sm -â- i . ' i • * 1 â- ! h ::i: "J .r. 1- t J' < < 4 « If li ^i» If* BLOOD-STAINED THRONE. Srcai Popular I'pheaval May S«««p It Away. Are the days of Peter I. of Servia as King of that country numbered ? It is believed so in Austria, and the fact ex- plains the altitude of the Imperial Gov- •mment to the proposed tariU union Ijclween .Ser\ia and Bulgaria. The Austrian authorities have learned that the days of Peter I. as King of .Ser- bia are not to be long. The Karageorgie- viclj dyiiaslys day in Servia is gone, and before another year is over the King and bis family will be driven out. It is well known in .Servia that it is owing to the dynasty alone that Servia has lost position and influence nil over Europe. In the courts of Europe tht opinion prevails that Peter I. knew Lf uie plan for the murder of King Alex- inder. If he was not himself actually ils aistigator. All the courts of Europe iiavfc refased to receive a visit from King Peter or to have any direct deal- ings with him. Servia is thus, so lo speak, blotted out from among the Stales of Europe. The King, moreover, and in a greater nitasure. the Crown Prince, his son, have iiiude themselves remarkably unpopular all over the country. Servia, according to iiifonnalion re- ceived by the .Austrian Govemmenl, is for these reasons advancing in the direc- tion of a now revolution. There is al- ready formed a r.tmna jvirly. de- sire il is to sec a Geniiun prince on the throne of Servia. This parly has its eyes on Prince Francis Joseph of Bal- lenberg. who was married in May. 1897, to a Montenegrin princess, but has no children. The difliculties of the Servian Govern- mtnt in obtaining money have become so acute that a crisis may be expectsd any moment. The regicides, knowing the extreme danger, arc running tilings with a hig!i hand, and King Peter is little more than • prisoner in his own palace. JUST THINK All Japan teas are adulterated, while OZML/kJDr That's what any woman is after a hot cup of frapaot All Japan teas are aauiieraxea, wniio ^^ ^^ â- b^nHj ^^kl^ll^H^H^B lBt9 ^H Hh away old fills her with new lift. Ceylon Natural GREEN Tea is ABSOLUTELY PURE. Sold Only in Sealed Lead PackeU at Mc. 50c and 60c per pound. By all Grocers. HIGHEST AWARD. ST. LOUIS. 1904. So Delicious too. Only one best tea. BLUE RIBBON'S IT. THE POSTMASTER TELLS HIS SECRET UIS HEALTH MAINLY DIE TO TOE L'SE OV DODD'S KID.NEY PILLS. IV>slinastfr Lee Looks Ten Years Youn- ger llian ilui i»eventy-Si.v Years and lie Uives the Credit to the Great Canadian kidney Iteniedy. Tabucint^ic, Cumberland Co., N. B., Keby. 19â€" (Special).â€" Horatio J. Lee postmaster here, is now in his seventy' sixth year, but so bright and healthy does he look and so energcUc is he in bis movements thai he would easily pass tor len years younger. "How do I keep young looking," the postmaster says. "Well 1 attribute il largely to my good health and my health is mainly due to the use of Podd's Kidney Pills. "I first learned the value of this Kid- ney Remedy snmc years ago. I was then sufloring from Kidney Disease. My leel and legs swelled and I had to rise eight or ten times in the night because of urinary troubles. Si.\ boxes ot Iiodd's Kidney Pills restored my health at that lime and I have used them at intervals .since. "To anyone ndlicled with Kidney Trou- Me I soy 'Dodd's Kidney Pills are bU right.' "Try Ihein and you will be sure tc llnd a benefit." LOVERS DIE TOGETHER. A sad love tragedy was eflacted the othci day at the Nilluge of Dasio, in the Canton of Tessin. Switzerland. The UMle of the village, u girl of IS, had been ssjcretly engaged lo a farmer, bui her father refused his consent to the mar- riage. Finding that entreaties had no effect, the young couple decided to com- mit suicide. The farmer bought a re- volver, and during n walk Ihrough th"^ woods he tired four .shot,-; at his sweet- heart, killing her on the spot. He then carrirti the body to the cemetery, a inilc off, placed il on a grave, and shot himself through the heart. The bodies were discovortd by a gi-ave-digger. BOASTERS. For boasters the world has no use; but it Is always on the lookout for men who d'. things". Solomon said: "Let unoltuT man prise thee, and not thine own lips." Thf world .says to-day: We have no lime lo listen lo what you are going lo do; let us see something you have done, or are doing. BETTER PLAN. Mamie kisse<l mcâ€" such a smack But 1 did not kiss her back; On my part are no such slipsâ€" So in.itead 1 kis-iied her lips. DODDS ^KIDNEY h- PILLS "\\ ere there laughter and cheers dur- ing your speech?" "Well," answered Ihe youthful statesman, "Ihere wercn't any cheers, but now and then people in the audience looked at one another and laughed." It Cures all C.reeds.â€" Here are a few names of clergymen of dilferent creeils who are Ann believers in Dr. .Agncw'Sj f'al.irrhal Powder to "live up to the preaching" in all it claims. Bishop ; .Sweatman, Rev. Dr. Langtry (Episco- palian): Rev. Dr. Withrow and Rev. Dr. Chambers (.Methodist); and Dr. Newman, all of Toronto, Canada. Copies of their personal letters for the asking. 50 cents. â€"105 Schoolmaster â€" "Now, Rogers, what are you doing? Learning something?" Rogersâ€" ".No, sii-; I'm listening to you, sir." Farmers Wanted as Land Agents. Farmers wanted all over Canada es agents lor Western Canada lands; all selected lands; liberal commission. Ad- dress "Farm I.ands," P. O Box 528, Winnipeg, Man. â- * The D * L " rtanthol Platter* «» marral. loas in tbair qatck a.ctioa when applied to Ivm* l>ack:i or stl9 rbauma^c muKies or jointa* They (IT* lBiaM<liJit« raliaf. "nic avenge woman is willing to patch up a quarrel with her neighbor t>ecause of the pleasure il affords her lo rip the patch off again. Tliey ar« CaieruHy Prepared.â€" PUls which dissipate theni.-fetves in tfaa stom- . ach OODDOC b« e-ti>e<:ted to hiivo miji !â- i cdect upon the intestines, and to over- 1 come ccntivoiiesM the nicdicinu adminis- tered mu3t iiifluencu the uction of thet^e canals. I'arnielco's Vegetable Pills are so txiaile, under the supervision of ex- perts, that the substance in thera in- tended to operate on the intestines is retarfted ia action until thev pass tliioucb th4 itomoou to the bowels. The girl who screams when her young man tries to kiss her usually cries if he doesn't. Uropsy and Heart Disease.-r"Kor ten years 1 suffered greatly from Heart Dis- ease. Fluttering of the Heart and Smo- thering Spells made my life :i torment. Dropsy set in. .My physician told me tc prepare for the worst. I tried Dr. Agnew's Cure for the earl. One dose gave relief, one bottle cured me com- plot<?Iy." â€" Mrs. James Adams, Syracuse, N.Yâ€" 107 A man never discovers that he is crowing old by looking in the mirror. He makes the discovery by looking at his wife. Hal'nwajr's Com I'ur* Is a apeci te for the removal of corns and warts. Wu have never heard of its falling to n- movtt oven the worat kind. PUTS Hl.-VI TO SLEEP. Mrs. Jonesâ€" My husband has a go»i ear for music. Mrs. Smithâ€" Mine hasn't. He thinks evtry piece lie hears at church i.< a lul- laby. "My goodness!" exclaimed an an.xious mother, "what in the world made your face so dirty, Willie?" "Johrmy Jones and me had a fight,' explained Willie, "an' he throwed more dirt in my face than I could swallow." A Small Pill, but Powerful.â€" Thev that judge of the powers of a pill by Its size. would consider Pannelee's Vegelahle Pills to be lacking. It is a little wonder among pills. What It locks in aire it miutes up in |>i>u>' The remedies winch it carries are put up in these small doses, because thev are so |>oweriul that only small doses are required. The full strength of the extracts is secured in this form and do their work tboioughly. Old Fossil â€" "I you get any amount of silly (jui'stions ask^ during the dayf Porterâ€" "Yes. sir, any amount; yours is the twenty-third I've bad asked me to-day." "Oshawa" Steel Shingles Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from SSJ5 lo SS.IO per hundred square feel covering measure, rhis is the most denrable c»v- ering on the market, and is an ideal covering for Houses. Bams, Stores. Ele- vators, Churches, etc. Any handy man can lay the "OSH.^WA" ahisgles. K hammer and snips are Ihe only tools squired. We are Ihe largest and oldest company of the kind under ttK British flag, and have covered thousands of the best buildings througtuMit Cmn^a making them FIRC, WATER AND LIGHTNINO-PflOOF We also maunfacture Corrugated Iron in long sheets. Conductor Pipe anU EAVE TROl'GH Etc. .\IET\L ^iiniM;. in imitation of brick or stone. METAL CEILINCS. in 2.000 designs. Write for Catalogue No. UR and free samples of "OSHAWA" Shingles. Wnle to-day. MOHTtEAL, QUI. OTTAWH, (NT. TOftOMTt ONT. LtNMa. OITT. WWWMa, «<IM>B»tl. â- .& 7*7 Iralg St «Z3 lu i a o i at. It (Mk«ite St t» OuinU« St. 70 Lamkarri St. fis matw St WBjn Yaca Na^axsr Orncs. Head OfTke and Works, ... Oshawa, Oat. Taarlwg Dewn 5lgfial« doe* not delay •torm. Jpiam-IaSeii "medctines" do aot cure. When jou iMcia to oough take AlUa'i Lun* Balsaa, tree tram opium, luU o( healing power. Fatherâ€" "What â€" marry my daughter? Why, she's only a child." Spooner â€" "Yes, sir. I thought I'd come early to avoid the rush." Nurse's Good Words.â€" "I am a prof-'S- sional nurse," writes Mrs. Ei.sner. Hali- fax, N.S. "I wa,« a great sufferer from rlieuniatistn â€" almost constant associa- tion with best physicians I had every chance of a cure if il were in their pow- erâ€"but they failed. .South Americnn nheumalic Cure was ret'ommended â€" to- day my six years of pain seem as a dream. Two bottles cured me.â€" IOC LANDS In Western Canada ^ ^ ^ •'MktliThitTnn. oaljr tl milai from two nulwaji. C.P^ A G.T P. StToiui suiU M per nut. plooah laad. spiinic oieek, ma aioogha About. «0 miiaa N.K. of iB'lian Head. Price tlOJ* par aem Write for map and fall particulaia. R. PAKi>ONS, 91 WeMcaley Street. Tareata. Caaa*. Ihe elevator boy manages lo reach the top, but he isn't allowed to stay there. A MIGHTY RAILW.AY. The average income of the Canadian Pacitic Railway per week is $1,250,000. Out of this sum they have to pay sal- aries to 30.000. which mounts up" in a year to $25,0fli).(JOo. The president of the company has a salary of $50,<XI0 a year. The coal bill for a year is $5,000,000. for two and a half million Ions of coal. The number of cars possessed by the railway is 45,000; locomotives, 1.200; railway -sta- tions, l.tOO. Since ll<00 the Caiiadia'i Pacific have doublet! their earnings; Ihe total for the last six months is $'Jt,3Sl.- 977, an incn-ase of $111,194,578 over the same period last year. â- naUf bt leap !• battar than atbar wapt^ bat ia beat when naad in the Svalight ««j. Boj Soalif kt loap and follow dixaatiaaa. AL'STRALIA.N WHE.VT CROP. The wheat crop of Victoria for this -season is estimated at 23.000,000 bushels, being an increase over last year's relisrn of 1.45ti,850 bushels. The' amount re- quii-ed for home consumption is G.300,- 000, and for seed l,90ii,OUO, having about 14,000,000 bushels available for export. Willi present market prices al about 32s. per quarlerâ€" equal lo 4s. per bushel -.Is. tJd. per bushtl would bt> realizeil after defraying freight, coniiiiis.sion. and exchange, making Ihe value of the wheal available for export JE2,275,00O. MAN LOVES MEDICLNE. Some nrniarks o( Dr. Osier .\npnt His Pitifes.sion. Dr. William Osier writes; â€" "Man has an inborn craving for medicine. Heroic dosing for several generations has given the tissues a Ihirst for di'ugs. .Vs 1 once before remarked, the desii-e to take med- icine is one feature which distinguishes limn, the animal, frtun his fellow crea- tmvs. It is really one of the most serious diincullies with which we have to con- tend. Even in iniivir ailments, which would yield to dieling or to simple home remedies, the doctor's visit is not thought lo be coiiiplole without the prescription. ' Of the culliiivd physician he says :- "In no profession does culture count for so much as in nu-dicine, and no man needs il more than the general practi- tioner, working among all sorts and con- ditions of men, many of whom are in- lluenced quite as much by his general ability, which they can appitciate, as by his learning, of which they have no measure." Dr. Osier advises physicians to "wuik with the youi.g'': â€" "I would urge Ihe clinical physician, as he travels farther from the east, lo look well lo his com- panions -lo see that they are of his own age and generation. He must walk with the 'l)oys,' he must travel with the men who are doing the work of the world. Ihe men between the ages of 85 and 40." TAILORING AND PHOTOGRAPHY Perhaps the latest application ol photography is in tailoring. I'liis ap- pears to be a;in invention. The person to be measui\>d is photographed iir several po.sition.s while standing be- hind a network, which is photographed or the same plate, and serves as a standard of reference. By means of a kind of harness, indicating the location of armpits and other conceahnj points Ci the figure, the necessary accuracy is obtained. OTarwerked Persons, either mentallT «r pbT^ically. «b.)ald ti-y *' Kerro*im." the world renuwueU uerve and bUiod tonic and they will quickly recover stieostb and healtb Beggsâ€" "My wife says that if I were to die she would i-eiiiain a widow." Meggsâ€" "Evidently she thinks there Is not another man in Ihe world like you."' "On the con'rary. .she's afraid there may be, and that she'd get him." A Time for Kverything. â€" The lime for ! Dr. Thomas' Kclwtric Oil is when ' croupy symptoms appear in the child- ren; wh.Mi rheumatic pums beset the old: when lumbago. a.stlimii, coughs, colds, catarrh or earache attack either youug or old: when burns, scabl.'i. abr.-i- , sions. contusions or sprains come to | any incriber of the family. In any of these ailments it will give relief and Work a cure. A genius is a man who can do al- most anything extept make a living. "Tl>ey Sell Well" .«nys Dniggisl O'Dell i of Truro, N.**. WanI any heller evi- j dence of Ihe real merit of Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tahlels ns a cun> for | all forms of stomach trnuble Ihnn they're in such groat domnnd'? Nut a nauseous dose thai makes one's very in.sides rebelâ€" but plen.sanl. quick and h.ifinlessâ€" a tiny tablet lo carry in your pocket. 35 cents.â€" 104. RHEUMATISM In anr funn aad oold parnpiriag feet p,'sitivet7 enreu within 30 iiay«, by our newly p^ktenteq Mimetic L>i.4oa ur muaey promptly refunded. Mailed anywhere tLUU. Write fur daacnptiTa booklet. Aganu wanlad. MAG.NKTIC BUKV- HAIISM CV&K CO., Skarbrooke, <luebac. Canaita Y^ OR SAI.E-Best, cheapest and nicest â- â- • located stock farm in the L'nited Stales; has a beautiful water front, and contains soo acres. SAMUEL P. WOOD- COCK. Salisbury. Md. FEATHER DYEINQ Oeaaiw ^4 Carilat tmi KM OlaMi dtaaeA Tk« «*a k* nat b> poet. U PS ea Ike km piace la HITIUI AHEIICAH OYEINC M Brother â€" ^"I have made up my mind 1} propose to lleltje, but hu\c not found a suitable opporiunity yet. You see, she's such a reserved girl. " Sisaer â€" "Oh! yes; she's resei-ved for Captain Dasher. He became engaged to her yeslerduv." "Woman's cnnvniiig glory is her heir," he quoted. "Not now." relumed his pcs- .simistio friend. "Whnl do you mean?" he demanded. "In many now wo- man's crowning glory is some other woman's hair," INDER >M1H:h king. "The More Postuni the More Kood^the More Coffee Ihe More Puison. The Pres. of the W. C. T. V in a joung giant stale in the Norlliwest says; "i did not ivalize that I was a slave to coffee till I left off drinking it For thi-ee or four yeui-s I was obliged to lake a nerve tonic every day. Now I am free, thanks to I'ostuin Food Coffee "After llnding out what coffee will do I) lis victims, I could hardlv stand to have my husband drink it; but he was not willing lo quit. I studied fomionths t • find a way lo induce him lo leave it eft. Finally I told hiui I would make nc more coffee. "1 gol Posluni Food Coffee, and made It .strongâ€" boiled it the required time and had him read Ihe little book The Road lo Wellville.' that comes In every "Today Poslum has no stronger ad- vocal<> than my hushjmd! He lells our fiicn<l.>4 how lo make it. and that he got Ihrnugti the winter without a spell of Ihe grip and has not had a headache for monthsâ€" he u.<!ed to be subject to frequent nervous hendnohes. "The stronger you diink Puslum the more ro<id you gel; the .stronger you drink coffee the more poison you gel." >.8me given by Postura C«., Bailie <.>i'ek. Mich. There's a ivason. The Pi-eacher â€" "I was surprise<l to see your husband walk out of the church \. I.ile I wa.« preaching. The Wife â€" "Oh. don't inind that! You know he"s li'oubled with ."somnambulism!" It is en«ier to prevent than It Is to cure. Tnflainination of the Ulnars i-*» the companion of no(rlectetl col^ls. and once it (\nt1n A lodgement In the system it is dtfliciitt to de:*I with. Trentincnt with Wi«klo''« Anti-(.'0"siimptlvn ,»«yrup will eradicate the cold and provent inflam- tiiation from 80ttinc in. Tt costs lit- tle, and is as satisfactory aa it is sur« prising in its re!>ults. NELSON'S KEY TO SlCCrs*. Bo a Quarler of an Hour Aliend of Time. Nelson was always beforehninl with every appoinlmenl. When he wiis leav- ing London on his last expedilinn against Ihe enemy n quantity of cabin furniture was ordered to bo sent on boHixl the ship. Nt-l.son had given a litilrt farewell dinniM- al his house. .An upholsl*'i"er calliHl with an account and lo report Ihe completion of the gootls. His Lordship hud him shown into the dining-room, and spoke lo him in a corner apart from Ihe gutsls. "Everything is packet!, my Lord,"' no said, "(iiul will go in ihe wagon from Ihe inn at six o'clock." ".Vnd you will go to the inn and seo Ihem off?" "1 shall, my Lord; 1 shall be there punctually al six o'clock." .v quarter before six," said Nelson, "be Ihere a tiuarter before: to Ihat quar- ter of an hour 1 owe everything in life." I'ale. sickly children should usa Mother t; raves' Worm K.tlcrminator. Huiiiis are one of the principal causes of sulTcring in cnililrt-n and should be (iipcllud from the system. "So you are going to m.nry. Have you anything laid by?" "Yes; I've gol p rich uncle laid by with an illness ol .seme- sort, and I'm the only surviving relalive." Rftse-colore4 spat* on the bo<lias of ehildiaa are »niiietioM» mistaken for measles. The truabia â- nay be nweola, a Ucal disea^ of the sklai Promptly cured with Weaver's L' Mrs. .Smarteâ€" "The doctor Insists that I must sperbi the next few weeks abroad. He says I need a chctigc. Mr. Smarteâ€" ".So you do; that's a fat-t." ".\hl you agree!" "Yes; you n«ed a change â€"of doctors." For 33 Years Shiloli's Coiiiuinptioa Cur<, the Laai Toaic. has been before the public, tad liiis, together with die taa tbtl its saUs have steadily increased year bgr jrear, is iba best prooi ol the nMnt of "You don'l even know how to make r< lemon tart," remarked the cooking school girl, with fine sconv "It Isn't neces."5ary lo make a lemon tart," re- plied the other. ".All the lemons I've ever se«>n were prelty tart already.' A good many people find it easier lo $ing "I ain thine. O Lord," wh4n they have left their purses at home in ait- cther pocket. Shiloh at a ciae ior Ceuf|i*> Cojis, tad «B diseaset of tke lun^ and an passafei. Tbose who have used Shiloh would oat be without il. Thoee who hare nevai used it should know that eveiy botde it leld with a posiliTe guarantee that, if k doesa*! cure you. the dealer will rehiaj what you paid lor tt. Shilob Has Cured thousands ol Ae most obstinate caw* al CoU(hs, Colds aad Luag troubles. Let i c««7o<>. "Ls^ wialsr I matil ies tins mmIw md IbsatMlwasfsiaa iato Csaanpiioa. llo<>k^ am a n «i i.i a > i. but aotliiae did m- snr asea I awl ShiUt's CoasiBpbixi Our. pom â- caeed mt. This wiaMi 1 ksd a vscy bad «M* aet «U* k> apasji. mr Ins sseia sasa •deaadkaek. ISlMUssTaaU aajb I 5£v_ __ â- s.waKaaaia. I kase ama il to wwaipesasi. saa evarr m» si Jwai harc boa oasd.â€" V. C^C5t. H >i» < ii.Qa>- r to, SHll^OH 1BSVS NO.