r Marcus 1900 THE FLESIIERTON ADVANCE >-ait The Markets. Carefully Corrected Each Week. 0«i« Pe»« Bntley Wheat H»y PoutouM per bnij ISuttor EnijNfresli Turkeys Ducks Gneurt Chiukeofi Ol.lt'owl 34 t-j 34 75 to 75 45 to 45 72 to 72 00 to 8 00 CO to 70 16 lu 17 16 V> 10 14 to 14 10 to 10 10 to 10 7 n 8 C lo 7 Big reduction on Suits Overcoats Pants Before Leaving For FEVERSHAM H. Alexander FLESH ERTON, ONT. r" -V3 \.- In Furniture The Irirgest anj best stock o{ furnituie ever Hhown in Fleshor- t'ln. Tins withunt feHr of contra- diction Ciiino and soo some of the nice things in Bideboards Dining Roorn Cl^airs Parlor Setts Bed RoorT\ Setts A speciiil reduction just now on everything iu order to reduce the «lock. W. H. BUNT furniture S)ea/ef Flssbsrloo - Oiit.^ no Olr<-«». '•Canada's Greatest Nurseries " â- -:,''_.. WANT A Local Salosman lor flesherton T.I K»ll ni;;li Clis:i Nuriory Stock in KruilM Hud OrnmiiontAl, Lftrgcfit Liil i.f NK-.V SI'KOIALTIKS ever offered. sr.viir NO'.v at thb best sel- LI.\'.! SIv\S )M. Mi;,' iiiduci'oiontvLib Ui-iil I'.iy, ILmlsiini!! KrHe Outfit, Ti-rrit <H-v lte,crvKl. WillTK Foil TKUMS ati I t);iMl >'^iie :tn I actid 25:: fur our ALUMINUM I'OUKKT MICUOHCOl'K Oii'i^nilies 45 liiiiet-) and 50o for our Handy saw, ju.sl the thing for trim- I. ill » trees (cuts iron us well as wnod.) Stone & Wellington (over 800 ackeh) Toronto - • Ontario HURRAH ! For Pretty Homes. Pahy Thin, Nervous ? DjMiM Eel JHn Hma«t«ur. In i\l3imclo.xice VfVliave jiiHt ri'CoivH.l ijur ntw w,«Il \i'\M-rr. l''or i)od rCMn« and liviiii; rminta Bumo nfifiil;. IhkIv tiri((lit»iid hght c 'ltiilii;r» »'« pruviili'ii, whi!orii'lilim:i<- land diniiiVMoti'Hl lit- u>|i<'Huy Dud fabric ti..i>ni.Mit«oro p«rtii'iilaily BtylWi. We »'.ow u l.it,?c rnnfTv of in(.'X|nMiHivu |>H|>pra f ir hiifli'cW"- l«i!citatiijn, iu prj>t>'.| vt'luiirx, I4'.it>n« lir^ainouta, art nunvxaii di"ii|;iii, «!lk nMx^r*. IM lina. |i.kurl dacnrai-innn, ciDwn rfficn and ?"ld i>Milx«ai"d |m|n<rK, in ni!ilitii>n t't niHiiyi'tliirr »tyli'r(. fall e.iriy andnucuri! ynnrolioiredf p.ijirr for 1 <Xi'»rnoin<. I'l icwi rani;* f n>ni 3o. p.-rmll nn. lSii»iilt» t frro III any pfixiu f.ir tlie mVinir. <!iilf ra f.ir [inj>t;i-h.>ni{ing'«hi>idd Imin early tu Avoid kb« r'tili. p. E.TRYON . • . PBIC^VIUE Practical 0«e«ral«r, Then your blood must be in a very bad condition. You certainly know what to take, then take it â€" Ayer's Sarsa- parilla. If you doubt, then consult your doctor. We know what he will say about this grand old family medicine. Thif (B th« fint qneition your dortnr ttouM aak: "Are your bow«1» rfgular?" He knowi tliMt (laHy action (>f tjm liuwels la ftbaolutely ai«entl.il to rfcrnverr. Keep your liver active and your tioncU rt-gular by uklng lazaUva dosei of A)r«:r'i J'lIIi. Kada ta' J. o. Ay»r Co.. t.ow*U, Alao ciauuteotarora of ijers #_ HAIR VIGOR. AOUG CURB. CHEK8Y PECTORAL. V7* have no eeorati I Wa pabllah tha formulaa of all our jnodipinea. St John & Roulston PORTLAW ^arya/'ns this month in *Dry Soods, Srooeries, SSoots and Shoes and all J^inds of JVand 77^ ado TJinwaro, Salt SPork and ^rooh Water jfferriny. Shoppards J^lou, baoetrouffhinff , J'urnaee 2/^ork a Specialty. "or Sale, and BusiNE-ss Cards M'CaLLOUOH & YOUNQ liaakor Markdale Jo a general banking buaineaa. Money loaned a roftRoaable rate Call on UB. fp CIUSI.KTT, .*â- • I'oatniaatur, Ceylon. Commissioner in H. r. J . Convevanoar, aooda, mormnKOH, leasaa, willa etc. carvfully <Irawn np (-â- olluctious niad>. uliari;aa rnaiuiuat/la. Aluo Rro<:eriHa, flour, feed eto. kent in atock. Prioea riKht. D J BI'I'.OULB "» roHtiuaatc-r, Flcshci-ton i.oniinlBBloncr in H. C. J., Auctioneer Con- reyanoor, Appraiaer an.l Money Lender Uiial hatata and Inanraoco Agcmt. Doode moitgoifO", IpaKoa an-l wIIIh carofnlly drawn nil anil valuations made on rborteH' notice, nicopy to loan at loweat ratoa of interest. Col •jcti'jiis atton.Iort to with promptncKa rharaoB low. Aeent for Ocean DoiuinioD Si«aiii»hlp Company. A call aoUoited. Societies O U \t' meets ou the laat Monday ... , '" •*'^" »nonth. in tboir Iooro room. Christoo's block. (â- •leBLerlon.at Sp.in. MW A llarrlBon ; Recorder. Jas. Pelaload ; Finan! cl«r, W.J. liel.auiy. VlaitioR bretbreo iiurltod. A pniNOR ARTHUll r.ODHE, No. rt3.1,AF* <â- A M, nieota in the Maaouicball. Stralii'B lilooli. HoBlierton, ovury Friday on or bcrore tie full nioco. John Wriijbt, W M.: C. N Kicbar son, Secretary. norilT FLKSnEnTOV. 003, I. 0. F.ireet.ln w t.briatOf'B Illoek the last Friday eveniiii; of i^aoh ninntti. Vi»ltinR Foreatora hearlllv w.ilooi.io. ('. U Pr. Nf uriay; It. C. W. Loucks- Fin. bee, H. A. Wlilitt. Pluaao piy duoa to II. > . WIHott 00 or before the laat day of the precoodliig month. nUn.WN FhlENDS-FIeaherton Conncll of ( iin-cn l-rienda nioeta In Clayton'a ball fimt aofl tlilKl Woilno..dav of or-cli luont 8 n m r»v aHiiM«sm<<nta to tho lIcoorrt.T 00 or litifoio tre Aral dayof each ninnHi. Chief Councillor. T. blakeluyjUccorder, W. II. liuul. Medical D Ofllce and roxtdunco- n CAnTrn M (1 V& S Out. rhyalclan. finrBaon, eto nd roi.tJ«nco-Putur at., Flesbertou nUA.T. IIOND l,.nofnn',',.'T'T'n 'T'"-'"','" I'nlveraltv. Vvm- Kon... MaTWo.l, Out. rtiicceaaor to Dr. Btctt I' OTTKWF.l.L Vatcrlnary Rurgnon Oniduatn of Ontario Veterinary CnllaKa Btropt. Til, I'lu.iliytnrlan Church. la atroat runs aouth Iioalte Boyd. Hlckllt«'. hardwar! ' ^ Wll,HOM, ntaokumlth Jiadnatii oftho VeJmlnary Bcionce Legal r tiPAS wnionr * MfABm n " IlarriBlcra Solioitora Convovaneers, etc ..PfJ'T.^"""*'" Sound, Ont aud MarkdalaOnt W 11 Wbiout, McAmi!.R l n Lrcis N B-Fleahniton oCioe, Ultebell't Bank •very Baturday. Uonor RollK Report of S 8. No. 7, Artemesia, for Januitry and February : Cllay« 5â€" Robbie Faton.Josepb Oliver, Class 4 sr.â€" .lennie Muir. Class 4 jr. â€" Hnriy Junrs, Fred Vuuse, Gortha Mcl'hail, Willio Whyte, CloHS 3 sr. -Willie Meads, Johnny Meads, lluj{hie M0FI1.11L Class 3 jr, â€" Eu'ina Meada, Annie Muir Annio McMillan, Willie Oliver. Class 2 Rr.â€" Johnny Wlivie, May Muir Hannah Watson, Bobbie \ ause. Class 2 jr. â€"Clarence Muir, Ella (Jil- christ, Garlield Whyte, Ilatiie McMillan. Part 2 sr.â€" Eddie Diniiwall, LiUio Vc- Phail, Walter Willianisnn. Part2 jr.â€" Archio Whyte. Part 1 sr.â€" Lottie Muir, Clark McMil- lan, Olive Ileudor^oD, Ralph Willianisnn. Parti jr.â€" Wilfrid Parslow, Dunci n MoMillm, Ethel Gilchrist. Present every d.iy â€" Harry Jones, Kinina Meads, Johnny Meads, Garlield Whyte, Ralph Williamsnn. Average a - tendance 2U. J. A. Harrow, teacher. Report of Portlaw school for February Chi'ia 4 sr â€" .\licH Holinan, Roy Kerr, Fred Taylor, Cecil Moid mm. Clms 4 jr â€" Flotsie Simmons, Dflla Pi dlnr, Ray Pedlar. CUnH 3 sr- Elbert Cornfield, Harry Meldrum, Frank HidnKi.i. Cass 3 jrâ€" Edgar Jackson, '.Vilfrtd McNally, May Corntieid, Frank Taylor. Sr 2 â€" Martha Walker, Ilia Lyons, Lawrence Lyons, John Bv.ljjeiiiw. Pt 2 â€" Marshall Sherwooil, Lizzie Os- lioriie, Iva McNally. Sr 1 â€" .Annio Fisher, Fred Osborne. Jr 1 â€" Ida Lyons, Geo. Udtdi, Wilfred R<d3ti)n, Harry Thoni|ison Ha.nnau Staifoup, Teacher. Report of U.S.S. No. 20, CoMincwood and Euphrasia for the month of February Names in order of merit. Class 4 sr, â€" Mabel Howard- Class 4 jr. â€" Jim Rawliiij^s. Class 3 jr. â€" Willio Tte<l, Jitumie Rawl- iiips, Mary Teed. Cla.sj2 jr.â€" Peail Rear, Clark Teed, Chas. Howard, Ab. Rear. Cla.ia. 2 p'. â€" Toinniic Howard, Andrew Howard. C!asn 1 sr. â€" W'illio Howard, Emma Rawlinj;^, Olive Toed. Class 1 jr, â€" Roy Rawlings, GortieTocd Laura Rawliui^s. Class A. â€" Katie Bell, llenry Howard, Andy Rawlin:;n. Average attendance 18 Maky Bbimff, Teacher. Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rheum, Itcb, Ring Worm, Herpes, Barbers' Itch. All^of tliese diseases ari^ attended by intense itching, wbicliia alin<»t instantly relieved by applyinx Chaiuberluin'a 8alve, and liy ttH con- tinued use £ permanent cure may Iw cllrcteil It has, in factcuied many cases that bad resist- ed othi-r treatment Fricti 25 cents jwr biix. For sale by W.K Hichanlsuuand W. J. Doug- las. Dr. Sheard on Vaccination In view of the controversy which has taken place in these ciluinns regarding vacciniitioii we publiah the fulloiviiig sen- timents, exprossrd by Dr. Sheard, med- ical hualili oHiccr of Toronto: 1 would l:ke to as.k, sa;d the Dr., what protects luy nurses, who live among and wait upon smallpox !>atients fur weeks together) What proiects the ordinary ward tend'ir, who sweeps up the wards, ntli'iidi to the tiies, and acsists in bathing .Mnallpox patients? What protects the yi uiig iiiiuBu lurgcon, periuanetitly in the builuirg with smallpox paiients? Js it a mere coincidenco that no nurso or atlciidaiit w.v" ever known iu coiiiieclinii with our liospital to loiitrnct fni..llpox7 Whilst very seldom aiiudig tliu inmates <if a (jiLtranliiK^d Iiuiim) 8iibse<iueiit cases appt.tr, simply and soKly because such inmates ha\u been exposed when iiupiop- erly vaccinateil. As far as vaccination producing iniiuineiablu ills, the pulilic is alway.s pIta.Svd to lix som excuse for their niisfiirtuiies, and now I do imt know what ihiy will dn fur one. I have been vatci:iai.ed UO limes in one year. I have been vaccinated and revaccinated many times Since, and if it be true that vaccine viiusisKUch a dninnablo cnncoction iif impurity, 1 would be dead, but instead 1 am one of the healthiest specimens the ciiy can pnduce, and have never lost t-en da,\8 wi ik fiom illness since my uppuiiit- nient fourteen years ago. Ths l*owdcr Exploded Dentistry D-. E. C. MURPAY I.,, r. R,, doiital anrsnon b'liioi-gradnatu of Toronto tlntveraltv and o val ColIi.;;>o' Doiitftl rinri; -ona of Ontario, tiaa -tdiiiiMM't-atloii for iwath eatrai'Mon XDi'a a: rvaidunua, Toronto Btrest, Flasbarton Dr. K.!?. AHMHTIIONO, I,, n.R.,Honor CIra.ln at.' of Toronto tlnlTsrsltv and Ilnyal Col h-fiu <>r l>aiital Siit|;.*onN of Ontario. Oppoeite XJra. Hiil-iior'a I'botoerarh natlcty. Will vialt MaTwallflrat and third Ihaiauay at Mcb |nou()i A serii us oxplosinii occiirred at Ayton at 5.15 TliuiMlay lat-t when tbo larg'j grneral Ht..rii of Aarnn Wcnger wasnlinost ciinipletely d.stroypd by the accidental fiXpl.'sinn of a keg of powdor from which Alex. Wi:({ner, a clerk, was weighing so-iio out. Tho entire buildinu was wre,-kod, ami I ho loss is about J2000. Tbo ex|iloHuii, which almost totally wrecked the store, was cansi'd by A. WiiRiier, one of tho clerks, tie had open- ed a keg of powder til weigh some out. After d'linii so ho placed tho lid on the koL'. S'lnn grains were left on top of the lid, when it was suvgested by an onlnoker to liy tho powder. Wag- ner lit a match and applied it lo the powder on lop of the ketr, but it did not wi.ik on the instant. He was in the act of applying another match when the whole keif exploded. Wagner l» fright- fully burned Ho was found lying at the foot of the 18-foot pmbankment at the rear of the building with hia clothes on fire. Hia recovery is doubtful. Messrs. Widmeyor, Votier and Hocminga were the onlooker*. Tliey are alio badly buipcd about t))e bands and fao«. Prs. Faatoii and Brown were huiriodly on (ho scene and dresM-Kl their wounds. The force of Iho cxplnsi'di sliattered the walla, ceibiiga. ami swept windows and sashes nut III ibe buiidinif. A tire started but was tpiickly exliii'.;uisl<ed. All had a miracul.iua esciiio fniin instant de^tli. TiiH fiiiue of the explosion Wift f tit 'J. 1 through the tnwii The nviTiige expense per inmate in the Grey House of Hefnae last y ar was 5jj |.i'r ounl. Our ii!d p -i pit.- 10 ilie House of Rt fuge are not Kitting dowii to foas's Kuth as lii-Miiiznr's tMinjitet when the aeora^e is only flic, p-r lusal.â€" .\ylon .\dvanue. Catarrh Catarrh is ofTensivc â€" more than that it is the fore- ra.Tncr of worse diseases. Catarrh spreads from the nose to the threat vhcrc it sometimes prepares tr.c suf- ferer for diphtheria; it spreads to the .'itcmach and hov.els where it j.;cricrates the worst kiiul of indiges- tion ; consumption, even, has been known to be Iielp- cd alonpf by cal.trr!i. W your breath is bad, you had better sweeten it up by reltin'Tf catarrh out of yciir. system. You should take somctliingf that v.-iil kill tiie disease irornT;, tone up your gen eral health and n.irticii'arly revitalize and i n vig^orate the ni u c o u s membranes which catarrh especially attacks. Don't fuss and fail with snufTs and sprays â€" gfet right straight at the disease by using" the greatest of tonics, tissue builders and blood purifiers (reoNoutXEo si-keen) Soli by all drti^gista, 31 per Ixittle. SAMPLE AND BOOKLCT FRU •«iit wuh (Mir compIiinentB, AutwKss "OamplA Dopartment O" Dr.T. A. Sioc'um, Limited OiTiccv ami I..«boraIories: 1T9 KING STRKET WEST, TORONTO. CO YJCA.'^fr ^ ZXPZl\\s.HCfl '^^i'f^%^^ CoPYniOHT5 e<r.. Qiiukir as'-'irtula o^>r or'"'"" free wr.r^.itrr d< aciit fr^e. om?*'. owency for i»«;f".ii :';«!' u-i i ♦. l'.'«tf'»:>i taken Hi»t.?iw;i i:ur:n A ( o. retfctva fy.i lit notUCt wUlioul c-hsTto, tu tfi^i Sdetitiilc Mmxum. culalwui â- t â- njTj-'S'ertiUiJ <..:.rru.i. 'JVr-iM. *.-• S T'M' : t< i:r i.inntlid, "JX. 3<jid uya'i nr »«»*•» >^«t?, HIGH CLASS " PICTURES. • Tho pla-e to get the be.st Photos is at DULMRRS PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY, SPECIAL ATTENTION W.> pay Speci.il Attemion to Copui?g and Bibiis' pictures. Ki.turo flam- ing a spicLi'ly. Try us for any kind of pictures anl we will promise ealisfactiiin. 12G CALLS FROM IJUSINESS FlltMS For Stenrigrapher. [5ookkeep<Ts, Iiivoico Clerk.!, ttc. TORONTO, ONT. Wo ti ha luni; oi tlie p-siiii'iis aiul hail no one rise rei dy to send. If you w.-nt to get a pojitioii after graduation.ccnje t > the school that cm hi>l|) y .11. A lai-ge Diinilier i)f ix-8tudent8 of oth?r busin.-w colle^'i-s ,ire ur.w in attoinianco. Colleg^ is open th.! entire year. Ciiin uence now. Circulars free, W. J. E Hot, Principal. . Cor Yungs and Alexander Sts. School GMldren's Eyes Supply Their Intellect ' Defective eyes stunt the mind Can you expect fair progress in school or success in business if so handicapped? Examination of children for glasses is a special feature of our Optical Department ;F.VVt:LE'" 'IMD DPTiC3ASi * Your Own Choice. The cream separator you choose will surely be the one that nn-kes you .say "li'.s the best I ever saw." Thai is what you'll say wlion you see The Sharpies Tubular. You'll say it because you btlieve it. You'll siy it becauso- Ktaiidins; right beside the Tubularâ€" you'll apprniat.- the great sdvnntnjeof the wa at low sui'ply can, who'ly enclos- ed self oiling si-ars and simple bowl hung fmni a fiictiotiless beuring. It will increa«u your dairy profits 25 to 60 per cent. Call at Jfcard's Carriage Works and yet a Catalog E). McTAVISH ii[fimiGmii(i[Biim, For First Class Buggies, Carts, Pleasure and Lumber Wagons r cutters, Sleighs. We keep n stock on hand to choose from. ' ALSO HORSE SHOEINQ AND GENERAL BLACKSMITHINO and ifuarantoe first class wotk. Wo keep on hand Ploughs and Plough ropairi,, and also Mn«Bev- Uarris and Noxon repairs for binders, Muwers, nil kinds of mauhiiioty, also Binder Twine on hand. » Ulhcn in town giuc US a call «