Flesherton Advance, 8 Mar 1906, p. 4

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!MARcn 8 moo THE F L E S K E R T JS ADVAM CE iWdi^Wi^ F. T. HILL & CO. V^^iW^Wi Cbe Cast Clieek ^f our Special ^raniteware Sale Prices a Quarter to a liialf Cess tban Vou lUould Pay. TWs weuk wo mako tbe selling of nearly all kinds of Graniteware at such big inducements in price that it will pay you to anticipate your rcquiremonta for the season. Prices are a quarter to a half less than von would pny. While wc have coneitlerahlo quantities of each lino it will pay you to bo on liand Otorly.' When sold out prices cannot bo (lin:licated. r^m^^m-my^^'^m}^^^^.^^^^^^^^^''^^^ Mi^n '"1 3l-Quart Dishpans for 68 cents. Regular value $1 38 50 only 21-(it. granite dishpans, tlie most Buitablo for tbo i)jrpoHo J>f Hny line on tho niarkcl and the price ftlMiut iialf what you have been piyiiii;. Kemi;mler 21 quart (;raaiiu (h^li puns fur 6Sc. Wash Bowls at Nearly half 25o. V\ ash Bowls fur 13c. 70 only mcJiuMi tizi'd Wash Dislu's the regular 23c keUiug line, while the lot laats l>tc. or 2 for 25 Oranite Chamber Pails, regular 1.40 for 90c. 'Mi only Granite Chnniher pails, Hrae an-', white in culor; the most duriilio article on the niarket for the purpose and the reduction is a $1.40 Chamber pnil for yoc. 40 Cent Teapots for 22c. 50 only Granite Teapots in steel <ir wood bandit*, two (limrts in Hizd. Thu regular selling price is 40c., while the lot lu.sisyour choice fur 22c. inPORTANT Customers will please remember that wn arc o'.ily able to give a partial list of tho lines in the papi>r, but tliat all the following lines are in stock and .selling at correRpoudinsjly low prices. Tea Pots, Coffee Pots, Tea KeltlcH, Butter Dishes, Sugar Bowls, Rice Boilers, Preserving Kettles, Sauce Pans, Water Pails, Stove Pots, Bake Pans, Pry Pan.", Spiders, Ladles, Bawls, Kiiclieu Milk Pans, Pudding Pans, Plates, Pitchers, Wash Bowlsâ€" in fact almost any thnig that you could possibly want iu graniteware. 10 and 12 1-2c. Granite Plates for 5c. 600 Granite plates in 8, 9 and 10 inch, auitahlo for table use or pie pl.ite». In this line the three benl sellui^ sizes are pruKcnti'd and tho price i.s less limn half. In order to make the 1 it uo round >ve hmit tii(' quantity to no more than 12 plates to each customer, and while the lot lasts tho price will he e.ich Oe. Pudding Pans for 19c. Regular Price 35. 150 Oranite Pudding pan's in the cuaraiiteud to hold four quarts, from this lot for 85c. Granite Wateir Pails for 48. 75 only Granite water pails iu the mudiuin siza notliinj; takec the place of granite for a water pail, alwayn clean and tho 8uc. kind we are sellmg for 48c. deep round .shape, Your requiremeiitrt I'Jj. Granite Dinner Pails with Cups, reg. 65c for 33 DO only Oranire dinner pails with cups attached, just the thini; fur the man who is working from home and the price in just half â€" ODc dinner pails fur ^^c. Granite Miil< Pans 23c, Reg. 45 Granite Mdk panfi, 8 quarts in size. For tho dairy the ^rniute milk pun oaii't be beat, .substantial in wear no rustine and the price is nearly cut in twoâ€" 45o Milk pans for 23c. Preserving or Stew Kettles, the 4°c l(ind for 24 GO on'y Granite Preserving KetllcR, a good usiful size the kind that sells regularly for 40c. while tbe lot I.'i.st8 your choice f<;r 2ia. iWW MARKHALE mmn^ ®be 4|lcs%rloii, %i\vm\^ lt*e w a premium. Artemesia Ciuncil .'Karon Jordan, Ilorlx'rt Purvis, A. 0. Taylor- C.W. Irvinif, .lucoh Il.illey, Geo. Clark, Arch- I'oyd, .hinies Chaiil, WmiWyatt, K.T. White- • lanieH Cornfield, Snni SlitMrdowii, }I. Nicholln A.h;i Mill, .l.iimw HIair, (!eo. Wliite, KWiiijIit, I lleury I'iper, Mnrk Huiwut, CJ-U.Dmfx*, ';^ , , .-- Ui*'i«w»"i«iT. Vffn^< l^l(/^B^nV K.Walterf.', annuniil IMiid Jiliidvaucc, •l.Soi' notso tmid. I NV..I.M.mi1h. ,t. \V. Vaii.w. Kubeit Haninil:, All Bubxcrlher pavin? $1.00 strictly in | ^^c''- Jlfl-ean, W. II. lluddy, Wm. Patton', advance get the Montreal ipjrald one year I •' '"I'l*. â- ","",' .'*• K™»edy,8r , David HinekH â-  1>. M'l'Imd.J. W. Lyons, A. Ha/.zni(l, W. H Hill, Alix McMuIlin, K. I). M»lrlrinn, Cnlvin r...yre, Thn«. SuHivi.ii, Divid Whi e, Win .SinipMin, W. T. I'edlar, .S. W. OaiBon, .T, K. JuinieHoii, ,1 (J Carson, Wm Walker, TCJcnoe, ^Viii lliiolmnan, Win MiiinirnTs, ULnrimer, (iio >ionloo, Itobtrouimi. Altx Wilson, Honry 8rw- oll. .loliii Ilranill, W J Mm tin, Ij '4 I.nlnner, 1'.. (iralmiii, A WiluoM. WJ Hoyd, D McTavli-h, Gi.f. Iliit.liiuson, Kolit Cook, Rd Ssrscant. 1). \'uir, Wm FuHtur, Oi'o. llosljr. Kolit. Xoluoo, \\ (; llmlBV.^eo Gibiioii..\lf Partri'luo.Tlioinas I'lHiiiilMiry. Malcolm McMillan, lioiiry I'avno. Win Aleoik, Irwin Kavrcett, .Josoun I'iold, Wui llixlop, ThuuiaK HutjhOT. PENCEVIRWERS Alex MoRao, Jr. Uioli Wlilttakor, D. MoMill.^n, â- luiiioH lllnir, Joliii liolKii.i, Aliix Hmiry, Uavid Kostor, tj.jo, Moore. \Vi»lm Ui -on. ./ L.Me.Mnl- iiii. Alox Carrug.i'B, W U Heuu'liill, lloliert I'lantl. POUNDKEEPERS f'oliii Mcl.bin. I). V. Mul.Biiiililii!, W.o.tlack- inu. (iun, Wriglit, M Orr. J A Tliomosoi , (i l4 Latliuor. Artemesia council met in the tovrnship hall, Flenherton, on Saturday U»t, Mareli 3. Muiubers all piesenl, the rdeve in tlie chair. Minutes of lai>t session were lead and cunfiriiied. Cuminiinications as follows were road : Geor«ian Bay Power Uo. re b)law c'osiug certain streets in Eugenia ; (j. P. McDonald et nl, petition rtt the appointment of oveisucr in Eu- genia, bylaws NoH. CCS, to close parts of Alma and West streets, Eugenia ; (il)6, to appoint tuwiiNliip ottiooiB, UU7, to ap- I oiiit r iiid coinmissiunerH, and tiU8, to ap- point clerk, were introduced and road a Ijrst tiiiiu, McKonzieâ€" Best â€" That the clerk's certiticate intimating that a majority ot the electors voting lia.1 approved of By- law No. UUti, ro prohibit tliu retail sale of iutoiicAtinx li'juors in this municipality, be received, and that the said Bylaw now ixi rt»ttd a third lime, siynod, sealed aiiU entered in liylaw book. Carried. Jiyliw Wi was rend a third time tc cordiiigly. Best â€" Whyteâ€" That hy laws CC5, 6G6, (>G7 and Otitj be now read u second tiniu. Carried. The above Byla-va, with the exception of (iG6, ^vhich tvas held over until next meeting, were read a third tune Best â€" McKenziu â€" That the account of Daniel Lench for iiinviii){ urader in I'Mli. 91, and alio 91 for lirnii(iiig grader tu town hall this ye ir, be paid. Carried. McKenzie â€" McL"ughry â€" That the cierk 18 hereby iustrucied to solicit quo- tations fioiii various inanufaclurers of road ploMS. Carried. McL'iuuhry â€" Best â€" That Luke Bowers ho paid $15 for livu cords of wood for lisll. Cari led. McLiWVihry â€" jMcKuiizioâ€" That Thos. II. lA!ver be paid 8<>0 in full settlement •-♦<•â-ºÂ«-• - Afflicted With Rheumatism. "I w.Ts, andan: y.it, .-ifllieted with rheuniat- isni,"«,%)-.i Mr. ,1. V. linyne, oditoi of the Herald, Addington, buliiui Territory, "lint tli.inki to Ch;unb(;.l:iiii'i! Pain lUlni am able I. nee nioreio attend toliiiBini^sx. It iKtheliet-t • >f liniuii;nts." If troulilod with rheumatism give I'uin Halm a tri:d and you are certain to IH' inoiT than pleased with the pniinpt relief which it alfiirds. One application relieves the pain. For sale by W. li. Uichardsou aud \V. â- I, Douglas, views with regret the ].rcvnlent imd increasing custom of inaKinL' it I he medium of calling attention to auo:ioii sales aud orhcrwi.se using it foradverti»i>4j Durposes viewed. Resolved, therefore, that the Pre.si.leiit appoint n committee to act with kindred Associations or otlierwise in endeavoring to secure a discoiilinuanco of using the British or Canadian flags for such purpose*. If you sympathize with our object will you, throuah your paper, uriTO tho discontinuiince of this practice n )w though tle.ssly indiiliied in? If the lirefis ijenerally would take thi matter up w • wipuld soon have such a public sentim- ent of respect for the lltg that it would no longer bo piit to the indignity of ciUiini nttnntion to tho sale of some poor man's furniture or his cow. D. Creighton, Sec. Com. Tonmlo, Feb. 17, 1906. A liltlo boy about a year old, son of .Mr. and .Mrs. Win. Loiinds of Shrighsy, formerly of llonoywoiid,dird very Hudenly on Saiiu-dny last. The little fellow was oiigaged plij ing on tho floor whvii be suddenly took n chnldiig spell and expired in a few seconds. â€" Free Press. Mways Keep.') Chamberlain's Cougli l^cmedy in Mis house. "We wonid tint lie without Chnniherlain's ConKblienieily. It in kept on hand eontin- nully In our home," na>8 W. \V. Kearney, edilorof the Indi^penilent, Lowry City, Mo. That is just wliat every family bIiouUI do. i When kept ut hand ruidy for instant imo, a colli may I e cheeked at the imtxet and cured in fir work on Elliott's bridge and hauling hunch liw time than after it h.as become Bettloil venieiit pipes, the work having been per- | in ile^nystoni. Thin leuiody is al«o without foimed in 11(05, Hud ll.o abovu amount ".I"-^'"''"'; 'â- '•';"l''''.'^''''"'i''"'' "'"' will prevent bein, reconimendod by the Uoeve of last ftr:t::[':^!?Z^^^^^^ year as a fair proportion of uoutract price j appears, wliirh ran only be .lone when the Some good prices were realized at the Provincial auction sale held under the au'pices of the Guelph Fat Stock Ciuh in that city. Forty-nine shoithorns sold for f3,(i")ri, an avoraue of $74.00 each. Tho bulls brenirht an nTcrnBO of $77 20, and the cows $(i8.03. One Polled Angus bull sold for $75, and a Hereford cow for $f>5. mount l^asant l^crd* OUrnirelirod Fcottli Shortlinrnn wilihlhe fam- oua yoiiDH stock Inill, Scottish Cliluf, at tho head. yoiiiiK stock fur sale prions, ruasonablo. terms pukv. It. ALLUN, Prop. 06uiar9 Flesliorton. Out. BOYD, HICKLING & CO, FLESH ERTON, ONT.- â-ºomeSDecia! Reductions I I $7.50 Men's Suits for $4.90 ^ 30 Men's Tweed Suits, both Single and Double ^ iJrcasted, some cheek, some stripe, l)iit all neat, dark ?S patterns, well made and triinmr-l, good Italian Lin- * ings, sizes 3G to 40. Kegular priees 6.50 and 7.50. ^ Special 4.y0 i Boys Shirts and Drawers 25c. yU- Heavy Itibbcd and IMiiin Union Shirts and Draweri-, ^ suitable for Boys up to 15 years. Perfect goods, well â- 1^ shaped and finished. Special 25c each M Carpet Remnant ^ Dozens of ends of wool, Union and Tapestry Carpets •|« and Japanese Mattings, ranging in length from 3 to \i 11 yards, all good patterns from last season's selling. 1^ At Clearing prices. ^ A reduction of 25% from our Regnlar Prices on all ^ Fur Garments â€" Coats, Jackets, Caps, Caper- ^ ines. Scarfs and Gauntlets. â- F. G. KARSTEDTj t <^*% .,«.. . PAINTS AND VARNISH We have a larce stock of Paints Oils, Varnishes for tbo sprini; trade â€" and also all kinds of Buildini; Hardware. (JRANITEWARE Vvo hivo a largo stock of Second Class Graniteware coiii- iuy-TO BE SOLD CHEAP, â€" ^ DISHES i PEOPLE WHO ARE HARD TO PLE ASK With ordinary stocks of wall paper find theii vecxations \anish in tho presence of mauniticont display. Newest desii;ns and Colors here â€" aud you can't duplicjita them elsewhere, prices just us small as common. VVe havfi a larpe stock of ner Sets, Tea Sots and pretty, odd dishes Din- also -^L^ STOVES We have a fine range of Coal or Wood Stoves and ranges and also a quantity of Base BurnetB. V%'-«^«^«^«^%%^%^%'%V^ %/m/«^^%^^^^Vik^^-^'V%^^«/%/%/% • -T Carried. McKeiizio-Whyte-That flUO he • ppioprialud to tjo expended on piibbc iiiiihway* of this uiunici|Ndily this year na lullows; Div 1, $270; Uiv 2, 4>275; Div 'J C315; Div 4 $275, this to inulude expon- (ii'ura un town liooa except opeiiiiiK new new parts, and bridues costing over 920, wliirh ran only be ilonn when remedy is kept at hand. For sale hy W. Uichai'diioii and W. ,). DouKlas. K. Our Country's Fla];. To thfl Editor: Sir â€" lieliovinv that the press will «nd that no further Brants be inadu'eilept )"» '''» """»' «'ff<'Ct'VB means of accomplish b/ reaulution of tlii* council, and that tho | '"8 "hat our Association aims at, I desire roiniuiM.oiieriCBp.irt to this council hefore '''>'*"â- <":• your attention to the followiuK •ny comiasion is (mIiIâ€" Carrivd, Council adj (urnid. resolution passed tt the rocent Annual Mottiiig nf the veterans of 18C6 Assoei*- ihmi The llau of nui country beiiift the OVKK.'^KKH-I lomhlein of liriiaiu's nUKht and glory, it W.J.ParTi* W. J.B..w«^ RH.Wrkhl. W i«^B'''i whenever and wheroTer display ed, IVis.''- A.Utft, U. Skiiu,0. W. OellMQ7> I *'• "^^^1 fo«linR* ot patriniio pride in 9t W- Wli.ta, T. J.iMiMoi*, AlUri iHniiwu^ «v«r)f Uritiah aubjeei, hat tlit« Awucialion T Or Sa le OflTerH will he received by the under- ^igned for the piirchaso and removal of tho veneer mill buildintr at Euj^cnia. Otf'ers to be addressed to D. F, Ruesor, Manager Georgian Ibiy Piwer Co., at Eu„'enia, lu.l later than March 10th 1906. Eugenia Feb. 21. lUCO. 8ra«r otice to Farmers We have recently placed in our Mill at The Electric Plant, Eugenia, one of the latest im- proved choppers, consequent- ly wo are now better than over prepared to grind all kinds of grain on tho shortest notice and in the very best manner. In order to assure the least possible delay we would sug- gest that, whenever possible, customers bring their grists in the forenoon. Xim/U4, C; Fr«<t D««||l« Farm Tor sale. 80 acre grain or stock farj), well fenced, CO acres clear, 10 acres hardwood and 10 swaiii|i. Spring creek 10 rods from Viaru. Oo.id brick house with furnace. tJood frame barn with stone fonndation and part cement stablinp;, aliio Kood yoniiK orchard. South half of lot21, con. 8, Artemesia. Apply tuFredK. Bolaud, Vaiideleur p. o. BoarForScrvicft* Haviii^purcliasecl from llichard Allen tbe roulsterml Yorkshire boar, CreHthtll Jac^ki No 10.V21. Tho BaiiiR will bo for Bnrvicd on lot no.40, COD. 4, Arta<uo8i&, Torma &Dd ped Ure* on app iuatioo. Hennr Holman. Farm Tor Sale* â- W acres, clay loam in towti»lii|i of St. Vincent 31 miles from Menfori). Oooil tiarn and bIioiI, Kooil frame house, fall jiloui/liinB done, well w.itero<). good liardwoo.f liiish ann small oicb- a.il. For further partieulftts apply to Wm. Ilyors. Prop. Meatord, Ont, Farm for Sale* BY TENDER Tenders for the purchase of lot 30, con. 4 N. T>. R., Artemesia township, will be received by the nndersigneil np to February 28, 190(1. This lot contains one hundred acres of which about seventy acres are cleared. There ia a good frame house and kitchen on the premises. This lot is situated about six miles from the village of Flesherton and about 4 miles from Maxwell. Kasy terms as to payment. The hiKbast or any tender not necessarily accepted. JOHN HEKCKOliT, Eugeuia. Dated Feb- 3, 190«. BULL FOR SERVICE DarJiM pnrchaied from Mr, John PaUbalm of TeoTlUa the â€" " •- •â€" -- - - 'Oaj •V|H, la/ L Tana â€" - well known Shortbcni Ball (Imp. MM) I o««ir tbe laim for ArtauMia. ML Lad." (Imp. MM) I o««ir tbe laim I " '.'."S? J^"*!^ ••» «, oon. e. ArtauM Shortberns for Sale* Ileiters and bulls ot extra quality and breed- inn. AIbo Cotewold aud Leicester sheep.- Liaiubs iu their soaBon. Apply to CUAS. BTAFKOllD FlethertoD. FARM FOR SALE. Lot 32, con, 7, Artemesia; 100 acres more or less. 75»oreBcleared, 86 bush. New barn, 4ta 60, stoue htable. Oood frame bouBe, 45 rods from school,} mile from Post Office, J mile from church. Spring on farm, well at house. For further particulars applv to It. W. CLAKK. (»o«kvaloMUlB) FloshertoD Boars for Service Thoronphbrea 0. 1. C. boir, Artemesia Pride no. SliS, torniB #1.00; alao Yorkabiro hog, terme 760. T. LEVEU. lot 140, T, A 8. Road. Winter Goods All winter harness goods now in stock, including Saskatche- wan robes and coats, cowhide robes and coats, bells, blankets, whips, etc., harness of all kinds. . . . Wm. Moore, FLESH nnv ONTAII^ â-  â- â-  . . • I-" ,'^,':^^T^s^:::;^:^smsmiiSs^^'^

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