Orrr- uxHta. Our I'riiita need 110 Ulan- lion, <Ti) are Helliou all «ra can baiidlUiOrey ColUiii fiom 5 U> 10 ruTit«, Wall i'liper, 5, II. 7, 8, it mi.d 10 cents pitr double ruU. We cUioi to gird tho bent value in J«|Min 'lea north of Toronto. Our (riK-ery lint's arc full and fresh. tiS'e alS'i hau'll'i r«|H!R, nail«, liinges putty, lawN. axes, rikoi. forks, •jiadMi, ahovelN, ot«. Ol-n Huron Fl->nr flwaya uii hand. Ai/ers Sometimes the hair is not properly nourished. It suffers for food, starves. Then It falls out, turns prematurely gray. Ayer's Hair Vigor is a Hair Vigorj hair food. It feeds, nourishes. The hair stops falling, grows long and heavy, and all dan- druf? disappears.. " My bair wm cnrolng out terribly. I vat Bimoftt afraltt to comb it. Bat Ayer'a fialr Vlgnr promptly itoi-pod the falling, and also rest-.Jtl the natural roinr," Muj. K. a. K,. Wabd, Landlog, V. J. Rdjtor Fawctftt Goes Away (1. 00 a boltla. AU driiK^litv for- J. C. ATEtl CO., Lowell. Xnss., iPoor Hair SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT A choice line of and Baby Carriages 6o»eart$ Just to hand. The latest thing inthcso goods, and low in price. Corne and seeThterq. lOOSEClEililC MQIISITES SUCH AS New Shades, Curtain Poles, Fixings. W. H.~BUlSrT Furniture Dealer, Upholsterer and Undertaker. FLESH ERTON ONT. BUSINE.S.S Cards M't)Ut,L0UOH & YOUNG Uanliar Markdale Jo a general banking budineRH. Money loaneo a reaaouablo rate Call ou ua. RJ BPBOULK roatiuaster, Flesherton >,otuiniaaloi]er In H. O. J., Auctioneer Con reyancar, Appraiaer aud Money Lender Uoal Batata aud Iiiaiiranoe Agent. Ueeda mortgaxea, leaies and TitilU carefully drawn u|> and raluatiouB luade ou rhorteat untice, money to loan at lonest ratea of iutereat. Col octioiia atteudod to ivith promptneaa cbtrgea low. Agent for Ocean Dominion titAamahip Company. A call aollcited. Societies K O V V meeta 01. the laat Monday " 10 aacn mouth, in ttieir looga room. Cbriatoe'a block. Plealierton. at 8 p.m. M.W., A. Harrlaon ; Recorder, Jaa. Kelatead ; Finan- cier, W.J. Bellamy. Viaitlng brethren luritod. PRINCK ABTHTK LODOE, No. M33, A. A U, laaeta Co tfae Maaouloball. Strain's block. Fleah..rtou, every Friilav 00 or before tba full iBocu. F H W Bickling W M. Cbas Munataaw, Hecretary. COUhT FLEHHRBTON, I. 0. F. inaets In Cbriafee's HIaek the laat Friday erening each mVintb. Visiting Fnresteia heartily rolooiua. C.I!.. (!. W. ndlaniy ; It. 0., W. Buskin ; Fln.Ho«..r)r K. Unrray. (Pay dnae to Dr, Mui'ray on or befora last day of each taoutii. Medical DB OABTKR M C P A B Out. rbyalolan, Sur(re«B,«t« omca and roaidenca â€" Peter St., Fleaharton niS. A. T. BOND " (Iradnatn Toronto Unlvereltr. Mem- ber of Ontario Oolleca of rbyeioilana and Bur- geons. Maawell, On*, ouccasaor to Dr. Boot!. T P OTTBWELt. • Veterinary Rnrgeoo Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, residence â€" sscond door south west on Mary street. This street rans south Preabrtarian Ohuroh. n WILSON, Blacksmith ^' 'iradnata of the Veterinary Rcleuee Asaociatlotu Itesldanon, Durham ttraet, op- poaita Boyd, Hieklii.('s hardware. Legal LUCA8 WRIGHT A UrARDLK Barristsra Bolicltors ConTayaDcera, etc Of&eaaâ€" Oweu Sound. Onl and Markdale Out. W H WaioDT, MoAtM.!, I n Ldoab N Uâ€" Fleabarton office, Mlteball's Dank sverr BatutJay. MACKAVASAMPSttN .Barrlstera. solielteri. OFPIUKR 1â€" Owen Brnnit, Marchant'a Hauk Bloek, K, sf Patterson House. Eaudalk alD Btraat, every Saturday, Uonev to lr>an at 4) p»r cent. A.O. MACKAt.M A., HB SAMPSON, L.LD Alwavs Id attendance at Dniidalk Dlrlslou Ooarta. Fleataarton and Drntistby DR. R e. MURRAY. T..D. I, dactal snrgnun honor gradaste of Toronto CulTersily end Roval Collaiis nt Denial ajroiena r-f Ontario' ">«)••â€" Oppotlle krni>iroag> Jewellery Itmn. Will visit H>twell the last Wrdneadar e< eaek naath and Daudalk tat aad ird Itaursday cl •ach BoiMt-t From the Toronto World. "A. U. Fawceft, editor of the Leader and itocorder, Ijfi town on Friday after- noon, not inteuding to return, and giving nil one clue to his future whereabouts, lie ^ave no ruaaon for hia sudden dejiar- ture, and did not even say goodbye to his Wife and family. The liral intiniati(/n that hU wife had that lie was goi>g was when .she fouiid his valise and suit caso liiddtm in tho back yard. She asked him how they citme there aud he said he auppoeud thieves had been in the house. He took them upstairs, but tho next tiine Mrs. Faweelt returned from being out she found both him and the valises t'ono. The reason given for his shaking the dust of Toronto Junction ofT hia feet is said to be looming tin.-incial ditlicullies. Before departiiiii he left a letter with his foreman, in which he gave his wife the power of attorney and n statement of his lialiilitii-s. The condition of the business, howercr, did not warrani his leaving it so suddenly. There was noth- ing veiy pressing, and his wife naturally looks upon it as uncalled for, Ke has made frequent appeals to his subscribers of late, but these appeals had become chronic and there is nothing to indicate that his liriancial condition i.s worio now than it has been for some time past. Basides appeals to subscribers, there have appeared in tho columns of The Leader some interesting editorials de- scriptive of a throe weeks' h'>liday in the country. Rumor has it that he went to enjoy the pleasures on the farm. To his foreman, Mr, Fawoett said he was going away never to return, and to his family hedid not vouchsafe this much. Much sympathy is felt for Mrs. Fawcett and the family. He liiid of late told his children that they would have to get out into the srorld and shift for themselves. Mr. Fawcett was a well-known news- paper man and was the founder of The Flesuekto.v Adva.nce, The Sireotsrille Review ami the Toronto Junction Lea- der." , . In last weeks Loader and Recorder the following prophetic words were prinlod in coiineclion wilh^ditorial comniMit on the difficulty expevionqrd running a weakly newspaper: 'JPapor, wage, rent, anil o.hcr bdls must be.paid, whether subscrip- tions oo^le in oruot.and thus the .stnigi/lo to make ends meet comuiouces and con- tinues until the publisher either sella out or throws up the sponge in desiwir, and gazes, stunned aud atrickeu, vpoii the wreck of many xieaxn of hard, uphill, diicuuraginy and disheartening work." To Cure Fever ChllU And such complaints as " Shivers " and ague, we recommend Nerviline very highly. Twenty drops of Nerviline taken in hut water with a little sugar three tiiuea daily not only ato{>a the chills but knocks out the disease completely. Ner- yilina haa a direct action on fever chiPs and romuroa the conditions causing them. In atuniach and bowel troubles Nerviline never fails. It's pleasant to the laate, quick to relieve and always cures perma- nently. Get a 25c. bottle lo-duy riore Lightning Freaks. The Hanover Post tells of the follow- ing lightnin? incident ; In was at the homrstcad of Jidin Itii-hl that the thrillini; incident occurred, and ai^ctatiirs who have seen the house since aver that it certainly looks aa if il had been struck by a cyclone or demolished by an earthiiuake. The residence is a story and a half with a lean-to or kitchen at the rear. The occupants, nine in all, were all in the back kitchen during the storm. The lightning struek the ehiinui-y on the mtin part of the hunae and pttss- iiig down, ttire up the upper portion in a frightful style. The fluid also glanced and ran along the troughini;, and entering the lean-tu at mie end knocked the top oflT a tall, uld-fashioned sideboard stand- ing with its back tn the wall, down, and striking the back of a child seated on a hhee|»kin on the floor. The firctric fluid also entered a chimney of the hack kitchen and coming nut ihe stove passed through the teet of Mr. Rirhl who was sitting with hif fret to. the stove. Huge holes were torn in the heavy shoes which he wore, and are indeed a curioxity. Dr. Mrarn*, who was calli;d in, atati'd to the newspaper n-aii that Riehl would c«>rtaiii- ly have been killed bad he been titling with hii back instead of hia feat to the stove. Mis, Riehl and » yuun'^ son, and a lady and her f«ur children, who are at present Kuatta at the houtehold and are toon to leave for Alberta, were •Ito in tbp kitvbrD. Naturally they were all more or less atunnud, but that tliay should have passed through auch an ux- periencs and be able to Cell the tale, is almost miracuhma. The first shipment of 1 OCO tons of rails from the 800 for the Intorcolonial haj ar- rived in Montreal. Rattlesnakes are said to be very plen- tiful in the Kruce Peninsula and to be in- creasing very fa»t and moving south. John McCh.irles, Warden of Brjce Coun- ty, had a narrow oscap* from btioc bitten by one recent'y. He has the tail as a trophy. The Mildest and Surest Relief For constipated boweli and piles i.s Dr. Hatnilton's P^ls of Mandiiku and r>ut- ternut vihich cau.^e no griping pain and act promptly. Well known to all doc- tors. Use only Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Price 25o. Nearly thirty sheep and lambs were killed or maimed one nislit|last week near the Saujeen by a pack of town dogs ; the next night a flock wa'i entered while pa,st- uring ill a lot on the corner of Toronto and Cavan streets, only one etcipod aer iously injury. W, G. Pickell, drover, is the chief loser. Dug-owners hate a debt on their hands: over f250 woith of prop- erty has been destroyed in the nocturnal raids this last six weeks. â€" Markdale Standard. A serious accident occurred on Labor Day to James Best, 10 yt^ara of age, who has been working for Mr. It. II. Lewis, tailor. The young man went oiit to his homo, a few miles up Ihe gravel road iu Normanby, to spend ihe day, and was shooting at a hawk when the gun exjilod- ed. The lock was blown off in his face, knocking his right eye completely ou; and destroying il, besides inflicting bruises about the head of such a severe natuie that his doctor ^ns in doubt when last heaid from what the result would be. He is a quiet, well-beliaved young man who has the respect of all who know him and general sympathy is exprrsscd for him in his suffering and in the loss of his eye.â€" Mt. Forest EoprosontatiTe. Ill his recBiit speech at Slielburne, Mr, G.iraey, according to Tlie Esonomibt, said he thought the Koos Governmeut was at the end of its walk. It reaaiuled him of the story of two youtic men who were travelling on pit.ssos. Tlie conduc- tor, of C'-urse, got no tiukois fiom them, and when he approached an old Iii.-h lady who was silting on the oppo.sito seat, with * request for her tiL-ket, she objected to giving It, saying she had iu.st as much right to travel without om- is the yuiig felhiws had. "Oh, but jou know, ' said one of the young fell-,»ws, trying to make inatteis ea-y for the cO'iu'iclor, "we're travelling on aur looks." "Begorra, then," ?aid the old lady, "you haven't much farther to go." Joseph Ntdde of Lot ."l, Con. 5, Mulnnir has in hia orchard an apple tree that was planted in 1848. It has a ciroumferance about the trunk of seven feet seven inch- es. The diameter of the circle covered by the limbs is 45 feet, and the tree is 25 ft. hiiih. In 19*>2fourtecn barrels of apples were picked oflfit. This year it will have , abouteight^iarreU, It is in a healthy coi - dition and looks as if it would bo i;o, id for ihe balance of the century period, 44 yeais. â- Shelburne Fiee Pre.s-t. THE ADVANCE il WEEKLY AND TUB \Vb h.nve mad.i nrrangenionta with Tbe Herald Publlshlns Company, of Moutroal, i^berjby we are enabled lo Blva TUo The "Magazine-Newspaper," FREE To Subscrib«rt to Thia Paffor who pay their subacriptions in advance for one year. If you are in arrears, send in the amount now duo, v?ith $1,00 to pay a year's subacrip- ilon In advance, and we will send you abso- lutely free The Weekly Montreal Herald fur Gtjc year, 1( your subscription has not expired, you u:ay remit J1,00, and wa will extend your subscription one year, and send you The Weekly Montreal Herald for one year. It you are not now a subacriber, send In SLOO now, and this pnper and Tho Weekly Montreal Herald, two dollar newspapers, will bo sent for ?1,00, This is IHE GREATEST DOLLAR VALUE Kver offered by any Canadian cewspaper Tlio Weekly Montreal Herald, the "Mttsa* ziriti-Newspaper," is without a rival In Can- ada. Coiiveuieut In form, timely, iulerostius aud In.structtve as to couteuts, it is tho "ideal newspaper." Couibiuing llie best features of tbo popular magazines, Tlie Weekly Moulreel Uerald is a weekly magazine aud newspaper L-ombined, at the price of the ordinary aew»- paper. MAGAZINE FEATURES FAHM DEPHRTMEHT MARKET PAGE QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS WOMAN'S PAGE HOUSEHOLD DEPT. SUNDAr FEATURES ILLUSTRATIONS AND AND TIMELY NEWS tr.ake The Weekly Montreal Herald a "moga- ziue-new3pap«r"' that appeals to readers of every class. Never a dull number throughout the year. Tho SEND $1.00 FOR YOUR RENEWAL NOW and got The Weekly Montreal Herald free, or subscribe now If you are not already a sub- Rcrlber. and get this paijer and Tho Weekly .Montreal Herald tor ll.OQ. Address: « WANTED ^ A Local Salesman for FLESH ERTOM and auiT'iutidin^ territory ti reores'in'-. 'Canada's Greatest Nurseries" Newest varieties, and spe':ialtioa in Hardy Fruits, Small Fruits, Shrubs, Ornamentals,and Roses. A permanent situation, and territory re- served for right man. Pay weekly. Hand- some Outfit free. V\'rite for particu- lars, and send 25 cents for our pocket nii(;roRcope, jnat the thing to use in ex- amii'iug trees and plants for insects. Stone & Wellington Fonthill Nurseries (over 800 acres) Toronto - - Ontario ill*iS6B|R|lR5 Sttnds the daily tear and wear to which they are sub- jo :tcd ao well that wo have never yet had occasion to re- pl ice a worn btariup, although these machines have been sod in Oiitaiio, Quebec aiid the Maritime Provinces for t le last six years. This is an unique record, warranting t .e aKserlion that the Mehdto runs easier, coxts 75 p, c. 1 .Sf for repairs and lasts twice as ling as any of its duii- pelituiH. For close akiminiiiK the Melotte is unexeelletl. WRITE FOR BOOKLET No. 9 S John H. I>eard, Flcsberton ^\ D . K4CXAVSH ili[f[[llll»iiE[Bl]|[i[ll For First Class Bubs; es, Carts, Pleasure and Lumber VNagona, cutters, Sleighs. Ws keep a stock ou hand tu choose from. ALSO HOkSE SHOEINQ AND GENERAL BLACKSMITH INQ and KUafantee first class work. We keep on band Ploughs and Plough reiMtirs, and also Massey- Harris and N"X"n repairs for binders, Mowers, *ll kinds of machinery, also Binder Twine on hand. » Klbcn in town Qim us a call • .'<-vi

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